. .j. aw i ! . q .' '. THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING JUNE 29, 1927 i feawewewmewmemaimamemp v 1 E ATT FAMILY REUfJlON II I Cyrus F. Yeaton, Now Living i ;in Washington, Here Hrstinl864 Your generations of the Yeaton family drove from Seattle to Sa lem Monday, and are guests at the Home of A. T. Yeaton, 507 North Ootn-- . Those iu party are, Cyras F. Yeaton, aged, 90; his daughter. Mrs., Lulu Y. Gazzam. aged 58; Ms granddaughter, Mrs. Lea G. Hodge, and his great granddaugh ters, Betty Lea Hodge, age 8, and Mary Russell Hodge, age 6. 'Cyrus F. Yeaton, who is the oldest brother of A. T. Yeaton, came to Salem In 1864, and was In business here for some time be- 4 fore moving to Seattle, he told a Statesman reporter yesterday. In Seattle he engaged in the book business, .and was also for some tfme erter in the federal court there. At present he Is living at Crystal Springs, Wash., near Port Blakely "" His. 'daughter, Mrs. Gazzam, Is a. native of Salem, but has not ."liyted'here for some years. " f' The host for the group. A. T. "Yeaton, is himself over 87 years otI, and has been a Salem resi dent since the arrival of his family In, i8'64, 58 years ago. For many years, he -was a furniture dealer, finally selling his establishment to the father of Max Buren, pres ent'owner of the business. 'Another brother of the two is living in Maine, the reporter was told. ' He Is 76 years old, and was for a number ot years member of the -state legislature and senate in Kew Hampshire. The four - generation family group intends to drive back to Seattle today. MRS. SEORGE MINK f . DIES N PORTLAND Daughter of Prominent Sa lem Pioneer Families Suc cumbs to Heart Attack PORTLAND, June 28 (Spe cial) Laura Catherine Mink, who was born in Marion county, Ore gon, November 28, 1867, died sud denly at her home, 661 Fremont Btreet, this morning, of heart fail tire. She had been in excellent Tifalth and spirits, and her passing Was entirely unexpected, having but -recently returned with her husband, ttQxn a trip of several .weeks In Hawaii. Mrs. Mink was a daughter of Charles Peyton Glover and Clar issa Palmer Glover, two representatives-of well-known pioneer fam ilies of Marion' county, both of aid parents being now deceased. She leaves to mourn her death her husband, A. George Mink, ofi Port land; five sisters, Lenora Glover, Mrs. Clarence Turner, Mrs. George H. Root of Portland, Mrs. Harvey O. Taylor of Macleay. and Mrs. George, Harber, of Albany, and five brothers, Samuel of Antelope, Orange of Gaston. Wallace of Portland, and Ralph and Ronald of.; Salem.. "Her. death marks the breaking of family circle of 11 children which has remained Intact for al tnost 43 years. - Funeral services will be held front Flnley's at Portland, at 2:30 Thursday afternoon. R. L Kirk Visits; Business Men Recall Him as "Prof." t R. L. Kirk, principal of Salem high school from 13v to 1911, and at present northwest distribu tion manager for the A. H. An drews company of Seattle and Portland, manufacturers of school furniture, is making a business visit in Salem for a few days this . week. . "After leaving Salem Mr. Kirk became - superintendent of the Springfield schools, , and , later of The Dalles schools. While he was in Salem Mr. Kirk eaid yesterday there were about 600 : pupils ' in the' high school, with no junior highs. During his administration the eastern and western wings of the high school building were added." ? ; Mr.' Kirk Is remembered by a cumber of the prominent business men in Salem today, who were at tendingschool there then. lie old Wries yesterdayi of pranks and Escapades ; In;, which" many of tbm" floured, prominenUy. IIISS' VERXClXV At POlStTEO - - : rrrSr v 'iv-. .. ; - ? v . ' UNtvERSrf t: O f ORK(tON, Eugene une 2 8- 4 Special) r Iis3 irhelmaVernon. tSalem. a ; graduate: of the. university this year has bfcetr appointed to teach In the Sweet Hbme high school by - theunlversity, appointment bur oan - Whfle in' attendance inhere Miss Vet no nY majored inromanca lnlfagesl TtilS YEAR BRINGS A REVUE ';,;--' ,;.4" ; ' " ;". Chautauqua Keeps Up-to-the-3Hnute in Entertainment . .. v . Features , . , -1 ' i l ! m I '" ' I ' i - ' 'rM'l- Jl'.V' ,l" .'.c'II,r"J ,t,Ma" '-" '-" Ill 'V -'!-:' V It v . ' '''' f - The 1927 Chautauqua la irmg ing a 1927 program. One of the outstanding features of the enter tainment world in the past two years has been the increasing pop ularity of what Is known as a revne. This- year's Chautauqua, coming July 20 to 25, will bring a re'vue as part tf the program. However, a revue as it has been given in the larger cities has often been subject to criticism on ac count of the type Of entertainment offered. The Chautauqua revue that is being given this year is the kind that has achieved popularity among those who insist that the entertainment be kept clean and those who appreciate quality rath er than mass production in their entertainment. The Lucille Elmore revue is led by a diminutive liroadway star, who secured her training under Fred Stone in "Stepping Stones." Fred Stone is famous throughout Aierrca as Ue "Christian Come dian." and has long stood for clean entertainment. At the same time, when his show is on Broad way it is generally harder to get seats for it than any other theater In town. Miss Elmore has learned just how to build a program of the Stone type which is sparkling in its comedy, swift moving in its action and thoroughly above crit icism in every respect. Her own numbers are always received with a storm of applause. Among notable members of the revue Is Stewart Churchill, whose Marimba playing has been a sen sation wherever this young wizard has appeared. The present tour is Ms first trip to the far western states. Western audiences have seen some good Marimba people, but unless all predict ion a fail. Churchill's playing will be remem bered for many a day. WAR DEBT PRDBLEM TOPIC AT LIU Good Will of European Na tions Important, Says U. of 0. Professor Two major points should be taken into consideration by per sons urging that the United States be firm In its demand for repay ment of the approximately 10 bil lion dollars loaned to European allies during the world wai, mem bers of the Salem Kiwanis club were reminded by Professor Vic tor Morris of the economics de partment of the University of Oregon, in a talk at Tuesday's luncheon. The first of these is that the point of view of the debtor na tions should lie taken into consid eration, the second that there is not gold enough in the world, to say nothing of Europe, to pay that debt in full. As to the attitude of European nations, their agreement to the Locarno treaty and to the Dawes plan showed a better spirit than was previously manifested, and this should not be discouraged; on the other hand, they have been referring to the United States as "Uncle Shylock," and this, unfair as it is, should be overcome if pos sible. Since the debt cannot be paid In gold, Professor Morris said, the only possible alternatives are goods and service and either would seriously disrupt conditions both here and abroad. Some people make the mistake of thinking that the matter Is set tled with the agreement of the European nations to pay in small amounts over a period of 62 years, but that ?s erroneous because In international relations, many things cannot be foreseen, the speaker explained. CLIMB HAYSTACK ROCK Three Veteran Mountaineers Scale Crag Near Cannon Beach ASTORIA, June 27.-r-(AP) Haystack Rock, towering 300 feet out of the surf at Cannon Beach, 20 miles south of here, was climbed Sunday for the first-time, j by Emil Norden, MV J . Wulfsberg, and Nels Skjersaa,; experiencea mountaineers. The men spent six and . a -half hours in scaling and descending the steep face of th rock,, which had already claimed- the life of one would-be climber. The party used ropes and alpenstocks in the ascent. i'ii'l'i'i'iiiiK Wmmmm Swimming Suits They must be bright in color and they are bright. Some are plain . while others are striped. There are round neck lines, V-neck . lines and the new button choker necks. Quality suits are cheaper in the long run, besides you have that appearance and feeling of "class." Children's $1.39 to $3.48 Ladies .. . $1.98 to $7.95 : i UF F01I iiscussi; Committee of Councilmen to Consider Measure at Meet ing Tonight An open meeting of the city council ordinance committee will be held tonight in the council chambers at the city hall for the purpose of discussing an ordi nance bill fixing the tax on motor buses, trucks, and stages using the Salem streets at $10 a year. Taxation of transportation mo tor vehicles has been a vexing question in Salem for some time. A year ago, a bill providing for a tax of $20 a year was favored by many council members and passed by that group. It was attacked in the courts, however, and subse quently not enforced. People of the state voted in the general election of 1925 to ap prove house, bill 413 of the previ ous legislature session, providing for a per mileage tax per passen ger for motor vehicles transport ing passengers and per ton for vehicles transporting property. Payment ot this tax covering mileage on city streets has been refused and operators have taken the matter to the courts where it is still pending. Not inclined to wait until a decision is reached, the $10 city ordinance was drawn up and will be thoroughly dis cussed tonight. SOCIETY (Continued from page 3) neth Mosher, Charles Wilson. .Mar ion Lehman, Kelley Moore, Rob ert Halladay and the hostess, Hel en Breithaupt. Social Afternoon Club of Eastern Star Meet Today The Social Afternoon club of Chadwick chapter. Order of the Eastern Star will entertain all members of the Eastern Star in the gardens of Mrs. Harry Craw ford and Mrs. Rose Babcock on South Commercial street this af ternoon. The committee in charge of the afternoon are: Mrs. Anna Kant ner, Mrs. Helen Gragg, Mrs. Susie Hansen. Mrs. Alma Gahlsdorf, Mrs. Elizabbkii Lamb, Mrs. Melissa Laflar, Mrs. Mae Pearce, Mrs. El sie Rhoten, Mrs. Rose Pratt, Mrs. Ida M. Babcock, Mrs. Jeanette Dickinson, Mrs. Mabel Lockwood and Miss Oda Chapman. Miss Mabel Robertson Will Study in Neiv York During the Summer Miss Mabel Robertson left Mon day evening for New York city where she will study at Columbia university during v the summer months. Miss Robertson will take up her duties as dean of' the Sa lem senior high school tn khe fall. In preparation for her work here, Miss Robertson will enroll for a special course offered at the uni versity 'for deans of women. s Spends Week-End in Portland Miss V irginia uusseu speni me week-end visitinz at the horn f her parents in Portland. State W. C. T. U. Officers Will Meet in Portland x Tomorrow State officers of the WCTU will meet Thursday for luncheon in the YWCA in Portland. Presidents and officers of all local branches are requested to attend, as it is planned in honor of Mrs. Louise J. Taft. Mrs. Taft Is national di rector of scientific temperance in struction and will spend the day in Portland. Mrs. Taft will give an address on temperance and on her experi ences in high and normal schools. Salein O. A. C. Club Will " Picnic Tonight at Penrniine Home The Salem OAC club will meet tonight at the home of1 Mr. and Mrs. Lester Pearmine on the Riv er road. A picnic supper will be served about 6:30 o'clock, ar rangements for which are being handled by Mrs. Pearmine and Mrs. Wilbur Weeks. A short pro gram and a business meeting will be other features of the evening. The meeting will be held in the gardens of the Pearmine home if the weather is plea'santj in case of rain it will be held indoors. William Wallace Graham Will Present Salem Pupils on Friday Evening William Wallace Graham of Portland will present his Salem violin pupils in recital Friday eve ning, July 1, hX 8:30 o'clock in Waller Hall. Mr.' Graham's annual recital in Salem is always antici pated with much interest. The public is cordially invited to attend. Will Meet Parents in Portland Mrs. E. T. B. Hill and Mrs. Cora Lippold will go to Portland where they will meet Mrs. Lippold's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M; Breit haupt, who will return to Salem with them. Mr. and Mrs. Breit haupt will visit with relatives in Salem for several weeks. O' r i J TUt Cnrinn A !. I ready Being Used to Limit, Says Manager Improvements which were made this spring at the municipal camp grounds at the foot of Oak street are already being used to the lim it, and justify even further addi tions, according to H. S. Poisal, amnager of the grounds for the past several years. This sprin? six 2-room cottages were built, each one 12 by 16, with a 10 by 16 garage attached. Each is furnished with a cook stove, springs' and mattress, break fast nook, running city water and electric lights, and free fuel is supplied to the occupants. The camp laundry, with electric irons and other equipment, is also for the free use of the occupants. These cottages are filled every night, and many more could be rented M they were available, Mr. Poisal declared. The charge for the use of one of the cottages over night is $1.50. There are also 16 tent houses available, aod these are filled each night. At present there are be tween 25 and 40 parties using the grounds each night, with room for accommodation of 125 parties if necessary. The grounds have been put In very good shape for the summer activities, with attractive flower beds around the buildings, and an air of neatness over the whole camp. The spot is one which' is natur ally beautiful, with around seven or eight acres, mostly wooded, where camping parties have pro tection from sudden storms or the heat of midday. and Ronald Glover of Salem, and had married George Mink in Port land a number of yearn after the death of her first husband. George Ashby. The body was found yes terday morning at the foot of the stairs in her Portland home, and It is not, known whether death was dtte to htart failure or to a fall on the stairs. Besides the two brothers, Mrs. Mink is survived by a sister, Mrs. Harvey Taylor of Macleay. LEAGUE CALLED TOOL Senator Edwards Says Al Could Knlist Opposition as Asset WASHINGTON. June 27-r(AP) The Antl-Skloon league was called the "tool of the republican party" in a statement issued today by Senator Edwards, democrat. New Jersey. Replying to a statement issued last night by Wayne B. Wheeler, Mr. Edwards said Mr. Wheeler's veiled threats of reprisal against - moisi cBuiuie are aimed in- directly at Governor-Alfred Smith, whit If nominated.- ran rnliut ' . liie , Anti-Saloon league's' opposition as- an asset and not a liability." HUBERT WORK ATTACKED Interior Secretary Declared Mm. ace and Curse to" Vet r. A, RENO. Nev., June 27. ine policies oi necreiary or uie Interior, Hubert Work are a" -menace and a curse "to the westrrn states, Senator Tasker L. CMdif. of Nevada, declared today in fad dressing" the Reno Rotary club oa the Boulder canyon dam. Will be Guesi in ArbuchU Home for, a Week Mr, and Mrs. George L Ar buckle have as their guest for tin week Mrs. Arbuckle's mother, Mrs. F. Hughes of Portland. Mrs. George Mink, Former Resident, Dies Suddenly Word was received here yester day of the death of Mrs. George Mink, who died suddenly at her home in Portland yesterday morn ing. She was the sister of Ralph Royal Anne Cherries Barrelling Bring them in from single box to ton lots. Boxes furnished. 8c pound. LIBBY, McNEILL & LIBBY Phone 830 Old King's Plant McCormick-Deering Tractor Demonstration Thursday, June 29, 1927 At KIRSCHER BROS' FARM Twi miles eavst of four corners onPenn Road, beginning Two miles east of four corners on Penn road, beginning tor doing general farm work. It Will Be of Interest and Value Charles R. Arctierd Implement Co. 210 State Street; Salem, Ore. m me Lawnninffir inioiunrs Protect Family With The Statesman's u 9 TRAVEL ACCIDENT POLICY One year for Newspaper Registration Free $ Morning When you are asleep, widows, whose husbands provided no accident insurance, are busy with mop and pail! Protection Afforded By The Statesman Policy PART ONE $7,500.00 if the Insured lp killed as a passenger en a street car or railroad train. PART TWO " SI, 000.00 it the insured is killed In a private automobile, tailcab, bus, auto stage, horse drawn vehicles, passenger eleyator or by storm, tornado, lightning or falling walls of a building, or by tire In a public building. PART THREE, f 11.000.00 If the insured Is killed by being struck by a mov ing vehicle while walking or standing on the street. Losses reimbursed according: to the following schedule: Part a v Part 8 Sl.OOO.OO $1,000.00 si,ooo.or" Sl.OOO.OO l,OOfr.OO $ 1 ,000.00 1 ,000.00 "" 1 ,000.00 ROO.OO SOO.OO 500.00 V Accident described In . part 1 For Losa of CfteK .' ."?i4 . 37,500.00 For Loss, of Both Hands. f :S7,WM).00 For- Loss of Both Feet . . i .$7,500.00 For Loss of Sight of Both ' Eyes ....... . . ; . . . ; .L . 7,500.00 For Loss of One.; Hand -and One Foot .r. ",. ; . .4 For Loss of One "Hand and Sight of One Eye . ; For Loss of One Footand; Sight of One Eye For. Loss ot Either Hand. For; Loss of Either Foot." 3,750.00 For Loss of Sight of Either . Eye a.750,00 7500.00 ,$' -7.SOO.OO 7W500.00 8,750.00 , JlO.Of) a week will he paid the Insured for not more than fifteen weks If Injured white traveling in a vehicle or hart while; walking, by a moving vehicle. : - Policlfts issued by the North : American Accident Insurance Company through representative at the offioe of The Stateg- ' All claims settled by a Company representative located wltlt Thet Statesman- Publishing Company. TH STATESMAN OFFERS. YOU A $7,500 TRAVEL ACCIDENT INSURANCE POLICY FOR YOUR FAMILY'S PROTECTION GET IT NOW! :' -! 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