The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 29, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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    rrt TT"T"T t f"l I Tryyw y tiwV'Vf '"v ' f f ITTT
Mrs. DeAutremont Indicates
Will Settle Ddwn Here
With Eldest Son
MEDFORD, Ore., June 28.
AP) Mrs. Belle D'Autremont,
mother of Hugh. Ray and Koy
D'Autremont, confessed Siskiyou
tunnel murderers, left today for
her home in Lakewood. N. M., to
Join her oldest son. Verne, who
has maintained her little, store
business there during her absence.
The three brothers are serving
life terms in the state prison.
They confessed -to killing four men
and dynamiting a train in the
Siskiyou mountains, in October,
"If it were not for Verne, I
don't belieye . I could ever go
bade," the woman said, as, with .a
broken heart. 'and 2.000 miles-of
weary travel ahad of her, she
stepped on the train. "Under
these conditions, that long, long
trip up into -the desert country
where I've lived and worked for so
many years, the sympathetic eyes
of my old friends as -they greet
me all these things are going' to
be hard now. Sympathy is some
times harder to bear up under
than anything else. Buti Verne
needs me.
"Folks here have been wonder
ful to me, and I shall never for
get them," Mrs. D'Antremont
said. "Up to the very last, I be-t
lleved my boys Innocent; I hope
they realite that. It was an awful
Mrs. D'Autremont said she
would try to dispose ot, her store
and that she and Verne would
rome to Salem to be near the other
"If we succeed in doing that,
we will ask Hazel ( Kay'g wife),
and the baby, to come from Ohio
and live with us. Verne and-I
will be only top glad to have them
and to make a home for them.
Ray told me alt about Hatel. She
must be a wonderful girl."
t'nolidge Would Put Inssessions
Under Interior Department
RAPID CITY. S. D.. June 28.
(AP) Specific recommendations
fto the next congress for adminis
tration of vAmetlcap insuJar pos-
tessions. is seen in -the-disclosure
1 1 the summer White House today.
that PresidentTCobtid'ge favors the
vesting of control ovejhese terckl1
tories in a civil bureau of the in
terior department.
V it .was pointed out that Mr.
Cool Id Re previously "had ex
pressed hlmselfas '"disposed to
look favorably npon any ' change
which would place the insular pos
sessions under a civil rather than
a military authority, and his re
cent visit with Governor-General
Leonard Wood of the Philippines,-1
has tended to strengthen the opin
ion that the interior department
would be the logical executive
branch to govern the possessions.
Stanley's Congo Boat Will Be
Shown at Owternl Exposition
PARIS. June 28 (AP) A
small boat, 40 feet .long, which
Henry M. Stanley used in his ex
plorations on the upper Congo, is
to' be brought to France by the
government as a museum relic.
Stanley' used this boat when he
was representative of the Interna-
t ional African association, from
187 to 1884. The association
was formed to further discoveries
irt' Africa long after Stanley's fa
mous trip-to find Livingstone.
The boat will be shown first at
the Colonial exposition soon to
open at Ostend.
A New York biologist announces
that the super-oyster has been pro
duced. Doubtless the super-oyster
will go godd in the oyster sbup.
For Diving or
The new styles are now
on display. : ,
The Aero Model shown
above t an, excellent
diving cap.
Be op" to date with
Swim-Kaps. . ' .
15c to 89c "
( z5
Elsinore Theater
At last a perfect automobile
wreck in the movies without -injury
to anyone! Such a smash re
cently was filmed by Director -Erie
Kenton with Harrison Ford, Frank
langborn and Robert Edeson as
the participants.
In "The Rejuvenation of Aunt
Mary," which shows at the Elsi
nore today and Thursday, Ford
and Pangborn are perfecting a de
vice to increase the speed 'of a
motor, and in trying out the new
"contraption" as Aunt Mary, calls
it, they smash into a large touring
car which Edeson's chauffeur is
Out in the Beverly Hijls dis
trict where the roads are excep
tionally inviting to speeders, the
company found a location." -
Distances were measured off,
timing of machines checked- and
the cameras set up dCan angle
that, if there should .- be a mis
calculation, they'd- ' be safe 'and
have'tne scenes "in the box."
Rehearsals were unnecessary.
'Go!" shouted Kenton, and the
two cars started for the' same
corner? to arrive at the same time.
They, did. The crash happened
within the area designated. Ede
son's machine losCa front wheel.
Ford skidded a bit, and. with the!efilier scenes in the mines.
Wfllard. Women's. Club
Has Delightful Picnic
(Special) The Willard women's
club members entertained their
husbands and families at a picnic
Sunday. It was held at the Com
munity hall. Everyone reports a
splendid crowd and good time.
There is talk of holding another
picnic In the near future.
Mr. and Mrs. Le Fevre and little
son of Montana are guests at the
Fred Knight and Ted Finlay home
for three weeks. Mrs. Le Fevre
was formerly Miss Ruth Finlay
and taught the primary grades at
Evergreen school.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Coffey and
children, Mae and Bob, and Mr.
and Mrs. D. W. Walmer, all of
Silverton, spent Saturday evening
at the Edson Comstock home.
O. K. Sebo of Portland spent
part of last week at the home of
his son, Clarence.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Havernick
of McMinnville were week-end
guests at the Wm. Havernick
Miss Myrtle Moore of Los An
geles, who . is spending the sum-
wi1 ' hrM. Mrs. A. A
Geer. returned Monday evening
front a visit in Portland.
Frank and Harry Bowers; and
A. A. Geer have received word of
the death in Tacoma of Fred Geer,
a relative, who was the son of the
late governor. T. T. Geer.
Rosedale Road Improved 1
in Time for Berry HauH
ROSEDALE, June 28. (Spe
cial.) Mrs. T., D. Trick, who had
an operation last week, is doing as
well as could be expected.
The road is being worked from
the bridge on. Althoughjnany de
tour across to the highway and
will probably, have, to in -hauling
berries, the road wflI4e- big im
provement when finished.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Albert Bates mo
tored to Albany Sunday to visit
their son, Floyd. .'
The Cammach family visited at
the C. A.r Bear home at Turner on
Miss Inez Blinston is-' visiting'
her aunt, Mrs. Huffman, at Pros
pect. A Christian Endeavor social was
held at the Cammach home Friday
A Big Story
of a College Hoy
In the Mines
Itet "
Xews Kvents
i f I TfJ 0f ItTnW 11 1C Will IVlclK.t
i. Ii nFi( i l.jy I ImM $ liveWven fhoeh I
-- I As-,- A h I ' Sjr - m Yon-il laugh I
iff V7V f irf A' if ' jAj ' LX at her Tejurena-
t aiMlv' ' - p J JtLjLil " , A, all alike ill en-
Jj' 'j .jj Gct Here j abont fo' :m '
exception of some smashed ma
chinery, broken fenders, a cracked
axle and two blowouts, no casual
ties resulted.
Oregon Theater
"White Flannels," a Warner
production featuring Louise Dres
ser and Jason Hobards, shows at
the Oregon today and Thursday.
It is a fine, warm, human photo
play, with bis spectacular thrills,
honest comedy and excellent di
rection. Jason Robards is cast as the
young coal miner who goes to col
lege and becomes a football star.
He gives an excellent, forthright
characterization, and shares hon
ors with Miss Dresser, who, as
lis Polish mother, creates another
memorable, forceful screen char
acter. Virginia Browne Faire, playing
the part of the village hash sling
ci in a restaurant, is a lovely and
sympathetic heroine. Then War
ner Richmond of "The Fire Bri
gade" and 'Slide. Kelly, Slide"
fame, doesa fine bit of comedy
as a roughneck miner.
The picture, while -written on
the theme of mother-love, has ex
citing moments, as in the great
final scene of the mine disaster.
the football sequence, or the
evening.' The evening was spent
In games and music.
Loganberries and cherries are
fast ripening and will probably
start next week.
(Continued from page I)
in charge. He expects to roll a
car today.
That firm is operating this year
also at Eugene and McMinnville,
and they expect to ship 65 cars of
cherries from the three points, the
big shipments being from Salem.
They are also handling a few
Royal Anns, and will of course
take on Lamberts, which they ex
pect in some volume by Monday.
They will also take prunes and
Young & Wells are paying 10
cents a pound for Bings.
The association is shipping, of
course, on consignment. They
hope to make good returns.
The Stadelman Fruit Co. also
opened up yesterday, in the new
Larmer warehouse on Front
street, with a force of sorters, etc.,
and. took in some Bings, also some
Hoyal Anns. This concern is- pp
eratingatTThe 'dalles, and Sheri
dan, also. They expect to handle
35 cars out of Salem.
Of course, some of the can
neries will use some Bings and
Lamberts, the same as during the
past few years; also Royal Anns
in large tonnage.
As 4s already known, the Starr
cannery is receiving great quanti
ties of Royal Ann type cherries
here, for the maraschino trade.
The managers of this concern ex
pect to persist here in Salem, with
a special barreling plant for fu
ture years.-
2005 N. Capitol Phone 520
The Wonder Dog in
"Wild Justice"
Something Different in a Dog
Always 25c - Children 10c
. - L vni I. W7M1 KIl. J
' The black cherry crop of this
district, as will be seen, is going
to bring a big lot of money, and
bring it very quickly. Added to
the Royal Ann crop, for both
canning and barreling, the volume
of money received by cherry grow
ers here will mount up for the
present crop.
Both growers and packers are
hoping for fair weather. The lat
rains have done some damage, by
rack ng, to the Bings, a little to
the Royal Anns, and slight injury
to the Iamberts.
Political Peril Seen
in Tripartite Parley
OENEVA. Switzerland. Jun- 2S.
(API What constitutes 1 lie
present danger of the tripartite
naval conference, in the minds of
close observers, is that it may
awaken or even create political
Not so niurh danger is attached
to its failing to reach an agree
ment on the strength of auxiliary
warcraft. Great Britian, United
States and Japan may bind them
selves not to exceed. .
This political peril has appeared
on the horizon because oftthe sud
den Japanese initiative which in
dicates that Tokyo may be forced
either by conviction that real
economy- may be achieved, or by
political expediency, into backing
the British in their demand for a
re-examtination of the Washington
treaty, at least so far as battle
ships are concerned.
COUNCIL GROVE, Kansas. Jtine
28. (AP) Samuel Klein of Chi
cago, was killed and bis father.
Morris Klein, was seriously in
jured tonight when the motor car
in which they were attempting to
clip seven hours from train time
between Chicago and Los Ageles,
crashed into the side rail of a con
crete culvert ten miles east of
here, on the Santa Fe trail.
Samuel Kleiu was president of
Klein & Co.. jewelers of Chicago
and Milwaukee.
The Kleins left Chicago at 3
o'clock this morning, planning to
cover half of the 2440 miles route
at a speed of 60 miles an hour,
and reach the Pacific coast city
in time for breakfast Thursday
calfbound, oak-boarded Bible of
Barbara Frietchie, heroine of
Maryland legend, has been offered
for sale by its present owner here.
17 yArbiitus 5$W2 Tinie9 Today Jl3
OKiUiiA Playing
I ";E'l (f Tlle n-ost unusal and
I ..ytTlJf f startling characterisa-
I I 'ifl, :r f tion in Chaney's bril-
I 1 "'" 'A'" f liant screen career.
m i i ii Jce Col. Lindbergh Being
V Welcomed at Wash- Ji
Ington, D. C. j
L 1
Other Business Matters In
clude Opening of Bids on
Leslie Equipment
Four new teachers were elect
ed by the Saleiu sehool board at its
regular meeting held last evening
in the office of Superintendent
George W. Hug.
Miss Echo Balderree, whose
home is in Salem, but who has
been teaching during the past year
in Modesto, Cal., is to take
charge of girls' physical educa
tion at ' Leslie junior high school.
Miss Belle Wilson an OAC grad
uate will teach penmanship and
spelling at Leslie. She comes to
Salem from Canby, where she has
been in the commercial depart
ment of the high school.
Miss Gladys Jory, another resi
dent of Salem, has been teaching
in Vernonia, and will teach in the
Salem grade schools. Miss Evelyn
Sczuck, who also will teach in the
grades, has been teaching music
in the McMinnville schools.
Bids on the furniture and equip
ment for the new Leslie junior
high school were opened, but no
definite action was taken at the
meeting: They were referred to
a committee which will report at
a special meeting of the board
next Thursday evening. :
Other business taken care ' of
included) the canvassing of i the
votes of the recent school election,
when Dr. H. H. Olinger and L. J.
Simeral were elected to succeed
themselves, and the presentation
of several bills.
(Continued from page 1)
parently was snowed under: Yes,
4413; no, 11,697.
The voters emphatically gave
their approval to repeal of an ob
solete provision of the state con
stitution denying right of suffrage
to negroes. Chinamen" and inula
tos. The vote was: Yes, 11,213;
no. 5966.
An amendment permitting per
sons accused of state crimes to
plead guilty without waiting for
grand jury indictments was fav
ored, returns showing yes, 10.044;
no, 5729.
A measure to increase legislat
ors' pay from $3 to $10 a day was
running behind, the figures were,
yes. 4623; no, 11.780.
A bill authorixing increase in
the school tax for Multnomah
county stood: Yes, 7435; no,
A bill to do away with swear
ing in unregistered voters on elec
tion day: Yes, 8916; no, 7342.
A bill to prevent Increase in sal
ary of state officers during term
of office stood: Yes, 75S9; no,
The vote on a measure permit
ting consolidation of Portland and
Multnomah county governments
was: Yes, C544; no. 8245.
A bill to close Nestueca bay to
commercial fishing stood: Yes.
S401; no, G981.
Supply of Spare in London Tlx
reeds Demand; Rents Slump
LONDON. June 28 (AP)
Real estate owners and agents in
the city of London report a boy
cott against high rents for offices.
Proper Methods of Displaying the American Flag
7. When the flag is displayed from a staff
projecting horizontally or at an angle from
the window sill, balcony or front of the
building, the union of the flag should go
clear to the peak of the staff unless the
flag is at half-mast. When the flag Is
suspended over-a sidewalk from a rope,
extending from a house to a pole at the
edge of . the sidewalk, the flag should be
hoisted out from the building towards the
pole, union first.
S. When the flag is displayed in a man
Every Home Should Display
the American Flag
Every Reader of the Oregon Statesman
Can Have a Flag
I'll I O t '""v'!ltl mrf'a ss
lt u v' O '
This flag is 3x5 feet and is made of specially selected cotton bunting, has
sewed stripes (not printed) and fast colors. The yarns used are tight,
strong, yet they are sufficiently light to permit the flag to float beautifully
in the breeze.
How to Get Your Flag
Clip three flag Coupons (which will be published daily) from
this paper and hand in or mail to The Statesman office, together
9.?c and take home your flag or have it mailed, to yourself
or a friend. .
Three of these coupons and 98c when presented at" or
mailed to the Statesman office, 215 South Commercial
St., Salem, Oregon, entitles you to a beautiful American
Flag, size 5x3 feet as advertised.
e ...
NOTE If flag is to
flag will be
They say they have a large num
ber of rooms vacant seven , in the
most recently erected buildings.
Last year when offices were
scarce and rents rose considerably,
a large number of tenants migrat
ed, to the west end and to West
minster. Others were forced into
paying higher rents, but with
many more buildings completed
the supply of offices exceeds the
demand and rents are slumping.
(Con tinned from pas 1)
l.ers." Snppe: "Old Timers." waits
(by request). Lake: a group of
popular numbers which included
(a) "If You See Sally." (b) "Hon
olulu Moon." and (c) "Sam. the
Acco'rdion Man"; overture, "Morn
ing, Noon and Night in Vienna,"
Suppe; vocal solo, by Oscar Ging
rich. "Sunrise and You"; Inter
mezzo. "The Cricket Dance," Ring
and Hagerr selection, "The Prince
of Pilsen," Landers; march, "Sons
ner other than by being flown from a staff,
it should be displayed flat, whether indoors
or out. When displayed either horizon
tally or vertically against a wall, the union
should be uppermost and to the flag's own
right, I. e., to the observer's left. When
displayed in a window, it should be dis
played the same way, that Is, with the un
ion or blue field to the left of the observer
in the street. When festoons, rosettes, or
drapings are desired, bunting of blue,
white and red should be used but never
the flag. .
To Display On
Description of Flag
be mailed add 10c additional for cost of mailing and
sent postpaid to the address given. .
ot the 'Desert 3. D. Cllne, and
'The Star Spangled Banner."
The vooal solo, "Sunrise an.i
You," snng by Oscar Gingri.h,
was the feature number ot tha
program. after .which the Waite
electric memorial fountain wai
turned on.
The concert was the first of a
series of 18 to be given every
Tuesday and Friday evening for
nine weeks. -
An added feature which contri
buted to the pleasure of the an,K
ence was the printed programs VjT
sued by Salem business men.
A number of visitors from Al
bany. McMinnville and SDrine-
field also attended the concjg-t.
and were more than satisfied with
the excellent presentation.
PARIS. (AP) Among the
frivolities which Paris has pro
duced recently is a georgette crepa
handkerchief with an edge of met
al lace, with hand embroidery in
the cornets. Another- novelty
handkerchief, r
Perry's Drue Store .
113 Kovtb, Commercial
v -, , .... . , y
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