The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 23, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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Fancy Dress
Values up to 75c
. Many Patterns to Choose From
G. W. Johnson & Company
Judge Returns From Bend
Judge L. H. McMahan returned
recently from Bend, where he baa
bcuu attending court. -He -was ac
companied by Mrs. McMahan.
Scinuts Leave for Camp -,
.The second group of boy scouts
to go to the scout camp at Casca
di will leave the" armory. 4 this
morning at 9 o'clock, it was an
nounced yesterday by scout lead
era. Fairmount Hill Ixts
11200 on up. Protected district.
s Monthly payment plan. Get yours
' new. 70 to choose from. A-l sizes
facings, etc. Becke & Hendricks.
189 N. High street. L-J-25
Salem Man Fined In Albany
George M. Self, of Salem, was
fined 810 in the police-court ol
Albany recently. Self,. the arrests
Ing officer declared, drove past
another car on the Murder creek
curve, not having a 500-foot un
obstructed right of way as re
quired by law.
Gospel Team Makes Trip
A gospel team from the YMCA
is scheduled to take charge of the
morning services in the Methodist
cMrch at Mill City next Sunday,
Jurning to Salem in the after
noon. Refrigerators at Ixw Prices
Real values going .fast. C. S.
Hamilton Furn. Co. j23
lUckll at Manzanita-
Ben Rlckli, associate secretary
ot the Salem YMCA, is spending a
two weeks vacation at Manzanita.
where , he Joined his family re
cently He reports a restful vaca
tion. Ash worth's Hollywood
Girl Band will play. during din
ner at the Gray Belle this
I evening and later for the dance
at Dreamland Rink! J-23
Miss Marvin in Klamath Falls
Miss Cornelia Marvin, state
' librarian,! is in Klamath Falls this
week-end, conferring with the city
and county library boards there.
, Yesterday afternoon Miss Marvin
was the guest of honor at a tea
: given by the Klamath Falls librarv
f MakLong'liji Trip-Sir,
i A Jparty consisting of Al Clark,
j H.Aj Clark. Maxwell Clark, Paul
Irvtne. and Mrs. L. Hutcheon. of
Saleip. returned Thursday night
i from: a four day motor trip. Their
! trlpjcarried thenr through Med-
j fofd f and Marshfleld, down the
i coast Into California, and back
-Bend. The return was made by
wart)f the McKenzie pass. ' Al
S WWftuan staff, reports that cen
tral Oregon is much warmer than
thJy'Jllamette valley.
, Pj6le or Trade ...
""32ft Salem property, cottage at
. quire Nelscott Store. J-23
.. : . ,
Boys Go to Pen
i -Cfurtis. Townsend, Adrian
Loomis, and Henry Jalrl. Salem
ytflhs recently -convicted of lar
' ceny. in a dwelling, were trans
ferred Yealrdav from the rniintv
;jatfrwbere they have been for the
past five weeks, to the state peni
tentiary, where they began to
' Business Opening Restau
rant In Salem to exchange for
Lraeafit lots. 91230. . s .
40 acre farm, close In on Pa
cific highway, would make a
rvij(rerful camp ground, large
iffj rings, lota of shade, fruit. "
street, for almost the value of
the lot. I130 cash wilt get it,
balance terms.
35 acres good land near New
berg, no incumbrance, f70OQ;
$2000 cash and'ternls.. ; ; "
aightly. ten acre tract in
fruit, op the Pacific highway,
close Ittv f3000,and terms. ; -
Money to LoanIIouses to Rent
442 State Telephone 2000
469 State
serve their sentences of two years
each. The three seemed anxious
ferthe long stay in the county Jail".
Csed Can Going Fast at
Fitigerald-Sherwln, 364 N. Hi.
, .
Salem Tooth Takes Trip
Meredith Landaker. of Salem,
who is a radio operator and re
cently returned from the Orient
to San Francisco,; reports that re
sults of the earthquake are still
evident in Yokohama, where he
stopped recently. He is expecting
to return to Japan shortly as sec
ond radio- operator on the U. S. s
President Taft.
Speeder Fined in Court
A. CI McMurray, 2259 Center
street, who was arrested yester
day on a charge of speeding, paid
a fine of $7.50 in police court later
in the day.
Iance at Hazel Green
Sat. Ken Bayles di;nce band.
Poulsen Goes on Vacation
City Recorder Mark Poulsen
left yesterday morning for a mo
tor trip to eastern Oregon, by way
of the Columbia River highway.
He is expected to return by Thurs
day or Friday. During his ab
sence his work is being handled
by Deputy Recorder Alfred Mundt.
Three Parkers Fined
Over time parkers who paid
fines yesterday in police court
were Mrs. H. L. MacGregory, M.
Harris, and S. Coshow. All paid
fines of $1.
Regular Saturday Night Dance
At Schlndler's Hall. Benefit of
United Artisan!' girls drill team.
Thomas orchestra. Stage leaves
Terminal at 8:30 p. m.. J-23
Permits For New Dwelling!
Permits for two jaew dwellings
were issued yesterday by the city
recorder. Arthur Silvers will
erect a one story dwelling at 1094'
22nd street, in the Turner Road
addition, will be built at 3 63 Jer
ris street, at a. cost of about
$4,000. by Earl Kennell.
Will Repair Store
O. M. Lemmon was yesterday
gtvan a -permit to make repairs
on-a one story store building at
598 North Commercial street,
across from Marion Square. The
cost of the work will be approxi
mately $500.
Csed Cars Going Fast
Fitzgerald-Sherwln. 364 N. Hi.
Stop Signal Not Seen
Jesse E. Smith, 2273 Laurel
avenue, failed to see a signal given
by Adam Engel, 74 3 Stewart
street and their cars crashed at
the Intersection of Chemeketa and
Capitol streets, about 8:45 p. m.
Thursday. - Little damage was
done either car.
Hotel Marlon
Dollar dinners rerved 5:45 to 8
every evening. n26tf
Struck , When Srtps at Curb
D.' U Ringle, 1270 N. Capitol
street, stopped his truck at the
curb at State and 25th streets
yesterday morning, and Jacob
Spanlolof Stayton, drove his car
against it, doing some damage to
the - cr. Spatiiol reports that
Ringla stopped suddenly to pick
up two girls and he was unable
to avoid 8triklrg t be truck.
8 Oregon Pulp Paper Co.
Preferred. Limited amount for
ale. Hawkins & Roberts. Phone
1427. ,UH, v- JX6tf
Inattention Catiaea Wreck-
Mrs. A.' J. Wheatonr 1950 South
Church St., d rove ther car Into
one driven by ; John Linderman,
Cherry avenue. Thursday evening,
on High street between- State and
Court streets. ' Linderman claims
that Mrs. Wheaton was not watch
ing, the street at the timed the
accident. i . t
Bond Reduced 10.O0O
'Judge J. Tf f Hunt yesterday
granted, an order in probate court
reducins bond of Truma Huston.
administratrix of the estate of C.
Owing to an
unusual purchase
we are selling
these sox at only
per pair
A. Huston, deceased, for the minor
heirs, from 950,000 to $10,000.
Cause for the action was based
partly on the fact that two of the
heirs, Truth Dexter Huston and
Frances Mary Huston, have at-
tained the age of 18 years, and
partly mat administratrix has had
to repossess real properties in the
state of Washington and Iowa for
mortgage notes totalling $31,000.
Fails to Give Right of Way
J. J. Reynolds, 254 North 24th
street, failed to give right of way
yesterday at the intersection of
14th and Chemeketa streets, and
caused the right front wheel of
his car to strike the left hind
wheel of a car driven by James P.
Kelly, 985 North 21st street. The
accident happened at 12:50 p. m.
Store Room for Rent
Down town and suburban. $35
and up. Becke & Hendricks. 189
N. High street. L-J-25
Reeves Inventor)- Filetl
Inventory and appraisement in
the estate of Henry V. Reeves, de
ceased, filed in probate court yes
terday, showed the estate to be
valued at $7,844.34. Real prop
erty was valued at $4950 by David
W. Eyre, Frederick -S. Lamport
and Karl G. Becke, appraisers.
Personal property was listed at
$2,894.34, $1349 of which is rep
resented by government bonds and
savings certificates, and the rest
includes notes, cash in banks,
household furniture and tools.
Beautiful View Home-
New. Hot water heat, refriger
ating system, etc. Every modern
feature. Being built at Fairmount
and Leffelle streets on north slope
of Fairmount hill. 8 rooms. Hard
wood In all. If interested in a
fine home let us finish to suit you.
Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. High
street. L-J-25
Fisher Estate Appraised
Estate of the late Hannah G.
Fisher consists of personal prop
erty valued at $1643.20, of which
amount $589.20 is cash in banks.
Appraisers were Ralph Wirth, H.
H. Corey and Frank Meredith.
500 LBS. I-e Free
With every refrigerator sold. C.
S, Hamilton Furn. Co. J23
Final Aecount!iled f '
Final account in the estate of
E. J. Thurman. deceased since
1901, was filed in probate court
yesterday by the executor, Albert
Whitlock. The.bulk of the estate
was placed at the disposal- of the
widow during , her fife, although
several divisions have been made.
Final account showed a balance
of $3,375 remaining to be distrib
uted among heirs. Value of the
estate was originally placed at
Furniture Upholstered
And repairing. Giese-Powers
Furniture Co. 3tf
Three Licenses Issued
Approach of another week end
is held responsible for the slight
increase in the number of mar
riage 'licenses issued yesterday,
over the earlier part of the week.
Casey's Guaranteed
Money refunded if it does not
care your case
NELSON & HUNT. Drnggtata
Cor. Court and Liberty Tel. T
, 8 and 10 cents per yard. Also
buttons, stamping and pleating..
Over Miller's ' Telephone 117
Radium Ore
Purifies water,
cleanses the
blood and f lTe
jf health.
329S 8. Chareh
.Tel. nVkrk-
We have a 192Q Special
Studebaker touring
good rubber, 1927 li
cense and fine mechan
ically. . Priced at '$85.
."The House Thai Service Bunt"
Friday and Saturday it is noted.'
are usually the "heavy" days of
the week. Three licenses were is
sued yesterday, an increase of one
over the day before. Applicants
were George R. Duncan and
Teresa M. Ruef, both of Stayton;
Charles A. Blanchard and Mrs.
Alice Jones, both of Salem, and
Alfred D. Mallory, 27. and Mil
dred L. Baker, 17, both of Salem.
Dreamland Dance Tonight
Two girl bands 12 Hollywood
girls and Helen Wieghman's 8
Ambassador Coeds. Snappiest
girl band that ever came to coast.
Come early. Ladies -25 cents,
gentlemen 75 cents. j23
Coeds to Play
Helen Wieghman's Ambassador
Co-eds, a headliner attraction on
the Metropolitan vaudeville cir
cuit, will play at the Dreamland
dance pavilion tonight and Mon
day night. These girls will "also
appear at the Capitol theater to
day, afternoon and evening.
Dr. Hawkins Addresses
One of the most inspirational as
well as entertaining addresses
which the Salem Lions club has
listened "to this year was present
ed by Dr. Don P. Hawkins, super
intendent of the Chautauqua here,
at Friday's luncheon. He took as
his subject the essential factors in
determining a nation's character,
listing these as territory, re
sources, population and institu
tions. He closed with an unusual
ly inspiring reading, and also
played two piano solos which were
greatly enjoyed.
In Salem From Portland
Guests at the New Salem hotel
last night from Portland included
A. J. Wade, J. E. Longwell, Lillian
Robertson, L. D. Lanbeth, Roy D.
Ward, Frank S. Murphy, George
Rowland, Charles Beckwith, Mr.
and Mrs. B. P. Franklin, Mr. and
Mrs. J. L. Wilson, and. R. B. Mc
Coy. From Out of Town
- The following were among out,
of town guests registered at the
New Salem hotel last night: J. J.
McMahon, Tigard; Philip Johnson
and C. C. Clifton, San Francisco.
and Mrs. Harry Stock, Los An
geles. Wrigley Man In Salem
Ben H. Rouw, of San Francisco,
northwestern advertising repre
sentative of the' Wm. Wrigley Jr.
company, is in Salem on business.
Permit for New Dwelling
A permit for a new dwelling
was issued yesterday by the city
recorder. Arthur Silvers will erect
a -one story dwelling at 1094 22nd
street in the Turner road addition
at a cost of about $1000. '
Portland Guests at Marlon
Among Portland guests at the
Marion last night were Mr. and
Mrs. George Stone, William L.
O'Neal, Mr. and Mrs. M. Conner,
Mr. and Mrs. A. i H. Triechler,
James McFadden, Mr. and Mrs. J.
F. Coleman, A. T. Steiner, Emery
Jones, P. H. Gilmore, A. V. Wells,
L'. A. Hall. R. B. Carruthers,, and
L. W. Damon. .
Monrovia Party Visits
i Beulah Brewer, Rose Maxwell,
Lila Waugh, and Francis Adams
were members of a party from
Monrovia, CaL, which spent the
night in Salem last night, regis
tered at the Marion.
Winters Party Stops Here
A motor party from Winters,
Cal.. stopped in Salem last night,
staying at the New Salem hotel.
Included in the -party were Mr,
By the Pound
Envelopes to Match '
That is really the most
economical way to buy
personal stationery
Lord - Baltimore
- ' Linen
for example, is excellent
value. , ' ' .-,
Pound of Sheets ' PfS
in Carton . . .. ...OUC
Carton of- v. Jfy ""'
SO Envelops . . . -. fi U C" "
f s-" "K:.':;:,;c.;..3.A-r: -rP"-: H
Perrj's Drag Store '
115 S. Commercial t
Fi"7771 ! i ton
;' j '
and Mra. H. R. Brink. Mrs-. . H.
Brink. Miss Brink, and LJoyd
Brink. . . : ...... t
Won't Yon Add Onnof Th
To your Sunday, dinner? We
are introducing for the first time
In Salem (1 Oar Chocolate
Malt Special Ice -Cream (2)
Our Extra Quality-Raspberry Ice
Cream. We stake our reputation
on either. The Spa. J2J
At Terminal Last Xlffht !
Among the oat of town guest
registered at t Terminal hotel
last night were "J." A. Robertson
and R. L. Jen k iris. Ontario; W.
Edgar Bennett, Eugene, and C. P.
Eggan and C. T. Caldwell. Port
land. In Salem From Seattle
Visitors in Salem from Seattle
last night included E. Arveser and
fttrty, W. J. Francis T. C. Morris,
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Husband, and
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Tibbals.
Visitors From Coos Bay
Mr. and Mrs. William Stone and
daughter were Salem, visitors last
u... i, m ue manon noiei.
Guests at Marion
Among the guests registered at
the Marion last night were W. G
Hooker,' Spokane, -W. N. Cramer,
La Crosse. Wis.; Abner K. Kline,
San Bernardino, Cal.; F. J.
Bramff. Kansas City: Walter R.
Siders, Pocatello. Idaho; E. W.
Hansen. San Francisco: Mr. and
Mrs. G. R. Taylor, Long Beach,
Cal.: A. W. Coleman. New York
City, and Gladys F. Taylor, Bel
mont, Mass.
Cuts in Front on Highway
A car driven by Arnold Coffee,
1790 North Commercial street,
was struck- last evening by a car
with license number, 111-189,
when the latter attempted to cut
in front of the Coffee car on the
highway Just north of the Fair
grounds road.
Strikes Bicycle
D. Nicholson, 2 409 Cherry ave
nue, reported last night, that he
struck a bicycle with his car at
the corner of Chemeketa and Lib
erty streets, about 5:20 p. m. He
did not report any damage done.
Knocks Car Over Curb
A car driven by R. J. Irwin,
114 7 Oak street, was knocked over
the curb, and tipped oh its side,
at the intersection of Highland
and Maple avenue yesterday after
noon, when it was struck by a car
driven by M. J. Jennings, West
Timber, Ore. Jennings declared
that he had the right of way, and
that Irwjn's brakes were not
working properly.
Stayton Ford Stolen
Stayton police reported yester-
daythat -a. Ford touring car bear
ing license, number 203- ing
ing Oregon license number 203-
450 was stolen from that city
some time early yesterday.
Seek Quiet Tit I
Jennie A. Rulifson instituted
suit in- circuit court yesterday
against Bruno Sittig and others to
quiet title to certain real property
which she holds.
Plaintiff Wins-
All- rights Moses C. " Redfrcn
might have had under a contract
made between himself and W. A.
Heater, plaintiff, were declared
non-existant in a decree written
by Judge L. H. McMahan in circuit
Order Modified
Circuit Judge L. H. McMahan
yesterday issued a modifying or
der reauirlng John Dovle. who was
recently divorced from Ellen Beryl
uoyie, to increase temporary ali
mony payments of $15 to regular
$20 monthly payments for the
support of the minor child in the
custody of the mother.
Segregation Asked
Segregation of mutual interests
in certain real property owned
jointly by the various parties to
Quick Reliable Service
11. EGNER, 1615 Center Street
Phones 352 and 1310-W
Fine Fixtures .
Standard Equipment
Bedding and Window Box
Are now ready, also fine line
. of shrubs and perennials
Telephone 380 S12 State St.
Telephone 4-2-6
the battery man
service calls tree
540 Chemeketa Street
; tlOO
Ladles SiUc Dresses, $1.25
Coata Heliaed. f3.00 V
Men's Suits Pressed, SO cents
Over Bnslck's
Call, phone or write
1 79 J. -Commercial Salem
the' action, was asked In an action
brought by George W. Jdry and
others against Laura D. Jory-Page
and others.' " .'.'
" . ' i j,
Divorce Asked ; ' ' ' '
i- "Anna L. Llvock yesterday filed
suit in circuit court for a .divorce
from Harold E. Livock on grounds
of cruel and inhuman treatment,
alleging, among other things, that
her husband beat her. The cou
ple were married in Vancouver,
Wash-.sin September, 1922. Mrs.
Llvock asks- custody of a minor
daughter. v
Judge Grants Decree
Lillian DeGoire was granted a
decree tf divorce . by default on
grounds of cruel - and' Inhuman
treatment, from Alvah DeGuire in
Circuit Judge McMahan's court
Isolated Fire Lookout FCnjoys
Accounts of Big FJght
, MEDFORD, Ore., July 22.
(AP) Isolated, to all practical
purposes, from the world, and
Died at the residence. Morning
side, early Friday, July 22nd,
Mrs. Margaret Winship, age 63
years, wife of Wiiyam Winship.
mother of Mrs. D. B. Jarman,
Audry Winship, Mrs. Powell Clay
ton, and Richard Winship of Sa
lem and George of Union, Oregon;
sister of Mrs. Effie Haworth of
Pendleton,. Mrs. Belle Carder of
WalU Walla, C. D. Martin of
Pullman, Wash.. Cleveland Martin
of Colfax. Wash., Monroe Martin
of Spokane, Critden Martin of
Wenatchee, Sam Martin of De
troit, Mich., and Dick Martin of
Chula Vista, Calif. Also survived
by 4 ' grand-children and 5 great
grandchildren. Funeral services
Monday, July 25th at 1:30 p. m.
from the Rigdon mortuary, inter
ment City View cemetery. Chris
tian Science service.
Died in this city, Thursday, July
2l8t, Mrs. Sarah L. Fleming, age
73 years, sister of Mrs. T. J.
Cronise of this city. Funeral
services Saturday, July 23 at 3
p. m. from the Rigdon mortuary,
interment I. O. O. .F. cemetery.
Funeral services for the late A.
Maynard Sawyer will be held Sun
day. July 24, at 2:30 p. m. from
the Hopewell , church under the
direction of Rigdon & Son.
Funeral services for John D.
Peregoy will be held from Terwil
liger funeral parlors Saturday, 1
p. m. Interment Bethany ceme
tery on Silverton road.
Perfect Funeral Service
For Less
Licensed Lady Mortician
770 Chemeketa Street
Telephone 724 .
Will' sell or trad for in
come property in Salem.
1-4 mite from pavement,
near good town.
Also, 7 tots in Salem
See A. B. Kelsay at
Cobbs-Mitchell Company
or Telephone 813
Salem, Or.
In New j Location
Watches. Clocks .and: Jewelry
' .. - Repaired ' .' .
Must .sell choice close la Ten
. , Acres River: Bottom Land,
v Want an OJfer
841 State Street
Rewound and Repaired, New or
Used Motors j 1 , "
' i Thhags " Electrical
111 South High
Tel. 2112
J. IT. LEOXQ, BIgr; ' " f
Onf life's : work r has-
been spent In studying
'the healing properties
iOf Chinese herbs and
now - dally - we relieve
those suffering , from
tnmirh tlrnr an A VM.
' -ner trouble. . rhenma
I' tiam and gall stones,.
; .,- l; also disorders of men,
women and children. .
FVe Consnltatloa Call or Write
' Open 0 A. M. to 8 P. M.' .
420 State St Salem, Oregow '
with a:nTrownionntln 'tralt'of a,
very steepr,srade v affording i the
nly egress P. E. Neff.-fire look
out on- the summit of . .Wagner
Butte, this merning. enjoyed the
fullest accounts of the "Sharkey
Dempsey fight In New York, -when
an air mail - plane - dropped - a
bundle of San Francisco papers to
him. ' -' .- . . ;
Appeals to Troops for Ixyalty to
- Fatherland and Throne
.BUCHAREST. July; 22. CAP)
While the body of his grandfather.
Ferdinand of Rumania, lay , in
state In the golden .halt of the Cot
roceni palace and with his father,
Prince Carol; in exUe -near Paris,
five year old Michael, king of Ru
mania, today, began his reign with
an appeal to his troops for loyalty
to the fatherland' and the throne.
(Coatinaed rroia par 1.)
honey prices are on the up grade.
there is a possibility that, there
will be a hitch on this point.
Will Do Great Good '
This newly organized! concern
will do great Tgood In the develop
ment of the bee' keeping Industry
in the Salem district, and in fact
throughout wstern Oregon, and
the rest of the state, and the
northwest. ,'
There is no man In the business
better qualified than is Mr. Mead
to handle and direct such a busi
ness, for the mutual benefit of
the stockholders and the keepers
of, bees generally, and for the ad
vancement of erery interest in any
way connected with that industry.
It is predicted that there is being
lune in on K. CJ. W. between I I . and, I Zt
o'clock if you wish to Hear an address w
that is being broadcasted throughout the VI
world, it will interest you. '
International Bible Students
Association !
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established .868
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m
' "''"-NF,-: v.-v-' WV
' " t
Long and Short Distance Hauling
Public and Private Storage . '' '
Fireproof Building ,
Free Delivery to any, part of thp city;f T..f ; j
Quotations on ppUcatibn -IiJ l" J
Day Telephone 28 Night Telephone 1267-W.
Are You Going Avay?
If You Are Let
The Statesman
Follow ;Yni
When you leave the city", for ' vacation or on
; a business trip, why not have The Statesman sent
' to you while away 7 i -
The Statesman will be like a letter from home;
, it will kepp you posted about affairs in Salem and
the Willamette Valley, generally.
: .7 The! subscription rate ia ;60c a monthTarid yoa
- may pay In advance or on your return. -
" Telephone 583 or mail a post card and
transfer wiir be made promptly
'".'V";: Address-- : '-
The Oregon Statesman
, 1 : ,215 South Commercial StrccjU .
Cal cm, Oregon.
laid ia thi oTsaniKTtion JJe, feun
dattona. of an. immense -eoncern.
and that its capital stock wIlLhaTe.
to oe, irequenuy increased, by the
addition,.. Jot producer-members,
and from the' gains made In the
handling ot supplies and honey,
all of which will add to the Volume ,
of the "business and the value of ' -
the' stock.ti . .
Ainsworth Calls Meeting, t -
of Roosevelt Association
PORTLAND, July 22. ( AP )
J. C. Ainsworth has called a meet- -ing
of members of the Roosevelt ' v .
highway association for tomorrow -f
morning In the Oregon building
here. The meeting .was, called, a A
the request of -United States Sen
ator Charles McNary, .who will be
present.: . ; . : ...
xfThk purpose of the conference
win be to. determine jyhat .can i).c
done relative to federal aid in con
struction work , of the highway.
Members . of the Oregon delega-.. "
tion, the state highway cotnrais- ,(
sion, representr lives of the "United"!,
States bureau of public roads,
and the forestry department will,
attend. t -
PARIS. -Among the newest
scarves ! seen In V Paris ! are; ' the i
heavyisllk - ones - with brightly
flowered 'pattern. 1 They are long
and narrow, ,. and the' ends' '.are
fringed. ! '.'.;''"' '."7 ----:--; '
- PHONE 727 "
Oregon Electric Ry:
Willamette Valley Line
? U.J "ti
r t k 1 . M '
V . , -