Ti lODAMQttNlKa ; JULY t. 8, 1927, ... -I m J u i i o -A L i o liiii' IpiiV ,l-,r New first National Bank Building BASEMENT " T9 Lrtix Shining fftbr -K.prt for Ladles, Qwtltumm. SECOSD FLOOR 'J' Fhoto Berrlee Tel. 70S. Ow the Am TIURD FtJOOlf "."'-PticA.l Co. 801-302-303 u, K. Morris. Optometrist Telephone 239 I'll; 4 Directory ... ! T Gillette Lawyer Snlte 310-11-U -Telephone le . Secolofskjr See, IVU Vt 804-805 Real Estare, TMn. Insurance ItRTH FLOOB (5V 'nll A Burdette, Optometrists rtumy. 25 401-408-408-404-408 Jydian Building ft Lean Ambulation" Bayford Ely 44a telephone 757 Willard a. WiH b Paul P. Barrii Atterwer. 41.0-411-412 Tel. 185 e'f-erM. 418. Tot S7- R. ldl.lW Jtea! S.iate Loans Insurance SIXTH FLOOR Geo. K. Vehr M.D., Physician Surgeon Suit 03. . Tet. 1878-2379 Bh. 73 tbebia D. Dfty and Donald W. MUei Attorneys at Law Telepae 198. 610-611-012 R. P. Smith. New York Life Room 613 Telephone 198 EIGHTH FLOOR Dr. C. Wf4 Davis, General Dentistry Tel. 81. Open Evenings. Room 803 Dv. K. B. Seofield . ... 808 Cvtprae to r. Xenrocalotoeter Service fcnit 810.- Telephone 555. Res 234 NINTH rtOOR Xft. H. M. Brown, Eye, Car. Note ft Throat Specialist. Suite 901 TENTH FLOOB Dr. . A. J oh own, Dentin Talrwn 1285 . 1001 Chalmer Leo George, D. D. 8. General Dentistry E. . Griffin, D.- D. 8.. Orthodontia ' Telephone 181., Suite 1002-1001 i UNION ROSTER HOD CARRIERS AND BUILDING LA frerrra Local No. 441, meets Wed., 8 p. in. Call 179 for men. OAP1TOL TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION No. 210 President G. F. Evans; sec retary, -A. M. Church. .Meets sec ond Saturday, 8 p. an. CARPENTERS' UNION, NO. 1065 Meets: Thurs. evening. Herbert Hall, president;- Wm. Pettit, secretary. Skilled mechanics furnished. Tel. 179. .SALEM UNION LABEL LEAGUE Meet at Labor Hall on call of presi dent. - If. W. Sears, secretary- Box v 443, Salens Ore. ; - LODGC ROSTER KNIGHTS OF PYTHtA8, MEETS AT McCoroaek Hall, over Mill-' Store . every Saturday evening. F. . Toese, C. C. ; H. R. Burke. K. of R. S. Tel. 1219-W. . - ...... REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY BECKE ft HENDRICKS ,189 N. Uifh Tol. 169 LEE W, BELL 504 Bank of Commerce Bldj. Tel. 484 P. W. GEISEB ? Telephone 2312 '441 Court JOHN W. ORB " New Blirh Bide ' ' Tel. 2485 GERTRUDE J. M: PAGE 492 N. Cottago fi; ToL 1186 TRIANGLE REALTY CO.. 421 -Court St. j - j ' V TA' Ml ULRICH ft ROBERTS 129 X. Commercial Tel. 1854 VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor 147 N. Com'i , - ' Tel. 577 " SQUARE DEAL REALTY V. B. Nat'! Bank Bldg. Tel. 470 BOHRNSTEDT ft ' PAYNE 147 N. Commercial- Tel. 577 Local Rates For Classified v Advertising: Daily r Sunday t cents per word .. 6 cents per word . 8 cents per word ..20 cents per word One time Three tim Six times I sns. daily and Hun. In order to earn the more than one time rate, advertising mukt.xun ia een- ieeutive issues. i No Ad taken for than J5e. ; Ada run Sunday ONLY rharged at lini ret. .. -- ' Advertisements fosoept Persoaala and di'tiisttons Wanted) will be take ever the tiethne if the advertiser is a sob Mieer to phone- ; . The BUtekman wlU receive adeer tkemnt at any time or the day oi night: To in j tire proper lalficatin 4. Ads should b" in before 7 p. m. TELEPHONE 23 OR 583 he Oregon Statesman PubUshed eeety auorning , eeept - Moo. Atrt Salem. he' eapital of Oregon. ADVERTISEMENT ' V JHONEST ADVERTISING Theeeeol t' lint must he kept free ffMn anything of a questionable natare." II isrepresee-' . tstines will not bo tolernnoC. loforma ,'tien shewing any qnestioaaola tntont on tbt part of the advertisec should bo TepfU-terf to this newspaper ar th Salem Art eHll. The first plng-poriit champion -chip tournament -Is to ba staged - In Fortu.al. Wonder where they t are going to hold the tlddledywlnk AUCTIONEERS H. F. Woodry & Son Rifbt down town. Cash paid foi used furniture. Store 271 N. Cont'L Tel. 75. Agents for laefo Rengos. BATTERY St ELECTRICIAN 6 R. D. BARTON EXTniK niTTVRTrs T-S'' generator work; 202 Tel. 198 HIGH AND CENTER ard 40E WILLIAMS FLEENER ELECTRIC CO. none. wirinf by hour or contract. Estimates furnished. Tel. 980 OiTnnrt at BICYCLE3 'dVltEPAItUKG LLOYD Ex 'ttAMibEN COLUMBIA BI- rycwn rHirin 387 Court. ttKU WANTED Male 11 Wanted a livb kkwspaper sub- scnption. eenfMSBr. Call Circulation Silmn office. llmlltf VlKLP WANTED Female IS GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOt'SE- work. 3a7 State. 13Jly8 EXPKRIKXCEb WAITRESS WANTED. Apply State Cafeteria, 481 State. 13 ,Talv9 CHIROPRACTORS 13 DR. H. B. SCOFFIELD. P. S. C, 808 First National Bank Btdg. DR. O. L. SCOTT. PSC. CHIROPRACTOR 398 X. High. Tel. 88-R. or 87. FLORISTS 10 CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUET! Funeral wreaths, decorations, C. f. Breitbaupt, florist, 511 Ut itreet. Tel. 880. MAGAZINES Farm Papers 17 IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper send five 2-cent stamps to the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon, for a three months' trial subscription. Mention this ad. POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three months' trial for the ben and oldest Journal in the West. The articles and adreri tisements are of special interest to the poultry breeders of the or$hwest Northwest PonTtry Journal, 211 S. Com mercial St., Sslem, Ore. INSURANCE 18 FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loan on good farm security. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pru dential Insurance company money on city residence and business property at 5Vi per cent, plus a commission. Hawkins ft Roberts, Inc., 06 Oregon Building. d!4tf Insure Your home or ear now. Phone 161 BECKE ft HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg., 189 N. High St. Jl-tf FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gages. Trust Deeds. Contracts on houses Will net 6 to 30 per cent BECKE ft HENDRICKS Hnilig Blrig., 1MB N. High Pt. jl-tf WANTED Employment 10 EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER wishes office work, temporary or perm- Dent; knowledge of bookkeeping, and cashier work. Phone 1885-W. 19JIy9 FOR GARDEN PLOWING, BASEMENT digging and team work. Tel. 72F2. lBmHtf FOR RENT 21 STORE ROOM FOR RENT 260 FERRY street,' between Front and Commercial formerly occupied by Withers ft Keal, $20 a month. Inquire at Statesman office. 21apr28tf FOR RENT Apartments 23 VIRGINIA APTS., 879 X. LIBERTY. New, modern, furnished and -unfur nished 3-room apts. 23Jlyl4 SMALL APARTMENT, 1335 STATE, 23jlyl3 FIVE ROOM MODERN FURNISHED flat, sleeping porch and garage. $50 a month. Tel. 148-J. 1444 Center. 23jlyl0 FOR RENT Rooms 23 PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14 BY 7 IN Wording, "Rooms to Rent," price 10 cents each. Statesman Business Office, ground floor. ROOMS WITH BOARD AT THE Alex andria. Tel. 1539: 1030 Cheinekcta. 25apr21tf ROOMS WITH BOARD AT THE ALEX- ander. Tel. 1539; 1030 Cbemeketa. 25apr21tt ROOM FOR RENT IX MODERN HOME near Capitol Building. Gentleman only. Telephone 194-J or call 1465 fhemeketa. 25aprl7f FOR RENT Houses 27 8-ROOM MODERN HOI'SE. FURXISH ed, in beat residence district; or rent for two months. $30 per mouth. No children. See Winnie Pettyjohn. ResI tor, 175 S. Bigh. 27Jlyl0 FOB LEASE TO RESPONSIBLE PAR ties, 8-rooni home and garage. Very close in. 840 Chemekets St. Will give possession at once. Call between it a. m. and 5 p. m. 27jly9 FOR RENT HOUSES Four-room modern bungalow, garage $25. 2074 McCoy near Hollywood theater, in("ire 2075 McCoy. 27j!v9 LAUNDRIES 32 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The Laundry f Pure Msterials. Telephone I64. 126 Broadwsy. TRY THE HOME WET WASH LA UN dry. Tel. 171, 1858 Street. JlTtf THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEID2B LAUNDRY Telephone 25. . , 268 S. High. TAILORS 84 D. II. MOSHER TAILOR FOB MEN and women. 474 Court St. : MINUTE MOVIES TERRORS or THE rBlG TOP. ED NaJHEELAN 'the wraHS shriek WELL. X GCTT.TO GO NOUJ 4&OSS;Tb rtrlT DA WONK'AN' SELli W?Q l...cr txra imP?Sri - tine 1 uts KiP Or WANTED-9IiaceUaneotts 83 WANTED PfttVATE Mnvrv tor farm loans. We have several applica tions on band. Hawkina Roberta, Inc. 205 Oregon Bldg. 85dl4tf FURNITURE PACKING FOR SHIP- .meats. Gi eke-Powers Farnitare Co. 35spr20tf MATTRESSES 86 MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capital City Bedding Co., 1190 North Capitol. CaUed for anU delivered. All work guaranteed. Tel. 19. flPtf FOR SALE . 87 STBAWBERRIES, 8e LB. PICK YOCR- self. Route 7, Box 13. 37jly9 WINDMILL AND PUMP, 1902 N. 37jly8 Church. TENT 1214. $12. PEDIGREE CH1X- chilla doe and 4 small ones, $20. 1' ,1 4th St., West Salem. 87j'.y8 ' -1. . . . , WILD BLACKBERRIES. PH0XE 117F2. 87jlyl0 MOUNTAIN HONEY lie PUT UP IN 60-Lb. cans; for 80 day n'f.. Tb1 Mead 8F5. B7iiySS BLACK DIRT FOR SALE IX EITHER North or South Salem. Reasonable. Tel. 72F2. 37dl2tt FOR SALE Live Stock 39 COW FOR SALE. Route 4. H. C. STAPLETON, JlylO JERSEY BULL FOR SALE ELIGIBLE to ragtstery. Just old enough for serv ice. Priced cheap for quick sale, or would trade for grade beifer or pigs. Tel. 49F23. 89jlyl8 VETERINARIAN 80a FRKD W. LAXGfc, VETERINARIAN Office 529 8. Commercial. Tel. 1198. Ris. Tel. IBM. A39m23tf WOOD FOR SALE 43 GOOD 16 IXCH OLD FIR $8. ALSO good 4 ft. 2nd growth fir $8. SO. Tel. 930. 43jlyl0 FOR GOOD OLD FIR 16-INCH, AT $8. Call 930. 43jly9 FOR DRY WOOD TEL. 1990. C. C. Harbaugh, 1038 Highland Ave. 43jly29 ORDER MILL WOOD NOW. WE CAX make prompt delivery. Tracy Fuel Yard. Tel. 2313. 43jhe2tf GOOD DRY WOOD FOR YOU D, A. Larmer. Tel. 930. 43sprl6tf 16JXCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH oak and ash. Tel. 7iF2. M. D. May field. 43tl8tf GOOD COAL DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES. HI I, Lit AX FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855. 43s30tf BEST GRADE OF WOOD Dry wood. 4 ft. and 16-inch. Large loads are cheaper to buy. Mill wood is our specialty. Prompt delivery and reasonable price. FRED E. WELLS 280 S. Church. Tel. 1542. 43d9tf MEDICAL 44 MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Tel. 517-W. . aasaagas in naacaMaatMBagaawaa POULTRY AND EGGS 45 FRYERS FOR SUNDAY DIXXE Weight 2 lbs. Phone 32F21. Lee's Hatchery. 45jly30tf POULTRY WAXTED WE PAY CA8H and call for 'em. Salem Poultry Co. Tel. 2490, 145 Center, foot of bridge. 4.'jly27 BABY CHICKS AXD CC8TOM HATCH mg. Expert help, most modern equip ment, thicks for ssle, all breeds, every Monday. Settings four days each week. Tel. 32121. Lee s Hatch ery. 45fl0tf CHICK. CHICK. CHICK "OUR chicks live to make your liv mg. open rsnge, healthy stock; a breeds. Special reduced prieea now in effect. FLAKE'S PET LAND 277 State. Salem. Ore. 45may4tf MUSIC STORES 40 GEO. C. WILL PIAXOS. PHONO graphs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies. .Repairing phono graphs snd sewing machines, 432 State utreet. Salem. NEWSPAPERS 47 THE OREGON STATE8MAX, 50 CENTS per month delivered to your home early each morning. Tel. 23 or 583. THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM SALEM Agency. The Ace. Tel. 939. PAPERHANGING SO PHONE GLEXX ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paperhanging, tinting, eto. Kehable workman. PAINTING SOa CHAS. BEXXETT. PAINTING CON tractor, painting, paper banging, 2283-J. 187 Wett Miller. MISCELLANEOUS 51 ETTERBERG STRAWBERRIES 3 CENTS a pound. , 1 Come pick them, yourself. BemMesserli. Rt. 5. Bog 114-A.. Salem y:. 5ljly8 , 1 OUR ipUSTOMERS ARE' OUR BEST boosters because when we do your welding, tia done, not you. Electric and acetylene welding, largo and small. C. D. Oppen. 695 Mill St. Tel. 372 and 2036-J. 51may6tf HAY IN THE SHOCK FOR SALE. 8EE Clem Yesger at Finxcr Station. 51j!y8 BUY USED MEN'S CLOTHING. JEWEL- ry. Guns. Tools, Bicycles, etc. " Star Exchange. 3J4 N. Com'l. TeL 356. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AND RE pairing. Giese-Powers Furniture Store. 51s20tf FOR SALEM SCAVENGER CALL 167. 51fl0-'28 FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. 10 cents a bundle. Statesman office. 215 South Commercial. . 51j9(f DAMP WASH 25 LBS.. 75e. TEL. '-024-J. 2370 Myrtle Ave. 51jlj8 uof -we &Jl ANK1ET OF THE PER FORMERS .TWE, MW- CROUJO 6tr?MS IHTO Ut "XEHT circus TUE DffESSlKlfi- VI ttt 1. 1 T,r?MAUvE : TlNUEST&PlEM MAfSRywiM. ANt LEAVE LOST AND FOUND A3 LOST DOG SMALL BOSTON BULL pnp, screw i tail, female. Answers to . name of Sweetheart. Weighs about V lbs. Reward. Phono 1123-W. ' 53July8 LOST MALE FOX TERRIER BLACK and white; license No. M17. Return 1854 N. Winter. Reward. 53ly8 PIANO TUNERS 04 EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano tuner. Leave orders Will's Masie Store. THOMA8 FAY. PIANO TUNER, NOW at the Portland Music Co., 355 N. High Have your piano tuned by one who baa bad years of experience in the work. 8a3tf PRINTING 66 FOR STATIOXERY. CARDS, PAMPH- leta, programs, books or any kind of printing,, call at the Statesman Print ing Department, 215 S. Commercial Tel. 583. MONEY TO LOAN 57 CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rates.. Best terms obtainable. , Our insurance department offers yttw ex pert advise snd service in all liaea. HAWKINS ft ROBERTS (Inc.) Tel. 1427. 205 Oregon Bldg. 57fl0tf P. II. BELL, 219 U. S. BANK BLDG. Residence and business loans. Tel. 607 or 3141-W. 67apr7tf MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING AXD on city property. B. S. Martin ft L. R. Martin, attorneys. 413 Oregon Building. Tel. 2084. 1 SfmlOtf FEDERAL FARM LOAN F. L. Wood. 341 State St. 57H17tf WANTED LOANS 59 WANTED Private moifey to loan on REAL 'ESTATE. W. H. GRABENH0R8T CO. 134 8. Liberty St. 59026tf PLUMBING 60 PLUMBING AND REPAIRING REA sonable Estimates. A. L. Godfrey, 127 Union St. Tel. 495-W. 60fl6tf PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Uraber Bros., 144 S. Liberty. Tel. 550. 19tf BUSINESS OPPR. ei AM FORCED TO SELL MY RESTAU rant sild confectionery. SI 500 down; a light ear in trade or Would take smaller business; full price, ftouv. it wouia pay to look into this; doing good busi nesx. Family sickness and business too much for one alone; ideal -for man and wife. By owner Answer Box 32 in care the Oregon Statesman. 6Uly8 POOL HALL. CONFECTIONARY. LUNCH room, pool, billiard, snooker snd cam tables, fountain, lusich counter, dis play cases electric range, etc. Large stock. Best location in good valley town. Splendid business. This is mint for someone. Price $5500, some terms. Will take Salem property for part. ee TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY BUSINESS HEADQUARTERS" 421 Court St. Ground Floor. 61jna29tf RADIO 62 Rad tolas For every purpose, for every purse All standard sizes of Radio Tubes HALIX ft EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. 335 Court St. Tel. 488. 6aprl7tf REAL ESTATE 03 FOR SALE LOT CORXER OF E AND N. Hummer street. See owner. .30 First National Bank. 63JblylO 100 ACRES REAL DAIRY RANCH? 1, forked and equipped: 18 cows. 90 klieeu and goats: 45 acres in enttiva tion. Price, $j."0. Take small "acre age or city property ax part payment. Saieui Realty Co.. 462 State t. " f 63Jly8tf LOOK ! TEN ACRES GOOD LAND within eight miles from Salem for $t00 cash. You must act now. Within ten days this cannot be had at such reditu lously low price. ' PAYNE WITH BOHRNSTEDT 147 X. Com'l St. Tel. 577. 63jly6tf FOR TRADE HOUSE IX TWIS FALLS. Idaho, for Salem property. 5 room modern, maple floors, large porchus. fruit and shrubbery. 5 lots 5o by 160 and house $2500. Lot in Woodburn Will trade for car. Barber shop for rent $lo per month. Mony to Lean Special proposition LAN E MORLEY ft CO. 413 First Xst'l Bank Bldg. Tel. 757 63j!y7tf NEW MODERN 8-ROOM BUNGALOW S. Salem. Nice corner, $4750, easy terras. Good 6 room bungalow, garage, flowers, nice lot $3000. Nice modern, 5-room borne, N. Sa lera. close in. $3800; $500 down. Grocery, confectionery and meat mar ket with living rooms. $1800. Nice 20 a. home close in, fruit ber nes. bldgs., fine soil. $6000. 100 a. farm, all in Cultivation, Snap, $7500, terms. We make farm and city loans. PERRINE ft kMAR8TERS 212 Grsy Bldg. 63jly2tf 12 ROOM HOUSE BARGAIN Only 4 blocks of post office on good corner lot 97x100 ft. Street iru provements all in and paid, house has just been remodeled and armnged nicely for rentiug roojas. Price only $6600, part terms. If you want a home and an income let us show you this property. SEE LEO X. CH1LDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street. Tel. 1727. 63jly7tf BEST BUYS in homes. City or country property $.500. New, strictly modern, English type bungalow. 7 rooms: nothing left tin done. Buy this home and save two thou CHOICE LOTS. PAVING PAID $im). or-two for $600; terms. ACREAGE TRACT8 AXD FARMS 3 A., paved road, $1600, only $100 down. 5 A.. $IHM. Half cash. lu A fine ioil old buildings. Somo choice fruit, $2O0O, half cskIi. Fine 70 A. farm 50(10; fruit, fair buildings; somo tim ber; running water: terms. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Restaurant, meat market, grocery. 1., To hsiy, sell or trade property, see LOUIS BEC11TEL 341 State St. 63JIy8tf OR VCO w m jm--ArU3 a M r trrii m- e i , c- r - t j SMACK- TVS 3&XL KwVl f sifts. a ex.i r. 1 iws, uoodoos vj Hosier . ZY - " lilt !. s2 - . 1 tv-- j , 63 FOB SALE GOOD CORNER LOT 80 120, north end of town.; reasonable Call 398 or 1187 J. 63jljl3 FOR SALE NEW ntODERN BUNG A- lew, six blocks from state boas a, fSSOO. Trade 20 acres at Orlaad. Calif, Irrigated, fine house, fruit. Want Ore gon land sp to $10,000. - Sale or Trade One of tio Vest farms in Polk county, 400 acres, with stock and equipment, what have you. ' For Sale Four-room house, good lot, bearing fruit trees. 12 blocks out $850. GEO. F. PEED F. L. WOOD 341 State St. ' 63jly2tf SICE HOMELIKE PLACE PLASTERED house, basement, fireplace, bath, beau tiful shade, not and cherry trees; 3 big lota, roses and shrubs, garage, poultry house, berries and garden; near schools. Only $3,800. Same with two lots, $3,500. Some terms. Owner 849 Rural Avenue. 6-l tf SPECIAL -Large 9 room house, suitable for Apt. house. Lot 100x120 with all kinds of fruit. Price $5000, will ex change for acreage close In, 34 acres cloe in on Highway, has 3-room house. small barn, 1.2 large cherry trees, a good buy lor $2500. 1-3 acre with small boose, chicken bouse, and fruit houae on paved road, $350. Vi acre with good 4 -room bouse, garage and wood shed and nice garden, close in on highway, $2650. See THOMASON. 320 State St. With Leo X. Ckilds Co.. Realtors. 63jly6tf LUXCH ROOM Lunch room with fountain and con fectionery in connection. Well equipped. Good location, doing good business. Here is a dunce for real buy. 8ee us. 8OCOLOF8KY ft SOX First Natl Bank Bldg. 63jly3tf WAXTED Suhurlinn homes, small acreage and farms. t - are getting many calls for this class of 1 ;erty. NOW is the time to list. . TRIAMii.:: REALTY COMPAXY 421 Court bt. Ground Floor 63Jly8tf FOR nVAXsV NEW 5 ROOM BUXGA low 26O0. $50 down. ' balance like rent. TeL 520. 63aprl5tf CLOSE IX BARGAIN 35x165, PAVED St., and alley, on trackage and jo ing business property. 5-room house in good repair. Rental will net 7 on investment. Snap at $3900. Easy terms. P;e O. K. De Witt with WINNIE PETTY JOHX, Realtor. 175 S. High St. 63Jly6tf GOOD BUYS IX SMALL ACREAGE 1 acre tracts, not far out on- good road. Lest of soil, electric lights and telephone available. Price only $425 each. 5 acre tracts, 1 mile out on paved road, best of dark rich oiI. close to good school, electric lights and phone in front of tracts. Price $2000 each. $200 down and $15 per month and in terest 6 per cent. 2 3t acres H mile out on paved road. ' 4 room cottage, woodshed and chicken coops. Part in fruit. Price $2000. a Vs acres, 1 mile out on paved road 5-room house, electric lights and water system, barn and chicken coops. Price $3250, part terms. 10 sore tract 4 miles out on food road. 5-room house, small barn, good well. Price $2200, good terms. For good buys in small acreage SEE LEO X. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street. Tel. 1727 63Jly7tf THERE IS NO MORE BEAUTIFUL spot for a home than Kingwood Heighta. Beautiful view, natural for est. ljrfce lots, electricity, water, etc. An exclusive, restricted district. 15 -acres with young cherry orchard, 4 roomed house and barn. Close in $5000. Will trade for city property. KIXGWOOD REALTY CO. OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO K K K FOR RENT 5 r. house 9i5 X. 22 St. $20 5- r. house 1970 S. Church $25 6- r. house 1110 X. Com'l $30 5 r. house 1145 S. 16th $23 KRUEGER, Realtor Tel. 217. 147 N. Com'l K K K K K K 63jly3tf K OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO 188 ACRES. ALL CLEAR AXD CCLTI vstable, within 12 miles of Salem, $7500 on easy terms. Suitable for stock snd some farming, especially flax. Usable buildings. This will sell quick. A. C. BOHRXSTEDT Realtor Loans 'Insurance 147 X. Com'l St., Salem, Oregon. 63jly3tf GROCERY STORE. $1500 5-rm. bouse, 2 lots, corner, E. front, pavement paid. $2650. 4- rm. house, pavement paid, $1650; $100 down, $10 and int. per mo. 5- rm. house, fruit, pavement nsid. $3000; $250 down, $20 and int. per mo. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE, Realtor 492 X. Cottage Str. 63jnel9tf FOR REXT 9 ROOM MODERN HOME. - combination- wood and gas range; 6 bed rooms, good chance to keep room er, $50 per month. -roopi stucco house, modern, one year old on paved street, rented for $-10 per month. Would sell very rea . sonable. ; We have two $5000 properties, a 6 room new and 7-room nearly new, botb itr? uesiraoie properties. Tell us your needs. We will do Our best to please. ChauHsuqua -tickets for sate. I BOND with JOS. BARBER 200 Gray Bldg. 125 X. Liberty 63jly7tf ACREAGE BUYS , 10 ACRES Best soil in Salem dis trict: 6 acres under plow; 4 acres stomps and pture. 15 minutes to Salem. Good roaa. near school; no improvements. Re duced to $1750 for quick sale. 10V4 ACRES, on paved highwav. 1 mile to Salem; 9 acres under plow; some iimoer. aeres cherries, apples straw berries, grapes. Good 5-room house, barn, poultry house. Water svstem. Price $5500. half cash. Exchange for grocery. nniinuonrrr or other buMiiess. 38 ACRES, on good gravel road. 4 miles from business center: 19 acres na tter plow : 3 acres beautiful fir grove. Year round creek; good pasture: all kinds fruit, berr.e. grapes. Good 7 room house, barn, poultry bouse, etc. 4 cows, 2 iiorses, lull line machinery and tools. t-nce, 8I0.OOO, half cah. Exchange for iiiiiur or improve acre - TRIANGLE REALTY COMPAXY, 41 Court St. Ground Floor. 63Jly8tf REAL ESTATE HOLD TIGHT1 KT PAPA'5 HSaI i4(lb. THE HAND CRIPPLED TlfSH" OJLCNE A GOCO) - VK1C. K . . t- tXtSKl MANa , ) .v - - 7ASTf "J v- 1 1 1 1 1 1 r a : 1 1 1 ( GHEPX HEAvlrNSA IT SOUELr LIKE J fc- ji " . v j - V2? MiiN ns 03 GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST We have over S000 properties lilted for exchange. Every kind of property, very price, every location. ' We can match yocr exchange EXACTLY. If yon would like: to trade year property TODAY, eome to TODAY. See GA6KILL ft EARLE, Realtors. 166 8, Liberty; TeL 2242. J 63jly3tf NICE HOUSE AXD FURNITURE 5 rooms and Lath, largo lot, garage, owner will take cheap lot as part trade. Price $2400, $500 down. SOCOLOFSKY ft 80N First Nat l Bank Bldg. 63jly3tf NEW FOUR ROOMS AXD BREAKFAST nook, full basement, furnace, fireplace, excellent plumbing, wired for eleetrie range, oak floor in living room. Lots of built ins, garage, concrete driveway, walks, gravelled street, well located in North Salem near Highland school Owner will sell on easy terms. Tel 25:18 R. 63jly7tf REAL ESTATE Suburban 69 NEW HOUSE JUST COMPLETED FOR sale on terms like rent, double con struction, tally plumbed, electric fix tures, etc. 4 rooms and breakfaat nook, rarage. etc. One half acre of finest garden land. Price $3100, Carlo A brains, 1465 Cbemeketa St. Tel. 1894-J. ' 6fl2tf TRANSFER & HAULING 70 WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOU8E bold goods. Our specialty is piano and furniture moving. We also make coun try trips. We handle the bast coal and wood. Call on us for prices. We give good measure, good quality and good service. Larmer Transfer Co. Tel. 930. TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL kinds. TeL 72F2. SALEM TRANSFER ft FUEL CO. Local and long distance hauling Storage and fuel 399 S. High. TeL 529. 70a30tf CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 56 State St. Tel. 933. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT ft POWER CO Office 804 South Commercial St. Ten per cent discount on domestic flat rate paid in advance. No deduction- for ah seace or any cause unless water is abut off your premise. TRAVEL 76 T-R-A-V-E-L Safely, Swiftly and Comfortably in buses of the Parker Stage Lines. 8-T-A-G-E-8 L E A V E F-O-R Silverton 7 a. m., 11 a. m-, 5 p. m. Mt. Angel 11 a. m., 5 p. m. Dallas 7 a. m., 9 a. m., 1:25 p. m. Falls City 7 a. m., 2:10 p. m 5:15 Independence 7 a. m.. 9 a. m., 11:15 e, m., 3:10 p. m., 5:15 p. m. Sun day only 8:30 p. m. Monmouth 7 a. m., 11:15 a. m., 8:10 p. m., 5:15 p. m. Bunday only 7:10 p. an., 8:30 p. m. MeMinaville 8:80 a. m., 2:19 p. m., 5:15 p. m. Newberg 8:30 a. m., 2 : 10 p. m., 5:15 p. m. Tillamook 8:30 a. m.. 2:10) p. m. Call 222 or 696 for information. d2Stf AUTOS WANTED 77 CASH PAID FOR FORDS EIKER AUTO T7ml2tf USED CARS FOR SALE 79 GOOD ESSEX CAR FOR SALE AT $150. Call 805 X. 17th St. Tel. 2413-J. , 79JlylO ONLY A FEW .Uei.r CARS LEFT They are fqr sale at sacrifice. 26 Esse Coach ; .....$495 Star Coupe $135 Ford Coupe $200 Ford Touring $135 Ford Sedan $140 Also two new Hud&ons we are slicing the price on. K IKK WOOD MOTOR COMPAXY Valley Motor Company Special Used Cars at the Low Prices a Ford Dealer Can Achieve.-' Hudson Sedan, looks like new $585 Oakland Coach, less than one year old $915 Buick Touring, high hood .... $37 1926 Ford Coupes $390 to $435 19.22 Chevrolet Delivery. We will accept any reasonable offer. 30 Fords to pick from. 2 Harley Davidson Mortocycles. Will sell 'em cheaper than bicycles. Valley Motor Co. Salem, Oregon 79JIy8tf 3.4 ThirtyFour 34 Used Automobiles Sold and delivered to customers during June. 1927, by the F. W. Pettyjohn Co, More Better Automobile Values Offered Now Nash Coupe. 1926 Special Six Model, looks like new, in excellent condition. exceptional ear. ' - Hud Coupe, 1927 model, fine shape opportunity for splendid car at reason able pnee. Buick Touring. Ford Coupe. Overland Touring. Liberty Touring. Ford Coupe, fine buy. Ford Tourings. The Pettyjohn Valuation policy, the constant effort to "build up the value in all used automobiles taken in exehaage by this company, is bringing euotomers to our sslesroora every day. Be sure and look over the offerings listed. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 365 Xorth Commercial Street. . Phone 1260. ' - "After we sell we eerve." 79jly3tf . m ew. sv.sa.v. 11 rJ Vol rrtltniWi " REAL ESTATE 1-st - r-o.n"TA . Mt,CTDfWS WWH (V M USED CABS FOB SALE 79 , 192$ FORD OKI TON- TRUCK HI G H speed worse; Jiasasteu gear, asaw mj. Rocky MountalaV brakes, $175. 1 Call at City Cas Plant, lew f Cort'St. - ,.. '.-7ily v Low Prices "V ; : On Good Used Cars' 1922 Chevrolet Touring -Low Priced 1928 Chevrolet Touring.. $125 1922 Ford Coupe , 1 -$100 1928 Ford Coupe . u i $IT5 1924 Typo Ford Coupe $275 Newton-Chevrolet Co. I 79iJyltf Stop Right Here Used Car Sale Now On I A FEW BARGAINS LEFT ; v-f 8ueb as H"r . 1 .. . Hudsoos Willys-Knight O'a and 4's Fords Dodges Overland Moon Cleveland The ear you want at the pric yen want to pay Terms to suit you. - MacDonald Auto Co. Cottage and Ferry Sts. MAEMOX- CHANDLER 79jae25tf MARION'S CERTIFIED STUDEBAKER3 USED CABS Velio touring 1920 model, new Duco paint, good tirea .....$285 Studebaker "Standard Duplex Road ster. 1926 model, look and runs like new, lots of extras $900 Willys-Knight Sedan. 1924 late model, Lancaster blancer. new Duco finish - $900 Studebaker Special Six Club Road ster. 1922 model, this car is a. real buy at' - : -f50 Chevrolet Touring, 19.25 model, new Duco finish.' One new tire, other four fsir. motor over hauled ." - $350 Maxwell 8port Touring, 1923 model, not been run since 1925. Just overhauled $450 Franklin Club Roadster, new Bako paint, motor in best of shape $295 Ford Coupe, 1924 late model T car, baa had very good cars..... .$350 Marion Auto Co. Studebaker and Erskine Six Dealer' for Salem and Marion Ceunty. - Ask for R. L. Gibbins--Used Car Dept. 235 South Com'l St. Telephone 862. USED CAR LOT. NEXT TO FIRE STATIOX ON CHEMEKETA LOT PHONE 2117. 79jly2tf PACKARD OLDSM0BILB Two of the Best Cad al lie Sport Coupe (A anap like new) $2500 Packard Sedan, look this ever $1450 Oakland Sedan, late model: 4- wheel brake $ 750 Rollin Sedan, lata model; 4- " wheel brakes $ 600 Oldsmobile Sedan ........... $850 Ford Coupe, late model $ 875 Chevrolet Touring, late model $ 875 Buick Touring, a real buy, (new oaiat) . : t 200 Ford Roadster and Tourings $50 to $150 We always have .a complete line of good nsed ears, our stock changes daily, so it is impossible te Hst then '$11 (a this add. If yon are interested in a nsed .ar, we can supply your wants, aa w have good running automobile lew f $30. Biddy Bishop Capitol Motors, Inc. 350 N. High St. Tel. 2125 Two of the Best PACKARD OLDSMOBILE . . 39jnel2tf General Markets o ' PORTLAND GBAXjr. ; PORTLAND. Ore- Julr 7. (AP) Wheat BBB hard whit.- July. $1.39 Auzust. $1.35: bard white, bluestem bsart. July $1.38: Atigust. $1.35; feder ation. July.. $1.37; August, $1.35; o't white, July, $1.37; August $.d; west ern white July. $1.37; August, et.oo hard winter. July. $1.34: August, $1.33 northern spring July. $1.86; August. $1.33; western, red, July, $1.82; August, $1.30. , . ,, . . , . , Oats No. 2 36-DOimd white feed, Joly $31.00; August, $30.00; No. 2, 36 popnd erav. Jul v. $31.00-. August. $30.00 BarleyNo. 2 45-pound brewing, Jnly $36.00 :August. $35.00 Corn No. 2. early shipment, .July $43.00; August, $43.50. PRODUCE PORTLAND. July 7. (AP) Milk- Raw milk (4 per cent). 2.27 cwt., f. o. Portland. Butterfat, 40c, . f. o. b. Port land. Poultry (Less 5 per cent commission Heavy hens, 21 23e; light. 15016e springs, 17c; batiilers. 16$17c; Peki white ducks. i!0e; colored, nominal; tur key, alive, nominal; dressed. 37c pound. Onions Local. $3.75(97.00. i ; Potatoes $8.50(84.30 sack; steady, VEGETABLES. - ' POBTLAXD. July 7. (AP) New crop onions from the Pasco and Walla Walla sections of Washington are on the mar ket, and offered at $3.00T3.50 ewt. A few local Burbank potatoes were Bold Bv Ed WWIajj rawi 1 1 is wry !1 Tj-TEWt'5 ll I wrirr... aiit aVt I EHt OP TM& VaEK f EAR OP 1r4B HAS ' . R2LCA5 en the early anarket at $1.50 per box of boost SO -pouadr. They showed fair ait and IxeevleBS road-it tew. . . . The cantaloupe Is very firm for good stock. Hoaeydew melons and casabas are now stocked - ia bulk selling 6 & 60, p CHICAGO GSATJf. CHICAGO, July 1. (AP) Substantial baying advanced wheat' prices today, i largely owing to reporta of black rust damage in winter wheat. Word was also at bead of traces of black rust in North Dakota spring wheat, the earliest appear ance la 1 years, considering the growth star of the slant. 1 f Closing notation on .wheat war firm. lffcc c Bel eler, with corn to- 8 "P. nod unchanged to 4. renew - .'--: - -. . j , : ' .T' - HaX ..." '-'." PORTLAXDV Jly - f. (AP) Hay Baying prieea: Eastern .Oregon timothy. ;2.00fi 22.5Q;-do,', eeiwy, iiu.iwwa,ju; real, $14.50; alfalfa. $SOJ021.00.-, oat iay. $15.00 ; straw. $8.fiO per ton; eelUag prices, $3.00 jm, ton. more. ; " UVTST0CX. 'J PORTLAXD. July T, (AP) Cattle - calve Receipts. 95; steady. Hog Re ceipts, HO, steady. Bhoep and lamb Receipts. oU on fentraci; aoiaiaauy teady. . - .;. 1- ' 1 DIARY. PORTLAND. July 7. (AP) Dairy ex- chanfe. net prices: Butter Kxtras, 40e; standards, -, 8$He prime firel. , 8c; irsta 87e. '1 Eggs Extras. 24c; firsts, 24c; iMiUeta, 20c; current receipts, 20c. No. 1 wheat, white..- Butterfat , , Cream gutter . - .$1.25- I .4 4243 o- o Salem Markets ; I o- ORAIN No. 1, wheat, white ... Reds, wheat, sacked . Oats, per bn milling - l.4 . 1.2W 64 . ' PORK. kTTTTOV AJTO BEET , Top hogs .lfi sow m.; ,7, ...;,.,.....o$ .rt Top steer . 6.7Vi tows -. 1 ,. i, , , a ar .5 v 1927 lambs, ander 66-lb. Top live veal . .10k .10 .17 ; .15 m ; .22 uresaed veal Dresaed pigs' POTXLTRT I- Light ben Heavy, bene Springs Roosters . . f 1 O60.M I v EGOS, BTJTTER, BUTTE RPAT stanoarae ., , , .19 Pound Butterfat ....... Cream batter , 8 V4 41U &.414 TEOETABLES vegetable, beets, aaeked turnips, carrots . Onions, do, bunches Kew cabbage New potatoes ' Celery, dot. . $1.25$1.50 . leal lettuce ...$1.00(a$1.25 t.ocsi spinach . . .o i Local strawberries, per crate 1.2i t LISTEN IN TRISAT MOatwiWO. 9:30-10215 KXL (230). Morning mnsle. 9:45-11:30 KC-W (492). Kzercises: household-helps and music.' 1 10:00-12:00 REX (240). Patti Cook; uuruing cuieriainment. 11:00 12:00 KOIN. Housewife' hour. FRZDAT APTERMOOir. 12:00 KVEC (214). Weather reports. . ' li:00 12:20 KEX. Popular orchestr masic- 12:00-1:00 K&IX. Orgsn recitsl. 2:30 end KTBR (283). Play by pi J oaseuau reports. 4:0O-5:O0 KFEC. . Musie. -5:15-6:00- KOlX. Topsy Turvy times. ralOAT SIOHT. Local Station. 6:00 6:30 KEX .C240J,.. New,; mne ment guide. 6:00-7:00 KOLX (319). Organ concert. 6:0O-7:0tt KTBR (288). Music. 0:00-7 :T0 KO-W (492) . - Dinner- con cert. 6:00'7:00 KWJI (229) Twilight hour. 6:30-7:00 ktl. Organ Concert by Dar win L. Wood. 7:00-7:30 KTBR. AAA rvad report. T:00-T:30 KEX. Studio program . 7:15-8:00 KOIN. Misha Pel orchestra 7:30-8:00 ROW. Quartet. 7:30.-8:00 K EX. . Traveling. 8:00r8:40 KOIX. Webber ttrinc qttf 9 :00- tOv-KkiC 'C1se'a 'king.' v " 8:00 9:00 KXL. Studio program. 8:30-9:00 KWJJ. Edith Don end Dor. otby Andersen. 8:40,9:00 KOIN." Studio program. 9:0010,:0$ KOW NBC pregrem. 9:00-10:00 KXL.rHioie Becker, eon- cert organist. 9:00-16:00 KWJJ. Studio program. 9:08 10:00-KOIN. Misha Pels orchs. tra. ' - , 8:00-10:00 KWBS (800). Dorothy Dae. enport and stringed instraaenta. 10:00-10:30 KGW. Jubilee 4 enterUia ers. . 10:00-11 :JS0 KOIN. Hubert' dsace band. 10 :30 12 :00 KG W. Hoot Owl. KGO Oaklaad' (884). . orchestr; 8:45-8. Western-Artist aeries; 9. HBO program; 10. dance erchestre. KLX Oakland (08), 7, 8,i :30, or. cliestra. KFI Los Aageles (468). :15. :80. T. Aeolian organ concert; S, 9, NBC pro gram :. 10, trie. .... . KJR Seattle (849). 6, $ :30, orchestral KPO San Praaeiseo (422). 6. :80. or cliestra; T, TJ30, 8, 9. NB0 program; 10 orchestra. . , KFEC San iVanefscb (454). 6:30, tnej T",Be rtr; 8, string ensemble; .J2;.rlh,,,r; dance program. KEWI San Praaeleco (368), 6. string t,X?1 J'.8 ' rhestra.', V . KN.X Hollywood . (37. erebestra 6:3 orchestra; 7, 7:30. 0. 9, :3i. .10. fight broadcast; 11, dance orckes - tr. ' r KfOA SeattU (43T). . children' IV'JL' :f3, T' NB0 Preftnnt; 10:30, Hoot Owls, i t - , KPWB Molly wood (364 J. 8. 7.1 $. dance orchestra and soloist: 9 auiatet ."loi"t: 0. rainbow hour. KH,T:l",.'le1 (405). etrio: 6:30. 'lIJren bonr: 7:, 8, ;10. CFCT Victoria (47f,, ,7:85, hildren'e program; 8. KOMO Seattle (306). 6. 6:15, orches tra and soloists: 7:30, orchestra and soloists; 9. KBC program; 10, orches tra; -ii, news 11:13. v Mrs. Hatel Rnwson -CatIe$. wbose, monthly "Beautr Talkd" in the Woman's. Home Companion nd liv Farm and Fireside reach 3,000.00 American woine, an nounces the arriral of an eight pound gjirl, named Elizabeth. I XOTICK 'OP. ArPOINTMKNTj OF ADMIM8TKATIUX ; - Notice t. hereby jr.ien lhat tb undersigned baa - been duly ap pointed by the County Court of tbe State of Oregon for the County, of Marinu, as administratrix of the . estate of J. Frank Dunlap, de feased, and that she has duly qualjfied , siifb. administratrix; all persons having claims a.ainst the estate of said decedent ar hereby notified "to .present the same, duly verified, to me, at the office of Konald C. Clover,' my at torney, 20S Oregon Building. Sa lem,' Marion County, Oregon, with in six months from tha date of this notice.-. . - -'. Dated at' Salem, Oregon, thli 16th day of June, 1927. , EFFIB V. DUNIAP, Administratrix of the Estate of J. Frank Puslap, Usees-: 1. f IiONALD C. CLO VZn, Attorney for Admlnl-tratrix, r- lem; Oregon.- Jir-24-Jiji-S-l3 . .. .05 .80 . .80 1 ; .03 .o. flnAlsT ' " " . 11 1 ip piun)i f'.'.'girwTF- 4