the onnaon statesman, salem, Oregon H III 111 1 I SttH SESSi Landers Announces. 6 and 12 Weeks Plan; Bis En rollment Expected OftEOflX NORMAL SCHOOL, j Monmouth. Ore., Jinw 11. (Spe cial i- Monmouth--the seat of the fcehior normal sHiool of Oregon is centrally loeatoil in the Willam ette valley.and offers ideal facili ties for students to combine a profitable summer course Sn teacher-tralninjc work at the normal with an enjoyable vaca tion. Plats for iUe ttrmmer ses nio'u of thp normal hae just been released by President Xiandexs, and pfiOW that they . have ben de hlsneil to merft a' very wide ransre of profepHlonal anil cultural needs. Practically every modern phane of teaiher-trainlhK work Is strewHed. Special cotiYses have hn arrhng 'e for 'fbe experienced teachers and Ih'ftsp. oniftw?wUli' advanced credit. ji . The reRHlar summer quarter will over a .periort of 12 weok and will heiRln June 2ft and con tinue through Septentlier i. IHftw fvr. the 'term la rilTldeil o tltat thOse wishing to attend 'but six vek may. be; so accomodated -theTfirst haJf closing '.Tilly 27. Tfte'.attendance 'promises to b even larger than that of 'last mi n"i mer, aivd! indications aro that a laf?e majority of the enrollment will include teacher of experience nnd many out-of-state people, who ore attracted not only by the .high type of work and special courses being offered, but also by the scenic surroundings, mild rlimate. -and central location of Monmouth to many of Hie large rities of Ore gon. . The practice school will be iho - largest ever held tinder the au spices of the norma training de partment, and according to direc tor of this department, Thos. If. lGf ntle, approximately 200 stu dents will be given practice work for sir weeks in the branch trai 1ns schools at Oorvallis, Salem. Independence and Monmouth. Aside from -the regular faculty roll many additional instructors will assist with the large summer clawses. -Five Portland teachers who are'specialists and who have accepted pot with the normal school for the summer session are Mrs. Claire (Jroijt. Grace Bridges, Julia fipooner. Pearl Ellis and Otacp Mc-Keniie. Superintendent Ceo. Hug of Snlem will aealn offer eitui at ioitiil cosi'itcf!. .Teachers inferesteil in the pla toon system will-beoffeed a spe cial course in socialized auditor ium activities under Kdna Mingus. a course which is not leing of fered elsewhere this summer. Among the elective Knalbih cours es one in the study of Shakespeare is being offered. A course iu pre-primary educa tion will be offered by Emma llenkle, who has specialized in this work in the practice school at Columbia university, and who has spent much time studying the pre-primary schools in San Fran cisco and southern California schools. The pre-primary schools in these southern inslit u I ions are now a success and have jn'ovcd to be a practical solution to the prob lem of Introducing correct physi cal habits and high moral stand ards to the pre-school child. FOREIGN MISSiOltIS t rf OCGUP John R. Gary, National Of ficer, Addresses Session on Evangelism SHRILL PUPILS i Cm TOTAL 803 Health Habits Emphasized in Salem Schools; Parents Get Reports : -r :: T 11 r. v i Experts! Expert looms and expert craftsmen created your linens, your dainty silk things, your clothing. Let none but experts handle them. Send them to us for laundering with the perfect assurance that they are being handled by EXPERTS. JAPANESE HAND LAUNDRY AND CLEANERS We Call and Deliver 45.? Street Telfptione 752 Honor. roll si udetits in the Sa- i leni bclnxlft this last year num bered no: studenfs, -all of whom practice health habits daily. ha'v' I. ad dcfe-is correcteil, were satis lactmy in conduct, and passed all I heir school work with an average of not lower than H, according to Anna Simpson. supervisor of hfj.lth education in the city ) chools. Nearly every grade teacher in Salem has emphasized the ln-nlth program and has given class i-oom instruction in it. Much work is I ing done in the correlation of I alth with other subjects. K'very ix weeks during the !ur a heattli report has been giv en to each child, to foe taken home, so that parents may see the prog ress being made. Weights and measurements of the chlidren are included in these reports. Health instruction attMcKinley has been given to every pupil. At Parrish this instruction has been given only to the girls this year, but will probably be given to both boys and girls next year. In the high school more correlation is needed between the health work and that of the other departments. A start has been made this year in that direction. Articles published this year by Salera teachers include the fol lowing: "The Supervised Lunch," by Mabel Murray, principal of the Highland school, published in the Oregon Educational Journal; "Nu trition Program in the Elementary Schools," by Lyle Murray, princi pal of Englewood school; "A First Crade Silent Reading Project," by Mrs. Sadie flrant, Englewood teacher; and "A First Grade Health-Project," by Bonnie Ham mer, Englewood teacher. The last three were all published in the Oregon Teachers' Monthly. A definite course of study in health education., closer attention to ventilation needs of buildings, better health equipment and more coordination of work in the high school, are recommended by Miss Simpson as forward steps which should Ik; taken next year in the Salem -schools. NEWRERO. Or., June 11. (Special.) -The annual report f the board of foreign missions of Oregon yearly meeting was pre sented at the morning session yes terday by J. Harlan Smith, bead of the board, and this was fol lowed by a missionary play de picting i be contrast between life ii: Oregon and life in Africa where Oregon's foreign mission work ii carried on. Following the . play. Prof. Clarence (!. McClean of; Pa cific college gave a starring an. I impressive missionary address. The foreign mission budget of ;.n.t;4 was materially exceeded this year. Tile recommendation for next year is lo be presented at a later session. The afternoon session was de voted to the work of the uvange listic and church extension boarc', presented by Oliver Weosiicr, chairman. One of the mot interesting feat ures of the work of tluis board has been Owe work among the In dians on the Klamath reservation, the headquarter of this work be ing at Spiagne River. The evan gelistic and hurch extension boaiil suggested the I liming over of this work to the board on home mis sions and soi ial service, but it was felt that the work should . remain under its present control during the coming year, wits the possi bility of its transfer to the honi mission board a year hence. The second ;ind closing session of the .meeting on ministry and oversight was held Friday morn ing. Mrs. Nlyrtle-llussell of Mid dleton was again chosen as -presiding clerk and Mrs. RJnia Lull of Salem as recording clerk. John R. Cary.t presiding officer of .Baltimore- Yenrly meeting and aiso of the five years meeting of Friends in America, gave a very helpful address on the function of the meeting on ministry and oversight in thei work of evange lism. The forenoon "session today will be devoted to the department of peace, and in the afternoon to the v. ork of the education department with the annual report of Pacific college. The Christian Endeavor yearly meeting rally will occur tonight. BACCALAUREATE SERVICE ON PROGRAM FOR TODAY (Continued from page 1.) land; Frank Lombard. Spring field; Hazel Xewhouse, Newberg; Ella Pfeiffer, Walla Walla, Wn. ; George Poor, Hillsboro: Margaret Pro. Salem; Frank Van Dyke. Med ford; Jean White, Portland', and Graham Young, Hermlston. Track letters were presented to flurnee Flesher, Salem; Willis Hathaway, Washougal, Wash.; Kenneth McCormick, Salem; Lou is Oherson, Colfax. Wash.; and WiHard finch, Salem. Those receiving tennis letters were Ivan u Salem ; Jon- Afiutn, salem; Kenneth Michflekl, PorUatuI; Alfred Haworth. Saleiii; 1 Wi H ia m tV.alsh . Salem ; I leb-n Knolt. Independence; Irene dark. Portland; Louise Nunn, Salem,1 and Margaret K;iiighl. iVntralia. Wash. j Itasebajl awards were given to Francis Kllis, Sab-m; Frank J i - j rod. Salem; Cb'iin l.edbetter, Ali cel; Wayne Welch. Alicel; lister I Kaufman. Huhh.ud: Jesse llcctx. Aurora: Harold liauk. Peoria. 111.; Charles Robertson, Browns ville; Arthur Roundtree, Klaber. Wash.; and Robert Asliby. Salem. Blankets for lour year partici pation iu one sport were present ed 10 Henry Hartley. Aberdeen, Wash.. Keiih .Rhodes, Raymond, Wash., and Francis Ellis, Salem. Sweaters for special work were given to Hale Hoskins. yell-king; Margaret Arnold . song queen, and Kenneth LaViolelte. manager of spring sports. Stunts were presented by sev eral of the classes as the remain ing part of the program. Last evening President and Mrs. Doney held reception in the par lors of Lausanne hall" to the alum ni, seniors, students, and all the friends of the university. Tomorrow morning at 10 a. m. will be held l lie commencement exercises for I be graduating class, in I he First Methodist cjiurch. Trustees, faciiliy. and seniors will assemble at Ealon halai !:"o and marc h to I lie church. The address will be given by Marshall IKina. managing editor of the Ore gon Journal. , President Honey will announce the special prizes and honors for the year's work, and then will con fer the degrees. An honorary degree of Doclor of Wivinity is to be conferred on Rev. S. J. Chaney. Eusene. Other advanced degrees to be conferred are Master of Arts degrees to Al ice O. N'orris. Dundee, Lnella Hughes Rush. Salem, whose degree is as of l!o)!t. and a diploma in music to Eugenia Savage. Salem. Seventy-nine graduates will re ceive tlie degree of Bachelor of Arts, and 12 will receive the Bach elor of Laws decree. Following are the graduates re ceiving degrees for undcr-graduate work : Bachelor of Aits , Vincente V. Aquino. Philippine Islands: Frederick C. Arpke. Sa lem; Lloyd S. Bailey, Grants Pass; Helen Delphine Baird. Newberg; Nat E. Beaver. Salem; George Vfernon Beck, Seattle, Wash; Mar guerite June Beck, Portland; Joel V. Berreman, Philomath: Clarence Roderick Blatchford. Salem; Mar garet Dorothea Brown, Canhy: Paul Henry Buckley, Calcutta, India; Hazel Fern B u r d e t t, Sandy; Jay B. V. Butler, Jr.. Mon mouth: Linjiie Esther Carney, Mil ton; Viola Carrier, Centralia, Wash.; Daryl Muscott Chapin. Sa lem; Elaine Chapin. Salem: Irene V. Clark, Portland; Wayne Crow, Lostine; Iva Dell G. Crozer. Sa lem; Elbert Romany Derry. Spo kane; Ruby Iloe Delk. Drain; Earl W. Douglas. Salem: Mildred Drake. Molalla: Ruth Alice Drew, Prosser. Wash.: William Tristam Edmundson. Salem; Wanda V. El liott, Perrydale; Francis E. Ellis. Salem; Mary Marilla Erickson, Sa lem: William Harold Fearing, Portland; Lois Mary Fellows, Sa lem; Gladys C. Flesher, Salem; Nena Frololl. Perm. Russia; Adel ia K. Gates. The Dalles; M. Clare Oeddes, Roseburg; Ronald S. ltuine Sab in; El he! Nardie; Sil-J VeiiO.i: I'elei- C. lioltliiall. Hah'iH; : Edi ie i!:nisl;v. Salem; .lo.if iili ' WaltiT Iliff. Cbem.-iw::: Ai.i! r-a : e! . K. Johnson. Santa Cruz. Cal; Es- ; (her Lillie iving. Metzger; Milli-i cent Barbara King, Walla Walla, Wifh.: Albert Gnstav Kletsch. ' Portland; Margaret Jean Leaven-" wopib. Salem; Edna A. Led better, ; Alicel; Walter Pinkham Lee. ! Portland; Anna A. Lei-innrtz. , C.resham: Grate M. Linn. Silver--ton; Dean Lobaugh. Prosser,; .lames A. Mcclintock. i Roseburg: Gladys Adeline Mcln- ; tyre. Salem; Miilcidm Paul Med-' ler. Salem: i:ieanor Merewether, Portland: I.ctlia Fern Miller. Klammath Falls; Theodore 1!. Mitr-iier, Halsey; Edgar Royal Mumford. Salem; William Joseph' Kings and Queens Become Tee. Roseburg: Linden. Wash,; house. Newberg; Hulda Nelson, Hazel R'. New Charles Thomas Nunn, Salem; Margaret B. Raught Centralia. Wash.; Sadie Jo Reed; Portland: Joseph Keith Rhodes. Raymond. Wash.; Margaret Louise Rice, Salem: George W. Rigby, Pendleton; Helen Grace Richolson. Centralia. Wash.: John. Putnam Russell, Fan wood." N. J.: Turfield D. Schindjer. Salem; Daniel T. Schreiber. Salem : Elizabeth II. Sil ver. Newberg: Loyd Elton Thomp son, Salem; Mae Tindall, Monte video. Minn.: .Mildred Totnlinson. Salem; John P. X. Tsai. Kiukiang. China; Elisabeth (J. Vinson. Port laud: Waller V. Welbon. Salem; Rose Weiherell. Baker; Anna B. Zimmerman. Portland. B.u lo lor of Laws Rodney Whitteniore Allen. Sa l' lii; .ai; Prtlland Bergsvik, Port land: Foster ("one. Salem: Man rice Hallmark. Waldpoii; Avis Marie Hicks, Salem; Robert Kufdi. Salem; Karl M. Laws.M). Eugene; -Frank Lynch. Salem; Jo seph OConnel O'Neill. Klamath Falls; George Rholen. Salem; William Glenn "Stoneman, Hill yard. Wa-.h.; John William WaNh, Salem. j possible of .Belgian stamps'' and t 4 1. n. fn Alia ,.4tk,. ,...-t. UOlieClOrS lUr OlaJUpbj lector in Rome, and ii) turn the - ' ,r, j tiuen of Italy sent the Belgian LONDON. j AP,I , Royal j queen several varieties which she stamp collectors iexchange sped-i did not have in her albums. mens among thenlselves just like, - 1- ordinary ' persons; King George ha,s one lyf the finest collections in Europe. Other enthusiastic royal philatelists in clude the Queen of the Belgians and the Queen !'of Italy. When Queen EMzabeth was here recently with King Albert she spent some time looking over King George's stamp albums at Buck ingham Palace. The King's collec tion is considered by experts to he an exceptional one. containing many specimens bought with the money "saved up" for the purpose ; when he was a boy and was given pennies to do with as he pleased. King George presented the Bl .gian queen with' several specimens which she required to fill out a Prosaic Cabbies Use Arch Kept for Kings IXNT)ON ( API -Taxicabs ajre being allowed to pass in 'ami out of ljyde Park through the; Well ington Arch, by special permission of King George, while the road through the gate ordinarily used is under repair. The rigid. -.rule that tho Wellington Arch must lie kept for Royal use was temporar ily relaxed iu the interests of effi ciency. Other London arches that are for Royal use only are the Marble Arch and the central arch of. Ad miralty Gate. The Horse'. Guards Arch in Whitehall is available for cabinet ministers, members of the We Sell niifT KecotHinciitl THE WOODROW : A Superior Vtslir set. Not long ago Queen Elizabeth J Army Council, and other ' Htate assembled as complete a .set as dignitaries. - WBUUUUXCritlCMTAib 337 Court : FAI.IJXG SVAG KILLS MAX ASTORIA, Or., June 11. (AP) - - Ernest Coates. 2S. of Elgin, was killed toduy by a railing snag at lithe Cathlamet lumber camp of I the Crown-Willamette Paper cum- J ! pany. Cjates I head was crushed. 500 Founds ice Free WITH EVERY REFRIGERATOR SOLD Ice Given Through Courtesy of City Ice Works And not by the Salem Ice Co., as was stated in our ad June 11, 1927 Welcome, Lindbergh! Today "Slim" is at home with his, buddies, not a superman as France would have us believe, but just another American boy who has dared to dp the impossible, and has now come home to receive the highest honors that it is possible for his Govern ment to bestow. Welcome, Colonel Lindbergh, and if you ever get to Salem we'll put a set of MILLER TIRES on the "Spirit of Saint Louis." Miller Tire Service Co. "Russ" Smith 107 South Commercial , Phone 313 I -t -li '..w;., V'"K-- 1 ii siii:i:s- u i:i,i, pn ( IllCACO ( API -Cirl sienog- j raphers and department store' clerks may disdain the em- j pIoymMit 'of the basher" but j the waitresses make more money1 than their sisters at desks or be- ' hind counters. j TWILIGHT! At the sunset of life vision needs are particularly exacting. Greater- vision comfort is your assur ance here. Our optometrists recognize and fulfill every demand of eyes of age. " POMEROY & KEENE Jewelers and Optometrists Salem, Oregon - m. i 1 ,.. Drinks You Like Coca-Cola, Root Rei-r, Phosphates. Limeade. Orangeade, Malted Milk. Ice Cream Sodas We" Serve 'Em Here All Absolutely Pure and Delicious - Also Ice Cream. Sheilicls Sundaes, and Fancv lmn- tam Confections. CCHAEFER'Q DRt'G. STORE O DRUG. STORE Original Yellow Front Phone 197 135 North Commercial The Penslar Store- I i iniri-r- i - in --i i n A ANOTHER ALLOTfiVIENT .. " J The Financing Company With Whom We Have a Direct Buying Connection Has Sent Us Another Shipmeht of Nearly New Fords and Che vrolets 1927 License With Every Car. 8 ARE LESS THAN A YEAR OLD e - And Many More Are In the Pink of Condition New Car Guarantee on . v uon t Throw Your Phoney Away YOUR DOLLAR HAS MORE CENTS HERE Following: 1 V.)2C Ford Tudor Sedan, balloon tires, lots of extras, cost new S7ys.(K), save $32:i f AC on price V J 1 15)26 Ford Coupe, lots of extras, run 8 months, cost new S:V7.50. J;STO' "" $450 1 1920 Ford Roadster, run 11' months, lots of fcOQC extras JOD " 1 1926. Ford TourinK run 5 months, cost new 566.50," lots of 'xtras, save 221,50. Our tiH price - 1 1926 Ford Truck villi stake bed, run 9 months, cost new $528. Save S228. Our CQAfY price $UU 1 1926 Chevrolet Touring, cannot be told from new, lots of extras, run 9 months, cost new S8 12. Save $337. , Our price v"l v rl 1926 Chevrolet Coupe, cost new $733, save $250. Our 44.'7C price v D 1 1926 Chevrolet Coach, cost new $830, save 255. CCTC Our price tyO I O 60 Days Service 1925 Ford Coupe, a tf01 A dandy car 1925 Ford Touring, .new rubber. . fardandy...: : $200 1924 Ford Sedan, new QOC rubber )jD 1924 Ford Coupe and CO AjTi lots of extras tU 1926 Chevrolet Touring, all new rubber. See this one J)0 1926 Chevrolet Touring, new rub ber. A dandy CQQCj "car vOOD 1926 model Essex Coach in wonderful shape Ptt I D NOTE WE GIVE TERMS PAY US S YOU ARE PAID WE FINANCE OUR OWN CON TRACTS AND DO NOT SELL TO A FINANC ING COMPANY. FOR THIS REASON WE ARE CAREFUL TO WHOM WE GIVE CREDIT BUT IF YOU ARE HONEST DON'T HESITATE TO ASK FOR IT BECAUSE WE'RE HERE TO SERVE RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE. 30 Days Service $250 $190 1924 model Ford Coupe, all new rubber 1 924 model Ford Touring. A real buv $115 1924 model Ford light deliverv, all new tires. A dandy Cl OIUJ berry job 1923 Ford Touring, all new rubber 1923 Ford Light Delivery, very good rubber .i: $165 $145 1 1921 Ford Coupe, very good rub ber. A real & TLXL buy at - $lD) 1 1922 Ford Tudor Sedan., Very good mechanical condition. New paint, good Cl CC rubber 1 a., PX DD No (Guarantee " 1922 Ford Touring, good rubber and gootl mechanical Cl HO shape . . J)IUU 1922 Ford Touring, all new rubber,5 A-l shape 192i model Essex, all now rubber. 'Dandy mechanical tt QC shape - vlfcF 1921 model Buick, six very good new rubber, new paint job, very good mechanical shape. CO A A A real buy 1019 Ford Truck with stake bed, very good rubber and run good. A very serviceable $150 1919 Buick Six, new paint, good rubber, in very best mechanical shape: A wonderful car at VfVU 3 self starter Fords ranging , in price from $30.00 to ;R50. , . 2 old tie Fords, good serviceable cars $20 and $30. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS Vz Block West of Ladd & Bush Bank on State Street Trades Considered us i i i i: 4