The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 09, 1927, Page 8, Image 8

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    1 1 1 ' ' -
JeAnette Beyer?
rowe service department
.'From a pride's Cookbook'
, Brldiv aren'jt . what they used to
be, they have niore" sense. Of
course, tnen, vrUt( hare their little
Jokes, anJ RU'recIUs the cutlaary
dventtieg (of the newly-married,
tout. Just .the same every' bride of
my, acquaintance, and I know a
good many. In as good a cook as
hef mother if not a little better. '
- Tonight l a in' Invited out- to
dinner. ' -.
VlJfd we tell , you about ou
Xir9t.,foast?;. the young husband
ask, me.'
t'Wby uof It was terrible. I " op
pose, dry, as- a chip, burnt ijtay
bef;..It say. -thinking the wife
must have performed in the clas
sic Old-style, manner, ut I am
shouted out and hooted ;t
"Notnbr it was. the best roast
we bad ever eaten, brown., tender,
running with Juice," and the new
lyweds burst into roara of pleas
ure at ( my dUcomf it u re. ?o I re
peat. brides aren't what they used
to bewe.;cnt count on them to
be dumb at all. . I hear of no
modern,, ones, , burning water, of.
pancakes, which must be tried on
Fido-rr-poor. Fido. The young
housewife doesn't make dough
nuts that would sink a battleship,
.hergrayy, la without floating isl
ands, her coffee unlike dishwa
.ter.tTbafa an old stuff from
mothers' , and grandmothers
. Husbands have changed too.
.'lve caqght ever so many of them
'wiping dishes and not a few ac
tually washing' dishes, standing
to shift, sleeves, cigarettes caught
i between ;tbeiT Hps, the smoke roll
l fng up into .their noses and eyes.
! They looked very happy, but then
' free woman has no right to
", The present generation of the
young wedded are full of surpris
es., and no less is the food which
they; pet . before you, if you are
lucky enough to be their guest.
They insist upon startling you.
and If jou'r"4 any kind of person
von'll eniov It. Above all don't
Je troubled, be adventurous. Ac
cept, baked oranges and fried ba
nanas, although you'd always sup
posed they ' were eaten raw. When
-waffles or pancakes are served as
a dessert, forget ' all about ever
baving eaten them 'as a breakfast
dish. Don't turn up your nose
jwhen you find pineapple creamed
along with chicken or. fish, or a
colossal mound of salad placed
before", you which is to serve as
soqpjMneat, potatoes and pie. If
encumbers appear frfed or cream
d, pretend you've never eaten
them raw. And If you're not an
aid fogey, or even if you are, the
rlvaclty pf. the food will incred
ibly enliven yonr spirit.
I cannot resist mentioning the
remarkable manner in which the
lood is prepared, so naive and
natural. If you aTe Invited for
nix, and you'arriye at six, you find
t hostess beginning to peel the
potatoes, while the host will call
out Jbat he is Just removing the
last of the Vikings from his chin.
But do not be alarmed. Are they
flustered that you should arrive
during, preparations? Not at alK
you . are .entirely welcome, made
to. feel delightfully at home and
encouraged, to file your finger
nails or powder your nose in
preparation for the feast. When
dinner, after its leisurely prepara
tion, is on the table by seven or
seven-thirty. It Is thoroughly and
leisurely enjoyed. There Is no
-foolish hustfe of courses, you may
dabble over your salad as long as
' 7ou.wisb. and . there is no time
limit on how long you may take
' to sip your coffee, pr evidently
no bottom to the generous coffee
pot. One must 'not omit either,
-the pleasant Interim during the
meal,; when the , ladles may talk
.undisturbed while the gentlemen
visit' the corner drag store for Ice
eream. ... ..
From all of this can't older
boasewlves learn a good deal
that .meals even for company are
lots of fun and not to be taken
seriously? But I have promised
i Assorted Flavors
Regular 40c a lb.
Special for Saturday
27c a lb.
2 lbs. for 50c
Original Yellow Front
135. North Commercial
Phone 197 r .
1 The Penslar Store
.w: ' ; ' r tor I I
bwai milmnq'company
Tecipes In my title, and a tight
happy half hour Fve spent look
ing through a real bride's cook
book, choosing the good dishes
she has serVed me which I think
you'll enjey,. .
Black Walnut Waffles
I cup floury
Few grains salt"
Pinch sojar-.
M cop broken walnut meats
1 cup milk . ' "
U cup pielted shortening
. 2 tsp. "baking powder
,. Sift the flour, salt, sujrar to
gether. Add the , black walnut
meats. Beat the eggs slightly and
with the milk and shortening add
to the dry ingredients. Place bat
ter In a pitcher, and just before
It Is time to bake them, add the
baking powder. Serve with hot
syrup in which butter is, melted.
When 1 am the guest, she doubles
this recipe.
Tongue with Blackberry Sauoo
Cook tongue in salted water
with 1 tbsp. mixed pickle spice,
one or two bay leaves and a few
dried celery tips. When it is ten
der remove It from the water,
stick in it a few whole cloves and
place In buttered baking dish.
Beat one glass of blackberry jelly
with a fork until soft, pour over
tongue. Then spread one cup of
stewed raisins over top and add
the Juice of one lemon. Bake 20
minutes and baste frequently.
Pineapple Muffina
Beat two eggs, add V tsp. soda
to can shredded drained pine
apple. Add to eggs. Mix with 3
cups flour,"" 3 tsp. baking powder,
y cup melted butter. 1 2 tsp.
salt, 4 cup sugar, 1 cup. milk, stir
well, put in greased muffin tins
and bake In moderate oven, 375
degrees for about 20 minutes.
Eagle Brand Salad lre.sting
2 eggs
Va cup melted butter
tsp. salt
1 cup vinegar
tsp. mustard
1 can eagle brand sweetened
condensed milk.
Beat eggs until light, add melt
ed butter, salt, mustard and milk
and beat vigorously; add vine
gar, stir well and set aside to
thicken. This Is very delicious,
if you don't happen to like oil
English Muffins for Sunday ,
Morning Breakfast
Set late the night before, for
breakfast next morning, one cake
of compressed yeast, dissolved in
three quarters cup lukewarm wa
ter, one and one-half cups of milk
and water, one and one-half table
spoons sugar, one egg, one and
one-half tablespoon melted butter,
one-half tsp. salt and four for stiff
batter, which will be about four
cups. Mix all ingredients and let
rise over night. In the morning,
drop from spoon in greased muf
fin tins and bake in moderate oven
370 degrees F. Makes 20.
Produce Shippers Affected
By State Commission Order
(AP) Fruit, dairy and poultry
produce shippers were effected by
an order issued today by the state
railroad commission, directing
u. s.
Corner Court and Liberty Phone 1528
White Enamel
Steel Ball Stools
plants Icing S reighUeara to reduee
their charges from $5 a car to $21
per car. The reduction was based
on the cost of Icing refrigerating
cars. .... The order was made effec
tive immediately. -
'1 HINTS -
Creamed spaghetti and ham is
one of those deservedly ..popular
one-dish affairs that combine the
meat and potato courses. Fresh,
berries and fruit of any kind
available should be used as much
as poHsible at this time of the
yoar. They save work and are a
delightful change from the usual
puddings, pies and cakes.
Creamed Spraghetti with Ham
llasin Bread Butter
Cabbage and Carrot Salad
Fresh Berries Plain Cookies
Plain Sugar Cookies Two cups
white sugar, one cup buter, one
enp thin sour cream or buttermilk,
one teaspoon soda, three eggs,
flou4 to roll very soft.
Creamed Spaghetti Drop half
box spaghetti into boiling salt
water and boil ten minutes. Make
one pint of medium white sauce
and pour over the rinsed and
drained spaghetti. Fry a small
slice of smoked ham and cut into
small pieces. The meat and drip
ings are then added to the spag
hetti, reheat and serve.
White Sauce Two tablespoons
butter, one-fourth teaspoon salt
one tablespoon 'flour, one cup
milk, dash of pepper. Melt butter
but de not brown: add the flour
and seasoning and stir until
smooth. Add the milk slowly, stir
ring constantly . until all is added
and is perfectly smooth. Let it
boil up once then It is ready to be
added to the spaghetti.
Pleats and Frills
When buying material for box
pleating, buy three times the
length of what it Is to cover. Frills
take two and one-half times as
much material.
Children's Socks
Fold children's socks instead of
rolling them. Rolling stretches
them at the ribbed top and causes
them to wrinkle and fall down.
1 cup cream
J4 cup sugar
1 cup quartered marshmallows
1 cup orange pulp and juice
Whip cream until thick, fold in
sugar, marshmallows and diced
orange pulp and Juice. Serve
Squash, Salt, Bacon.
Cut squash in semi-circles. Re
move skins and center of pieces.
Sprinkle with salt and cover with
squares of bacon. Put in vegetable
dish and cover closely. Bake un
til squash Is tender. Remove cov
er until bacon becomes crisp and
Each of these first course salads
is served on a bed of head lettuce
and with French dressing or fruit
French dressing.
1 g lemons
2 eggs
' l cups sugar
14 cup water . .. t t
I tablespoon melted butter
1-8 teaspoon gait
Grate, the rind of 1 lomen. Peel
white part from lemons and slice
the pulp very fhin. discarding
seeds. Beat esgs until light, add
sugar gradually, then grated rind,
water, butter, salt and lemon
slices; Bake- between two crusts.
Put" into hot oven (450 degrees)
ABer 10 minutes reduce heat to
moderate (3f0 degrees) and con
tinue baking 30 minutes longer.
2 cups flour
cup milk
4 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoons fat
V2 teaspoon salt
.Mix the flour with the salt and
baking powder, then work in the
fat and add the milk. Mix to make
a soft dough. Drop by spoonfuls
onto the stew, cover lightly and
cook for twelve minutes.
General Markets
POKTLAXI). Or.. July S. (AP)
HmI Farmers : Milk, sternly. Knw
milk (4 ir -'Ht. 2.27 rwt. f. o. li. Port
land. Bulterfaf. 3V". f. - b- Porllaiul.
Poultry SttHy. Heavy hens, Uldi.
2a-; Iijlit,: 16r; srinTR, 17r; l.roil
er. livtlfir: Pt'kin white ilnrks. 'JOr;
i'ilorei," uoiniiial ; turkeys, alive nominal:
dressed H7r.
Obioiih ..".0c lower; local 3(2-l-r''f.
Potatoes Steady. 3.jii6i 4.50 sack.
POHT1.AN l. Ore.. July M. (AP)
Wheat: BHB hard white, hard white, lilue
stein, haart. federation soft white west
em white, .Inly l.:H, AuKost $l.:i6; hard
winter July $l.H-, Ausriiht $l.:t4: north
em krins. .lurj- $l.:t7, Aurnst $l..-i4:
western red, July I.M:i. August fl.:!l.
(lals No. "J white feed, So. ' gny.
July, August M0.
. :Harley Xo. 2 brewing July S36. Aiir
uat f:i5.
! Corn Xo. 2 FY shipment, July. An
nat. 44. ).
PORTI.ASU, Ore.. July H. ( A P )
There were few changes in the dairy
produce mttrkets here today. Price firsts
declined one-half cent to .'17 'i cents, and
other (trades of hutter were steady. Re
ceipt were 14.247 pounds, output.
pounds, ami 4,(i pounds were withdrawn
from Ktorage.
In the escg market firsts were one cent
lower at 2't cents. Receipts were 2,:tM."
rase and 14U cases were stored.
Dressed meats advanced to 1H18
cents for veal and 1 " (f V V4 cents for
pork, because of sm.ill receipts, l'onltry
rinil steady. j
PORTLAND, July 8. Hay Hnylng
prices: Kastern Oregon timothy. $22"
22.50; do, valley 2(5i 2O..10 : cheat,
$1-1.50; alfalfa 20."0 h 2 1 ': oat hay $!." :
straw $8.50 per ton; belling prii-e f2
a ton more.
CHICAGO. July 8. (AP) Discon
.ertine hlack rust news from both north
and south of the Canadian boundary did
much to lilt the wheat market today, after
early declines. Closing; quotations on
wheat were unsettled, 3-8 to lVc net
higher, with corn to I 3-8c up, and
oats at lc to lc advance.
PORTLAXD, .July 8. (AP) Cattle
Steady; no steers offered early. Re
ceipts, rattle, 1; calves 10.
Hog Steady; receipts, 825, inclndmg
35 on contract, and 295 through.
Sheep steady; receiupt 810, includ
ing TZ(I on contract. Kat lamba. sharptfy
higher to $13; other classes steady.
Do not think we are high in price because
we handle
Extra Fancy
20c lb.
The Best
Pure Lard With Meat Purchases
Pei lb. 10c
Limit 5 Lh$. to a Customer
"Midget Special" Real Good
15c lb. 10c lb.
We Invite You to Compare Our Prices. Our Quality
Is Unexcelled
Sugar Cured Sugar Cured
19c lb. 18clb.
For That Picnic or Lunch
Sliced Cold Long Style
The Finest None Better
50c lb.' 17c lb.
Delicious UMECO
Unequale for Flavor Oleomargarine
I 20c lb, -4 2 lbs; 45c
. , . i v. . v.? . ,: ' .. ' i ; ...
Not Cheap But Quality Meats at popular
rh id det irria pket
-v ,QrigJhator of LbwEricej. ,
b 351 State Street Vv " '
' . s. - J
n; r-r i
Out of tlje Consideration to; Our Employees We
aose Saturdays at 7 P. M.
Dietary Fads and Relying
on Appetite Not Enough,
Strieker Avers
( By Frederick I). Strieker. Col
laborating Epidemiologist)
We all ned a definite objective
in eating. Our good sense tells
ua that most dietary fads are ab
surd. Relying upon our appetites
in the choice of foods can not al
ways be considered a wise proced
ure. The fats and the thins, the
anemics and the apoplectics are
ever-present evidence of the un
reliability of appetite alone as a
We eat for two purposes, first
to supply the body with fuel for
the day's work and second to fur
nish material to rebuild worn-out
body tissues. We should not live
to eat, but if we pet pleasure from
our meals, so much, the better.
It is Important to get the right
proportion of the various types of
foodstuffs if we are to make what
we eat do us the most good.
The chief source of energy for
body heat and action are the com
binations of carbon, hydrogen, and
oxygen called carbohydrates, of
which starch and sugar are exam
ples. The various fats, like but
ter, egg yolk and olive oil are
also used by the body for the
same purpose.
The repair of worn-out tissues
or the building of new, comes
from the proteins, those foodstuffs
in which nitrogen is the impor
tant factor. Meats ffre rich In
proteins as are also peas, beans
milk and eggs. Information conf
I Salem Markets I
No. 1, wheat, white , $ 1.2.
Reds, wheat, saccd 1.21
0U per bu. milling; .04
Top hogs ' .1
Sows 06V4O.07
Top steers 6(.1 hi
Cows 3.S
1927 lambs, under 60-lba. .XOH
Tp lie Teal - .10
Dressed Teal - . .17
Dressed pigs .15
Light hem .18
HeaTy hens .22
Springs 17
Booster! 08Q.08
Standards 19
Ponnd i. .89 4
Butterfat 38 hi
Cream butter 41Ji.424
Vegetables, beets, sacked .05
Turnips, carrots .80
Onions, dox. bunches .80
Xew cabbage - .03
New potatoes 05
Celery, dor $1.25$1.50
Local lettuce $1.00$1.25
Local spinach OS
Local strawberries, per crate 1.25
Watermelons, Lb. 03 4
Cantaloupes, standards crate. .. 3.00
Center Cuts Fresh
25c lb.
From Young Pigs
renting the bst 'comblaatlon of
food staffs and how much of each
shall be used can be found in any
cood' book: on "diels.
In addition to the foodstuffs
the body needs small amounts, of
salts of calcium, phosphorus, iron
and other minerals. Also of im
portance are mysterious substanc
es, the vitamins aLouf which o
much is said and so little definite
ly known. Milk, egKS, green veg
etables and fruits are some of the
readily available sources of these
necessary substances. ,
We also need roughage in our
diet. Thin is obtained in bulky
foods which give the teeth, the
stomach, and the intestines plenty
of work to do. Raw fruits and
vegetables and such roots as car
roty and turnips are .examples.
Water is equally important and is
needed in larger quantities than
most people drink.
; The two great essentials in diet
The meat is what makes Sunday dinner.
and get the best in quality at remarkably
Pure Lard
Our own make. Bring your
empty pails. Pound
Pure Pork Sausage
None better at any price. Lb..
Pork To Roast 1 Qp
From Young Pigs, pound. a U -
Hams P
Our Own Sugar Cured Hams. Lb htd3
Bacon xjJ'P
Our Very Best. Pound miO
Mcdowell market
"Where a Dollar Does Its Duty"
173 South Commercial " Telephone 1421
Cover the Field the
Statesman Classified Ads bring quick
Blanks That Aire Legal
We carry in stock oyer 115 legal blanks suited to most any business
transactions. We may hate just the form you are looking for at a big
saving as! compared to made to order forms. . . . '' '
Some'of the forms: Contract of Sale, Road Notice, Will forms. Assign
ment of Mortgage, Mortgage foims, Quit Claim Deeds, Abstract forms.,
Bill of Sale, Building Contract, Promissory Notes, Installment Notes,
General Lease, Power of Attorney, Prune Books and Pads, Scale Re
ceipts, Etc These forms are carefully prepared for the courts and
private use. Price on forms ranges from 4 cents to 16 cents apiece,
and on note books from 25 to 50 cents.
The Statesman Publishing Co.
- . ' U3GA1"BEANKT headquarters
t . At Busmess Office, Ground Floor
are 'Tariety and moderation. E3ch
person Is a law. unto himself. He
must learn I which foods are most
suitable' to his needs and bow
much1 be needs each day Jo keep
himself at a slightly below normal
weight " f or,; bis age . .' and height.
General directions are given to as
sist In forming good eating hab
its. ' j
Fruit at breakfast and at other
meals is preferable to rich, des
serts and pastry. A pint of milk
for adults and a quart for chil
dren;, whole wheat cereals for
breakfast, whole wheat bread for
part ot the daily portion, at least
one green cooked vegetable and
one raw vegetable should be con
sumed daily.
With due regard for moderation
in all things, we can rely pretty
well on our appetites to guide us
in choosing the-rest of our meals
until we can learn more about
Ik for the..
Telephone 23 or 583
I I sW
food-values In diets. , We must
eat correctly to live well.
Whistling" Killer Sought . r
by Police in Gary, In d.
t GARY, Ind., July 7. (AP)
A whistling5 killer is sought by the
police tonight following'tbe slay
ing of one. man and the wounding
of another ;In two holdups.
Wives 'of the victims were able
to furnisb.but a slight description.
Tolice believed the slayer is '-a
negro., j -; ,;-r-V-'- - ' : -i ; ''
Herbert McGlrt was kilted last ,
Monday night and Oscar Elliott
was shot and wounded last nl
The killer ; approached Sth
from the rear whistling. drew a
pistol and killed his victims after
robbing them, in' 'each instance
warning their accompanying wives
not to make an outcry. -
Get your roast here
low prices
'it" r;
.1 .
Easy Way
.sure results
. ' . - :'i '"' :
, ' "
- :
" -1.
; ' t
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' r v
, t. t
t - , , : -
J lil Mtt .M... A . A. J
V..- .r x j'-. ...