The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 18, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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SATURDAY MORNING, fo'NE,l$,:i$27 twZft-
By Rozella Bunch
Phone 106
Last Summer Meeting
of Chapter G of P.E. O.
Held at Home of Mrs. 1 em pie.
Mabel Temple entertained
STter O of the PRO Sisterhood
at her home in West Salem Thurs
day afternoon at the Jast .meeting j
oi the group to be held during the
summer months.
The program,. centered ground:
an interesting paper. "Modern Am
erican Poets." read by Mrs. E. J.
Huffman. Mrs. B. J. Mile who
had not bef-n with the group for
a considerable time, also enter-
tained. those present with an ac
count of her recent Visit in the
ast. Mr. Miles spent several,
months at her former home in
Mt. Pleasant. Iowa, where the his
teihood was rounded.' Later in
the afternoon the small daughters
of Mrs Temple, Dorothy and
Feuna. assisted the hostess in
servluK refreshments.
Mrs. D. F. Lane and Mr. E. L.
Meyers were guests of the chapter.
Mis. V. W. Moore, president of
tbe chapter, was elected the dele
Kate to represent the local group
at the supreme convention of the
organization to be held next Oc
tober at Oklahoma City. ' i
fThose present at the meeting
included Mrs. D. F. Lane and Mrs.
E.'j L. Meyers, guests, Mrs. A. T.
Wpolpert. Mrs. D. X. Beechler.
Mis. C. K. Logan, Mrs. E. J. Huff
man, Mrs.' H E. QhutefiilU Mrs.
V. T. irtcHey. Mrs. P$ J.'Kunt,
Mrs. H. 8. Hughes, Mrs. G. W.
Laflar. Mrs. F. W. Lange, Mrs.
A,;Voight. Mrs. B. J. Miles, Mrs.
W'l W. Moore. Mrs. V. M. Smith,
and the hostess, Mrs. Mabel Tem
ple. W, It. C. Convention
Delegates to Receive
Credentials Todaij
Credentials will be given out at
the regular meeting of the Wom
an's Relief corps "at, the armory
this afternoon to all delegates and
alternates.forthe;annul encamp
ment of the (irand Army of the
Republic and its auxiliary organi
zations which will begin here on
Tuesday, June 21. AH credentials
must be presented at the armory
on Tuesday from 8:30 a. m. until
11:30 a. m.
The . delegates from the local
Woman's Relief corps are Bertha
Loveland, Cordelia La Bare, Louisa
KrappB, Lulu Baring, Delia Clear
water. Ina Koon, Susie Botts, Pearl
JJtJirens, Mary Neyhart and Emma
i hompsoa. -(nie . altarbates are
Julia Blodgett, flattie' Kennen,
uertruae itemmgion, , Ajainerme
Ijw. Hattie Patterson, Jennie
Martin, Clara Ryan, Anna Sim
mons. Elizabeth Bliss and Pauline
Miss Ida Frank, Stay ton,
Entertains Salem Folk
at Garden Pprtit
Miss Ida Frank entertained a
proup of Salem younger folk at
i.n attractive garden party at her
home in Stayton last Wednesday
evening. The lawn j'where the
luncheon was served was attractive
with wicker, furniture,' and danc
ing took up the greater part of the
The guests Included Miss Mil
1iel Pugh, Miss Opal Bevens, Miss
Maxim- (Hover, Miss Julia Query,
Miss Hope Crowthers, Hugh Ad
am. James Campbell, John Helt
zel. Floyd Query, Ted Long and
the hostess, Miss Ida Frank.
Visit in Saturn
-Mrs. B. J. Miles has as her
Rii-ts her nieee'.TMrs. Dr. Williams
iuitl children, Susan and Pat, of
North Bend. Wash. Mrs. Will
Knight of Portland, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Miles, will also be
a visitor for the week-end at the
Miles home. :
Miss Florence II one
Visits in. Salem ," .
Miss Florence Howe is a week
end suest at rne home of her sis
ter. .Mrs. Waiter J. Kirk. Miss
Howe has been teaching in Klam
ath Falls and will leave soon to
attend the summer session at the
Oregon state normal school at
Mr. and Mrsr' Hart-man
Return From California
Mr. and Mrs. Hay Hartman re-;
t timed Tuesday from a motor trip
to Cresreht City; Cat., where they
ver,. present at the bseryance
"t the birthday anniversary of
v'r. A. J. Alms, Mrs. Hartman'a
Hi-ter. They made their trip by
-iy of the Roosevelt' highway and
Giants Pass.
Miss Marine Ulrich 1
in Portland for Week-End
Miss Maxine Ulrich spent the
e-k-end in. Portland 'attending
pte first grand assembly of the
Rainbow Girls to b held In thn
s'atH. she was a guest at the home
of Mrs. Perry Black.
. , . . s .
Mr. and Mrs. Elbert
Perry Return Home ,, ,
After spending several days ris
king friends, in, Salem, Mr. and
Mrs. Elbert Derry ot Raymond.
wash.," left Tuesday for Portland
where they wilt make a brief visit
be-fore 'making an extended tonf
of Yellowstone "and Glacier S aa-'
Social Calendar
Regular meeting of W. R. d.
"Delegates may get their creden
tials at this time.
A Boy Scout film, "A Regular
Scout." will be shown at the Firat
Congregational church at 8 p. m.-
their home In Raymond late In the
summer by way of Spokane and
Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Derry were
members of the 1926 graduating
class of Willamette university, and
have been members ot the Rayr
mond high school faculty where
Mr. Derry has charge of the band
and orchestra and Mrs. Derry was
at the head of the English depart
ment. Mrs. Grant A. Grucliow to
Visit in Cor rail is
Mrs. Grant A. Gruchow will
spend the wefk-end in Corvallis
as the guest of Miss Bernice Nel
son. .She will play the wedding
inarch at Miss Nelson's wedding
at the First Christian church Sun
day. Miss Nelson 'is a graduate
of OAC and has been teaching dur
ing the past year at Myrtle Creek,
Returns From College
Miss Winifred Gamble, who has
been attending Reed college in
Portland returned to her home in
Salem last Monday, and left yes
terday morning for a live weeks
trip south. Miss Gamble expects
to visit in Oakland and Los Ange
les., and perhaps will make a side
trip into Arizona.
Scoitt'Film to be Shown
, The, Sunday evening service at
the 'FifSt Congregational church
will include a Boy Scout moving
ptetaVIeaturing Fred Thompson
and , his Wonder horse. Silver King.
the picture is described as "a
powerful drama of a man's re
generation through the influence
of the Boy Scouts."
Harold Ware, local Boy Scout
executive, will give a brief ad
dress on Boy Scout work. The
services will begin at 8 o'clock.
(Continued from age T.)
mittee, "In the work of which be
has been a leader. He is at pres-
eut active in the Lions' program
of improvement at the municipal
auto camp.
Dr. Henry Morris, optometrist,
has recently been prominent as the
chairman of the Red Cross com
mittee whicb. successfully handled
the campaign for Mississippi flood
relief, Hp has served on the Sa
Jem chamber of commerce .board
of directors, and is-a paatrnrsi
dent of the local Kiwanls clubj-
- 5 . Ijeals Gpldance Work
As a Kiwanian, Dr. Morris is
chairman of the agricultural rela
tions committee and of the voca
tional guidance and placement
committee, and his activities In
connection with education ' have
been prnclpally in the latter capa
cty It- was tbroogh the efforts of
this committee that the opportun
ttj room, now -an established suc
cess, was introduced into the local
school system.- ,
.Dr.' Morris is also chairman of
the Kiwapis vocational guidance
bnd ptacenieat committee covering
a xofgp district iu the northwest.
Dr. "H. 'II.' dinger, dentist, has
been a . nienber of the school
board here,, for seven years, first
being appointed to succeed the
lata Chauncey P. Bishop when he.
moved away fiom Salem. II ? has
twie been reelected, and for1 sev
eral years past has been chairman
of ht board.
Watches Finances
Coming' onto the board at a
time whenthe district's finances
we're in "particularly poor shape,
Dr. 01 in ger's attention has been
devoted largely to this phnse of
administration, with the result
that taxpayers attending he an
nual district ti ?eiug next Monday
evening, will "near a very favoiable
repot t. :
L. J. Slmeral who is engineer
for the. Portland Electric Fewer
company, ben has been a mem
ber of the 4?jK'o1 board for five
yv-ik and haa directed his atten
tion principally to the mechanical
problems Which faced the board,
being thoroughly versed in th- de
tails of conatrjeion and equip
ment. LIke.Dr. dinger, h also
has kept a waivUAal eye on t'.jp
pubik purse and his expert k.owl
eds has saved the district large
sums as well as Insuring efficiency
in tbe use of school equipment.
(Continued from fui k 1.)
Ing frequency," find themselves fac
ing a similar problem. j
Local Woman Leader
With the, auxiliaries, the prob
lem is less acute. The Woman's
Relief corps, . organized regularly
in Oregon ii 1S82, with Mrs. Ida
Babcock.V 719 North Commercial
street, as department president for
the state, was the first, auxiliary
In the north west, although ' other
chapters and other auxiliaries soon
f ollqwed.' Tbe membership ot tbe
auxiliaries Jsi generally ; younger,
and consequently5 faces a more
IF CTimiD,t,. . -?
More Booms -Needed v -i ,
Still more rooms aro needed to
bouse the 2500 persons woo Are
expected, although many" have al
Lucky Forelock
KRUJA, Albanra. (AP)
Bobbtl hair in Albania ha cur
ious variations. Among the Mo
hammedans the boy's head is
cropped close, but a lock is left in
front. Some people say this is to
ward off the evil eye. Others main
tain that it is to furnish a hold
whereby to snatch the person into
eternity. -
then msy list' their rooms by tele
phoning 4ft0, nnd after 1 o'clock
Sunday," '2tr73, '.when" listings writ
be taktm aT"Te;gtH t r a tto n headquar
ters Trithe First fHhodist ijhurch.
A number of Salem cftiiehs bave,
placed their aiitos at the' disposal
of the Grand Army during the
incampment, hfid others who wish
to do so may call H. A; Cornoyer
at 491. '
Officers Arriving
C. B. Zeek, division commander
of the Sons of-Veterans for the
state of Oregon, has arrived in
Salem and has established head
quarters at the Marion' hotel. D.
B Bowley, senior commander-in-chief
of the S. of V., will arrive
Sunday and will also maintain
headquarters at the Marion, it was
announced last night.
Salem Boy Scouts will assist the
various committees in charge of
encampment arrangements. The
finance committee report that sub
scriptions have not been entirely
completed. Dave Drager and Wal
ter StoJts have charge' of subscrip- Other: committee members
are: v',CbiiIrman, Charles Fessn
den; counsellor, J. J. Newmyer;
secretary, Florence E. Shlpp;
treasurer, Hattie B. Cameron,
Mary' AcKerman, Sara Peterson,
Laura Adams, Sara Oliver, Mary
Gossero, Ardell K. Lawrence,
Madeline Nash, Julia K. Webster,
Bertha Berdman, A. M. Lausch,
Charles Fessenden, E. T. Prescott,
Gertrude Remington, Mary Lickel
and -Hattie B. Cameron.
Budget and finance, Mrs. Berg
man, Mrs.. McAdams, Tero hicks,
U G. Boyer.
Press, E. T. Prescott and Chas.
Program, Mrs. ' F. L. Waters,
Mrs. Norma Terwilliger, Mrs.
Clara Thorpe Adams, Mrs. Mary
Courtesy housing. Miss Webster,
Mrs. Pauline Clark, Mrs. Ardell
Lawrence, H. A. Cornoyer, U. G.
Printing, L. C. McShane, Mrs.
Sarah Peterson. Mrs. Minnie B3
ker and Miss. Ruth Lawrence.
1 ' - i : I
Japan Will Not Question
Strength qf Naval Bases
GENEVA, June 17 (AP)
Japan has no intention of raising
the question of the internationali
zation of the Panama canal or a
reduction in the strength of the
naval bases at Hawaii and Singa
pore at the forthcoming navat
conference, Admiral Kobayashl.
one of Japan's chief naval dele
gates here, told the Associated
Press tonight.
The admiral added that the
Japanese representatives would
confine their initiative to obtain
ing an agreement on warships not
covered by the Washington treaty.
Admiral Kobayashl declined to
say whether Japan would accept
the ratio for cruisers, de
stroyers and submarines. He did
say, however, that Japan wants a
total tonnage high enough to per
mit her to have a sufficient nura
ber of ships to defend her island
empire and therefore gave more
importance to a quantity of size
able ships than to the question of
their ratio. .
' Tbe' Japanese delegate said
Japan , bad come to Geneva In a
spirit of conciliation in, an endeav
or to reach a fair agreement.
j PARIS, Tenn.,,Jnne 17 (AP)
Joseph Upchurch, negro, who
Bh'ot and killed Sheriff T. D. Cald
well tola afternoon, when the lat
ter attempted to arrest him, was
ahot to death shortly afterward by
aJ posse of about ; 50 men. - - .
The, cabin where tbe negro had
beenplaced by a deputy sheriff,
who' had arrested him. was riddled
Two Grades Decided Upon at
Meeting Here; Smaller
Ones to Be Culls
The northwest need never have
any doubt about being recognized
aa the best filbert growing country
in the tJnited States, or even th
world, ifedared George Dorris,
Springfield, filbert grower, at a
meeting of the filbert growers and
brokers held yesterday- at ; the
chamber of commerce auditoWiiim.
The meeting was called by the
Western Nut Growers' association
primarily to discuss grading stand
ards for Alberts. After (consider
able discussion it was decided to
market two sizes of the nuts, a
large size which screened from
24 to 32. and a small size screen
ing from 20 to 24. Those going
through the 20 screen are to be
considered as culls, and are not
to be marketed. A standard crack
ing test of 70 per cent was also
decided upon.
Decision as to a trade name for
these various sizes was also made
at the meeting. The round nuts,
known as "Barcelonas" by the
trade, will be called the "North
Pacific." while the long filberts.
known as "DuChilly," will be
called "Long North Pacific." Thus
there will be placed on the mar
ket ;- northwest filberts of fou'
kinds, the "North Pacific," "North
Pacific Large," f'Long North Pa
cific," and the "Long North Pa
cific Large," according to tho de
cision of the growers.
After the decision had been made
in regard to kinds to be marketed.
discussion turned to the subject
of a fair selling price. Filberts
grownJ in the northwest, it was
declared by growers and brokers
alike, are superior to those raised
in any other part of the world, and
should demand prices according
to their quality.
Because the group present at
the meeting was not sufficiently
representative of all the growers
of the northwest, no decision was
reached in regard to prices.
M. P. Adams, Salem filbert
grower, and president of the West-,
ern Nut Growers association, who
presided at yesterday's meeting,
was authorized, however, to call
a meeting of a committee of 12
growers, representing all the fil-
bert growing sections of the north
west. This committee is to as
semble at Salem at 30 a. m. ia
Hie cbambr oconHnjerceAo Jn3
jso, ana js expeciea to ex. "tne
opening selling price foj filberts
at that time. r
C. E. Schuster, professor at the
t reduced roundtrip fares permit a low Tl
cost Circle Tour ofthe United States. Jj
Now Southern Pacific offers low roundtrip
excursion fares to the east." And you can go
-or return r via California at surprisingly low
fare."For but little more than the direct route
fare to New York and back' you can circle the
United States. , , .. . - i.
Rest, recreation, education never such' an
. inviting travel opportunity. Two oceans, three
nations, famous pities and .vacation play-
grounds irMJude&erh ;
See California, the o6lorfid Southland, Mex
ico, New Orleans. A glorious journey; by sea, '
New Orleans to Nevv York if you wish (meals
and berth on the boat included in your fare) .
4 New York City and the Atlantic seaboard aid l
home over any northern line. ' ' i U v:4: :
! 'A.
j 4 i -
iber 31 to ccnbletevoir trio. Ask for one of
..the new illustrated bobkieu. Get further '
. details today.
QAC,. and .secretary of the Western
Nut GrpKrers', association; acted as
secretary-of the meeting yesterr
day. ,
Others present who are promi
nent ; in the filbert Industry in
cluded George Dorris of Spring
field, oldest filbert grower in the
state; A. A. Quarnberg of Van
couver. Wash., who is the dean of
all filbert growers in the norLh
v. est. having been raising the nut
for over 2 5 years; W. H. Bent ley,
secretary-treasurer of the North
west Walnut Growers' association;
A. Tt. Schmurr of Portland, repre
sentative of Lieber-Johnson. buy
ers, and J. O. Holt, manager of
the Kti?pne Fruit Growers' asso
ciation. About HO were present at the
meeting, which lasted from 10 a.
m. to 4 p. ni.
55th Anniversary of Asso
ciation to Be Observed
Next Thursday
PORTLAND, June 18. (Spe
cial.) The fifty-fifth anniversary
of the Oregon Pioneer association
will be held In the Portland audi
torium on Thursday, June 23.
1927. ,
The directors desire a large en
rollment of members who came in
the fifties to. carry on the work of
the association for many years' to
The ranks are decreasing on ac
count of many deaths and the in
ability of many to attend.
The large balconies in the audi
torium will accommodate, many
non-members who are interested.
The lower floors and the banquet
hall will be reserved for pioneer
Governor Isaac Lee Patterson
and Mayor George L. Baker will
give words of greeting to' the
pioneers present. Hon. W. C
Hawley of Washington, D. C, and
of Salem will deliver the annual
In the evening, Judge P. Tf.
D'Arey will give a brief resume of
the early pioneers of Salem; llonA
Joseph E. Hedges will speak of
Oregon City pioneers; Mrs. Lulu
D. Crandall will present pioneers
of The Dalles and Hon. J." O
Stearns, pioneers of Portland. AH
speakers at evening session limit
ed to ten minutes. -
fcQNDON f AP)-iThe,"Al
cient company of Goldsmith, will
this year celebrate the 600th"ann!
versary of the founding of the
btooovers evervwnere: you nave until uttb- i:
'184 N. Liberty
- ti
Their State Convention Will
Be Held Here the Second
Week of July
The chiropractors of Salem are
planning for their state conven
tion which is to be held In Salem,
the convention city, the second
week in July. They had a pre
liminary meeting to talk about
the arrangements, on Thursday
evening, and will have another
one soon; probably the last day of
June, when plans for program
and other things will be finished.
Salem was selected as the place
for this year's convention at the
state meeting at Corvallis last
year, but the eaet dates were not
fixed. They wHl be announced
It is expected that 300 or more
delegates will be, present at the
forthcoming annual convention in
BOSTON, June 17 (AP)
Preceded by the annual "night
before" celebration and a huge
bonfire at midnight, Charlestown
celebrated today the one hundred
fifty-second anniversary of thje
Battle of Bunker Hill. The day
was a holidayii this city. i ,
. ' : - ; . ; . ' ; .- -
y . . 5 , .' t lit i) i r ' 1
I It will pay you to Jtay all your work aside and
J attepd this sale. Here's just a few of the' many A
1 articles on sale - , - - ' i
IT ,
; kt - LOT OF SILKS t$1.59 XARD . Is i
' -rSz' ' ,:. i V:: - - : i. j'-
v ii:-rf Z t?AT ID&ni IDC A DD ADCI A IlTVDDlhb ."oil '
ill f ' g .v-w aj x jiLiUi a iriji a , j I
We carry fn stock over 115 legal blanks sTjitttTto
:; transactions. W' may' have just the form you are
vingas compared to made to order forma. - -v.
Some of thejfonhsf Contrac of Sale, Jtoad Notice; Will forms, Assign- ,
ment of Moi tgige, Mortgage f ottos, Quit Claim Deeds, Abstract forms.
Bill of Salei Building Contract, Promissory Notes, Installment Notes, -., -General
Lease, Power of Attorney, Prtme Books and Pads, Scale Re-
ceipts, Etc.! These forms ate carefully prepared for the courts and y '
' private use Price on forma ranges, from 4 cents to 1 6 cents apiece,r
arid on hotei books Tromi 25 to 50 cents, . L r--w-;..
The jStatesman Publishing Co.
' t-rtainmentv,
10 :0o-1 1 :30 tflW"
h-lps and iuusii-.
to ;a0 12 :00 KEX
lertaiDU.f ot.
tl:e0 12.-O0 KOIX.
(lli). Honsrtiold
4 2 40). iforninp b
(219). Houaewif'9
12:0ft KVFC t2llt. WtlifT reports. -12:00-12:20
KEX. Popular orchestra
12 :00 1 -.03 Tto::. Orfian Wncrt.
12:15-3:uo KXL. Music. (
l.ao2:30 KFJR (28aj. Music for; Jae
trirnds at hom-.
2:3o Knd. KTBR (283). Ply by play
b-hall report!. s
3:00-4:01 KOIN. News, music.
4 :-f:0 KfF.O. Mnsio.
5:Oii 0:OO KFWV t2i9. Twilite hour.,
6:00 rt:00 KFWV (229). Amusement
6:0O-7:imi KOIN .Ht. rsaB concert,
6:00 T.(K KTBR ffl). Vuiir.
a:oO-7:00 KflW (492). DiBner conrert.
:ni T : KKX. Orsan recital by I.r-
Will la. Wood. "
7:00 7 :Ho KT3R. AAA road xeporta. .
7:00-7:30 KOIN'. Auiusrment guide and
Ijntu reports.
8 :hi 9 :( KtW. NB" prgroam. :i,
JO :io-i 2 :i0 KtiW. Kt-nin's orchestra
and toloistk.
10SH12:OO-KEX. Kremer'a orrheMra
and soloist.
K(M Oakland (.14). 8. SRC program:
V), violin aud contralto 80K1&; 10, giant'
K.1K- Seattle (343). 6, li:30, oroh'estra ;
. In, lime. ,
KFJ Los Anfrele (468). 5:30, dance
an-liestra : fi:l., :3o, 7:30, 8, NBC
l.rogram:, 9,' 10, Had 10 club; 11, mid
uihl frolic.
KKyZ Molljwood (222). G. 7, elastic
j hnr: 8. radio players; 8:30, 9, dance
7 orchestra.
KtU l.on Ahffelen (405). fi, frio; 6:30,
children 'a program; J :?0, 7:4o, S.
KF San Francisco (22). 5:30, 6, 6:30.
orchestra: . NBC program ; 9, dmnr
orchestra; 12, dance music.
KFWAI (laklau.l (236). 8, trio and solo
ists. KVA Sun Francisco (309). 7, trio; 8,
Boy Scouts; 9, dance orchestra. ,: .
KYKJ Spokane (370). fi, concert orobeji
tra: 7:3o, rt, XBO program: O, 1,
dance orchestra; 1 1 :3u, .orchestra. , '
- t j -. , . . .
Blanks .That re
Ajt BusIntiss Office; Gfbtind Floor -
KX HoUywood
337"). 8.. orcbaatra;
IS, .730, 10. r-
Anatf Mrit: rain bo 1r bour
KPOA -SeattW t4J. 6, 8. NEC pro
rrm. KFWO San TrancL-io 268)46, frio; 7,
1 3. trio aud soloists: 9, danc orchea
' ' rit I?. 'bour 'of mirth. " '
KOMO Seattle JSOB). 6; 8:15. orcbe-
. tra; 7;80, orchestra ; , NBC program; ,
orchestra ; It), ; 10:45," danc orct.ej- '
tra. ..-.-. '.
-:StO-lorcnitr: 7j ?:
4 Jk, O, U
Senators" Expend; Oratory. .
About President's Catch
WASHINGTON. . June 17.
President Coolldge's reported .ac
tomplishment of catching trout .
with worm, bait stirred senatorial .
-ircIea today: to .the extent . of
comment from a republican, Bor
ah ,of Idaho. and a democrat, ,
Heed of Missouri. .
.; Declaring,, ke had never beard
of worm fishing for trout, Mr.
vBorah said, he believed tbe presi
dent caught catfish and thought,
they, were trout, but if they were,
trout "they must have been im
beciles.". ,
From -Mr. Reed came this observation:-
"Any trout that will lie at the
bottom., ot a lake an,d bite a worm
is a degenerate, trout- Aa. a mat
ter of 'generosity and common
fairness, .however, I hope he nsed .:
a whole worm."
LONDON. Ti (AP) Enterpri
ing tkirplahe dealers' have entered
the instkllment plan ' field .along
side the furniture bouses "and real
estate agents. "
. - -----
most anybuslnesa '
looking for at a tijr
.j ; ' I,
ii -'j v. rw.'i-"- f. :
f .