The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 09, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon Statesman
u - - - a
I i i . . , . . II
LiT Ii"Nl 7 Kept Mi4y by : V, i .
-' '? 214 8ntk CwunmUl Btraet, Btlw, Orefoa i T
X.J. Hadrieka .
Irl 8. Mf Slurry v
Jtalpa. C. Ourtia .
Victor U. Carlaaa .
RlLa Haueh -
? . . ' Managtr
VaftsftaS Editor
' City Editor
Talerrapk Editor
- Society Editor t
W. H. Hendcrton - Circulation Maaa(r
Kalph H. Klctxiaf AaWertiiiag alaaager
'rank Jaakoaki J ana far Job Dept.
. A. Khotoa - - . . f LdaUek Editor
W. C. Coaaer . - - Poultry Editor
Tua Ataoclated Pre I oxrlaxively entitled to th bi for publiratioa of all ttwi dla
Caleb ei credited to it or sot other wUo creditd ins tfciapapar and alao the local nawa pab
liafead harcia. ,-- - ."'.-;.? ' " .
Busnress omcES;
,,J.-B.Bell. 522-223 Security Bldg-., Portland. Ore., Teleptioaa Broadway 9246.
Sdoaaaa r". Clark Co., New York. 128-136 W.Slat Ht.: Chicago. Mareaatte Bldg.
Doty A fJtrpea; Ijm California repreaantattTea, gharoa Bidg Han KraacUco; Chamber of
OoDMoroo illdg.. Lot A age lea. . '
Biilani Office ,
.oiaty Editor-.
.23 or 583
,, ..iee
Jnb Department .
' Ifewa Dept.... or 106 Circulation Office 583
. Entered at the Poit Office la Salem, Orgoa, aa aeeond-claaa matter.
: ,- . ; July O. 1927 -
, i 'r And let the peace of God. rule in your-hearts, to the which alao
Ota are called in one body; and be ye thankful. And whatsoever ye
doj in word or deed, do all 1n the name of the Ltord Jesus, giving
thank tp God and the Father by him. -Colosslans 3:15 and 17.
J - I ' f ' i(f" ' jlhtaBVM' v win r
" ' What Ls. the biggest thing on the tapis for the Willamette
valley? What do you Bay? The following item appears in
the current bulletin of the Salem Chamber of Commerce,
Sjnong the "high spots in Chamber of Commerce activities for
Tune:" , V , V '
Worked, with Senator McNary to secure a rehearing of
the report of the Uf;Sv engineers which was unfavorable to
the' improvement ofthe Willamette 'river between Salem and
i Just why the report was unfavorable is not known yet;
Just what has happened is only mere conjecture.
W fThe day after. the receipt of a letter from a certain Salem
8n.VAbutw6 years ago, Congressman W. C. Hawley had
Inserted in the rivers and harbors bill an item for a survey of
ihe Willamette river from Salem to Portland, looking to the
improvement of the siream, so as to give still.water in the
v So that barge and boat transportation may be accommo
dated every day ia the year.
- Senator kcNary favors it, and he found the chiefs in
Washington favorable to the idea
J But something has happened to prevent the survey this
Smnmer, as contemplated and provided in the rivers and
harbors bill. "Congressman Hawley has had the report held
lip, pending a restatement of the case at Washington. Senator
McNary is attempting to get a favorable hearing. ,
rThe writer believes this is the biggest thing on the tapis
for the Willamette valley. If still water can be had at a reas
onable cost from Salem to Portland, it can be had all the way
pp to Eugene f
i And that would give a higher price to every single product
of the land In this whole valley shipped abroad, and to every
other product of the valley going to distant markets
1 Every bushel of wheat and pound of prunes and can of
1- If there is any other one thing on the tapis that will do as
touch, "what Is it?
":'''SiflIatjiitne.Wllamette would line both banks of the
Hver froni Salem to Portland with factories.
" Every forward looking man in Salem ought to be inter
ested, and to prove his interest by his work. By helping get
the thing done. By talking about it; by telling the world
'bi)OUtit. '-B--, . !
It can be done, and it ought to be done.
sugar industry the proposal for an offensive and defensiyL
alliance among the countries of Europe has been broached On
numerous occasions - : . , -
And it is in connection with sugar that the first definite
steps are being taken in the British Empire toward putting
into effect the proposals advocated by Sir Alfred Mond
Two powerful concerns having been organized Jpoking to
the making of the whole empire self sufficient in sugar.
If the British Empire is to be made self sufficient in
sugar, why not the United ? States? ' That is continental
United States and our insular possessions, meaning Hawaii,
Porto Rico and the Philippines
And this can be done easily
It can be done by giving sugar "growers of the United
States territory half the protection England gives her sugar
growers, and making the protection certain for a long term
of years.
And the enlarging of economic units generally that is
going on and being proposed in Europe must convince the
people of the United States that they are going to need the
protective tariff more, than ever r
And forward looking administrations at Washington, too.
The useful statesmanship of the United States of the
immediate and near (and perhaps distant) future is going to
be one concerned with business and trade. Petty politics
ought to be tabu. The 7 by 9 politicians in congress ought to
be put in the discard; in the nixy list. They are and are to
be Jonahs.
era AHEfi
Series Growing in Popular
ity; Conduct of Crowd
j Shows Improvement
" MUndbrihV th of th
U. S. A."
-Hungarian Fantasia? .. . ..Tobanl
Vocal solos, (a) "La Jaloma."
(b) "You're Just a Flower from
an Old Bouquet.?
"ffola" . . . . . Arndt
Selection, ,M Wang" . . . . .- Morse
March, ,li)ng Beach U Calling"
. . "
"Star Spangled Banner.
The state office building decision is about due. If favor
able, it will help a lot in making 1927 by far the biggest build
ing year in the history of Salem. And it will help a lot in
approaching the balancing of the state budget.
In June, 1924, the total of the debit checks in all the banks
in Salem was $7,104,076. In June of this year, $16,717,227.
Some growth. .... '
If we vill all quit being still about still water in? the Wil
lamette, and get out and boost for it, and make Rome howl
with our demands, we will get the thing done. And it should
be done.
As sure as water runs down hill, there will eventually be
still water in the Willamette. Why not now? Why not soon?
Bits For Breakfast
SDeaking ifl the House of Commonos recently, Sir Alfred
Mond outlined an economic trend , which in his opinion is
working toward the establishment of -larger industrial and
commercial units than the world ever before has seen. As he
sees it, competition in 'world trade- in the future is to be a
i-omnetition: not of individuals or companies, but of groups
of nations having common economic interests -although they
inay or may not hold close political relations.
. i "I have only recently returned from: a trip on the Con
tinent," said Sir Alfred, "during which I came in contact with
a considerable number of leading men both in business and in
economics. I have nohesitatibn in sayinghat the idea of the
"Economic Union of Europe, in order
in preserve European industry, has made even greater head
way than I had supposed. The overwhelming prosperity and
development in that great economic unit,, the United Stated of
America, is becoming yearly more manifest since the con
delusion of the war. The advantages which the United States
have of raw material, freedom of tariff barriers within its
vast area, the advantages of a stable exchange, single Ian
guage and a single currency" has compelled those who think
'seriously and have to operate practically in the markets of
th world today, to realize the handicap of relatively smai
divisions' . ' ' ' ' '
Pointing out that the position pt Britain between the great
economic units of Europe and the United States would be a
difficult and precarious one, Sir Alfred proceeded to his mam
'theme, which was that the future safety and strength of the
British people lay in the coordination of the resources 'and
industrial activities of the British . Empire, covering an iurea
ifargratethan that of eithW continental Europe or (.the.
United" States and controlling the larger part of the supply of
inany basic materials. He recognized the difficulty of bring
, ing about sucli'coorination' immediately, o short
vperiod, in view.of the fact that the economic development of
different divisions of the Empire had proceeded along inde
pendent iinesC He proposed as a f irst step the establishinent
"if aii Imperial Trade Commissio'n the function of which Nfould
be to examine and report on Ihe effect of - tariffs and trade
" legislation with aview to suggesting changes that gradually
-would bring the industries ot various parts of the Empire into
'jclbser and mutually beneficial relations:
-Undoubtedly the ideas expressed by 1 Sir Alfred Mond are
iHuch in men's minds at the present time, particularly among
tlia industrial representative of the -smaller vcountrietvh
feel that some form of xjombination among them is necessary
pi order to meet the competition of the larger nations; In the
Let's not be still
Not be stiU abouttin water in
the Willamette.
This will be provided, for boat
and barge transportation, tfie year
hrough, some time. Why wait?
We should have It now. It is the
biggest thing on the tapis for this
valley. '
Salem's bank business more
thn doubled for June of this year
over the same month of 1924.
That is going some, in three short
The bank footings for Salem
have been going up very fast in
the past few months. Keep the
country and city growing greater
together, and the bank business
will go on climbing.
The hop men are hopping
They are spraying their vines
for hop lic .It is a great visita
tion ol the pest; never greater
here. If any hop grower neglects
spraying now, and. the weather
man does not send about three
weeks of , hot weather beginning
right away, he will not have
enough hons to make a decent
Salem man says it is evident
that automobiles were in use in
prehistoric days. If not, why did
nature produce kangaroos?
Thirteenth street Salem man
who is at home while his wife ls
enjoying the cooling breezes of the
Pacific says he has become so pro
ficient in . the. .management of
household duties that he ean now
pull on his socks -either end first.
A large, well-pleased audience,
larger by several hundred than
previous crowds this season, at
tended the fourth concert of Sa
lem's Cherrian bantl in Willson
park last night.
Seldom, say criticii and leaders
in music circles, can signers be
found with voices that will carry
successfully to- out-door audiences,
unless special accouatical provi
sion is made. Salem has such a
singer in Oscar Gingrich, whose
two numbers "La Paloma" and
"You're Just a Flower From an
Old Bouquet," were enthusiasti
cally received, with the ci;owd ask
ing for more.
Many persons who had not pre
viously seen Waite Memorial
fountain in play, marvelled at the
wonderful display of colors and
water formations.
A number of citizens also ex
pressed appreciation for the bet
ter order maintained in the park
during the concerts since a police
officer has been stationed Ihere.
The program presented last
night was. as follows:
March, "Sons of the Desert" . .
j.... fCline
Selection, "Bohemian Girl"
Waltz, "Souvenir de Baden-Baden"
Popular numbers (a) "Tcmjght's
My Night With Baby," (b)
"Always" (by request), (c)
Woman Says "No" to Trip
Plans of Flier Husband
FOREST HLLS. V., July 8.
( AV)- Mrs. V Herbert Hartley,
wife of the , commander of the
United States liner Leviathan,
cannot take tlfe responsibility of
deciding for her husband whether
he should accompany " Lloyd Ber
toud as navigator ;on his proposed
flight to Rome, she said tonight.
"If it is up to me, my answer
is 'no.'" Bhe said.
William Randolph Hearst, spon
sor 'of the flight, reached Com
modore Hartley by wireless at
Cherbourg, France, today, to of
fer him the post. The commodore
replied that it would be up to
Mrs. Hartley to decide.
Final Hearing Set
Final hearing in the matter of
Sarah JR. Tyalor, deceased, was
set for August 8, at 10 o'clock a.
m.. by Judge J. T. Hunt in probate
court yesterday.
Estate of A. D. Yergen, de
ceased, was valued at -$8000, ac
cording to appraisers' report filed
in probate eourt yesterday. The
estate consists of real properties.
Appraisers were Geo. F. Clark.
Harry B. Schultz, and George
(Continued from page 1.)
Portland, member of the faculty
of the Pactfie Chiropractic college,
and Dr. George A. Simon, of Eu
gene, leader of the southern local
group, the race promises to-be a
warm contest.
Reports to be Heard
Dr. Charles O. Breach, Port
land, who 'was to have spoken at
yesterday afternoon's session, will
give his address upon "Orgjanlza
tion" this morning Instead.
Other business will be the re
ports of committees, and the de'
cision in regard to meeting place
for next year; 's- Ffont the volume
of business to be conducted, lead
ers predict that 'adjournment wilt
not come until late in -the after
noon. ,. - . - v. . . . t .
r Yesterday's, sessions were note
worthy for the number of Interest-,
ing and worthwhile addresses de
livered before the convention.
In the znorniag meeting there
were two, "Accommodation of the
Human Eye.' delivered by pr. H
Lee Fording, professor of anatomy
and pathology at the North Pacific
College of Optomeiry. and! "Dis
eases of the Gastro and Colo Re
gions." br Dr. Francis yJy Kolar,
member of the faculty at the Pa
cific Chiropractic college r ' "
t Dr. Peebles Speaker
The noon luncheon, beld at the
Spa, was similar to thoss held ol
previous days, when, many of the
older members were given oppor
tunlty ; to express themselves
These In eluded Dr.: George Hoey,
Oregon Cityr Dr. - George Simon,
Eugene; Dr. R.- M. Pet fer, Cor-
Yallis; Dr. Hartey Deal, Inde
pendence, and Dr. Etta Breach,
Portland. Others who spoke, be
sides the main speaker, were Dr.
George J. Kinagy, Albany; Dr. H.
Lee Fording, Portland; Dr. Harry
Scofield, Salem, aud a guest, Dr.
Henry Morris, of Salem.
The luncheon speaker, Dr. Roy
A. Peebles, spoke upon the re
sponsibility of the doctor in the
development of the highest type
of professional and personal lite.
Not only must the doctor be a
healer of the body, he declared,
but he must recognize that the
body houses a soul and personali
ty more precious even than the
physical being.
AHe made a plea for the accept
ance of a moral responsibility on
the part of every profession.
whether it be teaching, healing,
or any field which comes in con
tact with other human beings.
Senator Addresses
Senator Joseph E. Dunne, mem
ber of the state senate from P t
land. opened the afternoon ses
sion with an address on "The Doc
tor as the Business - Man Sees
Him." in which he humorously de
clared that the business man most
of all needed to be told how and
what to eat. and paid tribute to
the work being done by the pro
fession' represented there.
Coming from the dean of the
chiropractic college, and a man
who is himself a member of the
medical orofession as well as a
chiropractor, the address on "Pro
fessional Ethics." by Dr. N. S. C
cneckoa which followed, was an
outstanding one of the convention
as weU as of tha day. He out
lined the ethical standards which
should orevail among the chiro
practic fraternity today.
ResponslbiUty See
Recognizing first, he said, the
nosition f the healer as a servant
of mankind, he should hold him
self in readiness to give, his ser
Io at all. times, wit a cheerful
attitude which in itself brings
Further, he should honor his
own profession by the highest type
of personal life, without criticism
of others, and should refrain from
nv method of advertising which
resembles charlatanism, restrict
ing himself only to a digniruui
orofeaslonal card.
He must be ready to help his
hrother practitioners, both in per
sonal service, and in consultation.
without Interfering In the diaen
sis of others, or entering Into con
troversy with them.
He must be, readv to use his
technical knowledge for the pud-
Ha. zntid. when called upon. " wfth
nut thAuaht of self.
s Finally. Dr. Checkns recona
mended, the chironractic doctor
should adopt a scale of compensa
tion fitted to the Income of fh
patient, pointing to the practice of
that Mayo brothers, of Rochester.
as an example of this plan. -
: Th- final address of the after
noon wa or irr, pa via J-
Wly appointed secretar
ehrrtpract' examining
spoke on "Legislative
of the LADD & BUSH, BANKERS, of Salem, County of Marion, State
of Oregon, showing the amount standing to the credit of every deposi
tor July 1, 1927. who has not made a deposit, or who has not with
drawn any part of his deposit (commercial deposits), principal or in
terest, for a period of more than seven (7) years immediately prior to
said date, with name, last known place of residence or postoffice ad
dress of such depositor, iuid the fact of his death, if known.
Residence or
Name of Depositor. Postoffice Address.
nu k: a. harris 'a ;
Local ChautauquaSecretaryj ,
May I promise, through your wellhead column?,
the t best Chautauqua program - ever brought to
Salem July 20-25 inclusive? M " T'V-"
This will be. about the 15th : consecutive yearly
performance in Salem of the! Ellison-White aggre-
gation which has become second only to the state
fair in bringing together the people of the city
and country in a midsummer season of clean, edu-
cational and distinctly elevating e
Take up your season tickets early from any of
the usual placesPatton's, Hartman's, Commer
cial and Atlas Bookstores, Will's j Music House,
Y. M. G. A., Miller Mercantile Company, Willam
ette University, Pickens & Haynes, Roberts &
Lear, Cooley & Pearson, Burnett Brothers, Ix)ve ,
the Jeweler, and numerous individual distribu-,
tors. .j ,
Reserved seats will be obtainable to holders of
season tickets at Patton's Bookstore and Hart
man's Jewelry Store from Saturday morning, July ,
16, until the opening of the big tent on the col- j
lege campus on opening night. . ' ; "
I want to put on an intensive ticket'eampaign .
beginning Monday morning next arid )f yoU are; a q
sales-man (or-wohian)1 and will see me at once it f "
may be thatJLwiU.haye something,pf, interest forj
you. Remember, you will be selling hJgn ciaisv
"gocKls" well known and highly indorsed. by the
Salem public. , v ' . , i -?
Chautauqua is brought back to Salem year after
year by the pledges of a large number of the best
people in Salem and such indorsement , is its rec- .
ommendation to the consideration of all. ,
The s
of fin
old o
next ?
Mrs. E. J. Bower
H. O. Clancy
Cora W. Cooper, Admr.
M. P. Dixon '.
A. E. Dunlap
G. W. Fidler
G.: J. Moore
John Murray
A. H. Niman ...
Addie B. Tupper
O. F. Turner . .
Mrs. Jas. A. Wilson . .-.
4 7.50
STATE OF OREGON, County of Marion, ss.
I, L. P. Aldrich, being first duly sworn,, depose and say upon-oath.
that I am the Cashier of LADD & BUSH, BANKERS, of Salem, Coun
ty of Marion, State of Oregon; that the foregoing is a full, true, cor
rect and complete statement, as required by section 10160, Oregon
taws. L. P. ALDRICH.
Subscribed and sworn tobefore me this 8th day of July, A. D.
1927.' GEO. H. RICHES, Notary Public for Oregon.
My commission expires Feb. 20, 1931. Jly-9-16-23-30
Insurance of All ''Kinds. Tel.' 11 ' v
llellig Theater Lobby, 180 N. High
rialntlff Win
Plaintiff wi
circuit court
of 'Essie Swei
Armstrong an
to irertaln pr(
Chautauqua !
Action Dropi
Judgf Perc
irircHlt 'court
"" motion! of th
1 i suit, in the c
jf VVN Jstt-laj Arcli
.'. E. .storm.
?few 1-Vlls,
From in o
Howard Cors
erty. ,
ult QuictH T
Case of Fr:
Unknown hei
nd Ksther 1
puit to quiet I
the plaintiff
down by Jul
circuit court.
fong. ne
of the
board., who
Burin th afternoon session
the association voted, by resoln-
lion. ' to eonfer nnon Df . Checkoa
life membership lii the assocla
tion-. in reeoocnitton of 'his o
-tandlrarrwoTiti In j ths r ontanlaaw
tlon. and Inthe pacific Chlrdpra-
'tie" Mhoo1vrf:;;JwJ?::.:!4i'
'ti Music? for the Ldaywai 'tal
furnished ,bv Miss Marian Boyle.
f The contention " ad journed In
the evening; to s ttend the address
of Dr. William WalIacTahrsoit
A.' JX .who spoke .under the an
unices of the association .In .the
-Tirst Methodist church.
i ' -
t s
f .
I . ' "i ..--!.
i j- -
Everything Must Go Regardless of Cost or Loss
Extreme Extra
.4. .IV t
25c to S5.00
25c to?C5!bb
We will sell 500 packages containing a variety of merchandise for the house and personal use -These
packages are actually worth 25c and running up to ?5.00 in value. Surprises and delight'
await you. Be here and see how lucky you are. ; ' i- - . . .
, Counters, Shelving, Show
Cases, Desk, Etc
..'-v store r
148" North' Uberty Street
s Salem r :-: Oregon
Registers, 'Tewiilers,
Tables Settee, Etc ' . ;
. " ,1 .. " .-. ' . ,t . -
. ' - . -;, .. ; ; a,-
pance nt Sli
Stage k'avt
WHt Filed
L. Han
1 Marhment in
day against 1
Carrie A. Tr
claltrt of 30'J
lAWt or Stolei
I-fght grey
F. S. Lampor
Fineil on Tc
D. Loisell
arrested rece
being drunk i
Jcating liqnoi
both charRts
court, and pa
Dance Tonlgl
Open air r
Jxmen Driver'
Jayton Mc
Wh,o pleaded i
of driving a
recently, ch(
guilty, in Jut
an'd received
in the countj
anl suspensf
cense. McDar
Officers Rein
.h Fourth.
TJsel Cars G
Demurrer in
the case of A
and Accident
ha. Neb., vs.
ance eommis
Oregon, whe
demurrer In
day for non
tion was bro
once com mis
new the lie
association t
this state.
lack and
Upon his p
! Five acrf
ille from
Five acr
i Uy limits,
: Thlrty-i
f at on pavt
, Fine hoi
i 'ony f I
? ! f f - "
m s . -