WEDNESDAY MORNIKG, JUNE 22, 1927 I 6 ) THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALfcM, OKECON Why Akron Trusses Are "Best in the World" This slogan, "Best in the World." may at first blush sound rather exagger ated but if an unbiased comparison is made between Akron Truss and any other rupture appliance on the market, it will have to be admitted that our claim is based on facts. Akron Trusses are scientifically designed for the exact purpose for which thev are intended to provide perfect support and protection for the affected parts and hold rupture securely in place without causing the wearer the slightest pain or annoyance. Everv one of the numerous styles of Akron Trusses has been thoroughly tested out in actual practice and is guaranteed to accomplish , exactly what is claimed for it THE CAPITAL DRUG STORE J. H. WILLETT Agents Owl Drug Company Products LOCAL Kquipnient RUls Asked- Bils on window shades and equipment for the new Lelie Jun ior hiKh school are heinjc solicited by the committee in charge or equipping the building. Specifica tions have been mailed out from the offire of the city school super intendent. George W. Hug. Dr. IiiRalls, Bettered Chiropodist Will be at Buster Brown Thurs day. See him about corns, warts, ingrowing toenails, bunions. J22 Building Permit Issued City Recorder Poulsen yester day issued a permitHo Dr. Fred Ellis to erect a one and a-half story dwelling at 22 South 23rd street at an approximate coat of $4500. Mclntyre & Vass will be the builders. Clark E. Lee was also given a permit to erect a one story dwelling at 1717 South Win ter at a cost of $2500. Cherry Fly Spray Materials At Pearcy Bros., 178 S. Com mercial. J23 flart ram to be Speaker Col. W. B. Bartram. superin 7ndent of the state flax plant, VTill be the speaker at today's Ro tary club luncheon, according to an announcement lsaued by the program committee. Bartram will discuss the state's flax industry. An effort is being made to start the luncheon promptly at 12 noon so that the speakers will have 30 minutes. Dahlia Closing Out Sale . State fair collection, 24 bulbs, $1; gladiolus, mixed, 24 bulbs, $1. Petland, 27S State. 2S TViiihlo 1kpIi rVtllUlnw leaving uis v a I uuuuic pai acu, wan the motor running ana an other person left in charge was tbe cause of an accident inyolving cars belonging to John Meredith, 24 8 S. Church street, and Mrs. T. W. Creech, 180 S. 14th street. The Meredith car had been left double parked on Liberty street, bt-tween State and Court. Another car at the curb wished to back out. so the person in the Meredith car attempted to move it, and in doing so, ran into the Creech car, crumbling a rear fender and warping the bumper, the report made by Meredith states. Meads Mountain Honey Special pricey now. Phone 8F5. 125 Return From Seabeck - Rev. Fred C. Taylor, pastor of the First Methodist church return ed Monday from Seabeck, Wash., after a ten days' attendance at the YMCA students' conference. Wil lamette university students at tending the conference were: James Retiie, Vernon Taylor, Ev erett Gardner. Patrick Dahlin. Ben Klind worth, Charles" Kauf man. Beach Patton. Graham Young, Meredith Woodworth, Wil burn Swafford, Frank Van Dyke, and Torn Maynard. James Rettie was elected president of the Pa cific Students'- council, and left YOUR UNCLE SAM ISAYS: 3 ' ijV VsV ang man, t3c4learn a lesson rV yJf In patriotism from those UXZa law'61 who are With 114 tod Wfisked their llvu i At - lpiome and native land. As men iuey nave spent years In loyal service to our nation. ' Thev bave been loyal citizens, home owners and taxpayers. If when you are eighty years old you can stand as erect, walk as sprightly, talk as interestingly and be able to look back over a long nie of useful service with the same honest pride, your country will be proud of ' Ton, tOO. , ." r . They are-splendid Ideals for you. God. bless the 'Veterans of . U. S. REALTY COMPANY 442 State street Phone 2Wl NEWS IN BRIEF Canttio Qnn,1iiV tn inin the Sher wood Eddy seminar on Its annual trip to Europe. 1,MK Tlaby Chicks at Reduced prices. Flake's land, 273 State. Pet 324 Returns From Marhfiekl Mrs. G. N. Thompson returned last evening from a two weeks Visit in Marshfield. where she was guest of her daughter, Mrs. Floyd Kester. A,' son, Eugene Floyd, was born to the Hesters on May 27, ac cording to Mrs. Thompson. Dr. In gal Is, Registered Chiropodist And specialist on all feet ail ments, will be at Buster Brown shoe store Thursday. j22 Tire Stolen Off Car O. A. -Kilpatrie of Chico. Cal., reported to the police that some one took a Goodyear tire from the front of hia car late Monday night. Operates Without Permit Public service commission offi cers yesterday entered a charge of operating a motor stage without a Droner permit against A. A. Webb of Silverton. In Justice court. The case was continued lov runner investigation, following a -plea of not srullty. Officials claim that Webb's vehicle is not properly in sured according to state laws. Persons wishing to destroy his business are back of his arrest, de clares -Webb. Salem Reunion to be Held The Salem Picnic association of Portland will hold its annual re union and picnic at Laurelhurst park Saturday afternoon. A num ber of local people are expected to attend the meeting, which is primarily planned for former Sa lem residents living in Portland. Several hundred are expected to attend. Return From Honeymooi Mr. and Mrs. Byron Arnold re turned yesterday to their home in Corvallis after spending their honeymoon on a trip to Victoria, B. C. Mrs. Arnold, formerly Miss Audred Bunch, was until recently society editor of The Statesman. Both Mr. and Mrs. Arnold are graduates of Willamette univers ity. Mr. Arnold is an instructor iu piano at OAC. New Ad Club Formed The Associated Advertising club of Oregon, new subdivision of the laclfic Coast Advertising clubs' association,' will hold its first first meeting in Salem some time this fall. This is the first state group of the kind to be' organized. H. B. Robinson, Portland, was ap pointed chairman, and E. A. Frown, Salem; Ralph Cronise, Al bany, and C. W. Reid, Eugene, members of a committee to work out further organization plans. Ieave for Idaho Robert and Charles Kay Bishop will leave today for Boise, Idaho, with Carl Gabrielson on a busi ness trip. Boy Charged With Stealing Claude Walker, 16, was arrest ed by Deputy Sheriff Floyd Senter Monday.,, charged.; .with . breaking into the home of Jennie Kimes of Falls City. He was placed in his mother's custody and will appear for Bearing on Saturday at. 2 p. m. White- In Pactlan r1i- Dr. B. H. White attended the state meeting of chiropractors " In Portland yesterday. - -.., -r Rabbit Crower Meet - Steps toward the organization Of a cooperative market for the DRESSMAKING Reasonable prices, ; Dont for get oar hemstitching, stamping, button making and pleating. - . TUBS PETITE SHOP Over Bnslck's. Telephone. It 11 $tort snndlai and eildsnc, eorner lot; 4 7 blocks- out. ihdiaf 1 and tt jn.sso, r v -! ' S41 EUttCtraaf i Bale of rabbit meat in Salem were taken last night at the regular monthly meeting of the Salem Rabbit and Small Stock associa tion. Plans which will advance the quality of the furs on sale by members of the association were also made, and a question box was inaugurated through which ques tions about the raising and care of rabbits may be answered. The next meeting will he held at the home of Bob Austin, near Jeffer son, on July 19. Officers of the association are S. II. Zinser, pres ident; R. D. Gibson, vice presi dent, and Harold Ellis secretary treasurer. Dodge Sedan, Fine Condition Good upholstery. This car has had best of care, used only as town car; 27 license. 406 N. High. j22 Boys and Girls Broadcast A special program will be broadcast from the OAC station at Corvallis tonight at 8 o'clock by the Marion county boys' and girls' clubs . which are attending summer school there as awards for having winning entries at the state fair last fall. Fnrnltnre Upholstery And repairing. Olese-Powers Furniture Co. fttf Speaks to Dentists Dr. Estil Brunk, Marion county dental officer, was a Monday speaker at the dental convention meeting being held at the North Pacific Dental college in Portland this week. He outlined the pro gram of dental work being car ried on in Marion county and the state. Hotel Marion Dollar dinners served 5:46 to 8 very evening. n26tf W. R. C. Meets The 43rd annual convention of the Woman's Relief corps met yes terday morning in the armory, with a large number of delegates and members present. Impres sive memorial services for depart ed sisters were held in the after noon, with Lena Belle Tartar giv ing vocal numbers. Past Junior Vice-Commander in Chief Haskins of San Francisco, gave an address, and Sons of Veterans were also in attendance. The W. R. C. will re sume their - work at 8:30 this morning. , t Faculty and. Stafents Play A vo.ljejvball game between students and facnltv of the Metho dist conference "summer school at Kim hair "school will be held this afternoon, at 3, o'clock on the court back of tbe school. several nlrilled nlavers are in both ctouos and a hard fought contest is an ticipated. - , Measure yoar windows with care before buying curtain ma terial; and cut the goods by a thread if, possible. Accuracy it; cutting and neat hewing go a long way toward Insuring well-hanging curtains. YICKSO HERB (XX J. H; LEONG. MGR. . '1 AT- Our. life's work has been spent In studying v the healing properties of . Chinese herbs and . ow ? Aa k we relievo Vi f those' suffering from ;TT stomach, llyer and kid - .ney- trouble, rheuma- :.. tiam and gall stones. 9 ' also disorders of men. women and children. : Free Consultation, Call or Write Open O A. M. to S P. M. i 420 State 8C, SaJeaa, Oregon H t WELL AGAIN" To Whom It May Concern ; .Before I took treatments from Tick So Herb Co., I had suffered for three years from rheumatism, and kidney trou ble; I could not sleep at night. Other doctors ware unable to help me. . My friend advised me to consult Tick So Herb Co. After taking treatments for one month, I was able to work and sleep again. I hope others may be ' reliered. v ? 1 ! John K. York, OTO Spruce St Portland, Ore. , Kot. 19, .1020. mm IK ll, Ml BATS: We have a U2 Ford Conpe that looks like new, equip pet with lots of extras and httf i-un but very few mile for S4SO.OO. 1 1 "The House That Service Built RIVER'S CLOSING GETS SUPPORT OF CLUB HERE (Continued from page 1.) the club as the circumstances con cerning the temporary appoint ment were not definitely known and they were unable to deter mine how the matter stood at the present time. The club will hold a special shoot at the regular club trap grounds this coming Sunday to Initiate the four new traps re cently installed. A vote of thanks was given to the local business men and club members who have contributed work and material toward the improvement of the field. Dr. C. H. Eldridge was elected a member qf the organization. The varmint shoot now being held by the club members has been attracting considerable In terest and will be -extended an other month so that the shoot will end on the first day of August rather than on the first day of July as was the original plan. In this contest tli club is divided into twojsroups who compete for the largest number of varmints killed and checked in to their re spective captains before the end of the contest. A number of bills relating to the recent work on the trap grounds and the clubs activities in regard to the Nestucca situation were presented and payment was authorized. DECISION tIKELY IN 10 DAYS ON BUILDING LAW (Continued from page 1.) state would create an obligation under the terms of the constitu tion. The state contended that the transfer of the funds involved in the suit to the state board of con trol would be an investment, and . ... X ,t mat it wouia in no way'WpairUiixndM Hales of Waitsburg contract or obligation eMsarige J who contribute to the industrial s.s. vnc B-ctc TJPliCs7S9rVVUWs of Mrs w ii n rnnirinura t r r n o innuvrriai s accident fund. The Eastern and Western Lum ber company aDDeared in the case as employers and contributors to tbe industrial accident fund. Mr, Pederson appeared as an employe. It was indicated that an oninion in the case would be handed down by the court within the next 10 days. FESSENDEN NAMED HEAD UNION VETERANS SONS (Continued from pa tee 1.) urer, C. E. Buchanan, Salem, Joshua Smith camp. Ceremony Impressive The joint installation ceremon ies were beautiful and impressive, with red, white and bJue colors predominating in the flag drill and other exercises, and red and white the costumes of the auxiliary of ficers, i Officers of the Sons' auxiliary ELECTRIC MOTORS Rewound and Repaired New or Used Motors a -. VIBBERT & TODD Things Electrical ltl S. High TeL ZllS JUNE Toilet Goods Sale Sl.OO Bottle of .. CAR A NOME TALCUM GXVKN'AWAV with every purchase of a regular 92.0O box of CARA NOME Face Powder -' ;f,Y A Real f3.00 Valuer : Both for $2.00 Perry'a Drtrsr Store . J15 8. Commerrial , r: c. markee, ' partly 0 .f sMstasssausMsssrssssfStsssra R. C. Markee. chief of staff under Department -Commander , Clemmens of the Orandrmy of ine KepuDiic, was sz years old Monday. June 20. Markee, who is a member of Sumner Post No. 12, of Portland, is a wealthy man, if one were to 'judge by the money he has1 in his possession. He has with him at encampment confederate money in denominations from 10 cents to $500. He also has United States government currency the face value of which In 10 cents. i iwsued during the Civil War. In cidentally, he, fyas also fifty mil lion marks in tlerman currency. Markee, who was a member of Company A. '34th Illinois regi ment, has in his possession an old warranty deed issued toi his falher, who were installed are:. Mrs. Icon ise King, Salem, president; Relle Crawford. Portland, vice presi dent; Mrs. Helen (Jlin, Portland. Mrs. Frances Horner, Portland, and Mrs. Norma Terwilliger. a- llem, council members; Gertrude . . nemmgion, saiem. treasurer; Marion L. MKay, Portland, patri otic instructor; Helen Hohanshalt of Oregon City, inspector; Alva Tichenot, Portland, instituting of ficer, and Alma Henderson, Che mawa. press correspondent. OBITUAR1 Magers At the Old Peoples' home Tues day, June 21, Mrs. Nancy L. Mag ers. age 82 years.' sister of Mrs. J. E. Sampson of Oregon City, , 'u1' ruiiiiiuu, Mrs. Walu, ah d Mrs. Louise Armstrong tt " m Geo. Kamp,of Brooks, Mrs. Pearl wooa.iinxy Stafford and Ward Manning tf Gervais and Mrs. Mable Bath of Salem. Also sur vived by-setten great grandchil dren. Funeral-services Thursday, June 23. at 2 p. m. from the Rig don mortuary. TERWILLIGERS Perfect Funeral 8errlce For Less Licensed Lady Mortician 770 Chemeketa Street Telephone 724 GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Silverware, Glassware, China ware, Stamped Goods, Miscel laneous Articles. Variety and Gift Shop . Mrs. Jlelen Prescott 291 N. Commercial, Salem, Ore. It's Time to Think of PAINTING and CLEANING UP We Sell Martin Sefeour 100 Per Cent Pure Paint DOUGHTON A SHER WIN 288 N. Commercial Tel. 889 PLUMBING Quick Reliable Service II. EGNKR, 1(115 Ce&eer Street Pbones 852 and 1810-W fine Fixture --r Standard Equipment HEMSTITCHING 8, S and 10 cents per yard. Also buttons, stamping and pleating. ... v ANNA II. KRTJEGER Over Miller's , Telephone 117 TELEPHQNE 4-2-6 JOE the battery man service - calls , free. 540 CbemekeU Street LADD & BUSH, Bankers :' Estallshed 1881 i General Bankinrf Business . . Ofiice Honrs from 10 s m. to t p. su jQlP chief of staff James Mar"kee. signed by Millard fiiimore, president of the United States. ApriH, 1852, for 80 acres of land near .Palestine, Illinois. James Markee was given the land under an act of congress of September 28, 1850, for his serv ices in Captain Gillman's company of Ohio militia during the war of 1812. He was stationed on Lake Erie during Admiral Perry's not able fight. The deed, which is of genuine parchment, is recorded in volume 21. page 131, of miscel laneous military grants, in the United States land office at Wash ington. It. c. Markee,, present owner of the deed, was commandant at the Oiegon Soldiers' home during Governor Wit hyeouilie's term of office. FISH ARGUMENT SETTLED RAPID CITY, S. I)., June 21. CAP) If there has been an argu ment in the Coolidge family over supremacy with rod and reel, for the time being at least it has been settled. President and Mrs. Coolidge went to Squaw creek this after noon and when they returned to the summer White House there were six Irout in the "president's basket and two in Mrs. Coolidge's. SICK WATCHES! We don't care how sick your watches are, we have pills for all their ailments. DR. PRESCOTT, Jeweler 291 N. Commercial Bedding and Window Box Plants Are now ready, also fine line of shrubs and perennials. a F. BRKITHAUPT Telephone 380 612 State St. A New Fully jVfodent 4 Room Bungalow and Garage on Fairmount Hill At 12600 300 down, balance 921.00 per month ULRICB A ROBERTS, Realtors 129 North Commercial a A. LTJTHY i' ; '-Jeweler In New llacatloB - 82S STATE STREET, Watches; Clocks and Jewelery i . Repaired Casey's Guaranteed RHEUMATISM REMEDY Moaey refunded If It does not cure your case NELSON A HUNT. Druggist Cor. Court and Liberty Tel. 7 Men's aad LatdJee smite cleaned and preened, 831 MQ. Ladies silk dresses,. tlJSS. . Coate rellned, 13.00. Hen's suits pressed, SOc VARLEY CLEANERS ' Over Busieks 1027 FREE WALLPAPER - SAMPLE BOOKS , , Call phone, or write BIAXO.BUREN 178 N. Commercial' Salem ROSE CITY MAN VICTORIA WINNER VICTORIA, B. C 'June. 21. (AP) AH the favorites came out on top in the Pacific Northwest amateur golf championship plajt here today with the exception of Dick Moore. 17 year old' British Columbia champion, who fell be fore Fred Woods of Vancouver, B. C, 9 and 8 in 36 holes. . Frank Dolph of Portland, who won the medal honors yesteriv, came through in good style, piling up a three hole lead on M. M. 'ret ry of Victoria in the morning and topping that in r.he afternoon with 7 and 5. Doph'R afternoon round was beautiful golf. a , : MISS THOMAS DIES PARKDALE. June 21. (Spe cial.) Miss Opal Marie Thomas. 17, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Thomas of Parkdale, died here today. Funeral arrange ments have not been completed. ' y s , - ' - rT-..v- - - - TRANSFER AIuO STORAGE Long and Short Distance Hauling " Public and Private Storage Fireproof GRAIN, FEED AND SEED Free Delivery to aay part of the city , QUOTATIONS ON APPLICATION Farmers Warehouse PAUL TRAGLIO, Prop, Day Telephone 28 THREE-DAY PIANO SA Twelve of the Highest Grade Besi Known Makes of Pianos in the World:;. Look this list over carefully. If you want a f ine- Piano of the best quality here is your opportunity :j to save many dojlars. They will not last long at these prices. Some can hardly be told.ffoni new.1 ' ' . ' " - .... ;,t ' . V' $975 Knabe i......,..oh sale 475 600 Emerson ,...won sale w 200 ? 625 Vose .'.........'-...-lui-onj sale 205 l 700 Weber on saleu 325 1 1 75 Ampico .-..l.-.on sale 975 975 Mason & Hamlin on sale . 350 550 Schulz ....I. on sale 335 ' 600 Kurtzman .. ........ ..Ion sale 265; 425 Kimball .Ion sale 240 675 Hallet & Davis...on sale 315 650 Krell J;J2'toti sale 275 1275 RpVoHucing ; : : - f , : - Grand PIayer.Vr;on sale : COS Terms as Low and $6.00 a Month Call and See Thee Bargains Soon For Best Choice WUMGM&M - 432 State Street El! CRY . FOB "CilSTOfilil" Especially Prepared for Infants ; and Children of All Ages ? , . . - ' i " . Mother! Fletchers iCiatorJa has been In use for over 30 years' to relieve babies and children ct Cun stipatlon, Flaiuiency, Wind Cbllc. and" Diarrhea; " allaying; Feve'riah ness arising therefrom, and., by regulating the Stomach and Bow els, aids the assimilation of Food; giving- natural sleep without opiates. . The genuine bears signature of When Classes Are - Needed "."; "APPEAL TO O'NEILL" New Location , Dr. C. B: O'Neill ' - Fourth Floor First National Bank Building Phone 825 Building i ; 4 i-i i Nlht Telephone 12S7-T7 as $10 Down on some if desired 1h Established 43 Year3 Gil 2L .1 r