The Starr Cannery Meets Gh5r Price of 8 Cents a Poundr ancl Election of School Directors 2 o Clock to 7 Next Monday, With Four Cahaidates in Field for Tw V ; t '' It ; Those political economists who j have . maintained that there can be no such thing as overproduction bad better. go. and tell it to the oil men.. . Speaking of ; Russian "relations. Uncle Sam Is now in a fine position to say' to John Bull 'I told you so." - , WEATHER FORECAST: Fair Saturday and probably Sunday but fog near coast; normal temperature; moderate northwest winds on coast. Maximum temperature yes terday. 73; minimum. 53; river. 2.6, fall ing; atmosphere, part cloudy; wind, west. SEVENTY-SEVENTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, MORNING, JUNE 18, 1927 PRICE FIVE CENTS :tpiti - . DEFENSE ENDS SISKIYOU CASE IT HOUT HUGH Young DeAutremont Fails to Appear m Own Behalf in Holdup Trial t STATE GIVES REBUTTAL Witness Says Country, Over Which Suspect Fled Fairly Open; Oine to Reach Jury Wed nesday Is Belief JACKSONVILLE, Ore., June 17., (AP) .The defense in the trial of Hugh DeAutremont, 23, alleged Siskiyou tunnel bandit rested at 3:50 o'clock this after noon without the defendant tak ing the stand in his own behalf. The state opened its rebuttal by calling Deputy Sheriff Paul Jen nings, who testified to .the-condition of the country near the tun-; nel. over which DeAutremont "was held by the state to have fled fol lowing the train holdup in 1923. D. J. Parker yesterday testified be was held up by the defendant the day following tbe crime. Jennings described it as fairly open territory. Ed. Fawcett, a defense witness, today testified it was thick with brush, and would take two day to travel the distance between the iuariel and Parker's place. Inquires of Mountain Trail Fawcett testified that Parker told him a man the day after the holdup had asked the way to a mountain trail, but had not men tioned any holdup and described his chance inquirer as being "over six feet tall, with black whiskers." Parker yeaterday dramatically identified Hagb. 'DeAutremont Ba Vman who had compelled him at V 4 point of a rifle to show him the way to a trail,. .'. Jefferson, Fawcett :and Frank Mengoz. mountaineers, testified that Parker's eyesight was ''very bad." i O. B. Welter, postal inspector, identified a statement made by Mrs. L. J. Morton of Eugene, Ore., (Continued oa Fff .) TO MEET PRICE WILL PAY 8 CENTS A POUND t herrie to In Ilarreled in Haleiu for Maraschino Trade, Announced. The Starr Fruit Products com pany will meet the growers de mand of 8 cents a pound as the price for the Royal Ann type of cherries. This concern wilL barrel these cherries in Salem, for the maras chino demand, and will finish them at the Portland plant of the com pany; making the manufactured output an all Oregonproduct. This is a vetfy important an nouncement for; the growers be-cau.-w the barreling demand will take cherries that are a little less ripe than the cannery demand can uhc as well as other grades not couriered first class by the can- nerynien. And the Starr people here will take all the Royal Ann type' of el'prries that axe .offered. They want all they can get. This concern will also can some Kings here, and also Montmorency (sour) cherries, besides Royal Anns, with pits, and'all these varU ettes pitted, ror . a Special trade. So the cherry demand will be large atid varied. More so than here tofore. This will bring cherries .from all over the valley to the SaU-iii market. , f ; , The barreling operations for this year aro expected to be much larger than in any former year, thmiKh this company used 1200 ton of Royal Anns for their mar i f hino products last year. Vi - floating body found Remain of County Farm Inmate Ket-overrd front log Room LONGVIEW. Wash.. 3ane 17 AP The body of JohnSag Btrom. 75. county farm Inmate. who dsappeared on the' htght-bf May 30. was found today floating In a log boom In the Cowlitz river near the farm. He bad no known relatives except, nephew, be- tf"r? I? P t Fora&am,vy'ash.f COOLIDGE LIKES MOUNTAIN HOME PRESIDENT KETTLES lOYVX TO SUMMER'S PROiiR.-lM State Senator Elicits- Cryptic Statement About McXary Maugvn Veto RAPID CITY, S. I)., June 17 (AP) Describing his surround ings as "just exactly what I like," President Coolidge today settled down to the program of work and play which he hopes to follow during his vacation in the Black Hills. He had given his mountain re treat this praise a few moments before a hail and rain storm struck Rapid City during which two windows in his public office were crashed in. The presdent, however, appar ently was unaware of the trick the elements were playing be cause the storm did not extend to the summer White House and he arrived- tnef safely soon after. Mr. Coolidge came down to the executive of f ices in the high school building here from the lodge, 32 miles away shortly after 9 o'clock and after disposing of routine af fairs met the request of newspaper- correspondents for the re sumption 'of the regular bi-weekly conference. There it was learn ed: He plans some automobile trips to nearby cities In the Black Hlls including one to Deadwood in August to attend a western cele bration called the "Days of '76" and probably the tri-state rodeo roundup in Belle Fourche next month.. No trips farther "west are (Continued on Pag 5.) CAN'T KEEP WIFE AWAY Divorce.. Decree, Court Order Fail; Seeks Bench Warrant ASTORIA, June 17 AP) Charles Hartill, local rancher, ob tained a divorce from " his wife, but found that even then his do- mesthr-troatreswt''e-ltrs4 wife refused to leave the house. . Hartill then obtained court order restraining the former Mrs. Hartill from visiting his house more than one day each month. The one day was; allowed her to visit her minor children.. But even court orders couldn't keep her away. Now Hartill is seeking a bench warrant to com pel her forcible removal. MASONS INSTALL EAKIN Annual Lodge Convention Closed at Portland Yesterday PORTLAND. June 17 (AP) The annual convention of the Masonic grand lodge of Oregon, held here this week, ended today with the installation of grand lodge officers who will serve dur ing the ensuing year. The elec tion was held "Wednesday. Robert S. Eakin of La Grande was installed as grand master, succeeding Edgar H. Sensenich of Portland. The appointive officers are yet to be announced by the new grand master. MAN'S BODY IDENTIFIED Remains Found Above Queet Re lieved Those of Astoria Man HOQUIAM, Wash.. June 17. (APj The body of a man recent ly fonnd on the beach near the mouth, of the Klalock river a short distance above the Queet has been almost positively -identified as that of Einer Maengaa of Astoria, who with his father, was reported to have been lost near Destruction island nearly twoJmonths ago. EX-GRAIN HEAD GUILTY John Kellogg Convicted of Bad Conduct on Ciraln Exchange CHICAGO. June 17.-(AP) John Kellogg, former president of the Armour Grain company, to night was found guiMy by the gov ernors of tho Chicago ; Board vof Trade on 4 charges of dishonorable conduct in grain trading on the exchange. .The verdict carries sus pension from the- Chicago ex change for two years. TOPPENISH GIRL WINS Finals : in 'Pnifcieition &jrtrSeal Won by Western Speaker, -TWASHINGTOX,;,- Jane Mt! f AP) --R ulh- j Su tl pn ? Kl r Jeer of Tbppphish, Wash.Jvon Jhc Twvn first ipriao'ia the : finals tonight if tlteDroh lb J Mou ra f or tea 1 eon te conducted try the board of tetn persrnce. prohibitionv -and public morals of the Methodist Episcopal church, I, Th subject of, her ora tion was 'Why Prohibition." --.v AMIDST CHEERS Thousands Acclaim Lind bergh on ArrivaPat St." Louis With "Spirit" STRENUOUS DAYS AHEAD Another Round of Entertainment Planned for I.imly Tolay anil Sunday; City ami State Shower Tributes ST. LOUIS. Juno 17. (AP) A graceful, silver monoplane, trailed by a. work-worn biplane of. the United States air mnii service. hummed suddenly out of the deep4 haze hanging over Lambert-St. Louia field at 3:32 o'clock this afternoon and- five minutes- later Colonel . Charles A. Lindbergh was home: Of all the planes up to meet the world-acclaimed hero ronIy that piloted by a buddy ;of the air mail service from .whh-h the young history-maker is ore leave, was able to find him in tljemuiky fifteen miles between theJr-flying field and St. Louis. It was flown by Philip R. ' (Red") , Love, iind carried "an Associated Press cor respondent as a passenger. Hundreds of thousands of St. Louisans grouped on roofs' river banks and in open spaces Ipd cheered "Lucky Slim" 'to" anei -ifo perhaps - inaudible to him ha for 20 minutes he maneuvered his (OontLaatd on Pace i. STATE TO MAKE FILING Officials Ijeave for Iloseburg to F. A Elliott, state forester, and George G. Brown clerk of the Oregon state land board, left for Roseburg Friday to file on the 70,000, acre Millicoma timber tract-near Reedsport. This was formerly a governmertt tract for which the state exchange'd an equal area of scattered state lands within the national forests. The exchange was made by au thority of a congressional act. The tract of 70,000 acres will be administered as a state forest. BROABWAY Colonel Charles A. Lindberch, . - - - - - . - " ' - ' i . 1 1 it V . -X ?' X.-;t !.: r ' A- ' j 4jJyl New. York City, amidst a'snowstormw of torrr papers in the accorded an individual in im f 4000 PIONEERS COMING SUNDAY OLD TIMKRS AND THEIR FAM- FLIES TO HOLD PICXIC V . f Full Afternoon of Music and Ad-, dres?ts I'hmned at State Fair Grounds Provided that the weather is,' There is a definite rumor that favorable, close to 4,000 peoples .svork will begin immediately on including pioneers who have lived-, the Cuyler Van Patten building on in the Willamette valley for 40' the alley on Court street east of years or more and members of, he Derby building that is being tl.eir families, wiil attend the old transformed into the new Termi timers' picnic at the state fair- "al hotel. grounds here Sunday, it was pre-T The Van Patten building will dieted Friday by Circuit Judge L. front 5 4 feet on Court, east of H. McMahan, president of the as-'Jl'gh, opposite the county court sociation. J:ouse. The first floor will be Inasmuch as there is a full pro- taade into store rooms, one of sram of music and addresses inVlhem' il is understood, to be occu the afternoon, the pioneers are'"5efJ fcy the office of the American advised to come early in the day ,press company, and do their mutual visiting be-"' The second floor Is to be cut up fore noon. At the luncheon hourinto Pullman bachelor apartments, the association '"will 'furnish coffee, "mething new in Salem, cream and sugar, the families U- The trees on the front and back brinsiiiK their own lunches. Svf the lot are already being cut IJ. F. Irvine, editor of the Ore- ay, indicating that the work of gon Journal, will be tho principal instruc tion Is to begin at once. speaker of the day, and another f . address will be by Judge McMajj LAD FROM DEATH Musical entertainment will Inif,,..,, w ' elude old time dance numbers byMni "n Pull Drowning Lad k ' ff L V. I rt V'lU V7l'- OltU, .ViU muniiy singing oi oia time nymnsj led by Dr. II. C. Epley, solos by Hallie Parrish Hinges, the "Ore- gon Nightingale," and by Mrs. Lottie Smith. Miss Bozarth of Sil- verton, and Scotch songs by JimJ'Martin, foreman at the Long-Bell Continued on Pace 2.) TELEGRAM SALE MADE Trustee Buying Portland Paper Will Not Divulge Clients PORTLAND. June 17. (AP) The Portland Telegram today emerged from bankruptcy to start a new career under ownership" of a group of Portland men who pur chased the property for ?22 6,000it!i la the paper. The sale, authorized by A. M. Cannon, trustee in bankruptcy, was made to David E. Lofgren, a Portland attorney, acting as trus tee for the purchasers, whose identity was not disclosed. One other bid was received, from the Portland News, for $178,000. In a statement issued late today Lofgren said it was impossible for him to divulge the names of the clients for whom he purchased the assets of the newspaper. TREATS LIND1JERG TO A Burrounded by a police escort,; r history,- Arrow points to EARLY BUILDING START RUMORED VAX PATTEX BLOCK OX COURT - MAT BE BKCI X SOOX Store , Rooms to Occupy First Floor, Bachelor Apart mcnts Second LONGVIEW, June 17. (AP) Lance Lyon, 11, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lyon, was saved from drowning late yesterday by Wm company mill. Attracted by a woman's screams, Martin and F. iA. McDonald stopped their car on a bridge over a drainage ditch. s The lad was faintly'struggling in i . . the water. Without pausing to remove his straw hat Martin dived into the water and pulled the un conscious boy ashore. JF0UR ACCIDENTS FATAL 782 Mishaps Reported to State Commission in Past Week There were four fatalities in Oregon due to industrial accidents during the week ending June 16, according to a report prepared here Friday by the state industrial accident commission. The victims were Alex McLean. Tacoma, hooktender; Earl L. Mil ler, Wolf Creek, repairman; Pres ton James Chipps, Portland, sales man, and Vern Fike Glendale, whistle punk. There were a total of 782 acci dents reported to the commission. SNOWSTORM is shown rldinz up Broadway, greatest demonstration ever utdbergh ; . EilPNDT -T II BE 1ST 1 THIS CITY Ranks of Grand Army Thin ning; Some Oregon Posts Already Disbanded MEETING OPENS TUESDAY More Rooms Needed to House the 2.00 Visitors Expected Here; Local People Providing Automobiles For probably the, last time in Its history, Salem .will; have within its gates beginning next Tuesday the state encampment of tbe .--ta-)Str-ieuiii.- -i; St1'' . . ... - 1 . Ida MBabcock , Grand Army of the Republic. : -" While the auxiliaries will con tinue to, carry on, for years, tbe (x&il 4iic:f,H&- t4e organization with each post the pride and glory t of Its town, espe cially on Memorial day and the Fourth of July when the big par ades of the year were held, is rapidly dwindling away. Posts Dwindling For some posts who will report next week it' will be the last en campment. Independence post has been enitrely disbanded and sur rendered Its charter.. At "Spring field, Commander Zach T. Kintz ley, the only active member of Iuka post No. 48, still holds his monthly meetings, though he most be both officers and audience. Even so, he keeps the charter of Iuka post No. 48 active. If he does not report personally at en campment, he will send a com munication. Other posts will, wth increas- . (Continued oa Ps 3.) SALEM CORPS LARGEST Capitol Post Has Biggest Person nel in , Drum Division PORTLAND, JtUie 17 :(AP) The Capitol Post,' American Le gion drum corps of Salem, had the largest personnel in the drum corps and bands division in the Merrykhana parade bere today, held In connection with the an nual rose festival. v -The - Eugene , drum corps was awarded the distinction of the most spectacular, and the McMinn ville group was declared of best appearance. Longview, Wash., was judged the best entry from outside of Oregon. , OLD FARMER CONVICTED Modoc County Man Will Be Given life Sentence for Murder KLAMATH FALLS, June 1J.-1 (AP)- James H. Grayson; elderly Modoc county, Calv rancher, was convicted of murder in the second degree by a Jury-here today, fol lowing hia trial on a charge of murdering his daughter" in law, Mrs. Myrtle Orayson. Ills sen tence .will ; be life - imprisonment. Tho Jury deliberated an hour and a half. v. BYRD HOPOFFj DELAYED Bad Weather Neressltates Fur . ther. Postponement of -Flight - NEW - YORK, June ' 17. CAP) Unfavorable . . weather ; caused Richard E. Byrd to "postpone his trans-A tianttc-Oight i, today 1 at least, until Sunday .." h Ight. ' .That waa the first moment; bp believed conditions -tuld possibly -be uf ftciently Improved to permft VJ a bop oft, - . - - ; '. JjZU FAMOUS JERSEY TO BE HONORED VIVE LA FRANCE MONUMENT WILL HE UNVEILED SUNDAY Unusual Event Will Take Place at Plckard Farm, Near Marion, at 2:30 On tho Pickard farm near Mar lon, next Sunday, afternoon at 2:30 p. m. there will be a service or ceremony that will be unusual, to say the: least. : It will witness the unveiling ojt the monument erected to the mem ory of Vive La France, one of the great cows that was developed by the Pickard Brothers. The story goes the rounds tkat the name was selected for her when she was a baby calf on ac count of the French blood that Is in the veins of the Pickards. There may be French blood in the Pickard family, but it is so remote that it had no influence on the naming of the baby calf. The Pickards are American born, in fact the two brothers were born on the farm where they now live. There was no special reason for giving this name to the calf when born, according to Ovid Pickard, one of the brothers. He states that when she was born he pon dered over the matter of a name, one that had not already been taken, for the American Jersey Cattle club will not permit an ani mal to be registered under a name already taken. He happened to be reading the "funny paper", and Jeff and Mutt were in France, so the words Vive La France hap pened to come to his mind, and from that time on that was the name of the calf. It was recognized that she was a valuable calf, but no more Value was placed on her than on others in the herd. As she grew and developed it waa seen that she was an-exceptional producer, and finally when officially tested she completed a record that surpassed any other Jersey, in the world. Not only, did she produce more er Jersey up to that time, but sne produced it at an age that, was less than a mature age, so that at one (Continued oa pig ft.) GRANGE PICNIC TODAY Senator Mr Nary One of Speakers For Chain poejj Meeting The Oregon state Grange is holding n week-end . picnic at Champoeg park today and tomor row, according to local Grange leaders. . . I . A A number of state leaders have been secured to speak before the assembly there tonight. Including United.; States Senator Charles L, McNajry, Governor I. L. Patterson, Seymour Jones, state market agent; George Palmiter,' state Grange master; Mrs. Minnie. E. Bord, of Eugene, and Mrs. S. II. Van Trump, of SaTem. Special music has been planned for tomorrow s program, with a Grange picnic at noon. .. - SATISFIED WITH REPORT Vandercook Says Pronaoters Are Pleased With Recommendations LONGVIEW, June 17 (AP) Wesley Vandercook, one of the promoters of the proposed toll bridge across the Columbia river here, said . today the promoters were well' pleased with the recom mendations of the secretaries . of war, . commerce and agriculture concerning the bridge. Increased cost of lengthening the main span offset to a certain extent by shortening ad jacent spans and will not affect financing of the project, he. said TWO SLIGHTLY INJURED Cart From Prinevllle and Seattle Collide Near Hubbard Mrs. D. II. Putnam,; Frinevllle, and., A. R. Griffin,, Seattle, .were slightly bruised and cut Thursday when cars driven by D. Ill Putnam and F. H. Ferguson collided, one mile north of Hubbard. , , . . -An unknown driver crowded Ferguson into the , Putnam car as it was standing: beside the high way according to the report. The automobiles were badly damaged. EXECUTE ALLEGED SPIES Supposed Slayers of Prominent Ukrainians Put to Death ' lOSCOW.',Jane 17(AP) Two aliased Polish spies, "Andrew Knipioski and Tadeudsch Voribo- vltch, said to have been commis sioned by the Polish military Intel llgeace service to assassinate thrpe of ,the highest Ukrainian ' officials. have bee executed at Kharkov,''; IBS Four Candidates, All Prom inent, Running for Two District Offices RECORD-BALLOT LIKELY All Have Enthusiastic Following; Nominees Include Sherwln, Dr. X Morris, Dr. Olinger and Vf" Slmcral . . i More interest than for several years past is being taken in the annual scnooi . aistrict election scheduled for next Monday; due to the fact that four candidates for toe scnooi. ooara airox tnem prom inent in civic affairs, are 'In h field. And each has a larra fnllnw- ' ing which is making a campaign in his behalf. '. k , This campaigning does hot ex tend to the candidates themselves; In fact, each of them had to be persuaded to run and each is per haps hoping that he will not be elected; so that the campaign Is of the friendliest nature, and totally devoid"6f bitterness., ! Voting Place Fixed The! balloting wm take place at a. - m t jf in 9t n m n niBrnnrini nx . :nmmnr eial and? Ferry streets, from 2 to - 7 p. mr, Monday, and' the candi dates are Frank E. Sherwln, Dr. rtenry f E. " Morris, and . two mem bers whose terms expire; Dr. H. II. Olinger and L. J.' Simeral. All oT these men are well known and all have taken an active ln- icicob m cine aiiaiiD, iu auuuiwu . to being leaders in-ther own tocs-i tlons. Mr. Sherwln is'an officer of several local firms, being pres ident of the Oregon Finance cof- poration and connected 'with' the Dough ton' A Sherwln hardware store;" the Shelton-Shefwln Co., nonlora In rtrw trnnri' fln.l tlio Fitzgerald - Sherwln . " Automobile company. ' : , ' Is Civic leader Besides these Important inter ests Mr. Sherwln has devoted much f his time to the public good, especially as a member of the Lions club civic affairs' com- x (Oontlaned en Far I.) GRANGE FAVORS GRADUATED TAX URGES .SUPPORT OF PEXDINO INCOME ASSESSMENT. '; ": 'l , ' ReaoIutJons .Adopted Akr . En actment In' Spite of Claiiued I Defects. - , CORVALLTS. 3 one 1 7.- ( A P ) -The Oregon State Grange, In convention here, today pledgod wholehearted, persistent and con tinued support of a state income tax. , This stand, was assured by adoption of resolutions -pertaining to thia subject at the final session today of the organization. The resolution, adopted with out dissent, declares that the grange favors enanctfnent of the pending low rate graduated in come tax, in spite ot defects . at the grange riews it, and deplores the action of some former income tax friends in opposing the pres ent measure, calling upon these to remain passive if they cannot Work: for the measure. , " The resolutions prepare the way for continued action in case of repeal of the measure by the vot ers. An intention to reinstate tha nM frsnra montnra if ha rsnoal move is successful was expressed. A resolntion la support of the "blue blank" assessment was adopted by the grange today. ' A proposal to lower automobile li cense taxes and to place ears on the property tax roll was defeated and a special committee was ap pointed to investigate automobile license affairs and report at the I92S- convention. . ' Otis Skinner in "The Honor of the Family -i . At Elslnore "Wednesday . evening. May 22. Ticket . sale going well. Otis Skin- ; . ner is the best of the really , great actors on the Ameri can stage;, : - Sunday and Monday, AH 4 Bab a and 'His -39 Thieves,1 featuTlngj amonj othera. P e p i t o internationally f .tamed, clown. , .; t