The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 14, 1927, Page 9, Image 9

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    Tv ; j SoclM Calendar ;
Woman's Union Will
Meet on Friday i - : . - h
Xttfthday Anniversary
Observed in Family
1 1 The annual family reunion ot
Mrs. Alice I. Dempsey and her
children and grandchildren was
keld on. Sunday in the park at
Dallas. "This occasion was also the
lghty-thlrd birthday annlrersary
f Mrs, Dempsey, who was "born
In 1844 at Little Blue ItiYer. Neb.,
also held during the 1 afternoon
with Arils Dean of Silverton elect
ed as president of the family
group; Mrs. Charles Wait of fort
land as secretary and Mrs. Ernest
Bowen as' chairman of the pto
gram committee. t -'-
Families : from Marion, i Polk,
Linn and ' Multnomah counties
were present for the reunion:; f
It was riaHriari In hold the cath-
lerlng a ear at Rlckreal park
, . Today
Regular meeting, W. B. A. Mc
Cornack hall, 8 o'clock. .
Leslie Can Do's. Outdoor meet
ing. Charles Vick, Garden Road. 6
o'clock. .
Woman's Union, Congregation
church. - Mrs. Chapman, 722 N.
Church. 2 o'clock. "
Returns to Salem After Visit
of Several Months tn
Calif ornia -
Mrs. H. W. Swafford has re
turned to her home in Salem after
having spent the past four months
in Los Angeles, California. Mrs,
S waff ord ' was accompanied north
by her mother, Mrs. A.1 F. Sanders
ofLoAn felesjw .LFilUrMi,Ua
l The woman's union of the- First
Congregational "eh'udch" will meet
at two o'clock on Friday after
noon at the homt of Mrs. M.'N,
Chapman, 722 North Church
street. '. '
Sewing" will -be done for the;
Marion county health demonstra
tion and all members are urged to
attend. " f.
Go to California For
Two , Weeks r ?
- Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Keene an4
their niece,! Miss Mildred. Haberly
of Silverton hare gone to San
Francisco where they will remain
for two weeks. ,
Leave Tomorrow on Ten-day
Vacation Trip ,
Mr. and Mr.s Earl H. Anderson
TOo ' accepted .
salad- etiaUetfe
tf7. -
Mrs. W. P. Cobb of PortliniT. '
Children- present! were Miy.A.
Boyd Lof, A'ubprn, Wash.; JMr. and
Mrs. Clande R. DprnnM nf vam.
land; :Mr. and Mr$. J. N. Hart ot
Portland; Mt. and Mrs. - Willis
Simonton of Dallas; ift. and Mrs.
J. A. Allgood; Rlr and Mrs. Ralph
Y. Morrison; Mr. and Mrs. John
R. Sibley, and Miss Fannie Demp
sey of Dallas.
Grandchildren and great grand
children: Mr. "j and Mrs. Lester
, Boyd of Aberdeen. Wash.; Charles
; Boyd of Mount Vernon; Wash.;
v Mrs. Harold .Hart;V Juneau, 'Alas
ka; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Borelll;
Mrs. Rose, - Jennings: MIsS Oral
Powell of Portland; Helen Morrl
: bob. Catherine Sibley, Louise
; Boyd; Dorothy Hart; Barbara
Dempaey r; Hollls Smith: Eugene
Morrison; . ' John. ' Robert -' and
James "Allgood; Wayne Dempsey
and Charles Boyd, Jr. '
Many ' old friends called upon
. Mrs. Dempsey during the day. '
Reunion of Bowen Family
Held on Sunday at ' ' v
Champoeg "
The third annual reunion of the
r Bowen family was held last Sun
day at Champoeg with about one
hundred members of the family
.. present. ' . -
v I A, basket dinner was senred at
: Boon and an Interesting program
followed. A special feature of the
program was the 'History of the
Bowen Family' read by Gid Bow
en of Silverton.: ; A ChaIk Talk"
by Walter Bowen; musical num-j
Ders by Mrs. Ernest Bowen and
Mrs. Earl Pooler and recitations
completed . .the ' nrflmm' Tha,
prayer was lead, w mm . nnrtrJ
fcejortn. , A business meeting wa
Here's a raidsurom
est. A, well made ele
element set in speci
Interchangeable elem
with; detachable piuff.
black enamel ware witl
very practical, durable
elevatoiv f '
-For the Avefae
-For the Aparf ment
-For the School vlirl
-For the Sick Room
h n
bwm aum js uwhihiiiii at; mi w mmm m em m hihm iw
Ity Rayon pr
I 300 Yards "Shanrav NbJ
regular 85c yard value "atl-l.'.,;V....
I Printed Shanray is a rayon, witl
I ric. , It is an ideal weave for streej
Shantuncr effpct.
luuute or vacation dresses. The shades
vwe'ar. (Main floor) .
SiiWtiiiHninwniB iw.Knauaiw.iwttanttwiimtiii'iKifmwHni snuitflMCBWMHSKwitttiw'.e
3 :
I of rose, green, yellow, tan, tomb, ! orchid, peach white with "contrast I
printed, designs in small figures fid. themselves" admirably for summer 8
1 vwe'ar.-(Main floor). " ; ' I H ' ! - - . , i
, 2397 '
Salem's Lead Department - Store '
Comnitre our
. and the quality IV
r WOfK.
; Den tar Plates
rrori ; . . . ,
Gold Crowns
- from
.Bridge work, .
tooth." from!;
'Fillings" ; - A
from .......OX
Painless : 1 ' a r
Extractions . . V i
: . !:..:,
. . ' Corner State and Cor'
. '.T.. ! ' Salc-t, Or
... V.- .
t '.. . s .
' ' -' ' - . - -
i ;