The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 09, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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TMMesnianfs :IvchWUV:Be:a' Great immunity ;ssepi: is oh Shipleavitig'PM
Marion County Schpol8toHedJ1.3BA:Pupil8-l Year, aMeal Indication of fh DisirW
I ' "Weather foreoti Fair, moderns tem-1 fprT i '' yfflYt V ' ' '- '.'-' ' ift?- (J M ' ' i
peratnre: humidity lelow normal: maximum 'AJtU lA rfV I lSO X XCt tf 'f 'I LA'. V f0 iVN.
Those prophets who "predicted! a rammer
less summer can now sat busy and begin
to tell when South Carolina Is going Repub-
temperature , yesterday 88: minimum 52:
river minus 1.6; atmosphere clear; wind
west. . 1 . - '
5 I
r '
sS Cifvv.f rn rAMCinnmanr I f
t F r ni u . vsviioimiiuiciii A-V'l
i PhUadeiphia Today on
j Steamship Laurel
Foundation Already Completed.
Expert Erector Will be Here
aa Soon as Steamer Docks;
Will Mark yew Era
From Philadelphia, pa,. this
: morning' departed a ves&el which
, is bWmng a cargo con3iued t
' .- Salem, Oregon, which is destined
-:s arrival to mark . new era
li i.-if staper publishing in this
4,-fry; the big ?4-pase Scott pre-
for the Oregon Statesman, which
Le te iir.H color-print ins
newspaper press over operated
' The printing plant, which in
cludes all motors and the stereo
typing equipment, weighs fifty
tons, and made up two carloads on
its rail trip from the factory of
the Walter Scott & Co. factory at
riainfield. N. J.. to Philadelphia.
Unload at Portland
' The steamship on which the
Statesman's new press departed
from Philadelphia for Its trip
tbrouzn the Panama cana't today,
la the Laurel, of the Quaker line,
operated by the Columbia Pacific
Steamship company. It is routed
thr Portland, and will arriva there
August 2& or shortly thV'eaftcr.
The Oregon Journal recently se
rnred a press of; the same type,
but printing a greater number of
rJ-'es. and the trip through the
canal to Portland require.l only
21 days. , C.
On arrival in Portland, thw
printing plant will b transferred
direct from the steainor to trucks
operated by D. X. i.Armer Tnaus
Xir company of thjs city.
Foundations Completed
In the press room here, the
concreta foundations for the press
have alrnady been laid. As roon
as th press arrives, th work o'
erecting It will be begun by a staff
of experts directed by J. M. Gau-
(Continusd oa paga 4)
larvndiary Forest Fire Set Sun
day Near Itoseburg
Uudcr Control
PORTLAftiP, Aug. -8- (AP) A
ubstantial reduction , in the fire
hazard in the northwest was seen
today by forest service officials.
Continued high humidity and a
failing of temperature accounted
lu; large degree to the lessening of
danger of further outbreaks and
contributed to success in fighting
existing fires.
jThe flra on Herman creek in
the Mount Hood national forest
was burning today but was under
control. It was started by sparks
from a fire in the Columbia na
tional forest across the Columbia
tThe Columbia forest fires ap
peared to be under control, al
though they were still burning.
Fifteen men were sent to Lewis
rivr, near Hungry creek, in the
r orthwest part of the Columbia
forest where the fire was half
a in fie long.
The large blaze at Soda Springs
was fast brought under control
tonight but had spread in area.
The force fighting this fire was
increased from '4 to 60 men.
Sixty men were engaged In a
battle with : flames on Elk creek
near Medford, said to have been
caused by careless campers.' The
fire- covered about 80J acres of
virgin timber.
Between fifteen and twenty In
cendiary forest firest Bet yester
day on Stouts creek, a tributary
ofthe South Umpqua river, were
controlled today, Roseburg dee
patches tald. The fires are in
the same area where last year
Incendiarism' caused one of , t-e
worst forest conflagrations . in
the history of the country.
- Moderation of weather has ma
terially lessened the immediate
forest fire ... hazard ; in ; western
Washington as well as In "Oregon,
Supervisor George C. Joy, Olym
- pia, said today in communicating
- yltlj Oregon officials,
11,386 ATTEND
Teat'lurs on Ratio of One to -I
1'upils, Superintendent's
Report Shows
Enrollment in the public schools
of Marion county reached a total
of 11,386 in the school year 1926
1927, according to the annual re
port now being compiled in the
otfice of County Superintendent
Mary L. Fulkerson.
Of the 8.611 pupils in the ele
mentary schools, 1289 were regis
tered in the first grade, and 1040
in the eighth. There were 911 'E'
pupils (those who had been pre
viously registered but removed to
another district during the school
year), of whom 171 were in the
first grade and 61 in the eighth.
A total of "2,775 students were
enrolled in the high schools, of
whom 898 were in the ninth grade
and 519 in the twelfth. In addi
tion there were 155 E students,
the report shows.
"" Four , hundred seventy-four
teachers were employed, of whom
313 women were in the grade
schools, and 90 women were in the
Lfgh schools. Thirty-seven men
teachers were employed in the ele
mentary schools, and 34 in the
high schools, showing a greater
percentage of men in the high
Teaching certificates were
granted 139 teachers upon gradu
ation, 103 of whom were given 1
year certificates, 11 for five years,
24 for life, and one for the pri
mary grades only.
Normal school graduates in
teaching positions were shown to
b: 174, of whom 44 had one-year
certificates, 59 for five years, and
71 for life.
Among the college or university
graduates, numbering 111, twenty
five had one year certificates, 50
had fire year certificates, and
36 were eligible to teach for life.
Of the remaining 60, 28 had taken
graduate teacher training courses,
and 22 were engaged as special in
structors. The majority of the college or
university graduates occupying
leaching positions in the county
were employed in the high schools.
Thus it is seen that with a to
tal of 11.386 pupils in the schools
each of thetotal of 11,386 pupils
each of the 4 74 teachers must
have an average of 24 pupils un
der his or her charge.
Crumpacker's Successor May bo
Chosen by October 1
Reports here Monday Indicated
that Governor Patterson would
issue a call for a special election
ir Multnomah county within the
next 10 days to select a successor
to the late Maurice M. Crumpack
er, representative in congress from
the third congressional district,
tl was said that a Jiumber of
letters have been received at the
executive department indicating
that, the election be held not
later than October .1. The law pro
vides that at least 30 days shall
elapse between the time of issu
ing the call and the date of the
Officials said an early election
was desired because of the possi
bility of a special session of con
gress in October.
Navy Officials Believe Craft Ei
ther Russian or Japanese
The derelict submarine reported
Been recently by the steamer Lib
erator 1600 miles west of Hono
lulu is believed by navy circles
here to belong to the Russian or
Japanese navy.
It Is conjectured that it is the
same one reported sighted by the
freighter Eldridge on April 10
about 840 miles northwest of Hon
olulu. The Liberator sent a boat to in
vestigate, the derelict but poison
ous gases were released when the
cenning tower was opened. As the
Liberator was carryine mails it
was not permitted to stop except
to save lives.
Thirty Thousand Persons Greet
: Colonel Upon Arrival
LOUISVILLE. Ky., Aug. 8.
(API-After, flying for his first
time over the Bhio Grass section
of Kentucky, Colonel Charles A'.
Lindbergh arrived in Louisville to
day on his national alt; tour. He
was greeted at Bowman field by
approximately '. 30,000 ? persons
Colonel' Lindbergh t will leave 'to
morrow for; Indianapolis, r
Treasurer Intimates Group
after Nomination Won't
Include Coolidge
Republican Victory in 19S8 Elec
tion Expected; President Gets
Credit; San Francisco Goes
, After Next Gathering
RAPID CITY, S. D., Aug. 8.
(AP) From the first of the na
tional republican . leaders to visit
the summer " White House since
President Coolidge issued his note
disclaiming another term, the im
pression was gleaned today that
the race for party's nomination is
at present a neck and neck affair
between a group which however,
does not include Mr. Coolidge.
Completing a. week end visit at
the game lodge during which he
had declined to comment, William
V. Hodges, treasurer of the repub
lican national committee, finally
spoke of the party's prospects, but
even then in such carefully guard
ed phrases that it was different to
determine just what he thought of
the president's terse statement of
his intentions in 1928.
Party Declared Strong
"As a party man," he said, "I
believe the party .has been made
stronger under the leadership of
President Coolidge and it will be
able to meet the task of selecting
a nominee and electing him next
He declined very definitely to
be drawn into any discussion of
whether Mr. Coolidge's name
might be brought before the con
vention but when the conference
was over there was the feeling
that he was convinced the presi
dent intended to retire from the
White House March 4, 1929, no
(Continued on p;e S.)
LoiirvIew Men Sprayed by Live
Steam; Taken to Hospital
(AP) M. J. Kelly, 40, foreman
of the Ostrander Logging com
pany camp several miles north of
here, and Charles Neil, 35, logger,
were seriously burned late today
when a logging locomotive ex
ploded, spraying live steam and
oil over the men. Neil was thrown
SO feet by the explosion. The
men are in a hospital here.
yUa 4ooo miles of 'rr-v
, V : . .. r iiTi h ii i , , v .n..i... ,
'. i- - - - - - -: - ;---- ; : -j -v .,' i . - ' - - ,, .; . :-. i. . - -..---
- ' J. L
Disarmament Conference Not. in
Vain, College' President
An unusually large crowd at
tended the Willson park meeting
Sunday afternoon, to hear Dr.
Levi Pennngton, president of Pa
cific college, of Newberg, give his
Laddress, the theme of which was
jrams or r-ermaneni reace.
Dr. Pennington pointed out th
ways in which the world might ex
pect to find peace In these days,
mentioning the failure of the dis
armament conference recently as
at least promising better things
for the future, though productive
of nothing now.
A part of . the program espec
ially well received was the vocal
solo, "Lead Kindly Light," a vari
ation of the old favorite hymn,
sung by Miss Eva Miles, with a
violin obligato by Mrs. Douglas,'
and accompanied on the piano' by
Wendell Roberts.
A six piece orchestra directed
by Joe Benner opened the services
with a twenty minute sacred con
cert, which was enjoyed by his
B. C. Miles acted as chairman
of the meeting.
Announcement has been made
that Rev. Thomas Acheson, pastor
of the Jason Lee Methodist
church, will speak at next Sun
day's park meeting, wth music
furnished by the young people of
his church. '
Party of Prominent Britishers Pro
ceeds Westward by Train
(AP) Indian settlements of nor
thern Ontario today turned out to
do, their part In extending a wel
come; to Canada's distinguished
visitors the Prince of Wales,
Prince George and Premier and
Mrs. jStanley Baldwin. The party
was proceeding westward on" the
royal train.
Here at Chapleau a number of
war veterans were at the station.
The Prince of Wales and the pre
mier chatted with them for a few
minutes before the train resumed
its journey.
Car Turns Over WTien Strikes
Curbing; Claims Aged Victim
Eugene, Aug. 8. (AP) Mrs.
John Scott, 60, of Creswell was
killed this afternoon when an
automobile in which she and her
husband were riding over-turned
on a street in that town. Scott
said that he turned the car out
to avoid striking a man walking
in the street and It struck a cur-
fBiag.. ..
. , .......
.jl.-," "int. - . . ' ; ') ...j t jp -i:i jjjjjui
Foreign Aviators ? Ready For
Westward ! Flight
Levine And Drouhin Patch IMrfer
ences; Columbia May Be First
AUG! S. (AP) Captain F. T.
Courtay, the British aviator, to
u. I; rifcated ha might start at
any moment on hi.4 projected
flight to New York, risking the
possible inefficiency of his wireless-
apparatus which has been
'clvjr.j much tiouV.
PARIS, Aug. 8. (AP) With
three French planes, two German
expeditions and one English plane
virtually ready to hop off for a
westward flight across the ocean
and waiting only for favorable
weather, Charles A. Levine and
Maurice Drouhin, the French fli
er, today patched up their; differ
ences to the extent of signing a
new contract for the return flight
of the Columbia.
The signing of the contract
gave the Columbia a good chance
to be the first to make the cros
sing since the ship, which already
has the distinction of having
flown from Hew York to Ger
many, is tuned up and ready to
take off the minute the weather
is favorable.
The Columbia's motor which
has been run only one third of
its life, is reported to be in per
fect condition by "Doc." Kinkade,
the Wright motor expert.
The 'French expeditions, hust
ling to be the, first to get into the
air, are led by Diehdonne Coste,
Leon Givon and Sub-Lieutenant
Paul Tarascon. Coste has been
given permission by the ministry
of war to attempt the hop.
The plane, fn which he flew
from Paris to Djask, Persia, has
been reconditioned and has been
fitted with floats. Coste plans to
fly, to the -United Staea by way of
h Azores. The Bluebird, in
which Givon has replaced Drouh
fn as pilot, is ready to take off,
while Tarascon, although virtual
ly ready, has several tests yet to
Committee of Nine to Convene In
Portland Thursday
Henry Crawford, chairman of
the committee of nine appointed
at the prune convention at Cor
vallis recently to outline a plan
for marketing of prunes through
cooperation of growers and pack
ers, has called a meeting of the
committee for next Thursday.
The meeting will be held in Port
land. The. committee will discuss
plans for marketing the prune
crop in 19 28.
Oklahoma Aviator First to
Hop off Next Friday
for $25,000 Purse
Planes Will Be Required To Carry
15 Per Cent Excess Fuel Sup
ly For Safety; Some May
Be Disqualified
P) Fortune favored Bennet
Griffin, Bartlevllle, Qkla., aviator
today, when he. drew number one
position, entitling him to first
taie-otf in the 135,000 air derby
to- Honolulu next Friday.
The drawing, held at the office
of Captain C. W. Saunders, Calif
ornia director of the National
Aeronautical association, marked
the first meeting of eight pilots
who have planes on the starting
line here, their navigators, and
representatives of other entrants
whose planes are reported headed
towards local airports.
A last minute interpretation of
the -drawing rules by the commit
tee gavie fliers more time in which
to name their take-off places
Late today nine pilots had decided
to take away from Oakland air
port. Two selected Mills field,
San Francisco and four were un
decided.. Griffin will go "from
With! eight planes reported
headed toward San Francisco, in
spectors announced Inspection of
planes would be held at both Mills
field and Oakland airport tomor
row. ;..:
The probabilities that some en
tries may be ruled out because of
failure to meet fedefal regulations
loomed today when an inspector
tola tne starters tnat rules require
15 per cent excess fuel supply for
safety. The minimum amount of
fuel any starter may carry was
not definitely fixed tonight, al
though this was being discussed
today after announcement said
400 gallons at least, would be re-
(Continued oa pre S.)
Violators of ; Traffic Provisions
Appear ' in City
' Court .
Speeding and reckless driving
on the streets, of Salem were at
tucked -over the week-end by Sa
lem police, with the arrest of three
Saturday . night and Sunday.
Teddy Snyder. 296 S., 15th
street, was arrested about noon
Sunday on a charge of speeding
and faking the "right of way, by
Officer Thomason. He paid a fine
of $5 n polce i court yesterday,
when he' appeared before City Re
corder Mark Paulsen and pleaded
guilty to tfie: speeding charge.'
Lester F. Dowe, of Brooks, de
posited $5 bail Saturday night,
when arrested on a speeding
charge. Yesterday he left his bail
money with the police judge as
payment of "his fine.
. K. E. Edger, of Talbot, Ore.,
promised to appear inc ourt Aug
ust 10, when Officer 'Thomason
picked him up on a .speeding
charge Sunday afternoon.
James Oliver Garwood at OwossI
Expected Not to. Live ' ;
OWOSSO, MICH., Aug. 8. (AP)
-James Oliver Cur wood, author,
is critically ill at his home here of
a general streptococcic infection.
The anthor has been ill for several
months as a result of the Infec
tion which developed from an in
sect bite. 'r..yv -v." -v?,.;
4 His condition became grave
yesterday and it was feared he
Should not live through the night,
e " rallied however and tonight
his condition was somewhat im
proved. ' r
Chicago Dental Convention Finds
, Only S3 Per Cent Addicted
ly 'twenty' three percent' of ' the
population In Une United ; States
use tooth brashes, figures report
ed at the National Dental Techni
cians convention here- today vby
Prominent Scientists Characterize
v New Situation aa.
PORTLAND, Aug. 8. (AP)
Five months ago ten cows which
had shown every sign of advanced
tuberculosis and which had been
condemned by United States, herd
inspectors, - were selected for a
test of the supposed tuberculosis
cure evolved by Dr. George Kirk-
patrick, Portland veterinarian.
Today .three of the ten .cows
were slaughtered and subjected to
a searching examination for traces
of the disease. At the end of the
examination the carcasses of all
three were passed on by Dr. A'.
J. Dinse, United States inspector,
as free from tuberculosis and fit
for human sustenance.
This was the outstanding de
velopment of the scientific clinic
held today as a climax to the
official test sponsored by the city
health bureau and other research
Taken alone, it was said, the
development means nothing posi
tive from a scientific viewpoint.
This thought was emphasized by
Dr. T. D. Beckwith, professor of
bacteriology at the University of
California, and Dr. J. Traum, pro
fessor of veterinary science at the
same institute, the men who con
ducted the examination today in
the presence of other distngutish
ed authorities on animal tubercu
The same authorities, however.
characterized the absence of tu
berculosis in the carcasses as "re
Attention was called to the fact
that the glandular structure, of
one of the animals was found
free from" tuberculosis. This is
said to be an almost unheard
circumstance in animals which
have reacted previously to the
tuberculin tests. "Suspcious are
as" were found; in the glands of
the other cows and the . entire
viscera of both condemned.
Nothing definite will be anf-
nounced by Dr. Beckwith or Dr.
Traum until laboratory tests of
the suspected glandular structures
have been completed, they said to
day. This, they said, will take
three or four months and will in
volve not only microscopic tests
but the innocnlation of animals
with serum from the doubtful
spots. ,
The Calf ornia scientists were as
sisted in the examination today
by Dr. M. O. Anderson, head of
the United States animal hus
bandry bureau here, and Dr.
Dinse. Ordinarily the examina
tion consumes only a few minutes.
The experienced inspector, feeling
his way over the glands can .east
ly pronounce whether this or that
portion is possibly tubercular.
F.ut no such method was followed
today. Every inch of gland
throughout the entire alimentary
was sliced open, and subjected to
trained scrutiny.
As the cows had been condemn
ed five months ago it might have
been supposed, Dr. Dinse said,
that many suspected areas would
have been found. But scientific
observers standing near remarked
on the fact that the California
scientists appeared td find but few
specimens to take to their labora
tories. , : . .. . .
7 Vanxett i Alibi Testifiers Ask In
dictment for Perjury
BOSTON, Aug.: 8. (AP) -Seven
persons who have testified
at various times as alibi witnesses
for Bartolomeo Vanzetti appeared
at the 'governor's 'office r In the
states house today , and requested
that they be arrested as perjurers.
The governor had left for the day.
j Word of their coming had pre
Ceded them and several state po
lice officers .were - present in the
executive chambers when they ar
rived. The delegation was led by
Beltrando - Brlnl, - who v acted . as
spokesman." Brint testified at the
Plymouth trial and was 13 years
old at the time.'- l:'";,;,;V:v
. Brini left a letter for the gov
ernor which read In part:
i "We, .alibi witnesses for Van
xetti. In accordance with oar writ
ten request to you that yoa bring
us to trial charged with perjury
in the event that you did. not free
Sacco and VansettL now present
ourselves in person. '.. t . '
Tonr refusal to . believe our
words, is tantamount to calling us
liars. If we have been liars under
oath in the courts of Massachus
etts we are. 'subject to punish-
Explosions, Strikes Protest
ing Sacco-Vanzettt ";
Sentence Continue
Moves . In Courts for new Trials
Denied; Thayer Takes Under
Advisement Petition for Re- ,'
vocation of Sentence
- BOSTON, Aug. 8. (AP) Hope
rose In the ranks defending Nicola
Sacco and, Bartolomeo ' Vanzetti
early tonight when a day of legal ,
failure! to, obtain a stop order on
their scheduled "electrocution for
murder at Charlestown, this
week, was capped by Judge Web
ster Thayer's decision ' to 'take .
under advisement a petition for
revocation of sentence and a stay
of execution. Ho will report to
morrow sitting on the same bench
in the Norfolk county superior
court house where the men were
tried and, convicted six years ago
of the murder of a paymaster and
his guard in South Bralntree. The
aged Judge Thayer refused for
the second time In the history of
the long case to grant a new trial .
on the ground of newly-discovered
evidence, but consented to con
sider a surprise move on the part
of the defense made in the form
of a petition-for-a revocation of
sentence and a stay of execution. '
, , ; ? Trial , Moves Fail . ".
(By Aocited Pres)
; Moves in two Massachusetts
courts to save Sacco and .Vanzetti
from execution Thursday failed'
yesterday 'lyhle "unrest, continueif
both at home and abroad as the
hours brought' the , doom of tht -condemned
radicals one day near-'
er. : ; : ,'-
. Judge Websteir Thayer, . before
whom the" men were convicted of
murder six; years agof, ' denied a"
motion for . a new- trial in the
superior court, at Dedham, Mass.,
while sheriffs, state and local pol- ,
ice stood guard.,1 He took under
advisement, however, a motion for ,
revocation of sentence and after a
oa pas 3.)
Body ;WilI .bo Accompanied l '
Grave by WWow and Thrct ,
:. . 'children . ':. . ;
Taps wiir sound tomorrow fdr.
Major General Leonard Wood who
win be buried in Arlington nation- J
al cemetery by jte side of com
rades ho commaaJed In th? war
with Spain. " - "
.The t-urial plot, selected todav
b)r "Major General Frank Mclntvr?.
chief of the army's bureau of In
sular affairs, is1 situated on a "
small l:colI 'overlooking the Ar
lington amphitho-itre and adjoin
the" grave of Admiral Sampson,
one of America' cutstanding nav
al commanders n the days of '9 5.
Arrangements for the burial
were completed 'late in the dav af
ter the aiffealin the capital tt
Brigadier Gene"ru Frank R. Mc
Coy, fclose friend of the lati t:5v
ernor. general of the Philipptn.
and h!s staff offrcr for mora than
a decace. McCov took . parson-l
charge cf the arrangements at th
request of Mrs Wood.
' The 'burial section Is known as
the .-Romh Riders' plot having
been set aside by the war depart
ment; for members of the famous
regiment which1 Wood commanded
with the laie President Roosavalt
second in command. '
' The jreneral's body will arrive
here at 7i2i a.m front Boston
where he died early Sunday faorn
iugl --It will be accompanied hv
his widow and a military escort, of
six enlisted mit noder the com
mand of Captain Roger Wil hares.
- : At Union station It will b mis.
by a larger military escort eora- .
posed of units hastily mustered in
to a skeleton regiment from
posts i near 4 Washington. Wfci'.a
army' regulations call for an es
cort of a full regiment tor an c:
ficer of Wood's1 rank, the sudi an
neA of 'his, death found jless thua
fbe required number of. troop3 in