' THE OREGON STATESMAN!. SAI .EM. OREGON ,H THURSDAY MORNING; JULY 7, 1927 . ,1 t ,aa.: 1 ' 1 1 ffff f ' U I j NewSfet Katioiial , Banli BoiHmg Directory ' ; ; t Lfcxu htnig Parlor : "Wl fv- -fjitiM and gentlemen. C0 ffuv ' t Pholo. . ftavtea, V TI.7Q Over the Spa thibo rLooa Hoerle Optical Co. ; , Ol R03 303 Dr.. Henry fc.r Morris, Optometrist 1" Telephony J39 C.: P. Gillette 4. .i.Ailt S10-11-L2 , LawyerTelephone 105 Soeotofsky 8n, TeL $70 ..804-8O5 Keal r state, l,nsni, ingnni FOURTH FLOOR , Dre. KIU A Burdette, Optometrists Phone, 823 ; 401-403-403-404-405 Guardian.. Building A'liu Association O. Bayford Sly j 41 - Telephone 757 Willard Hr.WU'M 'Itd?n1.r. Burrit Attorney. --.'. 410 411-411 ? .Tel. 185 Lane Morley. SloVTeL 757; Bee. 11SW Reel Estate'.- Loans Insurance , Geo. ft. Vehre MJ)., Physician Snrgeon Suit 0..-..TJ. 378-887 -Rosy 78 Bo bin D.Day and-Densld W. Miles - . - Attorneys at La Telephone 183 r - 810-611-612 E. r. Smith, iew York Life Room r, is Telephone-108 EIGHTH. PLOOR Dr. C. Ward Davis, General Dentistry TeL 816. Opaa Evening. Boom 803 Pr. H. B. ScafWHd ii.:..:... 808 Chiropractor, Xeororalbiaeter Service la. N. Sander (.D, Physician Surgeon Rutte 810. THnhnn S53. Rs.2:t4 Dr. H. M. Brown, Eye, Ef Nose A Throat Specialist. - -' Snlte 0O1 TESTH FLOOR Dr. W. A. Jfrfantaa. Dentist TaJphoa 1J83 r, 1001 Chalmar L Ooof 'tar D. D. 8. j OaOerrn! Daetittry E. Ilv Grtf fin. D." D." . Orthodontia Telephona 181. i Sulfa 1002-1001 UNION ROSTER vHOD CARRIERS AND BUILDING LA 1 borers Local No. 441; beet Wed., 8 rp. m. Call 170 for ass. ' PAPITUL - TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION No. S 10 President G. r. Evaaa; aee-retary,-A.-M;-Cburch-., . Maeta aee bnd Satarday, t p, m. 'CARPENTERS' ! UNION. NO. 1065 Meeta Thars. evening. Herbert Hall,, president; . Wm. Pattit. secretary. Skilled mechanics furnished. Tel. 179. SALEM UNION LABEL LEAGUE . Meets at Labor Hall oa call of presi dent. F. W. Sears, secretary Box 443, islem. Ore. LODGE ROSTER o KNIGHTS Of PYTHIAS.' MEETS AT MeCornack Hall, over XilU-'s 8tore : every Saturday evening. P. . Toose, , C. C. ; H. R, Burke, K. of R. S. Tel. 121W-W. REAL ESTATE T DIRECTORY I -O BECKS Jr HENDRICKS 189 N. High ; ; Vv - Tel. 169 . . LEE W. BELL toy Bank Af Commerce Bldg.. TeL 484 P. W. GEISEB - - y Telepboae 2318 44 Caiift New Bllgh Bldg. i'g. iTal.' S485 ) ; GERTRUDE J. 493 N. CotUga . ' PAGE - . Tel. 1186 TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 421 Court 6. ' . ' Tel. 651 ULRfCH ft ROBERTS Comraereifel , - . Tal. 1854 12V K. VICTOR SCHNEIDER. Realt.ir 147 N. Com'l , Tel. 577 SQUARE' DEAL REALTY TJ. 8. Kat'l Bank Btdy. TeL 470 BOHKNSTEDT 147 ' N, Commercial. PAYSfE Tal. 877 Local Rates For Classified Advertising - TJattyar Sunday Onetime t een ta per word Three times -6 easts per word Six times .....W 8 cents par word 1 mo. daily and San.30 cents per word la order v aara tha ' more than one time rat, advertising must run ia con secutive issues. No Ad taken for reas than t5e. Ada run Sunday ONLY charged at on-time rit...s.;;,',, y";, : Advertisements foxoept Personals and Situations Wanted) wilt b taken over the teiephoa if the advertiser ia a sub scritr .to pheaav ; . "v-- ;: ' The Statesmsn will receive adver tisements at any time of: tha Hay or nlpht. Tw insure prooer elnskifieation Ada shonlJ ba La Worn .7 p, ax.. TELEPHONE 23 OR 683 io Qrcgbri Statesman Published ever aaornlar. I except Mew dart 4t Salem.', tb ; f Brutal -of--Oregon, JO Ti f: I ' ' W - A 11 V ER Tf "pE M t ?Ty -X i. ' HONEST AI'VLiiTlblNfc The, col 'ti mni bf tent free front anyihief . of a ooeavi"1 hat-ire1. MiarepresenT 'J 'm tationa will nut ba toteftd Informs-' ' 5 on the part t alvetter should I b teborted lit..tMntap' tno Mr. Lindbrtb has proTed to the worlds that - although some Am? ricanB are high flyers, other pan fly successfully for distance.. a F;N.Woodry i 11 Tra. Salaaa'a tcadiat: anetioarar and (uroitor dealer. Re. and Stora, 161V N. Bummer.! Tel. 511. NO KICK OJi StT SEaVICE" . i 2ar22tf H. F. Woodry & Son Right down ; town. ' Caih paid for sod furniture. Store 271 fc. Com'l, Tyl. 75. Ageata forLaaya Ran yea. BATTERY A ELECTRICIAN 0 R. D. BARTON - Starter and South High. - ZXIDR BATTERIES generator work 303 Tel. 188 HIOH AND CENTER WOfc W1L.L.1AMS CLEEXER ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wiring by boar or contract. Eitimates furaiihed. Tel. V80 471 Court St. BICYCLES St REPAIRING 8 I.LOYD E, RAMSDES COLUMBIA. Bi cycle and repairing. 387 Court. H ELP WANTED Male 1 1 WANTEIa A LIVE NEWSPAPER 8UB trriptioa eanrataer. Calt Circulation Manager. - Stateoman office. llmlltf CHIROPRACTORS 15 DR. H. B. SCOPMELD. P. Pirtt National Bask Bldg. 8. C, 806 UR. O. L. 8COTT. PSC. CHIROPRACTOR 25 N. HJgh. Tel. or 87. FLORISTS 10 CUT KLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS Funeral wreaths, deflorations, C. P. Breithaupt, florist, 512 Stato Street. Tel. 880. MAGAZINES Farm Papers 1? IF TOU WANT TO GET THE' BEST farm paper aeud five S cent stamps e the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Or,;oft, for a three months' trial subscription. Mention this ad. POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for speeial three mouths' trial for the best and oldest Jonrnal in tha West. The anticles and adrer tinements are of speoial interest to the poultry breeders of tha Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal, ill 8. Com mercial St, Salem, .Ore. INSURANCE 18 FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loan on good farm security. CITY LOANS Wa are loaning Pru dential Insurance -company money on city reaidenee and basiness property at 5V4 per cent, plus a commission. Hawkins A Roberts, Inc.. 05 Oregon Building. d!4tf Insure Your home or car now. Phone 161 BECKE HENDRICKS Hrilig Bldg., 189 N. High St. jl-tf FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gsgee. Trust Deeds. Contracts on houses Will net 6 to 3D per cent. BECKE ft HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg., 189 N. High St. Jl-tf WANTED Employment 10 K X P E R I E N C E D STENOGRAPHER wishts offire work, temporary or perm anent; knowledge of bookkeeping, and cashier work. Pho-ne 18i5-W. 19jly!i FOR GARDEN PLOWING. BASEMENT 1 digging and team work. Tel. 72F2 ' 19ml4tf FOR RENT 21 STORE ROOM FOR RENT 260 FERRY street, betweea Froot ad Commereial formerly occupied by Withers A Nesl, $20 a month. Inquire at Statesman office. 21spr28tf FOR RENT Apartments 23 SMALL APARTMENT. 1335 STATE. aajiyia FIVE-ROOM MODERN FURNISHED flat, sleeping porch snd garage. $50 a month. Tel. 148 J. 1444 Center. 23jlyl0 FIVE-ROOM FURNISHED piano. 575 N. 14th. FLAT. 23jly6 FOR RENT Rooms 23 ROOMS WITH BOARD AT THE ALEX ander. Tel. 1539; 1030 Cneuieketa. 25apr21tf ROOM FOR RENT IN MODERN HOMF near Capitol Building. Gentleman only. Telephone 194-J or call 1465 nhnmeketa. 25aprl Ttf FOR RENT Houses 27 FOR LEASE TO RESPONSIBLE PAR ties, 0-rooni home and garage. Very ciOfce' in. 610 Chemeketa St. Will give poenMon at once. Call between a. in. and 5 p. m. 27jly FOR RENT HOUSES Four-room modern bungalow, garage, $25. 20.74 McCoy near Hollywood theater, inquire 2075 McCoy. 27jly9 LAUNDRIES 32 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "Tha Laundry of Pare Materials.' Telephone 165. 1264 Broadway. TRY THE HOME WET WASH LAUN dry. Tel. 171. 18f B, Street. j!7tf THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY Telephone 25. 263 S. High. TAILORS 34 It. B. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN and women. 474 Court St. WANTIH afiscetlaneous 33 WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOR farm loans. We have seversl applica tions on hand. Hawkins ft Roberts. Inc. 205 Oregon Bldg. 35d;4tf FURNITURE PACKING FOR SHIP meats. Giese-Powers Furniture Co. 85apr20tf MATTRESSES 36 MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capital City Bedding Co., 1190 North Capitol. Called for and delivered. AH work guaranteed. Tel. 19. - fl9tf MINUTE MOVIES Tr-bRORS OF : ' EPtODe I SEVEN US "THE SIPESMOW BuTONE,CF . 6itiN'T SEEM To Take the Show's Voo- fiE rxx: w .MUCH .Tot HEART - AUCTIONEERS 87 STRAWBERRIES, e LB atilf. J5ute 7. Box 13, PICK YOCR 37jly0 WINDMILL Church. AND PUMP. 1902 X. 37jly8 TEXT 12sl4. 812. PEDIGREE CHIN cltilla doe and 4 small ones, $20. 1,1 ' 4 Lb St.. ;Wet Salem. 37jly8 WILD BLACKBERRIES. PHONE 117F2. 37jIylO MOUNTAIN- HONEY He PUT UP IN AO-Lb. cans ; for SO days only. Tel. Mead 8F5. 87jly23' BLACK DIRT FOR SALE IN EITHER North or Booth Salem. - Reaaonal.le. Tel. 72F2. 37dl2tl FOR SALE Live Stock ' SO JERSEY BULL FOB SALE ELIGIBLE to ragtatery. Just old enough for aerr ice. Priced cheap for quick aale, or would trad for grade heifer or pigs. Tel. 4BP23 3BjlrtK VETERINARIAN 30a FRED W. LANGE. VETERINARIAN Office 529 S. Commercial. Tel. 1198. R. Tel. 166B. A39m23tt WOOD FOR SALE 43 GOOD 16 INCH OLD. . FIR 63. ALSO gnd 4 ft. 2nd growth tir $6.50. Tel. 99. 43jlyl0 rJK GOOD OLD FIK 16-INCH, Call 939. AT $. 43j!y9 FOR DRY WOOD TEL. 1990. C. U. Harbaugh, 1038 Highland Ave. 43jly2B ORDER .MILL WOOD NOW. WE CAN make prompt delivery. Tracy Fuel Yard. Tel. 2313. 43jnettf GOOD DRY WOOD FOR YOU D. A. Larmer. Tel. 930. 43aprl6tf 16-INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH oak and ash. Tel. 7P2. M. D. May field. 43fl8tf GOOD COAL DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES. HILLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855. 43a30tf BEST GRADE OF WOOD Dry wood. 4 ft. and 16-ineh. Large loads are cheaper to buy. Mill wood is our specfalty. Prompt delivery and reasonsble price. FRED E. WELLS 280 S.. Church. Tel. 1542. 43d9tf MEDICAL 44 MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH BEMEltV Tel. 51 7-W. POULTRY AND EGGS 45 FRYERS FOR SUNDAY DINNER Weight 2 lbs. Phone 32F21. Lee's Hatchery. 45Jly30tf POULTRY WANTED WE PAY CASH and call for 'em. Salem Poultry Co. Teli 2490, 145 Center, foot of bridge. ' 45jly27 BIG HUSKY, HEALTHY 5-MONTHS old An una pullet, kome layinj at . fuur inonthx and 7 days, ready to put in your laying houses right now. Also one and two year old hene for sale. Room needed. Write for prires. Jsmes , Fry. Rt. 3. Salt-m. Ore. 45jly7 BABY CHICKS AND CUSTOM HATCH , injr. Expert help, most modern equip ' ment. Chicks for sale, sll breeds, every Mondsy. Settings four dsys each week. Tel. 33F21. Lee's Hatch ery. 45fl0tf CHICK. CHICK, CHICK "OUR chicks live to make your liv ing." Open range, healthy stock; 5 breeds. Special reduced prices now in effect. FLAKE'S PETLAND 277 State. Salem, Ore. 45may4ff MUSIC STORES 46 GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO graphs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies. Kepairine phono graphs and sewing machines. 432 State street, Salem. NEWSPAPERS 47 THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM Agency. The Ace. Tel. 939. SALEM PAPERHANGING 50 PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paperhanging, tinting, etc. Reliable workman. PAINTING 50a CHAS. BENNETT. PAINTIXO CON trartor, painting. paper hanging, 2!3-J. 17 Wef-t Miller MISCELLANEOUS 51 ETTERBERO 8TRAWBER.R1 KS 3 CENTS a piKiiid. Come pick tliem yourself. Ben Messerli, Rt. 5, Box 114 A., Salem. 5ljlv8 WANTED OLD FALSE TEETH. WE pay high as $10 for full fcets. Don't inattnr if broken. e buy crowns, bridges. .Westurn Metal Company. btonniinston. 111. ' J 1 y OUR CUSTOMERS ARE OUR BKST boosters because when we do yonr weldinz, tis done, not you. Electric and acetylene welding, large - and small. CD. Opnen. 695 Mill St. Tal. 372 snd 2086 J. 51may6tf HAY IN THE SHOCK FOR SALE. SEE Clem Yeager at Finser Station. 5 Jly8 BUY USED MEN'S CLOTHING. JEWEL ry. Guns, Tools, Bicycles, etc. Star Exchange. 324 N. Com'l. TeL 356. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AND RE pairing. Gieae-Powers Furniture Store. 5ts20tl FOR SALEM SCAVENGER CALL 167. 51fl0-'28 FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, 10 cents a bundle. Statesman office, 215 South Commercial. 51j9tf DAMP WASH i024-J. 2.170 25 LBS., 75c. TEL. Myrtle Ave. Sljly LOST AND FOUND 53 LOST MALE ' FOX TERRIER BLACK and white: license No. 1817. Return ln.14 N. Winter. Reward. 53jly8 PIANO TUNERS 54 EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano tuner. Leave orders Will a Music Store. FOR SALE. lUCKlLV FDR flWB OLUMEPS. AND lrT,.s,r-aV7NQTFC BEN -TUc JINX vxiHlCM HS PAaeAris . CLWMBD W ! r I ktWstJ VICTIM JUST BEFORE 1H2 ' - MOTmEe. and-so'-we:&is shod . - UF S 'BESlNNlNa TO BREAK r.a,rMxt -tup STftAiN -SATAK L3U?OCt riii s y.niwni'i j ' fill s rt . r-T -i 54 THOMAS FAY. PIANO TUNER, NOW at the Portland Music Co.. 355 N. High Have your piaao tuned by one who baa had years of experience in the work. 8a3tt .PRINTING SO FOR STATIONERY. CARDS. PAUPH ; lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call at the Statesman Print ing Department, 215 8. Commercial Tel. 583. MONEY TO LOAN 57 CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rates. Bet terms obtainable. Our insurance department offers you ax pert advise and service in all lines. HAWKINS V ROBERTS (Inc.) Tel. 1437. 205 Oregon Bldg. 57flOtf P. H. BELL, 219 U. 8. BANK BLDG. Residence and business loans. Tel. 607 or 2141-W. 57apr7tf MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING AND on city property. B. S. Martin A L. K. Martin. attorneys. 413 Oregon Building. Tel. 2084. . . 57ml0tf FEDERAL FARM LOAN 514. T. 1.. Wood. 341 State St. 57m7tf WANTED LOANS 50 WANTED money to loan Private ESTATE. on kEAl. W. 11. GRABENUORST A CO. 134 8. Mberty St. 50O16tf PLUMBING 60 PLUMBING AND REPAIRING REA sonabie Estimates. A. L. Godfrey. 127 Union St. Tel. 495-W. 60(16tf PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber Broo., 144 S. Liberty. Tel. 530. 19tf BUSINESS OPPR. 61 POOL HALL, CONFECTIONARY. LUNCH room, pool, billiard, snooker and card tables, fountain, lieich counter, dis play cases electric range, etc Large stuck. Best location in . good valley town. Splendid business. This is a mint for someone. Price $5500, some terms. Will take Salem property for part. See TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 'BUSINESS HEADQUARTERS" 421 Court St. Grouad Floor. ' ljne29tf RADIO 62 Radiolas For every purpose, for every pursa All standard sis4 of Radio Tubes HALIK & EOFF ELECTRICAL 8HOP, 335 Court St. Tel. 488. 6aprl7tf REAL ESTATE 63 LOOK ! TEX ACRES GOOD LAND within eight miles from halem for $600 cash. You must act now. Within ten days this cannot t- had at such redicu luusly low price. PAYNE WITH BOHKNSTEDT 117 X. Com'l St. Tel. 577. 63jlybt( OR TRADE HOUSE IN TWIN FALLS. Idaho, for Salem property. 6 room modern, maple floors, large porrtiok. fruit and slirubbxry, 5 lots 5U by 160 and house $2500. Lot in Woodtmru- Will 'trade for car. Barber shop for rent $15 pur month. Mon-y to Loan Special proponislon LANK MORLEY & CO. 413 First Nat l Bank Bids- Tel. 757 63jly7if NEW MODERN 8-ROOM BUNGALOW. S. Salem. Nice corner. $4750, eusy termtv. Good G mora bungalow, garage, flowers, nice lot $3000. Nice modern, 5-roora home, N. Sa lem, close in. $3800; $500 down. Grocery, confectionery and meat mar ket with living rooms, $l80O. Nk-e 20-a. home, close in, fruit ber ries. I.ldgs.. fine soil, $6000. loo a. farm, all in cultivation. Snap. $7500. terms. We make farm and city loans. PERR1NE & MARSTERS 212 Gray Bldg. 63jly2tf stop: look: listen l COMPELLED TO SELL Following properties at sacrifice prices. Easy terms: 3-a. tract, small house, well: close in, paved road. $100 down, price $1600. Also modern o-r. bungalow, $2500. only $300 cash, bal. like rent. Lots w:th paving paid, $400. Two for $600. To buy, sell, rent -or trade property, list your bargains with Lonis Bee h tel. 341 State Street. 03j2tf BARGAIN Fine new English home close to Capitol building, living room, diniDK room, kitchen, four bed rooms, ful: basement, furnace, laundry 'trays, ga rage, fine fixtures. large lot with fruit trves and shrubbery. Reduced to $67. iO. lerms. See Jackson with TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY HEADQUARTERS FOR HOMES" 421 Court St. Ground Floor. 63jly3t: 1 2 -ROOM HOUSE BARGAIN umy llo of post ultlre on a good eorner lot 97x!0 ft. Street im proveineiitk all in and paid, house' has just been remodeled and arranged nicely for renting room. Price only $6KOO. part terms. If you want a home and an anconw let us show yon thi property. SEE LrtO X. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street. Tel.- 1727- 63jly7tf GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION r OX THE PACIFIC COAST We have over 30OO properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property, every price, every location. We can match j v-r exchange EXACTLY. If you -ub! like to trade yonr property TODAY, come in TODAY. See G ASK ILL ft EARLE, Realtors. 166 8. Liberty. Tel. 2242. 63jly3tf NICE HOUSE AND FURNITURE 5 rooms and bath, 'large lot. garage, owner will take cheap lot as part trade. Price $2(00. 8-500 d wn. SOCOLOFSKY ft SON" First Nat l Bank Bldg. "3jly3tf NEW FOUR ROOMS AND BREAKFA8T nook, full basement, furnace, fireplace excellent plumbing, wired for electric range, oak floor in living room. Lots of built ins, garage, concrete driveway, walk's, gravelled street, well located in North Salem near Highland school Owntjr'will sell on easy terms, Tel 253S-R. ; i 63jly7tf woMpeT -crfeiMS fliiuifl urt3Ef4 SEEMED rliNu' it w it "MtnE.vym ".ihev SNAKE CMARMERi. SHE rUDONCE EEEW ENGAGED TD BEN -IX2AMWCN EAjT TrlE ; VD pUJ?RflrrD AJE ZGCJE2 HA1 fjjr Ta S2CCSET.. HSTte - .." PIANO TUNERS 63 FOR SALE 4BOOD CORNER LOT 50a .. 150. north end of town, reaaonable CaM 398 or 1187-J.' S3jlyl3 FOR " SALE NEW MODERN BUNGA low. aix blocks from state house, $-5bu. Trade--20 acres at Orland. Califs irrigated, fine house, fruit. -Want Ore - goa land up to $10,000. Sale or Trade One of the best farm in Polk county, 400 acres, with stock and equipment, what have you. For Sale Foor-room house, good Jpt, bearing fruit trees. 12 blocks out $850. GEO. F. PEED F. L. WOOD 341 State St. 63jly2tf NICE HOMELIKE PLACE PLASTERED hease, basement, fireplace, batb, beau tiful shade, nut and rherry trees; 3 big- lots, roes '. nnd limbs, garage, poultry nouse. berr and garden: near K-hoolx. Only 3,40. Same with two lot. $3,500. 8ouie tariiis. Ownei 849 Rural Avenue. 631 ti 8PECIAL Larf;e 9 room nuuse. suitable for Apt. .bouse. Lot 100x120 with all kinds of fruit. Price $5000. will ex change for acreage close in. 3)4 acres dote in on Highway, ha 3 room house, small barn, 1.2 large cherry trees, a good buy for $2500. : 1-3. acre with small house. ch?cken bouse,1 and , fruit bouse on paved road. $350. : Vi acre with good 4 room Uotise, garagt1 snl wood slird and nice garden, cloe in on hi eh way, !M'i5. See THOMASON, 320 State St, With L-o Cnilds Co., Realtor. 63jlyf LUNCH ROOM Lunch room with fountain and coai fectioriery in connection. Well equipped. Good location, doing good bneiness. Here is a chance for a real lmv. See us. SOCOLOFSKY & SON First Nat' I Bank Bldp. 63j!y3tf FOR SALE NEW 5 ROOM BUXGA low $2600. $50 down, balance like rent. Tel. 520. 63aprl5tf CLOSE IX BARGAIN 35x165. PAVED St., and illpy, on trackage and join ing busii.its property. 5-room bousn in good re'.ar. Rental will net 1 on investment. Snap at $3900. Easy terms. Mee 0. K". De Witt with WINN i E P' TTYJOHX, Realtor. 175 S. Iligh St. 63Jly6tf GOOD BUYS IN SMALL ACREAGE 1 acre trad . not far out on gootl road, best of soil, electric liphjs ami telephone available. Prico only $425 each. ' ' 5 acre tracts, 1 mila out on paved road, bant of dark rich soil, close to good school, electric lights and phono in front of tracts. Priee $2000 each. $200 down and $15 per month snd in terest 6 per cent. 2-1 ai-res Vi mile out on paved road. 4 -room cottage, woodshed and chicken coops. Part in fruit. Priee $-000. 3 '4 acres, 1 mile out on paved road 5 room house, electric lights and watc system, barn and chicken coops. Price $3250. part terms. 10-aere tract 4 miles out on good road, ,5-rooui house, small barn, good well. Priee $2200. jrood terras For ood buys in small acreage SEE LEO X. CHI1.DS CO.. Realtors 320 Statu Street. Tel. 1727 h 63jly7tf THERE IS NO MORE BEAUTIFUL spot for a home than fKingwood Heigli't. Beautiful view, natural for est, lii.e lots, electricity, water, etc. An exclusive, restricted district. .15 acres with young cherry orchsrd. 4 roomed house and barn. Close in $5000. Will trade for city property. K1NGWOOD REALTY CO. When you ark looking for good SALEM HOMES PRICED RIGHT. SEE UK. OUR OFFERINGS WILL IN TEREST YOU. New modern, east front, 5 rooms, lireaitfast nook, oak floors in front, with stairway and room for 3 rooms on second floor, full basement end furnace. laundry trays, garage, lawn, fiiived stA-et. paid. Price $5350, $1000 cali Imlance monthly, 'Xe-, modern, 4 rooms aud break fast iiook, hardwood floors lu tiont basement and fiirnare. garage. Price $3150, $500 rah, balance monthly. -New, modern . 5-room house, east front, breakfast nook, oak floors in front, fireplace, basement and furnace, laundry traya, garaje, paved street. Price $3750, less street paving, $400 cash, balance monthly like rent. .5 rooms, modern, except basement and " furnace, nice shade and lawn, practically new range and linoleums go with house at $2500, $350 cash, bal aiji-e nioiithiv like rent. 'See WEI. 1.8 TALLMAX A SON 216 Masonic Temple. Tel. 6M. 63ily7 OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO FOR RENT 5-r. house 905 X. 2i St. $20 5-r. house 1970 S. Church $25 r. house 1110 N. Com'l $30 5-r. house 1'45 S-. 16th $23 KRUEGEK, Realtor Tel. 217. 147 X. Corn ! 63jly3tf OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO 188 ACRES. ALL CLEAR AND CULTI ratable,, within 12 miles of Salem. gToOO on easy terms. Suitable foi stock 'and some farming, especially flax.- Usable buildings. This will sell quick. A. C. B0HRXSTEDT Realtor Loans Insurance 147 X. Com'l St., Salem. Oregon. 11.1,. 3j!y3tr GROCKRV rvTORE. 81509 l 5 rm. house. 8; kit v corner,' Ej front. pavement paid. 82650. 4-rm. house, pavement paid. $1650; $100 down. $10 and iat. per mo. "5-rm. bouse, fruit, pavement paid vauyu; nun aown. tfio and int. per GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE. Realtor 492 N. Cottage Str. 63jnel9tf i-OR RENT B ROOM MODERN HOME, combination wood, snd gas range; 6 bed rooms, good chance to keep room ers. $50 per month. 4 -room stucco house, modern, on. year old on paved street, rented for $30 per mouth. Would sell very rea sonable. We have two $5000 proper! ion. a fi roin new and 7-room nearly new', both very lies rable proiertie. Toll ua your needs. We will do our best to please. Chautauqua tickets for sale. BOA D with JOS. BARBER 200 Gray BldS. 125 N. Liberty 63jly7tf 0-ROOM BUNGALOW. SEMI-MODERN, furnished, good location. $2650, for a few days. $500 cash, balance to suit. Salem Realty Co., 462 State St. 63jly3tf ecANV if auy more TrtTUlS SMOVU. IM GONNA " - p j- NCXO .Mi s i . ' "T1jh . : - k... - l 'H O. OiOUiP groups REAL ESTATE mm 63 For sale, room house, double garage, east front, close in. A real snap. Saieja Realty Co 463 State St. " 63je29tf REAL ESTATE Suburban 69 NEW HOUSE JUST COMPLETED FOB . aalo on terms like rent, doable con struction, fully plumbed, electric fix tares, etc. 4 rooms and breakfast nook, garage, etc. One half acre of finest garden land, Price $3100. Carle . Abrama. 1465 Cnomeketa St. Tel. 1894 J. ; fI2tf TRANSFER: eV HAULING 70 WE MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE hold goods. Our pee.!slty is piaao and furnititre annvinr. We also make coun try trips. We handle the best coal and wood. Call on ns tor prices. We give good measure, good quality snd rood M-riirs Larmer Transfer Co. Tel. 93" TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL kinds. TeJ. 73F2. SALEM TRANSFER FUEL CO. Local and long distance hauling Storage and fuel 899 8. Hirh. TeL 529. 7030tt CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. SI6 State St. Tel. 933. Jistribatiag. for warding and storage our specialty. Get anr rates. WATER 74 .SAI. KM WATER. LIGHT ft POWER CO. Office S04 South Commercial St. Ten per cent discount on domestic flat rate paid in advance. No deduction for ab sence or amy caase unless water ia shot off yonr premise. TRAVEL .- T-R-A-V-E-L Safely, Swiftly and Comfortably tu buses of the Parker Stage Lines. S-T-A-G-E-8 L-E-A-V-E F-O-R Silverton 7 a. m 11 a. m., 5 p. m. Mt. Angel IV a. m., 5 p. ns. Dallas 7 a. ra 9 a. m., 1 :25 p. m. Fairs City 7 a. m., 2:10 p. m., 5:15 Independence 7 n. m., 9 n. m., 11:15 n. m., 8:10 p. m., 5:15 p. m. Sun day only 8:80 p. m. Monmouth 7 n. m., 11:15 a. m., 3:10 p. m., 5:15 p. as. Sunday only 7:10 p. m., 8:30 p. m. McMinnville 8:30 a. m., 2:10 p. m.. 5:15 p. m. Newberg 8:30 - a. m 3:10 p. m., 5 : 15 p. m." Tillamook -8:30 S- m. 2:10 p. m. Call 223 or 696 tor Information. ' - d28tf AUTOS WANTED 77 CASH PAID FOR FORDS ElKER AUTO j - 77mHtf USED CARS FOR SALE 70 1922 FORI) ONE ITON TRUCK HIGH speed worm: Ruckstell gear, stake bodv. Rocky Mountain brakes. $175. Call at City Gas Plant, foot of Court St. 7jlv9 34 irtyFour 34 Used Automobiles Sold and delivered to customers during Jun, 1937, by the F. W. Pettyjohn Co. More Better Automobile Values Offered Now i Nash Coupe. 1926 Special Six Model. looks like vw, in excellent condition, exceptional car. Hup .Coupe, 1927 model, fine shape opportunity for splendid car at reason able price. Kuirk Touring. Ford Coupe. Overland Touring. Liberty Touring. Ford Coupe, fine buy. Ford Tourings.. The Pettyjohn Valuation policy. th constant effort tn build up the value ui all used automobiles taken in exchange by this company, is bringing customers Jo our sx1eroon, every day. Be sure and look over the offerings listed. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 365 North Commercial Street. Phone 1260. "After w sell we serve." 79jly3tf Low Prices On Good Used Cars 1922 Chevrolet Touring Low Priced 1923 Chevrolet Touring $125 1922 Ford Coupe ..." $100 19-3 Ford Coupe $175 1921 Type Ford Coupe $275 NewtonChevroSet Co. 7jlyltf Stop Right Here Used Car Sale Now On A FEW BARGAINS LEFT Such as Ruirk 6 " Hudson . Willys-Knight 6 a and ' Fords v Dodges , Overlands Moon Cleveland . The car yon want at the price ye want to pay Terms to suit you. MacDonald Auto Co. Cottage and Ferry Sts. MAHMON CHANDLER 79jne25tf ONLY A FEW USED CARS LEFT Tbey aire for sale at sacrifice. '26 Essex Coach $495 Star Coupe ..$135 Ford Coupe , $20O Fond- Touring $135 Ford.Sedan $140 A I ! two new Hudson we are dicing the price on. KIRK WOOD. MOTOR COMPANY ViOU DO LOOK A MEN AlMOMtx UTUC DRrXWi HERS REAL ESTATE -E STRANGE ANt VCANMV, JINK US THE MAlM -T&P1C OP , CONNER 3 A. : - o . USED CARS FOR SALE - 70 MARION 8 CERTIFIED 8TCDEBAKERS .USED CARS'' ; ' - "' - ' . -" Velio touring, 1920 atodeL - new Due pa int. good tires I $385 Stndebaker Standard Deptex Rond ator, 1926 model, look and runs like now, lots of extras $908 Willys-Knight Sedan. ,1934 late mode!, Lancaster blaaeer. new Dneo finish Sto'lebaker Special Six Club Road ster. 1922 model, this ear. is a . re! buy at . ... . ..v $5 50 Chevrolet Touring, 1925 asodel. nw Dueo finish. One .new tire, other fuur fair, motor over hauled r $350 Maxwell '. Sport Touring. 1923 model, not been run since 1925. J u si overhauled $4511 Franklin Club " Roadster. . new Bako paint, motor in best of shapo - $295 Ford Coupe, 19-14 late model T car, has had very good care $350 Marion Auto Co. Sludebafcer and Ersklae Six Dealera tor Salem and Marion County. Ask for kTL. f'ibbina Used Car Dept. 235 South Coio'l SL Telephone 862. USED CAR LOT. 'NEXT TO FIRE STATION ON CHEMEKETA LOT PHONE 1 1:7. 79jly2tf Vacation Days Are Happy Days If You Have One of Our Reconditioned Used Cars 1924 Chevrolet Touring $175 1921 Dodge Touring ; ; ..4135 1933 Ford Roadster, with delivery bed- : $15$ 1922 Chevrolet (soterod delivery with heavy duty tires ia rear. Just tha thing t haul ber ries . fill 1924 Ford Coupe with new psint..$29i 1928 Ford Tearing, extras $14$ 1933 Ford Ton ring, n good one $ 93 1926 Oakland Coach, lest than ono , year old, $500 off tha new o price. Valley Motor Co. Salem, Ore. 79jnel5i PACKARD OLUSM0BIL- Two of the Best Cadallie Sport Coupe (A anap like new) $250 Packard 8daa, look this over . ..$145( Oakland Sedan, lata modal; 4- wheel brakes , $ 750 Rollin Sedan, lata model; 4- wheel brakes ..$ 600 Oldsmobile Sedan $ 350 Ford Coupe, lata model : $ 375 Chevrolet Touring, late model -$ 875 Buiek Touring, a real bay. (new k paint) $ 200 Ford Roadsters and Tourings $50 to $150 Wa always have a coanplnie lino of good used cars, our stock changes daily, so it is impossible to list them all in this add. If you are iatereated in a used ear wa can supply your wsnts, as we hsve good running ' automobiles ... 1 - . m r t '- Biddy Bishop . Capitol Motors, Inc. 350 N. High St. Tel. 2125 Two of the Best PACKARD OLDSMOBILE 79jnel2U -o I General Markets LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore., July 6. (AP) Cattle, --Vc and more higher for beef steers; she stock, 25c higher; receipts 315; Steers, good $9.50fei 10.25 ; medium $8.50&9.30; common. $78.50; canner and cutter steers $8f7; heifers good $7.50t8.50; common and medium $6rtf 7.50; rows, good $7 (7.50; common and ..U to in $5.25g7; low cutters and cut ters and medium (runners and' bolognas) 5g 0.35; calves, medium t choice, milk fed excluded) $7 (a 8; calls and common !i5.50'oi; Vealers, medium and choice 10fel2; culls and common $6110. Hos -tJenerally 50 to 75 cents' high er; receipts 310. Heavyweight (250-280 pounds), medium, good and choice $9.5H iff, 11 ; .medium weight (20O-250-pounds) common, medium, choice $10.25(11.25: .ight weights (150-2O0 poundv). common, medium, good, choice.. $10.359 1 '.25, light lights- (130-160 pounds), common, medium, good choice $10.5011.25; tacking hogs (rough and smooth) $ft.5u rp8.50; slaughter pigs. (90-130 pounds) .nedium, good and. choice, $lO.50nf 11.23: eeder and stocner pigs 70-130 pounds medium, good and choice $10.50 11.25. (Soft or oily hogs and ' roasting pig xcladed in above quotations). Sheep Looks steady, receipts . 445. Lambs, medium to choice. 84 pounds iwn. $ 1 Q Jj-1 2.5(1 : rolls and - common. $7.50S10; yearling wethers, medium t hoire $79; ewes, common fo choice H&5.50; cijlls $34. r. VEGETABLES AND FRUIT PORTLAND. . Ore.. Julj . 6. (AP) Shipments of vegetables are increasing from The Dalles. The first out-of-doors tomatoes arrived today,- and' found a poorly eupplied and- firm market. They sold for $4 per box; " Green corn, IO doxen to the sack, is being offered at '75c but is -not moving fast. .. . t - .. . . Field cucumbers are plentiful, and nrices dropped rapidly-today.. Tbey sold $lfl.50 per box. mostly $k2. Cantaloupe receipts are falling off. a- By Ed Wrtlati SURE -.M SP . - SCARED" N0U).1M EtSINNlHTO L0 SES VJEIC HT i1- v: TrC - SHRIEK- HERE rW ' ' : the Imperial ' "valley season draws to . dose, a ad , prices are advancing. " Boat Jnmbo era ts brought $3.25, .' .. " The apricot supplies are light. The Oregon and W a h : n gton crops . are not expected to be so large as usual this year. Red raspberries' are increasing; in saip- ply, and a few black caps are offered . " BODTJCB : PORTIND. Ore.. Jnly' 6; CAP) Bids to Fnrnwn MUk. ; steady. Raw ilk (4 per rent $2.27 ewt. f. o. b. Portland. Butt erf at. 89Hi- Portland.;'- i s .i . Pooltry -Steady. Heavy - bene. 170 22e ; light, I'JftcJir: springs, nominal; broiler. 15 lc: : Pekin white duekv .20c: colored, nominal; turkeys, alive, nominal; droaeed, 37e. Onioufc Steady local. $83.75 Q 7 . I'otat' Steady $3.50 (a 4.50. PORTLAVD ORAIir PORTLAND." OreV Jy 6. (API Wheat: BBB hard Whte. bard white, hluestem. .baart. . July .$1.37. Angust $1.34; federation " soft white,. wetarn mhite. Jnly $t.ft. August $1..".4:- hard, winter. Jury, $1.34. irutt $1.32; aorlh era . apring, '.Jnly- $1.36, August $1.3.!: ; western red, July $1.83. August $1.30. Oata Ko. 3 w(isn feed. Jaly $31. Aug- ; r $30 No. 2 gray, Jaly. $31 ; August $30. " . ''. i , - - : Brey- N-. S Vren-lfff. July $36Aui ust .$35. s:. --.-:.!. . Corn No, S. July.. Angust $13.50. , i - v CHICAGO 6RAIN. v CHICACO. . July- AP Surprising absence of pressure -ttt' sell -newly har vested winter wheat in the southwest, did mncb te bring, about a late, price rally, ia wheat 4dau In Koine Sections. fsrmVrs were aaid lo'be . a tori a g two bnahelt for every one hoshel sold. , As a result, the wheat market hero closed ' irregular 3-8 net lower to t-4e advance: corn' 1 to He off. and oats, I 8c. to 1 2c Iowa HAT .: PORTLAND, Ore .;July ;. (API Hay Buying ' prices: - Eastern Oregon timothy. $22 22.i0: do, vallev $20 'd 0.5O-: cheat, $ 14.50 ir alfalfa. ' $2O.50f 21: oaL hay. $15; straw $8.50 .per toni , selling prices, $2, a ton- mure. -; DAIRY PORTLAND. Ore- "Jnlv 6. AIM Dairy exchange,- not prices: Butter r.xtras. 40 Wc: standards.. 419o: nrm firsts. 38c; firsts. 37e. Eggs Extras ;24e: firsts-31c r DnlUfs 20c; curraut receipts 20c. j : Salem Markets -O No. 1. wheat, white ...l..:.i.$ 1.24 Beds, wheat, sacked 1.20 Pats, for pa. milling ....v.....w .64 , poky; anrrroy akd bexp Top , bogs , .104 we i : i-:...:... ,06 M A .07 Top steers Cows ,,.-. 1987 lambs, under 66 lbs. Top live veal Dressed veal -,- .-- . , Dressed plga.; ,- . , POTJLTRT-e j ' ' " Light bent - " ; ' Heavy ., ,,, tll . Spriaaa -. , .6(3.714 .10, .10 .It .1$- .33 .IT Roostar .06Q.08 EGOS, BUTTE, STJTTXRPAT Standards : - '.. . Pmtnd - -,. : .19 . -t Bntterfat Cream butter ...-.....4 m y .42 Vi VEGETABLES . y .; . - ; Vegetables, beeta, eaekad .0 . Turnips, carrots .SO Onion, dos. huaeh.a' . .. 7 . - ja New cabbage .na New potatoes ........i. . o.i Celery, dos. c ..:..1.J5(81.C0 Local lettuce ...$l.Q0$1.25 luteal spinach s ,.ftn Local strawberries.-per crate C '1.25 England calls 1t her mystery bndKet. But the deficit ot 8?. 000.000 pounds Would een to be a sorry fact rather than a darl 8cret.no8ton Transcript. ' " " ': - Getting angry is Monrow't way of advertising. Toledo Blade. NOTtCK OF VTSAli SETTLEMENT '' ' Notice Is hereby giyen, that the, undersigned has filed la the Coun ty Court of the State of Orejfon, Cor the County of Marion, bis dulj verified Final Account, as execu tor of the laAt will and testaments and estate of Gus ' Freniard, ac cessed., and that said Cooct ha$ fixed Monday, too ,11th day of July, 1927,' at the, hour of ten o'clock A. M.. of said day. as the time, and the county Court Room in the County Court House, at Sa lem, Marlon County. Oregon as the place for hearing said final ac count, and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 9th day ot Jnne 1927. ALVIN B. STEWART, Executor of the last will and . testament and estate of G us - Freniard. deceased. RONALD C, GteOVER, Attorney for Executor, , Saletn, jOregon. : - " ' .. ; - i9-lg-23-80-JlyT Adralnlntrafor'a br ExecsttorV) Notice of Hearing of Final Account ' Notice Is' hereby given that the final account of O. P. Bond as tdministrator of the estate of S. 1 R. Bond, deceased.? baa been filed !n the County Court of Marlon bounty. State, of Oregon, and that he first day of August, ,1927, at the boar of 10 o'clock A. M... has been duly appointed by such Court for ' the hoarlng of ' objections to -tuch final account and the settle ment thereof, at which time any person Interested In such estate may appear and tile objections thereto In writing and contest the -tame.. -; - . '-::--"": - ; j O. P. BOND, '-. . Administrator of the 'Estate. 1 J50-Jly7-14-21-28 , NOTICE TO Ui:i)lTOKS 1 .: So, B783 - ' ' In the Superior Court of the State of Oregon.- for the County of 'Marion. In the matter of 'the Estate -of Camden L. Mitchell, deceased. . Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned' has - been' eppolntei ind has qualified as administratrix of the estate of Camrfen U Mit rbelU def eased; .that all persons haring r claims against - said d"-: leaned u re . hereby , required to erve the tame, dulyTerifled. on aid administratrix or their attor neys if, record at -the address bo-: 'ow ntafed. nd file the-same with' the Clerk of said Onrt. together with proof of such efTlce," within fix months after the date of first publication of :ihls notice. lof the tame, will-be barreL ' - Date nf first' pbllcaUon." -inne 30. 1S2T -:i-?....;7o';..? " Date f'ist pubti?tloa July 28. 1927.- . j; ; -- , , 1 LAURA CtAIJSEN, AdmiarafVu'rlz of aif etta' 1RJ 1 ChatbirrJ Atcbo. Portland- f fe gott. t' - ' . " Frank A; MMomtnin. ' Attorney for Knt8t. - . 1014 No-thweeern -Bank . EMk . Portland. Oregon. ' v . i 19 Jly 7f 14-: 1-28 i . . - s. x h, , i ,-, . . . ,- r-ns,.