THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM OREGON TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 14, 1927 i - - IV. r t 4 V3 14 I MIGHTY DISPOSAL NOW IN PROGRESS The entire surplus stock must be con verted into cash in the next five days. Mil Prices G. W. Flag Day Observed National Flag day will be ob served today by Salem Elks lodge EOCAL 1L J4o. 336, with a paraae ai mv p. X'fvi., and appropriate exercises at Vf the Elks temple at 8:30 p. m. 4Ni Among the organizations taking -s'jlart in the parade will be the Aus tralian National Dana, tne Ameri can Legion drum corps -and the Cherrians. Don't Forget the Big Auction sale Jane 17th. H. F. Woodry & Son. J14 Goes to Skiff Camp- W. F. McAdams, special deliv ery clerk in the local postoffice, left yesterday for Skiff camp, near Detroit, for a two weeks vacation.' He was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Daugherty. and son, James. - - - ' ' How Good News Does Spread General Gasoline is still the best. , J14 S -: .. Traftf Officer Moved J. J. McMahon, lieutenant in the state traffic department, has been transferred from southern Oregon to Oregon City,, where he went yesterday to assume his new duties. Your Furs Deserve a Little Airing in Horgan Furriers' cold storage. J14 Returned to Pen 3.1 waiter H. Fleming, who was" .paroled from the penitentiary on February 10, 1927, while serving a term for forgery in Marion coun ty, was pfcied up recently in Wal lace, Idaho, for passing worthless checks, and returned to the prison Sunday night. Powers A 1st Anniversary Sale Giese-Powers Furn. Store. J14 Recovers From Illness L. J. Simeral, member of the city council and city school board, who has been seriously ill for some time, was sufficiently recovered yesterday to make a trip down town. Mr. Simeral is engineer for the PEP company. 40 Portable New Phonographs 128.76; $1 per week. Portland Music Co.. 355 North High. J14 Preaches in Corvallis Rev. D. H. Leach, superinten dent of the Salem district of the Methodist church, delivered the bacciaureate sermon to the gradu ating class of Corvallis high school in that city Sunday evening. Two Apartments Left T.oma Aja- IV mm tmm V UVW KMU WHU (35. See 2075 Fairgrounds. Becke & Hendricks. 189 N. High St. Jlz McXary in Oregon City United States Senator Charles L. McNary of Salem will speak be fore the chamber of commerce in Oregon City this soon. Senator McNary is one of the authors of the McNary-Haugen . farm relief bill. . Sewing Mac hi And genuine sewing- machine supplies at Geo. C. Will, .music store. . J14 Attended Nurses Meeting- Having attended the 33rd an nual convention- of the National League of Nursing association In San Francisco. Mfss. Astrid Hot with, RN., superintendent of the TMlem hoenltal. and Miss Grace ft aylor, RN.. health demonstra tion nurse, returned to Salem on Sunday evening. Delegates pres ent, numbered 250, they report. Home Hunter. See 040 Highland The most house for 14100 in Salem today. Two pavings paid, large furnace, fireplace, hardwood. tire rooms finished; attic and stairs suitable one or two more rooms; on bus 'line. close to schools; double construction throughout. anion labor job. Reasonable rma; new; vacant; ready to move Into. Becke & Hendricks. 18f.N. Ulfh itreeL l r '' J12 IS QDaofaed! Johnson 469 STATE STREET NEWS IN BRIEF Gives Flag Day Talk C. A. Swope, local attorney and secretary for the Lions club in Salem, is to give the Flag day ad dress for the Tillamook Elks lodge tonight. Powers 61st Anniversary Sale Giese-Powers Furn. Store. J14 Phonograph Loud Speakers I now have for sale the new Iotid speakers for. Edison, Victor and Columbia phonographs. Come and hear them. . Geo. C. Will, music and sewing machine store. J14 Reply Filed A reply In the case of Francis Motor company vs. Oregon Auto Transportation company was -filed yesterday. Hotel Blarion Dollar dinners served 5:45 to 8 very evening:" ' . n26tf Cycle Speeding Charged E. Parkeiyof Woodburn opened up his Jlasfey-Davidson to 48 miles an hour last night at 12:15, on Capitol street, according to an official report, and as a result will appear in court today to explain. He posted $10 bail. f ISO Phonograph, $35 5 per month. Portland Music Co., 355 North High. J14 Reaches Caldwell on Trip A card to local friends from Dr. J. D. McCormlck tells of his safe arrival in Caldwell, Idaho, Satur day night, on his trip by motor across the continent to join a party sailing for Europe. He left there Monday morning for Pocatello, and Boulder Colo., for his next stops. Wanted Newspapers and Old Magazines. We pay top prices. Capital Bargain House, 215 Cen ter. Tel. 398. 119 Class Reunions Held Classes of Willamette univers ity. which held reunions during the recent commencement exercises were 19, '21, 22 and '25. Powers, ,61st Anniversary Sale Gteae Powers Jrurn. store. J14 B ' Mfc. ood Hikers to Meet A meeting of all those planning to make the Mt. Hood climb with the YMCA group next Saturday wilt be held at the T Thursday eve ning at 8 o'clock. Final Instruc tions will be given at that time in regard to equipment and .trans portation. Closing Out Our Entire- Stock, including Mason & Ham lin, Mehlin & Sons, Gulbransen, Bush & Certs, Andrew Kohler pi anos as low as $235; grands as low as S3 9 5J players as low as 8395. Portland Music Co., 355 North High. J14 Helps Rowaria Florists Oscar D. Olson, local florist, left today for Portland where he will spend the next four days assisting with Rose Festival decorations. Parabaae Motor ; Oil - 100. pure. Paraffine Base at General Independent dealers. J14 Central! Visitors Here Mr. and Mrs. John Raught, Mrs. J. A. Nicholson and Mr. andMrs. M. L. Carrier 'of . Centralia were Buy a-Meal Book and Save 10 per cent on your Meals! . Just Like Home Percolated Coffee JSc ' Black Cat Restaurant Liberty I ) from Street' State 9 NOW IN PROGRESS & Co week-end visitors in Salem, at tending the university commence ment exercises and visiting their former pastor. Dr. J. M. Canse of Kimball School of Theology. Walt for the Blackstone Arrow. J14 Out of 30O Lots We can show you some real buys. Terms on most. Becke & Hendricks. 189 N. High st. J12 Boys Chorus Will Eat Plans are being made for a din ner which is to be served for the boys' chorus at the YMCA dining room Thursday evening. New Grand Piano, $395 Terms, 812 per month. Port land Music Co.. 355 N. High. J14 New Typewriters Secured Five new Underwood typewrit ers, were yesterday placed in the high school commercial depart ment in place of the same number of old ones, by a representative of the Underwood Typewriter com pany. This is in line with the policy of the school to keep no machine longer than five years. Dahlia Closing Out Sale State fair collection, 24 bulbs, $1; gladiolus, mixed, 24 bulbs, $1. Petland. 273 State. J 25 Pays Fine for Assaults John Komyate of Mt. Angel paid a 825 fine in justice court yesterday when he pleaded guilty to a charge of assault and battery on June 11. The complaining witness was his wife, Anna Komy ate. Lacks Drivers License L. V. Handschy, Salem, 'pleaded guilty to operating a motor ve hicle without a license yesterday in justice court. His case was con tinued for sentence at a later date. - y A communication to theiKcal police from the sheriff of Lane county at Eugene reports the theft of a Star touring car, license No. 175-482, recently. Nearly New Piano : , Now In storage, owner leaving, will sell for $10 per month to re sponsible party or will discount for cash. To see piano, write box 11, Statesman. J15 Mayor to Address Kiwanls "Necessity of the Bridge Bond Ie8ue'r will be the subject upon which Mayor T. A. Livesley: will address the weekly luncheon of f h;- JUNE .1 -I 5 Toilet Goods Sale TINY-TOT i TALCUM For . the nursery Made ' with' pure - ingredients ekiUf ully blended. ;! - Tiny-Tot Talcum eon tains the correct propor tions of boric acid, zinc , aterate and Italian Talc . It will prevent chafing ; and 'diaper rash. ; - j Delightfully perfumed; Regular Pric 35c 'A i SPECIAL PRICES : , Perry's Drug Store;-- "113 . Commercial Hun "' Hir j3oitJT3o -far BATS: We have a 1023 Maxwell sport touring, bumpers, spot light, trunk, rear view mir ror OO per cent new rub ber and dandy car in every way for 9375. 'The House Tbat Serrice Built the Salem Kiwanls club. "Shall Salem be Held Back for Lack of Bridges" will be the subject of numerous talks by bridge experts and others. The program will be presented by the public affairs committee, W. 1. Needham, secre tary, announced. Powers' 61st Anniversary Sale Glese-Powers Furn. Store. jl4 Police Recover Salem police recovered a Chev rolet touring car belonging to Ted Whitehead of Turner less than 12 hours after the theft was reported Saturday night Some Couple Without Home- But with 1500 cash, here's a brand new 4 -room home with large attic roughed in foi two more rooms; has the modern features, as deep full cement basement, large furnace, fireplace, hardwood, large garage, solid cement drive, and walk system; wiredt range, electric water heater, coils, ldry., linoleums, shades and light fix tures. Ready to occupv for $4350 total. AU balance exactly like rent. See 930 Tamarack Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. High street. J12 Coat Reported Stolen A wool coat, with a cape effect fur collar, was stolen from her car yesterday while it was parked on Church tetreet, reported Grace Hottinger, 966 Oak street. Closing Out Salem Store Every piano must be sold re gardless of price or terms. Port land Music Co., 355 North High. J14 Buick Stolen Yesterday A Buick Master Six sedan, license No. 114.8 63, was reported stolen yesterday. Dr. G. E. Prime, 890 Oak street, la the owner. Furniture Upholstery And repairing. Glese-Powrs Furniture Co. f$tl Fined for Peeping Robert Turley, 1225 Shipping street, was arrested Sunday night on a charge of window peeping and fined $10 yesterday in police court. Wait for tl Blackstone Arrow. jl4 Overtime Parkers Few E. C. Kimball, 550 Summer street, was the only one who paid a fine for overtime parking Mon day in City Recorder Poulsen's court. He was fined $1. f&OO Down Your choice of 4 modern homes, $4100 to $5250. All new and vacant, ready for you. Balance exactly like rent. Becke & Hen dricks, 189 N. High street. jl6 Parrish to Get Flag The Women's Relief corps, which will hold a state convention in Salem June 22, is planning to DRESSMAKING Reasonable prices. ' Don't for get our hemstitching, stamping, button making and pleating. THE PETITE SHOP Over Busick's Telephone It 11 For Sale Store building and residence, corner lot, 4 blocks out, $12,000. P. L. WOOD 841 State Street Casey's Guaranteed RHEUMATISM REMEDY Money refunded It It does not cure yonr case . ! NELSON HUNT; Druggists Cor. Court and Liberty TeL 7 Men's and Ladles suits cleaned and greased, 91.00. Ladies' afDx dresses, 91.23. Coats relnaed. KMX). Men's salts pressed, 60c TABLET CLEANERS Over Busick's YICKSOHERBCO. J. H. LEONO, MGR. Our life's, work has been 'spent In studying the healing properties 9 V41UIOOV ww vvi ''. nnv , rfallv Wsi taHata ; 1 those suffering from stomach, liver and kid- Jri( ney trouble, rheuma xj. tlsm and gall stones, -also disorders of men, women and children.-- y- Free Consultation, Call or Write Open 9 A. ML to 8 P. U. ; 420 State St Salem, Oregon present to .Parrish junior high school at that time a large flag. 10 by 15 feet in slie. , Elks Attention : Flag day exercises will be held at Elks temple Tuesday evening at 8:15 o'clock, to which the public is invited. All Elks are urgently requested to take part in the par ade, which will form at 7:15 p. m. The parade will be led by the fa mous Australian band; also the Salem Elks band and the Legion drum corps. Parade will move promptly at 7:30 to permit the Australian band to appear on time at the Capitol theater to fill Its en gagement. jl4 Poulsen in Portland- City Recorder Mark Poulsen went to Portland on business Sat urday and returned to Salem .last evening. Walt for the Blackstone Arrow. J14 Postal Man Takes Vacation Paul W. Miller, employe in the Salem postoffice, leaves today for various points in, Washington where he will spend his vacation returning July 1. A. E. Gibbard, assistant postmaster, recently re turned from Neskowin where he has been vacationing for the last two weeks. Cherrians Banquet Early The Salem Cherrians will hold their monthly banquet tonight at the-chamber of commerce, meet ing at 6 o'clock instead of 6:30, in order that they may take part in the Elks Flag day observance Released on Bail- Fred Hagenauer, accused by Ella J. Hagenauer of assault and battery, was ordered released by the circuit court today when $150 bail was put up. Hagenauer was arrested June '8. Secure Marriaee Licen Alvis J. Schwent. route 5. and Alice Hasldacher, route 9, were issued a marriage license yester day. Salem Boys Win Prizes Two Salem boys, Herbert Soco lofsky and .Avery Thompson, stud ents at the University of Oregon, won prizes in the Wilson F. Jewett public speaking contests held on the university campus recently. Socolofsky, in company with Don Campbell. t placed first in inter class debate, and Thompsan placed first in the public speaking con test. Powers 61st Anniversary Sale Glese-Powers Furn. Store. J14 Granted Divorce $ Grace V. Taylor was awarded a divorce decree in equity Monday by Judge McMaban from Frank P. Taylor. The couple was married at Vanwick, Idaho, In 1915. Mrs. Taylor charged that her husband deserted her some time ago, mak- ; ing it necessary for her to main tain herself. Default Order Filed An order of default against Doris Toland was filed in circuit court yesterday. Herbert Toland is plaintiff in the case. Don't Forget the Big Auction sale June 17th. H. F. Woodry & Son. jl4 Issued License Ernest A. Desler, Milton, and Esther White. Mt. Angel, were issued a marriage license yester day. Cherrians Plan Dinnei- In connection with their final drill before departing for Port land and the Rose Festival, the Salem Cherrians will hold a din ner this evening at the chamber Bedding and Window Box Plants Are now ready, also fine line of shrubs and perennials. O. P. BRETTHAUPT Telephone 880 512 State St. GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Silverware, Glassware, China ware, Stamped Goods, Miscel laneous Articles. Variety and Gift Shop Mrs. Helen PrescOtt 291 N. Commercial, Salem, Ore. SICK WATCHES! We don't ears how sick your watches are, we have pills for all their ailments, DR. PRESCOTT, Jeweler 291 N. Commercial ELECTRIC MOTORS Rewound and Renairad Mw nr uira Motors i VTBBERT & TODD Things Electrical 111 8. High Tel. SU1 LADD & BUSH, BANKERS , Estallshed 1881 . " : General Banking - Business Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 1 p. m of commerce rooms. Tho Cherr rians and , Cherrian : band will go to Portland Thursday and will par ticipate in the major parade of the festival, the floral parade. Notice, Old Timers- More than 50 men and women who attended the .old timers' meeting at. the state fairgrounds last June are' dead. Three have died within a week. ; Those who fail to attend the meeting next Sunday, June 19th, will lose their last opportunity, to meet again some one who will die before an other meeting is held. Dr. Epiey will lead the community singing. Mrs. Hallie Parrish Hinges. Mrs. Lottie Smith and Miss Desart will sing solos. Jim Smart,; that Scots man of the wonderful voice, will sing the songs of Scotland. Spears Old Time Orchestra will be there. Free coffee, cream and sugar. All persons and their families who have been in Oregon 40 years or more are Invited. Each old timer who reads this is asked by the committee to notify all other old timers he can reach by phone or in person. Try to arrive at the fair grounds by 10 a. m. Com mittee. J14 Nurses Meet in Portland ' -Agnes Covalt, Grace Taylor and Elizabeth Neeman, Salem nurses. were in Portland yesterday attend ing the sessions of the northwest division of the American Nurses' association. Miss Taylor being on the reception committee. This noon another group from Salem will have charge of a demonstra tion of the work of the Marion county health center, with Dr. W H. Brown of Salem as the main speaker. This afternoon Elnora E. Thompson of Salem will lead a discussion group. Nurses at tending today from Salem, include Ella McNeil. Mildred Shackle ton, Benita Stroud, Gertrude Breyden, Martha Harrison, Althea Stone man, Ida Tweedten and : ' Elnora Thompson.; ; Auxiliary for Playground The American Legion auxiliary last evening pledged themselves to pay the expenses of an instructor at the Lincoln school playground, following a talk given them by Bob Boardman, YMCA physical di rector, on the need for more play ground workers. o- Bits For Breakfast I O O Flag day Great days for Willamette; bright skies for that historic In stitution. The ballots are being printed C. A. LUTHY Jeweler In New Location 82S STATE STREET Watches, Clocks and Jewelery Repaired . It's Time to Think of PAINTING and CLEANING UP We Sell Martin Senour 100 Per Cent Pure Paint DOUGHTON A SHERWTJf 286 N. Commercial Tel. 689 PLUMBING Quick Reliable Service H. EGNER, 1615 Center Street Phones 852 and 1810-W Fine Fixtures Standard Equipment HEMSTITCHING 6, 8 and 10 cents per yard. Also buttons, stamping and pleating. ANNA H." KRTJEGER Over Miller's Telephone 117 A New Fully Modern 4 Room Bungalow and Garage oa Falrmount Hill At f 2600 1300 down, balance $21.00 per month ULRICH A ROBERTS, Realtors 129 North Commercial TELEPHONE 4-2-6 JOE the battery man service calls free. 640 Cbemeketa Street 1927 FREE WALLPAPE3 SAMPLE BOOKS , Call, phone or write MAX O. BTJREN 179 N. Commercial 6alem for the special' , election of the 28th. V r V- '- '..' - . ;. ' ! ' -, Be sure to vote down the at tempt to kill the bill closing the Nestlcca river to destructive com mercial fishing. The fish in all the streams of Oregon-belong to all the people,' not to a select and destructive few. Let's keep on getting things cleaned up. till our fish and game, are perpetuated for this and coming' generations. A good start has been made. But it is only a start. ; -. ; V V v The Y'free employment office is one of the busiest places in Sa lem. Will be more bo every day till hop picking. ' , v - : Undoubtedly personal liberty is a good thing, but no fone likes to ride with a driver who Is full of it. Knowing foreign languages Is a useful gift. It enables you to pronounce the restaurant's-, latest name for bread pudding. m S V; Middle West Farm Gossip First Neighbor ''Did the cy clone turn your barn over?" Second Neighbor -"I dunno, I hain't bin able to find it yet." Many a man who would be bored to death at a good movie will stand for: two hours and watch a steam shovel at work. S Yet the hard part Isn't flying over the Atlantic, but surviving what the world does to you later. Gaiette-Times. V Who remembers when - the rid ing plow was ridiculed as a lazy man's device? An electrical trac tor without a driver ' aboard has just plowed and Tiarrowed. twenty . . . All Kinds of Kodak Supplies "... CI I frC BRIXO YOUR FILMS TO US FOR r ILilVliD QUALITY DEVELOPING COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE A. Gueffroy 163 N. Commercial A. HIGH CLASS FURNITURE ' AUGTION SALE ' " - ' : Next v Friday, June 17, at I P. M. ' WHERE7 1259 Hunt Street Across, from new Hollywood theatre. , Watch for sale arrow on corner of N. Capital and Hunt Comprising the following: . Gulbranson Chicago walnut piano, like new; jacquard veldur davenport; 2 mahogany rockers; 1 walnut Victrola (50 records) ; 1 piano lamp with shade; 2-tone walnut "library dining extension -table, 6 chairs to match; 1 walnut buffet; X plate mirror; 1 New Home electric sewing machine; 1 fernery stand; 1 cigar stand; 26x9 Axminster rugs; 1 9x12 Axminster rug; ivory bed, spring mattress (Simmons springs), 35 pound' silk floss mattress; oak chiffonier - of drawers; 2 mahogany Windsor, rockers; 2 3 1-3 inch Simmons ivory folding bedsteads, springs and mattresses: Ivory chair; Wilton ' runner; 2 Axminster run ners: 15 pictures: 1 . Colonial nickle" enamel range (with coils); 72 piece china set dishes; aluminumware; quantity dishes, fruit jars boiler, tub, cement wheel barrow, 1 No. 20 heater, 10xl5r 20 os. tarpaulin, 410 gallon crock, 14 gallon kettle, electric extension cord, 1 tool chest, tools, garden hose, lawn mower, girl's bicycle, dog house, garden tools, in fact al most everything. - - - ;-.' .-'' If yon are on the market for some good furniture, don't miss this sale, as the owners are leaving Salem and everything will be solS. .- - " -. TfOTE -The above furniture is Just like new. .. . , (Sale Day Next Friday) F. B. STANTON, Owner ; H. F. Woodry & Son Are tKe Auctioneers Rite Down Town v Phone 75. 271 N. Com'L Agents for Lang Stoves W Pay Cash for Used Furniture TRANSFER AIQj STORAGE Long and Short Distance Hauling . Public and Privato Stcr&gQ , Fireproof Buildina: GRAIN, FEED AND SEED r Free Delivery to any part cl ttia city ' QUOTATIONS ON APPLICATION PAUL T2AGLI0, Prep,. ! Day TclcpScat 3 -ItM Tc!;-Lc2 IZ :7-'. ; acres of Nebraska land and there is complaint . because it; didn't 1 salvage the fish worms in its wake. ;.;.' . "- 7 . V r :We have read of a man who gave his wife $1000, to haye her hair bobbed. ' Now she is spend ing the money to keep it in, shape after it is bobbed. WIDENED CURVE j ASKED Zoning Commission Approves Plat of IOOF Cemetery . That the curve in the Pratum highway at Moore's Garden tracts be widened, was the recommenda tion contained in a report of the city planning and zoning commis-' sion prepared at Tuesday night's meeting. The commission ap proved the plat of the IOOF ceme tery. . ' HOMELIKE and calming conven iences that tend to lift the heart bowed down, with a discreet service tempered to all needs and creeds.,-. Webb's Funeral Parlors " Telephone. 120 U'. TERWILLIGERS Perfect Funeral Service V. or Less Licensed Lady Mortician 770 Chemeket Street ; Telephone 724 , Preserve the Memory of Your Vacation Trip With PICTURES We have Eastman Ko daks for every need and every purse ' $2.50 to $25.00