The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 18, 1927, Page 6, Image 6

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... i
Coast League- Standings .
L. Pet.
QaklanAi 51
Bacramento , ;4S
San Francisco. . . . 42
Seattle ........ .. 3
3 Missions ........ 39
Portland ........ 38
Los jAugeles ..... 35 .
liollywpod ...... 31
31 .622
3 .519
3 1.540
12 .481
41 .481
,44, ,.43
48 , .292
SACTIAMENT07 June,li: ( AP)
Sacramento evened the series with
Portland today." taking the fourth
cam of the series in 12 Innings.
7 to .
The score see-sawed several
time, finally deadlocking in the
seventh at S ail. "
Keef e- relieved ' Shea for Sacra
. men to --and Kinney replaced
'Hughes, the former finally making--wav-.
for Couch, who was
charged with the defeat -in the
124 frame.
. Kopp's double and a Blngle by
Osbbtir scored the winning run.
Koehler and Bagwell hit homers
for thelr respective clubs.
Score R
6 14
7 10
( 13 nniags ,
: Hngaes, Kinney. fiCouoii .tQl.
WeadeU.?FiaberrShea,:Kefe and
Koehler, ; Sev ereid.
LOS ANGELES. June 17.Ran
Francisco heat Los Angeles. 8t6
7, m anomw sjugregt today ana
evened the series by making' It
two wins each. -A homer; by
O'DoiillwRh two si in the first
Inning and , one ; by Suhr . In the
. third ' wtyhfjone' on, gve "the via 1 1:
ors a five run start: ' " '
.-Scorer -1 . ;. ;R. H.-E.
SanrFrancisco . . . . . . . 8 u q
In Angeles .', . . . . V . . 7 1 3 ; .1
- Moody, Geary,, Williams and
MrCrea; Weathersby. lU Harri
son, Smith and Sandberg, Han
nah. SAN FRANCISCO- A home run
by Heath in the 9th inning to
day, scoring... a .runner ahead.
broke up. a tie god brought; Holly-
wood a 3-2 victory over the Mis
sions. .
Score-r- R. H- E.
Holy wood .3-9 0
Missions V . , , v . ... 2 6 1
W. Murphy and Cohk:":Barf oot
ind Whitney. f ' ,r
OAKLAND.-" June 17. Oakland
landed, Seattle -au" 8-4.'drubbilf
yaday, hitting 'Brandt safely ten
times, one a homer bv Bnzz" Ar-
lett. Dlckerman was knocked oft
the mound by -Seattle after .Ditch
ing shutout ball four Innings, 'in
the 5th he was knlcked for four
rpns..-. ;, .;;
Score r . - R. H. E
Sfstttle . .; ...4 4 .3
Oakland .......... i... 8-1 1
Brandt and Schmidt; Borreanf;
D.ickermann, Gould' and Rad.
A meriCHt) LeaguatndlnK.
- - , W. L. Pet.
New 'York 38 17
Chicago .. 84 34
Philadelphia 30
Washington 27
Detroit, .25 38
Cleveland .'3B, 31
St. Louis 24 39
14 39 .214
. BOSTON,,: June 17.-r(AP)
Cleveland took both ends ofa
Bunker Hill day -double . header
f torn BoBtpn today, , winning the
second contest to 3. . The score
First same
R. H. E,
in the 'first encounret wis 6 to 3
Cietelatfd-14 t o
.:3, 5. ;1
; Hudlin and wel; WlUae Mc-
Favden and Moore, Hartley.- .-r
Second game; S!.
Cleveland ... :4 "8 ""2
: , Miller. Shaute and -Hiatt; Ruf
jfing and -Hofraann, Hartley.
fF-nators" evened th ,8efIea cbunt
with Detroit today; winnings to 1
LUenbee, recruit pitcher, held the
Tigers ; to six scattered hUs. j -.Score
i R. H.'E.'
Detroit I t 1
Washington 310 e
Collins and Bassler; Lisenbee
and Ruel.
. PHILABKLPHIA. Jnne . 17.
The Athletics toppled the White
Sox In the third game of the ae
ries' todaV by 8 to 3,1 the Mack-
men ae wing up the' contest. In the
fourth ' inning when .1: Barnabee
weakened and four ruha came in.
Score R. If. E.
Chicago -:.:.... -J:-..-... 3 - ".- 4
Philadelphia .f.T, 810,, .1
BarnabeeBhutkenahlp and Mc-
Curdy, Schalk;Walberg'and Per
kins. - - - - --,
NEW TORKfcJutje 17rlVhfn
Shocker was m great form tiij;
holding St. Louis to four hlU while
Xew Tprk nosed out. the Browns
by S to 'Z.f "Slorhart Sseoted with
the deciding run on Purst'a sacri
fice in the eighth.. r4.:v t ..,
; Score : ' I -B. H. E.
St. Lonia.---4--: : ' 2
New. York 3 "9; 2
j Stewart, Severs and . O'Neil;
Shocker and Collins,. GrabowskL;
; Recent statistics show that one
person la every 20 . ia'Gret Xrit
aln , is i a:, xaotorlat, Thdi Jsopttla-
niflnmrrriTn mir'f 4
'KEvirfoHK. JnAe 17! U'pV
r'lteporis ' oi dlssepsfbn In s the
rjfost JiiTex" 'Illckard'B ' heavvf
weighCwof kerft fJtet," with prompt
dpniatlaJtoday from the grand mo
gul of fistiana.
.The bone In Jack Dempsey's
teeth a he headed east from Los
Angeles with his wife, Estelle Tay
lor, and . a new . press agent, is
nothlhgUo worry, about as far as
the former- 4 heavyweight . cham
pion's comeback engagement with"
Jack Sharkey is concerned, the
promoter, declared. ,
Dempsey had ; annou need x he
would vQot ilght Gene Tunney tor
the championship in September for
a mere 1& per cent -of the ate. It
, bis "comebadk campaign .carried
him safely .past the Boston Lith
uanian.' 4Y ... . . .
Tunney, under the impression
ttyat the Sharkey-Dempsey melee
would be fought in August, pro
tested to the promoter today that
such an arrangement Jeopardized
the staging of a title defense to
September.- due to possible -injury
in subsequent training to, the win
ning fighter and the impossibility
of substituting a' worthy opponent
at such a late date. :'
'Richard squelched that uprising
bjdeclarfng pempsey would meet
Sharkey In the Yankee stadium
July llJaek'-DeJaneyv- whof de
. fends ,hls light : hen ty weight crown
against; MlkeeTJgue here July
, 7, wilt he held, In reserve in case
of accident to either battler, Rtek-
ard sat(L.
NatJonal League.' Standings
t'hicago. .,
St, Louis-...::
Brooklyn .....
Boston ,T......
Cincinnati -
Cincinnati's ninth inning, rally
in. wh,ich, two runs were scored;
capae too late today and Brooklyn
took the third game of. the series
by, 5 to 3.
Score-- R. H. E.
Brooklyn - 5 12 1
Cincinnati 3 9 O
Doak and Hargreves; Donobne,
Nehf and Hargrave.
.PITTSBURGH. June .17. A
ninth inning rally by Pittsburgh
fill one short today and Boston
defeated the Pirates 8 to 7.
; Score R. H. E.'
Boston t -S .18 2
Pittsburgh . 7 3 1
, 1 MlcQnllian, Genewich, Mogridge
R. ; Smith and ) Hogan ; Aldridge
MorrlBon. Dawson and - Smith;
Spen cer. ' -
CHICAGO, June l7.PhiIadel
phla handed, the Cubs a 12 to 2
defeat 'today. breaking- the - Chi
cago 'winning etreak which yester
day reached' 12 straight games.
. .Scorer-;-, R. H. E
jphiladeiphia .12 14 1
t'hlcago 2 6 1
Mitchell and J. Wilson;; Blake,
Brillheart, .Jones and Hartnett.
Only three games scheduled.
.BENBO W, RESORT, Cal.. June
J7(AP) Mad Bull, the Karook
Indian, leading 4n the .,4.8flujlle
marathon run from San Francisco
to Qraots Passt Ore., arrivetl here
tonight 2 1 0 miler from the start-;
iBg, point, paving covered the 73
mues. from Willi ts in 24 hours. ,
Cocjiee aud'Moiika,, two of the
Zuai rnanera. 4were lanproiiraateli
niuf miles" behind me leader, but
the ZUnU' planned o keep on ruri-t
ntng while Mad Bull is to rest
jJamon,t the other Zuni entrant
and Jhe. winner-f the $100 prise
for being the first to,finsh at San
Rafael, Is being taken from Clov-
irrdaie. Jo. CooMdEe. Park., south of
here, for medical examination.
t. t ,i
' MANCHESTER, England. June
17 (AP) Wm. T Tildfn and.
Frincis T., Hunter won. the inter--
country tennis tournament against;
English opponents today, defeat-)
ing. G.. O. Croletreea and C O.
Efmes, 6-4,. 6-3, 7-5.- .-
. It was the fifth victory for the
Americans - in five tnter-countlfji
tournaments during their present
jEnropean tour. iThey shave beateti
England Germany --Holland, 'BeW
glum and Ireland, and have lost
lonly to France. ,r ' '
.-4 Btllx i Grimes, holder of three
Australians boxing titles, starting
for, th second time on his Amertj
can. Invasion, copped a ,' decision
ov,er fico Kamies,- wumingioni
Cah, ' Mexican "southpaw, ,tn a 1 0
round boot here tonight. 7-
iLPNDON (AP) Living, fau
ion' taodela at .fashion sbpws wil
aoont berthings of tie past if thd
Drapery CxUbiU?n. London's an-j
nttal. spring fashion -show, l ad
. " " kTr'-i r - 1 '
- ".. , , , . i g- &
:yf: ' v '
II ., - ;rr- flwi
I II; ' J.i f " j I
' . , t" t ' il l
Jlrm DeMers. of Sandpoint.' Idaho, has set. a new world's record
for high fchool javelin, throwers. Jim, shown above hurjed thefjiear
205'feetj one and', one-quarter inches at the. national interscholastic
tj-ack larrdfield championships' held at Sojdiers' Field, Chicago. -
Commercial Leagu Htandlngs
J; . ?,W. K Pet.
Pa per makers ...... 4 1 1
.Legion . 4 2
K.ofC 2 2
Grotto 2 3
BiahOp's . . . 2 4
Valley Motor 13
Extra, ihning - games .and the
thrills -that accompany them, 'are
getting lu be the rule in local twi
light ball, s Friday evening - the
Grotto came put on top in one of
these hectic contests., defeating
Bishop's 4 to 3. . .
. The cTlothing store T boys 4 took
the lead in the first -inning, get
ting one "run; then, another in the
second and another in the third;
but the Grotto came back and
evened the count in the last men
tioned inning, and after two score
less stanzas, slipped over the , win
ning, rttrian the sixth.
" The lineups: . ,1
Grotto Hathaway, rf ; Paulsen,
3b; Moon,-ssr Acton, lb; Thomp
son, b; Weeks, cf; Watkies, c;
Fellers,. It; Fox, p.
Bishop's Gabrielson, cf ; Kelly,
lb; ' Beechler, as; Gibson, - 3bf
Lutz. 'p; Thompson, c; Marr, 2b;
Armstrong. If; Klnzer, rf.
Umpire Laird.
Humorist, Who Underwent Oper
' at km, on Road to Recovery
(AP) Will Rogers, cowboy hum
orist and mayor of Beverly Ililli.
was in a "highly satisfactory con
dition" at ,the California Lutheran
hospital ate today, after undergo
ing a-juhJoF, operation, this morn
ing for removal. of gall stones, w
Last Principals Meeting
of SctroohYear Conducted
y. , s-i-. T-l :) '
The final principals', meeting of
the school year was held yesterday
morning in. the office of Superin
tendent 'George W. Hug at th
high school : building, when re
ports' of the s year's work - were
made, and plans announced for
the activities, of next year. . . ..
... All . of the principals
bck next year, it. was announced.
FresKahd Delicious"
Regular 60c lb. ,
32c a lb; i
e 2 'lbs 'for 60c r-
.' ,. J. ..J V - t V T
V-Cxiginal YelJoW Front
; Phone irfh
( : 1 liScrih jCctamtrclal ;
Mrs.; LaMoine- R, Clark, principal
a McKlnley junior high Bchool, is
to . become-itead5 of ' the new-Leslie
nfo.'igh fgchool nexUyea.r. W.
-':.-J3avenpptsj. principal of the
LiiKoin' '. grade.' ; school," will be
principal-' over-the fpurigrades to
b conducted in, the Ljncdln build
ing, and will have charge of the.
eight grade. -to be vheld in the
McKinley building;
AH presidents '.were present at
the meeting yesterday except Dav
enport of Lincoln sflfbcri, Miss
Anna Fisher of Rlchmond school,
and U. S. Dot son of FPairkA school.
' Read the WriAds
r r. ...
t ... A w
pAKMONT, Pa;,..' June 17.
(AP) Tommy Armour of Wash
ington. D. C. ; doughty, steel
ferved son of golf's ' native do
main, .today I became the open
Champion f of , the Unied States,
. In a com,e-hck1ajs'j.lashing and
dramatic as the.,fifsn fKpt .."car-i
fied him to a tie theda? before,
the lean, war-scarred Scotch pro
fessional broke the heart of the
. daebing and sleek-haired Los An
geles prof esstonaL, Harry rCooper
captured their 18 hole play ofMor
the title by a jmargin; of three
Strokes and stepped to the throne
that Bobby Jones had left in sand
tra'ps of Oakmont's embattled,
terrain. -
Armour triumphed by the de
cisive score of F76 tA.,7a for jthe
final round that , broketne dead
lock In which--they -finished yes
terday in 301 strokes for the reg-
nlation .72 holes of tournament
competition and sent the coveteit
silver trophy cup1 to.'che mantle of
the ' fashionable Congressional
country club, where Tommy is the
, Armour clinched the champion
ship today on the 16th hole where
Cooper fought a, losing battle with
Oakmont's sand 'and forfeited two
strokes." but ft Was 55-foot putt.on
the hole before thai put . Tommy;
back in the light and auBpectacular
chip shot dead. to the. pin on the
17th that saved the. title for the
lanky, straw-hatted- Scot. .is
The dramaot Arraour's triumph
was enacted about the three
treacherous holes, the '"Water
loos" of . miny a 'previous .champ
ionship hope -in ihe three preced
ing .days, s, iArmouri was a stroke
behind Cooper, going, to the 475
yard 15tb hole, a margin that the
Los Angeles "pro" had gained by
a flying start on the last 9, check
ed only when- Armour regained
one of the shots On the short 13th.
tfn til Armour staged his fight
ing, spurt and Cooper's game mo
mentarily .collapsed ,ob the lpth
bole, it was a stirring nip and
tuck fight fov, the . championship,
a seesaw tussle that had a gallery
of more than 5,000 enthusiasts
over Oakmont's bunkers, fighting
for places of vantage and surging
Sri .f" fer
For sstoiri;
tie -ptatesman is carrying more resort advertising than any 6ther
paper in irbn in of oVtlancl. ; .Afull
page of advertisements of Beach arid Mountain resorts appears in;
each Sunday's issue. 1
When ydU are planning your vacation or week-end trip it will-be
Weaforu' ads. If
you do not find the information you wantrwe would be glad to have
ybu'call bKBIepnoiie the SSiesman. AWfbf tKe resort mfbrrnation
department. Telephone23 or SS3.
hothter rliispOTfcaitt
Thts;SUhdays Staleirhahiirarry
'c,as 0 Salefti ;High School, Parrish Junior High school, McKinley
'!HJsh6ol, .and-tfieduatg" clwseifrom may of he
:,lschool1h this district. !Al&u(oaciUget of pictures Will be in
. j this issue. MattytotheViin
J 21 5 S.' Commercial
-iiiIT? edbl"erlBU ot our new 24-page, color Scott5 press "which will be
"SL?S?l!???"e Taclty lnuer part of thla month. This .U! give the Statesman ;
ruMUblng Company the best equipped newspaper and printing plantain Oregon
Inrows six and seven deep around
the grounds. v " r
Tl IP.'
id i
19 States Adopt Drastic
pegulations; Habitual
Criminal Target
NEW YORK (APJ Measures
designed to check crime have been
passed by .19 .state legislatures
thus far In 197. a survey re
vealed, m
Thirteen, other sfatea adopted.
measures, such as those altering
the penal codes to make for met
misdemeanors felonies, which
were considered "general, 4;anflt
erljne legislation, but not specific
checks oncrlme. .
, .The measures adopted n .the ljf
states generally tended toward an
increase of sentence, with a tight
ening of the legal knot about the
habitual criminal, the. gangster,
gunman and hold-up man.
A significant feature of theanti
crime legislation was the tendency
to follow New York's pattern in
curbing the activities, of habitual
criminals and the operations of
bands of organized criminals. A
number of states enacted laws
comparable to New York's Baumes
act, a piece of anti-crime legisla
tion passed in 19 26. It provides
a mandatory ' life sentence for
fourth' offenders ".and generally
tightens up the" criminal -code.
The ; measufeTjiacledr In the 13
states range frojn Montana's ban
ning of the chewing of mescal nuts
by T Mexican Ja boxers, ,a . practice
thought by4 some to . be necessary
to certain 'religious , rites, to Ore
gon's new -measure making' it un
lawful to skin dead stock without
the owner's consent. The last
measure Is a eheck on cattle rust
ling. Oregon was also one of the
19 states adopting legislation to
check crime.
- - . , , - - ...
... A. number of legislatures dis
cussed the carrying and use of
firearms. Many states had already
provided .themselves with checks
against, this practice, and several
followed suit in 1927. Measures
providing for criminal Identifica
tion were passed by several legis
fib0! JMB ,i4 -?
': r--t,' 'i it!
19 yi. in'i r.
J :.-':
Clean and Vigorous
v.- 3r -
pd n
u t
. ' . . -'f'.t l
.... '
r-v T'v " j
U If
. t
4 V
Five poor persons, who purchas
ed syndicate betting tickets, have
won fortunes -through the victory
of Frank Curzon's "Call Boy,"
(above )Jn Englaud's greatest rac
ing classic, fthe .English derby sat
Epsom Downs. The -largest" win
ner was John A. Kilpatrick, dental
mechanic of- Cape Town, South
Africa, whose ticket, paid 1419.400
on a $4 "investment."
1 i xr.v w" n
Insnraiict r All Kinds ,v Telephone 11
lleilig Theater Lobby, 189 North High
-Jllf ;
Telepnones 23 - 583
;r. ..r--
f -V f
PORTLAND. June 17 i AP) ,
M. W. Hansell, Pendleton, (J
the maJor: portion of. the honor'.,
in the first-day's shoot at the v.ii
annual tournament' of the tj
men's Association of the N r,h
,west. .IlanselLjbroke lftO strai-lit
targets., la shoot off with ii
com petitorst to win .the $100f. n?T.
ton Rod and (Sun club meda; :iA
btoke 25 consecutive birds In.he
shoot off with Seth Miller trtn
the Multnomah Rod and Gun ?!)
medal, valued at 1000.
Carl . J3ablhurgr -Falem, won 1 j-e
class B" shoot with 98 broken tar
gets. J. W. Seavey of Lus; n,.
finished with 26 targets in j,
double handicap, event won b;. o.
Schiffer of Timber, Ore., t.l
.broke 28.
PRINCETON. :;N, J. -A l ix
weighing 1,400 pounds hune at
the end pf 60 feet of quartei--inrK
steel rod, -enables students at
Princeton to check variation of ,u0
earth's rotation.
All's Well!
"Mr. .Wood, what's thgt ti re
of paper doing behind your radia
tor Wood tiptoes over quietly so as
not to disturb the paper, examines
it carefully and answers:
"It's not doing anything
sir." .
i - -;
.... ' 1 . : .: ... . ..... . ..... '
mum ''Mmi.iwitomni if i