THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 14. X&1 . DP J T Local Rates For Classified . Advertising r.ii or Sunday On time I et per word Three times 5 rents per word Si times B word I D4. daily and 20 enli per word la order to sm the more than obs time rat., advertisieg s ma la consecutive issuea. No Ad Ukn for lose than 85a. Ada roa Sunday ONLY charged at one lima Tata. Advertleeaseeta faieepl PereoaeU and aioai Wanted will ba takes overwSHvlephoae if the edv.rtia.r a iulimlikwr to phone. Tie Steteaman will receive adver titeioeals at say time ef the day or night. To iesure proper rlasaifica tiou Ads ahould be i n before 7 p. TELEPHONE 23 OB 58S The Oregon Statesman 1 Published every noTi0 P ' dsj) at Salem, the capital ef Oregon. egI' ni mill oe mv V. Ttpresentetions will noi oe .171 , C: .hcwinc any questionable .. . . . -.1 Cthtent oa the part of the advertiser fhould be reported Ua new.pspex he 8lcm Ad el"" t , AUCTIONEERS 2 F. N. Woodry 11 yr Slem's lesding aaetMaeer nd furniture dealer. Rea. end 8tore. lolO S. Summer. Tel. 511. 10 NO KICK ON MY SERVICX" 2ar22tf H F. Woodry & Son Right down town. Cash paid for used furniture. Store 271 N. Com'l. Tel. 75. Agents for Lsnge Raagea. AUTO TOPS SKK T9 FOR TOP AND PAINT WORK o. J. Hull Auto Top and Paint 8hop. iH7 8. Commercial. 5al6U BATTERY A ELECTRICIAN fl R D. BARTON EXIDB BATTERIES Starter and generator wort; 02 South High. Tel. 198 HIGH AND CENTER LwaWwMawawiwBa-aawawawa JOE WILLIAMS ifFLKEN'KR EI. EC J wiring by hour Li nih.H Til. ECTRIC CO. HOUSE or contract. Eatimate 980 471 Court St. , v : I1ICYCT.ES &TREPAIRINa 8 VoYU E. RAMS DEN COLUMBIA BI HELP WANTED Hol'sE TO wanted. A ground road. HOISE SOLICITORS good line. 1410 Fair OjnelU Lm;.HEKKY PICKERS. GOOD CAMP ground. Tel. SMJF3. -9jnel5 HELP WANTED Male 11 WANTED FIRST CLASS hv Ball Bros., Turner. MECHANIC lljneie WANTED A LIVE NEWSPAPER 8UB scription canvasser. Call Cirealatioa Msnsger, Ststetmsn office. llmlltf HELP WANTED Female 18 KKI.I AIII.E HOUSE KEEPER WANTED 250 H. Cottage. '' 13jnel5 CHIROPRACTORS .15 DR. M. B. SCOFFIELD, r. t - a. - - s : - f t2iw.V niil 8. C 806 i irm .1 nuwi DR O L. SCOTT, TSO CHIROPRACTOR 2i N. High. ' Tel. 828-R er 87. FLORISTS 18 CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS Funersl wresths. decoration, C. F. Breithanpt. florist. 519 SUta Street. Tel. 3X0. MAGAZINES Farm Paper 17 IF YOU WANT TU .war nis dioi farm paper sand five -eent atampa w the Pacific Homestead. Salem, Oregon, for a three mo at ha' trial subscription Mention this ad. POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three months trisl for the bast and oldest Journal in the West. The articlee and edver t. lenient are of special interest to the poultry breeders of the Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 8. Com mercial St.. Salem, Ore. INSURANCE 18 FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gages. Trust Deed. Coatraeta oa house Will net 6 to $0 per cent. BECKE HENDRICKS Htilig Bldg, 189 N. High St. Jl-tf FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loan on good farm seenrity. CITY LOANS Wa are loaning Pt demial ilnsarsnce eompsny money da city reidncasna basines property st H" per cent, plus a commission. Hswkins- Roberta, Ine, SXr6 Oraroa Building. dl4tf Insure Your home or ear sow. Phone 161 BECKE a HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg, 189 N. High 8t. Jl-tf WANTED Employment 19 I t I WOMAN WITH niKL 6 WISHES housework where there is no woman , 1 overseer. Will cook for small crew. I Al P"'" -I. Centra! Point, Ore, 19jnel5 f V . if i:iijiirii di nwiva Hisru rvT ,"VW digging and team work, 'TeL 72F2. T 11 19ml4tf FOR RENT 21 STORK ROOM FOR RENT 260 FERRY street, between Frost a aw CwmasereiaL formerly occupied by Wither a Neal $20 a month. Inqaire at Btateamaa office. 31apr28tf FOR RENT Apartment 23 2 ROOM APARTMENT. . PRIVATE EN traow. Close ia. fig. 555' Marion. 23jnel2tf The Ambassador 550 N. 8UMMES New S and 3-veom apartmextta fur r.ihed or unfurnished. Kelviaator, radio, e!'ctrie range. Tel. -197?. 23jS0 FOR RENT Rooms 25 Boom, for rent in modern home av near Capitol l Baildtag. Gentleman Uonly. Telephone 194-J or call 1465 Chemeketa. 25aprl7tf BOOMS WITH BOARD AT THE ALEX t rader. TeL 1539; 1030 Chemeketa. - 25epr21tf FOR RENT Uontea 27 J-800M MOD8E CLOSE IN. TEL. 398 or 1187-J. 27jnelS ROOM HOUSE ON NORTH COTTAGE. Modern ia every respect. Tel. J5F5. - . - - S7jl5 - FOB- BENT ' Well " famished bangahtw, 4 afed nook. ew. garden planted, m m m a e w i- w by a. V u, lit IT Hank Rlda. Tel. 637 ... ; : JTJ.,18 587 ROO M . HOUSE WITH SLEEPINO porch. 23 So. Cburcb. Tel. 93F3. 27jnel9 FOR BKNT OB SALE LA HO E SEV rn room himm located at 1218 Fair ground road with lot. 100x200 feet. Rental 125 I' month. Price $50oO, term. Immediate possession. W. H. Orabenhorst ft Co., 134 H. Liberty St. 2?jnel5 LAUNDRIES 83 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The Laundry of Pure Matertala." Telephone 15. 1204 Broadway. TRY THE HOME WET WA8H LA UN dry . Tel. 171. 1356 B Street. J17tf THK NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WKIDER LAUNDRY Telephone 2S. 203 S. High. TAILORS 84 D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN and women. 474 Court St. VVANTKD Mltwellaneous 33 TRACTOK DISC. I'HOXK 2F4. 3.-jnel4 FURNITURE PACKING TOR mr- nienta. Oiese-Fowars rarniture vo. 35apr20tf WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOR farm loan. We have several applica tions on hand. Hawkina & Roberta, Inc. 205 Oregon Bldg. 35dl4tf MATTRESSES 80 MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capital City Bedding Co.. 1190 North Capitol. Called for and delivered. All work guaranteed. Tel. 19. f!9tf FOR SALE 87 ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE, CABI net Style, like new. Party leaving city Wednesday, for quick sale, 940. 1245 X. Capitol. Tel. 1017-W. 37Jnel5 tiLACK DIRT FOR SALE IN EITHER North or South Salem. Reasonable. Tel. 72F2. 37dl2tf S EARLY NEW PIANO NOW IN storage owner leaving will sell for ten dollars per month to responsible psrty, or will discount for cash. To see piano write Box 11, Statesmsn. H7jnel5 FOR SALE Live Stock 89 JERSEY BULL FOR SALE ELIGIBLE to registery. Jst old enough for serv ice. Priced cheap ivr quick sale, or would trade for grade heifer or pigs. Tel. 4".Kj:i. :ijlyia FOX TERRIER PUPPIES. BOTH sexes, nicely marked, pure bred, priced cheap to move quickly. Tel. 49F23 (Salem) or write Mrs. Frank Jones, Jefferson. Oregon, Rt. 1. 89mltf VETERINARIAN 89a FRED W. LANGE. VETERINARIAN Office 529 S. Commercial. Tel. 1198. Res. Tel. 1666. A39m23tf WOOD FOR SALE 43 SOI XD Hi INCH OLD FIR WOOD FOR sale, reasonable. Tel. 939. 43jue22 16-INCH DRY WOOD. $6.00 PER CORD delivered. Tel. 1736. 43jlyl FOR DRY WOOD TEL. 1990. C. U. Hasbaugh. 1038 Highland. 43jne26 ORDER MILL WOOD NOW. WE CAN make prompt delivery. Tracy Fuel Yard. Tel. 2313. 43jne2tf GOOD DRY WOOD FOR YOU D. A. Larmer. Tel. 930. 43aprl6tf 16-INCII OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH oak and ash. TeL 72F2. M. D. Msy field. 43fl8tf GOOD COAL DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES. HILLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855 43a30tf BEST GRADE OF WOOD Dry wood, 4 ft. and 18-inch. Large load are cheaper to buy. Mill wood ia our specialty. Prompt delivery ana reasonable price. FRED E. WELLS 280 8. Church. Tel. 1542. 43d9tf MEDICAL 44 MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Tel. 517-W. . POULTRY AND EGGS 45 CHICK, CHICK. CHICK "OUR chicks live to make yonr liv ing." Open range, healthy atock; 5 breed. Special reduced pricea now in effect. FLAKE'S PKTLAND 277 State. Salem. Ore. 45may4tf ELECTRIC BROODER FOR SALE Only one left. A new brooder of 250 cliix capacity, well known make, never u Derated will be sold at discount. Can be seen at the Statesman office. Ask for Mr. Stiffler. 45ml3tf BABY CHICKS AND CUSTOM HATCH ing. Expert help, most modern equip ment. Chicks for sale, all breeds, every Monday. Bettings four daya each week. TeL 82F21. Lee's Hatch ery. 45fl0tf PRODUCE WE PAY CA8H FOR POUL try. eggs, pork, veal and hides. We carry feed and poultry supplies, here and at 8ilverton. Withers a Neal Pro duce Co., 260 Ferry. TeL 125. 45f8tf MUSIC STORES 46 GEO. 0. WILL PIANOS. PHONO- grapha, aewing machines, sheet music and piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and sewing; machine, 432 State street. Salem. NEWSPAPERS 47 THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM. SALEM Agency. The Ac. TeL 939. THE OREGON STATESMAN. 50 CENTS per montn delivered to yonr nome early ea-h morning. Tel. .23 or 5S3. PAPERHANGING 60 PHONE GLeiNN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paperhaaging, tinting, etc. Reliable workman. PAINTING 50A III AS. BENNETT, FAINTING CON- tractor, painting. paper baagiag 2283 J. 187 West Miller. MINUTE MOVIES FPSODB. uenfeBK -serial HAH0S LAW "THAT 12.- ALL EViT ONE; MISS The tow G022.P.HA3 -Tfc wJkcsrcH FROM HER FOB KENT -Hoi I J V LAV- y J J i dcwt see my I ,( THAT LITTLE SNP f 1 DDvT INMiTE el V W3Csl ' . I 81 BUY USED MEN't? CIXITHINO. JEWEL ry. Guu, Toola. Bicycle, etc. Star Exchange. 824 M. Con L Tel. 35S. FURNITURE UPHOLTERINO AND HE pairiif. Oieae-Powera FuniHara Hlore. 5120tf OUR CUSTOMERS ARE OUR BE8T boost era because when we do your welding, 'til dona, not you. Eleetrie and acetylene welding, large and mail. C. D. Oppea, 695 MiU St. Tel. 372 and 2086-J. 51may6tf FOR SALEM SCAVENGER CALL 187. 51fl0-'28 FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS 10 .--nt a bondle 8tateKmaa office 215 South Commercial. 5Ljitf KAMf MASH 23 LBS.. 75c. TEL. tfit J. 2:7Q Myrtle A v. Sljlya PACKING & SHIPPING 62 FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING siid shipping, call Stiff's Furniture Store. Tel. LOST AND POUND 08 LOST PAIR SADDLE BAGS CON laining tools and camera in red leather case. Finder apply at Statesman of fice and receive reward. 53jnel6 PIANO TUNERS 84 THOMAS FAY. PIANO 'TUNER. NOW at the Portland Muaie Co.. 355 N. High. Have your piano tuned by one who has bad years of experience in the work. 8a3tf EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano tuner. Leave orders Will's Music Store. PRINTING 66 FOR STATIONERY. CARDS, PAMPH lets, programs, book or any kind of printing, call at the Statesmsn Print ing Department, 215 S. Commercial Tel. 583. MONEY TO LOAN 87 CITY ASn FARM LOANS AT LOWEST - rale. ZZt htaiimhle. Our insurance department otter at r pert advise and service in all lines. HAWKINS ROBERTS (Inc.) Tel. 1427. 205 Oregon Bldg. 57fl0tf P. H. BELL. 219 U. S. BANK BLDG. Residence and business loans. Tel. 607 or 2141 W. 57spr7tf MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING AND on city property. B. S. Martin M L. R. Martin, attorneys, 413 OregoB Building. Tel. 2084. 57ml0tf FEDERAL FARM LOAN 5. P. L. Wood, 341 State St. 57m7tf WANTED LOANS 69 WANTED Private money to loan on REAL ESTATE. W. H. GRABENHOR8T Jk CO. 134 S. Liberty St. 59026tf PLUMBING 60 PLUMBING AND REPAIRING REA sonable Estimate. A L. Godfrey 127 Union St. Tel. 49i W. 60fl6tf PLUMBING AND GENEtvAL REPAIR work. Graber Broa., lae S. Liberty. Tel. 550. 19tf BUSINESS OPPR. 61 YOU CAN MAKE 10 ON $9500 AND own a modern duplex bouse close id Need only $2500 cash. A real invest ment. V. S. REALTY CO. 442 State. Tel. 2560. 61jnel4 MISCELLANEOUS AM SICK MUST SELL MY CONFEP tiohery. Address Box 76, Statesman. oljnei V RADIO 62 Radiolas For every purpose, for every puree All standard size of Radio Tubea HALIK & EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP 335 Court St. Tel. 488. 6aprl7tf REAL ESTATE 83 A REAL BUY IN MODERN HOME Nearly new with oak floors, large living room, corner lot. moiem in every way located close in on N. Chnrch street OWNER HAS LEFT THE CITY AND WILL SACRIFICE FOR QUICK SALE Price $6300, term. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. W. H. Crabenhorst Co.. 134 S. Liberty St. 63jnel5 ACRE AND MODERN HOME $3150 block to bna and school. Vacant Terms. Betke A Hendricks. 189 N High street. 63jnel6 650 BUYS A FINE ONE ACRE TRACT sll in bearing apple, close to citv limits. $"0 down, balance $10 per month. W. II. Grabenborst & Co. 134 S. Liberty St. 63jnel5 June is the best month to bny a nice 66 acres, 50 under eultivstion. Well-fenced and well located. A bargain at $3600; $800 will han dle. Sales in new homes. 4 rooms, new, ful ly modern bungalow and , garage at $2600. $300 4wn, bwW -like rent. .. - . ,VA And if you want to trdHe yonr house or small acreage, either small or large, see tHe 40 acres we have for trade, price $4500 and a good . place. -., . Trades can only be made satisfactorily by properly matching the properties traded. 6 room bouse and two lots to trade for acreage. Price $2500. In keeping in tonch with buyers from other states, we are in a position to sell farma. LLat your farm with us. Farms 22 acres good bottom land, all sown to flax. Good bam wM and fences. A bargain at $1800. Easy terms. And is a conjunction connecting words, or sentences. Let us connect yon with the place yon want. A-room house near State St. at $2000. Very small payment. City Property ia Salem, new fully mod ern G room English tyrje borne at $4000. See it. , Very easy terms. Property ia moving. We have a selec tion of five lots from $200 to $1,200. Our lots are priced rea sonably. If yon have anything to trade, tell as about it. ULRICH ROBERTS, R-ltor. 129 No. Com' I. TeL 1354 C3joel6 frlOM ADVANCES IT WAS ' CAUTl CX) SLY IN tO tHCCK COAER "THAT-THE -TUiKiri YiSUlCM MAPE V4yM CR0UT rJCLL,10 GRUESOME- SKULL - AND rwOU) THEi FPVEMDLy C0U) PUNCHERS ? AVD WNiE 'CRCM1D -1K3D T 7j4E:SHELls?VvC . 0DTTAGB MHTH w'-v " 1 3 SPECIAL 2 acres clone in with new 6 room boue, a real good buy for 4400. Will trade for eity pruperty. iVt acre with 5 room new bouae and doable garage rlo in on paved road. A bargain for 2600. No trade. 7 acre, close in, no buildings, map for $rl5t, with $10 down. . Vfe acre of fine land ia eact Salem for . aud 9 Kin will handle. He THO.MANON 320 State St. " With Leo N. Childs Co., Realtors. 83jnel2tf MI ST BE POI.II Beantifnl English tyie hoinV juM completed. Yon ran move right in. ." heerlul rooms, built ins. nook, fire place, full basement, furnace, price f 4. ". with Im-hI f terms. l.-t u show vuu thi. honie tolay. LEO X. CHILDS CO., Kealtom. :820 State Street. Tel. 1727. OajneMti 18-ACRE COUNTRY HOME Modern conveniences, oa paved high way, 14 wiles from Salem, 1 miles to Monmouth Normal School, $7000. Terms, , 125 acre, good get of building, beat of soil, 4 mile to pavement, mite to llsuDoyta. GUY DEMING Willamette Valley Land. Monmouth, Ore. 63jlyl SOMETHING DIFFERENT NEW 4 rooms and nook strictly modern ii every detail. THE FINISH OF THIS HOME IS UNIQUE See it. $3500 with small payment. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street. Ground Floor. "HEADQUARTERS FOR HOMES" 63jne4tf FOR RENT IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Ten houses, flat. Slid apartments, $2.) to f4S. liecke it Hendricks. l!l N. High street. 63juel6 $3500 BUYS FURNISHED 4 rooms, completely furnished in good furnishings, cement basement and furnace, garage, paved street, well lo cated, close in. This cozy little boms has betn reduced for a quigk sale. 7 rooms, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, exceptionally well built ina. large screened porch in back large enough for sleeping or breakfast room. Garage, on Church street, owner will take $1000 loss to enable them to buy home in another city where they now lie. $5300. WE SELL FIRE INSURANCE WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 175 S. High Street. 63jne7tf LOT BARGAINS SAME PRICES FOR Laurel Park Lots. $."0 to. $725. Buy or build in a district of -all modern homes. Terms if desired. - Becke Hendricks, 189 N. Higb Street. 63jnel6 SNAP IN SUBURBAN HOME ONE acre well located near bus line and paved road south. Has six-room bun galow with fireplace and oak floors and plumbing. PRICE FOR QUICK SALE $3.i)0, $'o down, balance easy terms, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. W. 11. Grabeiihorst & Co., 134 S. Liberty. ti3jnel 5 FARMS FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE 6rt acre farm, fair improvements, good land, good location, one mile irom first-class, consolidated graded and high school, on school bus liae and milk and motor freight route, 2 miles from good town. There is about 35 acres in cultivation, balance in pasture with plenty of spring water for stock, this would make a nice little dairy farm, AND OWNER HAS TO SELL AND WILL TAKE A SALEM RESI DENCE AS PART PAY AND IS OF FERING TO SELL AT A REAL BAR CAIN, PRICE $5750. 43-acre farm, fair improvements, well bicated on paved highway, ii mile from Salem, there is about 25 acres in cultivation, considerable fruit of com mercial value. 20 acres excellent pas ture with running water, pleuty lor stock, also about 12 acres of good sec ond growth fir in pasture having a probable stumpage value of $1200, thia would mate a nice dairy farm. Price $7700, owner will take a good Salem residence a part consideration. WHEN YOU WANT TO EXCHANGE OR SELL YOUR CITY OR FARM PROPERTY. SEE US AS WE ARE INSPECTING AND LISTING PROP ERTIES FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE EVERY DAY AND CAN LIKELY MATCH IP SATISFACTORILY EX CHANGE DEALS FOR YOU. WELLS TALLMAN & SON 210 Masonic Temple. Tel. 618. 63jnel4. - MODERN COUNTRY HOME 5 ACRES in bearing cherries, filbert and logan berries, has new modern six-room borne complete in every way. Located on hill with wonderful view, near bus line. Price $12,000.- W. H. Grabeu horst & Co., realtors, 13 1 S. Liberty St. 63joel5 EXTRA SPECIAL Six-room plastered house, three-piece bathroom," fruit, cellar, double garage, tool house, wood shed, two lots, fruit, shrubbery, walks and pavement in and paid. New shingle roof, all for the price of one, $500 cash ; terms. PAYNE with DOHRNSTEDT 147 N. Commercial St. 63jnel4tf FOR SALE NEW 5 ROOM BUNGA low $2000. $50 down, balance tike rent. Tel. 520. 68aprl5ti GOOD. 7 ROOM HOME. EA8T SALEM, 2 fine lots, fruit, garage, sacrifice $2500, $200 down. Easy payments. Good 6-room home N. Salem, large lot, garage, nice location, $2500, $200 down, easy payments. 4 room bungalow, N. Salem, $1700. terma or take acreage. 5-room modern home, ' N. Salem, $2500, want acreage, will assume. Large bouse and one third acre on Center St., want acreage. ' 35-a. farm near Salem, fruit, bldg., timber, springs for residence. Loans ' and Exchanges PBRR1NE ft MARSTER8 212 Commercial Club Bldg. 63jne9tf BEST BUYS IN HOMES $7000-A. REAL HOME $7000 Brand new strictly modern, in every way, has 4 bed rooms, best residential district of the city. Another one, 6 rooms for $6500. One 5 rooms, large attic $5800. A good "-room. full ce ment basement. Paving paid, owner leaving city. $3450. and a coxy 4 -room bungalow for $1300. FARMS FARMS Fine 70-a. half cultivated in crop, plenty of cherries, berries, grain, hay, corn and potatoes, balance timber and pasture, running water. Priced for a few days. $51KM't. Terms. It wonld be a good bny at $7000. Dandy small farms. 3-;. for $1400. Fine two-acre, good house' for $2500. Five-acre, best of soil, no bldg., $1600. To boy. sell, rent or exchange yonr property, or list. See Louis Beehtel. Realtor, 341 State Street. C3jnel4tf Ar4 INDIAN - SEE HlH CXNCO rwi-Z TtCti- GOMB A LONG- VT..-- ..el I t - REAL. ESTATE iX 7, OrV- am - - awnwewjswaca,. eMewr- - t ill - L. 63 1 ACRE, ALSO' EXCELLENT t LOT. Kingwood Park, for further informa tion call 1338; 3rd St. West Salem. 3jnel3 HOUSE HUNTERS WANTING FUR nafe, fireplace, basements, hardwood, etc. See 40 Highland, $4150; 930 Tamerack (Block west of Hollywood Theater! at $4350; 90 Tamerack $52.'U and 780 N. Summer at $50ou. Berke tc Hendricks, 189 N. High street. f3jnel6 MATCH THESE EXCHANGES MODERN SMALL HOME ia S. Be lent for unimproved acreage. GOOD SUBURBAN STORE BUILD ING (leased!, and priced right fei residence. NEW SMALL HOME Modern iu every detail Accept e!.et car. TRIANGLE REALTY lOMfANY 421 Court Street. rusnil Flour. ' EXUHANG E H EA DQU A RTERS' t 63jne4tl For Saie or Trade $7500 Ten-room bonae Close in. Lot 60xl6.. f.r500 New five room bungalow. 8trlet ly modern. Double garage. $4500 New five-room bungalow. Strict Iv modern. Unfinished upstairs. $2500 Kite room cottage. Well locat ed. $15oo Five acres. V4 mile from bus line. $6000 120 acre. 45 acres under plow. Good road. Running water. Good buildings. Will take some trade. $2350 Ten seres. AH in fruit. Fine buildings. V mile from Dallas. Ore. This is a gift. We write insurance. We have aome good trades. What hsve yout RICH L. REIMANN, Realtor Phone 865. New Location 318 U. 8. Bank Bldg. 63j5tf THAT BEAUTIFUL SPANISH BUNG A low modern to the minute is listed with us at $7."00. Have vou seen it U. S. REALTY CO. 442 State. , Tel. 2660. - 63jnel4 NICE HOMELIKE PLACB PLASTERED house, basement, fire-place, bath, beau tiful shade, nut and cherry trees; 8 big lots, rosea and shrubs, garage, poultry bouse, berries and garden; near schools. Only $3,800. Same with two lots, $3,500. Some terms. Owner, 849 Rural, Avenue 63-1-tf SIX ROOMS AX"D BREAKFAST NOOK, furnace, firep oak floors ia living and dining full concrete base ment, wash u.iys, garage, paved street, side walk and concrete drive way to garage, electric range all ready in stalled, lawn set, east front oa South High street. New. Move in today. This nice borne is priced low al $5000. There ia no incumbrance. It can be purchased for a small dowa ' payment and the balance on easy terms. Tel. owner. 2538 R. 63m26tf $50 DOWN BALANCE $10 PER month buys a fine five-acre tract lo cated east near Swegle school. Price $1100. Here is your opportunity to get a home. Good land and a fine loca tion. W. H. (JraLcnhorsi k Co., 134 S. Liberty St. 63jnef5 HOME BARGAINS $6300 Nearly new modern 5-room home located close in on N. Church St. cifrner lot, stucco fin ish, has basement, furnace, fire place. Price lowered $20OO. Will sell now for quicK sale lor $.too. terms. YOU SHOULI I SEE THIS HOME. IT'S A BAR GAIN. $7800 Modern five-room borne com plete in every way located six blocks out in fine location, terms. $3750 Cood modern five-room home lo cated on S. High St. Spot cash for this home, it's priced below value. $3650 Modern 4 room home located near new school in S. Salem $500 down, balanceyeasy terms. $3255 New six room borne in S. Salem, $300 down, balance easy terms per month.' $3320 Modern five-room home on N. 5th St. $."00 down, balance , easy terms. $3500 Good six-room home near Lin coln' school on S. Liberty fc't. i3i! goon. $4500 Fine 5 -room well located on N. Church St., $1000 down will handle. $1500 New 5-room home located in Kingwood Park, a snap for the price. $250 duwn, balance easy terms. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. Realtors. U4 S. Liberty St. Tel, 515. 63jnel6 75 ACRE DAIRY FARM 12 miles out on good road, fair bldgs., 30 acres clesred, little timber, balance best of pasture, well and spring water. Price only $5500, with terms. If yon want a cheap stock farm, look this up. SEE LEO X. CHILDS CO., Realtors. 320 State Street. Tel. 1727. 63jnel4tf SAVE THE COMMISSION BUY DIRECT 110 New 6-rm. modern house, oak floors, lot 54tx'29. Walks in. Paving paid, $5o0 cash, balance terms. 120 H-rmf modern house. fireplace, garage with concrete floor. Lot 37V4x 120. Bargain for the money. . . 110 6-rm. semi-English house, hard wood floors; fireplace, nook, bath, ga rage. Price $2700, $200 down. OWNERS CO-OPERATIVE SALES BUREAU 310-11-12 First Nat l Bank Bldg. 63jnel4 GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST We have over 8000 properties' Bated for exchange. Every kind of property, every price, every location. We can match " yonr exchange EXACTLY. If yon would like to trade your property TODAY, come in TODAY. See . GASKILL & EARLE. Rewltora. 166 8. Liberty. TeL 2242. 63jne5tf Exchanges j Three good lots, value $3000. one "in North Salem, two in South Salem. To exchange for honse of even value. Modern 5-rm. house, large lot in East Salem. Value $4500, wants an other good house with one or two more rooms. Will pay some difference., 20 acres 10 miles out. some good timber. 2 acre cleared, small bldgs . spring, mile to O. E, and Behoof: Value $1200. Will pay np to $IOOO difference for house in Salem. 4-acre farm, good building. 30 acres cleared, balance good pasture and timber, running water. Price $5000 will take part in Salem home. For Exchanges SEE LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors. 32G State Street. Phone 1727 63jnel4(f AND N0VU, AT TWE HEA? AT WIS FEET, : Tom see? a REAL ESTATE G&PlZ 51G AS v AF7ERTHECERE- tflONY iNMHlLE THE GVJESTS AfctANC-1HG- AND VJAkmG- RRVt Toward NSlLSUP AWAY Wo TME SILENCE - AKDNtfDNDEI? Or ' Tv4 MESTEBM 'VPS i d . yWSa .V 1 AMD 63 s WILL Bl'ILII .TO V IT LOT 52x89 feet in - good mmi atidki . a close in. W. II. rabenhrt Co, 134 S. Uberty St. 63jn15 INSTALLMENT ACREAGE $S06 down and balance terms will handle 5 acres close in, three room bouse, bara, well, runniag water. Price $3500. $500 down ei balance tersa will handle a fine improved acre tract in Salem Heigh ta, e room Bouae, basement. furnace, fireplace. P. ice 320O. $15) d-wn ,and balance terma will handle three-room house and large lot, ell in bearing cherries. Price $2 00. $ 50 down and balance $10 per month buya 1 acre all ia bearing eher ries. Price $dSO. $ 25 down and Lalaoce $10 per moot I buya & acres oa the Gard ro4 Price $1500. $ 10 down and balance $to per month buys 10 acres of fine fruit soil, all cultivated. Price $1250. $ 1 00 down and balance $20 per niontt- buy 2t acres, small aback, well Price $2500. . $200 down buys 1V acre tract, old house and barn, eome fruit, some fine timber, located south, close in. Price $3200. int. 6 per cent $100 down and balance term bays 6 acres close in. some fine Um ber. Price $250 per acre. If it is a small installment aeresgi that you are looking fur, see W. II. GRABENHORST a CO. Realtors. 134 S. Libertv St. 63m28tl GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE FINE LOCATION Carrie dry goods, hardware and gro ceries. Well equipped. Livinsr ouar ters. With lease, $3500, $2500 cash. We cave other stores for sale. SOCOLOFSKY & SON First Nat l Bank Bldg. C3jnel0tf r A I KM Ol NT HILL LOTS $800 ON up. Get yours, now. Becke & Hen dricks, 189 N. High street. 63jnel6 FOR SALE NEW HOUSE 81500. NEW modern bungalow, - $-2500. New mod ern 5-room bungalow $3750. New 6 room oak floors,' wired for electric range. $4000. Good five-room house, paved street, $1000. Small house, good lot, $1000. Want a modern house aonth Salem, preferred, not over $4000. F. L. WOOD GEO. F. PEED. 341 State St. t3jnel2tf f 3600 NEW, FOUR ROOMS. BREAK fast nook, bath, full concrete base ment, fireplace, .furnace,, garage, wired for eleetrie ('range, falc1 ftobf) in front -room, double eoaatrueted and welt built. This bouse i iaat ady for occupancy. " Concrete aide walk and drive way will, be put In. all for $36oo. Some cast! I balancw on' terms. Owner Tel. 25Ja-R. 63mayl3tl TRIANGLE BUSINESS TRACT ON Fairgrounds road, suitable for both home and business or oil station. Yon an get this- tract for just half what it will cost next year. Good list of lots, both cheap and better and some best. 6 room hous. new, must go this week, fine lot, food front, splendid ap pearing home it. neighborhood of new houses, ask to e it. - BONt with JOS. BARBER -.'on Gray'e. 12.VN. .Liberty c:tjnel 4tf REAL ESTATE TRADE 65 4 ROOM HOUSE TO EXCHANGE FOR larice lions. 5 acres close in. Oood house, double garage. Mostly sll in fruit. To exchange for large house. Must be walking distance, Salem Realty Co., 462 State St. t.juel4tf FOR SALE OR TRADE 6-room modern house, east front, lot 50 by 10O. Price $0800. 5 room modern house and "double garage, corner lot. Price $4800. Small tracts in exchange preferred ranging in price from $2500 to $4500. Terms. Small store building with a good in come for trade. Money to loan Special proposition. LANE M OR LEY 413 First Nat-1 Uauk Bldg;-Tel. 757. 63jnelltf GROCERY STORE $1800 Business corner, trade equity foi house and lot. Uusiuess corner and large old house. $0ooo. Trade for house and lot. Large lot, fruit trees, grapes, $3000 Beautiful corner lot E. and X. front $2"00. 4- rm. house, paved street, corner lot. $1700, $125 down, $20 per month. 5- rm. house, fruit and nut trees chicken park. $3000, $259 down, $2 and int. per month. - 2 east front lots, old honse, $ ISC down. flO and int. per month. ' Large E. front lot with small house $2100. $i50 down. $20 per month. Close in lot, splendid business Iocs tion. $2350. Store and apt.' house, close in. $16,500. ' Income property, large lot, $13,000. Attractive quarter block in busies district $60,000. Business ' block 165x165 feel $40,000. Business lot. among business bldgs $15,000. ' . Insure with its. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 N. Cottage Mt. 63jnel4f REAL ESTATE Suburban 69 NEW H0U8E JUST COMPLETED FOR aale on terms like rent, double eon structin. j fully plumbed, electric fix tures, etc. 4 rooms and breakfast nook, garage, etc. One hslf sere of finest garden land. Prise $3100. Carle Abrsms, 1485 Chemeketa St. Tel. 1894-J. ; , - 6fl2tf OKKKKKKKKKXavKKKKKKKKKKO 1 plastered ban- galow, electric lights. Just, out of city limits 'and close to Gar den Road, For sale or exchange Price $3000. 10 ACRES Suitable for chicken ranch. Good buildings, located M mile from pavement in Hub bard. Can exchange for Salem property. Price $4000. W. G. KRUEGER, Realtor 147 N. Cora l St. Tel. 217. 69jnel4 QKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKQ TRANSFER & nAULING 70 WE MOVE. 8TORE AND 8HIP HOUSK hold goods. Our specialty ie piano and furniture moving. We also make coun try trips. We handle the best esl and wood. Call on as for prices. Wa give good measare, good quality and good service. Larmer Tranafer Co. TeL 930. TRANSFER AND HAULING , OF ALL kinds. Tel. 72F2. UNS , WELL. - NUGfiETS AS HEN '3 EGS : . MJV4V , HOAI&y, i. ii irt treT'tsttS. ' -wuitli Al INIMAN MOSIA HlUVCr E.M HERE NEftriy 'A fir BSfoRc- 1HC; REAL ESTATE . a, 'MVMUei r r a w - - - , - - tiu i i fc v ... j r- -" - - - - s TRANSFER A HAULING 76 ' SALEM TRANSFER a FUEL;CO. : Local and long diTtaae hauliag Storage and fueL V V9 8- Hi Tel. 629. , v ' 7a30lf CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 22B State 8L Tel. 933. Dmiribulihg. for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. WELL DRILLING 73 R. A. WEST. RT. . BOX lo,3 A. TEL. IIOFS, 3 BU lea east of- Garden Road WATER 74 SALEM WATER. LIGHT ft POWER CO. Office 304 South Commercial St. Ten per cent diacount on d nM.stie. flat rate paid in advance. No deduction for ab-s.-o-e or any -cause nates water ia anal ifi voor premises - TRAVEL 76 TRAVEL Safely, Swiftly and Comfortably in buses nt the- Parker Stage Lines. - S T AG E S L E-A-V-E F O R Silvertoa 7' a. ta., 11 a. m., S p- m. Mt. Angel 11 a. hi., 5 p. m. Da'.laa 7 a. m.. t . m.. 1:25 p. ,m. Falls City 7 a. m . 2:10 p. m.. 5:15 Independence 7 a. m., 9 a. ui., 11:15 a. m., 3:10 p. m 5:15 p. m. Sun day only 8:30 p. m. Monmouth 7 a. m., 11:15 a. m.a 3:10 p. m:, 5:15 p. m. Sunday only 7:10 p. m., 8:30 p. m. MeMinnville 8:30 a. m., 2:10 p. m.. 5:13 p, m, Newberg 8:80 a. m., 2:10 p. nu, 5:15 p. m. - Tillamook 8:30 a. m., 2:10 p. m. Call 222 or 696 for information. d23tf AUTOS WANTED 77 CASH PAID FOR FORDS EIKER AUTO 77ml2tf USED CARS FOR SALE 79 Better Automobile Values -. B926 Nash '. Victoria Coupe, good tires, ftn like new. excellent condition, wonderful opportunity. Chevrolet Sedan, 1926 niudel. H ud son Speedster. Gardner Touring. Chevrolet, 1920 Touring. Buick Touring in fine shape. SIX FORD BARGAIN'S. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 30.1 North Commercial Street. Phone 12SO. After We Sell- -We Serve. 79jnel4tf NEWTON -CHEVROLET COMPANY -1923 Ford ConH. l'.)2; Ford Touring. 1925 Chevrolet Touring. K Chevrolet Sedan, lot of etra. 7!jnel2tl Just Scratch Out Depreciation When you buy one of the fine used car on our lot you cut out th biggest factor in' operating 'cost right at the start. You save the depreciation the first owner paid. '. - 1924 Coupe, new paint $285 1924 Brown 'Laquered - Touring bett pulling car on our lot, $9- worth- of repairs on thia, guaranteed machine. Call -for No. 678 i i..215 19?4 Aa Is Touring, call for li." bos . : $n 1923 Tonring with new Holly Napovixor, . quick . change bands, special ignition. Has sler shocks, . outside brakes, -call for No, 758 $14 1922 Cbevrolet Delivery, jut the " thing for your berries, 31x4 straight aide tires ia rear. Will handle 1200 lb. load nicely. . ,-' Valley Motor Co. Salem, Oreg. 79m27B PACKARD OLDSMOBILE Two of the . Best t ,-: Cdallic Sport Conpe (A anap like new) ' .$2500 Packard. Sedan, look this over .41450 Oakland Sedan, late model; 4- wheel brakes $'750 Kollin Sedan, late modlj . 4- wheel brakes $ 600 OVdsmob le Sedan $ 350 Ford Coupe, late model .......'.......$ 875 Cbevrolet Touring, late model ..$ 373 atnick louring, a real. buy, (new paint) ., A..... .-.-.....!'.. '.....$ 200 Ford -Roadsters and Tourings $50 to $150 We always have a complete line of gooa usea cars, our stock; changes daily, so it is impossible te list them all in inis sua. . ii you are -interested in used car, we can aupply yonr wants. as we have good running automobiles . . . i - w . low as Biddy Bishop . Capitb.rMotorsV inc. 350 N.,High St. " Tel. -2125.- - Two'-Of the - 1 .- .'Best- PACKARD-S- OLDSMOBILE , 79jneI2tt By Ed Whelan ' SODDED VsJEALlH - TbM AMD NELL "DECIDE- "To. (?ET ITiARRlED UJtTWOUT bELAy, AMD: ALU ' VJllDCAT WNJITeD ,16, THE. UJEDD1NJG used cars iron sale to Real Buys in Light .Trucks - Oldsmobile, G'erlatid i and Ford Trucks. " jost the truck you need for hauliag the berries or we will rent then by the day. - MseDONALD AUTO CO. Cottage a Ferry St. Salem. Ore. MA KMON - CHANDLER f 7jael0tf AH Used Cars Must Qo We Have the Best "' Values in Used Cars . in the City . Marmoft Coupe. Hudson Sedaau Overland Sedan. W illya-Knight Sedan. - Willys-Knight Tonriagt. Overland .'Tourings. Buick Touriug. Ford Conpe and Ford Tourings. And many other good bnye. . Prines $35 and up- . Mac DONALD "AUTO CO. Salem, Oregon -Open Evenings Until 8 P. M. Cottage a Ferry Sts, : TeL 409 -MARMON CHANDLER 79jnel0tf Here Are Twelve Bargains in Unused Transportation 1926 Studebaker Duplex Roadater. Just like new, had the beat of care, front and rear bump era, swipe, rear glass ,...$90t 1924 Oakland Coupe .. $625 1924 Late, Willy Knigbt Sedan Yb ' perfect shape, haa the Lan- . caster balancer ...$90t 1925 Star Touring ........ ..'..$28 1925 Chevrolet Touring ..$3i 1920 Ftudebaker Light Teuring..$3i 1920 Stude Special 6 Touring .$3i 19247 Ford Coupe -t..i $354 . 1923 Chevrolet Touring .t........iH 1923 Ford Roadster - ....$13 1920 Ford Touring $ 85 1920 Ford Truck . ,....$! Ii , Convenient Term at Lowest Ratea. We Now Have Erskines fos Delivery. Marion Auto Co. Studebaker' and Erskine Six Dealera for Salem and Marion County. Ask for R. L. Gibbins -Used Car Dept. 235 South Oom'l St. Telephone 302. USED CAR IAJT.' NEXT TO FIRE STATION ON CHEMEKETA LOT PHONE 2117. 79j9tf -o I General Markets LIVESTOCK PORTLAND.- June 13. (AP) CatUe active, steady to strong; receipts 1575 cat- - tie: Ho calves; steers, good $8.50Ci(9..O; medium $8 fr 4.75; common $7fo8: can- ner and cutter steers 6(i 7; heifers, good $1.1.1 & 8.7a j common and medium $6(re , i5; cows,' good 0.'Jolii? 7.7o; common - and medium 5.50fi 7.25 ; low cutters and cutters ' $35.50;. bulls,- fcood yearlings excluded, $l.5 5"'7 cutlern and medium. eanners and . noiognas j(iihj.7j; calves. niedrum' t0 -ehoice, 1 toTtk" fed . ecluded. $7.5010; culls- and common $5rtf 7.50; vealers, medium and choice $9.50fti l2; culls and common $6fT9.50. - Hog aetire: kilhtir classes 5 to lOo higher - receipts 1475, including 204 through.' Heavyweight 250-.150 pounds' mediuoi; - good and rholce $8.75(v 9.75; mediumweigbt 200-250 pounds common, medium,' choice $9.40fn. 10.15; light weigltf ' 150-200 pound common, medians, , gooa, cniHce fu.suwiu.zj; ligns light i;iO-ltl pomds.. common, medium, good choice $U.5j 10.25: i packing hog (rough and smooth) $6.S5(i,8: slangbtei pig 90-1:10 pounds medium, good and choice $9.S5f0 10.25; feeder and- sUH-ker- pigs li-4.lo 4ound&, naeutum, good and! choice $9.75fg 10.25. (soft or oily hogs "and roasting Vs excluded, in above quotatioos.) , Sheep trade, active; prices steady;- re ceipt laoO, including 275 throxigh ; lambs, wteoium t t-faoure- 84 pounds down tu.aon:3; calls , and common1- $8$ 1(1.50; yearling 'wethers, medium, to choice $?(a 9; ewes, common to choice 4(5,50; culls $3t 4. yuotationa excepting spring lambs, on. shorn basin.. F0BTULND GRAIN ' PORTLAND, Jone 13. (AP) Wheait bids: BBB hard white June $1.54, July 1.40: lutrd white. BS. Baart, Jane $UbO, July $1.39; federation, soft white Jan. $1.45, July $l.9; western white Jnae $1.43,. July $.. 3a; hard winter, northern spring June $1.42, July $1.35; western red Jane $1.39, July $1.34. v Oats. No. 2 white feed and No. 2, grayf Jane ML Barley. No. 2, BW June $38. , Corn. No. 2 Jane,. July $43. Miilrun, standard Jane, Jnly $35.50. . PRODUCE " ' - " PORTLAND, Jane 13.; (AP) Vlfk steady; raw milk (4 per rent) $-.25 cwt. f. o. b.-Portland; butrerfal 40o f. o. b. Portland. t ki Poaitry, light bens easier, supply strong; heavy bens 18'J0c; light llty 13c; springs nominal; broilers li lbc;. pokin white ducks 20c; colored nominal; turkeys-alive nominal, dressed S7e. Onion steady ; local 3.757. , Potatoe steady $1.5t)r 1.85. ' HAT- - v-PORTLAND.- June 18. (AP) Hay. buying prices: Eastern Oregon timothy $22f$22.50; ditto valley $20&20.50; cheat $14.50; alHa 0.50M.1 ; oat. bay. $.5; straw $.5o per ton. Selling, prices $2 a ton snore. . , - DA1KT ' ' PORTLAND. Joae 13. (AP) Dainr Exchange, . net 'prices; . Butter, extra 39fce; standards 39c r prime Jirsls aawi firsta b 4 c. Eggs, extras 24c; first 23c; pullnt Ic; current receipts 19e. t CHICAGO GRAIN ' CHICAGO, - June lit. -(AP) Corn prices ran np fast today as a resort of heavy rain whh-h hatted field work. Wheat was helped upward by. corn, clos ing quotations for corn were trug, -a 4s to 4 :)-c net higher; with' wheat unsettled at: le to 1 hie ' gain, an doats ' Showing: 3-8C jhs- 5-8e. advance. - . - - - - . 1 : i O ' V '"c SalexuvXlarkets Iu' GRAIN '..'- ; ''y. .No. 1, wheat, white ,. Reds, wheat, aacked '. Oats, per bu. suilbbg 1.33 1.27 .641 FORK. kfUTTON AND BEET- Ton hog ' 09'-i 8 mrs -OoVtf .07 Uy .09 Top steer . Cows .vo Ball ; :04O.05H 1927 Iambs, under CO-lbs, ' .joVi Top-live Teal -1 Dressed real , -'- ,-, ,-, , , " .17 ' Dressed pigs J. .15 P0TJXTKT Iight beas , - Heavy bens , Springs '- Boosters .18 u22 .17 .oeci.oA EGG a. SUTTER, BTJTTERXAT - htandarus. -.U ,...- si , r'ouod . - . t rutterrt r, . . : . Cream butter 0,43 VEQETABLES V 'Vegetablas, beets., Sacked .r ; Turnips, carrots l' - .' Onions, do, hancbea v,r New cabLaga "?- Potatoes - , , t , ; 63fi Celery, do. .... $1.3 5. California lettace. 'trata ., ,M , LoaaJ spiasck .. Y f