I. sgve ar - FirScraclcers rian Band .WEATHER FORECAST: Fair, but fog near the coast; rising temperature in the interior; ? moderate west and northwest winds; maximum temperature yesterday SI; minimum 54; rivr .2; atmosphere clear; t wind southwesV SEVENTY-SEVENTH YEAR 5E1IGE TO STORE HESE ; I Blaze Starts When Explo sives With Lighted Fuse Thrown Nearby FIREWATER ALSO COSTLY Three Persons Charged With Driving While Intoxicated ; ' Transporting Liquor Is Also Alleged Fire thought to have been started by firecrackers ' thrown down beside the building yester day noon caused over $2500 in damages to the building and stock of a grocery and confectionery store; at 525 S. Winter street, run (: by F. R.' Bailey. ' Starting on the outside, the fire ate its way through the wall be fore it was noticed and an alarm sent In. -Inside the wall, the fire reached a SO-gallon tank of kero sene afid caused an explosion which sent flames throughout the nfllrnlnff rnnm nni tin intn ttlf space beneath the roof. Stock Damaged room of the grocery, but the stock In this room was considerably damaged by water and smoke, Most of the damage was done in the jroom to the rear, used as a stock room. Living quarters which are built onto the rear of the Store, and where the Bailey family lived, "vere badly' damaged by water also. Most of the furni- t ii re was removed. Damage to the building, which belongs to George Patterson, 495 S. Winter, had not yet been fully J'WjMiined last night, but will run ipttjth excess of -the 120O insur- IMr. -Patterson" stated."' Bai- ley's loss in stock and personal equipment will amount to about $1000. he said. ; Grass Fire Checked Firemen also responded to a call from Mill and S. Summer streets last night at 9:45, but found only a grass fire, presumably started by firecrackers. No damage was done. 1 Two ' fires Sunday evening caused the almost total loss of the home ol Claude Wilson, at 1739 Center treet, and the partial de- , . t (Continued n P 5.) COOLIDGE DONS COWBOY OUTFIT r GUKBTS GASP AT APPEARANCE IN nt'CKAROO GARB Hummer White House Resembles ' "Wild W'A Ranch on - t Cal's' Birthday A RAPID CITY, S. D., July 4- (AP)-r-President . Coolidge Was given a'complete cowboy outfit: to day on his fifty-fiffh birthday and he brought delight to his guests and BaVijfroata. who nresenterl t ho outfit; by appearing on the front lawn of the state eame lodre in the full regalia of a western horse CAU man. SAN FRANCISCO. July 4. .The hills surrounding the lodge (AP) John Drew, 73, noted ac resounded with cheers as the tor, who has been ill in a hospital. president returned from the house 4? In Ida mlrillo t His K(rtti4ar nor- niy, wearing a bright red shirt, blue kerchief, chaps, boots, spurs and "ten-gallon" hat. 1 . Even Get Snnrs Mrs. Coolidge appeared snrprls J TIT.il.. m 1. V. 1 1 ea, uui nuer r wcuienuar, - er oi me cowDoy Dana oi lerry. Mont., who presented the chaps and helped the president from New England into his cowboy out fit. let loose a "yip" as be walked down the steps with Mr. Coolidge The guests took up the yell as the president made his way slowly to protect the new spurs he had don ned. Smilingly, enjoying the party, the president turned himself into the jf-rnds of his guests, cheering co7 d irom Terry, and a nappy tri4rC'4 Boy Scouts from Custer, S- D. They asked for picture In every pose, and he did everything but ride the frisky bay mate given ; him by the Scouts. , - Birthday Horse Startled Photographers had a field day, as they caught the president In his strange .attire and there were y cries ror more films, as be aia one uBciiievtcu uiut Bi.i.o Mrs. Coolidge finally came to tne rescue, and loaned her hand mo- tion picture machine, which she had been using . freely, to James Provide! Fun Concerts Are Provinn More Pooular Thnn Fver Before: Another One at Willson ACCIDENTS FEW OVER WEEKEND THREE PERSONS INJURED IN CRASH NEAR HUBBARD One Collision Caused By Effort to Dodge Dog Crossing Street, Report ;Auto accidents, so common on a holiday week end, when every one is going somewhere, were un usually few over Sunday and Mon day, as far as could be determined at a late hour last night. J. Quisenberry, route 9, box 27. killed the motor of his car when coming into the Pacific highway from the Chemawa road, and was struck by John G. Reese. K2fi Ker by street, Portland. No serious damage was done to either, ac cording to reports. Three men were Injured slight ly when a car driven by Wesley Hyatt, of Venice, Cal., was forced off the road on the highway a mile south of Hubbard, Sunday morning about 10: 30 by a car driven by W. L. Page, of Portland. The Hyatt ear turned over in the ditch, slightly injuring, Carl Mickel, Jake Gimbel. and Wesley Hyatt, all of Venice, Cal. When Daniel Weizel signalled to turn from the highway at Brooks Sunday afternoon, Samuel F. Wray. Beaverton, tailed to see the signal, and ran into him, with little damage to either car. A blind corner on the Silver Creek road caused a collision be tween Roy Everson, 4 70 Church R. Heaton, route 1, box 31. The road is too narrow on the turn where the accident happened, the two reported. The damage was slight, Yesterday one party of tourists was involved In- -ig'it itie it at North Capitol and Market street, when L.. Baylis, of Port- land, stopped his car suddenly to keep from hitting a dog, and was run into by the second member of his party, W. Baylis, who could not stop suddenly enough to avoid the collision A narrow bridge was respons- ible for an accident two miles east of Turner yesterday afternoon about 4 o'clock, when a car driven by C. J. Farmer, of Mill City, (struck the fender of another driv- en by Norton Vanderhoof, 14 20 Bellevue street, on a bridge where two cars barely have room to pass. CIRCUIT CASES SLATED Judge Kelly Arrives and Hold Hearing; for July Court The followine cases were set by circuit Judge Kelly for the July term of court starting today. Judge Kelly arrived in Salem Thursday. Tuesday, July 5 Newfield vs. Pease; Greenbaum vs. Herrold; Hendricken vs. Pearson. Wednesday, July 6 Chricton Co., vs. Guthri; Taylor vs. Wil liams. Thursday, July 7. Bradley vs. Wright; Davenport vs. Schmidt. Friday, July 8 McLaughlin vs. Skiff. Saturday, July 9 Fearey Bros. vs. Stage Terminal Hotel Co. Monday, July 11 Lauman vs. Watt; Triangle Realty Co. vs. Tiffany. SPENDS FOURTH QUIETLY John Drew, Noted Actor, Still III; Condition Lnenangea here, since May 31, passed the fnnrth nf Tlllv (llltetlv With his condition unchanged. His nephew, I John Barrymore, and his (daughter land son-in-law were I his only visitors. 1 mmmfmrn n f Al I All I linf LfcHUT rltLUO OUUUUlVIDO Noted Clubman and Sportsman Dies at Tigard Country Home PORTLAND, Or.. July 4. (AP) Leroy R. Fields, president of the Fields Motor company, sportsman, clubman and former president of the Portland chamber of commerce, died suddenly at his (country home near Tigard tonight. I Death was caused by heart disease i Fields was 32 years ola COOK COMMITS SUICIDE Despondency Over Death of Child Believed tot foe Motive ASTORIA, - July 4. CAP) J. C Cook. 32, committed suicide here early- Sunday morning by i aooung uimKii tin uiv uchu j nistoLi Despondency over the J death of 4 child is believed to have I w,n the motive. 1 Cook left a note I date June 24, announcing his in tention to take his own life. : For Young Peopled But lbst W Too (Great: Bet CHINESE FEAR Chinese Council Member Warns Naval Parley Not to Discuss China NATIONALISTS POWERFUL .In panose Circles Show Coldness to Proposal With Idea That United States Would Dis approve Agreement GENEVA. Switzerland. July 4. (AP) Fourth of July Chinese frreworks exploded at the tripar tite naval conference today when nationalist China issued a solemn warning that the delegates must not discuss questions alfec.ting the interests of the Chinese people. This warning was communicat ed to the press by Chu Chao Hsin, Chinese member of the council of the League of Nations, from his lakeside villa. It is be lieved to be China's answer to the reports in the P.ritish newspapers that Great Britain and Japan are considering the wisdom of renew ing the Anglo-Japanese alliance, which died at the Washington conference, when the four-power Pacific pact was substituted for it. Chinese Fear Combine , Chinese circles see in such re newal an Anglo-Japanese combine against China. "it has been repeatedly reported in the isress in the Far East." said Chu in his formal statement, "that the nayal conference r."w sitting at Geneva, may also consider questions relating to China. 1 am therefore requested by the Chinese nationalist government to declare that the government and people of the republic of China will refuse to recognize any decisions affect ing China, which may be arrived at by the present, or any otTier conference in which China Is not represented, and Is not participat- (Continued on pace 4.) BUILDING BEGINS SOON Construction of 4." mile-link Rail way Lino to Be Pushed PORTLAND. Or.. July 4. (AP) Construction work on the remaining 45-mile link of railway needed to tie Bend to Klamath Falls, will be pushed on a big scale, just as soon as men can be hired and construction equipment moved into central Oregon, Ralph Budd, president of the Great Northern, said today, before leav ing for Bend. ON JAPAN-BRITAIN FACT RENEWAL r ; . e :J ssfe ' f POOR 0L' ' V r. LJ?f i. (Robinson) V f I jr- i i i - mwm .tm i mm - m i v. 1 1 ,rr , i t SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY CHERRIAN BAND PLAYS TONIGHT THIRD CONCERT OF YEAR SLATED AT WILLSON PARK Oscar Gingrich, Soloist, Will Ap pear on Program In Two Numbers Salem people will receive an other treat tonight when the Sa lem Cherrian baud gives its third concert of the year at WMllson park, starting at 8 o'clock. The concerts have been attracting in creasingly large crowds and the attendance tonight is expected to break previous records, if the weather is right. Oscar Gingrich is on the pro gram for two vocal numbers. The entire program follows: 1. Sagamore Maren (Gold man). 2. -Gems of Stephen Foster (Tobani). .I. Marguerite Waltz (Gou nod). 4. Popular numbers. 5. Overture Poet-N-Peasant . (Suppe, by request). 6. - Vocal solos sung by Oscar Gingrich. (a) Bells of St. Mary's. (b Lindbergh, the Eagle of the T. S. A. 7. The Lutspiel. 8. Selections Amorita (Laur endeau ). 5). March Wagner (Troutman). 10. Star Spangled Banner. SHIP CONTRACTS LET Now " $7,000,000 Liner to Be Ad ded to Panama-Pacific Line NEW YORK. July 4. (AP) The International Mercantile Ma rine company announced today the letting of a contract for another $7,000,000 liner for its Panama Pacific line's intercoastal service. The letting of this contract, to the Newport News Shipbuilding Drydock company, is the second step in the company's $21,000,000 building program of three largest liners, the" largest ever built in the United States. SOLDIER FATALLY HURT I'nsooii at Mouth of Cannon When Salute to Union .Fired FORT COLLINS, Colo., July 4. (AP) Jack Albean, 25. an en listed soldier, stationed at Colo rado Agricultural college, was fatally wounded today during the Fourth gun salute to the Union. After the 22nd gun had been shot, Albean took a ramrod to the mouth of the cannon to release the 23rd which was stuck. Un seen by his comrades, due to smoke, which a strong wind sent back in their eyes, Albean stood at the cannon's mouth as the shell was fired. THE BEACH AT WAI-KI-KI MORNING, JULY 5, 1927 PRISON INMATES SEE MEN DROWN THREE CANOEISTS DIE WITH IN VIEW OF SING SING Prisoners Beseech Guards for Per mission to Make Rescue; Denied OSSINING, N. Y., July 4. (AP) Prison rules today had dozens of willing rescuers in check as three young canoeists drowned in the Hudson near Sing Sing's gray walls. The canoeists, whose identity was not known, and whose bodies have not been recovered were thrown into the river when their canoe, raked by a stiff wind, cap sized near the Sing Sing wharf. Sing Sing's 1200 prisoners watched the three men struggle to save themselves. Some wept and others beseeched guards to allow them to leap over the fence that protects the dock. The guards, however, covered the men with rifles and threatened to shoot any man who went to the assist ance of the drowning men. The wind had blown the canoe near the wharf and one man was reported to have drowned about 15 feet from it. The tragedy upset the prison ers and some refused to eat an In dependence day dinner later. Warden Lawes said that prev ious faithlessness of prisoners had actuated the guards, who feared the prisoners permitted to aid the drowning men might escape. Prison officials said that no one save Warden Lawes is authorized to release prisoners in such an emergency, and before the war den could be reached, the canoe ists had been lost. PRESENTS PROPELLER Chamber lin And Levlne Got Souv enir From ByrdS Plane PARIS, July 4. (AP) Com mander Richard E. Byrd today presented one of the three propel lers of his trans-Atlantic plane America to Clarence D. Chamber lin and Charles A. Levine. He presented his two collopslble rubber life-rafts, to one of which l'e and hfs three companions prob ably owe their lives, to Maurice Droaghin, the French aviator, who is preparing for a flight west bound to New York. FOUR KILLED IN WRECK Others Injured When Automobile Struck by Train- at Manown WASHINGTON, Pa., July 4. (AP) Four persons were killed and three were seriously injured when their automobile was struck by a train at Manown, tonight. - STUNT AVIATOR THURT PLANE CRASHES Richard Grace, Attempting Flight to California, Fails at Take-off RUDDER CAUSES TROUBLE "I Did My Best," Movie Flier De clared; Flight to Mainland From Hawaii Probably Off as Re i suit Damages MANA. Island of Kauai, Hawaii. July 4. (AP) The stunt flier of the movies, Richard Grace, of Hol lywood, Cal., crashed to earth in his plane here today, shortly after having taken off for the Califor nia mainland. Grace and the dog Richard Grace which accompanied him. were un hurt, but the plane was so badly damaged that the trans-Pacific flight of more than 24 00 miles, may be abandoned. Grace made a good take-off at 5:24 a. m., from the rough and bumpy barking sands runway, which had previously punctured the tires of his plane's wheels, halting two attempts to fly. He circled the island of Kauai, testing his machine before sailing out across the Pacific. Plunges to Earth Trouble developed when the plane was over the village of Ko loa. The tail of the monoplane was seen to flutter, and then the plane plunged to earth in thorny bushes at the edge of the flying field. Grace had flown 51 min utes when he crashed to land, at 6:15 a. m. The fuselage and one wing were wrecked and there was other dam age, but the propeller and motor were Intact. Grace returned heartbroken to the residence where he had been a guest. His mechanician. Easton B. Koger completely broke down with disappointment" and fin able to see any otte to explain ?tbe (CoM pat 3.) EUROPE; OBSERVES DAY Independence Day Is Celebrated in London and Paris LONDON, July 4. (AP) Due to the big; invasion of American Visitors, student and universities parties, London celebrated the Fourth of July to" a more than the ordinary extent, and with enthusi asm. The -American society gave its customary banquet at the Sa voy hotel, the American ambassa dor, Alanson B. Houghton, presid ing. This was the largest gather ing In the history of the society. PARIS, July 4. (AP) All France knew that today was Am erican Independence day 'and ' the holiday was observed with more ardor and 'pride in Paris and" the provinces than any Fourth of July since the war: PAINTS FLAG ON METAL Victim of Thieves Uses Unnraal Blethod to Retain Emblem WASHINGTON, July 4. (AP) Theft ot two American flags from in front of his home in re cent days, prompted Louis j Glclaa to resort to 'unusual measures to make sure; that the national em blem. would be displayed before bis house on the Fourth. j uiuu pauiiea , tne ' ijag on , a large f piece of sheet metal, and then nailed it on hi home. Above tacked alcn: ! Try to take this one. NO WHEN BURGLAR VISITS IfRINTING OFFICE LINOTYPE SPACE BANDS AND PRINTERS 'STICKS TAKEN Plot to Hamper Publication Indi cated; New Keys Obtained for Locks Somebody tried to put The Oregon Statesman out of business! For the first time tn at least 43 years, and probably for a consider able time before that, the States man office was robbed. Sunday or early Monday morning, . when someone, undoubtedly familiar with printing offices, entered and took away with him about 100 linotype space bands, removing them from the battery of machines in the printing room, and also all the hand composition "sticks" used there, except one which a printer had bidden away. Also, a pair of spectacles belonging to one of the linotype operators was taken. While the articles taken were valuable in themselves, worth about $155, the fact that only the space bands, absolutely necessary in setting machine type, and the "sticks," equally essential in .set ting hand type, were taken, was believed to indicate that the thief also had it in his mind to cripple the newspaper in a vital spot. However, the loss of the space bands was discovered early Mon day, and at the same time that a new supply was ordered, through the courtesy of the Capital Jour nal the deficiency was temporarily overcome ana The statesman ap pears as usual this morning. The Statesman office, it might be explained, is busy both day and night, aid someone connected with the newspaper is on duty at all hours execept on Sundays and hoi idays. Therefore it has been the custom, for the last 43 years, never to lock any of the doors. I However, since this theft, a uejr set of keys has been ordered to re place those thrown away 43 years ago, and the doors of each depart ment will be locked when none cf the employes is present. , "j Meanwhile. s word ' has beeh broadcast "that the space bands were stolen! In the hope that the thief may be caught if he attempts to dispose of them. Similar thefts were reported last week from Cali fornia newspaper plants. ' "f- GIRL STABBER SOUGHT Murderer of 13-Year-Old Oakland Girl Traced By Police OAKLAND, Cal., July '4. (AP) Oakland and San Francisco po lice were endeavoring to piece to gether dark, flitting clews today, to find a tell-tale guide to the bloodstained fingers that with fiendishness beat and stabbed the life out of 15-year-old Mabel May er, Oakland school girl, Saturday night. Clews characteristic of murder, foreign appearing men, who are heard to mumble incoherent things, automobiles dashing from the scene of the trlme, youths, who were friends, of the- victim. who have not been heard from since the killing., suspects annre-f hended, others 'sought; these were developments, s following the animal-like killing. CAPITAL OBSERVES DAY Quiet Celebration Staged in Wash ington W ith Coolidge Gone WASHINGTON. July 4. (AP) The one hundred and fifty-first anniversary of American inde pendence was celebrated quietly today by the national capital, the occasional bang' of a "bootleg firecracker, and several neighbor hood flag ceremonies being the only Fourth of July reminders preceding the annual fireworks display on the Washington monu ment grounds in the evening. FAMILY KLLED, BY TRAIN Mother and Five .Children Di When Automobile - gfrnck NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y.. July 4. ( AP) -A ' mother and five of her children were killed "and two other members of the family wer injured tonight, when a passenger train struck their automobile at a grade crossing In Echota, a suhr ttrb of Niagara Falls. . The flagman at v the crossing said Pawloff disregarded his sig nal to stop. UTTXE GIRL DIES FROM BURNS GILROY, Cat, July 4.--(AP) naraWelky, aged" J, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Welkyv of Gilroy. died , today, as a result of - fire cracker burros, z Tne rarmer gets nia sxtrs nour or aay light in the summer not by moving the clock forward but by setting his alarm for an hour earlier in the morning. J PRICi. FIVE CENTS THOUSANDS SEE1 i 1 Racing Automobile Leaves Fairgrounds Track and Piles Up in Ditch ROSS WINS 50 MILE RACE Chicago Man Driving Car Which Won Indianapolis Race in 1023 Nearly Equals Record , on Salem Speedway fJ2 Phil ' Churchill, North Bend. Oregon, narrowly averted death yesterday before a crowd of near ly 5000 persons gathered at the state fairgrounds track,' for the auto races, when his car plunged through the outer fence on the north curve in the first lap of the ' 20-mile event for class A cars. He was thrown clear, receiving only ' minor scratches about the face, when the machine piled up in a ditch. Jack Ross of Chicago, driving the Miller straight 8 with which Frank Lockhart won the Indianapolis sweepstakes in 1925, took first money in the 50-mile Multnomah Hotel sweepstakes, setting a rec ord on the Salem track both for distance and time. He finished in 4 5 minutes, 41 seconds, although ha fouled plug held him out for 1 lap. Ross came within a second and two-fifths of tying the course record for one mile, making it in 4 7 2-5 seconds. He also receied $25 for holding the lead over the entire field for, the first 2 5 laps. Other Places Disputed , ' There was some dispute over second and third places, and place money Was withheld- by "North west Auto racing officials pending a decision, although the judges decision at first favored entry No. 26, the Frontenac special" driven by Gus Duray of Seattle, ;fdr sec ond place, and entry No. 6, a Stutx special .driven by . "Swede" Smith of Salem. . - v Following a check-up , with th lap-by-lap record kept " by the Statesman representative, race of ficials stated that the official rec ords were- probably correct, al though no official decision would be made until all Interested parties could be met In conference;' f' -, Also Takes 20-Mile Race Ross also placed first in the 20 mile event for Class A. cars, with Guy Duelin, Denver, in a Fronte nac special, second, and Duray, taker of second -' money in ' the Multnomah. sweepstakes, third (Continued on pa (a 4) ' ; .' BYRD'S TRIUMPH REACHES CLIMAX PACIFIC FLIERS ' GUESTS J A"P PARIS CHAMBER DINNER ' : 'Xo Doubt of France's High Re gard for America, Says Noted Airman RftGIllR PARIS, July 4 (AP) The peak of Commanoty Byrd's Paris triumph was ' reached tonight, when Marshal Foch, Ex-President Millerand, General Gouraud, M. BokanowskI, M. Doumer, minister of public works; M. Franchet; and a hundred other notable French men, joined with' . Americans in cheering him, and Clarence D. Chamberlin and their flying com rades, at the American chamber of commerce dinner. It was more a manifestation for - the American aviators than a celebration of In dependence day. "While i I have to receive this wonderful 'reception from you to-i night,- said -Commander Byrd, ."I hare known that I have not de served It alone. -I stand here in the name of my three shipmates, Acosta, Novillo and BaJchen, for If . I deserve your applause, they deserve it more than I. 1. "I want to say-to America that" If "any I American has doubt of France's high regard, let him or her make a non-stop flight from America to France. ! I believe it Is not; so - much . the flier that the great people, of France acclaim with J their i; extremely; generous, wholehearted; enthflsiasm--It la the flay those Oiers carry, the! em-, blem of America. If you could hear TfVe L'AinerIq.ue as I have heard it since my arrival, I think' jrot would know that there ; ara still millions of French like La fayette left in France." 4 ." ; 5 , . . .:- (Continatd oa-Jaf ) ' ' '. An i