The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 23, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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    I ho Salem Legion Drum Cqppc Crowns Its Three Years of Striving With the State Cup
Salem Is to Have Ito Importance As a Bee Keeping Center improved by a State Wide Co6
to Keep for Aye
Coopc pative Co nee rh
WEATHER FORECAST: Generally fair;
low, humidity In the , interior; moderate
northwest aad west.wlndn. Maximum tem
perature yesterday, 100; minimum, 53;
. river, .minus , 1- foot; atmosphere, clear;,
wind, northwest. ,
The Prussian DIerS session ras broken
up the other day by fist fight' between
nationalists ; and republicans. "Who says
that Germany - hasn't caught , the spirit of
democracy? -. . -. , .
4. J V : i-- - i : T. I -
Corporation With $10,000
Capital Stock Wit! Handle
Honey and Supplies
Project Started on Lines Well
Worked Out Tht Will Admit
of Steady Growth; H. M.
Mead Moving Spirit
.Salem Is the headquarters of a
state wide honey -handling and
producing company. Just incorpor
ated and organized. It is the
Mead Honey company, with $10,-.
000 capital stock. 1000 shares at
116 a share, of which H. M. Mead,
of .Route 2, Salem, the well known
bee keeper and breeder and honey
dealer, has taken 510. leaving
, 490 shares for sale.
In a Measure Cooperative
"While this Is a regularly or
ganized stock company, it will be
in a measure cooperative. Pro
ducers who ' own stock to the
amount of a share to four colonies,
or more. ,wHl receive the full
amouht of the proceeds for their
honey sold through the company,
r less the expenses, and less 5 per
cent, which is to go to the com
pany tor operating expenses. Also,
producer ' " stockholders will get
their bee keeper supplies at car
load prices, plus 5 per cent for
handling, to go into the general
fund of the company. The pay-
- ments on the stock may be made
In four annual Installments if de
sired, thus allowing stock to be
fully paid for out of savings, and
m many cases several times over.
Liberal Advance
reproducers selling their honey
.yVjugh the company Will receive
MJ the amount due .thenu upon
delivery, the balance as soon as
disposed of and paid for; and they
will in most cases get higher prices
than they could reallte in sales to
independent dealers.
Stock Is Selling
The stock is already selling, and
it is expected that it will all be
taken by the time of the annual
meeting of the company, which
will be the first Monday in Feb
ruary, and on the same date in
future years. The company is ex
pected to deal largely 3 in moun
tain honey, and to make a special
ty of such high grade products.
The company is renting a part
of the new Larmer warehouse on
North Front street in Salem, for
the : storing and bottling of its
It will also have a handy mar
ket in the down town district in
Salem an up to date honey store.
The company already has a car
lot order for honey to fill for a
large Portland concern, and will
be able to fill it if an agreement
can be reached as to price. As
. J (Continued o page 4,
Smith - Spring 'Holmes Quintette
Pleases Large Audiences
on Friday
Chautauqua audiences today
will have a special feature in the
Haskell Indian Symphonic band
the 'only Indian symphonic band
In existence. ' . . .
This organization, with Ned
Woodman, famed cartoonist who
will appear on the program both
afternoon and evening, promises
to give Chautauqua goers a real
Yesterday the Smith-Sprlng-Holmes
orchestrat ' quintette, one
of the best musical organizations
on the American stage today, en
tertained with a high class musi
cal program afternoon and even
ing - Every number was well received
and was representative of the high
type of artistry which this popular
organization gives every day on
the Chautauqua platform,
Dr. Don P. Hawkins? the super
; ifjndenU emphasized the fact
: . i'rdaV that there will be '" no
jeviJIssion charged for the - two
programs at 2:30 and 7:45.
In the evening Rev..Norman K.
Tully of the Presbyterian church
will .speak and the choir of the
First M. E. church under the di
rection of Professor E. W. Hobson
will -sing several selections. The
devotlonals will be in charge of.
i the Rev, Fred Taylor of the First
M, E. church. A cordial invita
tion is extended to all t v
- The Allpress All Star organize
tion will furnish high class music
Afternoon and ' evening ' arrd Or.
' Alexander Cairns will lecture In
the evening on "The Goose That
Lays the Golden Egg,"-- - -
Chautauqua Today and
THIS ATTEKNOOW H.-re is 'some
thing different. The greatest Indian
choe.1 in America, representing almost
every tribe in the roue try, tends its
crack musical organisation to give
Chautauqua pal faces a thrill. Noth
ing slow abont this. Haskell Indian
Symphonic Band.
Xed Woodman, than whom there is no
more intriguing platform cartoonist,
displays his wares aad his vocabulary
devoting himself to home-made
poetry, national idiosyncrasies and
things like that. Ned Woodman.
THIS EVENING A "whoop 'em
up' ' symphonic band program with
war dances mixed in; also some con
trast just to show what TJncle Sam
and his schools are doing with the
original, genuine Americans. Ned
Woodman assists again with some of
his funnyisms and maybe something
else or. two. Haskell Indian Synv
phanie Sand.
press All Star Trio in one of those big
little companies that represent the
very finest traditions in the Chautau
qua movement and appeal to every
genuine music lover. Allpress All Star
Company gives a prelude of tuneful
music. Allpress All Star Company.
Thea, one of the moiit eloquent
preachers of the Kust. and writer of
a widely read syndicated column in
the newspapers, speaks. Dr. Alexan
der Cairns.
The choir of First M. K. church will.
ltnr Sunday evening and the Rev. Mr.
Tally, speak. No admission for Sunday
Collapse of Negotiations Not
Feared; London Gives Full
LONDON, July 22. (AP) The
Geneva negotiations for reduction
of naval armaments are to be re
sumed without delay, under a de
cision reached today by the cabi
net. Effectually silencing varied
reports of the imminent collapse
of the conference, the cabinet de
cided that a part, at least of the
British delegation summoned here
to report, would leave immediately
to resume the discussions
The cabinet, council ' was the
longest held since those during
the coal strike last year. Four
hours were devoted to listening to
reports by Viscount Cecil and W.
C. Bridgeman upon the develop
ments at Geneva .and apparent ob
stacles to successful termination.
It was determined that Viscount
Cecil and Mr. Bridgeman, who had
returned to London to report on
the conference, will return to
Geneva almost immediately to re
sume their labors and that they
will return with the cabinet's full
approval of the lines they have
taken hitherto.
Little ; real apprehension had
been expressed here that the con
ference had collapsed. This fear
was excluded by the fact that prep
arations for Premier Baldwin's de
parture for Canada with the
Prince of Wales tomorrow have
continued to go forward, but it
was thought that- difficulties
might arise within the cabinet
Klamath County Town Damaged
to Extent of 100,000
CHILOQUIN, Ore., July 22.
CAP) Damage of more than
$100,000 was caused here late
yesterday by fire as it swept
through the business section oi
the town.
The blaze, the second in the
same block within a year, was
finally controlled by volunteer
firemen with a make-shift equip
ment. ,
The Williams Lumber company
and the Cochrane hotel were the
heaviest losers, damage to each
beine estimated at S30.000. Other
losses were: K. Sugarmah building
and Merchandise. 120.000; uem-
ger building, S 2 5.000; Chiloquin
PliimbinaT com Dan v S3. 000: Frank
Deveny pool hall " $2,500 and
Shepherd's pool haIl.$z,5oo.
Falls t Through ; Abandoned Net
Rack Into Col umDia tuver
' A.STOTtTA Jnlv 22 (AP)
r?hariH fi. Embusk. 10. son of
Mr. and Mrs, ? John Embusk of
this city, was crowned m me Co
lumbia river tonight, after he fell
through a hole -in an abandoned
net rack; The boy had peen piay
Ino nn tha net rack. . '
..The body was recovered after
an hour, and 25 minutes. All at
tempts at resuscitation fallea.
"4 5 I ) . . .' . ' ' '
Portland Track Driver Victim
- Accidents Total 823
There was one fatality In Ore-
frnn dna to industrial accidents
during the week ending July 21,
according ; to a report preparea
hem Pridav bvi. the state indus
trial arririent commission.' The
victim wa E. L. Coble, Portland
truck driver. There were a total
1 .
1 commission, --"
Normal School Group Fears
Monmouth Will Lose Rail
New Move Being Made In Effort
to Prevent Removal of Line
From Rich Polk County
Farming District
The Southern . Pacific company
will be requested, by the board of
regents of the state normal
schools to withdraw its applica
tion to abandon 28 . miles of its
Airlie branch between Broadmead
and Airlie in Polk county.
It was said that the Airlie
branch of the Southern Pacific
now provides the only rail trans
portation for the town of Mon
mouth, which is the location of
Oregon's largest state normal in
stitution. Miller, to Confer
Frank Miller, member of the
board of regents, was selected to
confer with the Southern Pacific
officials on behalf of the regents.
This is the latest development
in the fight the people of Polk
county have been waging to pre
vent curtailment of the railway
facilities in that region.
Three weeks ago the Southern
Pacific filed its application with
the interstate commerce commis
sion, and the controversy has been
in progress since that time. ,
Situation Serious
Abandonment of this stretch of
railroad would deprive Airlie,
Monmouth, Perrydale , and Inde
pendence of railway service, ma.s
well as a large section of rich agri
cultural land in the county, f .
These titles . have! been prepar
ing to fight the proposed aban
donment, and .have asked the as
sistance of the state public service
commission. - ,
The commission has asked that
a hearing in the matter be held
before the interstate commerce
commission. Whether or nbt the
state commission will take an ac
tive part in behalf of the Polk
county residents has not been
Conference Planned in Connection
With Hand Royalties
The state land boards of Wash
ington and Oregon will hold a
joint conference in Portland with
in the next two weeks in connee
tion with the, payment of royalties
on sand taken from the Columbia
river, it was announced here
State Forester Issjps Fire Warn
ings Account of Low
Forest Humidity
Salem citizens sought shade,
cooling drinks and ' electric fans
here yesterday when the govern
ment weather bureau thermome
ter set a neat new mark of an even
100 degrees' shortly before 3
o'clock in the afternoon.
The mercury rose rapidly after
nine o'clock in the morning when
the thermometer registered only
74. At 10 a. m. it had risen to 79
degrees, and at noon had attained
90 degrees. Cool breezes kept the
temperature down during the
morning hours.
Only three times last summer
did the mercury reach 100 degrees
or better. June 24 of last year,
it showed an even 100, July 9,
100, and July 10, rose to 107, the
hottest day of the year.
Hop growers are generally well
pleased at the hot weather which
aids in destruction of aphis colon
ies fostered during the low tem
peratures prevailing early in the
Fire warnings have been issued
by the state forester due to the
low relative humidity registered
this week in the forest reserves.
Reports of one timber fire, of
two slashing fires, and another
woods fire were received by the
state forester.
A small fire was burning along
Gales creek five miles above For
est Grove and it was expected it
would be under control soon.
Fair and continued warm Satur
day and Sunday was forecast by
the weather bureau.
Leaves to "Start All Over Again"
in TJatried Fields
' -
LOS ANGELES', July, 22 (APUiay Gf heated post mortems, in
Aimee SemDle McPherson is
penniless, her heart broken, and
rather than remain where hosts of
miserable memories press upon
her, she left Lbs Angeles, "left all
behind which represented IS years
of the most exacting labor.", to
"start air over again" in far, un
tried fields.
This confession, a letter written
to Rev. Charles A. Jaynes, her
personal representative here, Is
the first direct revelation coming
from Mrs. McPherson explaining
the reasons for her departure
from Los Angeles two months ago.
Abandoned Dynamite Laden Boat
Beached on Mud Flats
(AP) The dynamite laden steam
er Northland, abandoned by her
crew in a sinking condition off
the Golden Gate last night after
collision with the steamer Pacific
Trader, was towed into San Fran
cisco bay late today and beached
on the Hunter's Point mud flats
at high tide.
Slow Motion Pictures Fail to
Clear Up Dispute Over
Knock Out Smash
New York Athletic Commission
Not to Revoke Referee's Stand;
Plans for Dempsey-Tunney
Bout Progress
By Alan J. Gould
Associated Prass flportt Editor
NEW YORK, July 22 -(AP)
Mayor James Walker, author of
the Walkerbill which brought box
ing back to New York(state, said
today that Jack Dempsey did not
foul Jack Sharkey.
"The "blow looked low because
Sharkey wore his tights high,"
said the mayor., "The referee has
'decided and it's not good sports
manship to have an alibi."
; NEW YORK, July 2. (AP)
Jack Dempsey's come back today
developed one of the most hectic
controversies in heavyweight ring
history, with a bitler debate swirl
ing around the question whether
the former champion fouled Jack
Sharkey before knocking out the
Boston sailor in the seventh round
of their battle last night.
Dispute Rages
The dispute raged among news
papermen, officials and fighters
with as fierce intensity as the bat
tle within the ring last night. ' In
stead of being finished, the fight,
it seemed, had lust begun. After
which slow motion pictures and a
broadside of official opinions were
brought to bear, the issue was no
nearer settlement than when yells
(Continued oa paga. 6.)
( t.M. : '
Officer George Edwards Makes 3
Arrests on Traffic Counts
Autoists aroun'd Salem seem to
have been getting i'careless lately,
for Officer George: Edwards pick
ed up three of theiri within a few
hours time Thursday night, on
charges of speeding.
Arthur Berglin, Rt. 7, Box 33,
was stopped by Edwards about
8:20 Thursday night. He appear
ed In police court yesterday to
plead guilty and pay a $5 fine.
Otto Klett, 479 State street,
paid a fine of $10 in court yester
day, after having. been stopped for
speeding a little later the same
night by Edwards.
Edwin B. Rivers, 215 Boyer
street. Walla Walla, Wash., posted
$10 bail with Edwards on a speed
ing charge. '
Sheriff Fails to Deliver Papers' In
Teddy Hayes Suit for
. Back Pay
NEW YORK, . July 22 (AP)-
After a day in which every move
ment was kept In strictest secrecy.
Jack Dempsey slipped out of New
York by automobile for Wilming
ton, Del., at 4:15 this afternoon
on the first leg of a hurried trip
to Los Angeles. He was accom
panied by Leo' P. Flynn, his man
ager, and by several friends.
Process servers, camped close
on the former champion's trail,
are believed to have prompted the
surprise departure. The sheriffs
failed to serve papers upon Demp
sey for. a suit brought against him
by Teddy Hayes, former member
of Jack's camp, for alleged back
The. former heavyweight champ,
who scored a spectacular knockout
over Jack Sharkey last night in
the first step of his come back,
planned to board a train at Wilm
ington for New. Orleans shortly
before midnight. Flynn and the
party will return here by automo
bile after seeing Dempsey aboard.
Even members of Dempsey's
own entourage here knew nothing
of Jack's departure until he was
due in Wilmington. Then a hur
ried message ordered his secretary
and other members of the staff to
leave New York at 9:15 on the
train Dempsey will meet at Wilm
Miss Marguerite McDonald's Solos
Feature Concert
With the thermometer dropping
from its high mark of 100 earlier
in the day. thousands of Salem
people, and numbers from sur
rounding towns, sought the, cool
ness of Willson park for the) semi
m eekly concert of the Salem Cher
rian band.
A new feature .of the concert
was the vocal presentations by
Miss Marguerite McDonald. Seattle
soloist who anDeared here rerenflv
at-the Elsinore theater. Although
many good indoor singers appear
at a disadvantage in out of rinnr
programs, Miss McDonald's voice,
wnne not 01 exceptional volume,
carried clearly "to the outskirts of
the throng.
The next concert will be given
Tuesday evening.
Ooolidge Will Throw Resources
df Country to Flood Aid
RAPID CITY. S. D.. July 22.
(AP) The federal treasury will
be opened (by President Coolidge
for funds to repair the broken
dikes of the Mississippi river but
he has reached no decision on
another recommendation of Secre
tary Hoover . to have the govern
ment help I 4 meet interest and
amortization . charges on levee
bonds in the devastated area.
Likewise, it, was reiterated to
day at the executive office that
the president has reached no con
clusion on the question of conven
ing congress in special session a
month or six weeks ahead of the
regular meeting in December to
consider flood relief; and control
President Believes American Gene
' va Delegation Competent
RAPID CITY, S. D., July 22.
(AP) President Coolidge has
been impressed by the ability and
discretion with which he considers
the American delegation to the
Geneva' naval armament confer
ence has. set forth the-position of
the' United States.,
v - He Infers that the work of Am
bassador Hugh Gibson, who head
ed the delegation and Admiral Hi
llary Jones, has been especially
. .
George Ellis, 'The Dalles, Critically
Injured in Crash
George Ellis of The Dalles is In a
hospital here critically injured as
the result of an automobile acci
dent yesterday, and E. W. Fergu
son, Portland, was also hurt when
their-, car collided with a triick
sevens miles north . of Corvallis.
The machine was hurled 20 feet
from the pavement.
" Ellis buffered a ruptured liver
and Internal hemorrhage. " Fergu
son was badly.4 bruised but not
seriously Injured. : i: : r " : 5
Both boys are said to be stu
dents of 'ionmouth nornfal school.
Astoria- Fishermen " will " Decide
: I 1 Policy oiv Fish Traps.
ASTORIA; July 22'' (AP)
Local ilf net fishermen prill meet
with attorneys her tomorrow to
decide their policy la regard, to
the attempts to erect pound nets
or fish traps In the Columbia river
pear It? mouth.
Former Crown Prince Refuses to
Reveal Intentions; Calls
Self "King"
PARIS, July 22. (AP) Th
man who might 3iave been king
aad still- would be apparently is ;
spending restless days behind the
drawn shutters of his villa in fash-
ionable Neuilly.
Through, a press statement is
sued in his behalf last night he
indirectly let the world know that
he calls himself "King Carol of
Rumania." But since then he has
vouchsafed nothing and nothing
has been vouchsafed for him to ex
plain if and how be expects to ex
ercise the prerogatives that go
with the title.
The former crown prince, is re
maining in seclusion, mourning
the death two days ago of his fath
er, King Ferdinand of Rumania.
But whether his grief is mixed
with regret over what might have
been if he had not renounced
claim to the Rumanian succession
in 1925, or with hope that he one
cay may actually ascend the
throne left vacant by his father
and now held by his own five year
old son, Michael, Carol refuses to
tell. A
Afternoon papers delivered at
the villa today published promin
ently the letter written by King
Ferdinand to Premier Bratiano
two. days before his death with re
gard, to the country's affairs and
quoted in bold black type the
king's statement that "Carol re
nounced the throne of his own
free will and without constraints."
(Continued on paga 4)
Drop in Chnrch Membership Wor
ries Presbyterian Synod
EUGENE. July 22. (AP)
The 1928 session of the Oregon
state Presbyterian synod may meet
at Albany college or the Oregon
Agricultural college, if one of the
resolutions suggested today at the
synod's meeting on the University
of Oregon campus receives a fav
orable vote next Monday. During
the last 12 years, 11 sessions have
been held in Eugene and one at
the Corvallis institution. The in
vitation from Albany comes as a
result of the completion of suitable
accommodations for a convention
at the Presbyterian college.
Lack of gains in church mem
bership caused considerable anx
iety among the delegates today.
"To the prolific belong the heri
tage," declared Rev. Dr. Harvey
Klaer, of the national Presbyter
tan" board of missions, New York,
when he asserted that the dimin
ishing Interest in four out of 10
Oregon churches is due to mem
bers failing, to raise Presbyterian
children. " "
Governor Interviews Condemned
Men; Result Not Known
BOSTON July 22. (AP) The
man who alone holds the lives of
the two men In his hand today in
terviewed in the state prison in
Charleston, Nicola Sacco and Bart
olomeo Vanzettl, awaiting execu
tion for' murder. Governor Alvin
T. Fuller went to the prison and
talked to the two condemned men,
and also Clestino Madeiros, also
sentenced to die in the - electric
chair, who some months ago made
a "confession" which would have
exonerated Sacco and Vanzettl; C
j The governor refnsedT to make
any statement after he had spent
15 minutes each with Sacco and
Madeiros and an hour with Van
zettL' He left the prison' hurried
ly; 'plainly trying to avoid news
papermen, who had followed him
to Charlestown. Returning to the
state house, he reiterated that he
had nothing to make public."
Ford Agency Also Scene of Explo
i sion In Buenos Aires"
BUENOS AIRES, Jnly22. -(
AP ) A 'bomb exploded tonight
at the base of the George Wash
ington monument presented to. Ar
gentina by, .the American '-Colony
on the occasion of the Argentine
centennial. The pedestal of the
monument " was almost destroyed.
1 : Later another bomb was explod
ed in front of the Ford Automobile
agency, situated in the central part
of the city 'Several-windows were
broken and there' was some dam
agp to neighboring' houses, but no
casualties. . . , '.
(J, The authors of the outrages are
not known but it is believed- the
bombs were plr.ced- by Sacco-Van-jettj
sympathizers, i
Musicians From Capital Post
Take Big Contest by De
cisive Score J;.
Locals Score 03 1-3; Bend Second,
Portland Third; .Competition
Keen Throughout Two ,
Hours of Drill ' :
LA GRANDE, Qre., July 22.
(Special) : Competing against
nine other . crack A" organizations,"
the drum and bugle corps of Cap
itol 'Post No. 9. American Legion,
of Salem, won the third successive
year the state championship at the
annual Oregon department con
vention of the legion, by a decisive
score. This victory gives the Sa
lem corps permanent possession of
the cup which it won two years
ago for the first time.
Victory Decisive
The judges gave Salem a score
of 92 1-3; Bend ranked second
with 88 7-24 and Portland was
third with 87 1-2. Ten corps .com
peted, while the La Grande corps
and two other states participated
were not considered in the scoring,
under the rules ' of the contest.
Counting the Sheridan post brass
band, 14 legion musical organiza
tions appeared on the 'field. Four
thousand persons witnessed the
. Princess Sheridan was crowned
queen of the convention tonight.
Princess 'Bend was second and
Princess La Grande, third.
250O at Convention
LA GRANDE, Ore., July 22.
(AP) More than 2500 visitors
and delegates " to thai . American.
Legion stats : convention here to
day rallied from 'a first glorldus "
day- and overshot all "previous
marks In the. way of entertainment
and enjoyment. -; V
The morning sessions were de
voted to officers and- commlttee
reportsand were followed by an
auxiliary glee club and quartet
contest, with Hood River winning
first place in both events. Showy
drum corps from Portland, Bend
Salem. McMinnville, Med ford.
Hood River; Eugene, Pendleton,
Marshf ield. - Cottage Grove : and
Baker contested in the afternoon
for 1927 honors. .
On the program of speakers to
day were John Raftus. department
president of Washington; Father
Lonergan, Illinois, former nation
al chaplain; Brigadier General
George A. White, commanding the
national ' guard of Oregon, and
I "1 (Continued oa pago 2.) ,
b w e LiktNo mill rbji M
Makes Room "for ; Valley Motor
5 Company's New Building to";
. . ..Start Soon -
Just blow your horn when yon
pull up alongside, and 111 have the
boys throw out the gangplank for
yon." i ; t-. .
i No, this Isn't a sea yarn; it's a
true chronicle of the journey of
the old Pomeroy. house, which set
sail Wednesday morning from its
moorings at 405 Liberty street,
where it has rested at anchor sine
it was built some 20 years ago,
and headed for the port of Winter
street," where Marion touches it--..""
i A, crew ;ot seven bold seamen
man the ropes., while in the fore
castle and cabin, and on the deck,
are to be found the skipper and
her crew, (tending their affairs
with no fear of sea sickness, for
never did , icraf t sail on quieter
seas. . . i '
'All of which Is to say that house-
movers Wednesday morning start
ed to move the old Pomeroy house
from its foundations at 405 Nortli
Liberty street, where the Valley
Motor Company will soon start to
build,: to. a new location at the
northwest corner of Winter and
Marion. . - - ' "
, The house has been bought by.
J. T. Ross, of 498 North Liberty
street and the present occupant,
Mrs. rJ.'i Godfrey, who for many
years has had a number of board
ers and roomers there,-will still
continue to occupy It, In fact, is
still continuing to occupy it during '
the move up Marion street. The
bouse is expected to rest on its
new foundations by Monday.
I The moving operations are be
ing done ty M. J.1 Trester, veteran
house mover.- The heavy dwelling
is supported on four run timbers .
Which are 12 by 14, and 60 feet
long; Eight 12 by 13 cross tim
bers, :each 40 ft long, support
it crosswars. These in turn H
rest on .rollers., and are moved by
a winch operated by horsepower,