The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 14, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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Help to keep you looking
; fX -'V,.-, X:-Vx , !tM,-, ; .
We are offering -the latest summer pat
terns in light flannels, values to $8.50 for
G; W. Johnson & Co.
. A - , .
Retired Flgainey Man Visits
MrandiMrs.. Lawrence Ray, of
Oregon were Salem guests
Tuesday at the home of D. B. Jar-
j, man, mtfhager of the J. C. Penney
store, j JHrtflay waa formerly con
nected ,wit bribe Penney .company
but has tt6w retired. While in
Salem ha. Investigated prospects
' of buying a home here, and ex-
, pects to make the move to Salem
X as soon as he can find a suitablo
place. - - X;---
How Good News Docs -Spread!
General Gasoline -is still the
l-Iagles to Hold Picnic
An all day picnic of the local
aerie of Eagles will be beld in
Ilagar's grove next Sunday be
. ginning at 11 a. m., according to
plans made Tuesday night. Bas
ket lunches will be brought by the
members, and,. the lodge will fur
nish coffee, sugar and cream.
AVebf oot AH Virgin Wool
Bathing suits, men's and la
dles'. Special $3.95. Bishop's. J14
Council Elects Trustee
f , i A. M. Church, member of the
Typographical union, was chosen
Tuesday; night to succeed Ernest
urrell as trustee of the .Salem
iTades and Labor council. . .
Close Out Silverware Sale
. On Community and Rogers, at
Gahlsdorf's, 325 Court St. J14
Grotto Picnics Today
This afternoon and evening the
El Kazar Grotto will hold .a pic
nic at Hazel Green park, to which
all Masons and their families are
invited. The! program will con
sist of games In the afternoon' and
early 'evening, with dancing later,
music being furnished by Mills
orchestra. Those attending will
bring basket lunches. X'
Used Cars Going Fast
Fitzgerald-Sherwin, 364 N. HI.
New Firm Incorporated
The Rexroad-Hoyt company
with headquarters at Oceanlake.
Lincoln county, and capital stock
rof 15000. has been incorporated
by - E. L.. Hoy t, Herbert Rexroad
and Edna Rexroad. y Articles were
filed In the state corporation de
partment ;here yesterday, T ..
15 ' ' i, 0 XX, f
wVbfooi'.AIl Virgin . Wool t r ;
Bathing suits, tnen and la
dies. Special $3.95. Bishop's. J14
" Defendant Aiwwer- i .
' K. Gearin, a defendant as ad
ministratrix for .the estate of C. H.
Hendricks, deceased, in the suit
of K. A. Ford against Peter KuN
ner, yesterday filed answer in cir
cuit court, praying for relief asked
by the plaintiff. : : X :
8 Oregon Pulp A Paper Co.
X; Preferred. Limited amount for
sale. Hawkins & Roberts. Phone
-1427. Jy6tf
Silverton Case Appealed i
Defendant's appeal, was filed In
circuit court in the case pf R- C.
Madsen against Andrew - Graf,
Imth nf Silerton The two men
intn Hifficnltv when Graf con
tracted to buy a registered Jersey
"Stv SAM
It you . read
this "ad every
day youll Jearn
-something new.
X A farm of 50
acres three miles from a rail
road station : land all level and
in cultivation; 6-room modern
house; -land, all fenced with
woven wire; must be sold soon.
Price S3. 000. Five acres, mile
from- city limits, all in fruit.
tmnii 5-rnrtrrr eottase. Price
14,200. - 160 acres 30 miles
nut. Investigate' this.' Price
Money to Loan, Houses to Rent
IT- k' Rl'LlLTV CO.
443 Rtato St. Tel. 2360
torsi. TiroiiiSers
469 State
cow' from Madsen. Graf refused'
to pay for the cow which Madsen
delivered, claiming the cow deliv
ered was not the cow he purchas
ed. Appeal was taken from the !
justice court of Justice Brown of
White Collar Attached
English broadcloth shirts, Em
ery make. Special 2. Bishop's.
Divorce Granted
Judge L. H. McMahan in circuit
court yesterday decreed dissolu
tion of the marriage contract of
William McKinley Andres and
Katherine E-"An'dres. Suit was
brought by Mr. Andres on grounds
of crtfel and Inhuman Treatment.
The -couple were married in May,
LTfMd Cars Going Fast
FiUgerald-Sherwln, 364 N. Hi.
Plaintiff In the suit of Elva.Jep
son against Robey S. Ratcliffe
yesterday filed reply to defend
ant's, answer in circuit court.
Plaintiff also filed a motion to
place the cause upon trial docket.
Seek Continuance-
Attorneys in the slander" suit of
Nancy Harlan against George W.
Taylor yesterday asked continua
tion of the suit- in eircult court,
one Christina Jackson, a material
witness, having left the county,
according to affidavit included in
the notion. : '
Hotel Marioz
Dollar dinners served
every .evening, . ;
5:45 to 8
Sues to Quiet Title-
William Brinkmeyer; yesterday
instituted suit in circuit court
against Joseph E. Bilyeu and oth
ers, to quiet title to certain prop
erties which he holds. '
1025 Clutndler Coach-
Looks and runs like new. Must
go. $775, $350 down, balance
terms. Will demonstrate to you.
Fayette T. Mitchell. Rt. 1, Box
17B, Turner, Ore. jl4
On Buying Tour
Mrs. Charles - Gibbons and " Mr.
and Mrs. Keene of the Fomeroy
and Keene Jewelry company are
in California on the annual; buying
tour for the store. They will at
tend the gift show in San Fran
cisco this week.' ,
31iss Pearson Leaves-
Miss. Pearl Pearson who
spent the past month visiting Miss
Freda Reid in Salem, has return
ed to her home, in Halsey.
furniture Upholstered-- t
And repairing. Giese-Powers
Furniture Co. ; f3tf
Kansas People Visit
Mr, and Mrs. Carey: Seeley, of
Wichita, Kansas, are guests this
week at the J.C Campbell home
on Route 3. : Mr. Seeley is in the
livestock commission- business.
The trip has taken them through
California, and they expect to re
turn by way of Yellowstone Na
tional' park, leaving here Thurs
day on the return trip.. x
White Collar Attached-
English broadcloth shirts, Em
ery make. Special $2. Bishop's.
X. X5-- "Xf X - X - - J14
Here From Silverton
Max Hubbs. who is spending the
summer vacation at his home in
Silverton, was ta Salem visitor yes
terday. He is the son of G. ,W,
Hubbs of Silverton; and is a stu
dent at the. University of Oregon
law school. ; .
Move Second Bnlldlnip..
The work i of preparing the
building at 347 High street for
moving onto the street has prog
ressed last : evening to tbe .. point
where movers expected to com
plete tbe move this morning. High
street' will only be blocked for
few hours, Vernon Kusel, of Kusel
Bros., the movers, said yesterday.
The. building' will be taken from
High to Center, street; n its Jour
ney to its new location on Marion
between Front and : Commercial
streets. "
School Clerk Visit
W. H. Hobson. clerk of the
Stayton school district;, paid
visit at the office of the county
school superintendent yesterday.-
Special Colorful 33 Piece ;
Cottage sets at $4.98 at Gahls
dorf's, 235 Court St. J14
Marion Out of Town Guests
Out of town guests at the Mar
ion last night included H. Wen
straub. New York City; F. A.
Yeaton, Ls Angeles; Mrs. Walter
Everton and R. T. Boals, Jr., of
Ashland; Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Ga
ber, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs.
C. W. Forde, Jr., and child., of
Longview, Wash., and F. W. Ben
nie, Eugene.
Here from Seattle
,Guests at the Terminal from
Seattle last night were C. E. Friz
zell, R. E. Murphy, It. C. Beach,
Elmer W. Smith and A. B. Chap
pel. '
Former Salem Man Visit
Roy Shields, formerly a
attorney, is a visitor in Salem. Mr.
Shields is now practcing In Port
land. Motor Oil
100 per cent pure paracrine base
at General Independent dealers.
Lights Not Adjusted
R. E. Mollet, of Sublimity, ap
peared in justice court yesterday
and paid a fine of $10 on a charge
of driving his car without proper
ly adjusted lights. Mollett was
arrested , in Stayton Tuesday eve
ning. ,L -
Lose Drivers License
Walter Zeigler, -897 S. 19th
street," and Earl Gilman. 332 N.
19th street, each had their drivers
licenses suspended for ten dayB as
a result of committing a nuisance
with their motorcycles.'' .
30 Pair Slightly Imperfect
Glacier Park bed blankets, reg
ular $13.50, sale $9.75. Bishop's.
. J14
City Recorder Away
City Recorder Mark Poulsen
will return Thursday or Friday
from his vacation. During his ab
senceT his work has been bandied
by the deputy recorder, Alfred
Dryer Space for 1027
The "Rambler! farm, one-half
mile "west or, Kaiser school, will
contract for .drying prunes. See
Charles Weathers on place. Phone
96F13. Gideon Stolz. ,
Card of Thanks
We wish to express our thanks
to neighbors who so kindly helped
during the illness and death of
our beloved mother .and grand
mother. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Co
burn and family. J14
Wanted Experienced Waitresses-
Steady employment. Gray Belle.
Inmate Elopes X
Maurice Willcox, an Inmate of
the state hospital, . eloped about
6:30 yesterday evening. He is' re
ported as, being 22 years of age.
ft. 11 inches in height; 160
pounds In weight, hair brown, and
eyes blue. He wore a light cap
and a light shirt, with grey trous
ers. His home is In Eugene.
SO Pair Slight lyjniperfect
Glacier Park bed blankets, reg
ular $13.50. sale $9,75. Bishop's.
Guests from CaIifoml '
F. W. Mayer, M. M. Mayer, Mr,
and Mrs. Vasconcellos, and Betty
J.Vasconcellos were registered at
tbe Terminal from 'Los Angeles
last night.
Portland Guests Matfy
Registered at the Marion last
night were the -following from
Portland: C. F. Hawkins, Dr.
ThorrJ, G. K. Cannish, T. 3. Barke
F. E. Gaines. Carl ' W. Jones and
Paul Briedwell.
Checkers - Players- Sign t'p
Nine checker enthusiasts have
already signed up for the checke
tournament scheduled for July 20
to 30 at the local YMCA. Drawings
1926 Pontiac Sedan,
paint, upholstering:,
tires, 90 per cent and
in excellent mechan
ical condition.
Priced at $850
4The House That Service Baflt
will be made at 8 p. m. on July
19, to match oponents. The tour
nament is open to all members of
the Y oyer 18 years of age, and
the winner must take three out vt
five games in each match. "No
trtpping, shoving, hacking, slug
ging, or other unsportsmanlike
behavior will be tolerated, an
nounces the 'committee in charge.
consisting of Carroll Hamlin,
chairman, Habeeb Mossamer and
Roger Lunoqulst.
30 Pair Slightly Imperfect -:
Glacier Park bed blankets, reg
ular $13.50, sal $9.75. .Bishop's
. J14
Car Said to Lack Brakes
Al Krause, .owner of a men a
furnishings store on State street,
reported to police .last evening
that his car was struck by a ma
chine bearing Oregon license No.
215-123 at-Cotrt and Cottage
streets, due to a lack of brakes on
the second car.
Fails to Slow at Turn '
. When a car with Oregon license
No. 222-738 failed to slow up at
the intersection e-Ciberty and
State streets, it struck a car driv
en by Anna Grimm, of the1 Blue
Bird cafe, according to her report.
Chicks Selling Our Last Hatch
Of the season order now. Also
have 2000 chicks 3 weeks old: for
sale, or will trade for grain or
hay. Petland, 273 State, Sal-em.
Madsen Car in Collision
Clyde Madsen, Rt. 1, Salem, re
ported last night that a car driven
by C A. Cooper, of the Mcpoiiald
Auto company failed to stop at the
intersection of Commercial and
Ferry streets, and struck his car
yesterday afternoon. ..
Xow's the Time to Save
On your every day ang summer
cottage dinnerware , at the odds
and ends sale at Gahlsdorf's. 325
Court St. X J14
Seattle People Visit
J. F. Bayman and Henry B.
Witt, both of Seattle, were at the
LMarion hotel last night.
Campground Busy Place
Thirty new parties had register
ed at the municipal campground
early last evening, and 28 were
remaining over from the previous
evening, according to H. S. Poisal,
manager.;, v x -i
'-, .
Will Lease Service Station ' .
To responsible party.- Some cap
ital required .for stock and to
guarantee fulfillment of lease. Ad
dress 70S, Care Statesman. J14
; W
Camp Quota bearing. ,
Four more boys were signed up
for the YMCA summer boys' camp
at Elk Lake yesterday when Loyal
Warner, boys work secretary.
made a trip to Woodburn. -K f
Final Order Given - '
Judge J. T. Hunt In. -probate
court yesterday issued final order
discharging the administrator of
the estate Qf Miss Angie Kaiser.
deceased.. Decree of final account
was also' given 7n the" matter of
Thomas IX .Wallace, deceased. ;
White Collar Attached
English, broadcloth shirts. Em
ery xnakef Special $2. Bishop's.
- .' ' J 1 4
pefendanta Protest-
Defendants in the suit of Cora
Holman. administratrix de bonis
non for the estate of Elizabeth J.
Watt, deceased. Alma Chessman
Watt and G. W. Watt against G.
: - PHONE 727
Oregon Electric Ry.
Willamette f Valley Line J
' Casey's Guaranteed
Money refunded if It does not
i ,eure your -caaja': f;; . .
NELSON & nUNT, Drnggists
Cor. Court and Liberty Tel. T
6, 8 and 10 cents per yard. Also
buttons,, stamping and pleating.
Over Miller's Telephone 117
Radium Ore
Purifies water
cleanses the
blood and gives
health. "
3. L.. ELLIS
If '. it V ' ' .'.
, TeL 1365-J.l
H. McElroy and others filed objec
tions in circuit oart yesterday to
the findings of fact and decree and
to certain items in the bill ot costs.
Woman Hut in Crash V-
Mrs. Raymond, occupant of the
automobile of W. T. Dubois, suf
fered painful injuries to her nose
recently when a car driven by
John Rudenhauser of Bortland
collided with the Dubois machine,
according to a report filed in the
office ot the county sheriff. The
accident occurreck nqar - Wood
burn. WebfoorAU Virgin Woo!
Bathing suits, men s and la
dies. Special $3.95. Bishop's. J14
Playground Report Made
.- C. P. Bishop, chairman of the
playground committee of the Sa
lem Rotary club, reported -at Wed
nesday noon's luncheon that
$697.10 had been paid of the
$750 deemed necessary to eonduct
the playgrounds throughout the
summer. He also reported that
there are on the average 275 chit
dren using the 14th street play
ground each day, and about 75
each day at the smaller field.
Want Budget Inclusion
The Rotary club will seek to
have an appropriation for conduct
ing the playgrounds placed on the
city budget next fall. A commit
tee was appointed Wednesday to
look into this matter, the members
being William Walton. David Eyre,
Henry Dancy, Dr. H. H; Olinger
and C. P. ishop.
Supplement Filed
. Administrator of the estate of
John P. Naderman filed supple
mental final account in probate
court yesterday showing distribu
tion of $1,00,0 in bonds ampng
heirs, and payment of advertising
Visitors from Eugene ' '
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stewart, Mr.
and Mrs. H. W. Kreidel. and F. J.
Sannenberg. all of Eugene, were
in Salem yesterday, registered at
the New Salem.
At the New Salem
Among those registered at the
New Salem hotel last nUht were
R. G. Bowersox. Lewistown. Pa.:
R. E. McDonnell. Kansas City,
Mo.; R. K. Croskey, R. Meyer heim.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ri Peltes, Mr,
and Mrs. Charles N. Coen, all of
Los. Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. L. L
Hfe'ed, San Francisco; J. R. Ward,
Baltimore. Mdv; Robert- M. Pour
tales, Everett, Wash.; Ward M
Buckles, Spokane; N. S. Hamlin,
Sacramenton', Cal.; Mrs. S. John
son and son, Marshfield, and Mr,
and Mrs. F. Van Santen and Mr,
and Mrs. B. Wakeham of Chicago.
Circuit Judge Leaves-
Judge Percy B. Kelly, judge of
the circuit ,court here, left yester
day for his home in Albany.
In Salem from Portland
Salem visitors registering at the
New Salem last night -from Port
land were. John H..Zlmpleman, R.
Hannnni. Mr. and Mrs: G. D.
Watson. G. C. Pinyear. D. L. Pool.
E. W. Griffiths, Mr. and Mrs. L.
H. Bates, J. I. Zimmerman, C. W.
Alexander, and William H. Dun
lap. Here from Seattle ,i
Albert J. Watt, F. L. Ryder.
Henry Hall and W. D. Francis, all
of Seattle, were Salem visitors yes
terday, registering at the New Sa
lem last night.
Party from Paso Robles
Lorena Edgar, Georgia Brown,
and Florence Flegal from Paso
Robles, Cal., visited in Salem last
night, being registered at the Ter
minal hotel. .
Guests at the Terminal-
Registered at the Terminal last
night were Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
Ware, Portland; Guy W. Renshaw,
Medford; M. H. Reed. Eugene, G.
F. Gallegly, Portland; Harry M.
.X Quick Reliable Servico
H. EGxNER, 1613 Center Street
Phones 333 and 1310-W
Fine Fixtures
Standard Equipment -
Bedding and Window Box
. Plants t
Are now ready, also, fine line
of shrubs and perennials
Telephone $80 612 State St.
the battery man
service calls tree
540 Chcmcketa Street
; ti.oo-. ; ).-
, ladles. Silk Dresses. . fl3 '
Coata Kelined, f3.00 .
Men! Suits Pressed, ; GO cents
Over Busick's
Call, phone or write
179 N. Commercial - Salem
McKee San Francisco; W. E.
Cartyv. and - tamllyr .Rldgeaeia,
Washer P. C. Dykes. Kansas City,
and Lucius Hard, Jr., Glendile.
Plan Joint Picnic- .
A committee to cooperate In
planning for the : proposed Joint
picnic for the three service clubs,
was appointed by President R E.
Lee Steiner of the notary ciuo
yesterday. . The members are Roy
A. Klein. Walter Mynheer ana
Robert Boardman. - .
Win Visit Middle Wet
Mr. land Mrs. O. W. Emmons
and daughter Genevieve will leave
Saturday for a visit in North Da
kota, going by way of Spokane.
They will - be gone about two
mnnltM. , and nn their return Mr.
Emmons will take up legal prac
tice:" iWhlle on this trip, he wiu
send back several letters to the
Statesman. Mr. Emmons recently
purchased property at 1680 Court
street, remodeled - his home and
built a garage. w . '- -
Will Visit Son Here
J, E. Fitzgerald of Sioux City,
Iowa, will arrive in Salem Friday
to visit his son. J. E: Fitzgerald,
Jr., of the Fitrgerald-Sherwin Mo
tor company. The elder Fitsger-
ald has hot been here since 1922.
Charivari Honors Couple-
Mr. and Mrs. Moses C. Honaker.
who were married last Saturday
evening, were thehonor guests
at a charivari . party staged by
neighbors at the Honaker farm on
Garden Road Tuesday night. The
newly married couple were placed
in a decrepit hack and drawn be
hind an automobile before being
allowed to go home and serve re
freshments to their well wishers.
I (Continued from pga 1.)
Corvallis, Eugene. ..Hood Stiver,
Klamath - Falls. ' Rainier. Salem
and Seaside. " s
The brief pointed ut: "It, fol
lows that the qualification of elec
tion fof aTerm of six years does
not attach to this office; nor is the
election necessary to Qualffy the
r.iunieipal judges to exercise the
functions of a justice of the peace,
in addition to his regular func
tions as a municipal officer."
!; Smith
Daniel. B. Smith, 86, died on!
July 13 19fe7, at the Methodist
Old People's Home. He Is sur
vived by one son, Albert V. Smith
of Tacoma, Wash., and a sister,
Mrs. Visa Wilkinson of North Da
kota. Funeral services will be
held on Friday, July 15, at the
Rigdon chapel with Rev. Fred C.
Taylor officiating. Interment will
be in the Rlvervlew cemetery of
and order, with rever
ence and a sacred serv
ice, simple' and com
plete in all its tender
ness for bereavement."
! s X ' . .
Tel. ISO
Perfect Funeral Service
5 For Less
Licensed Lady Mortician
770 Chemeketa Street
X Telephone j 724
.. . Jeweler'- -J
In New Location
Watches, .Clocks and Jewelry,
i"; ' Repaired..
Must' sell choice" close tn Ten
"1 Acres River Bottom Land
Want an Offer '
- 341 State Street
Rewonnd and Repaired, New or
Used Motors 4 - . . I . .
' Things Electrical " -191
South High TeL 2112
J. II. LEONG, Mgr.
i , . bur life's work haa
? ft been 'spent in studying
" th heallnc nrooertles
of Chinese herbs and
now dally wer relieve
those suffering from
stomach, liver and kid
ney v trouble, rheuma
tism and gall stones,
also disorders "of men.
women and children. ;
Free Consultation Call or Write
Open 9 A, U. to 8 I. It '
1 420 Stato 6L,' Salem, Oregon:
cm okiziii;i;
Failure of California to Com
plete Association Makes t
Necessary Delay ; '
PORTLAND. July !lS.-( AP)
Plans to have the newly organized
association of growers" and ship
pers of Italian dried prunes handle
the v 1927 crop in Oregon - and
Clark; county, : Wash.." have been
dropped, it'.is understood ' here.
The committee of nine, which has
been handling organization will
continue its work' with a view jot..
having; all contracts signed Jan
uary 1 for the t handling of the
1928., crop.X;X ' -'Zl X
' , 1 a a statement Issued today R.
H. Kipp, manager of the market
ing department .of, the Portland
chamber of . commerce, ' said in
part: : ' '-::X:r ':"J:r. '.; ',
"At the tlmethe final plan, was
agreed upon by the prune commit
tee of nine on July 9 to which all
packers agreed, no agreement was
entered Into as to the time of
'opening prices on the 1927 crop.
but there was a tacit understand
ing t hat there would be no o'f f er
made to sell the 1927 crop prunes?
-"It has, always seemed to be the
concensus of ! opinion of the com
mittee of nine that unless the
California growers completed, their
organization it would be both in
advisable and Impossible to com
plete the Oregon organization this
year." f- . ;.
Silver Creek Falls "to Be Goal
" August O and 7 . ' 1
Silver Creek Falls Is to be the
objective of the next big YMCA'
outing trip, over the week-end of
August 6 and 7. according to an
announcement made yesterday.
A party will leave the Y bnild-
lne a 7 o'clock Saturday evening.
making the trip in cars Camp will
Will sell or trade for in
come property in Salem.
1-4 mile; from pavement,
near good town.
Also, 7 lots in Salem '
- ' TERMS'
See A. B. Kelsay at .
Cobbs-Mitcheli Company
. . or Telephone 813
Salem, Or.
LADD & BVSH, , Bankers
Established 18C8 iw -1 ;
.. v , , - ' 1 , .- r '
General Banking Business '.
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
,v '... , . A '
v V
- 1 1
. fx-
t - t
' ; r ' Long and Short Distance Hauling .
Public and Private Storage : f
- Fireproof Building
T ;' ' Free Delivery to any part, of the city
V Quotations on Applicalicn
x - - x -'
1 . . PAUL TRAGUO, Prop. V,
' Pay Telephone 23 . . Ni-M Tele-hone 1237-V7 .
be made at .: the Silver Creek
campground for:. the night. ;
One of the 'features of the trip
will be the presence ot a geologi
cal expert, who will explain the
many Interesting formations to be
found at the falls, ; .. .
Sunday morning a worship ser
vice will be held at the falls, with
local YMCA leaders , in charge.
Other events of the day win in
clude a -morning, dip and several
bikes. Saturday night the group
will gather around a big camplre
and all will take nart in sfnnf
ine pariy win return
trip Sunday . evening. , The cost of
tha . trip , for each person Is" esti
mated at . $1. wh'eh will inrluria
Ira nsporta tion, local .leaders said
yesterday. Already- ' five have
Igned up for this Interesting trip.
Crews are at work replacing
three old bridges on the road from
MohnV Angel up the Abiqua, with
pew structures.v and repairing a
fourth old; bridge, according - to
Deputy Road master Frank John
son, In charge of. 'the work. .The
road extends from Aiount Angel
to an old quarry , where rock de
posits suitable as a wood substi
tute was secured in commercial
quantities.! , ;
Ben Funrue in the Evans Val
ley district east of Silverton' re
quested of the county court yes
terday that a bridge on a new road
there be widened to permit pass
age - by farm implements and
threshing machines, Xx - .
Every Mornins ! "7K1
iX - 1rlnk It while it's '
-.-.v. Bubbling ,
Health Salt
Is a refreshing efferv
escent laxatltte that real
ly tastes, good,' X "
. During the' hot sum-,
mer days a teaspbonful
of Rexall Health Salt in
a little j cold . water will
cool- th blood; : o -. . v
, Regulates the bowels.
. Makes you feel fit. .
! 50c - :
Perry's Drug Store
B 113 B., Commercial
. -I'-.f ' .' i , 1 ' 1-" "- y .
Ten Years Practice In Salem
Phone 035
Dr. L. R, Burdetto.
.Optometrist '
tOl First National Bank BaUdlng
- .. i i " - :