The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 29, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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By Rozella Bunch
Phona 106
jjifa Hafwer Honored
With Birtlulay Party
Yesterday Afternoon
Mrs. C R. Wagner entertained
tfsti"day afternoon in honor of
- thrtfiilnth, birthday anniversary of
t,er daughter, Anita Wagner.
Cames were enjoyed by the group
,,f friends who were entertained
in the Wagner home. Late in the
aiternoon a birthday lunch was
served at a long labia, under the
irees in the garden. A big birth
day cake topped witn piaK can
dies centered the table.
Covers were placed, for the hon
r,r guest, Anita Wagner, Rone Gib
son. Margaret LoveaU, Patsy Lee,
iBetty. Mae Roraalna. Margaret Ann
Ftien. Joyce Rathbyn. Virginia
Mason. Janet Robertson. Margaret
Harlan, Jack Pollock. Roger War
ner and Wallace Harding.
Mr9. Wagner was assisted by
Mrs. Duane Gibson and by Ger
trude Winslow and Margaret Wag
ner. '
Mr. and Mrs. Kells
Return From Eastern Trip
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Kella, with
their daughter, Frances Alice
Kells. have returned to Salem af
ter spending a month visiting in
the east. The trip east was made
ever the Northern Pacific route,
stepping at Chicago, Pittsburgh,
New York, Boston and Washing
ton. While la New York they
were present air the. golden wed
ding anniv.ersary,Qf-Mr. fells' par
tuts, and were in Washington dur
ing the reception given Colonel
Lindbergh there.
Mr. and Mrs. Kells returned over the Canadian National
Salem Girl Return From.
J nt eventing Alaskan Trip
Miss Lola Millard and Miss Ruth
Roaa of Salem, with Miss Eva
Lefcdbetter of eastern Oregon, Miss
Vera Wohleter and Glen Goulet
ot Wood burn and Miss Lueia Card
of Dallas have returned' from a
two weeks trip to Alaska.
The group sailed 'from Seattle
Jane 14 on the Northwestern.
1 twy stopped at Skagway, Ketchi
kan and Juneau where they took
an inland trip to Mendenhall gla
ir and to Auk lake. They also
made stops at Wrangell and at
fftka where they visited the faru
old Russian church there. The
l irty arrived in Seattle last Fri
day afternoon.
Aim Helen Pearce Home
From Berkeley for Summer
Miss Helen Pearce,- who has
. ,been a student at Berkeley, - is
s,-erdlng ,the .Bommer at her home
iff. Salem. Miss Pearce wiM re
main in Salem until, about the
middle of August when she will
sixain return, to. the university.
Mr. and Mrs. Dyer Will
l.ntertain Guest From
Honolulu . '
Mr. and-Mrs. W. Cornell Dyer
.will have as their guest Miss Pal
ay ra Reis of Honolulu. Miss
Re is has been, attending the teach
ers' convention , In "Seattle and will
stop at1 the Dyer home for a few
iays before returning to her-home
in the' telandai ' ' '
La die Ai4 Society of
First Methodist Churvh
Will Meet Today J'
The Ladles Aid society of the
Pir.-st Methodist church will meet
rlis afternoon at 2t3 o'clock in
the cH6rfti'.,'paf iors,". reports of
The circled.jWi'T b given and elec
tion of officers' or the coming; year
be held,
Mrs. Henry Vandevort will pre
finest at Barkus Home
Fiom Lou Atia&e""'-
Mr. and Mrsi ffc T- Backus, have
hud us their house- coasts Mr and
ir. and Mrs. ' Grogan win visit
relatives In Washington and wilt
slop again in Salem on their re-
- 1 1. . ... i .. i .. , .r,
Nobody Can Tell When You
Darken Orey, Faded? Hai
With Sage Tea
raadmother kept her kair beautl-fuUy-
daxkMMd. giuasr sad attractive
itlv vbrew of Sage Tea and Sulphur.
Vlnevr her hair took on that dull,
faded or streaked apDeaxanee- this
imtJe mixture ' wa aoelicA with
Lvyfat effect. By, asking at any
ur Oamnound'' vou will cret. a
rg Dottle of Uus oM-tune recipe,
improved by the addition of other
ingrdifnts. all ready to- uae,Vaa very
little com. This simple mixture caa
depended upon to? restore natural
color ikJ beauty to the hair. ,
Well known drufrgisU - say every
body ue Wyeth's Sage and Bulphur
Compound now btcaase it darkesa sa
ntturiilj and evenly that nobody eaa
vtu n naa been applied it's so
' use, too. Yoa simply damps
Mtmoaib or soft bruin and draw rt
auh your hair, takimr one strand
V time. . By mornimr toasray
ham disappear;' alUT another.; ap
plication or two, it is ratomf 1o its
pi yralootorad: Jootjr!oS8tl soft
Ooetavl Calendaus
- Tedx
Regular social afternoon of
Eastern, Star at '2 o'clock on lawns
of homes' of -Mrs. Rose Babeock
an Mrs. H. E. Crawford, South
Barbara Frietchie Sewing club
will meet at the- home- of Mrs.
Thorpe, 296, South 22nd street.
.Salem OAC club annual picnic,
Wednesday evening, June 29.
Piano and violin recital. Joy
Turner Mooes. Waller Hall. 8 p. ni.
Ladies Aid soobny of First M.
K. church." Church parlors, 2:30
Social Circle. Knight Memorial
church. Silver tea, 2:30 o'clock.
Dunning and intermediate re
cital. Joy Turner Moses, Waller
Hall. 8 p. m.
Westway club, picnic. Fair
grounds. Basket dinner, 6 o'clock.
Willing Workers' class picnic,
Hager's grove, 6:30 p. m.
Sweet Briar club. Mrs. Flor
ence Taylor, hostess. Glen Creek
Violin recital. William Wallace
Graham. Waller Hall, 8: SO p. m.
turn to their home in California.
Mrs. Grogan, who is a niece of
Mrs. Barkus, was Marian Holt be
fore her marriage and has many
friends In Salem.
Willing Workers' Class
Will Picnic Tomorrow
in Hager's Grove
The Willing Workers' class of
the First Christian chnrch, with
their families will picnic tomor
row evening at Hager's grove. The
regular class meeting will also be
held at this time. The picnic sup
per will be served at 6:30.
All members of the- class are
urged to attend.
Captain and Mrs. Flegel
Will Sail Saturday for Georgia
Capt. and.' Mrs. Earl Flegel will
sail Saturday from San Francisco
by way of the Panama canal for
Captain Flegel will be stationed
in Georgia for the next year.
Return From Visit x
in Portland
Mrs. Wallace Bonesteele and
Wallace Bonesteele Jr. have re
turned to their' home in Salem af
ter spending the last ten days vis
iting with friends in Portland.
Return From Trip to
Crescent Lake and
Other Southern Points
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dancy and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dnrbia Sr.,
have . returned from a ten-day
pleasure trip to Crescent Lake and
other points in southern Oregon.
Guests at Breithaupt Home':-.
. Mr. and, Mrs. C. F. Breithaupt
will have as their guests soon
Mr: Breitbaupt'a parents. Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Breithatfpt of Richland,
Wash. While here Mr. and Mrs.
Breithaupt with, their daughters,
Helen and Irene Breithaupt, and
their guests will spend si week
at their beach : home at Coulter
Every 'Tuesday and Fri
day, apeedy 23-hour
coach-train - special
service and special re
duced fare. Leaves Salem
11 :43 a. m., over Cascade
Line in daylight, arriving
San Francisqo 10:30 a. m.
next day.
Ride in a roomy, all
steelcoach over smooth,
rock-ballai ted roadbed.
Belaz and rest. Free ob
servation car lounge and
open platforau' ,
Special dining and
lunch-car menus at low
Tickets at this low fare
good only on these spe
cial coach trains. Free
baggage allowance of
100 poundb. . ,
Similar fare and serv
ice retarning from San
Francisco .-'every Wed-
nesday and Saturday '
at3.-00p.rn. !
- City Ticket
IMS. WOcrril
TelnboaM sS--
Sweet Briar Club Will be
Entertained Tomorrow
by Mrs. Taylor
The Sweet Briar club will be
entertained tomorrow afternoon
a the home of Mrs. Florence Tay
lor on the Glen Creek road. This
will be the last meetiug of the
club until rail.
Guest in Salem From Eugene
Mrs. Augusta Breithaupt of Eu
gene is visiting in Salem with Jier
sister, Mrs. Cora Lippold. Mrs.
Breithaupt will visit also with
other relatives before returning
to her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Young
Receive congratulations
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Young of
Olympia, Wash.; are receiving the
TvV TP fx If u T7 Ti7 ff .-:'- - '
congratulations of their friends.
on the arrival of son on Jane4
27. The young son has been
named Harold Allan..
Mrs. Young is a daughter of
Mr.- and Mrs. J. B. Cooley and has
many friends in Salem.
Social Circle of Knight
Memorial Church Will
Sponsor Silver Tea
The social circle of the Knight
Memorial church will sponsor a
silver tea this afternoon at 2:30
o'clock. The tea will be held in
the church parlors.
II Make Home in Salem
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Garalve
and their family will make their
home in Salem on Center and
North 21st street. Mr. Garslve
New Body Designs
Lower Bodv Lines
New Radiator Design
ater Smoothness
New Alloy Steel Springs
. j
has been employed in Salem for
some time but the family has only
recently moved from Portland.
On Motor Trip to
Middle West
A. A. Lee, with his son, Paul
Lee, are traveling by motor to In
diana and Illinois.' They will step
iu the principal cities along the
route. Mr. Lee will visit with his
luother and other relathvs in
liensselar, lnd.
The Lees plan to return to Sa
fm about the first of September.
Advanced Students of Joy
Turner Mose.t Will be
Presented Tonight
The advanced piano and violin
students of Joy Turner Moses will
be presented in recital tonight at
-, Him Vvt'-Vi
New Steer in
3C5Ndrth Commercial
"I.-. .' fc i . . ....- . -
t -
f. . .." "AFTER WE SELE, SERVE" "
8 o'clock in ;Waller5 Hall. Miss
Oral Violet will assist on the pro
First-Church League Enjoys
Party in Breithaupt Home
The members of First Church
Kpworth League of the First
Methodist church were entertained
recently with a party at which
Miss Helen Breithaupt was hostess
iu the Breithaupt home on North
Twentieth streW.
The rooms were lovely with car
nations, delphinium and other
early summer flowers. Games
were the diversion aaid later in
the evening a buffet luncheon was
t-erved by the hostess
Members of the "league present
for the evening were Eloise White, j
Helen McElroy. Ida McNeil, Velma
Ne w png Comfbxit ..
ivr . Hw r 1 ;
N JKr Interior FinisKes
J" f .v Telephone-12C0:
... i I ....; r ...-:... . "-,;
Hunt, Blanche Reece, .'-Claudlne
Mathews, Roxanna Ziege. Vfela
Crozier, ,'. Esther Gardner. J Butt
Swafford; AnnabelleVliawleyi Bet
ty Elofson, Irene Breithaupt; Max-
. i. U -XX-r-
i y: V ;Tv:V ; '."'-'.V-
; -;. .... i ' r .... . , ' ,. . M; . ...vf ;' ....
gatef Sutherland? Forrest Hlta
day; tj$e'BBrjVSbc.llirr t,
Bekbttf rHar- Lehman, Brysoa
Clutter,: AtbsF .HUenberg. atea-
..wv - v .- - -
When Glasses Are
New location """"
Dr. C aO'NciU
Fourth Ftoor?"'
Flrit-National Bank Bafldln;,
' Phpnrllft
W-Vi "K.
' r 1 . -