The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 14, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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I ' Capitol Theater
The Australian National band
'will be the special -attraction at
the Capitol theater this afternoon
and evening. They hare toured
in many countries and wherever
they have appeared a wonderful
reception has been accorded them.
Every member of this band is a
musician of rare ahlUty They
.are sure to please the music lov
ers of Salem and vicinity.
A special Statesman matinee
has been arranged for 2:30 p. m.
, and at this matinee: children un
der twelve will be admitted by
.presenting the coupon and twenty
cents -at the window.
The evening performance is
scheduled to begin at 8:30.
Elsinore Theater
In the Elsinore theater, Wed
. nesday night, June 22," Charles
Frohman will present Otis Skin
ner in the romantic comedy, "The
". Honor of the Family' -
Mr. Skinner's role of. the
swashbuckling Colonel Philippe
Bridau is the most' picturesque
creation among the many memor
able characterizations that he has
contributed to the theater.
Otis Skinner is one of the few
actors now on the stage who are
able by the surety of their artis
try to give to a fictitious charac
ter a reality and humanness that
charms and also convinces. - And
the treason for this is .that Mr
Skinner in his apprentice years In
the theater thoroughly learned his
business and upon this foundation;
has added an individual and total
. ly personal quality of acting that
has made some roles Inevitable his
own. .One of these roles is that of
Colonel Bridau. It is quite Im
possible to conceive any other ac
tor In the English speaking thea
ter giving to this part the same
skillful and sweeping breadth of
portraiture with which Otis Skin
ner has invested it. It is a-thing
of art and a thing of life.
"The Honor or the Family"
originated in a story by Balzac
and so bears upon it the magic of
a master of fiction. From the
. Baliac story "Un Menage de Gar
con," Em He Fabre made a play
. which he called "La Rabouillaise."
. This latter, Paul Potter translated
into English and renamed "The
Honor of the Family."
The story of the play concerns
an old miser who has become the
victim of the machinations of
schemers who are greedy for his
wealth. When all seems propit
ious for the realization of their
plans, 1 the old man's nephew,
, Colonel Philippe Bridsw hhrpofc
Demonstrate the Famous Rice
Method Free to Callers
at Hotel
If you are ruptured, your big
opportunity has now arrived- lt
you want to" be free'from the slav
ery of gouging, chafing trusses
that make life a burden and mis
ery.' then HERE and' NOW is the
time to act. -
The "Rice experts, trained under
- the -personal direction of -W. S-.
Rice, of Adams. N. Y. originator
of the famous Rice (Non-Surgical)
'Rupture Method, will be at the
Marion Hotel. Salenu Ore., Wed
nesday and Thursday, June 15
and 16. to give free demonstration
and trial of his safe and painless
Method to every man. woman and
child who is rupteured.
- You have, no doubt, heard and
mt much about this famous Rice
Rupture Method' and the wonder
ful cures which thousands nave
reported from It. Now, you have
the chance to find out all about it
to have it personally applied to
your own rupture and learn Just
what it can and will do in YOUR
OWN case. Just call at the hotel
; and these Experts will give you
. their personal attention, Desc aa
- vice and complete demonstration
entirely free. , .
. Ar tai tired of that binding
h&mnerinr. uncomfortable old
, truss? Would'youHke to be done
with truss wearing? roreverT men
investigate the Rice Method and
learn -the wonderful opportunity
ror help ana cure u oners, tte
mmhr tt is different from everv
thtnr lu 'and It accomnllshinr
wonderful results where all other
treatments, and even operations
nave rauea. -n is.moaern, up-io-tha-mlnntA.
"abreast of the latest
scientific developments.' It Is the
one Rupture Method you: are - not
sakii tn takA on faith alone-the
.,one Method that Is positively dem
onstrated to you rigni on your
own rupture, witnout any cnarge
- whatever. :-, ..:
Dont let this great opportunity
. get away from you. xour caii on
ih rIm TCxnerts issur? t6 prove
one of the best things you . ever
did. They will1 be here onir two
days then yonr -opportunity win
rone., .Remember, you do not
spend a penny unless., after having
a complete demonstration, you ae
cide this f Is. the Method" for" you,
and yon-i-yon alone are the sole
Judge 6f that.; " :
Call any time from "9 to 12 A.
xn. 2 to 5 p. m., or 7 - to 9 eve
nings. Simply ask at the hotel for
the Rice Experts and they will do
the rest. Lady Expert attends all
lady callers. Don't miss, seeing
these Rice Experts. - '
If for any reason . yon cannot
call, write for FREE TRIAL to
Wm. S- Rice, Inc Bx. 167, ,
- ' Adams, X.Y.
eonic veteran, dare-devil, and a
bit of a ruffian, intervenes and
there ensues a battle of wits in
which the Colonel proves the win
ner. The plotters are routed and
Bridau saves "The Honor of the
Mr. Skinner is supported by a
splendid band of players. These
include Jessie Royce Landia, Eu
genie Woodward, Julia Shaw. Rob
ert Harrison, Courteny White,
Harry Burkhardt, D. .v Deering.
Edward Butler. William Clark, Al
bert Berg, William Oranger and
Wilson Reynolds.
The engagement is limited to
Wednesday evening only.
Oregon Theater
"McFadden's Flats," which
shows as the feature attraction at
the Oregon theater today, is one
long, hilarious laugh. The fam
ous old stage comedy has been
given a brand new dress, new
laughs and a new lease on life
that should give screen audiences
a new conception of what can be
done in the way of film fun.
Charlie Murray, as the hod
carrying Irishman, is irresistaible,
and teamed up with Chester Conk
lin as a Scotch barber, Charlie
proves one of the greatest comics
of the screen.
Of course, pretty faces and
figures as well have not been
overlooked -in tbe making of this
picture- Edna Murphy, in the
leading feminine role, is one of
the most convincing reasons why
gentlemen prefer blondes. Then,
when Dorothy Dwan comes along
photographing as a decided
brunette one becomes convinced
that he might prefer her without
losing the slightest evidence of his
"McFadden's Flats" tells the
story of the struggles of an Irish
man who, coming to America, has
ambitions to get out of the ranks
of hodcarriers and become a
builder a builder of a flat build
ing that might bear his name, in
fact. He meets a tight-fisted
Scotchman portrayed by Chester
Conklin who becomes his fast
friend in spite of their wide dif
ferences in taste.
Scotts Mills Child
Home From Hospital
Los Angeles and Grants Pass
Residents Visit Haynes Home
(Special) Little Gale Smith,
-daughter- of, Mtw and Mrs. Ivan
Smith, who was operated on for
appendicitis at the Silverton hos
pital two weeks ago, was able to
be brought home Wednesday af
ternoon, and is getting along fine.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Dixon were
shopping in Portland Wednesday.
Mrs. Luther Nickleson and boys
and Miss Beatrice Amundson were
Salem visitors Wednesday morn
ing. Mrs. Sid Purnell and family
moved up to Silver Falls "camp
Wednesday, where her husband Is
Mr. and Mrs. T. Maplethorpe
and Miss Loraine Hogg of Salem
visited Mr. and Mrs. Hogg Sun
day. J. O. Dixon and W. ' T. Hogg
were in Salem Thursday on busi
ness. Mrs. Addie Smith visited her
daughter, Mrs. O. H. Brougher, in
Salem Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ramsey and
family are vlsting relatives near
Mr; Perry Moser of the Abiqua
visited their daughter. Mrs. Her
man Landwing and family Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. George Haynes had
as their guests Sunday. Mr.
Haynes' sister and husband from
Los Angeles,, California, his niece
from Grants "Pass, Oregon, and his
mother, Mrs. Eliza Haynes of Sil
verton. WENATCHEE The Okanogan
county crop situation is better in
every respect this year than ever
; -
Drinks You Like
Coca-Cola, Root Beer,
Phosphates, Limeade,
Orangeade, Malted Milk,
Ice Cream Sodas
We Serve 'Em t Here All
Absolutely Pure and -.
! Delicious .
Also Ice Creani Sherbets,
Sundaes, and Fancy. Foun
tain Confections.
'" . ' .i. . 1 '
, Original YeIIo;rJFront ,
- , Phone -197 !
, 123 North Cormerdal
The Fnslar Store
Dr. J. R. Pemberton on
Board; Pacific College
Report Shows Increase
NEWBERG, Or.. June 13.
The department of education was
in charge of the session of Oregon
yearly meeting of the Friends
church Saturday afternoon, the
principal business being the pre
sentation of the annual reports of
Pacific college.
The report of the president,
Levi T. Pennington, shows the
largest college enrollment in the
history of the institution with the
other departments also doing suc
cessful WOTk. s
The following were named as
trustees of the college for the en
suing three years: Amanda M.
Woodward of Newberg:, Dr. Wil
liam Rees of Portland. Dr. Jay
Pemberton of Salem, Joseph B.
Hollingsworth of Corvallis. and,
Harvey M. Hoskins of Newberg.
Following the report of the col
lege John R. Carey, who is a visi
tor from Baltimore yearly meet
ing, gave a very helpful address
on the subject of Christian educa
tion. The subject of peace occupied
the attention of the yearly meet
ing at the forenoon session. The
anual report of Levi T. Penning
ton, the superintendent, showed a
material increase , in. tbe . peace
work of theye'rlj meeting during
the year, with 22 'special- meet
ings held in the immediate inter
ests of peace. nd (With 3ft, peace
addresses and sermons in Frjends
meetings and an almost equal
number before other audiences.
The peace superintendent gave 29
peace addresses during the year
on the lyceum and chautauqua
platform, before Rotary and Ki
wanis clubs, teachers institutes,
ministerial associations, conven
tions, etc.
The annual report was followed
by an Interesting and helpful ad
dress by John R. Carey.
Pringle Man Attends
Funeral at Albany
Munos Surfer Damage from Rat
Horde That Devours Eggs
Mr. Propst and family attended
the funeral of Mr. Propst's father
at Albany Friday.
Ernie Meeks has returned.from
O. A. C.
William Sanders has returned
from Portland where he has just
completed his third year in high
Mr. Smith is still limping as a
result of a wound in his foot
made with a pick recently.
Mr. Muno's are having trouble
with a horde of rats that devour
the hens' eggs and do much other
Our radio fans enjoyed the
Lindbergh . day program very
Percy Robins and his mother
attended church services at Pleas
ant Point Sunday.
Lorene Propst who has been at
tending school at Independence re
turned home for the summer,
T. E. Meeks sold nearly a ton
of gooseberries last week.
There will be school meeting
and budget meeting at Pringle
June 20 at 8 p. m.
Experienced travellers
unfailingly select the St
; Lawrence Route to Eur
; ope -only four days on
the open sea. " Visit the ,
, continent this summer - '
Westminster' Abbey . . :
. Rue de la Paix ....
? Frederichstrasse ...
f3et information now
about the Canadian Pa
, cific all-expense Sum?
xser Season Tours. Sail-
ing dates, itineraries
gladly given. 37-day
Tour only $385.
Ask about Canadian Pacific! '
World CriuM-MeditMraMsn I
Cruu-SotaAncaaCjruue! r
' Cafta Pacific Traveller f
deques Good the World Over
n 1 TDstttiktieAjjint PassV Drptr
Si irtaInll.u!tnBma!iUotdt:4r
J! n- an
The Australian National band 1
with their dark green uniforms
and white trimmings and typical
Australian hat cocked up on one
side with a feather adorning it,
arrived in the city this morning
for their two concerts which they
will give in Bligh's Capitol theater
at 2:30 and 8:30 o'clock.
This band comes to Salem her
alded by the greatest praise that
could possibly be given any musi
cal organization by press and crit
ics alike. For this reason, if for
no other, anyone can attend either
or both concerts today with all
impunity and will be assured of
hearing two marvelous programs.
This is the first time in the his
(Continued from page 1.)
yourself. Let your daily prayer
be, 'Give us this day our daily
With a command of language
and a forcefulness of expression
which gripped the students, fac
ulty, relatives and friends of the
graduates who filled the auditor
ium, Mr. Dana told of the oppor
tunities of 1927.
Emergencies Foreseen
"Modern society cannot be
served by a man who Is just good
enough. We must prepare for the
emergency prepare to meet it
not with ignominy, but with suc
cess," he declared.
Friendliness, happiness, appre
ciation of beauty in all life, char
acter, and thoroughness in execu
tion of tasks must all be part of
the successful life, he pointed out.
Chorus Has Part
The commencement program
was opened with an organ pre
lude, Mendelssohn's "March of
Priests," played by Prof. T. S.
Roberts. The invocation was of
fered by Dr. John S. Canse, presi
dent of Kimball school, and tbe
scripture lesson read by Rev. S. J.
Chaney. j
Grieg's "Recognition of Land"
was sung by a male chorus under
tbe direction of Prof. Emery W.
Hobson, and following the ad
dress. Miss Helen Bridgeman
played a piano solo, "Over the
Steppes," by Schytte. Other musi
cal number of the program were
a vocal solo by Loyd Thompson,
Schumann's "The Two Grena
diers," the senior farewell song,
"Farewell, Willamette," sung by
Joe Nee, and the organ postlude,
"March in G," by Stainer, played
by Professor Roberts. The bene
diction was pronounced by Rev.
A. L. Howarth of Portland.
Honors Announced
Ten members of the senior class
were elected to the ' honorary
jV i arUTomorrb A j
TONIGHT Famous Australian Band in Concert
You'll just stand up and yell at the greatest base
ball climax the screen has ever witnessed!.. Just
one of the thousand laughs and punches
in this mile-a-minute f un-f est !
William Haines even better than
in "Brown of Harvard" as the
rookie who found baseball
umphs easy compared with
ways or a girl!
tory of the United States that a
national band has visited this
country from the great common
wealth of ' Australia. They have
come half way around the world
to fill a number of big engage
ments in the east, and are biding
time on the Pacific coast until
called east. Australia is a coun
try where musicians are born, as
well as made. Their marvelous
ability along these lines has been
demonstrated many times in all
parts of the world, and our visit
ors today are the very essence of
instrumentalists gleaned from the
entire ' country. They recently
completed a wofWL tour during
scholarship fraternity. Alpha Kap
pa Nu, President Doney announc
ed. They are, Joel V. Berreman,
Philomath; Daryl M. Chapin, Sa
lem; Irene V. Clark, Portland;
Ruth A. Drew, Prosser, Wash.;
Mary M. Erickson, Salem; James
A. McClintock, Roseburg; Eleanor
Merewether, Portland; Hazel R.
Newhouse, Newberg; Sadie Jo
Read, Portland, and Rose Weth
erell, Baker.
Others announced as having
won special honors in their major
departments were Lois Fellows,
Salem, history; Adelia Gates, The
Dalles, French; Edra Housley,
Salem, Latin; Anna Lennartz,
Gresham, history; Grace Linn,
Silverton, English; Margaret Rice,
Salem, Latin; George Rigby, Pen
dleton, chemistry; Nat E. Beaver,
Seattle, Wash., biology; Albert
Kletsch, Portland, history, and
Anna, Zimmerman, Portland,
Prizes Awarded
Prizes totaling $40 were given
to Robert Witty, of 'Jacksonville,
Fla., who won the Keyes oratory
prize, the state peace oratorical
contest, and took high honors in
the Pacific coast forensic league.,
The second Keyes Tize of 10
was won by Charles Reddine. Sa
lem. ''Walter Iliff, Salem, won the
extemporaneous oratory prize -of
Women debaters receiving
prizes were Margaret Pro, Salem;
Irene Breithaupt. Salem; Hazel
Newhouse, Newberg, and Elaine
Chapin, Salem.
Other special prizes announced
were Steeves Latin prize, Margar
et Rice, Salem; the Burghardt
calculus prize, William Reed, Sa
lem; the Albert prize for progress
in character and service, Dorothy
Fisher, Portland, and the Willis
prize for helpfulness and devotion
to high ideals, James McClintock,
Scholars Chosen
Senior scholars for next .year
were announced as follows
OldWln -
' i r ; i ... a
which they 'copped off" many
laurels in many countries.
Today's concerts, will be a revel
ation in the art of brass band mu
sic, and those who, after hearing
them, are not willing to state that
they are the greatest brass band
in the world will unquestionably
be willing to concede that they
are certainly the most versatile
Their concerts are really an enor
mous vaudeville entertainment in
music, and if expression is any
thing in music, then the Aus
tralians can be considered per
fect. They will give some special en
tertainment today by marching in
the Flag day parade this evening
at 7:30 o'clock.
Biology, Louise Garrison, .Vancou
ver, Wash.; chemistry, Evange
line Heineck, Salem; education,
Clara Jasper,, Salem; English lit
erature, Eugenia Savage, Salem;
French, Rosa Ricco, Prairie City;
history, Margaret Lewis, Portland,
and Mildred Mills, Forest Grove;
home economics, Mary Rettie,
Fossil; public speaking, Robert
Witty, Jacksonville, Fla.; Latin,
Letty Leighton, LaGrande; phy
sics, Frances Lemery, Gervais;
political science, Hugh McGilvra,
Portland and rhetoric, Dorothy
Fisher, Portland.
The degrees were conferred by
President Carl G. Doney. The de
gree of bachelor of arts was given
to 79 seniors in liberal arts, that
of bachelor of laws to 12 seniors
in law two masters of art de
grees were given, one diploma for
advanced work in music, and an
honorary degree of doctor of di
vinity, conferred upon Rev. S. J.
Chaney of Eugene, in recognition
of his work as a minister and
M. A.s Conferred
Perhaps the most interesting
degree conferred was that given
Mrs. Lulu Hughes Bush. A grad
uate of Willamette university in
1880, Mrs. Bush has been carry
ing advanced work, and has com
pleted a thesis which is a scholarly
(Continued on page 8.)
2005 N. Capitol Phone 5,20
Always 25c Children lOc
StarringKarl Dane, Sally O'Neill
William Haines, Harry Carey
Objection May Bring Court
Action, Pastor Declares;
No Action Taken"
SILVERTON, Ore.. June 13.
(Special) No minister was called
at the meeting by Emmanuel
church held , Friday evening fpr
that purpose. A motion made by
L. Oppendahl to postpone the cal
ling of a pastor, was carried by
a vote of 118 to 12.
A motion was then submitted
by J. L. Hatterberg to the effect
that all services be held in St.
Johns church. Instead of as de
cided at the last meeting. A week
ago it was decided that Norweg
ian services be held in Trinity
church, and English, services in
St. Johns church for a, period of
three months. Mr. Hatterberg was
a member of the foriner3 St. Johns
L. H. Meyer, chairman of the
board of directors, then asked for
the floor. He stated that although
he had" worked hard for s& union,
there seemed to be pone,, and be
lieved it useless to force one. .--He
pointed out the material decrease
in Sunday school attendance, stat
ing that other Sunday schools
were being -fed by the children
of Emmanuel congregation.
He could not, he explained,
blame any one group, 'since all
were stubborn. He declared that
he was ashamed to belong to the
congregation named Emmanuel,
because of the continous trouble.
Mr. Meyer concluded by moving
that the option motion be taken
from the table and acted upon.
This motion was made at the last
meeting, to the effect that all
those dissastisfied with Emman
uel congregation leave it and or
ganize a new one. and that all
former Trinity deeded
to the new congregation.
John C. Goplerud took the floor
and said he. believed the motion
was a declaration of war instead
of peace. He thereupon moved
that both the Hatteberg and Mey
er motions be laid on the table.
Goplerud's motion was defeated
with 125 for and 137 against.
Y "II W Be
, TODAY " . '
j , Appearing 8:30 v '
fill " ' All C-vo M T ' . .
huh nu ocaia nesencu i . 1 ;
The Greatest Instrumental Performance
Ever Offered: the Public
Their Visit Here Will Be a Revelation in the Art of
- Band Music, as Played by. the World's Premier
Hear the Marvelous
Offering the finest presentations of all classical master
pieces as well as many novelty numbers and new ideas
in playing popular and jazz music by brass bands.
Two Entirely Different Programs
After establishing records in Australia, New Zealand,
South Africa, EnglandScotland, Canada and the United
States, they have been brought back to America for a
tour.of all important cities. -
PRICES : Night, Including Ux,
Children 25
"The option motion carried with '
149 for and 62 against.
Mr. Goplerud moved to adjourn.1
but. this, motion was overwhelm
ingly defeated. John Mae then
moved that Emmanuel church dis
solve and that everyone return to
Trinity and St. Johns, as before
the union of the two churches.
Rev. Mr. Lindseth, chairman of
the meeting, declared that if any
one opposed this motion. Emman
uel church could not be dissolved
without court action.- L. M. Lar
son then asked how Trinity chuJi
could be dissolved, as at the tijw
of union a great ' many voted
against it. i The first vote, was
unfavorable, he said, but the sev
ond voteL carried favorably with
but a small majority. -
Larson's question remained un
answered. Although John Mae's motion
for. the dissolution of Emmanuel
church was the subject of mueh
discussion, no action was taken.
anothe meeting adjourned. Prior
to adjournment, however, Mr. 1
Goplerud"s suggestion that those
dissatisfied with Emmanuel
church-'hold another meeting, was
favorably received, and a meeting
was set for tonight, to be held in
Trinity church. : . '
The time to, spray for the cher
ry maggot fly is almost here," re
ports A. E. Brooks, and growers
should be on the lookout for the
first sign of the pest, as the late
season will make'it' unusually dif
ficult to kep the cherries from Le
ing wormy. .
Any breaking out of the skin, even
fiery, itching eczema, can be quickly
overcome by applying a little Mentho
Sulphur, says a noted skin specialist.
Because of its germ destroying proper
ties, this sulphur preparation instantly
brings ease from skin irritation, soothes
ana heals the eczema right up and
leaves the skin clear and smooth.
it seiaom laus 10 reneve tne torment
rand disfigurement. Sufferers from skin
trouble snouid get a little jar of
Rowles Mentho-Sulphur from any
good druggist and uc it like a cold
Long Now" v
Pipe Organ Effect
Floor f 1.10, Balcony 75c-50c