: Tl IK ORE iSy: 'll-IA v. k.4I.i:M; nnWMiN TUESDAY AiGaNINO, JUNE 14, Vj2J- shipper m Citjr Tigne Standing . ; :w." L. Pct.: m t . Bmt t .T77VV. 1 . . 'is 1 .900 MontaTllla 3 3 .667 Woodnieij . . Nicolal . . . . Camas . . . ;'. ,4 3 6 6 .4.00 ..375 .333 Sunday' Reault Ralem 1?. Nicolal S. . Ml, Scott S4. Montarilla 2-3. W. O. .W... Camas - Nirolat may .bad a strengthened -learn.; but safe bits are safe, bits no matter who U fielding. ' and - so tbe Senators.- gathering 1 bingles off the del-4 I very of Kus and. flow, .ma4 11 a track meet ai 'pxfQrPajrk Sun day, nicking the platter 12 times. whle Sax. pitching hla f jrst tfajne for .Sale.tB. let plenty of jtnen reach first baae-but kept all IwU.tw.o of . them,, from .scoring,, t . , ., .., the doorpjake.rft avo promise in tne early inning of iyjhg up to the, reputation "vrhtch" preceded them, but the numerous, runners thai reached the jath (wrie ,heW there. Sax. .tighjjeatn .in, each ease: and then lirthfc third the Senators -tiroke- loose .and srotfii. four. runs. - ; -----.- t Edwards walked and Sax drew. a free. tickelipn.hlja pitched balj. jJiy SuULTa, AiFhen he attempted jqcrJLfJfe and, the Nlcplal f ir ,haseraftn ,was Polled off the"' bap! The hases -were, full and nobody oujJtha ;oe $ulit van, ; new second baseman, ihtro riuea"vbImReif 'lo-itbe - fans by rracKlrig out a.Klngte ta rlht f ield went to second P the throw, to piate, ana me s-pruufri!...cuiri when Gelemail doubtedV'oxer the right field feiceJ , Nlcolai'ar.un were pbtajne.d in the '.tbird aajil (dnrU...DrIpcipally on erratic pitching. Two xtra.aiasfr: bits .figured in t he ixt f 6r(ne , for Jj Sena,tqrs. In the sixAh. RteersJjit, avtwo bag per to center fiefd and Jacobber Ker triole.torrljhuj S -'t22 The wildest rally of all catne in tie eeTentb. nben belfteors scored six run off .. Igbl . fleap hlttj two of whtcb. w"re made hy "Ma nager Edwards; - wbo'-. opened the season with a sloxJe o'verjBec- oud ' Sax sacrificeUm;'alwk.nd 1 he sroYe on IBiUr Sulllyan's .sln- felel Joe SuUivan was pafe on a f relde r:s cfioicer S i lFca li gbT olnK to third. Coleman poled, boa out. scoring Joe umu - v1 him; Steers and Jacobbeger "bit twofbaggers. Steers. acorlnr4'h.efi rarae the third two bagger. Jrom niitlnn' .hat. Md Jacobberger, KcoSfed. Irauk8fogieK4elliinGi nidlAga to gUrd,and .the: sbort-j Ftojjracored on Edwards' .seoona hit, or. the inning. The final run cameIn -the. ninth whn Itidings walked. w.epti;to, thUd -on a single by JJauk and Ecored-on Edwards sacrifice. ;IK addition, to getting two double plays. Ridings robbed the biltQ? of Jilts and runs by his spectacu larJieldAng pp, titpioccaBio ,,n. The box seore-T. ,a!. ' . . Salens .AlBt;.H.;P.0.A..E W. SulliTan lb 5, 4- '5 .T. Snlljvap. 2,)iy4 ..2 r; olmAn. ci . 1 steers; if . . . . 5 ' a Jacqberger. rf 5 .1 TtiAvngaBS .A t, 2 Tlauk3b . Ky 0 Kd waras; c v. 5 2 1 -2 :'.Z 2 '2 2 1' 0 3 1 1 P b .0 4 .1 12 0 o 4 0 Totabi;;.;. 3912 ,16 j . J fA..pVR;l. P.O. A. E. Yett. ,2b ....4 BuxslM, as . . 2; Kqrhoaen'. Jf ; X BotheVrcf . . .5 E. iKufr;' p . . 3 McCluskey, rf -2 4 0 : 0 0 ;1 0 o l 0 o 4 1 2 2 -i ,o l .i 0 .1 .1 0 .0 0 0 0 .3 2 0 4 2 :i i .A ft BradlTttcb. 3b 4 t;ioes, id . . ' Glasontc . , Bif0ner. rf .' 4 .4 .1 .1 3 i Total ..33 2 7 27 11 Summary innings .pllched by E. Kuaa .6 .2-3, .ClQr.2:.t.-3, Sax.9 ; at batoXf. JCuas .31, .Sax 33s plow 8 ; lrun'a scored'off, Kuss" lo. Sax: 2. Clow 2; runs responsible for. Clow 2, Kuii J6.Sai;trncV out; by, Kusii 4.;,Clow tf. Sax 4l5:' bases ob Daiuf, mx.- - j;io -.-s Koss l: bit j'by Jitched .ball, 'Sax by, Kasa. Bottlejr .vbjr Saxj jrib pitches. Sax. 2 : lefi on base. Sa leni Nlcolaf 1 ;; ;;heo run iverybodys boqsiing: tlx Pirfttsr.viazeri pitch rst ' and cxXozM to ' ths MI mm - - If- . f '1 Ck7emar;TinreebSlier hltJacin berge'r; ; two base' hits, Edwards, Ridings, Ooieman, Bottler, Steers 2; f sacrifice hits; Sax, Edwards; caaght t,' itealin?, t . Jacobberferj YeUdottble Diays. J. ;soiUvaji to, WdlBga tolWilBnUlT3n.k'nmp .of Sain; 2 -45 4 UitTnjflifes,, ft.Wton jktr PORTLAND, June 13. (APi i Twd.yfetorie pyerIoatayilhv yes-i terda t VabA.strfet pa.,3LiO) ; M i,iir4ieJirit. an Jlt innjaaifair rrT- iiwsed tyt. Scott's lead In the Ci.tasehalL league. ,, '.' ' ' At Camas the Woodmen dt t he- World won, (r,qm thej jome -clqh,- lO.fc. PArap COMPANY , DEFEATS iiEGION The Papermakers won , a close gamV frprn the fjegion lasl night' by ja score of 2 'to 1: It was a pitchers' battle from start to fin ish!' with the-honors about eye.' BoiH Oodeans and Schnelly si ruck ou eigb men'r" The ex'-soldlers oniylally was' the' "res'tUfF of "a double by '(lift, who Tafrr""stoIrf third and scored rn a .harf throw.' muiguiii kiuh w(ii r t(ie I . E.l P. and ri("ffilatcflms In at- t ion . w la fte' tZ m'6 r ro wn I'g h t Val ley Aioior ana me unigmis or t'ouim- iuri nut mo iiiwir Knur. J I.ineups 'tor; I'asV nig hCs gamer' Region flabrielsoh 2 b; Biddy IIarntberger- in; Schnelly Tp. ' Papermakers Watson. ."Chap-1 man lb.VVerateer jfti. T, s4i Imklns'fb'. ; ifTsink'JWishtp "SbV deann'p. r ' s " ' ' " ' Empires Tafrd"' and 'Mason". ' ScJiTer-Earl -Paulsen? ' ' Amertcan lieajpin Standi uat W. 3C ;' '32 29 2ft 24 " 24 '24 1.3 Pet. ,679 .C82 .588 ;52fl .471 .421 New York . . 17 23 23 24 27 27 .30 CMcago PJHadelpbla Ua'ihlnKton Detroit Cleveland . . Bosfon. PHILADELPHIA. June i.".: ( API Pinch . Uitter Eddie Col lins tripIe-iii the-9tb "payed the jW,ay fqr..a, 2,rub rally that enabled tne-Phl'adelpbla. i.Uhletfc score a .7 to C. victory over the Detroit Score ' ir. IJ. E. Detroit i . . 6 8 1 J'jiQadlphid ......... '-7 12 -2- IToiibway and Woodall; Wal be.'paf, flfJve and' CoThrane. WASHINGTON. June 13. While .'cirowder was holding the WjjffVox; Vday to three hits and d Sh ill out. the Senators batted Biankeuah Ij andt JAbr.bard ,1f6r iu if nBiniiuH itneup maae ar least one hit and one run.- ' Scpre 4 R. H. E. cbicagp ; . o s i Wasalngibb .... . . . . 10 45 0 i'i ,BlW?i8hlp. Jacobs and - noarS?. June 1 3.-Vangllder pitxaed ,an -pld fashiooed game agx!tikt;the Ref Sor tr.-ia S . Jibuti wott the secqha game of the 9tXlAi'S.i.M: K. The pitcher ". held Boston to S hltii and : id the rb 'tftilOK ' kpbeked 'a hdme '"fua 6VW tfce!rr treia-fence.' ' - T 7 - " St. Louis '. ! . . ........ 2 10 2 . : JO .,8.1- ""tkv'i. 41.. J.J . l Ji dl.. , AjfJ"1""- auo ocuang; wing-. tield jrarTbis ;and .Mof,tnnii. .- SMKW YQRK. June 13Flv home jruhs .aided the Yankees in 4jhelr J4 ,to" C victory over clere- um idda.- paschall ti l t6f tit circuit .twice ihd , other homara were' eon frib6ied' n'v ilakzefi, rDu 6f dliTkandV!- 6.o 1 !Nw York is fc 1 , "fu'tJe; Karr. Ieysen,. Buckeye ami AMire) .rennpck and. Collins O 1 . NATIOIf AC ft Nat i4nI League. 8tnding4 --r Pittsburgh" Till:" 32 "f7 ,19 20 ' 24 31 2". 28 34 .653 .583 go......... a I 58; .26 19 .19 NeiTork Brooklyn r44fir Boston . .i. .432 .404 .346 Philadelphia .'. . VII I C At JO. June 13, UAP1 Tbe.CJUlja, won4elr ninth straight game'l'today. dowhlnr New York bx tt 6 to .'2 iebre. 'Shfrlff Blake jraVe tthe ClahUi rftslut was .i4.pii:&nly;. ii. tH 1st and 9th sriw" -!tt 1 r v ! New York 2 Jl 0 Chicago 8 12 1 14 I'itwrmmoaii. "Henry And jTayr PTT8BllRrm.' June" 1 3. The .Ptrijeg Bo?ed.6ut Rrobklyn 4' to 3U ,Attbougn "otiihlt almost 2 to-1.' PtCtabarblLUnined Its safeties ef fectively." Panl Wanera borne rua lIC:ayne "bAsertrgaire the league leaders thejf whining mar- Brootkyn ; ; v,.i i 4 . . . . 5' Pittiburxh '..-i.i.'iV.-C' 4.7 6 : Barnes. , HcWeenyPetty .ind Hargreayes; Kremerrr, ;nnt ' knd phUadelpbLk at" St; Loa!a,! post-' POlned. rfBi ' x r . -t:i j .. incnw.ivaa. uuu uuuick i ,f -fry,: Mill 1 i III III .... Toast league Stranding : ' ' : ' : .w. J c. pet. Oakland ' SO 44 3 . 39 2! 4 2 47 Sacrajnento . , San.Era.ncl3co. Seattle . . . . . fissions . . . ; Portla'ad Los vA"ngele3 . 4. .4" 3.8 .as 26 S3 28 .S19 ,514 .494 .4S0 ;4to ,372 Hpltoody.. " SW FRANCISCO. Jnhe i: ( A rTbe pSf ali t.pnbced S.eatt le. toda,y. iS-,4, (n a anje interrupt ed" by fcequeijt. wrangling; and chasing froButbe .Held fL three members of the .loglng club. Wade Killifer. manager. was the firU io go. ' Tie deputed Umpire Magefkrirtas hectsYoh that Prdy. center fie'ld. had dropped O'Doril's lijr D.JIwnjie iifiuiu i-ijrjiy fljjoiii it slipped Trom his fingers whrtebe wa.H ttyingjo toss H'lo I he left fielder, , , v Balenr, and .Kldred. coachjng at i Ifev.-'-J hird -'f'y were ordered oi. ,inhe .pejt ..in ning for VhouMpfc at the arbiter. The game gave the San Fran-r clfio team . 'the fferlea 4 - to 3.' KH llfe .Rid be' would pro'tesT "f he contest" io President 'rtdrry 'il- uamsr , : bre- " v ' .; Tt. .11 ! K. Sefttfje 4 ii . r. Saj ftancisro .... . . . . 12 14 0 Slafiin -and Schmidt :V jondy arfde.;:'' - ; .'o.Qiher gaju,e,s; sfhe4ulel. HIS . BEGIN.iOrJG RflCF RAN ERANCISCO June 13 t fi,V) " -JEJleyen Jn4ian , marat,boq rqpnera wiirstaftthe u4.80 .mile endurance run between bere and Crafts Pans, Ore., at 10 a. m..to inorrow'' wneri Af Jertnings, former tVafn robber, now mayor qf .Cres- qt City. Cat, presses the trigger of the same revolver he" carried in bti outlaw days., , J ' ' .Tift WnnerH.'eight of the-Ka robk trilei of the upjier Klamath, and three of the Zunl clan from Xew Mexico', 1M tbn trbf to the ausalito ferry,, ride acrosh the bay and start ouj. From Sausaltto hey must travel entirely on foot, bul'they can' ret when, they' please aci( either r.un or walk. To offi (illly. finish-" 'ihera:ce,' they must reach Gran'e&Pass Wifhln 15 days. iUhoilgfi lt is exdectid Of raiie .of ficials that the winder will make the dtstancfe within a week. 'Approximately ;$ 300 wtlKgO to tbewlbbefg. The 'first to Ilhish wlUireceiyJ llboti ahd the. 'sieebnd XA0 PdrTiave 'ald beeVliuig tfjV for" the -ifst rtiisner to; pass tbrpugn . Sanv Rafael, tTkiah.- For- inna ann Kureaa. , .... . Reunion of Irvine Ctan rTo B.erlld-Here June 26 . The 'annual 'reunion f df 'tnV Irvine Clan' will be5 Tield at the ta t grounds; Salrtn . June 2 e . ' A farke atYendince. is" antleipafed and.it , ii earnesflfbjolpec that all felativei w flf.be' presetif,' bringing wirtllled baskets Lnrteh'-wllF be' served at noon and there wiirfte athplif aec&mmoda tidn's 1 h tb'e way bf seats and tibles.. r.lbverndr Cind; Sirs: 'paiterson wlf "be' 'heb'or'.goeists Of the-"occa-. $nr-'-'-" V'1 : ' ' ..r r ' " V! Xh in terRUpg progra m" Will be feature bfhe gaCherlng.nclii d inji srpeechVsf ord time songs, and H?jLenle'mbree w)ll recite .in her aiuai pteasjnTnanner. ;A general" good"1 time -Ik assured'' r' e l" ;the iflAers' bt tbe organ iznon art: MinonMA'nterie 'Miss Nina' Slcfy',' 'Salem, vice president-' Miss' Mattie Golden. tebanoW secretary. . . '.' jFOft BLACK HILLS President and .large. Party Arrive WARlNGtoVl,'Junfl 13 1 , AV) President and Irs. Cool tdge.left tonight to spend the, sum- merriB the, South Dakota Wak .They are scheduled to reach the state same Iodke,w,hJch Jian b,e!n. S laced at their disposal. Wednes ay .night, Tbey .wiii dejrajn. At Rapid City and cover the last . 3 2 pjiles of their 1900 mile journey by'motor. . .t j a Jvccompanted by aa ub usually Va'rge par(y wbic!i Included n of rieWJtafft. servant,' secret -aeTlc nien, newspaper.' reporters' " and CDeduled to maae only one ex- 24- ji-TXIiaramq? lad., .where the. president J?1JI Jle, nXerMdd?s8,;tnia4ttQwaUSJE-. PIUnSE IXTEllEST' 1 -r 1 . t . . ; , , i n.iigiiiuu,t. j uuc - a. (Ar ; ungiana s jajuuonaoio race week, which begins .tomorrow wlthlh Ascot, ata'kes van d. the iSoid ; Vase: aa tb; principal tea tufes. with itsiatletidant; pgeaat 2f 'feminine fash Iocs,? promises lo photographers, the iprMldnt and pi..; ciiptrtVA:-:5 o'c'lork f ro'ih ; 'asbmgfop on an eiahtar i-$fenee?il raWH il . Is t JKSlOEfHIl) ' JlPIGOLHillf f - itt tf. i PnTSBTTRGII. June 13. . ( A?.) -rlt will be VBqbby Jones against'lhe field." Inthe' battle "of IgolfiiiK plants that atarts ( tpmqtr- row.ove,r.the vly.etJnrX and haz ards ' of .be Oakmont country club, with the American open'golf championship ar'stae.' 1 , " ' The "stocky XVtahta' 'amateur, present open champion of Oreat jRriialn as the Unjted States, fates a rormulable ,loretgn Held, ap propriately ."enough, .in .defense of hts lan re Is .hut .he. was. neverthe less, a top heavy favorite among players and experts alike today aftrthe last practice" sb'ot'had teen exploded ifom rtakmonl's jricky assotmept or , traps f . and bunkers. . . ". " ' In a game in which the mighty on one . day may often .become, the fallen on the next, Jones has been consistency if self, dominating the galaxy "in "a fashion' such" as few, if any 'single star's "h1Ve "done 'l fore: The old axiom that 'Anything can happen," in.. sii(;h a test as the 72 .hole championship Krijjd through the. next three days bs buoyed some hope in. behalf of at least 'a half doiten other aces, for whom Jones will" be the "marked man' "Wee Bobby" Crnicksbank. de honajr Johnny Farrell, Leo.DIegel anF IJftinor' Ia.'rrjf,4.JCpo'per. loohj In 'jheT 'rbn.t ,ia"rik! or '(he Xhierican. "pros5;who twlll he epi ning tjor j'lA..Jig,,tUIe whie J?lJm Aubrey Boomer and Charley Whit combe of the group of nine Brit ish in vaders... likewise .have .their followers. ' 50 PARTICIPATE IN SWIM MEET .Oyer 50 boys took pari in the first swiniming meet ..held at the local Y MCA tank at,urday .after noon. .The boys were divided into Junior and" senior groups, accord ing to size and age, t'" ., lhiil' prownell stafred In the junior group," winning firsts in the 20-yard swim, 0. yacd' swim, the empty glass swim, blindfold swim and being on the winning ' relay team. Win - Xeedham almost as consistently took second pMac'e in these evehts. ' "In the'senior group, J. 'McGreg or led'tKe Held wjh Jo.ur Jlrsts and one second, and participation in the winning relay .team.; - The.under.watf!r swim was tak en by Kenneth "Morris, at 95 ,feet. If. Mosher and'W. Moshe'rMtied with J. Devers and B. " Smith in the watei. wrestlin; contest. " Win Neednam1 took" the 'undeiv Iwate Yfak U.lt distance. qf 20 feet; ' J. McGregor ived .16 fjpet rof nrst place in. that, event. Mem bers of the winning relay team 1 w"ece J.' .McGregor; O. .Moshef, P. f Browne! r and B. Smith. t .The meet was conducted under the! direction of ..Bo'5"' Board man, physical 3fr.ectbr '; ffaryey -.Brocl swimming nrttqtqr, ,waa, cJejrk ,rirocK, BURN NEGROES AT STAKE t tj V rtarJtles? AWasAl of iriirtlr frfken ,1X1 tjisVILLE, Miss.. June 13. (.AP) Two negroes, accused of slaying., Clare4cj Nichols, a saw mill superintendent, "vrere seized Uy '. a ttnob. early,, today, paraded through the 'streets ; df Louisville and then taken a shorj. distance ffojin tofrn wjiere t hey w,ereiel to' a Telephone pole aij.d.biirpe.d .to death". . ' . V. S. Permenter, deputy sheriff, a Rd 1 .ftl.h.?T . Jff lar,s were tak-. ing tne negroes,, to Jackson for site keeping. 1 They were'"over taken near Noxapaler" by a' ntibb which deniajidejl the .prisoners. The officers refused at first to sur render them and fl red 'several shots in the air-in an effort'to "frighten t he m Ob," "wbosen u ni ber" wa s jest I mated 'at O 5fi, "tt'ni the jtnob" was i t Governor, Mrs. Patterson 1 To Attend Rose-Festival Governor and Mrs. Patterson will. pass Thursday in Portland wpere theywill attend the annual Rbse FesMya.1, ; On ;iay:;jpey wifl go. o, Gearbrt .wbefe .they will be guests of Adjutant General George A. White, hlle at Gear haj't the govptfrlft'etew " the rjrat Ion a I ; G na cd w h t K goe . In t o annual ebcani pmen .Weitoesday. Governor4 Jtdland ,fiart tey of Washington has been invited to jfol'n ,Goveor:Paf4erson"al Gear- State Engineers' Of fice lSends4i4oHedr Claims ftfW;niiTdyeT ot :Che' state "en gineer's department will . leave- here today for Condon and other . 1 Murn v irp.An rirmii wnnra inn 'i wu receive; Jajnisncppgcciwu itb the. adjudication of the John river. , - ' I Theywill be met at Condon "by HbeaTLuper, state englBeer, who Jias peen,condactin an, inTestiga- II.." Jt.t.l.t-'' . . . . - . " . . . . ima uuuit-k the stream would be received by the. state engineer.'" , . , i. Employes of be state engineer's bfftce, wno'jilU assist in . receiTing the claims Include Misses CJara Hbmyer anXena ChrUtensea and R. VviFotte.r pnd Edwanf Humph- reT' leu.- .!':-.- hi M IMPROVEMENT DORHTORY AT KnfBAI.l. .RCWfJOli to n"COlPlET Improvements to be made at Kimball School of Theology, con s.isiqg majnlv of hr.rfni5ihing.pf dormitory, rooms in theLthlrd' floor Uf ihe school huilding. "wiU be un dertaken in ft he .near .future, .was the tentative decision f ",a com mittee consisting of J. O. C.oltra. R. C. CilPye.r, and Rev. i. JUfter Fields, which met with President J. M. Canse yesterday. This committee was appointed by the reeenf meeting of the board of trustees of the school. 'At their meeting yesterday thev consulted with. fVU. Iiekge. ()ntracor! and instructed h.im,.to ((lrw tip plans for .the., d,ormllory rooms. Final decision will he made. .when.. .the plans are ready; and estimates re ceived. t ... -. Anoiner mm on 11 school com mittee which met yenterday was composed of (Ke' district snperlnr tenffents of tle'.fregon conference of ib'e .Alet'hodlst hurt'h. fiey.' A. S.kflfsey,'Rey. A.' U Ilowartji. Rev, I). S. Leech, and Rev. S. Chaney. Thi? committee discussed the opening of more pastoral .charges for student ministers taking work at Jvtmnau school, and recom mended that inpre siu-h barges be aHowed, beats'er."of ihe good' wprk donf.d ur'BK ti he Jas'i years 'by' stnT dent pa.8tofrt. COLES PHILLIPS DIES 1. 1 . . ... .i t Glorifiei- of 'incilcaii iIi-rIoiit rfd; j.Pojjniai-s, Artist NEW YORK. June 13. (AP) The death of Clarence Coles Phillips, whofce brush was a rival of Floreuz Ziegfeld in glorifying tbe' American girl, was mourned today. Mr. Phillfps; whose poptilarity was built upon his illustrations for magazines aud'bis depiction of statusijue' gjrls sheer hosiery and silken gajments iu advertise-; meats, died last night in his home at Sutton Manor. New Rochelle. TTis death was not announced until today, lie was 4 2 years old. NEW CORPORATIONS X The Klectrlc Salesman Mann-. facturing" company, with capital stocTt pf $200,000 and headquar ters in Portland, has been incor porated by. Eugene "RlazlerV Eref CV f owell ' and Eugene' E." Rhzir. . Otn'et arlicle iled' in Uie state corporation depa'rtnent follow: ; M. S. Bovee company. Cor val -lis, $10,000; J. B. Hellingsworth, V. L. Youngblortd and M. H. Bo-s Veei Tbe Dalies Crushed Rock com pany,. The Dajles, $5,000; Walter W. Hart, Fred F. Thompson apd W.'J'. SeufeVt" : . . '.. 7 Frahcbj HPPly company, Port land.'! 10, 000; arrolI.S. Francis, II. R. Hamilton and Mi B, Meach- am. : United Parcel Service of Port land. $50,000; Charles W. SodeW strom", (eorge Casey and J. .E. Casey! " ' ",Vem Manufacturing company. Portland. $50,d0p; A. .Vfer, J., Emoie and.1Cpqrad'P. )Ison. , j S.no.boy . Ffnit niscrihutorsj Washington corporation, $50,000: permission granted to operate In' Oregon". Notices of dissolution 'file(t by Nay and Senders, . inc., Albany,, and Wallowa Community associa tion, v ' "' : ' Two Fullgrowri Zebras i Presented .to" Hwidenburg BERLIN. (AP) r President von Hindeburg" finds that he has on his bands, not..thevtraditional White, elephant, but .two beautiful fuljgrown zebras. ' ". . f he animals were sent td him by. ! Ras TafaVi. ' prince , regent of .Abyssinia as, a tp.Mn pf.eateejn.., . wws . . . , in unusual present .arriyea With a hlp"me,n.t pXlhookeyV.-iack-als, hyenas, aqtelopea . and. os triches Jntehdejl for., a' 'German dealer. President von Hindenburg has. tnfned !nia gift over to the Berliner Zoo"" Porllaritf Heavj damage by mice and 'moles to tulips, lilies and oiier1Jfo'Irepqr" " " ' tr j7frrnnnomvAb ' " .' .Nolc Is Jierf.by.glven that the undersigned has filed in the Coun tyCourt o,f . the State, of Oregon for? the ebunW Qfrfarion, his duly .Verified finar account as Executor qf4 the: last will and testament and Estate of Lydlar E." -Marrs, de ceased, and that said Court bas fifediMondsT;rq,iitaN day . pf 7dirl7 at-the'our 6f ten 'tTdock A.Vt.' of saia'day,' as the tjme. and the county court room inr Jthe county iconrt honie in Sa lem Marlon r Connty, Oregoh',' as tbe place Xtnr hesrtng said tinil a'c cbunt and all objeaions thereto. ' i pattMT at talent;'. Oregon,1 'tnls to diy of Jane,ld2trJ:,'. - 4 '"-ROBERTHTJCH CURRtN. .. ;-inxeenttJi'.t'i& lt will and ': fslanieiitand;Teftale Af Lydia v E. Marrs. eeSsed. ff RQNAtB C, GC02ER,; ECQJESJIP Officers Installed by Lyle Dunsmoor; Cliarter Pre : senteel by McSherry i STAYTON. June 13 (Special) American Legion Post No. RS ot this city was officially estab lished tonight when the charter was received and .the officers in stalled. There were .40 .Legion naires in attendance and several came .from Saleni. . 'George IMincan, commander, called the meeting to order and presented Irl S. McSherry of, Sa lem, .executive" committeeman for district number 2 of the Depart ment, of Oregon, -.w hp spoke,, con cerning the various activities ,in which the Legion might partici pate. He called attention to the parade of peace time service, and laid emphasis upon the member ship work in the community. In behalf of the national and state departments of the Legion, Mr. McSherry presented ,,lhe charter to the local post. . ,Lyie Dunsmoor, commander of Capital Post 'Number ! of Salem served as installing officer for: the evening. The regular ritual was used and the following' installed: fieprge ,D.in.cap, .commander,; ..Wil ljam Swiff, .vice .commander Jim Ilix, finance officer; Paul Kirch, sergeant-at-arms; Dave John, ad j ii t ant and "" Aldred Martin, his torian. Victor McKenzie, state chair man of Hie membership commit-t(-e; was present and spoke briefly mi the obtaining of new members. In well chosen words he- paid fit ting tribute to the late Clifford Rtow'n of Saleni, a Legion nian who was the friend of all. Others ttd speak at the meeting besides the newly elected officers were H. R. White, Raymond lias sett and Mr. Brown of Saleni, Mr. Humphreys of Stayton. Enter tainment for the evening was fur nished by Rufe White and Lynran Mac,bonald'. Miv MacDonald ren dered two exceptionally fine solos which were appreciated very much. Mr. White performed in his usal witty manner. . Following the regular meeting Walter Miller and ' his assistants served refreshments to the hun gry Legionnaires. QUESTIONING DEFERRED ' " '' - Papers for Return to Oregon of De Autrcmonts Awaited COLUMBUS,. Qhio, June 13. i ( A Pf,)v Farther questioning of .Roy and Ray .De Autremont, Ore gon .train bandit suspects captur ed in Steubenville last week, was deferred today by federal officials. Capt. C. W. 'ii. Long. San Fran cisco postal inspector, who inter viewed the twin, brothers briefly Sunday, indicated he would talk to Gqjsi J" 1 dt d' : H it Every Tuesday and Fri- dayy s p e e d y t 23-hour coacH-train s p e c i a.l -service and special re duced fare. Leaves Salem 11:43 a. m.r over .Cascade Line in daylight, arriving San Francisco 10:3p a. m. next day. t Ride in a roomy, all steel coacKoyerarrtooth, rxckjballas.tcd roaUbed. Kelax and rest. Free bb . Nervation car loubge .and .open platform. - special dining and uncf-ca menus at low ; tickets atthis Ipw fare g4od brilyrqri these spe cial coach trains. Prce . baggageTaUdwance bf , r, ,- ' m f imilarare and t erv . i returning from San Francisco every, Wedf : ? neaday and Saturdayi i at3.-0ap'.nv t A. A. MICKKK 14 N. Liberty t to them again some time this week b'ut "d'hl hot" further -illvaJge his "plans". - " Meanwhile, requisition papers f prtheir yetum to Oregon ar6.be jngs awaited. " Assistant - United States Attprney-Barteles fbatrfin d icated be will recommend . thai the prisoners bf turned "over-. Jo Oregon authorities and the 'pris oners themselves have said it hey will not .flght extradition. Z MARVIN OPENING TALKER State Librarian- Gives 'Address ats Joint AsWria-feetJnRv -. 1 is . GEARHART. Ore.. -June 13.--(API - tLlhrarians . from Oregon Washington and 'California i.ar rivediliere today forhe three day sesisons of the California associa tion and the Pacific Northwest Library association, " which are ,boldng a Joint con vention Jiere today, tomorrow and Wednesdav. Miss Cornelia, Marvin; Salem; Judson T- Jennings, 'Seattle Job n Ridington Vancouver, B.C., and Milton J. FerguFon. Sacramento, were among ihe opening speakers. . . ' COMIISSIOXJ TO. MAKE STl'DY PORTIXXn, June 13. ( AP) The rchitionship of angling, com mercial fishing, irrigation and plilixation bf. watrr'for power will be ntade the subject- of a survey as ,i result of ,-clion taken today at asjoipr .meetici? of ttije-ost-ate game- an! f,,-b commissions. T LISTEN IN - ::l -o TUESDAT MOElfINO 9:4.Vtl ;30 :K-W tiitiil. Extreme Id iiii I I :oi--KXI.t i:i9). Miiruing III UK II. lt:0(V-lJ:O KOIX (31. Hnnwifc ' 1 )Mnr. . . TUESDAY AFTERNOON l'J :IH-I Kill V.- irt'n rtmrert I - :IM. K KX. Popular orchtra 2 :0()-;j:0() KF.X. Matins. " :O0-3:3 :KXI.. ,Mni-. 2 :: :tK'';V, Mmitie.-. : : Kr . NhWk, nirtRK-. r.: Of 16: no h.VV. C-'l-J). Twilistit ho.ir, Xoti? of Assessment fir. the cost of Improving; Cross Street from the Kast Line of CTurrh Street to the WextUne of 12tli Street. Notice is hereby given that the Comnion Council of the .City . of .Salem. Oregon, will at or -about 7:10 p., m., on,: the 20th day of June 1921, or at any subsequent rfieetirig of theaid Council .there after, in the counciL chambers of the" city hall in . Salem, .. Oregon, proceed to assess ' upon, - and against each lot or pa.r,t thereof or parcel of land liable therefor its proportionate .share of the cost of improving Crdss Street-'from the east line of Church. Street to the west line of 12th, Street in f the City of Salem,. Marion County, Oregon. " ? ' ; ' All persons interested in the said assessments-are hereby noti fied to appear' before the said Council al said time and nlace and l present ' tlielr objection, il any iney nave, to saia assessment .ana apply to; said Council to equalise their proportionate share bf same. By Order of tVie Common Coun cil. June G. 1927. ' ' ' M. POIILSRN, City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof is, June'll, 1927. : Date of final publication Thereof will be June 14, 1927. f j . ; Notice. Of Assessment for he Cost . tft IniprbvfnK Lesllo Street from the KjtMt i.ino of .lStii street, to tl :,WesV' Jifiie of ? lpUi ; Street. Notice., is 'hereby-Riven that the Common Council of the City 'of Salem, Oregon," will, at or about 7:.-10 p. 411., on the 20th .day t June, 1927. or at any subsequent meeting of . said Council there after m the council chamber at the city bal.i . in .Salem, Oregon, proceed to assess upon and against each lot or part thereof W parcel of land liable therejf or 'Jta , pro portionate shared bt: the!(Jcos, t bf lmprovn Jeslfe Street, frpm ti east .line, of 12tb sStireet ;jta the west line of 13th "Street," in the City of Salem, "Mar ioa .County, Oregon. i4iiStt"-.'. if. - Al . persons. Interested Jn -.the saa assessments are .hereby noti fied to appear., before ,aid Council at said ti nip and place apd presem ,tneir, ,oojectups tt . any tney iave, io saia assessment, and apply ,to said. Cputil.tp. equalize their proportionate share of same. By .order of .the Common Coun cil JUlieib, , ..... ......... Ttf. fOUtsEN, City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof is JllTIA 11 1 . : , bate of final publication hereof A'otice of Airoessment for tbe Cbstt r Pr ,rIroHnK Sooth" 14th.' Street froni ibe Houth, JJne, 1ab Ktreet to the North Line of Wilbur Street. Notice Is hereby, given that the Common Council of the" City ot .aLim" OfemV jwiil, at of about ft?" P-xmon:tn'e 2tb.; day.bf June.192?; or at any subsequent meeting of the' said. Council here; alter In the coubil chamber at .the" Jit Hail Jlnfeiem,i Qregbn. pro ceed to assess .upon' and against each 'lot or part 'hereof, or parcel Po land. liaJjM'tjierefor jta propor tionate share of ther cost otijm nrovTng B'onth 14th Street .from the south line of Lee Street to the north Una of Wilbnr Street in the City of - saigm; Oregoir. r: :;r ' VAll .persons interested - la- the aaid lassessmenta are reby noti fied 'to" appear ' before .(he said Cornell at said time and place and Sepent ? their t objections, if iany ey bare, to said assessment, and apply; 1.-aaid jCotipcil .to -equaiite ther proportionate ahare of same. 4 3y order of tie Common Coun cil JuHeC-127, Mi, ,jv J. M. POULSEN, CltyReeorder. Bat of Jirst .puhjicatian hereof is June 4t; 1957... ) . 4f .av T)ata. of final pribilcation hereof j-ftUi t June 14, las?.- - III v 4 KIM 91 mm - 1 " rituii--prpL ;.-M Newest, National Bank Building ictory -'BrAsrxrENT Ie Luxe Sbinine Parlor 'T.xjter for Ladir b1 Genilfn;a ' SECOND Kl.O0a Coffey' Photo SerTi-e Tot. 70S.' Over th Hpi ' THIRD -FLOOR Uorrik Optical Co. 301-302 3i Dr. llnry K. Morrit. OptoujMrrt ' Telephone 2:1a K. Gillette lwyr r-- 8oiu -Telephone lOiti SoeolofakV & Son, Tel. 970 .. Sl)4 .111'. Rval r.staie, loana Inuran. FOURTH FLOOK Dn, O'Neill A BurJette, Optoniriritu Phune 6J5 l. 401.102 403 4u ur, Ouardian Baildinf A Loan Aiwriatiuu t?. Uayford Kly 418 Telephona 757 Villard H. , Attorneta Wirti and Paul F. Burria 410 411-412 Tel. Hi Lane Morley, 4(13, Tel. 757; Kai. 1911 w : t .sirm floor Otfo.iR.VehM, If; D-, Phyiicfau it Surgeon Bait 603 Tel.- 8378-2379 Kei. 7T Kottia D. Day and Donald V. Mile Attorney at Law-. ' . Telephon 133 : , 610 11 l J 15; K.- Bmili, New' York Life Haas C I Telephone ltftf lElOHTH FLOOR Dr. O. Ward'Dai. General Dentiatrv Teleplione'816, Open EvBiiiiiC. Keom 8uS lr. H.M. 'Seofield . 808 Cliiropraetor, fJeurora IOmeter Service L. N. Bandera, M. D., rhyaieiao a Surgeon uite 810 Telephone 555; Ra. 2348 i I ' NINTEfHopR m Or. H". M.'Broirn, Ey - Er; Neie Throat Speclalint. - finite 9ol TENTH FLOOR - Dr. W." A.' Jahasoa, Pentiat relepboae 1285 - .U.-: , .1001 " . .Ctalmer Geo;;, D. D. 8. : --' , . Oenerl tXtenlitry E. Jf.'Onffin. D, J. Orthodontia feleptione Hi ' :' ' finite lOOa-lOOt o o UNION -ROSTER ) O. ' . ' ' o HOD CARRIERS AND BUrLDrKG LA. borer Loca No. . 441, meet. Wed 8 jCnll 17 for ma,. v CAPITOL) TYPOGRAPHIOAli ? UNION -; Uo.. 210 President G. F, Krn; .tee .retary. A.: -M. Chore.. lleets eee .otid Saturday. 8 P'. . . ; OARPENTKRS .ITNIOH IfO. ,105 , Weeta Thura."eToninjr. Herbert Hall, ' torevideot; ' Wm.1 Pettit, aeeretary. Skilled . mechanic furnishad. . TeL 179. , BALE M X1N I QK LABKLi IE AOUX k a iJDor aii m eau or 'presi des. - F: i V: ' 8er ecreUry Boi 449; Salem-, Ore. o- I LODGE ROSTER I O : i- ' - : f -. .? O 'KNIGHTS OF -.PTTHTAS" MEETS 'A " McOornaek Hall, orer Miller', atore. ' .ry Satarday eoinr. V. 3. Tooze. o- REAL .ESTATE I DIRECTORY - BKCKE HENDRICKS f'" 199 N. High, '.. . t - TeL 1 ' TjEE W. BELL ' 603 Bank'ot Comurefr bldt. Tel. '484 P.' W, OEISKR 441 Cotirt.- Telephone 2312 ' - . MMlit W. 9RJte 5 New BHgVBM.. Tel '9485, .. -riERTKUDE J, M. PAGE ' ! 499 N;,ittate. . - - - f ; Tel. 1188 TRIANGLE 'KEALTt CO. 481 Qoart St. - - TeL HI ULKICH ft ROBERTS 199 N. Ooamrcil. , : . ... TeL 1854 VICTOR -aCKXEIDER, Realtor ltrx CoaX i , Tel 877 . SQUARE DEAL REALTf TL S. Nat'l Bank Bid. . TeL 470 515-600-! KOI X. Topoy Tnrrey Timed. 5:50-6:00 KKX. Orpn concert. , TUESDAY, NIGHT . 8:OO-S:0O -KFWV- ZVi), . Amuneme n - guide. - - - 6:(ii)-7:O0 KOYV C9'-)- Dinner eoB"-er. 6:K)-8r0-rr-KXL f3x!t). Mni'. 7:0&-7:15 KTHK AAA road report. 7:00 S:00 KOIN: tAmiinemeitt (uide and (durational talks.. 7:I5-M;30 KKJR (SC3). .Journal Jun - ' iors. - " ,'-''' - 7:3O-t:0O KOW, EdacationtI projraA. S:0O-9;O0 KKX. C1asiiiu.buur.. . t t-, H ;0-9 :00 KXJj. Dtiuiat . old-time- r ' -rhestra'. ' :. --, 8.mio-:00 -KWV. Rtndio prorram. ; 9:0-IO:ot) KOW. NBC program. 9::io-llrou KiJlC "iuaie ot the ltera. ' ' , . 10:00-12:00 KG W. . Kchin'a orchestra and j-oloist. - ' - .: - 10:;-12:(O KEX. Kremer's orchestra and Paul LaniBtoreanx.- -KUt llakland (el). 6, orrhesjra; , The Pilgrim; 9, J(BC prosraui; 1, aurprise broadcast. . , KJ Ie -A-iiegta (46T). "5:30, Haw-.- aiiatts; 16.'.'S:15; 6:30, 8. i trine nar- t; 9, MJO ..prosraai: U0, daace , or- heRtra: ' ' ; KPO Haa Traneisc6''C28). 5:80, th,U " dren'k hour? S. K:a0. orchestra: 7, r- chfstrat 7, orcheatra: 8. orean eoncerj 9, SBC progTana ; 10, dance orcnesir. KHJ Lo Aecolea (405. 6.. trio; 6 : 0. KFWI Sa KranViaco (250). fUw iin 7. 8, 9, rchertr; 11:30. ny teriooa hour. ;. KFWO AtbIob (211). , e-30. nstr KTAB -Oak land (303). . stamp talk; 8:15. trio and eolouta. - KFW B-i-nliT wood (252). . J. 7:30 S. :trh hd aoloiatsr 'J. concert e.aeml.le) end aoloists; 10, M'nbowl,onrv,. KMX Hollywood' (337). 6 '"heslra. ,:S0, orhetr; 7. 7:30, 8. 9, 10. or. ;9,'-6rcbestr aad eoJoifti; 10, ix KOMO Setl T306J. 6, tJ:15. orci , tre ; 7 ::i, . oMiitre ; S. J" " "t.lk;-5:t5. orchfitra; 9, NHG.ror Iff, Hawaiian pmul; 10:45, 1. iaa'ntiili tad trio. '. . . Dire i v trr- n 10 1 hi n. Fl n - ii 2 -