Tim.OBEGONSTATESMANr SALEM,,OREGON 8 It yvN';. V - : i Interesting c Meeting of Writer Club, t on y, ?; r Tuesday Evening , , j An unusually laxgej number of guests and members were- present on Tuesday evening for, the meet ing of tbe Wrjtpr' section of the Salem Art League. ,-, j - , The club was entertained at the home of Mr, and Mrs. "Charles J. Lisle on South Thirteenth Street. Following the picnic supper, which was served on. the. .. lawns,, the group gathered in the tiring rooms ot the - Lisle home', for a program or partlilarterest " S v 4 ; I The program , opened , with the reading of the introd action to his poet Lc drama, VThe j Altar of the MoonJL : by; Lester McDonald. Mrs. tyloUt Price Franklin read three Japanese t verses and also letters from several,, well-known Oregon authors. . . . , Mrs. Myra Albert Wiggins, who formerly made her home In Salem and is now sr guest iof ber Bister, M rs. , George ..Fr, Rodgers Te ad .a number, of Tersea ? which . ,have recentjy , been , published, in - the "Lariat and, other, magazines. . A letter f iiterary criticism concerning. bl4:pJay,The, Sphini Scarab." was : ;ied by Robert itC 'aulus. Miss Itenska Swart 'gave the Introduction ,af her poem rhe Hills of God.T ? . , Nrs: EdoA.L. J?aiUt, contributed iveral original poems,- and Mrs. j A discussion of airmail seVfrt .'as ouereai jr J-n-i ji-.juranaDo nis.aiu.88ioa was sasea. on; xne fiews f ..Colonel Lindbergh .and hef post-off lcjt, depitrtnint.r f j" An '.article -b treV development of the'iovel, read byrMr. Blanciie JM. Jones, cloned ''the -evening's program. ',i't jj. Those in thegroup were Miss trace Elltabelfe Smith, Mrs.. R.,W. EVERYTHING jTEWD J Walton of Montclair,.New Jersey, Dr. Mary; J. Rowland, Mrs. Edna Dally,'- Mrs. 'Blanche M. " Jones, Mrs. Ruth. ; FargH, Mrs. , Myra Al bert Wiggins of Toppenisb., Wash ington;. Miss' Luclle Tucker, Mlsa Marie Roberts, Mrs, bra Mcln tyre. Miss Renska Swart, Dr.. and Mrs. F., Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. K. R. : Carrulbers, Otto Paulus, I'erry Relgelman, Dr. James Lisle, Mr,, and .Mrs. ; Robert C. Paulus, Lester, McDonaUl. and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Lisle , .The; next meeting of ,the club will be held in the Holman Park near Eola. on Atignst 16. Return to Salem After, Spend ing Fortnight at Newport Dr. and- Mrs- Dolpb (Craig have, returned to Salem after .spending the past two-weeks in Newport. Guests at Bishop Home t Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Roberts were guests on Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bishop on Court, Street. Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. Bishop are ! sisters. Thimble Club. Will Meet This A fterfioon The Thimble Club., Neighbors ot Woodcraft,, will, meet this, after-, noon at the ,hme ,of Mrs. C. , BJ Shaw, 555 Center Street. A bust-; ness- nfeetlng with election - oi of-i fleers for the coming year will be '4 are invited, to attend- ". - - 1 . B I Jjisses 'Bowden. on Alaskan Cruise The Misses Doris and Violet Bowden , left Yesterday morning for Seattle where : they will .be the house guests of Miss Olive Casto for several days before sail ing on a-two weeks' cruise to Alaska. ' 4 a THE OPENING i . . . r OF THE NEW 'V, P. George & Son 0 pm ;,;. ,. ,,,.'t , ,.m -,. o 1 Social Calendar Today., . cx v Monthly- bnsiness . meeting. Ladies of G. A- . Armory. 1 2 o'clock. . .. , . ' All-day meeting of Marion County Veterans Association Silyerton. : V 1 . Thimble Club, Neighbors . of Woodcraft. .Mrs. C. J3.tShaw. 555 Center street.. . f ,' i . '. . Friday West Side' Clrcfe; Ladies' Aid. Jason Lee. Picnic, Fairgrounds, t , Saturday. s Regular meeting, .W. R. C. Mc Cornack Han. Z o'clock. Bridge Party Attractive Af fair of Tuesday Evening . i ' Miss Alice Roth and Miss Ruby Drager entertained a group of their college friends on Tuesday- evening in the Ro'-h home on North Cottage Street. i . The rooms were attractively decorated with baskets of colorful summer flowers Three tables of bridge were in play during the evening with -the prize for high score won by Miss Wllletta Jackson. - i The guest group Included Miss OdHe Matthews, Miss Pauline Marnach, Miss Jennie May Hoppes, Miss Rosalie Jones, Miss Margaret Breitenstein, Miss Irma Bolander, Miss Elaine Foster,', Miss Ruth Tucker . Armstropg, Miss Betty Hummel. Miss willetta Jackson, Miss Margaret Drager, and the hostesses. Miss Roth and Miss Drager. ' Leave Yesterday on Motor Trip to Yellowstone Dr. and Mrs. L. O. .Clement, their daughter Elizabeth' and Edith. Mr.. and' Mrs,-A. A. .Gueff- roy and their daughter, Claudine left yesterday by way of the Old Oregon Trail for Yellowstone Nationaf "Park where they will re main for a fortnight . Dinner in Portland Compli ments Miss Cartwright Complimenting Miss Cartwright, who left on Monday for California, Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Keller were dinner hosts last Sunday at their home in Portland, placing covers for fourteen. , THMj jj GntherinarHelit-i i Former jeajdent . fi W.PPi Indiana,-'Iowa, and Nebraska, gathered , Usr Sunday afc Ctiam- poeg Park, .l:.. f I . - ' The principal address5, the afternoon's program," which, was held infthe"anditorium, was given by Mlltop A.- Miller " in behalf of the Sons and Daughters of PIo- neers. ( Mr. Miller appealed .for better recognition of Champoeg as the scene of much Pacific coast history. " - Other speakers were Lester Matthieu, son of F. X. Mattbiu; Norwood Ogden Draper, a grand son of Peter Skene Ogden; and Charles O'Neil who wrote a history of the'Cayuse war. A fact particularly interesting to those from Illinois, was that Abraham Lincoln declined , the honor of being Oregon's .first territorial governor.. Indiana peo ple learned that Joseph Lane, the first , territorial governor, was a citizen of - Indiana,' as .was Also Oregon's first-state governor, John Whitaker., Iowa's , first, school teacher, Berryman-Jennings, for whom Jennings Lodge .was named, was ..the first Worshipful Master of the Grand .odge. of Aiasons ot Oregon, and that the laws of Iowa were tbe ones chosen by th framers of the Provisional Gov ernment for Oregon. Attend Institute At Falls City v Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Acheson are among those-in attendance at the Epworth League .' institute in Falls? City. - ' '.' In Summer Home At Neskowin Mrs. . Dan J. Fry, Jr., . and her children. Marylee and Dan, Jr., have gone to Neskowin where they will, remain in the Fry summer home' for two weeks. ' Afarton. County Veteran's Association Will Meet Today E,yery patriotic order of the country is asked to send delegates to the regular all-day meeting of the Marion County Veteran's, As sociation, which will be held today in the Silverton, park. r ,( A business session, with elec tion of .'of fleers,, .will be held at ten-thirty o'plgck a pirnicdinner served at noon; and a, program and entertainment will be.. given in tbe. afternoon by the members of the Silverton W. R. C . ; , Spending' Several Days at Nefarts ' Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Baker are spending several days at Netarts. In Summer Home At Neskowin Mrs., Rue rrager and her chil dren are house guests of Mrs. George .JL Grabenhorst who -t8' spending, the month in her sum mer home at Neskowip. i 1 ' Guest' in Portland" - -J ' For Several Days Muss Helen Leisi is spending several days in Portland- 4s -tlio guest of friends. l)r. and Mrs. Garnjqbst Return from British Columbia .. . Dr. and Mrs. J. H., Garnjobst have . returned recently from, a vacation trip to Rainier National Park and British Columbia. t West Side Circle LasHest Aid Will Meet The Wet Side Circle of the Ladies Aid of Jason Lee'Church will, picnic In . the. grave at the Fairgrounds on. Friday afternoon. The, picnic lunoheon ftwill b" served, at ., one . . , ..'clock. .Each member is jasked rto; ibrfn the neceisarj8ilver?and,, dishes, . . Wiu<md'Luncheon In Part find Today r .j a. -underbill. Mrs. ' E. C- UBJeri AIHarriet Durkheiifv- er, Swaf ford,' and Mrs. HaftlitDtr Yoer mejmbers. of the Woman Home Mtssiotiary So ciety are attending, the? luncheon todajr? for ; which MratM Cl Shep- ard4s hostess' in,Oier Hhome lnJ Portland. '5, i-A5M Spending Several . .jMrsf;EdUb..Claxton and her. daubter,. Miss AliceCiaxton.. are spending several daysVat Newport.', netum fmm southern Oregon'iSeaches- i. : Mr. and Mrs, Earl ilcMair and Martha Jane, have returned Jrom a fortnight's vacation spent" at Mar&hf ield and . Bandon.i - MrandiMrsi'SieierKpni i Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Steyenson have gone to Pacific-"City where they will Remain for- tbe jweekl Mr 8. Myra Wiggins Jeaves For. Home tn $oppenish, . airs, myra Wiggins, or; loppen- isb, who bas been visiting for some time at the : home of Mrs. George F. Rodgers, left yesterday morning for her home. Mrs. Wig gins was formerly, a Salem resi dent, and is well known for her work In the literary field. : Mrs Carl Roberts stakes, Slwrt Visit m Salem 4- 2 eMrs.rCarl, Roberts is, making a short visit at-Ctbe., borne of ber brother. , Cm P. Bishop. Oregon City Coiiple Married at. Parsbiiage 1 V Walter', Andrew .Large and .Vera- C ; Farr ..both .Oretm City,' . were), married 'attbb igirstMe.uiodlst lurcb jrtsJnag3 last'nJgbtT iRer.4F3f C;Tayar. 1 Mis AJyrtle Peterjoa accompanied AN A R He can never put in his own din net stu3s'-7-br select a md3est muf fler or carry ft tune. But 'wKara delicious French Dressing he mixes! With what consummate ease he trickJes in i.the oil! With what art- istfy he flicks in the seasoning! What Ererich Dressing dose harmony in his blending! ful surprise and ! i u. h uiiiu ui casing lie usca uixcc pans of Wesson Oil to one of vin egar or lemon juice. When be Wants a little more tang he uses more vinegar two parts ! pethaps. The proportions of Wesson Oil arid vine gar depend largely on the strength ot his particular vinegar or lemon juice. In addition to salt and pep- . J?iajcooroioi'4ri-P to Kurope "vfa- CanadVan Pa - cific. Sail fm Montreal , f or Quebec down' the beau tifu! St. Lawrence- to the "'Atlantic--then only four ! days'- on" theopen sea. yi .-.New -Is-a gooji; timet go;. . -snort summer .rouie dependable weather el bow room on ships. rf. ."'"vr . ... - - ... -w i VtlT'',Wt V""" r" U ,'i t ,' fe , . T ts ,L2 -J W RDetcon -Ct 1 Jqtnt- Pass r Dcptr .huTi5tjarMttVil;riomMiitotfta , llll Vim-1 - ft, inteilL!Tip 003 .Capitol SWPji0jae20 i TODAY AND, FRIDAY ' t SOOAL HIGmiTAYlIAN , tarring, Montagu Love - and v ... Dorothy Devore. , , V ' ' Comedy Always-25c ' Children 10c i , ; : Additional Attraction , 1 j V Friday- '-1 ' . J " ; The DcVere Playem' r MiU . .t 111 '- J " ' i i --vi.w itmvrinm ntrr.aml " -jo t People 10 i i'A ... No advance- InTprice 1 -r 'Always 25c - -Children 10c . . . Yt J 'T IN pef he oiEten adds ft' dash of paprika. , And just -to mystify; his -guests he sometimes mixes if! a bit of Chili sauce or a little mustard sauce tot gteen salads or : tart currant jelly sometimes for salads of fruit. His blended, it is much more appetizing. ' He is very particular' about his 1 salad oil. Wesson Oil he finds very, .'delicate in flavor.' It Is' light Ji color ' antl tlendi .'perfectly. It is, in fact, exactly what he wants. Everybody likes Wesson Oil because it is good 'for you' ais well' as good to eat. -1 ."u-- .'t- made pure, tasty and reason- ablet:! . V DRUG store: Original Yellow, Front -135 North Commercial DI. 107 j The Penslar Store : 1 . - .. c . . .- . - - - Ill "w l.M . ..l'f l ..JB OIL S is always" k delignt-" because it is freshly tr. r ,1,1 A 'mi m.L.- . j - 4 - r: ..- f -!1 J j 1 " V In the advertisement of Kaf oury Bros; iii"' Tdesdays Stat women andlMisses out?.-, ,? 'ing" shirts, khaki breeches and knickers; former : values $1.98 to $2.98, was priced : 49c sind $ 1 :49.Srhe:tirice sjiouldhaye;, ?xeaa.:99cndl .49. V; V , To. appreciate to . i ;.- and majesty of the Red wom Highway? , ' t yc-tf mui( travel It by Motoctagel V wlth'your attention free ,f rem the'. j burden of driving, the graadeui of , : the .Redwoods mile after mile and I lioar after hour of forest snleador . - f - will Inspire and tbriU yott M'tt nas ' ixever1 doae before. OKKC?ON.rS.TA0S: -'ih' Vn" r i i it EYES : EXAMINED -GL ASSES FITTED Z Teii Years Practice in SaJem , Phone 625 Dr. L. K. Burdette iv-.?: Optbrnetriatii I1 401 First -National Bank Baildins ih 1 3- . f , . . , . j i ... hc.i4M U! ! ..V-' - . ' ; i,t... f the faesnty f .1 - " i . , 1 f - - S ' - " ' - ' '" " "' ' -It V3 .11 the- bride. - - ,t r-i - ' I I , M.ai-n.-.T if - V r -