m .1 -Tim .OREGON it AXESHAN. SAtt OEGO s . . pntnAY tORNINQt. ' JULY : S,i:1927 ' C - . . ;.r. ... V- -.. - i -. '-'- ,-t".v- - ! ' . : - ' . Y 7 7 '- -7 ' ;'7' - Jf Plrectoi" s . Department Store xi sfi'l .fMBAY AMP SATUMMY JULY 8th aimdl 9th You Will Again Have a Chance to Participate In Our Selling Campaign BARGAIN BASEMENT Lot Woman's and Boys . Khaki Coveralls, made for good wear, worth $2.50, now while they 'last for -. .- BARGAIN BASEMENT .Here is a good 'one. A lot of Men's and,Women's auto dust coats, long and i short ones, heavy grey 'mixed material, worth to ,$7;95, your choice for BARGAIN BASEMENT Jlere is a corker, a lot of Ladies' Wool Dresses, all different styles, in plain 7and "stripes, values to ;$8.95, your choice BARGAIN BASEMENT One . lot of Men's and Boys' Rain Coats and "Vomen's and Boys' suits and Men's Woolen Jersey Vests, values, to $10.00, while they last, each... BARGAIN BASEMENT Lot of Boys' Knee Pants of Blue Serge cloth, size ;7 only, worth $1.98, now 2 for . TO BARGAIN BASEMENT Lot of Loggers Pants Black Bear, union made, water repellent, worth $3.50, while they last BARGAIN BASEMENT Lot of Men's, Women's and Children's Keds, Ox fords and Shoes, broken lot, value to $3.50, now your choice, 2 pair ) BARGAIN BASEMENT Lot of Children's Shoes, all leather, in button and lace, worth to $1.98, now per pair BARGAIN BASEMENT Lot of Men's mule hide work shoes, combination wear flax sole, no better for good wear ADOLLAB take w lone woi L B, BARGAIN BASEMENT Lot of Boys' Jumpers, blue with a fine white stripe, 2 pair Lot of Big;Boys': Overall pants,., white.. and blue striped, size to 16,', worth $1.98, now; 2 pair Remember, This Means- Tremendous savings for everybody. Every department is humming with activity and is all agog for the great Bargain Event that is to take place in this store Friday and Saturday . Plan to be here early. We have made every effort to, supply enough merchandise to last. However, we cannot guarantee this, and for that reason we suggest you get here early. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITY Men's Dress Pants in grey stripe and dark cloth, high grade tail oring, worth $3, now Men's Khaki pants, good medium weight kind, well made worth $1.50, now Men's heavy waist ov eralls, riveted pockets, good grade of denim, all sizes, now Children's all wool bathing suits in differ ent colors and designs, worth $2.75, now for Men's fine Suesette and Madras dress shirts, color attached, now Men's fine flannel and some Madras dress shirts in color, worth to SZ.5U. now for V Men's athletic union suits in plain and satin stripe, worth $1.75, now IV 1 i J L White sailor pants, wide bottom, laced back, worth $1.75, now Boys' all ' wool .dress caps, all new jstylejs and good patterns, worth $1-75, now.J Men's pure silk dress hose, worth 75c now, 3 pairs Men's semi soft col lars, you know what they are regular 35c sellers, now 6 for... Men's plain white handkerchiefs of nice fine material, t worth 15c now, 10 for Men's silk ties and some knit, all of snap py patterns, worth 65c now, 2 for . Men's bow ties, good patterns, worth 49c, now, 3 for , Boys' Cloth Hats, all new styles, different designs, fancy bands, worth $1.75, now Men's Night Shirts in muslin and outing flannel, worth to $1.50, now Pemico Suiting, very pretty shade, fast, col ors, 36 inches wide, now, 3 yds. Tissue Gingham, 36 in. width, . good snappy. patterns in stripes and ; checks, worth 65c, now 3 yds .. Cretonnes 36 in. width in all kinds of colors, and patterns, now A yards for .. Satin and Messeline in leading plain shades $1.98 value, now 1 yd. Figured wash goods of silky appearance with satin dots and stripes, worth 75c yd., now 2 yards Voiles in plain only, 36 inchse wide, all lead ing shades, 75c vilue, now, 2 yds. T Curtain Marquesette, with ruffles, white with colored stripe, worth 35c now, 5 yards Curtainette in ecru and white, good quality, 4 yards Here is a real one, Hope Muslin, you know the kind, 8 yards Challies for comforts, etc., 36 inches wide, all good patterns, 7 yards Here is another good one, Ladies' Rayon Vests and Blooim?rs all in the lead ing shades, worth $3, the price for the 2 garments is now .-. Kalburnie Gingham, good patterns and col ors, worth 25c, now 5 yards Daisy Cloth, 36 inches wide, you know the kind, 4 yards Outing Flannel a very I good quality, stripes and checks, now 7 yds. Batii Towels large size, 22x40 inch, good wt., worth 35c, now 5 for Ternr Cloth, unbleach-j- ea, -gooa neayy w5, fine ,for : long wear, :now, 9; yds. 6rf my it w MEN'S FINE BALBRIGGEN UNB'o N SUITS, long an d shor? sleeves "an kle, kneeIength, Very nice 'grade worth $1.75, now VJ7 'Better Goods For Less - MEN'S FWCY H A Y ON DRESS HOSE Full ; fashioned, in stripes 'a n d L' r: -7- checked designs,.' worth '-75ff now 6 pair for Lingerie Bloomers, very nice shades, worth 80c, now 2 for Ladies' Rayon llos?, in the different shades, while they last, 2 pair :. Ladies' and Misses' ribed Ladies', Misses ribbed cotton hose, in baige and French Nude, fine finish, how, 4 pair , Children's and y2 sport hose, in different colors and patterns, now 3 pair for ........... Lot , of.. Men's. summer weight- athletic . union .suits, .short sleeves, knee length, closed croclv ..Lot.. ofWomen's, ChiU drens ;and some Men's Sweaters, .. .slip on .and "Blazers, worth to $4.50, 3 j .4 m 7. ATCLLAB take VOU A long VMlf when iu teni am DOLLAR DAY . regon i -, - ) - V Salem