The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 05, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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    jnu muum mmmmrEKLEm orkqon ;
nx vFRiDAy-3ioBiiNG, august, 5; i927..-;!?rrT'
fj . . , "W'MMl.nmu....,.!...,,,,,. g
1 - - y 1" ' '
or the Burnett ' Birthday
yi'drly. Anti everybody is iitk
vifeti to take 6rii t with': vuw-
cdmpliments and good 'wishes.
Tomorrowthe sale of a
hundred andone Qifts-r-of-fered
at prites int&iifedi ' fo
mdke . more friends ? rather
than to make money. Friday
Baiehelors' ' Daya "Surprise
Package for every man who
6ttA a Wedding or Engage
ment Ring$ and cakes of
course for everybody. ''
jl - Saturday. t :'
Babies Day at. the Birthday
Party A &olid Gotd Ring will '
be presented to ail the Babies
wiose mothers may bego'od
eriough, to Jbring to the store
A)L jnore cakes of course. r
I Monday
Augv3t-ElfizJkli:jhe price
V concessions- 'wiXV'-be in force
where lots remain and in ad
dition there will be a sale of
Silverware at Four Ninety
Five. ;i And every day everybody
'is invited to open an account
-and to join the goodlie com
ianv of business and vrof es-
sional men and women who.
have discovered that the Bur
nett Budget Plan is the easi
est, the" happiest and the most
economical way of securing
Gifts that Endure and. En
Dear!" f " Bring a Baby
j Saturday!
8 We shall have a hundred
olid Gold Rings to present
ith our compliments ana
ood wishes to all the babies
hose mothers bring them to
he store ori Saturday fojf
Raturdan is "Babies Datf at
Burnett 's Birthday Party h
- Bread Knife, Board 55c
Aa sketched a bread board and a
I knife the edges colored, the handle
j. to match. One to a buyer so f (J
"All may have a chance at set 99w
Conner Book Ends if
me was when such as these sold for
Fifteen hurtled Biidi C$!
2?. , J v, i nar nav a ureat rare in oirtnaav rartv uovm - xv - h .-r 4 v 1 p
Elgin Special
The (am o u s
Elgin Pocket
Watch In white
or a green gold
filled case aa
good aa it's
Rood looking
.-. - ,'i
. Strap Watch
s 12.50
A good iooklngf. and dependable
Strap Watch in a nickel-silver
case. We had to buy 200 to get
the price down for the Birthday
party 12JiO and best of all
'-.-, j
DliTered;t you for a dollar
Pf the till Say 1 a week
i .1 i M , L' "
Elgin Strap Watch
1 $19.50 x
Tbeldeal gift for the outdoor
man lgln and vlra ported Strap
Watches. Smartest ' styla prer
aented tbla season a featured
value lor the Birthday Party at
ilfliO. and sold on the Buruett
Budgat Plan V r-
' A dollar down and t !
r A dollar a week
ido piv" rr - -,,.
atotlrcH -
..t. n aale tomorrow at
. . -' - i .
A. Ik. -
11 -Jil , .
Gorijebusly BeutiFuI Tea SetsjS7.45
I.- i : : ' : , i - - '. .;;, . x ... - -j-
Diarriorid and
la themanner" sketched
one diamond anct two
sipphiffsj r h 1 1 ' gold
mounted.. featured at
Guaranteed, of
course. Fea
tured In the
etrthdar 4 Party
at a 14.95 and
oll'on the
Burnett Budget
Take one fur a
Pav the lU
; $1 a week
. Diamond- .
In the new : and dis
tingiilahed white r gold
mounting, 6he of which
is shown in the sketch.
Feat wed- f orj the "paj ty"
Silver EMtfe at
fine as can be hoibiiic
- , ? $7.45
iv r S j-.,-. t.
n . ... ti i . if
' -
'i 4 . ."tr- A ' . 1 Take any one for a dollar (Si - ;
X di?Sw?fe Y lM--Pay,rthe balance CS' "
dollar or io a elfc"
. . 'J o'i nitn, ;,r.Hiirh silver as is hore nreaented HiaJiestQuaKty "Qdadfuple Plate fine enou
riuTr.kturVte.l8 but half the talei are fJWirmVXJ r.j
firrad TvFiowr Uasktta4nterpieceWDoa5k 'fef dishe--ReIrhmetj ahsJiera-sfToIes Pi -d.she- j
Wrcad rey--r ior ""r, .y.. ,.g-r.ravvn!it-rrid a hokt of Vseful and beautiful pieces all at the one price &-!
a piece - ti-'S UJht . MnrtLnv tr.Vf'nra aa 'mav hasTbe convenient for you a dollar a
Dinner Ring1
la the aJVle shown In he picture.
thiee dlajnbuds . with, hand carved
i white gold mounting. A sensa
tion at , ; , ' ..
4 A Gentleman's ,
Green KoidH mbantlng with one
flashing diamond of unusual bril
liancy. A matchless value at the
fs-v ' , f t -.
the Bi
r - - - - - . - " m f r .
The 'TpnjrVg''-Salts
and Peppers :
: In r the -toanner $ketched
pair of wise looking old birds on
a silver plated stand the birds
are of gaiiy.decorated china.'
fered tomorrow at a price tha
make everybody happy.
75c a pair
Ol the. fjfcnest white gold.
featuring a blue white
diamond or extraordinary
. size and beauty, s
A Rare
Solitaire ! V
Mounted' 'so- aa to brlnjc
out all. Its fire and beau- .
tv In the finest white
gold. A value that will '
be lnstantlv appreciated.
lEirStfVfor S4.931
Sh for VM Ht
week will tl
Of -
4. ' T ' .
-f LAOt-C
when one1 goes flat and you
1 J- -1 r
. riafictcUaa'wirf.tell the Ul4iej4?;iW
sud! 4 ve,nr f0' ,e9? n S2re 95b b
few (not tod many please!) for .!...;;;.;......,
Ladies Bracelet Watch 12.45
One of three smart styles is shown in the sketch.
All are of the finest white gold (I4-karat filled)
and all have 15-Jeweled movements. A feature, of
the Birthday Party at 112.45 and atop of that you
may ..... ...
Take one for half a dollar ' V "
Pay the balance $1 a week
Ladies. Rectangular '
; . Watch $23.75
In ho manner sketched -a Bul
ova production with the famous
inner case of. flexible .glass and
with 15 jewels, White old filled
case.:and the price SOO7tS
is a'temptauon. .
Take one for a dollar.
Pay 1 he bill $1 a week
1 if Mantel Clock and
iihrahdlesticfca $0.85? -
'In tivv manner auggeste ln-th
f lcture rrt a h o g a n y .Ilnished,
locic. fi-day .movemeWM strlkee
the hour on'a aoft-toued gong.,
fiahdlesticks 'to match". A-rare
Klze at ;thls figure. ?; Coiriplete
flock;- candlesUcks tQ OC
knd candrcs f or .
i Take one for half dollar
t. u.v k hiiisi a week.
State Sfci
're far frdmf homei ine nanoies are oi. ;
. rr,!
: v5 -- - ijei us-.
Boast a Little! ;
. . j i.. . . . -.
fov we i be permitted - to.', say
that the , success '. the Burnett
Jewelry Stores have achieved
has been, won.wiihoni ' 4crlfii
of ideals that ' the business
(admittedly the largest oh, the
Pacific Coast and one i o the
largest in the world) has teem
won by following a few simple .
' rates', rales tha t are- k In own to '
every schoolboy old triqugh to
write in a copybook'. 'And may
we ' be 'atlqwed to re-dedicate
ourselves and the eleven stores
in the family to the' better serv
ice, andthe continued happi?:
ness of the thousands whom
we are proud to call our pqtronx
and friends? . , .
... ,' .. ,"' '"ii..
Salts ahd'PeppeTs 95c Pr.
Silver.lpla'ted aaltsr and peppers in
half a dozen effectiye f designs,.,
USotno are four: inehe Hall. Qn
AVhile they'Kt a pairJ VOl,
a Baby
v. Satiirdal ;
.' We Miiall;.have a A hundred
solid . Gpd Rings" to-presenli.
' with l our ' compliments and
good wishes' to aW thefrbabies'
wfiose mothers bring tyerhfto
'the .store c on iSQturdaiifQf.
Crumb Sweepers .
. -7 "; '95c apiece ! ,:, ,..
' . Time s,' and not 'so Ion's ago
either, when; most, good Jewelry
stores "got two dollars for these
identical sweepers,;
.Vi'They are : silver : plated with
lon ebony handles. "The two roll
init sweeertakehjerqmjps trom
the table clottt In. a'iffeyl. y.
7 i One to ; a . buyer please, iso that
i all may sharePwhiie tfiey- lasti"-
. 95capieefei
'1 -J
Twenty-str-plece sets of 8. & O. I.
Rogers ,iilYer plated tableware.
.Complete . service . for ' six 1 people.
Fnllr tfuaranteed. Half a hundred.
sets ! ;Oftered fori bo. --f f j
Birthday, Tarty, at,-a setV
' Pay 60c Down aiul $ 1 a; V. i
v Rodin, ana tne "Bnip." are jaw
abject. White tney last ; qcr
& ma m i i bb bib i m m r m m. t at -sv -m- m jBb. asss- -a. b
i I - -o-r,rTI-i: :aMvvy . . . , j.. , . f
1 i. . c:.-