The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 05, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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William Clan Meets i v -I
Dallas Park. will be. the scene of
he CoL Gilliam Clah meeting jthis
year, when members! of ,thrclan
father thee nert Sofiday tortKeit
ionnal picnic H JuflKClPeteHli;
fi'Arcy. orSalera will deiiTerran
ddress on VCbl. Gilliam, .Ore
:on Pioneer of Norman Ancestry.'
)r. II. CEpIer,- pr alejn,, win be
n charge of tHe mosic": A"htrmber
f prominent local families are de-
cended from : Cot Gilliam.1, and
thers are located In If oik county
nd in Portland. Orer a hundred
embers of the family are expect
ed to be present. ;. " .
fl.oo Each t:j; ,;V"f v
Many to select from, speaking
f hats at the Bargain Emporium.
4S N. HIrh St ! r-- 4;;-. ?--R
J I Jones Gibson and Bancroft arc
"fjThuying prunes for' drying purpose
" ; rtr wilt Ia mtnm rinrln Coo
us at once, tor reservations or
sales. Phone 2682 370 State
Street, it" a6
afew Manager rrirca '-..
Walter Rydell. . who has been
manager of the Western Auto Sup
ply company -' here ?Tor -.' sereral
years. Is tearing this . . week for
Great Falls, Montana. . Willis
Clark, who has been appointed his
successor, has already.' arrived ' In
Salem Mr. Clark has been man
ager of fbe company's store at
Great Falls. Montana; for the last
three rear. .
The Keailcemont "Friezer-H-i:
Just the thing. for. quick .frozen
desserts,: special $1.23 at Gahls-
tiorrs, 3Z5 court St, t w, 'J as
For Rent -
Large flat, close-in, garage, fur
nace, etc. ': & large rooms and
Bleeping porch at 769-Marion St.
Close to business, schools and
state house. - Two . family flat.
t One Tacant at 337.50. Becke &
Hendricks. 189 N. High St. aS
Fishes Without Licen
M. A. Picks was yesterday as
sessed a. fine of 325 and costs in
justice court after pleading guilty
to a charge of fishing without a li
cense. Game wardens found him
fishing in v Mission Slough
25 Per Cent Off ' -'---On
all Stoll Auto Tents. Ray L.
Farmer Hdwe Co. aS
If Ton Would Appear Dainty
During ;thla midsummer wea
ther, wear; a dainty new hat: All
summer hats now Jn stock re of
the highest quality, formerly
priced from $10.00 to $18.50. We
hare placed the entire line on-sale
at $5.00 each,-including the fam
ous Meadowbrook. .This" Is an
opportunity no one ' should over
look, as these .hats are far be Jo w
cost of production. , The French
Shop, 115 N. Hih JSt.-k
X3ICA CoUege Man to Visit -
J. H. McCurdy, who ' is at the
KJnead of the physical education de
rVpartment of the Springfield YMCA
aV, college in Massachusetts, is ex
pected to stop ; in " Salem on Au
gust 13 for a visit with friends
here in the local - YMCA staff.
Plans are being laid for a picnic in
Hagar's grove t on : that date for
friends of. the "Y- .Professor Mc
Curdy has been teaching in the
summer school in ; Berkeley, and
will go on. from here to Seabeck,
Waah. to attend the YMCA em
ployed officers conference.
Really! k do not feel the- ' P
cost off my new'Westinghouse E?
lectrtciRange for I purclised, itl
at Gabj:
).. . n -nil r 4
juuus x.4ay raj rutut
White House Restaurant
Open! for business today.
Service Station For Sale ....-
Nearly acre 'ground included,
good location on highway. $500.
Will handle. Becke & Hendricks
189 N. High. : -a5
Health Officer Vacations
Dr. .Vernon A. Dour las. denntr
TAA county health officer, nd memxer
,2 w iu Bum ot tne. Marion county
V Vnnlf I. . . .. . .. -. ...
cu uemou8traiion,, . jert (tnis
spend part of his vacation, pro
ceeding from there to the Tilla-
Is This What You Want?:
A . beautiful home.' good , loca
tion, house six rooms, hard
wood floors, furnace, ".fine
.fire place uptodate In every
detail. This home was held
at $7,600 until a few days
ago.' We-are now authorized
to sell it for $6,500. Ther is
nothing better in Salem for
the money. . If you want a
home you will like this, v
A five-acre tract one mile from
city limits, nearly all In fruit,
5-room house, garage, running
; spring water. , Price reduced
'from ; - $4,200 - to y $4,000.
"Terms. ' "-'
A beautiful 10-acre tract on Pa
cific highway $Vb miles
from Salem, bearing orchard
'apples. Price ' $3,000.
.. : Terms. ' "
j - Money to Loan - .
: il . Houses to Rent .
-'' U&iRedly Co.
mook beaches. He is expected tai
return to his office about August
Hotel Marlon rt i f
Pollar dinners nrred 5:41
to t
eTery eyenlng.ti
- i.
Visitors Welcome ; 1 -(
Inspect the new improved kit
chen of the White House Restaur
ant.: -, Cv-, . ' r ,; as
Backs Car Into MoTing Vehicle-
Clark Johnson, 1345 N. Liberty
street, backed his car from the
curb Wednesday, and failed to" no
tice the approach of a car driven
by Ralph K. Lee, of Portland. The
uev car was strucg on the fender.
Jackson ' says 1 Lee was ' drlvins:
close to the 'line of parked cars,
and- he did not seehlm until too
late. , : r :
Triangle 5 Realty. '42 Court.
glOO down I
Then . $30 a month total pay-!
ment takes plain 5 room cottage!
with garage and furnace. See ra-
Jant at 1008. N. 21st. Becke ! &
Hendricks. 180 N. High St. a6 I
Ifolland Firm Offers Bulbs
Superintendent of City Parks I
Ernest Rufer yesterday received a
catalog from Heemstede, Holland, 1
put out by J. H. Ran, who raises i
flower bulbs for export. Rufer Is!
himself a Hollander,1 and has the
Hollander's love for the bulbil'" Estate Appraised
plants-and' landscaping. I
Old Time Dance I
,r At; fellow Moon Aug. 6. Good I
old time music by Dad Spear's I
orchestra. 'a6day. The real property was or
An Event of Importance
Black satin coat saie. We have
a few numbers to close at cost.
Some are trimmed in luxurious
fox furs. Now $12.75 to $39.75.
The Frencb SJioo, 115 Nr "High
St. . A a5
Slaee Parks Too Lonar I
The : Tri-State Stages company 1
of Portland yesterday paid a fine j
of $1 tn police court on-a charge
of overtime-parking. ' 1
Oregon Human Society - - ...
Wants ome for two dogs; brin-1
die and White brll and brown and j
white bird dog. -Call 1510, Dr I
Morehouse. . .'-s- i ;H' aSIfor September 2
flew Homes - . 1 iu,, onipieie in I
all ways." Reasonable terms If de-
sired. Becke & Hehdricks, 188 N.
HIgn bt. - v as I
Says Steering Gear Stuck
Clarence Tbwnsend ,4545 D
street, reporiea to pojice yesxeraay
mai me steering gear oi nis car
stuck and farced him to run into
the side of a car operated by E. A.
Ellis, breaking the running board
of the Ellis car. The accident hap-
pened near, the Capital City.Iie
company, at 6:30 p, m., August 2.
State Hospital Inmate Goes-
Joseph J. Sherlock, age 28, in
mate of the state hospital, walked
away from the institution about
noon yesterday, officials reported
last night. He is described' as 5
feet, 7 inches in height, weighing
130 pounds, with gray eyes, black
hair, and wearing, a gray suit,
gray -cap. white shirt, and brown
hoes. Sherlock is a parole patient,
and is considered harmless. He
was committed to the hospital
from Multnomah county In Dec
ember, 1925. i
Our Semi Annual Clearance ."
Sal contlunes.i The French
ShoDMlS N. High St. ' ! aS
9 Second Hand Trucks for Sale
.1. heavy .and; I llght-r-Marion
Kx tradition Allowed
Governor Patterson Thursday
authorized the extradition of Mrs.
James LV Hill, alias Merna Peters,
who is wanted at Riverside; Calif.,
on a charge, of forgery. The wo
man is under, arrest in Portland.
- I
yc - -Mr
Preferred, lmitea amoum ior
ale. Hawkina Roberta. Pkone
tf . ,;-i , iystfilruui ocuiui auiis r to mi. Autei
Move to Canemah ? j :
. A. W. Fish, formerly operator of
a sandwich shop on N. High street.
has moved to Canemah. near Ore
gun City, and has opened a grocery
and sandwich shop there. :
Flowers Given for YMCA Lobby
?- Flowers h f or a the YMCA lobby
were brought this week by a num
ber of the ; patrons of the women's
swimming class. Including Mrs. P.
E. Patrick. Mrs. Pearl Shipley,
Mellow Moon, Saturday,
Dad Spears' ord time orchestra
. 6 pieces .
Adm. Gents' 50c,' Ladies' 25c
Miss Betty Shipley, MrC Ray Ln-
cas, and Mrs. Lester Sehlosbera.
A. number of tasteful bouquets in
various, parts of the lobby are
greatly appreciated by members of
the Y. 7 '
Medern Bungalow. f
$3800. . Ready to occupy at
2170 S. Church. Furnace.'; fire
place basement; garage, large lot.
$1000 cash, f balance like rent.
Becke ft Befldricks, 18 Rt High
St. . . r---f a6
Where ' It's : cool, i Hael
eTer Satuy ignu
Leaves for Coos Bay '
Louis .Anderson. ' athletic coach
of -Salem high school, will leave
for Coos Bay tomorrow,' accom
panied by Donald. Speer, of . Stay-
ton, where the' two will spend sev-
SI.OO Each -
Many to' select from, speakins
of hats at the Bargain Emporium
15 N. High St. .. a5
Picnic Postponed
Owing to -the oiling of the road
beyond Hebama the annual pic-
-l.nic of El Karat grotto, which was
to have been held Sunday August
7 tn at MIU City, has- been post-
Poned. As -soon as arrangements
Ior anomer aaw can De compiet-
e notices will be sent out
Estate of. the late JoHn Andrew
Rencn was - appraised, at $2803.
$2500 of which was represented
by re,al property, according to pa-
pers filed in county court yester
dered set aside for the use of the
widow and administratrix, Kate V.
Furniture Upholstered
And repairing. Giese-Powers
rnrniture Co, - f3tf
English Hearing Set
September 2 was set as date of
final hearing in the estate of Wil
liam H.: English, deceased, who
left an estate valued at $14.-
640.98, in an order by Judge
Hunt in probate court yesterday.
The; majority of the estate went
to the widow, Elizabeth English,
now deceased, and hearing in the
matter of. (he estate was' also set
1,;. m Unmuii a wi
Four marHaee licenses were is
BUed in the office of the county
,.ru vpfrrfav th larrmt dir1!
business so far for Anzust. which
Ik. aflnr alt nnl fiva dan nH A tv.
nlicants were Daniel It. Slewert.
Kansas- Citv. Mo., and Alice E.
WpndUd- n-ift K salm? Har
1fiV 0 Th1onrf nH RA,,i.h T
t,.,. kk ci-, man.t.
aftern0on at the Unitarian
cllurch. Anlone Engelhart and
v4te and William Lawrence Daly,
Mn ' uth . AnA MiidrAd k str-
rctt, Route 7r Salem.
Wife Cruel, Charged
After M. V. Davis married E. L.
Davis on November 18. 1925, she
became cruel and inhuman in her
treatment of him, called him foul
ly .vile names,-accused him of im
proper conduct on certain oecas
sions, was jealous of his solicitude
for her two daughters by a former
marriage, and on three occassion
struck him with her. fists,, the
husband" testified. Judge Mc-
Mahan-granted the husband, E. L.
Davis, a divorce In circuit court
yesterday; "-
SU j-ton Men .yisit
W A. Wddle, Stayton under
taker, and C. a E.. Taylor, also of
Stayton, 'were business visitors in
J Salem yesterday.
Makes Inspection Trip t
Coupty. Commissioner James E,
Smith 'spe'nt the. day in the north
end of .the county yesterday in
specting -various country road and
bridge projects, and attending to
personal interests.
I Vny1 nitiA
w. E. . Jems. Portland. was
. ,A. Jl4w - .
"V" ..L
Dy a car anven- oy k. jranaaii
of Scotts Mills, . August 2, Jems
: Casey's Guaranteed -
Money refunded if It does not
I;---": ri cure your ease .
NELSON A HUNT, Druggists
Cor. Court and Liberty Tel. 7
6, 8 and 10 cents per yafd. Also
buttons,' stamping and pleating.
Over Mlllefs Telephone 117
Radium Ore
Purifies water,
. cleanses the
. - t health.
-i J. L. ELLX3
. ' Distrihtrtosi
22SS 8. Chcrck
BAYS ..'
La Lx !
TRAS FOR $395.00.'
The House That Service BnOt'
reported. Damage to each ma
chine was set at $40.
Judge d Hunt on Vaeatio
" County Judge and 'Mrs.' J
Hunt will leave Saturday to spend plate gla83 windoW8 on eacn gidef
the-next two weeks at Netarts,and panels of wrouht iron work
Neskowin, and oaer beacn points, i
ne sam yesieraay. uonae a
sence County Commissioner JamesIdominanteljr:Gt weatiiered oak fin.
K-smKH wm De avauaoje ior lae
most pressing of the business of
the county court. ,
Oregon Humane. Society I
Wants home for two dogs; I
brindle and white bull and brown I
and? white bird ;,dog. Call 1510, 1
Dr. Morehouse,, - a&
Am;, nrti. Msits-at the
-i...'fht Mr. and
ma?..-, ttr Y t)lAtf TLf a i A XT ra
u. I
R M. Vermllya. .and Juanita
Wells. .
A-party from San 'Mateo regis
tered at the Marion last night
which Included the following:
Mrs. O. H. Reichardt, Gertrude E.
Reichardt. and Otto H. Reichardt,
Jr. ' -
Mrs. C. L. La Grave, Irena and
Ruth La Grave, and Jerry Knott
tered at the Marion last night
from Seattle
Guests at the Marion last night
from Seattle included MrV and
Raron. Mrs. R. H. Wilson and
Mra. M. J. Bacon, William A.
daughter. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Sim-
cos and son, and . Castor Andres.
Amone the out of town guests!
ti the Marion hotel last night were
Mr-, and Mrs.' F. A. Hamon and declared Mr. George. Everything
Mr. and Mrs.. F.' M. Hill, of Fresno: has been done to make the White
Mr. and.' Mrs. H. Ackerman, Miss House the most up-to-date estab
Mabel Packard, and Mr.. and Mrs. llshment cit -its . kind in the city.
W.'Cll Elliott, of Pasadea-Cai;d
Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Zeagler, of restaurant . the kitchen was corn
Denver; Mr. and Mrs. M.'E. Mat- pletely reriiodeled, so that the es
son. of Ogden, Utah; Mr. and abnshjneni today represents en-
Mrs. E. D. Walton, Evdrett.
Wash.; Ada Cottingham, of OklaT
homa City, , Okla.; Mr. and Mrs.
W. It: Henry, of Elgin, Neb.; Mr.
and Mrs. J. Gray, of Lang Beach,
Cal.j Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Tibbetts,
of San Francisco.
; Mrs.. Hector McoDnald and Mrs.
C. A. Hunter were guests
night at the New Salem from
Wallowa. :,
Mrs. E. Cook, ot Philomath,
was a guest at tne xew saiem
hptel last night.
Among the Portland guests at
the New Salem last night were
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Dodson.
v Joe D. Thomison, publisher of
the Hood River Glacier, was a
visitor in Salem last night, with
Ms daughter, from the apple city
cn the Columbia.
E. L. Kollenbom and C. H. Far
ris. wf Eugene, were registered
at the Marion-hotel last night.
Vislting in Salem last night,
from Medford. was J. C. Wilson,
who' was registered at the Marion
Among the. out of town guests
tegis tered at the New Salem hotel
last night were DrV and Mrs. A. II.
Gande, of Mare IstandiCaU:W. C.
Buhre and family, of Tacoma; Mr.
and Mrs. S. Steineman, of Seattle:
Mr. and Mrs. S. Rose, of Los An-
geles, "and Mr, and Mrs, G. F.
Dorrian, of Jockson, Ca.
Makes You
Feel Fit!
- A pleasant and agree
able effervescent saline ,
laxative. : "'-i
'' Its action is gentle; -It
Is an aid In cleansing '
the .' Intestinal trad
without nausea. .
' For rheu mutism.
stomach; liver, and in-
testinal disorders. .
25c, 50c, 51.00
' Perry's t)rug Store
Famous Old Restaurant Be-
comes Salem's Most Up
5 Jo Date Eating Place '
" At six o'clock this morning the
doors of. the White House rest
aurant will once more, swing open
to the public.' and the famous
old restaurant, owneU. and'; man
aged by W. i P. George and son;
will once more begin its , night
and day service after having been
closed , for exactly a month, and
having been .' completely remodel-
' That the doors will once more
swing is hardly literally true, for
the old doors are gone. In their
place is a single entrance, border
ed by art-metal pillars opening
Into a small foyer, with large
..m. th rui-nl.hfne- ta nr.
To tne ,eft j the fountain,
witB i6 upholstered seats, and
atretchin tn th rr of the honse
Is tne lunch counter, making ' a
counter space 80 feet in length.
An oak ' partition divides the
counter from the right side,' where
16 booths, made of the same wea
thered oak, and lighted with indi
vidual lights with tinted parch
ment shades, will provide tor
small parties.
At the rear, . a winding stair
case leads to -the balcony,, which
" ea ior a capacity oi tz. per
sns. ana win-Deusea,ior ..regular
(dinner service., as well as for
... , - ,
special mncneons ana amners
An orthoDhonlc Vlctrola will
provide music during' meal times.
Above ' the oak"" wainscoting.
which reaches to the height of the
balcony, the walls are finished
with a light brown stucco, and the'
ceiling is attractively decorated
- The floor is laid - throughout
W ith an attractive embossed tile
unoieum. wuu a nesiKa to nar-
monize witi the fittings
The lighting of the mam floor
Is taken care of by six large hang
ing lights, I supplemented by the
parchment S shaded lamps in the,
booths. 1
The equipment for the service
of the public, both at the fount
ain and in the dining and catering
I department, are second to none,
Shortly before the closing tt the
I tlrely newu equipment throughout
A full staff has been secured
to handle the rush of-nhe first
day, as old patrons come back
and new ones drop in to look the
establishment over. Many other
business concerns of the city have
seht: flowers in compliment to the
I opening of the White House.
The White House, today the
finest and most modern of its
kind in the city, bears the repu
tation of ! being the ' ohly restau
rant, which has i operated contin-'
ually since 1896 in the .city. Many
others have come and gone, but
the White : House', 'scene; of many
a political meeting in; the old
days, and caterer to the wants of
I many famdus people, still is here
I under the management of the
Ce rUd of These) UgfrSpota
Safely and Surely and Hare a
Deautihil CompleaioaWUh
Quick Reliable Service
H. EGNER, 1615 Center Street
Phones 853 and lSlO-W -
- ... Fine Fixtures
Standard Equipment' ' :
V . , , SEE. OUn , , ,
. Perennial Gardens
fOn the WaUace Road ' '
Telephone 880 til State fit,'
( Ladles Sflk Dresses, fl-29 )
';' Goats Relined, S3K .
Men's Suite' Pressed, CO cents
; ; : 1 Over Busicks .
CatL phoas.r write
179 N, Commercial Salem
I have fry WMwy
same man who helped to open it
in 1896. "'. , ,
In all those years it hag remain
ed open day and night, with never
more than 0 minutes, of closing
at any one .time, and those times
were rare, once during the funeral
of President McKintey; and once
on Armistice day. - -
The work of refinishing the es
tablishment, costing over. $1 2,000,
was done by the Western Fixture
Showcase company,; of; Portland.
Electrical work was done by Halik
and Eof f, Salem electricians.
. The complete. , ventilating sys
temwhich is the most perfect in
Salem.' builders declare, , was in-
stalled by . Barr, - Salem plumber
and tinsmith contractor. It will
change the . air In the building
every 3 minutes, it is said.
Pratt and Kasmussen, Salem
plumbers. Installed the plumbing
system used in the new- equip
ment of the restaurant;''-
FALLS CITY, Aug. 4. (AP)
At the close of the evening ser
vices at the Epworth League in
stitute here tonight, Harley O.
Trueblood and Miss. Beulah Fan
ning, both of Salem, were united
in marriage. Rev; Thomas Ache
son of the' Jason Lee M. E. church
performing the ceremony. The
marriage came as a complete sur
prise to the friends of the young
couple, although their engagement
had been announced sometime pre
The bride was attended by her
sister, the groom by Rev. LeRoy
Walker Mrs. Walker sang.
. The address of Rev. Blaine E
Kirkpatrick was 'the ' feature of
the evening service,, hia subject
having, to do with; the future of
the Epworth League. ;.V
The athletfc events of the insti
tute will close tomorrow with a
hike to Bridgeport "and a' swim
ming carnival. ' Salem is ' in the
lead. In a baseball game today.
the .Salem team defeated Port
land; but lost to the. faculty.
Dilllon Hill, aged 66, died here
yesterday. : He Is survived " by his
widow, and S children, all of Med
ford. Body; forwarded. by Webb's
Funeral parlors to Medford for
funeral services and 'interment,
in charge of Conger Tuneral home.
. Perfect Funeral Service
For Less V "
Licensed Lady Mortician
770 Cheineketn Street
. ' Telephone 724 .
rmrrtnl rTtala, mttUrt tU-
Must sell choice close In Ten
Acres River Bottom Land
. Want an Offer
, !. v F. L. WOOD'
. 841 State Street '
Rewound and Repaired, New or
Used Motors -"
" .. Things Electrical
191 South High . , - Tel. SUS
. .;; H. LEONG, Mgr.
' l ' ' Our ' life's 'work ' has
f " been spent: fn studying
the healing properties
JTTv ,of Chinese herbs and
now .daily we relieve
- r" those-y. suffering from
'""- ,nni.ih lln mil klf-
aey - trouble, ' rheuma
tism and ' gall stones,
also disorders of men,
women and children.
Free Consultation Call or Write
') Etste rJ ft'eru 0re9
- - - - v ft i -:
Tall : Office ,Bnjding Sway to
- Half Iklinuto Tremblor T
; LOS ANG ELES, i Au g 4. ( At )
The Los Angeles area of southr
ern California got a 10.,4to ,45
beeonds shaking early today, as
a reminder thatlt still was with
in the area of possible seismic
convulsiqnsir but waited in-, vain
during theVday f or;ahother of ,the
' . . l . II
earinquaaes - waicu . usuanjr tumo
bunched, j. j" fc ' '
; The tremblor appearing In most
places as , two distinct - shocks,
rumbled 'itsway Trom ther moun
tains to. the sea up and flown we
coast for. more than fifty miles.
When" Glasses Arc r
k Needed -1
J ' New Location .
Dr. C. Bi O'Neill
.Fourth Floor .
First National Bank Building
Phons (21
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
General Banking Business
i 1
. ..-. .
' " "' Long and Short Distance Hauling . '
fc-s v Public and Private Storage " '
x - :A "-r ',; Fireproof BuUding . , , .... '
' Free Delivery to any. part of the city '
Quotations on Application v
, PAUL TRAGLIO, Prop . - v '..
. mm
(Doubled Safety)
- f r
- jv r .
- 14T'S.
from Ventura on the north to tha
Orango county, beaches n '. Jho i
south residents "were rolled about"
in bed, ' While- windows rattled
and furniture shifted, around,,
vv, Elimlriale Future ,.
- Wear Correct T Shoes
415 State St.
. v
f .rf- . '. v.
f ' -
; ' 7 ., : i ,.--.
I it -r '
"H.K i ;. f
Harley-davtdson Single
the famous "80 mile3
i per gallon' solo mount
is out to win new laurels for-; - -
lyZS. 1 he big feature of the
'1928 model is the Fore
WKeel ' BcaVc first time in
America!: Eleven other out'
" standing improvements place
this, sturdy, "1 per mile"
mount absolutely in a class
v by itself the world's
greatest motorcycle value.
See thc 'wmderful new im ' '
V provements. Let us give
you a demonstration. SpceUd A-t
i ; exhibition now on. Come in.
JBSS&SSJ'- Single
Oommercial g
1 1
r ,
;.rf '
in j
442 SUte SL
Tel. 2CC3
; 119 S. Commercial