The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 13, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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i ; . - . , . . . ,
: I
ndiana Governor, Congress
men Said Involved in Polit-
ical Corruption
tAP)-UncertaIn -whether the
me has arrived when the author
ises ahauld Jbe :L-ivenwhat Ihe
called the "real evidence'? to sub
stantiate D. C. Stephenson's
charges of political graft In Indi
ana In recent years, Lloyd O. Hill,
attorneyif or the former Kn Xlux
Klan leader, will jgo .to , the .'state
prison at-Michigan City,, tomor
row, or instructions from his cli
ent. , Stephenson is serving a life
term for " m order, 4 i f f
I Publication by an Indianapolis
newspaper ' of "photostatic copies
jf checks Stephenson alleges he
I wrote In favor of , Governor Ed
r Jackson. fdurtn his camnalen in
f 1923, for i the gubernatorial nom
ination on the republican ticket,
ind other so-called evidence, are
iiere "drops in the,bucket" com
pared with what is 'being held
ack. Hill said today.
The attorney declared he was
he custodian of . agreements
orced into by Stephenson and pol
ticlans, who now hold state.
ounty and city, of ices. The evi-
ence, he Intimated, would show
be fcpower of the former klans
nan wielded In Indiana, and Tiow
he office seekers courted his aup
ortJ andsfgnedH papers granting
iim the right' to 'telt them how to
:onduct .a. portjjon ofj tehlr official
lusiness 'when elected.' HIU . said
:he evidence he referred to had
lot been "mentioned ""heretof ore.
On Monday, Hill turned over to
in Indianapolis newspaper. thirty
two different, pieces of alleged evi
dence to support Stephenson's
charges of ; political corruption,
which he told Marion County
4 f-Tnriitrr William M uemv. re.
' l611' ne was KinS to expose.
- In adidtlon to naming Governor
Jackson, the so-called evidence.
Hill said, also involved Harry E.
Rowbotom, of Evansville, Ind.,
congressman from the first dis
trict, and Claude M. Worley, in
spector of Indianapolis detectives.
Both Congressman ' Rowbottom
and Worley, have declared their
names were forged to the alleged
comoaets. Governor Jackson de
nied ever having received any
money - from ' Stephenson.
HJll;conferred later today, .with
Thomas ILlAdams, Vlncennes pub
lyr; whose' activities, last fall,
tjM-jjeJr aji ytnvestlgaon into ;,lhe
politlcaf situation by "the Marion
county, grand Jury. Keither would
expfaln the,jurpose o the confer-
AjiJatns said he "believed the lime
wasin'ot far distant when the news
paper.' bublishers of the - State
wouid"1e called togetherf In In
d lanapolls . ' for 1 the - purpose of
starting " a;" campaign to bring
about the calling of a special ses
sion of the Indiana general as
sembly to "clean house" in state
politics. . .
9:3-10:I3 KXL (220).
lo'oOvlI :ao KGW , (93)
Mora ins ma
bctiM mnA nttlalej
10:110-12:00 KKX. (20). PsUie Cook:
!m ntrtsinmBt.
11:00-13:00 KOIK (3t).: HoasewUea'
our. '
12 :(0Ks'KC 21. - Wwtbtr -Wort;
12 :00-J2 :30 KKX, S-Pepntatt tre
Btvkic, - ' . '-' - 4 ? '
1:W-i:00-KOTjr. Orjfa -2:
IO End KTBK lSr. ,TUf rt?
baseball reports. ' ' ",t
wrnllraTlAT- matFt. - v.-
:(Ml-7:00 KOIJi SOrt eonfert
00-7:00 KEX. Qrza eonr ' by
7-:O0 KOIX. 1 OreBentrfc.' f
7c(K-7:30 KEX. Entertainers od talks.
7:00-7:IS KTBR. AAA road reports
7:li:a0 KKJli (283). Evening story
7:ao:oo KEX. TraTelor
8:( KXU LneieH Becker, orssa
8:OB:00 KEX. Cristoforo't dance
' band.
S:0O-9:00 KWJJ. Instrumental trio.
8:30:4i KTBK. Kalph H a Id red. or-
araaist and pianiat.
10 :Oi-11:30 KOLN. Halbert's dsns
k: band.
, 1u:ju-lz :uu juiuDijnt siara w
Bread way
Kt'O Oakland (384).' 6. orchestra; 8,
vacation brorram: 9. NBC program: 10
- annate trade' convention: 11:15, danca
rr best ra. .
KJR Seattle (349). 6. 8:30. orchestra
. 10. '
" KM Los Angeles ,(168). ;15. 8:30. 7
da are oreheatra: 8. concert orchestra
',4,'ij. 'BC program; ,10, ami-elasieI
s hour.
KfO San rraneitco (42S. 6. 8:80, nr
ehextrs: 7. (orchestra: 7. orchestra: 9
' Little Symphony orchestra; 10. orche-
- tra.-- . A -
X KL San Francbeo (454). 8:30. trio
7. danro orchestra : 8, .9, entembie and
soloiats: 10. orchestra.
KHJ Lo Anreles 403). 8. trio; 8:30,
ehildrea'a hoar; 7:30, 7:40, 8. strinr
enaemble: 9
KEW1 San Fraaeiaeo (203). , string
trio; 7, 8, 9, Hawaiian ; 10, danca or
K-NXj Hollrwood (237). 6, orchestra
i :3
:30. orchestra; 7. 7:30. 8, 9, 10. or
Hrhestra; 11, dance music.
a : o
f CORTLAND, July 1 2. ( AP) -
rtarr'y Dillon and 1 Charles Belan
gef. both of Winnipeg, fought ten
mn nds to a draw In the main
event on the armory card tonight,
Dillon weighed 'lT6and Belanger
In the semi-windup Bob Merrill
Portland, won a technical knock
out In the third round over Jeff
Hoyt, Siiverton. They are heavy-
l i av : &
art 1 a Aar -a i a a.
Descendants of Linn Pioneers
Hold Reunion at Brownsville
Members of the CoBhow family
held a reunion in the city park of
Brownsville on Saturday and Sun
day. .More .than thirty descend
ants of the late Mr. and Mrs. Q.
Coshow. Linn county pfbneers.
were present. L
O. P. Coshow, Jr., of Salem Is
the president of the family organi
zation, which , jneets at Browns
ville every two years. Other chil
dren of the pioneer couple are
George Coshow and James Coshow
,of Brownsville,. Oregon; Mrs. Mary
Franzefof Hollywood, California;
Mrs. Sarah Chapman, Chehalis.
Washington; Mrs. Ida Stanard and
Mrs. Sophrona Howe of Eugene,
and Mrs. A. B. Cavender of Port
Honored With Dinner Party
Mrs. Sol JLevy and Mtss Elisa
beth Levy, who have had as their
.guests Mr. and Mrs. Alex Van
Straaten and their daughter. Ros
lyn, of Philadelphia, who are mak
ing a tour of North America and
have arrived from California, were
honored on Friday evening with .a
dinner party given in Portland by
Mrs. Ben Levy at the Hotel Port
land. Covers were placed for ten.
V.B. A. Will Meet on
Thursday Evening
The Woman s Benefit associa
tion will meet Thursday evening
at 8 o'clock in McCornack hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthis Have
Illinois Visitors
Mr. and Airs. A. J. Matthis have
visiting them Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
Probart of Marion. Illinois. The
Matthis' and the Probarfs were
acquainted in Illinois but had not
met for many years.
Vestway Club Enjoys Picnic
at Fairgrounds
The members or the Westway
club of the Woman's Benefit as
sociation with (heir families and
friends enjoyed a picnic recently
at the fairgrounds.- A picnic sup
per was served followed by a pro
gram consisting of games, races,
recitations and music.
;'- - -' t
Outdoor Meeting of Leslie
Can Do s on Friday hvenmg
The Leslie, Can Do class or tne
Leslie; Methodist church; will -e
entertained on . Friday evening by
Mr. and Mrs! Charles "Vick and
Mr. and Mrs., G. O. Boyd at the
Vick home on the Garden Road,
A -picnic supper willbe served -at
S d'clock. '
'All members are urged to be
present bringing a covered dish,
sandwiches, and the necessary
Called to Montana by
Illness of Son
Mrs. M. H. Davis of 621 North
xteenth street was called to
Helena. Montana, on Monday eve
ning by the illness of her son.
Mrs. 'Bennett Entertains
Informally on Sunday
Mrs. .J. D. Bennett entertained
informally on Sunday afternoon
complimenting Miss Marie Bennett
and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Luce of
Her .guests for the afternoon
included Miss Julia Webster, Mr.
and Mrs. D. C. Horning. Mrs. C.
Av Arpke, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. En
tress. Mr. . and , Mrs. : F. A. Water,
MrsEJ; E.; Bergman,; Mr. and Mrs,
South wick.-. Mrs. Boussreur, and
the hoi.tess.Mrs Bennett.
MrsThkddore Myers
Entertains Artisans
t Mrs. Theodore Myers, 1810
fyjerth Commercial street, will en
tertain' officers, xorcnestra and
drill team of the, United Artisans
this evening. .
Plans will be made for attend
ance at the conclave to be held In
Seattle. . '
Mrs. Norma Terwilllger, master
Purity- and perfect ffa
wang : mala our Ice
Cream d 6 11 6 i o n a end
tasty. have all a
orted flaror in bulk
..and a large variety of
'kinds in f-y-H
!., i.
Phone. 197
135 N. Coal St.
The Penilar 'Etors
Coclal Calendar
Today "-.-:
Societies of Jason Lee church.
All-day ; meeting. Church parlors.
R. N. A., camp 13 0. St. Paul
p&rfsh house. Cbemeketa street
8 o'clock.-; .
Barbara : Frietchie, Tent! No. 2
Woman's iClub hauBe. , SJo'dock. i
Farewell, reception 5 for " Mrs!
Hester. : i Fairgrounds. Picnic . din
ner. ?if 4!ciock.y';V!'-. :
Joint meeting; wi n. iM.i S. and
W. F Mi S. ; if Flrst M. E. church
parlors. 4 xi 'clock. Special services.
Christian . church. 8 o'clock.
Entertainment of Artisans.
Home of Mrs. Theodore Myers,
1810 N. Commercial street.
Regular meeting, W. B. A. Mc
Cornack hall, 8 o'clock.
Leslie Can Do's.' Outdoor meet
ing, Charles Vick, Garden Road. 6
Artisan of Capital assembly, will
as8ist, as .hostess. , (
Throngs qf 'Flower 'Lowers
Visit .Gardens at Jonemere
Flowef lovers, from A the sur
rounding towns, as well as Salem
gathered , in large Si'umbers last
Thursday afternoon jand evening
at the attractive gardens sur
rounding the of Miss Jessie
Jones and Miss .Mabel -Creigh ton
north of Salem for their annual
garden "at .home."
.The gardens of Jonesmere pre
sent a scene of striking beauty at
this season of the year. Roses:
rambler, . American Beauty and
Dorothy Perkins, climbing In. a
riot of color over a low English
fence, encircle the entire , garden.
In addition to this garden of roses
there are gardens of blue, flaming
scarlet, purple, brilliant yellow; in
fact, every variety of flower In an
infinite variety of shades.
A wide border of pansles was
particularly pleasing to the garden
enthusiasts but, because it Is pri
marily .delphinium time, perhaps
the "blue" garden was the source
of the greatest admiration.
The hostesses, Mrs. Jones and
Miss Creigbton. were assisted by
Mrs. Milton Meyers, Mrs. H. H.
Olinger, Mrs. Edwin Baker. Mrs.
Jack Dancy. and Mrs. Homer Gou-
let, during the afternoon and eve
ning. ,The punch bowl was In
charge of Miss Rosalie Jones.
- Miss , Creigbton and Mrs, Jones
entertained their assistants at
lawn supper.
Miss Bradford in Newport
for Vacation
Miss . Helen Bradford Is spend
ing several days at Newport.
Guests in Salem from
Witthita, Kansas
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse campoeu
and their guests. Mr. and Mrs.
Carey W. Seeley of Wif hits, Kan
sas, spent the week-end af Sea
side "as the guests of Jimmie
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell also
took their guests for a trip up the
Columbia highway.
Reception at Seotts Mills
Honors Bridal Couple
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Brougner or
Scotta Mills were hosts at a re
ception' on Tuesday evening hon
oring their son and daughter-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Jonn c.
Brpugher of Portland, whose mar
riage was a Tecent event.
The lawn' was attractively liglil-
ed JananesA lanterns. Lawn-
games, vocat; solos byMi: Olivfr
Merry and Mra Leroy Fraxier,
and a reading by Miss Beftha'Mc-
I V" Style and Quality AVithout Ejtlravafrance
1 , Slate Street h t V4 ' Next boor East '
Below High' V . TA ; iOrestmOliealer
ii!' . ' i '' . ' "' ' ' "' . . x, i' " . ' " . .
, ,1 ; . . ,- '.. v i; ' . . .
Cracken wer fekturfc-6f the t
ning. i- - ' - ' r' , .
, ' Jtereqhments' were " f eVf ed 6y
!Mls8 Margaret Coulson Miss Ruth
McCracken. Miss ; Helen Crandail,
and 'Miss-Ruth Kellogg. : f
Those In i the; group were Mr.
and Mrs. John C. Brougher, tte
honor guests; jar. and Mrs. E.
Cbulson, Mr. and. Mrs. C. L. Ram
sey, Mr. and Mrs. v Lloyd ' Helhz,
Rer. and Mrs. W. E. Allan, Mr.
And Mrs. Ivan Smith. Mr. and
Mrs. L. W. McGee. Mr. and Mrs.
Will .Herigstad. Mr. " and ; Mrs. J
,W. .McGee, Mr. and Mrs. J. p.
Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. Lerpy Fra
xkr, Ir. and . Mrs. Lou Shepherd.
Mr,, and Mrs. Dave Delano, Ma.
A. R. White, .Mrs, Ethel Cox. MIm
Edna White.' Miss Bertha . Mc
Cracken. Miss Olive, Merry. .Miss
Lillian .Fraxier. Miss Ruth Anne
McCracken, Miss" Helen CrandaU.
Miss Esther CrandaU, Miss .Ruth
Kellogg,, Miss Dorothea Shepherd
Misses , Beatrice and . . Clarce.
Amundson. Misses Margaret -jxl
Mildred Coulson, Miss Gertrude
.'Ramsay. Miss Mao i Allen, M1s
Gale ISmlth, Miss Arllne Frasier;
Joe Merle McCracken, Lawrence
McCracken, Merle Whlte, Pul
and!, Mark Crandail. Newton and
Everett Allen, Ira Brougher, .Gay
lord Ramsay, Junior Allen, Rob
ert jMagree, Dale Herigstad, Bert
ram Frailer. H.-R. Dixon. Shlrjiey
Dunagan, Miss Grace' Dunagan.
Mr. and Mrs. George Baumani of
Portland, Mr. and Mrs. O. jH.
Brougher of Salem. -Miss Vlra Lull
of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bau
man of Portland, Miss Hazel Lee
of Salem, and the hosts. Mr. and
Mrs. A- L. Brougher.
Past Week-End Spent
at Beach
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Coomptbn.
Miss Compton, Mr. and Mrs. W.
J. Busick and their little daugh
ter spent the week-end at Nesko-
Motor to Eugene on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. McEl-
roy with their daughters, Helen
and Hazel McElroy, motored, to
Eugene on Sunday where they
were the guests of Mr and Mrs.
A. F. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Ad
ams returned to Salem with them.
Special Services at First
Christian Church on
Wednesday Evening
.Graduation exercises will i be
held this evening for the gradua
tion class in Expert Endeavor In
the First Christian church at 8
o'clock. Six young people Vlll
have conferred upon them at these
services the degree of Chlstian
Endeavor Experts. !
The public is invited.
Northwest Conference of
Girl Reserves at Seabeck j
The annual summer northwest
conference of Girl Reserves jtrlll
open at Seabeck, Wash., on Hood's
Canal. The conference group will
Include Girls Reserves and Girls
Reserve workers from Idaho,
Montana, Washington and Oregon.
Miss Emma Knauss of the Na
tional Girl Reserve department is
to be the conference executive.
Joint Meeting of W. H. ML S.
and W. F. M. S. This j
Afternoon j
The Woman's Home Missionary
society and the Woman's Foreign
Missionary society of the First
Methodist church will hold a joint
meeting this afternoon beginning
at 4 o'clock. The meeting will be
in the form of an indoor picnic
held. In the church parlors, j
Talks will be given by Miss
Alma Pohle who spent the past
year studying in the Chicago
Training school and also by Miss
Mary Parouhagian, who spent a
part of .the year traveling In
Europe. Special music and other
features will 'make up the even
ing's program. j
.. The families of the-members of
the societies andall others iwho
are Interested; are Invited to at
tend.f'tne meeting,' bringing sand
wHchfeeVa " coveredTdlsh, and the
neeegaary-diahes. . Supper will be
served .at S:30 o'pock.
I . ; r . ' . t ' T
Bride-Eiict .Honored -With
Showet Z.J.
: MJss Eloise Prudhomme whose
marriage "to Donald Deckebasb',
Jr.,, wilt be an. .event of the early
jTall, .was honored , . on . Saturday
evening I with a surprise shower
for which Miss Edith Bragg was
hostess . in. Jier h.ome on Ferry
street. '
Four tables of bridge were in
play. The prize for the evening
wm won by Miss Marjorie Chris
tenson. j. A. guest .prize was . given
to Miss 'Prudhomme. ,
The rooms of the Bragg home
were attractive with baskets of
pink and white summer flowers.
Refreshments were served late in
the evening by the hostess.
The guest group Included mem
bers of : Miss Bragg' s card club
'with a few additional guests.
At Beach for Several Days
Miss Lena Dotson, Miss Mabie
Uotson. Miss Patty Rowe and Miss
.fargaret Grover were at Seaside
for a short time recently.
Spend j Week-End at Newport
Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Dotson with
their' daughters, Lena, Mable and
Petty Dotson, motored to Newport
where they spent the past week
Miss .Daughn Guest in Salem
on Sunday
Mies Elizabeth Daughn of Port
land was a guest at the W. W.
Rosebraugh home on Sunday.
Miss Dauha is a niece of Mrs.
Reunion of Southwick Family
One Sunday recently the mem
bers of the Southwick family held
a reunion at the country home of
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schneller , In
Polk county. " ; t
The picnic dinner was served
under the trees on the lawns.
Members of the family present
were Mr. and Mrs. B, Southwick
of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Mc
Dowell of Portland; Mrs. Marion
Putnam and daughter, Helen, of
Salem; Miss Hazel Hurst of Oak
land. CaL; Ralph E. White of
Pasadena, Cal.; Mr. and Mrs.
George D. White and daughter,
Dorothy, of Salem; Miss Betty
Schneller of Oakland, Cal.; Mrs.
Emma Beckett and daughter, Gay
nelle, of Salem; Mrs. P. O. Delap
and daughter, Virginia, of Klam
ath Falls; Mrs. Helen Roy of
Portland; Mrs. Ada Saye of Port
land; Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Robert
son; Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Jeffer
son and son, James, of Portland;
Ellis White of Medford; and Mr.
and Mrs. A. R. Southwick and
.son, Glen, of Salem.
With the exception of F. B.
Southwick, all the brothers and
sisters of the family were present
for the reunion.
Guests from Middle-West
at Linbeck Home
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Linbeck have
as their guests, Mrs. C. H. galley
and her sons, Robert and Jack
Kalley.' of McCook, Nebr., and the
ZL a ay v Baaajavvv
Misses Julia tand-Cota
Kxans ofj
Bishop Mill. Iillnols.
A ttend Wfymtauqjia Jot
Gladstone Z. U.Z"Zt - Z
Representative, and Mra w, , C
Hawley have gone to- Oregon City
where they .will; attend the' Glad
stone ( Chautauqua . ; for several
days. . vj, r'.-:-1Z- f'- -
Nurses Meet Thursday, i
Tne. postponed meeting AC the
Practical Nurses association- will
be held on Thursday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. Henderson, at
1035 South Commercial street.
PORTLAND. July 12 f API-
Twelve Indian .girls from 11 to
18 years of age were Involved In
one of the ten Indictments re
turned by the federal grand Jury
today. Three secret Indictments
also were returned. i
The Indian, maids, according to
the indictment,- were charged with
burning down - therr dormitory at
the . Klamath reservation an the
night of March 30 causing dam
age estimated at $8,000. The fir
ing Va done,. It was saw, at. the
behest of three f the girls ..who
had been confined to their rooms
for punishment,
BOSTON, July 12. (AP)X
The words which passed between
Judge Webster Thayer of the su
perio'r court and Governor Ful
lers Sacco-Vanzettladvisory com
mittee pi . three in a conference
lasting more, than two hours re
mained a secret tonight.
The aged justice, who' presided
at the internationally famous mur
der trial and sentenced Nicola
Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzettl to
death, steadily refused to com
ment upon his first appearance be
fore the committee.
rot an inkling was disclosed of
what went on behind the closed
doors of the conference room.
He did not see Governor Fuller
and it was not definitely known
whether the governor would ask
to confer with him later. While
They are here in all
.- - r
T ... :.-
- Zm8& m&ffiM-$&$t '-
Printed Or ganriies
JV.nd .Voiles. Somi new 'styles
$7.95 to 514.75
v Voile 'Combinations,
Stepins and Gowns
-Lace and ribbon jbrimmed
; . 98c ,
Voile Gowns and
Pajama Suits u
I Pink, with black tbread cross
. , - stitch trim-
51.95 !
- and j
C2.43 to C4.C3
Judge .Thayer ,was with-the advis
ory binmitee r the goyerhor cbn-
f errewith'oniB: btheTu"dgejprT-4he
-1 IB 1 si .
1 il l at I
(i t
MMI, M aMUS ICaSilW IrVrT am aa l--
TpHE amraal buying event of thousands of wick ii '
A Western . merchants., , :- , ; , -i ' ' v .;:
Amngemenrs. have been made to 'make this year's
buveis' week more prontsble sad more enjoyable to -visitors
than ever before. Enrcrounment feaCBTCs 09 a
super-scale will be presented. C ? . t - k1 ".
Kailroad &xe refunded to you on combined eiv-
chases totaling $300,made from the fjarndpaMog sob- '
bers and manufactureo. . Plan, oa your vsctoa,otak
this trip to Portland. Let us know you are coming so .
that proper aaaagemena an be msde. s-!-- ,t f
. combine in urging ym o e-. fs
For farther. ififitmaflWMi write, phomt 00 wese
their daintiness, cool
colors as soft as the moonlight
,gette scarfs
minent; critics Prof. T. Itlchard
son ''of Dartmouth.' college. '.What -
told ie "refused to say f
wn wi t 7 .--.a
New Location -
- Fonrth .Floor ' r '
-First National Bank BuHding .
Phont C2i .;
fill -M
( 1
aatherevening. breezes ,
i 1 1
Voiles, Tissue: Ginghams,
, Dimities, Prihti v " v
Large selections in our SelServing
:" -Section-'5--;.
. 51.85 to 54.95 V 5 -
:Georirette I
flower anc( design';
Iland decorated crepe ' scarf s f 2.93. and,
. ! hand decorated silk chiffons m ;
liand painted "sheer ' gcor- j
with -metal scalloped edes I ;
! New
. i t Shipment
: zFlowm:
' M . - f e
' U41i (MM
riowers . i
. weights. ;