The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 05, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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    TM Oregon
jiiuEii avail j.xr.nfi jiviraij j- . ;
?15 Booth Commercial fitraat, Balem, Dragon t
1 tC J. Hcadricki
-' - - Manager
Managing Editor j
City Kditor
Telegraph Kditor
Soeiatjr Kditor
Irl SsMrHharrj
Vicla D.OarlMm -Kwtllt
Banc -
Tha Af Metaled Pra i xeln3velT entitled to the hm for nnblieation of all ilm
pale ha credited to it or not etnertritn credited
lutM airtia.
O. B. Bell, 222-22S Seenrity Bldg., Portland. Ore., Telephone Broadway 9240.
Thoataa y. Clark Co., New York, 128-136 W. 31t -St.: Chicago, Marqaette Bid.
Uoty ft Stypea, Inr California repreaeBtativea, Sharon Bldg ., Ban Franciaeo; Chamber of
Commerce Bldj, Los An galea.
Bneineee Of fire .
BoeJety Editor...
,.2S or 583
Neva Dept.
Entered at tha Poat Office in Salem,
- .' v 'July 0, 1927
It the' word of Christ dwell in you richly and in 11 wisdom;
teaching 'and admonishing one another in- psalms and hymns and
spiritual-songs, singing -with grace in your hearts to the Lord. Colos
iarns 3:16.
William Hartley, baronial owner and manager of vast land
holdings of eastern Oregon, standing in the guest quarters of
his 90Q0-acre Belle A ranch. in Harney county on Sunday, as
reported by a; staff man of the Portland Journal, and facing
his neighbors, in ihe presence of the land settlement com
mittee 'of the Oregon development fund of the State Chamber
of .Commerce, announced in a breaking voice his readiness to
"put in with the rest of you"
, cfeaninga readiness, to divide up his great holdings
'Declaring that the time, has :come for 100 acres farms in
the inl(rf4iriMt?oad rotation and in
tensive methods of agriculture. 4 U ' .
i'.i'Blf ' a ttWy 'lpwri every wfiere in Oregon as a big man;
is right. -And he has his ideas or individual acreage holdings,
on the avera'too, hiijh . 1 , '!'' V; "
Too higbV especially, for.' the Salem district. The average
lOO acres land holding in this district does not pay half as
much prof it as representative 10-acre tracts in the West
Btayton1 and Labish districts, turning off annually $500 to
$3000 and more to the acre in cash products ; in strawberries
and string beans and tomatoes anfj cucumbers and celery
and lettuce and asparagus, etc. j
Every 10 acres of the Sky Line orchards in Franquette
Walnuts will from now on, after the trees have become 15 to
3.6 years old, pay higher net profits than the average 100 acre in Marion county. t
Small. holdings pay better; especially do they pay better
to the community, needing the owner and his family on the
farm in community life and progress.
There are and will be expections ; where men make a bus
iness of farming; create real industries on the land, and can
r use to advantage large holdings j
1 But on the average the small farm well tilled is the thing
for the Willamette valley.
. 4 ."I have told you of the man who always put on his spec
tacles '-when T about to eat cherries, in order that the fruit
might look larger and more tempting. In like manner I al
ways tnake the most of my enjoyments, and, though J do not
cast, my eyes away from troubles, I pack them into as small
a' compass as I can for myself, and never let them annoy
"others" Robert Southey. :
" That, is optimism! It is a beautiful sentiment. Butione
does not need to put on magnifying glasses when eating
cherries; grown in the Salem district; especially our kingly
Bings, princely Lamberts, and Royal Annes.
Howard Timbrell, editor of
ord, says: ' ; 1 I !
v , (By Edson R. Waite, Shawnee, Oklahoma.)' !
"One of the best ways to boost the home town is to pat
ronize! the, home .stores. Every dollar that is spent outside
of the town means' a , Joss .to the community. Progressive
stores are a sign of a; live town, j The merchants are willing
tqTdfo, all in their pWe'tp help the community, but the people
of the community, must help them by trading at home.
.'Get the foolish idea out of your head that you can buy
cheaper elsewhere, the guarantee of
the home merchant is worth a great deal, especially if any
thing goes wrong with the article purchased. High class
goods are sold about the same price everywhere and going
out of the town to make the purchase will not save you a
nickel. . ' ' !' 'if - ':'
jx-f!"Some of the home town merchants should also wake up
and do a little advertising. Keeping the goods on the shelves
and. not'letting tiie buying public know what tbey have will
never sell them . The average small city and town merchant
has yet to learn that advertising pays.
"Let the people patronize the stores of the community
and let the merchants get back of the home town and adver
tise and do their part in bringing 1 about a better feeling and4
" help make theirs home town a
FACT THAT, ADVERTISING' lA!,k.4J-il:;!:-H-';
&muuc4 trorn pafa J..). .
In'g In a position of the
Nationalist Seem Towernt
; Chu . Chao-Hsin waa appointed
to represent China in the league
council by the Peking government,
and' his formal declaration; today,
as spokesman of the nationalist
government. Is regarded as throw
ing" light on the .increased power
Ivblch Chinese diplomats glre to
the nationalists;": '; " s ' ;
'Turn talk of renewing IhO Anglo
Japanese alliance" seems-to have
eea received coldly In - Japanese
W. H. Handeraoa
Kalph H. Klettiag
Vrank Jaakoaki
K. A. Khoten i
W. C. Conner
Circulation Manager
- Advartiaing Manager
' : Manager Job -Dept.
- - Liveataek Editor
- - - Poultry Ed itw
in this paper aodalao tha local bows jnih-
Jo Department f.S
.23 or 10fl j Circulation Office 583
Oregon, aa aeeond-elaaa matter.
the New Britain (ConnJ) Rec
better and bigger place.
circles In Geneva, where apparent
ly it is thought such an alliance
would be objectionable from, two
points, first, because It would, cre
ate the Impression among the Chi
nese, that : Japan will ; back, the
British . policy In China, and- sec
pndr an Impression In soviet Rus
sia. With whieh the Japanese have
fairly satisfactory relations.' that
Tokyo will side with Downing
street in an anti-soviet campaign.
It Is averred, however,' that the
Japanese have a prettr clear Idea
that an alliance in the Pacific be
tween them and th British Is not
to the liking of, the Unified states
and that the Japanese do not de
sire .to prejudice Japo--AtLierk:an
' li . - - . .. . . . - : ' ' 1 i' '
relations, which-are now deemed
excellent. " ' - -
1 Hits For Breakfast
After 43 years
The Statesman office will hare
to changte Its system.
The keys to the Statesman of
fice were thrown away 43 years
ago, and during all that time no
body ever stole anything. .
But on Sunday or Sunday night
some thief stole about $100 worth
of typesetting machine space
bands .from the' office, besides
composing sticks, glasses of the
employees, and various other
things. The news has been bulle
tined all up and down the coast,
and put on the Associated Press
wires, in an attempt to catch the
thief. It was learned yesterday
that a newspaper office at Bakers
field, Cal., only- a few days ago
lost a lot of space" bands. They
are worth about $1 each, and they
are used by every typesetting ma
chine in the world. They are not
easy to dispose of, and thieves
stealing them have been caught
before because typesetting ma
chine men are naturally suspi
cious of any thief offering them
for sale and typesetting machine
men are usually honest, and pro
tect one another.
There is on one" of the desks of
the Statesman office a pair of
scissors (the proverbial editorial
shears) that has been on that desk
for 43 years. . No one has ever
stolen it.' Now that desk will have
to be locked up. , And Ihe office
work rooms up stairs and down
will "have to be.( locked," Thfsj ia
not a . confession, of -Ions. . of faith
in the honesty of people 'generally.
But Iwe . have, to recognize" that
there is at least one skunk at large
who will steal the ''Micks" and
glasses of a printer, and there
may be another one. If such a
low down gink is found and put
behind the bars at the east end of
State street, the other men there
will have to look out for him. He
is really too low to be a proper
associate of the meanest man out
there. He would rob his grand
PORTLAND, Ore.. July 4.
(AP) The 28th Oregon state
tennis championship tournament
opened here today on the Multno
mah club courts before a great
crowd of spectators.
In the singles, Henry Culley, an
unheralded star from Santa Clara,
defeated Jack Rhine, Portland city
champion, in three sets, 2-6, 7-5,
Gerald Stratford and Jim Da
vies, San Francisco net artists, de
feated their fellow townsmen, Ray
Casey, southpaw star, and Neal
Brown, here today, to carry off the',
Pacific coast doubles tennis cham
pionship. The scores of the
match, perhaps the most sensa
tional seen in these parts, were
14-12, 10-8. 8-10. 6-4.
Funeral of Albert Jordan
Held at Hubbard Saturday
HUBBARD, July 4. (Special.)
-The funeral of the late Albert
Jordan was held Saturday after
noon from the city hall. and was
largely attended. Mr. Jordan waa
well known throughout tfiis terri-
tory and leaes besides hnr-rela
tives, many friends to mourn him.
SILVERT6KC7 Or,,'?' July ' 4.
(Special.)-1 The Silverton fire de
partment was. called, out late Sat
urday afternoon to put out a chim
ney fire in the Jo Ifn "Waif ord home
on North Water street. - No dam
age was done.
MaaiaaaaaaaaBBHaMaaaawa '
Because Lydia El. Pink
ham's Vegetable Com
pound Keeps Them ?
; Well
-Vittv r earn urn there were tew
occupations for women. Some taught
.school, some aia
housework, some
found work to do
took up narsIngJ
Today there
are very few occu-j
patlona not open
to women. Today
they work lr.
great factorle
with hundreds o
other women am
rirls. . There ar
also women architects, lawyers, ded
tists. executives.; and- legislator
But All too often a woman wins hd
economic inaepenaeoce t in co
of her health. . w: . s '
Mrs. Elizabeth Chamberlain wl.
works in the Unlonall factory ma
Ing overalls , writes that she g!
"wonderful reeults .from taklt
Lydia EL Pinkbam s Vegeta-ble Co
pound. Mrs. Chamberlain lives
600 Monmouth St., Trenton, N.
She recommends the Vegetable Co
ponnd to her friends la the facte
and;Wfll d&dly snswer any lett J
eh gU from, women askinganout
Are you on the sunuc Itoaa
Better Health,?-
Was a Property Holder on
North Front; Was Active
in City Politics
The following death notice ap
peared in the Portland Oregonian
of Sunday:
"Jacobs In thjs city, July 1,
George B., aged 70 years, late of
821 Kelly street, father of Glenn
Jacobs of Enterprise. Or., brother
of Mrs. Annie Masterson. Hills
bo ro. Or., uncle of Mrs. D. C. Shaw
of this city. The remains are at
Pinley's, Montgomery at Fifth. No
tice of funeral later."
And the following funeral notice
in yesterday's Oregonian: .
"Jacobs Funeral services for
the late George B. Jacobs will be
held Tuesday, July 5, at 4 p. m.
at the Portland Crematorium, E.
14tht street and By bee ave.
Friends invited. The remains will
be at FInley's until 3 p. m. Tues
day." George B. Jacob (not Jacobs)
was formerly a property owner
and prominent business man in
Salem, on North Front street, near
the city limits. He was active in
city politics and was a member of
the Salem city council. He after
wards built and conducted a box
factory in Tillamook county.
In late years he has been a buy
er for Portland mills of hard wood
logs and a dealer in hard, wood
35 Per Cent Vote Cast
in County at Election
A total vote of 7435, or about
35 per cent of the registered vote
in Marion county of 20,838, was
cast in the special election June
28 on ballot measures.
1 The official returns follow:
Negro repeal: Yes. 4382; no,
2375; majority for 2007.
Portland school levy: Yes, 2.-
That Baby You've
Longed For
Mrs. Burton Advises Women on
Motherhood and Companionship
"For several years I was denied
the blessing of motherhood."
writes Mrs. Margaret Burton of
Kansas City. "I was terribly nerv
ous and subject to periods of ter
rible suffering and melancholia.
Now I am the proud mother of a
beautiful little daughter and a true
companion and inspiration to my
husband. I believe hundreds of
other women would like to know
the secret of my happiness, and 1
will gladly reveal it to any married
woman who will write me." Mrs.
Burton offers her advice entirely
without charge. She has nothing
to sell. Letters should be ad
dressed to Mrs. Margaret Burton,
8029 Massachusetts, Kansas City,
Mo. Correspondence will be strict
ly confidential. Adv.
We Can Save You Money Come In and See Us
"Service That Satisfies,,
Corner Center and High St. Phone 198
,662;. no 3355; . majority against
693. . ' ' - ' "
Criminal information: Yes, 3.
736; no, 2G84; majority against
10-2. '
Legislators' pay: Yes, 1343; no.
5567; majority agairfst 4224.
Registration: Yes, 2J59; no,
3828; majority against 1069.
Salary amendment: Yes, 2838;
no, 3916: majority against 1058.
Consolidation: Yes. 1921; no.
3061; majority against 2040.
Veterans' memorial: Yes. 1464;
no. 4929;' majority against 346."..
Tax limitation: Yes.. 1085; no.
5422; majority against 4337.
Income tax: Yes, 2325; no, 4,
5S8; majority against 2063.
Assessment act: Yes, 1568; no,
4844; majority against 3276.
Nestucca bay: Yes. 3565; no.
2890; majority for 675. ,
(Continued from page 1.)
Time was 18:46 2-5.
Kennie Echo In a Dodge spe
cial took first money in the 20
mile race for class B cars, Earl
Bronks, Olympia, in a Schafer, sec
ond, and Russell Lamb, Portland,
driving a Dodge, was third. Time
was 19:10 2-5.
Novel features of the meet were
provided when Izetta Hilder
brand and Margarette McKern. of
Portland rated on Harley-David-:
son stock motorcycles, in a two
lap event. At the end of
the first lap the announcer sug
gested they stop for luncheon, but
tbey continued with the exhibi
tion, Miss Hjlderbrand finishing
'first in 3 minutes.
Somewhat more exciting was
A convenient, com
fortable low-cost trip
by train. Save time,
money and nervous
You can enjey your
favorite vacation pas
time there. Fish; go
swimming; hike; ride
over placid Yaquina
Bay to meet the rolling
waves from the Pacific
Low roundtrip fares? , ,
16-day . 5t .l
limit limir
$4.85 $5.90
t. My Ticket
184 X. Liberty
Telephone 80
the. exhibition . by, , JWreckleas
Susan Anne Jacobs and "Calam
ity Jane Edna McCall, both driv
ing Overland ; Whippets,' In a two
mile run. "Wreckless Sue'' lost
the race when her car went into
a bad skid coming out of the last
?c -
turn down the back stretch, al-
Twentieth Annual Gonvention
Of The i
Oregon Chiropratic Association
july e to e
'.. Sponsoring A Free Public Lecture
f 'P'
I 1 1 . w . ?
I t - -
I YZ ' "
1 W-;Tt: Js
Reverend William
- ' f ' ' , ' - '
Reverend William Wallace Youngson, D. D.
of Rose City Park Methddist Episcopal Church,; Portland
World Traveler and Internationally Known Lecturer '
Subject -"Ameriqa Yesterday, and Today" ..
r-ii . i an
Why Not Rent
That Idle Room?
j i
Hi: ft" - H A-
WHEJHER you operate a
rooming house or whether
vou are a housewife witli iust an
extra room-
idle space into something; pt:
ahlA. A Watit AH nt flwn nit.
WPm-f- To paP wm Put yu m toocli with
W'rX'ji - no end of reliable Deoolel who
' :
- are looking
Want Ads
best returns
V.:- y . ,;' j
s I JSimpty Phone
, i ne o
i ll Want Ads
though hernerry . daring ; saved, a
bad' smash-up" with the other car
when It passed r her
the ' pole, fi:0&V . .' :" V 7 ; .
. "Calamity 'Jane'f finished, first
in 2:Sl,by . unofficial announce
ment. ',-
With one of the biggest erowdsproposition.
: :
Wallace Youngson, D. D.
why not turn that
for' just such living '. r
landladies use our
exclusivelv for the
at the least expense
l ak i rivi a rv
mr x.
t mk ml
W...,;y.?jf,?:.:jai. r 1 1 111 III II II
v5? '"
on jrecord.iorjui auto race meet
In Salem, priies in the amount of
$1350 were- paid,' In addition to
other expenses, and it ,1s believed
that with ih next event, to beheld
probably in September, auto rac
ing here will become a paying
' - f
July 8th
' i
8 P. M.
S3 W
. ;.-.s - -''ii if I I ill I . in s I
mm a wi
mm m
r . m mm i r i r i i i . .i tm m r
1 .-'J II aj
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t -l -
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