THB OREGON JSTOSldlNL OkgOn4 TUESDAY- MORNING. JULY. 5,1927. - I Yi Tit i ,4 ; tugs- s i-v per pair i Regular 75c Values If you've ever seen smart hose, you'll see them here, and at this low price, f Fine quality hose in the most popular colors and checks Lay In Your Summer's Supply Now! G. W. JOHNSON & CO. 469 STATE STREET LOCAL i 4 Ills No lights oh :Cr --. ' i iVlrrllW Case, Jefferson, was arrested Xiate -last Saturday night; charged fcith driving: his ctfjfcwUhv out lights. iie wui ypr,m v" lice cour toftayK haiil.aeposited 'i: U in bail. . 'x':j--u(r How Good N I i n OtxMl News Does Spread (General GaBoline is still the bestr J5 ..J -.....-! II For work. Wednesday morning, i iinmrn linuini iL t i I J 'lit tiarr r run nuuuua v-., ""tturch and Mill Sts. Phone 439 Crek IIoiiK (Close to state house. See 780 Nj Summer. Modern; vacant. For naln reasonable. Terms if desired. Recta & Hendricks, 189 N. High street. 36 I Groceries Stolen from C'ai Mrs. Lee Croiu, 1515 N. Capitol i stl-eet, reported to police- late Sat urday night that while her car wfrs parked on Ferry street some nii ntnin a sack of flour and a box of groceries during the even ing. ttirraJ J-!Sv Is Every Day I At S used goods dept. 15 to 2$ perceat discount on tamp j equipment. Chlx -From Parks Hatcliery (Reds. B. Rox. Buff Orp. Well tnrtd. fine stock. Get these at bargain prices, 376 S. 24th St. il Cilifornla Big Boat New ships every Tuesaayr nnaat Hd largest out ofPortland .Salem Tfavel Agency, 175 S. High. Jly3 Hs to Stop at Sign- failure to stop at a stop sign 20 Sunday night caused el Garoote, of Cottage urove td Deposit $5 bail and promise to appear In police court at 5 p. m. oj July 9. ., Parabase Motor Oil J100 per cent pure paraffine- base General Independent dealers. j5 liirniture TJpholstery- And repairing. Glese-Fowers Furniture Co. I3tf For work. Wednesday taornlng. H Rllrr Fmit Products CO.. C3iurch and Mill Sts., Pho43i. Reports Coach Stoleii- G.r E Sharkey.: of the Illahee dountry "ialnb, reporjedf Sunday n3ght that his Falcon Knight cliach. license No. - ZZ1-775-, was stolen from State and High streets between 7:20 and 10:25 that evening. Lsm1 "Cars Going Fast Fltzgerald-Sherwin, 364 N. III. J2tf Closing Out Stock of Tire t?ZZrA ri". I 4a j. i : Mai- VJrelal. 35 : Faces Several liar gen I I O. N. Hambo, 254 N I street deposited $10 ball c' ouuuaj YOUR UNCLE Vs CAVC If W1SSJ ' f He hopes you njoyed your pic nics and are all safe home again. Picnics cost mon ey and it Is a poor 't willing to nay tor ms share of the frolic. i The cost of National picnics is paid by taxes. Evjfery citirsen should be proud to be a tax payer. A tax dodger k a poor sport. All owners of real estate are tax payers. W Bell real estate. - 1 . rnyiw Moinry To Loan U. Sa REALTY COMPANY' state St. , . xeL 8869 ' - m v M vaian- a-- aa aportayo isn (Over the Gray Belle) . SALE OF itoN'S HOSE In! New Colors and Plaids C2J night, When arrested for reckless driving and haying four in the driver's seat, and will appear in police court today to answer to rws Does Spread -: General Gasoline Is still the 35 best. Store Buildings! or Rent $35 on up; down-town and su burban. Decke & Hendricks, 189 n. High street. J6 Cash Buyers, Listen Here are 4 homes valued at $3300 to $5250, to sacrifice for cash. Investigate. All vacant two new. Becko & Hendricks, 189 N. High street. 36 Women Wanted- For work, Wednesday morning. July 6. Starr Fruit Products Co.. Church and Mill Sts. Phone 439. , - j 35 Arrested on Two Chare Arthur Waldorf, 1303 N. 16th street, was arrested at 12:30 Sun day night, charged with speeding and driving with four in the driv er's seat. He will appear in police court today. j . ; Para base Motor Oil 100 per cent pure paraf fine case at General independent dealers. 35 Falls from Cherry Ralph Gilbert, Rt. 9, was taken to a local hospital yesterday morn- lnr u il f fori n c with a. harllv RDrain- . sustained when he fell ti. wnririne- . orchard yesterday. Cord. Tires, 30x3 H, Other sizes proportionately priced. Malcolm ; Rubber Co.. Court and Commercial. j5 Hotel Marion- Dollar dinners served 6: 45 to 8 n26tf ( every evening. ; Ren Shanks to SleaJc Rev. Ernest iH. Shanks, pastor of the First Baptist church, will be the speaker at the Kiwanis club luncheon today. The program is in charee ot the laws and regula tlona committee, of which Judge T 1 T TlnnJ ta iKl1riH Li Tl T h PI """-" v;.r" " ' " Lowr or Stolen f. ;? Light grey Perslaafc Reward P. S. Lamport. Tel. ZfltZ. j5tf 1 I ! Mm- Stolen Iast !Kf got H. P. NorvilMo;,BellevuoaiOtei, reported to police last night that his Ford roadater. license numoer 129-801, was stolen from in iront of the Oriental Tea uaraen som time shortly after 9:45 p. m. .A lU'Hl I VU I UaJ Good 7-room house on large lot. fruit and shade trees, paved street priced to sell quickly-f zuu -aown. balance like rent. Phone 684R.J6 Sneml ; Week-Knd at i ewporv nr. 'snd Mrs. .Rebert M. Gatke . I Tnhn Oivens and Miss Louise Gar rson motored-to Newport Friday .J- ho week-end, returning last evening i red Cam Going Fast at iritzirerald-SherwIn. J54 xs. t ftlfir, CamOirroahd Busy 'Parties newly regisierea at iuc ctlv campground last night num- , . here 25 with 38 ataying over from ! the- previous day. Sundar nJgnt 2$ new.parHes registered, with4t staying from Saturday nignt. RmI BanzalW 50. ft. Garden . : Hose $5. 65. Malcolm Rubber Co., Court and . Commercial. js FamffylteBo Held- . About 45 persona met" in iia rer crove yesterday at reuaion of 3,2' brothers and, sisters of the Caspell family, with their faint- SICK We don't care howr sick your; watches are, iwe have pills for all : their allnint., f f DR. PRESCOTT; Jeweler 2tH N ortlf CJonnuefrial IN BRIEF lies. A basket lunch was served. the day spent in visiting and sports. Those present included Mr. and Mrs. Fred Campbell and family of Bothel, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Charlesworth-and family of Vernonia; Mrand 'Airs. E. F. Long and son of -Garibaldi; Mr. and Mrs. Archie Caspell of Stay ton; Mr. and Mrs. Closs Dyck and family of Portland; Frank Cas pell and family of Cloverdale; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford B. Bowen and son, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Priem and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Yarnell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Priem and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Caspell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Figjh and family, Ma cel Fish and Marcel la Caspell, all of Salem. Another brother from Cloverdale was the only absent member. For Rent, Store Buildings Down-town and suburban; $35 on up. Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. High street. 36 STUNT AVIATOR UNHURT WHEN AIRSHIP CRASHES (Continued trom page 1.) cause of the accident. Grace Broken Hearted "I -did my best, and that's all I can say, urace said brokenly. Future plans for a trans-Pacific flight have not been formulated. Materials were ordered to rebuild the plane, but it was said that Grace and Roger might return to Honolulu Wednesday. The cause of the rudder trouble was not determined. Experts thought that it might have been due to strain brought upon the machine as it roared down the un even runway with a load of more than 4,000 pounds. Today's crash was the 25th for Grace since he began flying at the age of 16. He is now 29. To pro vide, thrills for picture audiences, Grace wrecked 16 planes. His other airplane wrecks were acci dental most of them in perform ance of his work as a stunt flier. His only serious accident was neari ly fatal. It cracked a Vertebra in; his neck, and earned for him thd sobriquete of "the broken necked; flier." The flight, which has failed was! to have been either to San Fran ciseo, 2 400 miles, or to Los An geles, about 115 miles longer, de pendent upon ,gasoliae . supply Grace came to the islands Jtrhe" 2 and had made several attempts t take off before the accident today The U. S. land forces claim td have gained a theoretical Tictor; over the attacking forces in th recent war games. But of cours there is no way to prove it. DRESSMAKING Reasonable prices. Don't for get our hemstitching, stamping, button making and pleating. THE PETITE SHOP Over Busick's Telephone 1881J It's Time to Think of i PAINTING and CLEANING TJl We Sell Martin Senour 100 Pet Cent Pure Paint , DOUGHTON & SI1ERW1X 286 N. Commercial Tel. 63 K ay' - U amH 40 ACRE FARM FOR SALE Will sell or trade for in come property in Salem. 1-4 mile from pavement, near good town. Also, 7 lots ii Salem TERMS ' See A. B. Kelsay at Cobte-MitchcO ' Company or Telephone. 813 . Salem, Or. W 0 Qs 0 j ru)jfftfL,tfia 8AYS: We have a 1923 OLDS TOCTRIXG equipped with lmmpern, spot light, wind shield wings, cigar lighter, automatic swipe, Duco finish like new and in perfect con dition fur, S550.00. HOE Lii "The Hoase That Set-rice Built" COOLIDGE DONS COWBOY OUTFIT AND CELEBRATES (Continued from page 1.) Lillis, one of the photographers who had run out of films. Although "Kit," the birthday horse, was a bit startled at all tha commotion, Mr. Coolidge held a tight rein and led her about the lawn in order to make possible a picture of her with the Scouts. Journeying 350 miles in auto mobiles from Terry. Mont., the cowboy band of 25 pieces serenad ed Mr. Coolidge from the front lawn, while he was at lunch. As he and Mrs. Coolidge came from the lodge, the 24 Boy Scouts rode down from the hills at Custer, 15 miles away, on horses. They rode past in formation and saluted the president. After the leader had presented the greetings of the two organiza tiens'to the president, he received each outfit and then was present ed gifts by them. The band gave him a pair of buckskin chaps with the letters "Cal" outlined in sil ver studs on each leg. The chaps also bore a leather medallion pic ture of a cowboy riding a" buck ing broncho. A broad smile lighted Mr. Cool idge 's face" as Carl Loock, one of the Scouts, came up and in behalf of the Scouts, presented "Kit." As lie handed over the reins of the bay mare, Loock Velared, "and we hope you will like her." Richard Arnold, another Scout, came forward with the boots, shirt and kerchief. O O AMERICAN O O American Ia'jiuc standings W. L. Pet. New York T.3 21 .716 Washington 40 31 .563; Chicago 42 35 .545 Detroit . . . 37 32 .536 Philadelphia 38 3f. .521 Cleveland 34 40 .459 St. Louis 29 41 .414 Boston 16 54 .229 NjEW YORK, July 4. (AP) Overwhelming the Senators in two games of a double header, the Yankees today strengthened their hold on first place to the tune of Lou Gehrig's bat. Lou knocked his 27th homer, and went ahead of Ruth for home run honors in the first, which the Yanks won by 12 to 1, and added C. A. LUTHY Jeweler In New Location 325 STATE STREET Watches Clocks and Jewelry Repaired - r- ...... - - t , - ' another la the second, which went to the New Torkers by 31' to 1. First Game ' R. H. E. Washington I. 1 9 6 Jw York. ......... .12 16 0 Thurston,' Jehnson and Ruel, Tate; Pipgras and Collins. Second Game ' R. H. E. Washington f. . . . 1 10 2 New York .. .21 19 0 Crowder, Marbecry, Burke and Ruel, Ttate; Moore and Grabow ski. First Game R. II. E. Detroit 4 9 2 St. Louis 8 12 5 Stoner, Hankins and aBssler; Jones and O'Neill. Sf'ronrt Game R. H. E. Detroit , 10 17 2 St. Louis . . 13 3 Holloway, Hankins and Wood- ail; Stewart, Nevers, Vangilder and O'Neill, Schang. First Game R. H. E. Philadelphia 10 15 1 Boston 2 6 0 Grove and Cochrane; Ruffing and Hofmann. Second Game R. H. E. Philadelphia 3 ." 2 Boston 11 14 2 Ehmke, Willis, Johnson, Rom mel and Perkins; Wiltse and Hartley. First Game Chicago- Cleveland Thomas, Faber and Levsen and L. Sewell. R. 0 H. E. McCurdy; Second Game R. H. E. ChScago 2 6 0 Cleveland 6 13 1 Lyons. Connally and Cronse, Schalk, McCurdy; Shaute and L. Sewell. Marion County Court Returns 3 Indictments The charge of mash possession against Art Kieper, Carl Porter, Arthur Gotthardt. and Sanford Smith was returned by the Mar ion county Krand jury Saturday morning as a not true bill. The mash, it is said, was sour and un fit for distilling purposes. Gotthardt and Smith are sail ors who overstayed their leave from the V. S. S. Holland. Kieper is a farmer living near Buena Vista and Porter is now serving a C0-day, jail sentence for driving while intoxicated. Three indictments were return ed by the jury. Curtis Townsend and'Adrian Looniis were indicted for larceny from a dwelling house; Joe Singer for larceny of a dia- f mond ring!, and Henry Jairl for larceny from a dwelling. MANY PEOPLE DROWNED Violent Gale Capsizes Yachts and Unroofs Buildings ODESSA. Russia, July 4. (A P) Twenty persons were drown- PLUMBING "Quick Reliable Service H. NUXER, 113 Center Street lliones 352 and 1310-W Fine Fixtures Standard Equipment GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Silverware, Glassware, China ware, Stamped Goods, Miscel laneous Articles. Variety and Gift Shop Mrs. Helen Prescott 291 N. Commercial, Salem, Ore. ed by the " capsizing of several small yachts- in a violent gale which swept over the country. In Odessa, there was great damage to property and numberous build ings were unroofed. Six persons were killed and many injured by the overturning of a tram car at a street corner. " OBITUARY Beatty Died at the residence, 1530 Highland Ave., Sunday, July 3, Joseph M. Beatty age 74 years, husband of Mrs. Nellie M. Beatty, father of Mrs. Louise Maud Bent ley of Woodburn, Miss Eva M. Beatty and Joseph O. Beatty of Salem, brother of Mrs. Louemma Evans of Florence, Oregon, Mrs. Emma Padden and Westley Beatty of Fresno, Cal. Funeral services Wednesday, July 6th at 10 A. M., from the Rigdon mortuary, interment Belle Passi cemetery, Woodburn. Livork Died in Salem July 1, John E Livock. aged 76, survived by wid ow, Elise, sons William and Grant at Coquille, Ore., and Harold at Salem, and daughter Gene at Los Angeles, and two sisters. Countess Roma of Holland and Mrs Ed wards of England, and two grand children of Salem. Funeral serv ices Tuesday at 10:30 a. m. In terment at City View cemetery Body at Webb's funeral parlors. Tower Charles Tower, age 16, died east of Salem July 2, survived by father and mother. Gordon E. and Florence E. Tower, and three sis ters, Virginia,' Panline and Ellen (half sister), and three brothers. Wallace, Gene and William (half brother). Funeral at 1:30 Tues day from Webb funeral parlors; interment in City View cemetery. Daw ley Marie Dawley died July 3, at 25 4 North Front street, Salem, aped 24. survived by husband Harold, son Leonard, and father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Cunningham of Salem, and brother Geore Serwidge. Funeral at Webb funeral parlors Tuesday at 3:30. Interment in City View cemetery. Allen Died at a local hospital July 3, Joseph Allen, aged 85. Born in England, survived by Mrs. Chas. F. Rogers of Ilwaco. Wash., and four grandchildren in Minnesota. The body is being shipped to Ilwa co for funeral services and inter ment, by the, Webb funeral par lors. Henry Gladys Irene Henry, age 28, died July 2 at a local hospital. The body was forwarded by the Webb funeral parlors to Hillsboro ,for services and interment. THE HIGHEST type of refined service is incorporated in the un derstanding, thoughtful ness and ceremony we of fer to family and friends. Webb's Funeral Parlors Telephone 120 TEJIWILLIGERS Perfect Funeral Service For Less Licensed Lady Mortician1 T70 Chenieket Street Telephone 72-1 HEMSTITCHING 8 and 10 cents per yard. Also buttons, stamping and pleating. ANNA Hi KRUEGER )ve'r Miller's Telephone 117 EpsoxxrSalt Pure snowy r crystals, made- byi an improved process of refining It is ; easy to take because it Is thoroughly puriried.' -t Especially - - good for elderly people -and 'also"; i for those: ot middle age. Millions of pounds ' Isold " yearly. ' .' : Pouad Package . r 25c 1 Perry?3'tlrns Store 115 s cnunercuu ? z. Ten J ..,-.ii((ajt W LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 186S General Banking Business Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. 4 II I 'I ' 11 .11 1 ' -h . ' .. .: ' .. ' t . ' ' . .'-! .. . , . '. TRANSFER Long and Short Distance Hauling Public and Private Storage Fireproof Building GRAIN, FEED AND SEED Free Delivery to any part of the city $ Quotations on Application V Farmers Warehouse PAUL TRAGLIO, Prop. Day Telephone 28 Night Telephone 1267-W Are You If You Are Let The Statesman Follow You I When you leave the city for a vacation or on : a business trip, why not have The Statesman sent-' to you while away? i -"t.JA The Statesman will be like a letter from home; it will kepp you posted about affairs inSalem and the Willamette Valley generally: , . . ,t The subscription rate is 60c a month" and you may pay in advance or on your return. : TlnLnnf S ft 3 or mail a oost- cafdi and transfer will be Address The Oregon StatAomdn 215 South Commercial Street, Salem, Oregqn, T SUMMER HEAT During the warm days of summer the wise householder preparesior Ae l:: days of winter. , ,-. . WINTER HEAT. and winter comfort are assured if your heating problenr is answered with an , , , . : ; s - C There are hundreds 'of peopleyiri Salem and vicinity Wwho can testify to the efficiency and all-around sat isfaction of EASTMAN FURNACES. . - , SEE OUR DEALER at 332 North . EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED Years Practice in Salea ' Phone 635 Dr. L. R. Burdette Optometrist 01 First National Bank Buildln and ? : 4 -.,4 . made prbmp J. -4 1 Gommercial St. ..!. STORAGE Away Going ... - ' 4- t'' 2 3 V -4