The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 14, 1927, Page 8, Image 8

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. 'I
Otter 8,000 Children Have
Xken Dental Examina
tions, Says Report
The. Marion county dental unit
will continue its work of dental
inspection and . dental : education
among scbool cheldTen of the
county, and the worx wiil'be car
ried to other counties and com
m unities desiring it. as a result of
the success of the experimentation
here during the last year, accord
ing to a, report made Friday night
by pc. Estill L. Brunk dentist for
the unit, .to the joint committee
representing the State Board of
Dental Examiners and the Marion
County Dental association.
' Oyer 8000 children in the coun
ty have been given dental exam
inations during, the year, and out
of the 127 public schools in the
county," 100 of them have been
visited, and over 120 class room
demonstrations given on care of
they" teeth.
'Meeting have been held with
community groups in all parts of
the' county, and talks given on
preventive dentistry. Dr. Brunk
said. Dental clinics have been
estableshed in Salem and Silver
ton, and local dentists have coop
erated In giving their time in
these clinics.
Dr. Brunk reported that Marlon
county has 38 dentists, this num
ber hifng. more than that in any
.oth, county in ,the state xcept
Multnomah. Out of this number.
25, hare reported qn the number
of children coming'to them for
corrective work as a result of the
examination given by Dr. Brunk
or inv the clinics. About 55 per
cent of the children found in need
of work have been reported cared
for and probably a much larger
Hamper have actually gone to
dentists, bat have not all been re
ported. ,
As' a result of the reports given,
the state, board of dental examin
ers has set aside an appropriation
for the .extension of the work to
other sections of the state, with
headquarters in Salem. Dr. Brunk
was tentatively chosen to take
charge of the work in the state.
. going Into those counties where
local health organizations express
ed thpir willingness to cooperate
In ' dental health work. Several
counties have already expressed
their desire, to have such a pro
gram carried out. ;
' Members of the joint committee
are Dr. Geo. C. McCord. Baker;
Dr.,W. D- McMillan, Portland, sec
retary; Drl E.' T. Heldund, Port
land, president; Dr. W. W. Wal
ker. Grants Pass'; Dr. Carl E. Mil
ler, Salem, all of the "state dental
board, and Dr. W. H. Brown Sa
lem,, representing the Marion
county health demonstration; Dr.
W. Johnson, Salem; Dr. Albert
Woodmansee, Silverton; Dr. Fred
Ellis, Salem, and Dr. L. E. Bar
rfek; Sajeni.
Dr. "Walter H. Brown, head of
the Marion county health demon
stration office was re-elected sec
retary of the joint committee. Dr.
Fred Ellis and Dr. Carl Miller
were also re-elected as members
of the executive committee of the
Marion county dental unit, with
Dr. Brown. Dr. Miller is chair
man of the committee.
:,: V (Couiioaed from pajre 2.)
translation of the writings of the
.French, priests in pioneer Oregon,
"a work '..which., will add much to
the knowledge of early Oregon
history! u Her master of arts de
gree is as of 1909. The other M.
A. , degree was given Alice Ger
trude Nbrrls of Dundee, whose
thesis Is on "The Growth of
American Scholarship."
Mary Eugenia Savage was given
a diploma In music, having com
pleted the school of music course.
Other ';degrees conferred were
as follows ii ;,
Bachelor of Arts
Vincente V. Aquino, Philippine
Islands; Frederick C. Arpke. Sa
lem; Lloyd S. Bailey. Grants Pass;
Helen DeJpbine Baird, Newberg;
Nat E. i Beaver, Salem ; George
Vernon Beck, Seattle, Wash; Mar
guerite June Heck. Portland;: Joel
V. Berreman, Philomath: Clarence
Ti :;..r1-,
Prct C:rs' Expsrisnces
TN ofcr cuay year's specializa
Jr Hon in the treatment of Files
and other Rectal and Colon ailments, we
have collected a tract amount of data of
tt atBXMt benefit to aayotu to afflicted Modi ot
this thHt htitomatio. together wtta
aaUMCkmaaikd tM vmoatily mn& record el
cares ot fornxT petnf is cor"4 tn a 100
ul Rook. rHk-h w H md tO UWM
tanwstiagit. pMcrfbed is tt tanrm non-sur.
4- tba Daa ofacr ta
Fertian.1 ' aattl and $ frn-
l -. t . a. f S Sr mm
CIf ft " our niuii i-r
. Li. Vint tat eii..oc.edav.
tiff ? M U Q
Roderick Blatchford, Salem; Mar
garet Dorothea Brown, Canby;
Paul Henry Buckley, Calcutta,
India; Hazel Tern B u r d e 1 1.
Sandy; Jay B. V. Butler. Jr., Mon
mouth; Linnle Esther parney, Mil
ton;. Viola Carrier, Centralia,
Wash.; Daryl Muscott Chapin, Sa
lem; Elaine Chapin, Salem; Irene
V. Clark, Portland; Wayne Crow,
Lostine; Iva Dell G-' Crozer, Sa
lem; Elbert Romany Derry, Spo
kane; Ruby Iloe Delk, Drain; Earl
W. Douglas, Salem; Mildred
Drake. Molalla; Ruth Alice Drew.
Prosser, "Wash.; William Trlstam
Edmundson, Salem; Wanda V. El
liott, Perrydale; Francis E. Ellis.
Salem; Mary Marilla Erickson, Sa
lem; William Harold Fearing.
Portland; Lois Mary Fellows, Sa
lem; Gladys C. Flesher, Salem;
N'ena Froloff, Perm. Russia; Adel
ia K. Gates. The Dalles; M. Clare
Geddes, Roseburg; Ronald S.
Haines, Salem; Ethel Hardie, Sil
verton; Peter C. Hoffman, Salem;
Edrie Housley,. Salem; Joseph
Walter lliff, Chemawa; Margaret
E. Johnson, Santa Cruz, Cal; Es
ther Ullie King, Metzger; MilH
cent Barbara King. Walla Walla,
Wash.; Albert Gustav Kletsch,
Portland; Margaret Jean Leaven
worth, Salem; Edna A. Ledbetter,
Alicel; Walter Pinkhara Lee,
Portland; Anna A. Lennartz,
Greshani; Grace M. Linn, Silver
ton; Dean Lobaugh, Prosser,
Wash.; James A. McClintock.
Roseburg; Gladys Adeline Mcln
tyre, Salem; Malcolm Paul Med
ler, Salem; Eleanor Merewether,
Portland; Letha Fern Miller,
Klammath Falls; Theodore B.
Mitzner, Halsey; Edgar Royal
Mumford, Salem; William Joseph
Lee, Roseburg; II u Ida Nelson,
Linden, "Wash.; Hazel R. New
house. Newbers: Charles Thomas
Nunn, Salem; Margaret B. Raught
Centralia, Wash.; Sadie Jo Rf-ed.
Portland; Joseph Keith Rhodes.
Raymond. Wash.; Margaret Louise
Rice. Salem;-George W. Rigby,
Pendleton; Helen Grace Richolson,
Centralia. Wash.: John Putnam
Russell, Fanwood. N. J.; Turfield
D. Schindler, Salem; Daniel T.
Scureiber. Salem; Elizabeth R. Sil
ver, Newberg; Loyd Elton Thomp
son, Salem; Mae Tindall, Monte
video. Minn.; Mildred Tomlinson.
Salem; John P. X. Tsai. Kiuklanp,
China; Elisabeth G. Vinson. Port
land; Walter W. Welbon. Salem;
Rose Wetherell. Baker; Anna B.
Zimmerman. Portland.
Bachelor of Laws
Rodney Whittmore Allen. Sa
lem; Lars Rolland Bergsvik, Port
land; Foster Cone. Salem; Mau
rice Hallmark, Waldport; Avis
Marie Hicks. Salem; Robert
Kutch, Salem: Earl M. Lawson,
Eugene; Frank Lynch, Salem; Jo
seph O'Connell O'Neill. Klamath
Falls; George Rhoten, Salem; Wil
liam Glenn Stoneman, Hillyard,
Wash.; John William Walsh, Sa
lem. Read the Want Ads
(1) Large Clean-oat ; Door
No hinges, no bolts, simpli
fies cleaning of flues.
(2) Upper Front Panel
Slips in place without bolts.
No cement, no leakage of
gas. Throat of feed section
extends through front panel.
(3) Large Feed Dder
Easy to fire. "Hot Blast"
constrnctlon gives perfect
combustion. All doors in
AUSTIN Furnaces are sur
face ground.
(i) Large Humidifier
Insures moist, comfortable,
healthful atmosphere.
(3) Lower! Front Parte!
Held in place without bolts.
No cement, no leakage of
gas. Ash pit extends through
panel eliminating possibility
of dust entering air; circu
lating system.
(6) Ash Pit Door
Extra large to. facilitate re
moval of ashes. Ash pjt and
ash door ..surface ground In
suring tight joints, j t ...
Douglas County Pioneer Monument
. IcUi-Mtku on Cubin Creek, a Mile North of Oakland, Next Sunday
Douglas county pioneers and
other residents,' as well as people
all over Oregon, will be interested
in the pioneer monument that is
to be dedicated at 2 p. m. on Sun
day next, on Bear creek a mile
north of Oakland.
A cut of the monument appears
Supreme Judge George M.
Brown, born in Douglas county
and one of the best known men
of southern Oregon, will deliver
the chief address. Oliver Huston,
a great grandson, will represent
the family. A daughter of Rev.
A. J. Cornwall, who was two years
old when the family wintered on
Cabin creek, will unveil the monu
ment. There will be a state traf
fic oficer present to help in hand
ling the crowds. '
Wording on Monument
The wording on the monument
explains the appropriateness of its
erection and dedication, as fol
lows: "Dedicated to the memory
of Rev. J. A. Cornwall and family.
They built Ihe first emigrant cabin
in Douglas county near this site,
hence the name. Cabin creek. The
family wintered here in 1846
184 7. Were saved from extreme
want by Israel Stoley. a nephew,
who was a good hunter. The In
dians were friendly. The Corn
walls traveled part way west
ward with tiie illfated Donner
party." ' R
- " ' ,
TTie Inspiration;
r y
The mondnient is of granite,
sixvand ajhalfifeet high.- on a
sandstone -''foundation. Thn in
fpiration for its' erection came
from Lafe V. Manninp, Gresham,
Oregon, president of the Douxlas
county assoria tion, now number
ing about D00 members. 70 of
them living in Portia nd former
residents of Douglas county. That
Is a neighborly county, and has
over been. Any one who has ever
lived in Douglas county has this
neighborly spirit. Heno the
large number of former residents
who have banded themselves to
gether to perpetuate the memor
ies of their old associations.
The roll of members makes up
a fine cross section of the best
people of Oregon.
Supplemental Complaint - !
Filed in Packers' Case!
Rentals aggregating $9225.12
are said to have been paid by
Robert C Pu'ulus company for use
of the Kti?gs Fruit Pr-d..-t- plant
in a supplemental complaint filed
n circuit court in Intervention in
the suit of Nassar company
against Kings Products company.
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Made in the West to Meet Western Conditions
CO U s-i lJWMJ U'U
332 North Commercial Street, Salem
1 -i ' I II f v - i - i
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l - . . K-V? i- if-'
:'- m ym&xK !
i . M; .wr -rj -Air -r
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1' - z . . r. ipup-'t- -'j???
I t '
Capt. N. J. Cornwall. 2230.
"f'hapel street, licrkeley, Cal.. a
son of the pioneer, but who was
born after the historical winter,
has been one of the moving spirits
in providing the means for the
monument. He gives Mr. Manning
Lease ;i the plant, according to
the complaint, was mad" on the
basis of tenra-p. ham led as fol
lows One dollar per ton for dri.?d
fruit packed, handled oi sold from
the plant; ?" 50 pa.- tan for frau
and f:gii.ables put through the
evaporator; 15 cents a case for
all fruits and vegetables canned
up to 25,000 cases; 12 V2 cents a
casein excess of 2".000 cases, and
nrn n ir"3
rion a photograph of the Cornwall
credit for having originated the
idea that has made the dedication
poss'.blo. Capt. Cornwall former
ly operated boats between the
mouth of the I'mpqua to San
Francisco and other coast points.
He is now retired.
10 cents a case in excess of 50,000
cases. Other rentals paid for the
plant during the year brought the
up to $5.22r..!2.
DAYTON. Wash. The annual
Columbia county fair has been set
for September 29 to 30.
Eugene Thirty-eight seniors
were graduated by University
s better . .
s different
(7) Iargp Radiator
Made' in two parts of equal
thickness, insuring smooth
casting, inside and out.
() Combustion C'lutniW
Extra heavy. High with
straight side, giving great
radiating surface.
(9) I -dirge Combination Fire
Can be used for burning,
wcfod, briquets or coal.
(! Casing Extra Large .
Insuring an ample supply of
warm air. Double construc
ed. Lined on inside with
bright corrugated tin and
(11) Kxtra Deep Ash Pit
One Pire
Depth reduces danger of
burning out grates due to
accumulation of ashes. Ash
pit section extends through
front panel. Impossible for
fine ashes to sift through
int air circulating system.
(12) Hinges and Catches
Bolted '
All door hinges and door,
catches are bolted to frame.
Should one become broken
it will not be necessary to
replace complete front of
rfi I (F rr
V J If I -.'f I f I
11 1 f f
Salem lodge No. 4, Masons, Mon
day night celebrated the 75th an
nlversary of the granting of its
charter.. Members of the lodge
from Marlon, Polk. Linn, Yam
hill, Benton and Lane counties
were In attendance.
The address of welcome was
given by Governor Patterson, a
member of the Masonic .order
Edgar H. Sensenich, grand master
of the Grand Lodge of Oregon,
gave the response. Lot L. Pierce,
past grand master, gave a historic
review of Salem lodge, while J. D.
Ferguson of Astori gave an ad
dress, "The Quenchless Light and
the 'Undying Fire." Music was
furnished by an orchestra. A ban
quet followed.
There were Six charter mem
bers of Salem lodge. They includ
ed A. M. Belt, John Howell, John
W. Kalfas, A. W. Ferguson. F.
Waymire and A. B. Carter. D. R.
E. Bailey was the first candidate.
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Bakery Goods Fresh
and Cured Meats Lunch Meats Groceries Can
ning Supplies- Laundry Helps.
Fancy Sugar
A very mild Cure,
excellent for bak
ing, they're eco
nomical too at
19c lb.
Fancy Cascade
Half or whole
Per pound
Eagle Brand
;Mal Wheat
This price on
-- - -
Eagle Brand
Flour is less than ed in refrigerator
the present countei-s.
wholesale price.
A limited quan
tity left at $1.95
4 Pound pails
to receive all three, degrees from
the Salem lodge. "'"'".,-
(Continued from Rage I.)
arms and equipment.
4:45 Formal guara mount.
10 p. m. Taps.
In addition to all this training
for the possible future national de
fense, the guardsmen will encoun
ter some other features of army
life which are of importance in
peace, time, and one of these is
the mater of personal hygiene. The
annual encampment, pays much
more attention to this subject than
it did formerly, and in Company
B, at Jeast, the older members see
to it that the lesson , is well
; The encampment this year is
being held for the first time at
the Clatsop beach, where the men
will have the opportunity for sea
bathing; bdt strict rules prohibit
any swimming except under su
pervision, so that there', will be no
danger of drownings. .
Other guard units, that will
leave Salem are -Headquarters
company, 249th Coast artillery.
Ui mm
2 Large Loaves
of the Best
' Bread
to be had for
3 Small Loaves
2 Dozen
20c -30c
Maple' Bars
Dozen '
Government in
sbected. display-
. as low as
15c lb.
13c lb.
10 Lunch
S Teats Pfckfes,
Relishes, Cottage
Cheese, Hams,
Bacon and Lard.
Free Delivery to Ypur Home or
PHONE 455-456
with 33 enlisted men under the
command of Captain Clifton x
Irwin; and. the medical detach
ment of the 249th, twelve men. in
Jobst. The artillery regiment wfiipv
train at ort. Stevens. uaptaia r
Irwin left Sunday with an ad
vance detachment.
That Baby You've
Longed For
Mrs. Burton Advises Women on
Motherhood and Companipr"j
. V
"For several years I was denied
the blessing of motherhood,"
writes Mrs. Margaret Burton of
Kansas City. "I was terribly nerv
ous and subject to periods of ter
rible suffering and melancholia.
Now I am the proud mother of a
beautiful little daughter and a true
companion and Inspiration to my
husband. I believe hundreds of
other women would like to know
the secret of my happiness, and 1
will gladly reveal it to any married
woman who will write me." Mra.
Burton offers her advice entirely
without charge. She has nothing
tn - nail T s. - vi A
dressed to Mrs. Margaret Burton,
8029 Massachusetts, Kansas City,
Mo. Correspondence will be strict
ly confidential. Adv.
3 . Kellogg'.
Corn Flakes
3 Post
4 Cans Federal
Carnation, Bor
den's and Alpine
Miik f
4 Cans
M. J. B.
49c lb.
Hills Bros.'
Coffee 49c
Per can
1 2V2C
rk and
6 Large cans
Pure Cane
For Canning
2 Dozen
to Your Car
m, ...
" . -