T ... 1 , SATURDAY: MORNING, JtTIiy 80, flliSESlKS Painter City Head Carries Fight . to Opponents , . v j r ;i RAINIER, Ore,, July 29.--i X APMayor A. : E. ,VeatCh. pub lisher of the Rainier Review. and 1 against whom recall petition hate jjbeen tiled, today carried the ight ', to hU opponents -In the columns of his paper in which he devoted I a four column front page editorial and - three inside pace editorials i In the rtlcles he published the names of 195 persons said to hare eignea me recau petitions, re- j views past administrations in 5 which some of the recallers were ; officials,, and points out whVt ' he 4 considers mlsfeasiance.In office. I He- named N. N. Blumenstadt if and ". Paul Poetsch as thet prime t movers in t me recau movement j and -said theecallers in one dis trict ."promise the return of TYm ; f Re id as mayor . and James Jessee ;as city marshal., . v 'T-, '' The Oregon laws .allow Veatch and , the. two councilmen, .Val 4 Knauf and Edward 5 Hougeberg, against whom recall, petitions have been Issued, five days to . resign. If they donot,.an election-must be called,-within twenty ;Aays. in asmucn as: the -three .-men -: hare etannchly.Awtoeedj.tov resign, the special ; election . will probably be j neia a tont August 2,0. . j GENEVA BREAK BELIEVED CERTAIN BY 'WASHINGTON i : (Continued from. Page" 1.) anese plenipotentiaries yesterday I he jvas convlnckTthat ;the latest British plan was entirely unac ceptable. : He added, however, that I he would ' transmit the text to Washington. : The. Japanese delegation autb j orized the Associated Press tonight J to deny the report which has been : circulating abroad, that: tha Jap- anese will mediate, officially be- tween Great Britain and the Unit led States.- A spokesman for Ad 1 xniral Salter uald - that- the-Japan I ese deemedthe issue bweea. the JJritish and American delegations of too delicate a nature to justify intervention,' because the issue- was one- of the principle and not.' of technicalities. rc a ; ' : The Japanese - spokesman- added that If the difficulty between the British and the -Americans .. was one concerning, a difference in to- f tal tonnkga or-athe given-num- I ber of warships in any particular i class, the Japanese might see their ; way to offer thelr-serviees to-ned- late with some reasonable hope of J success, i. He could not see4h"way tlear . for mediation, however, when there Is- s problem, ot prin f tiple due. to the American opposl- ? lion tothe . sii-inch..un.. cruiser j Ind to America's desire to maln- lain freedom .concerning the con- jtructlon of eight-inch, guns sec i.endary cruisers.; ; ; ' ' i . The suggestion, emanating. from 1 British circles today, that the Brit- ith i would discuss favorably ' any j American proposal - for a: certain I number of' 8-Inch cruisers for the United States in, addition t those permitted, under the British plan! has apparently had no official fol low up. The British idea has not been communicated to the' Ameri can, d elega.tion, Futhermoafo the Japanese look askance at this sug eestlon. as" probably 'involving, an Increase' in the total .tonnage- of cruisers which the Tokyo dele gates desire t-. keep at the "lowest possible level..- -,. ; Although! the Americans still re fuse to comment on the. British plan, it - Ur. understood: that, ihejr find it parUcularlyihardTtO'Swti-' low. the last paraaph of that plan which is said to permit a -transfer of tonnage fromooe category1 of warships . to another. It is said that under such a plan Great Bri tlan and t America, lo 'principle al least, could put all of the. S90,000 tons allocated for all. . auxiliary warships v-into,-. eruisers, . plus i per cent allowed for obsolete. This i would make a grand total ot ?a7, 000 tops... ' ' f ' - ; - r The Americans : object - to" 'this clause on the ground that it would create great, .uncertainty,, as to what type of wacships the .nations would build, and in- a general -way, lead to competitive " construction. Thl, It is pointed ou,' is the very thing tha conference wis contok- ed to pfeve"nt. : ..'..."" : The British spokesman ; again emphasized today. Great; Britain's desire to restrict the number of eo-called offensive warships. --He said that no real limitation -could be "achieved unless' the nations' could agree upon the exact nunv Leri of powerfully armed cruisers which could be constructed. , (The British express the' belief 'that 8 inch 'batteries must.be classed in this category .and .subjected :.to genuine Ijtaiiomii-i.-.r; ILL-FATED SHIR WASW SEAWORTHY, DECLARED (Con tinned trom jX Xi ' test. Meno eald. ;iff - On the other hand .Coroner Os car! Wolff , said he found that straps of a few preservers '.were rotten and that -many of them were- Inaccessible. Preservers desi Isnatcd for children ''were .lo'&ouie Instances! ' 'too Tilsb ' to 'reach. ho belSovcd. The coroner's. .observa tions. however were lmd&? in formally, and were - not made a isri ol hU iaQuest. " .' - Ti i i!"-,tcr n?. "aacact of who4 was" 'dfrcttng- the MnVestrfa tlon fornaatbfttea.V- Vij u . " Another-taiulryi was started ' by Michael! Hughes thief bt r police. who ordered five- members of the crew held.1- - t- JHeno has asked, that survivors testify at h-U investigati on-.which was , given added impetus from word r- from f Dickerson Hoover. chief of ithe federal steamboat In spection, that -Meno go thoroughly into th.e disaster. ; isAlthough there Is no official list of . missing, divers and i. coast guards r searched "the lake in-: the vicinity of the disaster lor bodies. High .waves finally forced them to abandon their work. . . - -iln bold reliefs against a back ground , of . gallant actions stands the! rescue efforts -of William 'A. Hofnauer, millionaire yachtsman, and four companions, who, first to reach the floundering Favorite, saved more than, a score. - Chief ol Felice. Hughes has recommend ed that they be awarded Carnegie hero medals, i .. . ."Those men undoubtedly pre vented the loss of life, from being twice as large as it was Hughes asserted. k.A':- ; Hofnauer before the state's nat torney's vlnvestigators defended Captain ' Olson; ' whom he said should be praised for bis hero isms instead of censured, 'A new versipa of the -flounder ing of- the Favorite- was presented too ay by Hofnaoer and Leo - SOr bota, master of another excursion boatrwho was aboard the ill-fated craft. Both contend the boat did not capsize, - bu t sunk ..f rom ' the weighty of water raised by. the rorce oi tne wind to a high wave that engulfed (he vessel. St-,. -4 t f I in AwDPEiy California Prone Association ? sues Statement Is. SAN JOSE, July AP) Should - the -present -effort to- sta bilize the California prune market by the union of growers . and packers' fail, 'the California Prune andVA Aprieot . association will -el-trtltl.i t orceu to ntaraei tnerruit ol its members in the epea market on a competitive-basis' members of the association . will be advised .in a statement to.be mailed tomorrow over the- signatnre of , the execu tive cpmntitteVf the association. c'We:win set "no" opening prices! but will he-forced to.eeU whenever asd, wherever the; 'Opportunity presents 'itself." In other words, we will hold .the nmbreHa for , the independent grower no longer." ,The statement -was issued -4o response to an inquiry. asrto what the policy of the association would be lift he event the present orgaht- ration effort fails. Autoist t (drivings on country road) If ) I had run over - that chicken then, we could have taken it along and had It for dinner. JTiend iWlfeOh, but I should hot think a chicken would, be good to eat in case of a sudden death like that. The. Pathfinder. r OetterAl "Mavrketa .i rnuiTs Asm teoetabx.es PORTLAND. Jul,. 28. ( AP)--Tooi tea 4ninue plnitifah and the markM is.TMk .Tb few . reiaaininr Caitforniaa rw i.Hlijjj- -t kmc.', and frli rocripu mot Wail Walla are added to the com- lioation. - The bst locaU id 20 aund are aellias 11.25(1.50 but thera i. a. wide ranas ol nualitr ao naar are S-Iwer. 5 Number wok ,aj- mnrmw .aS U 3Ue. The demand ia lijcbt (or ayricota. The seasoa U drawtnc to a ctoa: and price, are firm. California foelUag.SlJio.ta Sl.JS per bos of alvt 24 pound and Weuattltee atork at Xlraea db are aearee' aiut antlr f onljr rdinarr tfaaJiajr. "Hwek from Puevt Soaud i 3S vund bauvprrt is aeltiaC aaab " orfoes : are ktMif, 1.2i. ,! SI. 7. uer Loi. imirdin. In variety, aUr and - irrade. The t Uma sitnatloa iaVpraetNsU,sfeliaBtfedt. Sunt ntec uu ia aeJlia at 4 to 3a pound. 4 POftTLAND duly r 29j l AP) Wbeat I., J. a D D n . I bob nara waiia July. A us., Sept. St.ai: bar whiter' BS. ilh.rt rl. -. ff?,1;-1-?1 itMo Juiy.. Aug.,: Sept, fl.31: aoft white. July. Ant. Sept. S1.31i wetCTB"-whftaf July;- Ah r. Heut. - S1.81 ; fcard -.wfBter "July. " AagT. Sept: 1.2sl northern aprina July. AumL Root i sa. wra rea juir, ADC..- sent. 1 1.-20. wain, AO. 2. iH uound ahil. f.. . omtH. ltta -arteyj Ni"2r.' a.i Sept. Woru. o. 2 KY ahiputent CHICAGO. Jul, Vo fitnf u,. variea hjBre Jalv bmiImh ..a . .i idad -eariah. effect, iia lb- wheat mar- ulr J dltiry? ot . rye counted .No a. a uenreaklar factor. ni t:i,t Jadi away ,fear. af- crop daui.z l.v black turn.!, S J, -.r - . VtoaiB BUOtatioaa'an u.. 2 e " ; -wrth Julr rye He dowa. com 3-Se ta 1U,'.K'..j oata showing lLSc declina.lv- UVESTOcSt Bit, J.ly. gray Juiy.-AoB.. pouitAi B W . July. Jal; none. fQim.ASXL, July 28. iAPl-Itaeeinta aattla aad iabaap Kut; .k(i ahowa U- ww; maraea eeauy Ham M1ft inn regt;; startoat ic)v. ipcludias 070 di- - ,VKO!TieT! i, : ,t POBTLAKD. Jal,, 2,tiP-.killi raw mua; ( per eat) awt. f. b, Portland. BoUarfai Alt U .. land. - .-.it:,-., , v. i . , -' PauHry jtcad r '. irtn - . l ni -tn . liht ; laVatllic; apriora . !:'' broiler. 1SU19; pekia.jrbUa daeka .JSe.lraW oominal; turke; attr nouintL - , ' veeablea: ''Onnii ' Wat 11 iT.fai- Potatoes H.&05i aack.n ; v :ptfrt,AND.- Jalr" 3lLl-?ipirt..i jjujmi pricn: raaieras ureron timothy 22ZJ.SO; itto raTIej; 29C iO.SO;. -heat 14..0;o alfalTa-. $;oJU3L: ml hay f IS trar. tipper. i.oa. yel DAJET POUT LAND. Juy- 2.APi-Dair Kichanee, set' prire: Butter. . eitraa 40; tiidrdi r9sc; prima ftrata 38V4e; fm-ts eb'.ie, - FgSS. extr- . 82e; crteof r?.ft V, (Contlantd frn ysfft-d.) orley, ' filling Knutson. - hales , '. . . l.SO Dwre, P. W.Tatrolman. . f 4.00 V.f-IUmd WstHct Ncv-31 , . Jones. C; i F, clearing roadway ".. .. . . . . . ... . 1 3.20 Clark,' G. patrolman . . '7.00 U JSoid District No63 1- ? -Morley,. " C. ' E., - cutting brush,' etc. ' . ......... ' Mci51hah4y,' Byron igrad- ' -'tog ..... i. ; 8.00 Fisher.? Theodore. 'petrol - man r . . . ... .... 46.00 Boad-District Xo. 56 i Andal, VFred, scrapings. . ', , 6.00 TBhr, John, shoveling . ' 'dirtr etc. . -. '. . .-v iSMO Hobart. T. R.!. scraping. : - r ettft A'VV .v. -v. , ' 4.70 obartjA.T4 patrolman 15.00 i ' Unoad District tXbST " A mi and son, Henry, grad-..;-tng . . - . . v . ... .-.v. . : . . 15.-40 Overos. Lloyd, picking up "rocks 11,2 Oteros Mardoh, nicking a : ' 5 ihD rocks ,.,;.! . ... lt.;20 f. Hicks, AVt: grid in Town, B. I... grading. . . . Down: Al patrolman . ; . . . I Road District No. 5S Deaklns. H. -R.. operaUng -. grader . , .- . . . ttkynes. "VV. H.. patrolman . : -Road District No. SO Baldwin, A. J., work with ff esno.' etc. . . . .-. , Freach,' Cur lis, putting in JudsonV'Rdbert T. pat ' ting In tile Judson.' LewisV E., patrol- -nvan'v ; . , I i . ; V.-. . ? ' Roadt District TSo ttO Berg. Geo., grading iy Ith tractor ... . .- . . .: '. Carter; Clift lumber .... ChapmanvOsrtrf ,f rradin g , riarkT Dean:" ditc Hensel, Marten, .grading . . Kokeri grading' ..i.- -Marten,' V.v Ix; nailsr-ete" MeNamee. H. H.LdItc)ang Robertson,. E-H.. j scrap- . tng. etc. . . y . . . . Stenson, 'R.- K., feradlng iK' Klmsey. J. B., patrolman S TtoAd District Nov 62 Cole, Robt., checking grtv- el. etc. ...... ... . f m-. . Road District Xoi 64 'KTanninsr. Earl rradinr, . Manning. Henry.- grading. Nathman, Jos.,, bolts - , Patruelte; : Steve. , grading . Manning,' John F., grading . ,t Bond District JSo Brown, George, dragging' ruflu - a w -. Jo., dragging 11.00 12.00 29,00 1.60 6.00 23.30 i l'60 ?1.60 11.50 so ir.oo 42.73 12.00 dUchttr ef c . 12.80 . : 5.00 36.00 2.1 '12:80 10.50 '4f.0 12.00 Patterson. ' Richard, pa- Ifolman T3.00i 6.60 '.59 12.00 nn i '9.00 18.00 27.00 " 3.60 !o-.o 24.00 S.0O 3.00 9.0 4.80 clearing " clearing 1.00 1.60 2.00 Bond District: No. .66 R0f dvH. A., clearing right -" wit' way - Re(t:vr, J.rcteating right bf way ..- Mcp(elah. Glenn, sdrap- Stewartj Harry, grading4.' . Kltson. jonn, graams . McClellan.X Y., clearing - tight of Vsy ; . !. ; Kltson. A'orman, clearing L ;rightof way . aiainew. ijieu. "Trjght of way . Royee, WUH"m. right Of way.. , Porter . Roy. repairing culverts Road District, .No. 60 GfHesr Chas;.' - dragging road. etc. - ',- i . Bofitl District $t 70 Four S Lumwrgo., iBm- ber Roble. Joe bridge work, tc. .. !! t. v. Michels. "John. onage work. . . . . , Schmitt, Ed, brldgewora King- A. W- hauling rock Landingham. Je&s. hauiT ing lumber .... . ., Schmitt. Geo.; patrolman . , n Boad District No. 3 ISnfeiish. J. "TO.,' bridge wbrk ... ... Murpby-Garditcr Lumber Tn . lnmnfr .."-.. i 1 Bond District No., 88 Cdoley. -iH.W. & sotfs. gtavel; . v". ..-, ' Johnston C.- F.. -nanung , B, - - j - - - II!-, . ' Mariatt. Geo.v nauuns - gravel: vl f-- t-J'z; ?j " MeiW. Chas. F., Jr.. nau.- Pease. S, -A; utper .. Sayfes. , Dr v F., nauiinx ; gravel, etc. . . . Thsrp.- Fioya, 7.00 20.16 ifi!oo -3.20 O.40 3.0 4.5P 16.00 3.20 2304 23.00 48.00 -.29.18 T2.00 Vatfei'piriar ts'oo Woelke, ' F..1X'., operating -1 1 " caterpnraT'.V.": .'. SIMM "".. Overton' Crusher' " ' ; " Howard-Cooper Corp.i bolt.-' 1 . tc. . . f .... .. ...ji g.91 Pearce, Lot L.. plate, etc. - 61.00 Portland Wire - 4V - Iron W6rks screen j v. V. .V. 17. SO Wolf." Julius, gravel . ; 271.90 117.00 104.00 '28.00 107.7S 104-00 104.00 7.00 181.97 Belemler, ipeter, working ; ' at crusher . . . . . i . . Davis," W. Hi:; werglng at crusher ............ Hoven, v Otto, worklhr gt . crusher . . . . ..... . . ; . Parrish.W." E., working at crusher ;.... ; . Wagers, J. I., working at r crusher . Wagers Robert, working : k at 'crusher .- Hoven. Oscht, , work5 at crushof, etc .v; . '.,vf 2S2.10 '. - : ' Sta'vton CVnsliW HesserEysted Iron4 "Wofks. ' clevis . . ' . . . -Mountata. States.- Power u po., electric power .-. . Stayton Sjwitchboard Assn., phone service Wright, fF. T.. f' betting, ta v . . . . ; . . Kelthley,B F., working .-. at crusher u , , , s Lambert. E. Or., checking " gravel claims . . ..... i 'Sneed J. L., working'." at " crUshor - U". .v.. . . SpIcerKR." E., working". at ' crusher .i, . Stayton. C. C.', working 'at "crusher . . " Turner. Crusher Account Turner : Lumber " tc ' Mf g. ' Co., i amber ......... Briggs. i Herbert, working i crusher a..,. . VJ. Crymer.5 George, working vat crusher V , . t . . . . Cultr. 'R., working "at - 'Crushe . . . . . . . a . Denyer, 17 'E.; working at (t-, rusherv ... .. ' Robertson. A. E.,-working - s at crusher" . ...... . . 1 1 Joint Polk Account ' ohnsoji. CH., taking ca ble out : . . V . i . . , Porter,- A K.i 1 - -wornt : at ' - rBueha VitU forty . . '. . 1,00 Steward. Avery operating Bueayisia.fetry.-.. ... - 85.00 V dToint YaBahlll ' Account Crate, Gussle, shoveling;. 19.20 Electric ' Supplies a & Con- Vttractltog Co., bridge 'lights . Ernst. C: Hi. "-shoveling. etc.i . . .4-. . Imlah. Jdhy towing ferry boat. tji . i . ." beam etc. . . : . : . . . . Rosenbatim, CO H. work "on J Newberg brldae. V . Roseban m. O. H .1 lutti ber Spaa1dinJt;:c K'; Lbk:. lumber . iK'irL'i.C'-i 24.00 r.98 30 99.88 12.80 81.69 92.00 98.00 4.0 54.00 97.601 13.25 111.00 70.00 .00 6.62 8.22 20.00 i 15.72 10-50 11.65 7.23 ' 1.6 0 28.80 Z.1.20 9.Jo OoeldU Andrew shoveling Martln, .0;i shoveling ..;. . Siefert. Frank, shoveling . Smth.iJCe8neth,'- scraping; - vMork r1one by Htred Man ; State Bank of St.-Paul, 'clearing road to, ferry, 4iB,60 exc? ,,,...,.' -w'.i.,.i!, f.1 Boad fRoner-Account Becker; N 45.60 f.fo Son. .belting 2.90 Deochateau. Wnu. operat- . rag ruu roiier jg.vv. haultas gravel . . .., Wash. . W. l.. ! ri-a TCI .... ... Whiteman,', Claude.DTlffge WJArV , d t a . .a.-W " vihtermantelFred; slas-u log nrusn,. eic, . Reeves. Rav,- na"iin.o - Roaa.insrricwf De'gart. EarL patrolman. SeneYdler. Adolph, helping 'grader 64.66 : 87.20 " o.bo ? ..-v . f 1 4l.0 s 40.00 lO.Ot 4.8 Hc'n," Charles. jatroni I ! i Truck Atxeunt Ahaerson Motor, w k W7 li., wwuoipi patrolman -10.0-- .9& JudKOn. - "Robert T:. "hnRr . atlhlTroad' roller , . . ; . 10f.25 Sheperd. Floyd, operating 1 Tpsd ro!hr . . i-., . i -. ; . - 5B.00 Sows. - Paul. sharpening scarifier, teeth ,v. - 8.25 Travis. N. B.; screen, ete. . 6.00 "Vt . Shovel Accounts' Lature,J'L." Equip. -Co., - cables etc; . . . . . , .V-V" 157.77 Mangold.'- : F. A., single . tree. etc. .......... " 3.57 Roebllng's. . . J.- A. Sens, . steel rope . . , . ... . ... 16.18 Sabre. LyleJ., working , V with -shovel , . 104.00 Vi Cleave. H'Av operat ing shovel 147.75 Wheeler. John H. operat ing shovel- . . , a .ui-. 156.00 1 Market Road No. 3 : Boqes Bros., hauling pipe Carlton.. Harvey, . mowing rushes . . .i. . . ... .. , i Crane. H....M "--niowtag , rushes cV . t v.-ie w in4 Snqddy. ,H.-.Jl., ; mowing rushes ''t . : . . . . . i . . .. : . I MarkH TTtMwla- Nsr 5 aiid 7 Powers. Pat. cutting gass 48.00 Irvfn, Cha., cutting, grass v MrirtTlod N.lt SnVder,-A7 C.? foreman. . ' .. iV ; Maraec Road Ne. 18 ZIesv M. A., fencing . ; . . --i. Market Road No, 33 Adkins, Harry, 'grnbTlng,-. ? etc. . iT.V. . .'. i . i kMiner,Ray grubblflgr etc. scput,- Bert.- rra own gr-etc. ; ; r! Market BodNo.-SO Befleaue, Edward, shovel- ng. . ... .... Carbaugh, Cal, teamster. . Harvey. R. J.. Shoveling. L Kjkne. Arthur, , resao t OrlC ' a., a a . ? , J. " Lot,' S. Lr.shovenng . . A , MnVtlnDeas; grading . . Martin,' Louis, working iwrth"Trbtt'6l"; Butjtti, etc; Colt ear Motor olstons. etc. ;.? Sales Co.. navRnnort; Fiord; gas. Hiint-Tate Motor to., t Ford " runabout . . Oave John's -service We'w'ton . Tbflvrolet Co. H.68 12.17 etcvVl-8 4J2-60 13..2 l4lT ? yilnderhcid, etc.'. - Noftsker. p. ,W,K-r repair : bregon Stale Hgwy. Com. 4 bearlngsT etc. pitty Motot.; f Co"r- cross i members.-etc- . S peer's General Store, ga, etc.1'-.'. i . . w . .-.'i. Wbsternj AhtoT Supply Co.,". i m-jgage. earner ! " Caterpillal Accotftnt Loger;?&,.cont. Machj. Co.; valves ete.?v. . . . Netwm Bros.. 'nlamblng. : Russell Grader Mfg.' Co- -caTifIfer:teath.'Btc 372. AO Aahby. Claude C, OperaU, Tug-caterpillar 183.00 Bartruff. Oniert' iDreraling;,-- . X'AWtmnTAiu , ti. ,ti 130.00 King. Win? ;il.'ot crating . . - -.terpiiiar-i.-.'. ..... . r.;iso.oo Ki: i "A.-TJ., '-.rr. ' .-. ttrril 'tr . . . . 14 v. CO M4MUi.i -.i.A.a Lw3 ., a- Chtrf Fred, . operates : ,1.00 21.43 8.09 -1.88 1 :.31 .60 2.00 J.20 3.20 3. tO R.00 t.60 1.60 8.40 3.?0 14.40 11.20 67.20 60.80 18.00 9.60 5-30 18.00 AnAnv''Oeb.l'oOV0ltaf Vt kl ; S1120 8hlterrtonia?, lag , . . . . , .'. i , . : . i . . $1.2 0 Ws Ikefiois; shoveling ,y 3.2 o Fahey. J W4 foreman ' . . 90.0,0 - it larkerTUiaorTd;8- r Byyam. E.. 'J.'.otklht .28.80 "80.00 78.00 . lh Vs CrlppsTjlmy worjtlng with . f fesno -. . . . , . ...-..(,- FitchefiI.WcieaTlng ( rtght- o? way ? v. . t i , Hampton Bryan t. workln g r ?"lth trestto . . . , . He;nningsen,,:E. B.. work- T ; - V . "i-gJtHthitresno . -M. H4mptoi(.Oiik, -: uorklng - - Wfth fresno r. r.V ; . v . . '70.40 H.ton Fred.shojelltlg ? i dlrt . tV-J 5. 73.60 Hutchese-dv Oerald. elear-'lr.JLJZ-I Ing right Of way, etc 73.60 Ilamptonrw.'f.r'f king f " - t'wlth fresno 138. on 23.5gfkh1s. Walter; . .working " t with fresno., '. . ' 84.00' M filer. -A.-, C- checking ' .-.v-tgravelr 67.20 Miner; Forrest. loading- J trucks .'. i . . C.J .T . 28-80 Olman. C. P, working. Tyl.m -frosao-.-... . .j. CO.tfO' t ttTt-Mer, , Fraiik,?. AlearJnr j, iwire, Grant. feaunng dirt. - . ' road . ' with- tresno J.; w . Tfiomas.1- Percy.-; hauling J water,f etci 'i v . V,'V :15 6.00' Wells. Lee. foreman ; . i . 134.0 0 I tafarket Bond Not 4(T Albus.' John.v putting in , culverts . . . . ... . . Bowers;- Frank, putting in . -culverts V ......... . . . . Jensen, Chris, putting In " cnlverts ...... . - Torter. C. R., putting in '-cnlverts 'w. -. . Porter. If.VW., putting In culverts . Scofield. W.H.. amoving t fresno etc. .-; Shafer. -Day; hauling? cul-vert,-te. ', i. 4 . ' V Market Boad No. :4 1 Bates, H. 3.f grading done vbyired man . . " 78.00 Boyer,v Geo..-scraping ." . 21.20 Clynfer, George,' grading . 3.20 Cook; J.; grading 104.10 Dickerson. joe, grading . , 20.80 Drager".:nj5aml:5 work on - ' fresno'-.;. vv. vvv'i lST-.B 1000 16.40 10.00 1S.60 3.10 12.t)0 Frank, cutting t-.':'V.f: llt.00 Shiedler, brush Smith. Pete, clearing road Stravens, John, battling Susee, Maurice liauling dirt V...... .V.L.. Tedder.' J. C, powder VaChter. , Adam, hauling dirt:;... Vinton; 13. W., foreman.. Jensen, P. E., foreman . ; j v3farket Boad No. 52 Cade. -Tom, working with fresno . . Lanham, Chas. W., do. . Lambert,' V. M., do Meets. J. T., shoveling dirt ..... ....... Nys.'-A.' P., working with - fresno : 36.00 Rampr M. S.. do .... 36.00 Smith; -Bert. do. 156.00 57.80 117.75 ?io 16.00 135.00 58.00 239.00 v84.u6 130.5p 144.00 0.40 Feller,-Albert,- grading. . . -41.60 reljer, Henry, graqing. 7.uu Feller; 'Wilfred, grading v 79.50 Graham,: Li, seraplng. . . 32140 Hennies. A. H.,acrapbg. . 64:40 Knnke. A. E., gracing. . . 64.00 Larsen,-John, grading . . . 66.00 Morris, "Nate, gradlhgv4. . . 18.00 Pembefton.-W. S., grading, : 72.00 Robertson A. E.," grading 6.40 Robertson, B. Ew spread ing gravel, etc. . . : . . . 102.10 Rojtas, Frank, grading . . 4 6.40 Rbkas,. Martin, . grading.. 65.50 Schtmpier,' Frank, grad-' -1ng .... . ... . . ... . . . 76.80 SChlrman. Sam, plowing. 134.25 SeeerrRoland, grading. . 24.00 TtTVdsend.r Ronald, . grad- ? ing . k ..... . ... 3 0.4 0 Trick,' CD. grading . . 48.00 Vfertteeg,' W. L-, plowing, - etc. ................. 166.20 ' Market Road No,-43 :,. Griggs C. R.. amt. due;on . excavation contract .i.Mi21!;44 Batliner,. Gnido, grading. 4.00 Batliner, Walter, grading 12;80 Fisher, Andrew, grading. . , 3.00 Hogan, 'Wm. graViing-.'. "' 48.00 Ktmsey Archie, " hauling v- '.t tile. etc. ...'ifW: 6.00 Lpomis, L. A., water ,boy. 36.7S Loose, Victor, grading. . . 32.00 Mix.' Arthur, .grading ... 44.80 Raymond.' Arthur, grading 30.40, RttefJV Bruno., grading . . 1 1 1.00 Tangerman, Otto,' grading 7.20 Tangerman Otto C grad--ing Sy,'f.'i ......... 32.00 "Wire, Eugene, grading. . 18.00 f - Market Bond No. 45 McNutt, Earl L, nmt4 due on excavation contract. 3733.58 s Slarket Boad ' No.' 46 De" Guire,'M-E., fuse,caps 3.50 Alexander,'' Ed, shoveling dirt . i t .. . 40.40 Bandeen. ;FV J.K grading. . 38.40 gutler,-1. ;N., grading . , . 19.20 Bei Robert A.,' 'shoveling ."airf. 43.60 Clark, ": Chas., shoveling djri. .u.; ;?'.-... 30.80 iafk., John, shoveling dift 40.40 Clark,' Lee, shoveling dirt 46.80 Carnntt, Cecil,' . working ; riwth fresno ....fvlV,. . 36.00 Cjavenport"," L. J. , ' 'cutting UOU. .V.V . , ... ... . . Dowe, Nlal,1- grading ..... r Fry; La Montr grading -. Hopfinger, 'Jake, ;hovel- -isg dirt Kaufman, E. Z.', shoveling "ttlrt Loomls, Delbrt," griding . Miller.' T." J.." wbrking on " .fresno Newton, ,Fred, working on fresno FReede, Ed J-. grading. . 8varvarl. Edd, working . ...wfth fresno Van 'Arn'am. Geo.,.loading Wheeler Whitehead. O. F.shovel . ing dirt Wetnack. Fred, hauling etc. Markef Road No. 47 Aubrey, R. R., shoveling ' dirt, etc. .. Bye'.- Robert O., shoveling Hl; aee-l dlrt, f 38.40 20.80 22-.40 , 3400 21.20 38.40 36.00 39.00 19.20 123.75 12.80 46.80 166.35 trimming Davis, Leslie, . banks De 'Safrt,. Wesley, grading, ifCtCa4 if a -a Ait . Hall,- Lewis, grad ing Haasenf Haas,, grading : . . Kaufman, ' E. Z.', ..holding fresno, etc. . . . . 1". . . . King. Alvln; foreman Krg.: Fred Jr., hattllbg ' dirt, etL I?. . . . . t . Mstbys, -Alex, working ,;"!with fresno etc, .-i- . Palmquest,' Elmer, shovel ing . .. . Stor'rtx, 'Sain,' trimming - laaks; etc. 'I . i . . . . . Thompson.' Harry, work- ing'witb Fresno etc.. . . Van berg, John, shoveling dirt. etc. ............. Van'Cfeave,' Ternon haul ing dirt DSart, 'Ear I.".' foreman. . ; J MaVket' Road " No. 40 Paulson. O.,' fencing . . . - Hoteri-Geo.. holding plow. Mojorea, W. B team-work Pa jilson, "Raymond, . work - wihfc tresno . . i r. . . . Pfckfens." Frank, ' powder, Rutherrord, L., working . wtth fresno ' . . .. Schaefer, Frank S., scrap- . ing-. . . Stevens.- -Ted, w plowing. etc. l i " ajarket Road No. -at Dabacan, Ted 'shoveling. .. VbC.'' ' ewwe TMtrlck,' John hauling dirt 18.00 4-Eder, Wenzelhauling dirt Hattb; Lhtherr cutting 62.60 20.00 3.20 44.80 27.00 14.40 38.40 38.60 -27.00 24.20 14.40 ! 17.60 123.00 I9.4O 18.00 ' 95.20 103.00 -48.00 30.00 t - r ' 68.25 -4.00 - orusu . . . ..,.. Jettseh Carl, . wter TxJy. ' ?tete. ( . . . - Johnston, Robert.' clearing road .... v . Meaning, , Fred, 'mauling ' a iTt. '- ,w Miller, Loye,- hauling dtrt Moullet; . Albert, -rhaunng .dirt ........:.,.... Kosack, Trank,-."haulIfig a dirt Pickens. -Frank. t powder and f ue ..., I . JJi kens, yernal. clearing i4g.ur Riffe.vcbar!ps, - rrubbingr t i etc. . . v ............. r 64.00 Simpson, K. f.l., gridin;. ' 3.20 F t r ax: aa, 0.lL.ix r alsbla g-.", 12.8 ft; TJiarp, ; Floydr wcrkias - fiKichttr. Mck, ? i cleS ring Richter,- Tony. '"Clearing '24.60 36.80 96.00 57.80 85.50 41.60 ' ir.00 35.25 n8.00 "24.00 117.75 19!50 93.76 6.00 40.00 43.30 46.40 Scblndler.u. Joe. dirt T 36.S0 hauling..., 18.75 12.00 Ziellnsky, Leo, do '-' f Market Road No. 53 Vlck! Brothers, gear, etc.. ' Asber, G., plowing. . . Ayers, ' Frank, shoveling dirt BecknerV Lyle, working wl(h .fresno ......... fBettencourt, R. J., do. . . . Blahkenstop, J. P.. do... Branch, "Ralph, water boy Casey. Forest W., - shovel- ing dirt, etc Chard. E. E., do. Henbingsen, A.: C. work- ' Ing 'with fresno. , Pearce.vKlle.'do. . . ; . , . . Salachenberg.' LMtf.rilo r . Zimmerman, Jacob, - do . . "-Market BoaMl No. 4 McNutt, Earl L., Amt. due on excavation 1532.13 Bllnston; M. W., grubbing, " etc. . I ...... .... Cahndy. Ellis, use of drag saw . 4 . ' .'. Needham,- Albert, burning brnsh: .... .... Way, W. E, haulingidrag , asrw i'VV. X. . Needham.O.VD.,rforem4n V?- ' Martort BoadrNo. 61 Carver & Groff, powder, Yergen, Earnest, land for curve Smith,-C. L., handles, etc. Cone. , Eldo, scraping .... Cone. Gerald,. do. Eppers,' Ben, do. Faber,; Virgil,- water boy . . Koster, Kndy, grubbing . . Leary. -Matt, scraping. . -. Lux, Joseph, ditching. . . . Mucken. ..Thomas, grubbing- k .'. .' . . . ... . V. . . Phelts, ;Harry, ecrapihg . . Regal. Henry, clearing of road ............. Rich. Seiard, water boy.. Ryan. James, wood for 'roller Ryan. Robert, scraping. . Sonner, Joe, plowing. . . . Sonnen Robert; do .'.., . Market Road No. 63 Bunn, Wm., operating ' grader ...... t ...... . La Fie m me, Charles grad- Savage, Willard, operating , grader ....... PearmTne, W; G. foreman larlcrt Boad No.' 65 BrasseL F.. cord wood Blascbko, Frank J., scrap ing ..... . Rushkowskyr'jAlbert.-do. . Choqhette, F.' A., shovel- Klng dirt ............ Choquette, George, ' clearing-off road ... .'. Eckhout, Frank, scraping ECkhonrt, Xavier, team work '.;........... Graham5 Emanuel, shovel ing dirt . , Jacobs,' Marion, -scraping. Miller. Henry, plowing. . . Miller, Jake, grading Nehl, Ted, team work. . . S collar d. Alvold, shovel ing dirt . . , . Settlemier. J. B., do . . . Wengenroth, Albert, clear- - ing off road . . . I I . . . . Wolfe, W. C. F., scraping 2umstein, Frank, shovel- "ihg dirt ...... .. . McCormick, James, fore- ;mm .......... v '": "' - Marker Btmd;Nc" 67 ,v:' . f Bbwers. Fran ks scraping. , J , - J'Cftc. ;. . . .v 22J40 Carlton --."Kavvey, scraping.t,; :,'- ' tile. jwiv, - : -3040 f ChamWefbun jBJLtenc- ihg. e tv -if Crane II.M.. do. . . . DiVely, Dewey scraprs g v . Forrette,' -Clarenee, do ... Kitson, John,' scraping, etc Miller trls, do .... . . ."V Miner, John, scraping . . . 'Mills. Leonard, do. . . . Mills, "Wade. do . . . t . . . . Perlbome.fWm.. plowing: Porter. C. R.; grading, etc. Scnafer, Day, scraping, etc. - . . . . . ...... . . . . . SCof ield, C. ! F., plowing, . ' etc. . . . . . ; . .-. . ; . . . ... Scdfield. W, H.. scraping. Stevens,. P. A., scraping.. Stewart, , Harry, sera plug, i etc.- iv.t'vt...iK.j.v.."l62,oo 33.12 28.80 25.60 60.00 54.00 61.00 7.50 28.80 28.80 54.00 54.00 60.00 54.00 16.00 2.04 3.20 i.oo 20.00 9.65 50.00 12.15 87.00 84.75 168.00 4.00 3.20 41.25 35.20 3.20 36.00 4.80 2.00 30.00 40.00 42.00 30.00 40.00 78.00 7.20 33.25 S 78.00 40.50 12.00 36.80 4.80 42.75 78.00 9.80 34.60 60.00 132.75 18.00 64.00 4170 '28.80 3 54:75 25.60 100.00 f 6.40 12.80 78.00 28.80 0 92.20 81120 84.00 f 5JF.40 1 25.60 44.8 '32.00 .1 78.09 121.50 t . 78.40 T4:80 83.20 70.40 17.64 150.00 83.20 6.80 W4.00 NysA working with - ff vXresno.- -eto-S.!. v-at-fc 141.0 ft Market Roads No, 61-63 W; Englhart. Anton, ;. shovei- ina dirt. etc.. .... V. JFaber. Ed., scraping, etc Koppes, Jake, clearing on - road . . ; . . . . . ... .... - 83.20 Slaby, Joseph, scraping.; 83.20 Vhchter,. Matt, hauling t 4 water,etc. . , . . ."v .J. . . 14M0 ZoRn'er, Joseph, operating t roller, etc. . . . . .91.40 Grlesenauer,' John, fore ,man .......v....... 183.35 f Misc. Market Roads McGee, ; J. F., transltman. 150.00 Portland f Blue irint uo.. - steel tape, etc. ...... SwartJ U. S., deputy road- " master '. Casey," "Will. shoveling dirt; etc. i . .... Deppen, L. C. do. . ... Drager, Robert, chain- man . ...... " Gleeson, Miner, , working en f resnrf ' 4 r' Hddeh, A.t shoveling dirt, etc. . . ' ' Kalghln. Jii A.iido. ,V ; .. ." Llckle, L. H., grading, etc. Parrish, H-, shoveling dirt. ' etc., . alyer. Rosco, do .... . Strand, T.- H., ao Tade. Henry, putting' In tile. etc. . ........... Walker, CvI.V ' do : . ... Way.l S.' D.l' do . . . . . . . . . i Wilder; -Frances, shovel ing dirt,' etc. . . - .'. . . . Mcllwain," Wm., foreman . Miscellaneous Bridges Fisher, Andrew, 'working btt.bridge V. . . . '- Fisher,- Eiric L. do . v - Peterson, Andrew, bridge work, jetc. . . . . . . . ' . . Petersonrchas., do . . . . ... RobI, Greg A.rdo. . . . . . . Zellnskl,Ed.t -do. . Fischer. Phillip, - foreman . "Miscellaneous' Accounts Allen, Geo. E., .cable clamps', etc. . . . . t . Allsup, Wm., end "gate, ' etc. ..,...... American Asphalt Paint Co., paint ... - Ames Hardware Co.; nails, etc. . . v . . - Atlas Book Store, carbon, etc. ........,...".. Beall Pipe & Tank Corp., -eulvert pipe, etc .1923.51 Brown, ' Ken, fuse ' and fe ,:: ap3 i. . .. C.80 Burbee,' E. J working with fresno, etc 101.00, Case, L. M., hauling grav- " -el . . . .-.-.v. . . . .-,4 . -...3631.84 (JC O Lumber Co., lumber 20.40 Cladek's ''Garage, weldlng. i i. etc - . 1 525 Collard,W. P., v gravel in .-v, bunkers ... . ll. . .'r. .1818.00 16.0j 239.75 24.45 90.0(1 76.80 78.40 59.80 147.00 70.40 83.20 19,20 104.00 83.20 83.20 70.40 104.00 50.40 83 20 "83.20 1S6-.00 .16.00 16.00 ;. "t 93.00 "94.00 98.00 .,2.00' 250.00 61.14 13110 70.00 13.60 "3.06 77.50 "73.20 47.14 : 5.00 -45.97 236.10 K2.40 fl 75.85 '450.02 61.50 75.66 ;s.80 610.04 14.70 23.12 . . v 1 3.66 161.00 145.51 Walker. -Leonard. do. 100.00 -1 - Markett'BeadsNoir 40-40 Barr, GlT I.i picks,' etc. . i . . , . ' 3". 6 0 Hoffmen Wteldlng - Shop, . v ; u weldlhg. etc. .v . . . . . . " 1 3.35 Charplllos, Roy, working - -c :Vlth fresno . ; . . . i . 137.25 Dcrwe.t Guy, woTklhg -on . flll'l . V-.i i t .. e.-. : 73.20 Engematf..J. IT.'. 'working - : : ; wfth Tresno'etc. , . . . . ' 141.00 Fuller. J!Wulterf.- grading. . 76.0 Gibsoa,"iDartfeI,,do. .".'.r. f-68i00 Kaser. Joe. foreman. . ; ; 194.00 Meorfes. I. L., hauling dirt, ' -" etc. f V".' ; . . . ; . . . i . . 1 1 3 8.60 Mootes,W,'i4M., do . . . : . . 144.75 Thomar,cI."T.. do. . i. , 145.50 Thomas -Lewis,' do . . i . f 1 4 2.5 0 Van Cleave, Kenneth, . -'grading .". ........... .. 80.00 VanCleaverMeIvln. wprk-T ' V ing; with' fresnb-,r. .... 80.00 Vearrler. Lew, do. . . . . . . 142.50 Warnock.,K. R do .... 143:25 Weniger,- John grading . , 76.80. Van "Cleave." L., 'M fore-. V" - Market Boadi NW5u2"c3r.Tir Bass.. '.. Carlton. -' hauling .' - ; gravel i" . : . . v-'..wiC. 2 4 T " KlBg,'J.-A.: do v '. ;4 20, i SlesauudptFloyd o,-K2",ln La 'Flemme, . , , Cook,T J. ; L.,- foreman . t . . Cobk, vMalcoImi, scraping, etc '--. . i . . . . .;.... Crabtree Lumber Co., lumber . ............. Cronn, Lee, cutting wood Cronn. Leo,' di ... .1 . .' Culrer, W. J., county road- master Eber-Pinnell fHdw." ' Co. , grease. ' etc.; , . ; . . '. v . Drager; D.' G., ".cash Adv. . for Frt. Farmer, Ray L. Hdw. Co., plow, etc. .' Feenaughty. Macby. Co... culverts, etc. .' '342.47 Gabriel Powder & Supply Co., powder, etc.'. . : . . Griggs, C. R.. Adv. on Leo - Cronn - contract . .. . . . , Hammond '-.Lumber Co., ,- lumber, -etc. ......... Harper. S. W., hauling - gravel i.. ... i . .... . HIn.-A. B.. -nails,, etc.. . Howe. I. N., hauling gtavel . . . ... v ... . . 4 .2611.12 Hunt-Tate Motor Co., welding gear,- etc . Johnson, F. O.. cash' Adv. on freight .......... Johnson, F. O., deputy road master ... . . . - Jorenson, s Ira, truck parts,' vie. .......... Lambert, L. ;S., 'deputy, j :f roadmaster ... . .. . V 156.00 LinkBelt Meese-&.';45ott-;," fried r Co., -attachments, 5-ete.--" . : . ,".'.".' ."Y. 64.99 Loggers tt): COat's; Mchy. ;rr Co., caterplllar.-etc. . . 4808.90 Mlssler, J. H.. clevisi'cte.;-! ria5j4 Murray,' Nellie cord wood --t0.66 Nag, ' John, hauling gtav- - v ; el : ;. . ;. . . . .583.37 Oregon Gravel Co., gravel 4356.63 Pacific Tel. 4k -Tel.- Co.. phone seTvice . ..Vi Parrish ? Hardware Co.. " scythe, etc. .V. . . . . . . . Pattersonril.f R'., 'tneasur- 'Ing "scow ri . .' . . . . . Pohlei & . Son,- plow. etc. Portland , Elec. v "Power . ; Co., light servlcetr.ii1,206.2 Rantiorph,J.J A. fork etc. 16.60 Rlgdbn :.' Bros.t -y. t hauling H 1 4 ; gravel ... . . . . ; 2625.00 Sklem r Hardwire Mf Co., ;.. Water 1 can ";-"'. i .v . ;.--T.M Salem'Tron vWorks,s coup- f ri liflgetcj . ; . ; ; V. . 43.8 Salem 'Trans.; & Fnfel Co., 1 ft toil . ..'. . . . . . .'. .y . . ' 11.50 Salem Sand & -Gravel .Co.,; ; 4 gravel . . .'. . ; . .''203.93 Salem Water' Light-4k "P. ' ' Co.,. water servlcej-etc. ' - 4-37 Saxon 4k Looney, gravel T2674.00 Shell Co. pf Calif., gas, etc 205.32 Siegmu nd." J. C.,1 hauling ' gravel , v. i '. .v l . . .'. 20l2.3S Silver "Falls' Timber' JC04 f ',.; ' lumberV. .". . . . . . . . . i . 1 319.72 Smith.? B111.V' traffic f of-". ' llcer's I Exps. . V. . . . . '. V 8 .3 0 Smith, B. R., traffic of fi- : : . : User's Sal. . . ........... 124.70 Spaulding, C. K. Log. Co., . , '." lumber ....... ,1..," 66.50 Standard Oil Co... gas, etc. 334.03 Starr, Hardware Co. fence, .. - etc,-. . . . . .... r J9.36 State, nd. Acc.-... Comm. 1 H c Acc. Jins.'On Dep. sner- v iff Stayton - Cement 4 -Stone --'Works, culvert- pipe'. . . Syphert,jW,-JU ckalnman Syroo &YanrArnam lum- 17.30 ;0.96 - -i' 6.85 28.95 W1; 4S.20 23.50 150.00' etc. jber. :U?, v.-. "...r, . ,: 70.77 TWedie L. Rr-i- -Jlarper.v- " v S.- V , iaulinggfavcl.. 70a.l6 ' ('"'.I Co.v-irasr etc. jtor Co.i spring .448.44 44.57 . 107.75 90.50 104.00 61.20 128.75 104.00 104.00 51.20 111.50 62.00 52.00 104.00 115.00 132.00 144.00 10.00 40.00 10.00 Watters, "A.- a, hauling. lumber, etc. . . . '':. . 4 . . Westenhouse," W.W., loro man f . ; . . .'-.''. . . Wiggins Co. Inc., files, etc. Willamette I Equipment ' Co.," grader, etc.'. ..'J .'.'1766.81 Wary, C. M., plow handle 2.20 Kintr, Dan, grading. .... 147.00 Rlggs, W. A.rdo.-. . . 8rmps6n,'B." F.,'do . ; Simpson, J. H.k do, . SmelserWm.'do . Trask, Gus B.r do. ,. Zuber, John," do.. . . Binegar O.' ' D driving truck. ..'.":.'.'.'. Binegar, . Walt, operating : grader etc. Eranch.) .A. C, plowing, ' etc. i .... . Burnham.'A. E., ehoteling dirt, ' etc. i ....... . Burns,' J. f A., operating gTader, etc1 j i 4 . . . . . Hart, R; L., chalnman, etc. Herren,! J. H.r surveying. Matson. Chas., shoveling dlrtr etc .". -. . . . ... .'. , Mcllwain, Lester, operat- Ing tractor, etc..'. Shaw, A. C, : chalnman . . ShaW, A. C chalnman, etc. Wilder, Calvin, grading, etc. j. .............. . Wooldrige,' W. C, do. . . . Hawkins, Ben If., shop . foreman. May ....... Hawkins,' Ben -H., shop : foreman. June-. ; 4 ; ; . ' SChmidt. Henry.-damage - - caused by -moving fence Bristol, C S., damages for ' land taken for road . . . Schmitt, Edward, .use of tractor . . . ... ........ City '.of. Salem. - road' tax due city ',. ;,'.. 11, 78 9. 8 7 ; . ; jGENERALFUND .. V ' Miscellaneous Accounts Boyer. U. G.;ouhty clerkj ; V : 11 cash to"T)e AdvV"aOun- " ' '-'' I '..i....' C n1a. 11)11 Hll Allison,! Allona, asetetance- 17.50 jbppock, Luiu, ao;. i . . . rosier, ueneTiere, uu. . . Howe, Christine, do, , . . . Kime, Mrs. Maud, do.'. ; . . Kliewer. Minnie Myrtle, do .(..-. ......... . Miles, Minnie L., do. . . . Ross, Mabel Lily, do. . . . . Sawyer,! Rose, Mary do. .'. ; Slavens, Blanche E., do.. McClellan, Pahl T. boun- 1 y - ; ... 1 f Zitzelberger.'Ben, do.... Lambrecht. Paul, do. , . . Boyer. i U. G., . . county clerk cash to be Adv. as ' . bounty. ............. Newmyer. J. J.. relief of V, A. Stlckney , . . . . 4 . Thomas, Earl, bounty ... Baker,' . J. -S., relief - of -W. . L. Bcflter- . -. . . V . 4 . Boyer, V. G., county clerk, rash : to t he .Adv. . as bounty, V. .. ... . . . Richardson, O. S.. bounty Boyer, U. O., county clerk. cash to be Adv. as boun ty ................ . Beltel, August, bounty. . . Sherwood, Frank J. Jr., do .i. .:. Byrd.'W. H Insane exam inations . . .... . . . . . .' 1 poor Account - ..' Wood, Mrs. A. C, relief for Mrs. Martha E. Ap iple . Baldwin, : Mrs. Lorrnda, relief ........ Wengenroth, "Wm , ' relief - lor Dave Bernler .... RobsonJ Mary, relief for Martha Bllleu ....... Boys & Girls Aid Society, relief ..:;.:...... Brinegar, Elizabeth, do.. Butfun W. B., do Cain, .Mrs. Gladys, do. . . . Carlson, . C. Carl,', do .... . Caspei-son," Flossie, do. . . Casteline; Wm., do ..... . Caswell, Mary, do ....... Cave, Mrs. Maggie, do... Churchill, Mrs. Belle, do . Coldwell. Mrs. Mabel. s do Smjth, Guy O.. guardian. ... . 15.00 40.00 15.00 32-50 17.50 15.00 32.50 25.00 17.60 4.60 12.35 10Q.O0 7.00 11.75 '25.00 100.00 .21.15 100.00 26.35 ; 1.85 35.00 r8-.00 .10.00 8.00 16". 00 25.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 "10.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 relleftor'Lela and ford"! Cook .......... De Haven, W. ' M.." relief vtbr-self and .brother.',. ' Dlrks."Mrs: W. F., relief . ' Dodged UlysBa HHIen. do,;.-r Kngeinart, Mrs, Anna, aq., au.uu FlcischmanV Eunice, relief for-self and husband.. ;:" Forrest,' Hetta. relief . . . .' ; Foster. ! Mrs." E., do . . ... Fowler John, - 'relief for ' self t and daughter:... . Fr0mm,: Mrs. Lydla', relief Greshong, John H., do.. Gobln, , Lirette, do...... . Haggard,. Delia, do. . .... Hall,- Lucinda, do ...... . Hardwlck, Charles, , do . . Harper, J. H., do....... Hart, Grace A., do...... Hegarty, Mrs.i Hazel, do. . . Hendricson, Mrs. Mabel, do ................. Hepburn , Mrs. Ella, do . . Hitsman,-W. A.; do. .... . HorromWm. F., do, . , Johe8,"Mrsj C N.; do ... Knapke, Mrs. Jessie.' dot Laecey, Mrs. Ida, do i.... Galbraltb, J. C.r relief- for ; Mr. 'and "Mrs. Prosper La Chapelle .....-... . Llvock.r Wm. -J. E., relief Lundqulst, - Emma, - do... Lyon, Mrs. Bertha, do...' Martin,-Eve,- relief.'. . .. . Martin.! Mrs. W. II.. do . . . McDanlel,' MrsJ.C., do.... McDaniel.' Mrs.' Mae, do I McKnlght, Lulu do. . . .. Sctlven, Mrs. Emily, yelief - for Harry' Meeker -. . . Mirau, Ahtonla, relief... Mitchelson, Martin, do..- -Nett, Cary C, do t ..... . Odman,'MrA.-Klrstl.-do.. - Paquette, Mrs. Louisa, re- lief for Mr.and Mrs. 'Paschal Paquette and ONora Pluard ......... Parris. John S., relief for elf and brother . 4 ... Paf-ris, Wm. 11 - relief i . Pavelek, Antonle, do.-.w Bfbkkefj T. ILVTelfot tor blea Pederson - a . Pugh' Anna,7' relief '. t . , . Rclnhart. Rosalia," do. Rcnick.t Mrs.-' Annie, -do . . Rlx, Jennie. May. do - Robinson; Mrs. Jennlo M.. 10.00 t - t 25.00 30.00 10.OO '15.00 '20.00 20.00 16.00 15.00 12.00 12-00 20.00 20.00 10.00 8.00 25.00 10.00 8.00 10.00 ;ie.oo - 8 00 20.00 10.00 20.00 20.0" 10.00 20.00 15.00 20.60 15.00 20.00 12.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 10. 36. 20.00 . 25.00 iJO.OO 20.00 . - " ' lir.oo '. 11.00 ?12.00 . 10.00 10.00 do a 17.50 To"be sgctlBua