FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 17, 1027 5 LOCAL ir. le to Meet The Underwood circie ciun win meet at the home of Mrs. Robert forkner on Nebraska avenue day, June 24. fiTt 2:30 o'clock. Fine Cable Made Piano, JJ133- This is a real snap. Portland Music Co.. 355 N. High St. Jl S-e Our Special Coat Offerings at C. J. Breier Co. J17 ... V4nikall firnnn I liui ' ------ - - . . . r. J .1 A 9 A President Kawara n. iuuu, i College of Puget souna, aoaress the student body of the Kimball summer school yesterday after noon at 2 o'clock. President Todd is a member of the educational commission of the Methodist church, which sponsors the school being conducted at Kimball. ,XUg;'t Auction Sale of the Year ' 4f f N Woodry's auction mar ket. 1610 N. Summer St., today, iin n Pnrfiltnr from four . O ' ii. ill. - - 'Yiileni homes. , Jl? Men's Athletic Unions k Nainsook and broadcloth, values to $1.50; extra special. 85e. The Man's Shop. ; . ' ' r Jl lakes a Vacation- Albert. Fleming, elevator oper ator at the state house, left re cently for a two weeks vacation. Bargains, 130 Hats at SI, SI." And $3.75. at 145 N. High St. Stiff building. J18 .n . v j i if -r rr Senator Charles L. McNary will be the speaker at tte' Salem ehahi- t;cr of commerceieheoa-aro- day, it has been announced: His subject will be farm relef , one BIG TODAY 1 P. M. F. N. WOODRY'S Store? HMO X. SamiMY St. Knmiiurp From Four Salem Homes . ... i I For Every Need A Wide Range of Prices COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE AA. GUEFFROY h tl6 x Commercial Street 1. Salem NEWS IN BRIEF on which he is qualified to speak as joint author of the McNary Haugen bill which was passed at the last session of congress but was vetoed by the president. He is planning to introduce runner ippialatinn alone this line. This Will be McNary's first appearance at the chamber of commerce in three years. Administrator's Auction Today At 1610 N. Summer St... i:3u p. m. J4 Closing Out Salem St Every piano must be sold re gardless of price or terms. Port land Music Co., 355 N. High. J19 ,Tfr Acting Dean of Schools Dr. Robert Brumblay of Walla Walla is acting dean of the Kim ball summer school in the absence of Dr. J. D. McCormick, who left recently on a trip to Europe. Rev. Roy L. Sprague of Tacoma is sec retary of the school. Vacation Time Is the Time to Insure your car. Complete cov erage at reasonable cost. Standley & Foley, Bush Bank Bldg. J19 For Women and Children Nothing equals osteopathy. Dr. Marshall, Oregon Bldg. j!7 Takes Dr. Gatke's Place Professor C. M. Keefer is tak ing the place of Dr. R. M. Gatke in the teaching staff of the Kim ball summer schtol this week. Dr. Gatke is out.oftpwn. - 1 1 ," rjf For:Reri;f;Kr " Hoases; 'fiats, apartments, store buildings & Hendricks. 189 NHji.stHt. J19 Drive By, Year State House These three homes for sale, RIGHT; $3300 to $5250 1768 Court street and 710 and 780 N. Summer, street. Immediate pos session on two. Terms. Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. High street. J19 Boys' Banquet Postponed The' banquet for the boys' chorus will not be held until next Thurs day evening, June 23, because of the inability of some of the lead ers to be present on the date first set. Men's Athletic Unions Nainsook and broadcloth, values to $1.50; extra special. 85c. The Man's Shop, I17 Millinery .Sale, Many New Hats Popular prices, snappy styles, every head size. Hats from $1 to $3.75. Sales room, 145 N. High St. Stiff .Bldg. .r . v J18 i , i - . Wedding Announcements Special attention given to engraved or special processed wedding an nouncements. Prices are moderate STATIONERY ' ' 11 Goes to Rosarla Dr. Walter H. Brown, head of the Marion county health demon stration, work, left with his fam ily yesterday to attend the Rose Festival celebration in Portland. Ladies Coats and Hat At lower prices. C. J. Breier Co. J17 S023 Marshall & Kvendall Piano, $285, latest model; terms 410 a month. Portland Music Co., 355 N. High St.. Salem. J19 Portland Men Arrested H. Arthur and C. Clinton, both of Portland, were arrested Wed nesday by Officer George White. Arthur - was charged with being drunk and Clinton with breaking glass on a public thoroughfare. Both were released later on bail, and are to appear in police court Saturday at 3 p. m. for trial. Auction Today, 1 p. m. Furniture of 5 Salem homes, at F. N. Woodry's, Summer St. J17 Anyone Having Rooms to Rent To the GAR State Encampment visitors June 20, 21. 22, 23, phone 400, after Sunday 2673. jl9 Pay Fines Yesterday- Overtime markers who enricbea thedty treasury yesterday includ ed. E. Corey, 545 Howard street. R. K. Page. 157 S. Winter street, and C. S. Bowne. 1030 Marion street, paying $1 each. Wanted Newsptpert-tBfl Old MmrattnM '; W nat ton nrices. Capital Bargain? House, 215 Cen ter. Tel. 598. ' ' Jl Dance Tonight ' Domes' hall, McCoy. 5,-jl7 Portland Man Here ' Among Portland visitors In Sa lem yesterday was Wes Caveness. Furniture Upholstery And repairing. Giese-Powers Furniture Co. ftf Diplomas Waiting A large wicker basket full of diplomas stands in the county school superintendent's office. Casey's Guaranteed RHEUMATISM REMEDY Monej refunded it It does not ear jroar case NELSON HUNT, Dragglate Cor, Court and Liberty Tel. 7 Men's and Ladles smfta cleaned and pressed, fl.OO. Ladles silk dresses, f 1.25, Coats relhaed, $3 .OO, - Hen's suits pressed, ftOe. VARJLET CLEANERS - Over Bnalek'iJ We specialize In olden Wfttt Percolated Coffeo, made fresh, every half hoar the best in town, 5c Per Cnp or Mag , Clack Cat Restaurant Liberty I , front Street Stata W O (LEU 8ATS: We have a 1923 Ford tour Ing with new balloons, new paint, lots of eVtras and in lerfect condition in every way for SS50.M. "The Houm! Thai Service Built hese certifications of successful ompletion of grade school re- uirements will be Riven to suc cessful pupils at the county grad ation exercises to be held next aturday at 2 p. m. at the high phool auditorium. iiggest and Best Yet. Auction today, 1610 N. Sum ler. jl7 M0 Used Player Piano, 8203 Will accept your old piano or honograpb as part payment, bal nce easy terms. The Portland Music Co., 355 N. High St., Salem. jl9 fjadies Omts and Hats At clean-up prices. C. J. Breier Jo. J17 were . issued m E. Schultz, ercial street, and route 6; Ed- l to A T TAirnan Vott nnrr And Golda Chatterton. Irrigon; W. J. T Brown. 632 North Liberty street. and Mary B. Metelman-n, Walhalla. North Dakota. Dahlia Closing Out Sale State fair collection, 24 bulbs, $1; gladiolus, mixed, 24 bulbs, $1. Petland, 27S State. J25 L i Anyone Having Rooms to Rent To the C5AR Stae Encampment visitors June 20, 21. 22. 23. phone 400, after Sunday 2673. j!9 Men's Athletic Unions Nainsook and broadcloth, values to $1.50; extra special, 85c. The Man's Shop. jl7 Pays Tax An inheritance tax of $87.84 was paid on the estate of Jacob M. Scharff, according to a cer tificate filed in probate court. Millinery, Unbeatable Values 150 hats on sale at from $1 to $3.75. Sales room,' 145 N. High St., Stiff Bldg. jl8 Hotel Marlon Dollar dinners served 5:45 to 8 very evening. n26tt Leaves for Boston Clinton Brown, who was with the Clifford Brown party on the yacht. "Westward" at the time of the tragic death of the latter, left yesterday for his home in Boston. Mr. Brown is a wool dealer there. Just a Real Oood Time Every Saturday. Hazel Green. J18 Auction! Auction! Auction Today, Summer St., 1 p. m. 317 Suit Instituted Suit for divorce from her hus band, James Thompson, was filed vesterdav in circuit court by Ruby Thompson, who charges cruel, in human treatment, and non-support. The two were married in DRESSMAKING Reasonable . prices. Don't for get our hemstitching, stamplns. button making and pleating. THE PETITE SHOP Over Bualck's Telephone 19 SI For Sale Store building and residence, corner lot- 4 blocks out, $12,000. , F. L. WOOD $41 State Street YICK SO HERB CO. J. H. LEONQ, MGR. Oar life's work " hat been spent In studying the healing properties of - Chinese herbs and JT . now dally we relieve 75. those suffering from TT stomach, liver and kid j Aa" ney trouble, rheum a s, tlim and gall stones. t also disorders of men, women and children. -Free Consultation, Call or Write 1 Opea O A. M. to 8 P. M. 420 State SC. Salem, Oregon j "WELL AGAIN" To Whom It May Concern: j Before I took treatments from Yick So Herb Co., I had suffered for three years from rheumatism and .kidney trou ble; I could not sleep at night;. Other ; doctors were unable to help me. My friend advised me to consult Tick So Herb Co. After taking9 treatments for one month, I was able to work and sleep again. I hope others may be relieved. ' ,; John K. York, 879 Spruce SL, Portland, Ore. Nov. 12, 1926. Licenses wnoti t Marriage licenses I yesterday to WUlia 11080 North Comm iJSonhia Anna Koehn Vancouver Sept. 24, 1926. but separated in March this year. The present whereabouts of Thompson Is said not to be known. 938.1 Baby Grand New, 393 - Terms; $10 a month. Portland Music Co., 355 N. High. J19 Another Lot of Men's L Worsted suits in at our low price of $19.75. f J. Breier Co. j 17 Case Dismhwed The case of Sophia Persey vs. A. A. Knglehert. John L. White. Board of Missions Methodist Epis copal church, and the Oregon Realty & Exchange Investment company was dismissed in circuit court today. Settlement has been made out of court. Popular Old Time Dan Derby hall. Sat. nite. Dad Sneers' orchestra. jlS Henry Schrenk Says to sell all his household furniture today in the big auction sale at F. N. Woodry's' Summer St. This makes 5 Salem folks who will dispose of their personal property today at F. N. Woodry's auction market. jl7 Account Given A final account of the Ann Palm er estate was given in probate court yesterday. After expenses of administration were paid, a bal ance of $1451.83 remained, ac cording to the account. Ice Cold Punch Free At high grade auction sale to day, i p. m. F. N. Woodry's Sum mer St. jl7 Xew SaT.SO Radio Table, SIO.7.1 Portland Music Co., 355 N. High J19 8300 Cash, Hi-and Xew Union mod.', double construc tion, deep basement, built in tub. 5 large rooms and large attic; wired electric range, water heater, hardwood and cork floors, cement walks in, two pavings paid in full. Total price. $4150; ready to occu py. All balance exactly like rent. See outside at 940 Highland ave nue. Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. High street- jl Estate Appraised - ' The John H. Rhoten estate was appraised at $16,296.62, in a final account submitted in probate court yesterday. E. A. Rhoten is ad ministrator and trustee. Expenses of settling the estate amounted to $3,627.85, according to the ac count. Mew's Athletic Unions Nainsook and broadcloth, values to $1.5.0; extra special, 85c. The Man's Shop. j 17 Former Elk ' Loader Here John Knight, who was the first exalted ruler of the Salem Elks lodge, was a Salem visitor yester day. Apparel Hale, Many Beautiful Attractive dresses and coats for every summer occasion, indoors and out. Dresses from $3 to $19.75 By all means see them. Sales room. 145 N. High St . Stiff Bldg. jl8 Ieaves for Minnesota John Bertelson, local printer, will leave today to spend a month visiting friends at his former home at Litchfield, Minn. COLD STORAGE FOR FURS Horgan Furriers SICK WATCHES! We don't care how . sick your watches are, we have pills for Ml their ailments. DR. PRESCOTT,' Jeweler 291 N. Commercial Bedding and Window Box Plants Are now ready, also fine line Of shrubs and perennials. C P. BREITHATJPT Telephone 380 612 State St. GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS I ware. Stamped Goods.. Miscel laneous Articles. Variety and Gift Shop Mrs. Helen Prescott 291 N. Commercial, Salem, Ore. ELECTRIC MOTORS Rewound and Repaired New or Used Motors js VIBBERT & TODD Things Electrical 11 8. High ' Tel. 2UI LADD & BUSH, Bankers Eital 6 1 General Banldnjj Buslneia ' "v Office Hours from 10a.rn.toS p. nx. Thief Take. Tent and Bed " '1 A tent. bed. and bedding were stolen from the front lawn of the Gibson farm in Polk eountv Wed- the police by Mrs. Daily, tenant on the farm, states. Picnic Lunch at :. The luncheon at the annual pic nic of the First Methodist church at Hager's grove today will be served at 6:30 p. m.. instead of at 6. as announced in Thursday's Statesman. PHncipals Will Meet Superintendent George W. Hug has called a meeting of ail prin cipals of Salem schools for 11 o'clock this morning, in his office at the high sehaol building. YMCA Linoleum Replaced Contractors yesterday were re placing linoleum floor covering in the offices of the YMCA which was not wearing well because of in ferior materials used originally. DEATH REPORTS DENIED Xo Executions in Moscow Since June 4 States Dispatch MOSCOW. June 16. (AP) It was officially stated today that since the sentencing to death on June 4 of eight persons said to be members of monarchist organiza tion there have been no other death sentences in the city of Odessa, as reported several days ago. It alo was stated that there is no truth in reports of death sen tences at Kharkov in the Ukraine. MOUNTAINEERS INCREASE More Planning to- Make Mt. Hood Trip Over Week-end Twenty-five persons expecting to, make the Mt HoodSclimb Sat urday met at the YMCA last even ing and received final instructions for the trip. William Reed. Ma nama of Portland, who will guide the party, met with the group and explained the details of the climb. It is expected that 30 will he in the party when it leaves Saturday noon. FROWN ON BRIDGE PLANS Cabinet Committee Objects to Di inensions of Main Span WASHINGTON. June 16 (AP) -Plans and specifications of the A New Fully Modern 4 Room Bungalow and Garage on Falrmouat Hill At S2600 1300 down, balance 126.00 per month fJLRICH A ROBERTS. Realtors 129 North Commercial C. A. LUTHY Jeweler Iu New Location 825 STATE HTRKET Watches. Clocks and Jewelery Repaired It's Time to Think of PAINTING and CLEANING CP We Sell Martin Senour 100 Per Cent Pure Paint DOUGHTON A SHERW1N 286 N. Commercial Tel. 639 PLUMBING Quick Reliable Service H. EGNER, 1615'Center Street Pbonee 852 and 1S10-W 1 ' Fine Fixtures ' Standard Equipment1 iV j HEMSTITCH LNG 6, 8 and 10 cents per yard. Also buttons, stamping and pleat Ins. ANNA H. KRCEGER Over Miller's Telephone 117 TELEPHONE 4-2-6 JOE the battery ' man service calls free. 04O Cbemeketa Street 1027 FREK WALLPAPKR SAMPLE BOOKS . Call, phone or write MAXO.BUREN 171 N. Commercial Salem proposed Longvlew, Wash., bridge, long a center ' controversy In congress, were; disapproved today Toy the cabinet committee desig nated fo pass upon them., Although approving the general features of the structure, which would be built .by W. D. Comer, Seattle broker, and Wesley Van- dercook of Longview, and span the Columbia river at Iongview and Rainier, Or., Secretaries Davis of the war department and Hoover and Jardine, object to the dimen sions of the main span of the bridge. On the findings of the experts appointed by them, the cabinet members rejected the measure ments as not fully protecting the commerce of the Columbia river, and prescribed minimum require ments which they declared they would be willing to consider it sub mitted in the new plans. O O OBITUARY I o o i oung Died at Portland Monday. June 13, Mrs. Emma L. Young, age 83 years, mother of Mrs. Ruth All- hands of Watseka. 111.. Mrs. Helen Allhands of Leadore. Idaho, and Jean Monroe of Portland; sister of Mrs. Belle Crawford of Ottum- wa. Iowa, Loren Speck of Spokane, Charles Speck of Med ford, and Beit Speck of Salt Lake City. Funeral services today. June 17. at 2 p. m. from the Rigdon mor tuary; interment City View ceme tery. Reynolds Benjamin N. Reynolds died at his residence in South Tacoma on June 15 at the age of 43 . years'. He leaves one brother, G. D. Rey nolds of Portland, four sisters. Mrs. T. Davidson of Level, Wn., Mrs. Joe McKellar of Rock Valley. Iowa; Mrs. C. E. Putnam of San TERWILLIGERS Perfect Funeral Service For Less Licensed Lady Mortician 770 Cbemeketa Street Telephone 724 SPECIAL PUBLIC NOTICE. I wish to announce that my auction sale Today at 1259, Hunt street is a sale of high class ftirniture, all as good as new, everything goes without reserve to the highest bidder. Do not be misled by any auction market sale on the same date. Look for sale arrow across the street from Hollvwood Theatre. Signed F. B. STANTON, Owner. sruooof HigKciasi : ; FURNITURE At Auact TODAY AT 1 P. M. Where? 1259 HUNT STREET Just one block east from New Hollywood Theatre. Watch , for sale arroWoh North Capitol and Hunt street. " 6 rooms of high cte&st FtrtTiitureVEvery thing goes' With-' out reserves Mr. F. B' Stanton and family, owners J" are leaving for St. Louis. Mo. . ; NOTE: This is not a make-up sale! -For Particulars Phone Us H. F. WOODRY & SON, Auctioneers 271 North Commercial Street Phone 75 Rite Down Town Agents for Lang Stoves TRANSFER AND STORAGE Long and Short Distance Haulfttrj Public and Private Storage Fireproof Building' GRAIN, FEED AND SEED Free Delivery to any part nt th rty ' QUOTATIONS ON APPLICATION F armers .. PAUL TOAGUO. Prop. Day Teltfhon 23 ' ; Nisht Tlephne K ;7-', DIegbrCal. Mrs: 'lames Ryan of Donald," Or. Graveside services will he . held. In City View , ceme tery today at 1 p, m.. Rev, Ferrey. officiating. .; Arrangements, la care of Webb's funeral parlors. . : V . - . ' - Oglethorpe . . " ; Elizabeths Jane Oglethorpe died a her residence, lOJtO N. 14th, on June -16. at the axe of US years, t She leaves the following children: Mrs. Eva Rase of Patterson, N. J., Mrs. Arthur Lawrence of Cor vallis, William H., Mrs. Ada Hoef- -ling of Salem, Mrs. Agnes Rath. Pomptpn Plains, N. J., and several brothers"and sisters residing la ' the east. Funeral services will be held from the Webb funeral par- lors at 2 p. ni. Saturday, Rev. R. D. Dullock officiating. JUNE Toilet Goods Sale f LEMON r COCOA BUTTER LOTION An Ideal skin food. The lemon noftens and. whJt-1 1. ens the skin. The cocoa . butter- Is cooling and soothing. Use it fre quently after being out. fn the sun and wind. Your skin will like it. Regular Price 50c", SPECIAL 'PRICK 39c Perry's Drug Store I 15 S. Commercial ioei oaiie -3. HI Wa