THE OREGON, STATESMAN. EAXEMw GHECON i f ? SATURDAY MGRNiN6MmtI;6L 192 k l' : v'' f 1 'Jw f " '. r : t I' 0"; It. V. t ii - if' . .. G.W: 469 State LOCAL t Mrs. fiarl: HL , Ahtletwm.' Mrr. Stanley "LaTnadii", and son 1 Earl Frederick V iire. spend in" several week a at the Ander son summer., rottage; ,They will return to Salem sojmetim.e : in September: ' mr-'- -r Fnmlture Upnolstered ' ' And repairing. Glese-Powers Furniture Co. f3tf Auto Supply Firm Change Walter Rydell, manager of the Salem office of the Western Auto supply company, has accepted the managership of an agency of this same company at Great Falls, Montana. Willis Clark, .former manager of the agency at Pendle ton, will succeed -Kydell. lie ar rived in Salem Thnrsoay, with his wife, and is preparing to take over the Salem branch at once. Dance Where it's cool. Hael every Saturday nignl. Green a6 Collision on Bridge When the car ahead of him stopped suddenly on the narrow passageway over the -Marion-Polk county bridge, Albert Ruge, Rt. 2, Box 6B Tvas . unable fO stop in time, and was forced- Into- a rear end collision. ' The -accident hap pened; at 11:30 a. m. yesterday.,'. Blue Moon Service; Station . 3 ml. south on highway. ra7 Striked street bus A Salem street bus yesterday morning was -struck "jr a car dri ven by Mrs. Peterson, of; Shaw, j who, according to, her Teport, did Gjnot notice Jntlme.Jtat the bus jl a Head orner waa.sipppHig, ,Ana ff failed to get her brakes on , in time to avoid a collision.- The ac cideat occurred on N. Commercial street. 'M " - ' ' "' '- ; 8 Oregon Puln M Paper Preferred. . Limited amount for ale. Hawkins ft Roberta. Phone 1427. . Jyitf Medern Bungalow s i 13800. 'Ready to : occupy at 2170 S. Church. Furnace. flreJ place, basement; garage'. Urge lot. $ 1 0 00 casju, palance; U ke rent. Becke &;;HenArlka,jJl$?;Jf. High St. . :. ..,' i.i,"a t - ,-.,. - '6 Car Strikes. Another on. State Ian Barthyte. 420T,Sf,.22nd street, reported yesterday that, he drove his car into a machine at State and High streets, with little damage done either car. He did not get the name or license num ber of the dther driver,; Hotel Marion- - " vc . Dollar dinners aerved (:4& to I Tery svening. , in2t Finea Levied on Parkers v . ; City Recorder Mark Pqulson assessed fines of SI each on. five overtime parkers yesterday, the Is This What You Want? , A beautiful home, . good loca tion, house six rooms, hard wood floors - furnace, fine fire place nptodate in every detail. This home was held at $7,500 until, a few; days , ago. We are. now authorized. to sell it for S 6,60 0 there is ; nothing better In Salem for L.. the money. If you. want a f- home you will like' this. ; ; A five-acre tract one mile from city liinlla, nearly all In fruit. 6 -room house, garage. srun- sing spring water.. Price re duced from $4,200 to $4,000. : Terms. .": A beautiful 10-acre tract on Pa-' eifie ; highway 3 miles ' from Salem, bearing orchard apples. Price V $3,000. ,- Terms..' ,'y- , ; Money to Loan Houses to Rent : U, SL Really Co. 442 SUUt. v TeL 2CC3 on & Go. Street -NEWS IN BRIEF five being F. Miller, of Dayton, and 'Henry Hill, Charles W. Gra ham; 'tloyd Groves, and R. H. Stewart, all of Salem. )-. ?' . ..s , ' ' 3 Second Hand Trucks for Sale , 1 heavy apd 1 light. Marion Auto Co-" , Speeder la Fined Arthur Ekin, Rt. 3 Box 220, appeared in police court yesterday to plead guilty to a charge of speeding, and paid a fine of f 5. Speeds in Truck Charging that he had been driv ing his truck at speed of between 40 and 45 miles and hour on the Pacific highway. State Traffic Of f'ced Watklnds yesterday arrested N". E. Edwards, 1849 State street, and brought him before Justice Small, lletwas fined $15 by the court. f Really I do not feel the- cost of my new Westinghouse E lectric Range for I purchased it at Gahlsdorfs Easy Pay Plan. a5 Cars Strike on State When Rose Battalion, 685 N. High street, started to turn from State street onto Winter street yesterday, about 12:45 p. m., she -stopped, her car so quickly that CL E.Pabst,. driving a car belong to 'Mr? 'George Lane, "1398 Ferry streeCr'.who was driving behind ber, didi not have time to stop. Theilha car skidded in the other car 'slightly,' damaging the tail Hght'afid tire-rack. Home Headq Mrters , -Triangle Realty, 41 Court. J27tf Passes Itxamination- Lav ilia Perry, XrRay tech nician.'for the Salem Clinic, has successfully 'passed an examina tion which registers her in 'the American Registry of Radiological Technicians. This registry is un der the anspicies of the Radiolo gical Society of North America and The American Roentgen Ray Society. Threshing Gets Under WayETAOI Dance Tonight at Schindler's Stage leaves terminal at 8:30. Independence PaJr To Wed ..Lefqy L. mxon and Luciie Anita Stearns were issued a mar- laze license in the office of the county cferk yesterday. Divorce Suit Filed-!. Ellen Williamson yesterday filed suit- in circuit : court for a tivorce aaain8t Frank William- ion, to wnom sne nas neen mar ried sinee March 29. 1924. Cruel ind -inhuman treatment were given Jia; grounds for. the action. Cutiodyjot, a mtnor..son. alimony sufficient for his care, and costs. are asked by the plaintiff. IJOO -down - Then $30 a month total pay ment takes plain 6. room cottage with: garage and furnace. See ra- -anl at 1098 N. 21st. Beeke &. tlendrlcks. 1 89 Nj High St. a6 Grand Jury . Fails To Report The Marlon connty : grand jury had not -sufficiently - completed their special business ; in time to report' before Circuit Judge Mc Mahan'a -court "; adjourned yester day. The; report Is, expected tnis mornings I:'? r' - The. Real Iceraont. Freexer . . . Just' the thing for quick frozen desscrrts. special $1.23 at Gahls dorfs, 325 Court 6L- v $ 4 New Homea , " $4350 to $12,000. Complete in all ways".' Reasonable terms if de-. sired.. Becke & Hendricks, .189 N. Car.- Blaze Extinguished . Insulation was burned from the wiring and other4 minor; damage was done when the car belonging to Sam Bnrkhart; deputy sheriff, caught f Irsi Urdmr short circuit Jobson's' Single or Double Breasted Suits VALUES UP TO $40 $01.00 in the wiring when it was stand ing at the-,east-entrance of -ahe county court -house: yesterday. -A Stalesman reporter -extingished the- flames, which .were-confined to the wiring and other apparatus about the dashboards, without the aid of chemicals.- Dance Tonight at Schindler's Stage leaves terminal at 8:30. Xewton Estate AppratoeI Estate of the late Isaac Newton Schurman was appraised at $1009.03 in the inventory filed in county court yesterday. Time was when a hdrse was a horse, and always had a value. However, one old horse belonging to the estate was given no value. Jones Ciibnon and Bancroft buying prunes for drying purpos es, or will do custom drying. See us at once for reservations or sales. Phone 2682 370fc State Street. . a 6 Blue Moon Service Station 3 mi. south on highway. a7 Report Five Fatalitlenr There were five fatalities due to industrial accidents in Oregon during the week ending August 4, according to a report prepared here yesterday .by the state indus trial accident commission. The victim were Stephen Sabo, Klam ath Falls, ..road worker; Pter Kleiber, Lakeview logger; George White Portland, carpenter; teo A. Bush, Bandon, carpenter; and Dave Bunch, Portland, brakeman. There wece.'s 69 accidents report ed to the commission during the month.' v : : ' . - OW Time Dance. At Mellow : Moon Aug. 6. Good old time musie by Dad Spear's orchestra a$ Visit Front YMCA Camp BOb BoaTdman, one 'of the di rectors of the YMpA boy's camp at Elk Lake, arrived in Salem yes terday afternoon, after leaving camp at 6 o'clock yesterdajr mor ning. After getting a few sup plies for the camp he leaves again this morning? He reports that all the boys are' ro"good 'health, and having the "est of times, 'with none of Salem's excessive heat to bother them. - " ' ; i. For Rent '-"' Large flat, close' in, garage, fur nace, etc.- -j ' large rooms and sleeping porch at 760 Marion St. Close to business, schools aad stat, house. Two family flat. One vacant at $37.50., Becke & Hendricks 189 N., High St. a6 Truck Struck, by Aut G. E. Smith, 980 Highland Ave., reported last night that as he turned his truck into the drive way of the old peoples' home at 16th and Center, it was struck by a car driven by Rose Stroud. 1403 N. 17th street, at 2:30 yesterday afternoon. . ' Casey's Guaranteed 1 " RHEUMATISM REMEDY Money refunded if it does not - 7 : .nre your case : JTELSOX A HUNT, Druggists Cor. Court and Liberty ; Tel. 7 HEBISTITCHING 1 . S and 10 cents per yard. Also buttons, stamping and pleating ANNA II. KRUEGER " Over Miller's Telephone 117 Radiant Ore Reviatorw Purifies , water, cleanses the JL lood and glrss 1 J ry health. , . : . 1 J. I ELLI3 DlstrCbwtosi ' O 129$ B. Ckurel ,Tt4tUH - muu. BAYS WE HAVE A 1926 FORD CXIUPE WITH NEW PAINT, 85 NEW RUBBER. DEL CO IGNITION, GAS GAUGE AND SEVERAL OTHER EX TRAS FOR 393.00. "The House That Service Built Escapes from Institution Sigmon Du back age 15, Inmate of the feebleminded institution, made his escape sometime yester day ' afternoon, officials reported early last evening. He was of light complexion and wore working clothes Negro Youth Picked up i . ronce last night picked up a 20. year old negro youth giving bis name 'as Martin Luther Davis, and his home as Vancouver, B. C. He was held overnight "in the city Jail." . - Accident on High Street Minnie Moore, of Gervais, re ported that while backing into me sireei rrom a private ante way her car struck a machine be longing to Anton Flskens, Rt. 6. on High streerat 5r45 p. m. yesterday. - . (lIi.Hion at High and Court 'A report filed, at the police sta tion last night said that cars driv en by Martha Wilcox, 840 N. Summer street, and N. Roberts, had collided at the High and Court street Intersection at 5:15 p. m. yesterday. LOCAL MARINES SAIL Herts and Hoogerhyde Mny S-nt to Tientsin He SAN DIEGO, CALIF. AUG .". Some of the Interesting events now occurring In China are likely to be witnessed by Ralph J. Hertz and Floyd C. Hogerhyde, of Sal em, Ore., who were amoug the latest men to leave this western base for service with the expedi tionary force of 1". S. Marines at Shanghai. They were with a detachment of marines who embarked on the' S. S President Tart, with Shanghai as jthelr destination Due to the rapid shifting of troops, "however. St local marines may," eventually go to Tientsin o'r some other point lit China, where. 'the marines arej guarding American lives wid -Ib lorests - -: - 'Three or fohr tfiouXand' If. ,!S. Marines have been ordered to Chi--na.glnce iat February', ahd from time to time small detachments are likely to be ordered' theVe. re maining. for -an indefinite perlod-i Ralph is a son of Philip Herts; 2230 S. Cottage SU an.l-Floyd is. son of Corneilus Ho6gerhyde;4 9 Turner St. . The local boys iolufed tile Marine Corps to gether -4i4 Salem, Tast May. Prior to going. abroad they were stat ioned San Diego where they received in struction In the drills, cuctorn duties of marines. : :If a tall man wearing horn rimmed glasses, walked, into a targe, department.. store on April Fool's Day. to. hux a dosen lace curtains primmed.'. with pink and bjue ribbons and said that he Wanted .them delivered that very day. or he would not,' take them, what' would ' the ; girl behind the CQunter call him?' ' bite." 1 - 'A customer." If the Russians- really are bet ter of f than other peoples what. do they .iay mad i about?- Birr mingham News., v . ." ; Makes You - FeelFSH, : A pleasant and agree-" able' effervescent saline . laxative. , , ' . . LIVER SALTS t t Its action Is gentle; , ' It Is an aid In cleansing; '; the Mntestfnar tract - i , without nausea: f - . ' ' r. '.For Then mat i s m, stomacb, liven and In - testlnal dlsoraers. v ? .... : 25c; 50c, 51:06 ; --Perry's' Drni Store IIS a. Commercial . w- That Oregon stilV holds .the dis tinction of being the safest state In which fo be born is proven by the 192$ summary report of the U. S. Public Health srevice, received at the office of the-Oregon Tuber culosis Association in Portland. This report shows that Oregon saves 948 babies out of each 1000 living births. This is a higher ra tio than is attained by any other state in the birth registration area. Thfr- nearest competitor is ;Wash ington, where; 944 out of -each 1000; are saved.' Minnesota comes third witha ratio of 933 per 1000. The "poorest r showing is made by'ArIxona where only .880 babies are saved through the first year of ite. . . ' - -Portland has the highest ratio ofbaby Baring of all cities over 100,000'. This city saves 961 ba bies of each 1000 born alive. This is ah improvement of 7 lives per 1000 over the year 1925. Eleven small cities of the United States had rates! more favorable than Portland's rate. The highest rate of saving was Shown tjy Benton Harbor, Michi gan where 973 out of each 1000 names survived the first year. Qf tne other ten small cities with fa vorable raes, four were In Califor nia, oni in Washington; and one in Oregon. The last mentioned Sa lem; where the Marion "County Child Health demonstration's in progress. - VV jf cbRVALLIS MAN NAMED BANKING HEAD OF STATE (CoDtiooed from pace 1.) 37 years ago and came to-Oregon with his parents when he, was 4 years old. For a time the family liveid- near Albany, then came to Salem ; The banking board also announced yesterday that headquarters of the state banking, department which have been in Portland for the past three years would be transferred to Salem. An amend ment to the law was passed at the last legislature authorizing remov al of the offices to Portland. Mr. Bramwell. retiring super intendent of banks, haj not yet given any intimation with rela tion to his future plans. WILL M0V TO SALEM Mr. Ray DeAutremout to Make Home Here Xear Husband EUGENE. Aug.. AP ) Mrs. Hay Pe AutremonMwife-of one of one of the cohfeae;4 "Siskiyou ban dits and muraefert&is planning ts nove to Salem.ioraake, her.honw near the -state nitiehtiatvhere her husband and hii.two J)r others are serving life sentences. . Mrs. DeAutremont arrived- here recent ly from Ohid where1 her husband -and his twin ,brotnerT Roy, . was tound arter a world-wide search: Mrs. Belle jbeAufremont. moth er 6t the boys, Is planning to seU: her holdings in NewrMexlco in or? der that she might move Xo Salem to; be near, her sons. " Ray's wife has been asked to make her home with her mother-in-law. PLUMBING Qolck Reliabla -Service -H. EG NEK, 1615' Center Street Phones &52 and 1810-W ' Fine Fixtures ' Standard 'Equipment ' , , : - SEE OUR ' V Peiiiiiial Gardens 2 On iM Wallace' Road ' C, jF BREITHAUFT : Telephone 1$0 tslX ptate 8L MEN'S - AJTD 'EiADnCS i STJXTS ; CLEANED AND. PRESSED : : Ladles BDk Dresse, f IJSS , j Coata Relinedf..93.00 . . Men'a Snita Preaaed SO cents VARLET CLEANERS . . i .Orer Buitcki 4.? t : i -i T : 1027 FREE WALLPAPER r : SAMPLE .BOOKS -. r . A-'-? CalL phone or writ r; 11AXO. BUIIE1, k i 179 Commercial,- Salem Starts i Bllgh'K ' Tomorrow -' Capitol SSI:; f. JIMMY JAMS I SHOCKS' 1V4E FLAVOR'S . "1 6ohE out: OTMtS- CAMtrrH 1 WISH I HADN'T LET rrHo&e SEVEMTEEK FEL.CERS LICK IT- r- EDITORS NAME HAU.H0SS Governor Secretary' Choaen Del egate to National Meet , V- . . ROSEBURG, Aug. 5, (AP) The opening session of fhe Oregon State Editors twentieth annual convention here today was featur ed by an address by Luke S. May, iioted Seattle criminologist. Another interesting address was given by Robert W. Sawyer, of Pend, who spoke on "The Editor's Five Foot Shelf." giving a list of the booksthat- should appear in the edditorial library. . . At 9 o'clock this morning the c-fitors went to the Rosebtrg avia tion field where a few ntnutes later, tye'!ifSv4jr fansport plane Jorcup'ied bfix)tfs Meyers of the.Pop3and Telegram, Ray t.'onway ofYhe Oregon Motorist, George A. Pritchard of, the Ore Cpnian and Ray Norr of the Port land Journal, made a landing.' The business session opened at 10 o'clock with an address of wel come by Mayor Houck. The editors were asked to select a rep resentative to the national as-t &ociatlon and Hal E. Hoss was chosen. , OBITUARY " IARSOX Mrs. Marianne Larson died at the home of her daughter 11 o lloyt street, August 5, aged.?.", years. She was the mother of Mrs. Martin Jensen, Salem, and Olfred Otterson, Portland. Fun eral announcements later by Rig don and Son. YOUXG Funeral services for the late Lucille Young will he held Satur day, August 6, at.2.p. m., from the Rigdon and Son Mortuary. Interment In City View cemetery. TERWILLIGERS Perfect Funeral Service . t . ? . j Fpr Less , -Licensed Ldy Mortician .770 Chemeketa Street - .11 Teleptone 724 Sympathy with, tact-and understanding are; included- in the distin guisfied'.reverent service we offef, combined with restful surroundings.': '. WEBhte Funeral ijarlors Telephone 120 ; fFOR INFORMATION . " ABOUT. LOCAL OR, EASTERN . RAILROAD TRIPS lPHOIf.BnT27q ,(. .,R., OregqirHectripBy. j( WlllametUi'yalley Line ,m k . OWNER GOING AWAY Most sell choice close in Ten Acres River Bottom Land Want an Offer ; ;F.. L.-WOOD . 841 SUte Street ! ELECTRIC MOTORS Rewound and Repaired, New or Used Motors - VTBBERT -& TODD Thtajrs Electrical -ltl Sonta High TeL 111! YICKSOHERBCO. Onr life's ( work nas been spent in studying f V A Yl av 1a J i ot Chinese herbs and ; now dally we relieve those suffering from , . . ' ' stomach, liver and kid JtY ney ; trouble, rheuma tlsm tnd gall stones,' - also disorders-ot men, women "and children, : Free Consnltatlon Call or TTrlte '' : Opem 9 JL liUt 8 P. U. 420Etate SC, Ealem, Oresom ; T VISITORS RERQRTED !T I - -If SALEM - . I - Mr. and Mrs. H. C-jLc Van Me ter, and son, of Eugene, were guests at- the $farion hotel last n'sht. : 'y-itrry: - - Among the Portland RnesU In; Salem last night were - Mr. , and Mrs. Thomas E. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Winkler, and MrsC B. Hnenergard, at the New : Salem; Mr, and Mrs. H. Mayo and Mri. L. King, at the Terminal, and Mr. and Mrs. tL M.' Brown, at the Marion;."' ":- ?. , -.4 Ga.trfrom. Seattle at the Marion last night, included Mr. and-Mrs... P. A. Tucker and child. and Mrs. O. K.Stone. A party from Pasadena. Cal.. at the Marion hotel last night in cluded Mr; and. Mrs Sarrol S. Nelson and Mrs. J. Black. Jr. Mr. and Mrsv C. T.iKmbry and Mrs. II. H. Brat ton and family ere r.iWi o ti Ufta bviii las -"nlshr. r ei I.ewton. lf:t- San Francisco guests at- the Marlon hotel last night included Mr. and Mrs. j. F. Dixon, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Tuckett. .Among the out of town guests at the Marlon hotel last night were Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Searer, tZ San Diego. Cal.; -Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Emery, of Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Mowbray, of San Bernardino Cal. ; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brewster, of New York City, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Strou ghe. of Burlingame, Cal. - J. P. Ducket t and Ed Spoot from Sisters, were .guests at the New Salem hotel last night:' Visitor from the cost "in , Sal em last, night, at the New Salem were Mr. and Mrs. R. .Jones, of Hebo, and' Bessie McConoclile, of Marshfield. A party of Oakland. Cal peo ple, registering at the New Salem hotel last night included Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Jackson , O. Brunk horst. Adah Brunkhorst. J. M. Laisure and E. Wainever. Mr. ahd Mrs. Ed Skinner, of Footwear " FOR BOYS FOR GIRLS John J. Rottle 415 State St. LADD & BUSH, Bankers EstabliMied 1888 - i General Banking Business Office -Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. READY COOKED FOOD FOR V i HOT We have a complete stdck of ready cooked foods at all ' times. - Ask about them," . - ; - PEERLESS BAKERY 170 N. Commercial v V-i. . ;. Ixtnff and Short Public and Private Storage : r v Fireproof GRAIN, FEED Free Delivery to X-iY Quotations on re w ramie ; PAUTy TBAGtIO, Prop. '. " Day Telephone 28 Enrraett. ida" wereglests at the" New Salem "hAtel last niiht;. Among the California guests at the New. Salem hotel last ' night were Mr. and.Mrs. IL W,: jChappel and W. E. Coolbaugh' and family, of Loa Angeles, and Mr. and 1m. C. D. Simpson; and son, of Fres-: no, Cal. -f - . vf 1 ' Ed r Roth well, of Valsetsi regis tered at the Terminal hotel - last night.' f- - A visitor from Flimath Falls, in Salem last niarht was Joseph Junan' registered at the Tefmin- - - . : ' . Dr. C.-H. Newton,' .'of Yuma. Ariz, was among the-out of town visitors at the Terminal last nlglit. New Car Owner (on Tirst tour) , Pshaw, I ; forgot to wateh that speedometer. Now we'teot to go back ten miles. ', ...... lib Wife Why? Car Owner Well, that car salesman told me to change the oil every 560 miles without fail and we've! gone 610,--The Pathfinder. Buy Statesman Want ; Ads , CASCADLV-MIXKRAL SPRIXCiS In the heart of the Cascade Mountains, ; 30 miles- east of " Leb-" anon on the new Santiam Highway Beautiful camping grounds, hotel, store, cabins, fishing and swim ming.""" ; '' . " ' ; . Farmers' Day AUCTION .Today, 1:30 f M...,,, --F. N. WOODRY'S -rt ii Auction Market f x. . . 1610. N. Summer St. 1 Trailer; Windmill, 3 -110-tary"4 Pumps, Horse cbllars, Lines and parts, of Harness, Wheel Barrow, : small tools ' of all kinds,' Sacks, Potato Plow, 3 Bird Pups, All leather Rocker; Bed Spring, and Mattresses. Sanitary Couch. Linoleum. Rook Case and Writing Derfk. Lounge, Linoleum Rugs. Fruit Jars, High Chair, Range, Took Stove and many other Mis cellaneous Articles. Terms Cash. -. I pay cash for nsed furniture ; Phone 511 Peerless Bread baked the PEERLESS WAY i MAKES FRIENDS WHEREVER IT IS KNOWN DAYS . . . STORAGE Distance Haolins Building AND SEED any part of the city , Applicatiori tO, Prop. " : .. W Night Telephone 12C7-W !. - Ml' V"i tr - -. h. : J "Vi .: