The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 09, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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3 5
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White 'Collar Boys PullDis-
nhutors Into Creek;
-Carriers Retaliate
tie Salem post office clerks
dragged the carriers through' the
drink'Mn the tug of war at th
aniual 'post office picnic : last
FnidA7 but the carrier. In a way.
prof lied,, by the experience.
Caning out of the chilly ;water
nnd.f&to the cool air.' the carriers
shlver-M not a : little. Furthe;
inoje i they -wt-re peeved. ? No
change of clothing was possible.
and a baseball game against their
rivals,, the clerks, was in prospect.
pi-PplBt5water. the mail Ilutribo
tors tut grimly to bat. detcrmin
edj to get warm so-nehow. When
the. came ended, the bag line?
were muddled, and the carrier
wore: dry; ';Th score. 20 U 9. in
the?r favor -gave evidence, of the
wtacUtiK up process and -vengeance
gained. ! : " "
About , 25 : Willlamette valley
postal service employe from Eu
gbt.- to Portland attended the
pldnie wl
pm . a
Shirli; a )
picnic which, was held at Rickreall
After the nsnnl mmptueus
program of speaking, mn-
d3nd tames occupied the after-
rcn, Honorable Milto i A. Mll-
i Ta, the. chief ape kr.
i J ?Thf 'Ed Wonder orchestra, from
th Independence pot ot'lee. fur-
n'ihod -tnu'MtJ drtrl r the d,ayY It
is sadj upvof Ed Wonder, his
t tiaapbteiTi. and 2 .rural ear-
; L? ' "S'f f 4 f ?- 2 :
M .Winners - of "the variou athletic
contests held were: 50 ysrd dash
1of tingle, women Helen Tnner.
; Post1; jbSf Ice, free-for-all 100 yards
r-Tnjr Collins. 30 yard dash for
girls under 12 Orlsa Batto of
Rckre.all. 50 yard dash for
boys .under .12 Rolla Browning,
life -for men over 40 Fay Col
lins. : a Mrr!ed .women's dash
: Mfs. Dudley Taylor. Nail driving
contest- Mrs.' Frank prince.
' rPpeotal.)L. E. Denntes Is build
ing: the house for William Farr. It
wOI be: completed within a-few
i Wfeks-'H J ft-: , . "' . "
jThe Schifferer brothers began
: lhrpKhlag 4 Thursday. .
'I '
- LFRUITLAND. Aug. 8. (Soe-
S ; Ed. Hinton, well known
li tit.i -" . . . . .
juiiiaiu-- Bioreaeeper. leu .inis
morning for Missouri. . Mr. Hlnton
plans to ston at the Yellowstone
a4tiqn;ll park and afso in Nebras-
fi ueie. jib win visit wiin some
,'t.f hispid' J friends and' school
-jthateitTlEfe wllf ,retnrn ,fn "about
. tnit w AVlC-- .- -- . . i.: -
leTt aiid Anlhority
Dr.lluiton, of (he Huston Truss
Co., Neir fork Cit.T, will person al-
ly be-attbe Marion Hotel. Salem.
Wedaesday only, August 1 0th",
from a. m. to 5 p. m. and offers
t6-the people pf this section the
Internationally known Huston
Truss.' Th is justly Famous Truss
If universally considered&the.,one
perfect fndsatlsfactory Instru
mentlfof theJ relief; f al kinds of
redliclbfe Rupture, producing- re-
wi uj reauiis wiinout tne use
qf surgical operations or medical
tieatriecff of any' kind. Instan
taneous relief is apparent the mo-
Bient'It rb) placed In position on
tractforf'of the opening is manifest
fn a few days and the rupture
soon disappears - permanently in
the average ease. .
Tb4 padon this Truss will hold
tny retTueible rupture perfectly,
and wiir'hot slip regardless of po
sition 'or bodily strain of the sub-
i'iir'r.;-' -h-,-.
. i - Nojpndjer leg straps, elastic web
bing or bulky pads are used In its
' ennstruetlon.- Nothing , to : wear
tut, clean and sanitary. Moisture
, proof aml will sot chafe. . Can be
put ou or off in five seconds. No
ether Instrument has ever , met
t.hese'demands with such universal
endorsement. Guaranteed not to
break; ' : i i I .;-k;.-.
WARDING You are cautioned
against Wearing elastic webbing,
or the bid 'style Leather Covered
Tiuhs or onder leg straps. Such
7ruKses press-in the 'wrong place,
oftea i causing - strangulation and
nuirruRB warrants - this
STATEM ENT." - ' ; -" ' ';- . t
I This Truss Is not sold by mall
as eachjiart is selected, assembled
and fitted by Tr. Huston especial
ly for;; each , .individual case.-? 'No
guefis work, but a scientific fitting
tf a scientific Truss. --'J'V ' -
Yer m II nut on Truss and A
i - 3 Forget Your Rupture "
puslness.' Demands Do Not Permit
s Other Stops la This Section J '.
No x-tirge for advice o demon
f tration; Remember .the date and
Hotel Ask for Dr. Hustoai Ter
i n a t ea t .a d d ress : " XI as t c a . Tr trsa
Co., S5 Cliff St., Kew Torlt.-N. Y.,
r Elsiaore Theatre ; :i
A fashion show which for lav
ish ness and color outshines any
thing ever staged In Paris Is one
of the scores of unusual and in
teretjng,highlights in Esther Ral
ston's first starring vehicle "Fash
Ions For Women" the Paramount
photoplay which comes to the El
slnora theatre today. ;
Mora thaa thirty exclusive cre
lon. from ariation costHmea for
women to formal afternoon tea
gowns, are worn by Mis Ralston
and fifteen beautiful mannequins.
They were especially designed by
Travis Banton.: noted fashion cre
ator, following a search through
the style centers of the world for
the latest Information upon the
forthcoming season's "trend in
wearing appsrel.
"Fashions For Women" was
made for the screen by , Dorothy
Arzner, one of the first women ev
er promoted to the position of di
rector l.n the history of films. Sup
porting Miss Ralston are EInar
Hanson r.nd Rayrond Hattcn.
An Interesting news reel, to
gether vith a nock-out two reel
comedy, complete' this Interesting
progrtm.- -
Oregon Theatre
Clara Bow wan recenriv notifi
ed by a square-jawed ambassador
representirg the proi'essional box
ing fraternity oi Los Ange'.ea nhd
HrJlvwood that sbe had been elec
ted "Queen of the Leather Push
ers" a fraternity maae up oi tne
young nien who. "nrpisii ihe main
everts and preliruinario-t in the
southern California fight sta
diums. :The littla Paranwnnt star be
came acquaint! with wjveral !
Many Chinese Pheasants
Liberated Near Falls City
FALLS CITY, Aug. 6. (Spe
cial) Eugene' Simpson. Superin
tendent of the state game hatch
ery near Corvau.s came in this
morning with the driver of the
hatchery truM:. bringing about
three hundred half grown Chin
ese Pheasants, wnlch were lib
erated ob large' holdings a few
miles from Fai;. City.
Th.xe holdirtS nave not been
made into a snje ieserve, as yet,
but the owners are special game
warde ns, who a now
no hunting t
or trespassing, and the yound
birr'f will have a. good chance.
Hath hen And cock pheasants
were in this consignment. Natur
al conditions are favorable and
there are verx Jew rjrtdafbry ani-
Rial W ffei-XdV.HUl.
I FRl NGLE , '" .Aug. r 8 ( Special. )
--William Grabenborsi ' recently
purchased 'a liewi Star - car. Mt.
Evans alb bought' a new car. '
. Among ' bther -business - callers
last week' were .'Alfred Dumbeck
and'E. G. Coppock. both of Salem,
and Mr; Barrett,- of. Ontario,' Oregon-
. - . . j . -. .
Miss Erma "Meeks, .now .visiting
in Portland; 1 - expected home
soon. . - J i . : ; .
- Mr. Probst is marketing . his
J. M. CoBurn expects to thresh
this week .
PRINGLE. Aux. - 8. (Special.
The Sunday school .committee
on arrangements reports that' all
is arranged for a good time at
Tringle at the all day meeting
next Sunday. .
?- Percy. Robins reports that the
diggers are exceedingly numerous
this year . , ,
.Mrs. T..E. Meeks went to Mil
waukee Sunday for a few days, to
visit with friends. .... . m. .
The Brown and Forgard famili
es spent the week-end at Silver
Creek Fall. They report a fine
trip.1' : . .
Miss Helen Wodiowoda has re
turned home after havinz upent
the winter in Portland.
' P. J. McGuire la spending n
few days on the lower Santi4m.
CLOVERDALE. Aug 8. -(Spec-tai.
Mrs. A." Had ley visited
friends in Turner last. Sunday.
Mrs, ( Mary Sehifferer and Mrs;
Lida Schifferer: were shopping in
"Salem Friday. ; r
CLOVERDALE, Aug. 8. (Spec
ial. ) The ; Women's . ChiisUin
Temperance - Union met : at Vth
home of Mrs Fred Schifferer last
Wednesday. On account of the
busy , harvest i season j jiot . many
were present, . a profitable time
vas reported,. C'--.: k Tt::';:-.J-:t'il
I PRINGEE. Aug; 8.r-(Special.)
4-TbeCobun ciah.webt to Dayton
Sanday to attend the annual re
union of the Cobuns.'.;L v
Friday night. jolly rrowd met
at JU, Coburn.'s to help Mr. Co
bu rn i celebrate, his birthday anni
versary: jA lunch was -served.. Mr.
Coburn was .-taken .completely by
surprise. i '.;;.'' i- -
permanent state school .fund . baa
reached. $50,000,000 and Is grow
ing at rate, of SI 0.000 a day;
Taxes on th irp mining industry
.provide ;theif undiindkfeBi sweU-
tn i boys wh: deal in lofts J and
rights , during the filming of her
picture -Rough House Rosie" ' in
which R?ed Howes, her leading
man, boxes Charie.? Sullivan wb
proposed Miss Bow as the flht
ers mascot m a meotln of h
pugnacious cian. The picture
show atth Oregon th'.alr to'a
only.- Ar'ht: ITotnni.-u. Oori?
Hill and Donglas Cilmorr? are c
.'aiureti with Hows.
Capitol Theatre
' Mother sacrifice is eternal. Ii
gives with a smile, yet of ten fails
in Its greatest test. Timj comes
when a mother must rnlize thai
the baby is na longer. Fnll
grown as a man lie Iov?s another.
The great fund of understanding
Is tarea to the utmorft, the moth
er finds it hard share his love
with the wife.'
And. frequently, to adj to the
trIu. the wife is j.c!on of the
affection the la -if ban I hows for
the mother. . Such is th9 situation
t'.iat bnild? to fh.i smashing climax
of "The Fourth Commandment.
which shows at the Capitol today.
Belle Bennett, as a wife and
mother, gives the s?reen a great
characterization. Her emotions
are real, and touch the heart with
a poignancy that lingers.
Mary Carr appears at another
mother. Sweer, sympathetic and
lovable she is the ideal mother and
the typification oil-fche onf 'lield
dearest in the hearts of million
The two enact a story of moth
er love that possesses almost enln
quality. Strongly on'raed they
leave an unforgettable impression
and glorify the hearts of true
Cherrian Band Will Play
Popular Doll Dance Again
The popular Doll' Danca Which
brought unstinted applaus at the
last concert will be replavo.1 bv
the Cherrian band tonight at Wil
lson park. The program will be
made uo largely of lighter num
bers, selections from th musical
comedy. "High Jinks" being fea
tured. Oscar Gingrich will sine "Tus
sle O Mine." and "Dawn of To
morrow." The complete program follows :
The 74th Regiment Mort'h
2 Selection. The Daughter of the
Regiment Tobani
2 The Doll Dance Brown
The Merry Lark . . . Bendix
-r-Popular Numbers
t--Voca 1 Solos Lassie o M ine.
J t)awn;of Tomorrow
, oacar''B. Gingf-b
7 Ser nade 'Garden oi Dreams"
'" 'i---.'.'-iVi Lincoln
8 Overture "Newly Weds
; . . . . O'Hara
9 March. Tropic to Tropic ....
: . Alexander
10 Star Spangled Banner.
Slocum Visits Friends
in Fruitland District
lal) William Slocum was visit
ing, friends and relatives in and
around the Fruitland district re
Everyone is glad to know that
Mr. Slocum is able to be on his
feet again. Until recently he was
an invalid in a soldier's hospital
In Portland
Mrs. Anna Giro d Js rapidly re
covering from, ear trouble" caused
by an absc-ssr
Mr. and .Mrs. Schjog-are $ vlsit
ine in Portland. They plan Jq Te
tnrn in about a week.
70,000 Young Trout will
Be Liberated i in Siletz
FALLS. CITY, Oregon, Aug. 6.
(Special) Two trucks from the
state fish hatchery on Roaring
River passed . through town this
morning, en route to Valsetz, with
about . seventy thousand young
trout. , The fish will be liberated
in the SileU river and the mill
pond of the Cobbs and Mitchell
company - near Valset. This
"pond" covers iseveraT hundred
acres of land, and ls:fed-by the
waters of ,tbe. Silets river. The
"pond 1s now closed to fishing.
Road to Close--V ' ' ;
The county road between Fruit
land" And Hepmere will be closed
while oiling operations are' under
way; . beginning today, : Deputy
Rbadmaster Frank: Johnson an
nounced yesterday.; While "pot
holea"i(iir county ln thm road,
which was oiled last year for the
first time, -have been filled, It is
believed thatcthe new oiling will
maintain a firmer, road bed,- since
a heavier oil, said : to resemble
c!osely "blacktop," is being used
this' year; . . . .. i .
jttt 'ij-i - . f
r f .:
.: . .
r i
,-' If " 'i ill
V'"-,, - 1i ill
-Jin''' : , c WyK
At the moment one of the most talked-of men in the country is
Gov. Alvan Tufts Fuller, of Massachusetts, in whose hands was placed
the fate of the convicted Sacco and Vanzetti after a prolonged battle
for their freedom which spread to every country in Europe and
in many other parts of the globe. f These pictures show Gov.
Fuller in various moods, and his wife.
Third Conference Will be Held
Friday, Aug. 26th
Aug. 6. (Special.) Tentative
plans have been announced by R.
R. Brand, general chairman on ar
rangements, for an educational
conference to be held at Mon
mouth Friday, August 26, at the
Oregon normal school. This the
third conference to be held., at -the
normal is being . sponsored by H
group-of students under Thos. H:
Gentle. t ( , . ; , -; - -? '
The , program will continue
throughout the entire day and will
include a resume of the progress
made during the past year la the
matter of objective tests, end a
forecast of what Is to be done next
year.'" " ' " "'
Leading educators will address
the. meetings and a . round table
discussion of -advantages and dis
advantages of the pbjeetive tests
a a means of, promoting children
from the eighth grade will nroh-
ably J held. .
The Tests and Measurements
Association will cooperate, accord
ing t othe statement of E. H. Ruh.
president of the organization.
Judging from the keen interest
manifested by the largenumber of
educators of Oregon who attended
the conference held at Monmouth
last November and April of this
year this mid-sum mor conference
will be equally well worth attend
ing. R. R. Brand working at
Wichita School.. Clackamas coun
ty, as chairman on arrangements,
has appointed a committee, includ
ing, several well known Portland
teachers, which is putting forth
every effort to make this confer
ence a success.
, ' (Continued from pg 1.)
conference with defense and pros
ecuting attorneys , lasting
nearly two hours, announced his
decision on the revocation Dlea
and the stay will be filed with the
RETr" today "
- '1
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if -f- 4rtn t. '
j Lai. s-
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clerk of the court today.
Justice Sanderson in the eu
preme court at Boston earlier in
the day denied petitions for a writ
of habeas corpus, a stay .of execu
tion and. for a writ of error.
A petition to Governor Fullei
for a stay of execution is still
While the day was marked by
no violence directly attributable
to sympathizers, two bomb explo
sions Caused damage to the extent
of $300,000 in Utica, NY.
Paris taxlcab drivers, and 1,000
Colorado coal miners went on a
Lrrtest strike. A group of New
frork radicals 'and labor leaders
estimated that 500,000 workers
would strike today. A general
strike was scheduled in Monte
video, Uruguay. '
While workers in Buenos Aires
returned to work at the end of. a
three day strike, another strike
of. the world's foremost capitals
devoted first place to the Sacco -Vanzetti
case. Police guarded
American 'embassies and consul
ates. !.
: In : New ' York 1 5 threatening
k-tters were received by owners
t sky scrapers, prominent build
ings and newspapers, threatening
lombings if the executions take
place.: They were signed "The
Anarchists of the World for the
Freedom of Sacco-and-Vanzetti,"
and such organization is
known, they were considered the
work of cranks.
Although the letters referred
to the subway bombings of Fri
day, calling them '"only sample,
of whar would happen if our com
rades are not setCree." New .York
pol ice, said theyWere still without
conclusive evidence that the bomb-
.ngs were the work of SacoXaa
zetti sympathizers.
On the clue of a. MAnavhttsetts
' 'IB (Login)
. . . ' - . . - . -
is still in town - ;
' . Today only at the 1
Clara Bow's latest and greatest picture. Your last
' chance to sec, it this afternoon, and tonight:
1 ; Arid there are Added Attractions.
. ; That's all!'. Av" '
cumber plate seen on a sedan
leaving the scene of one of the
bombings, a New York detective
was sent to Boston. The New York
Evening Post said the clue led to
the doorstep of a known Sacco
Vanzettl sympathizer there. Police
Commissioner Warren said, how
over, that's the, Sacco-Vanzetti
theory of the bombings, was only
one of fohr held by the police. .
Among many protests reported
yesterday were mass meetings of
sympathizers at Vancouver, B. C,
and Helsinxfors, England; a num
ber of sporadic demonstrations in
Paris, where only the taxi drivers
responded toa general strike call;
and a pica to the American consul
at PJynvouth. England, by a
group of communists.
In Philadelphia, where the
Emanuel Presbyterian church was
damaged by a bomb Friday night,
hree dock workers were arrested
while distributing literature call
Ing for a general protest strike.
As an aftermath of a demon
stration ; on Boston Common Sun
day, Edward, Holton James, weal
thy radical, arraigned for Inciting
a riot and assault, refused to
plead, stating that he would not
stand up "before murderers," and
in preference to u $75 fine took
a sentence of 90 days in jail. Later
he recanted and paid the fine.
Responding to a call from the
Boston ! Sacco-Vanzetti defense
committee to liberals throughout
the country to march upon Boston
in a monster demonstration to
P'orrow, it was announced that
several thousand New Yorkers
would take part, And that bus
transportation bad been arranged
for those without other means of
travel, j '' ' '
Responding t'o the Boston com
mittee's call for. a "death watch"
over Charlestown . prison. Miss
Rose Baron, secretary of the New
York committee said, "Trains,
buses, automobiles and some on
foot are heading for the Massa
chusetts bastile."
PARIS, Aug. 9. (AP) A mob
of people demonstrating against
the forthcoming execution of Sac
co and Vanzetti is reported to have
made a hostile move against the
American consulate at Cherbourg
last night. A dispatch states that
the police had difficulty in defend
ing the consulate from the fury of
the crowd. A number of people
were hurt.
MOSCOW. Aug. 8. (AP)
Members of the Moscow sects of
the Tolstoyans, Baptists, Dukhob
ers, and Molokans, have sent a
cable to President Coolidge ap
pealing for mercy for Sacco and
Vanzetti in the name of Christian
ity. STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Aug. 8.
(AP) A crowd estimated at
15,000 assembled tonight in Oes
termalms Square to protest
against the sentence of death
passed on Saeco and Vanzetti.
BUCHAREST, Rumania, Aug. 8.
(AP) Six representatives of
the Rumanian Socialist party, suc
cessfully evading a heavily armed
guard, of soldiers and policemen,
penetrated the American legation
today land presented a long peti
tion begging President jboolidge to
save Sacco and Vanzetti from ex
ecution, j
2005 N. Capitol, Phone 520
Getting Gertie's
- . . .-.-
Comedy r- Weekly
Always 25c '' Children 1
i.; ii
riivt' nil i
(Continued rront l. . .
quired. . "
- Of the two women4 who intend
ed to make-the hop to Honolulu,
one. Miss mt'iurea -uoran, Michi
gan school teacher was at Oak
land 'ready, to take her place in
the Pedler plane. The other, Mrs.
William P. Erwin was at Dallas,
Texas, waiting for word from Cap
tain Erwin., her husband-pilot, to
leave .for the coa'st. The ''Spirit
of Dallas" which they will fly is
fifth in the starting line atOak-v
land. rTne Erwlas expect to hop
off from Dallas tomorrow for San
Francisco. ;'
Captain Flynn, impressed upon
the air .racers again that handi
caps or elapsed flying time would
not, be considered in the race.
"The first plane to reach the
island of Oahu wins the $25,000
prize; the second $10,000." said
Flynn, to the assembled airmen.
The elapsed time between the
first and last starter at Oakland
airport was estimated today as a
bout one hour, although this han
dicap is not expected to result in a
final advantage as a skilled navi
gator could sa ve more than an
hour In charting, a careful -course
over one less experienced, said
flight officials.
L. L. Swan of -Albany, who dur
ing the last legislature served as
chairman of the committee dp ob
solete laws lu the house, was in
Salem Monday' conferring with
state officials. He said hv would
recommend the repeal of a large
Something for
Gowns For The Girls
Humor For The Husbands
Wit For The Wives
Eye-dazzling entertainment that
combines an appealing love story
witK the most sumptuous fashion
parade ever . displayed on .any
screen! ' . .
Remember the style show in "The'Dress
maker From Paris?" The beauty par
ade in "The American Venus?" . Im
agine both in one picture and you .have
'some idea-of Esther Ralston's starring
debut! ' " -
All Starting Today
Coot est
v Kpot 'ln
number -of obsolete laws: at the
next legislative session,
tContiMod from paf 1.)
matter what the republican party
did.- ' '
' Hodges Reticent
He was equally reticent when a
discussion, arose regarding the
next convention, city When he
was asked about San Frar Cisco's
chances, he said this:
"The people oi me west would
he. hsnnv f n . Yiiva - I)ia ' siat!
national convention In San . Fran
cisco and the leadars are very
active in the effort to brtng It
there." - ' - ,
able candidacy of Herbert Hoc. verr
a Californian, might be a hin
drance to the San Francisco ef
forts but Mr. Hodges only smiled
and declared be had said all he
wished to say. He did report the
finances of the j republican party"
were In good shape and that there
had been no deficit since the 1924
campaign wound up with a sur
plus. The fact that Mr. Hodges
looked upon the selection of a can
didate next year as "a task" Indi
cated, it was suggested, that he"
did Cot expect Mr. Coolidge's name
to be presented but he declined to
discuss the matter further. Nor
would he- express an opinion as"
the chances of Secretary Hoover,
Vice President Dawes. Nicholas
Longworth, Frank O. Lowden and
the others who" hive been x m$n
tioned prominently since ' the '
White House emphasized 'that' Mr,
Coolidge Intended' to leave office
at the end bf his term. It! : -
Ten Years Practice in Salem
Phone 625
Dr. L. R. Burdette
401 First National Bank Building
Spot tn