The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 12, 1927, Page 16, Image 16

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Yale Professor Says Under
lying All American Has
'Common Faith
R4lup.1t ion a riil religion
tfwfthr, l-lievf-s Luther A.
gl? of Tale university, ihairman
of the commission of tMiristian -il-1n.1t
ion of 1 he hVderul Council of
the Chnrehe of Christ hi Ameri
ca. "W cannot expect the public
school to do the whole work." he
says, "or even to undertake a ma
jor share of the religious educa
tion of American children. But
thejr ran In many states continue
to reading of the Bible and the re
cital of the LoM'm Prayer -an ace
cf corporate worship in which all
religious groups mteht well agree
to unite.
Underlying all our surface pa
ganism and beneath all our dif
ferences of creed, polity and ritual
America has. I'helive. a oiiiiu;ii
religious faltli. It.- citizens gen
erally Protestant. Catholic ami
Jew worship the one tiod. Crea
tor of alt things and Fattier of
"Can we not surrender our jeal
ousies of one another, we who
profess be.) ref in Mod ? The need
i urent. It is one of the trage
dies of our time that Protestant.
Catholic and Jew. Fundamentalist.
Evangelical and Modernist should
quart. 1 with one another, while
the real enemy or us all. the most
insidious foe of American institu
tions, the irreligion of the day.
wins its way to the minds of
: . 1; - V:
ay wr'
UXflivKV i''TttlU:-H V?
i( I" -
SJ-. U 1 1 r.:-.UJ t fX-.RC t
kjuiwtsrt Ax-
turn to the truth and no longer ,
... 4.
fstn. to the end that they may in
herit the spiritual and imperish
able glory of rip hteotisne&i, which
is in Heaven.''
in addition to the Ureek parh
rniit inauitsci ipts of the Gospel .
I'salios. I'leuterontoiiy, Joxhua an. I
fragment m of tho Kpistles of Paul,
the collection includes a few paries
of ancient papyrus bearing parts
of the minor prophets. All wer.
found in Kgypt. Kre.r acijuiit-d
them through a dealer.
Sir Arthur Says Never Seen
One in Daylight; Tells
Top One of Hie oioe! ttitdes ealil.
The Sloiiyhnist .iospel according; to St. .lolin
authority on ancient llible texts.
Ilelow left Paigiw t'l-oin
. Iliht lr. K. .. I-oue,
NOTTNOHAM. Eng. "Women
mployes will please do their fare
powdering before or after busi
ness hours." Is the sign which ap
pears in a Nottingham lace fac
tory. A welfare superintendent
kept watch on the girl typists and
found that one of them powdered
her hose 15 times in. one hour.
Tillamook New $70,000 pub
lic school building to be built here,
this year.
WASHINGTON' iAPi--P.ib-lical
manuscript'? even older than
l he celebrated Stotiyhtti si Cospel
..ecordiiif. to St. John, aid to have
our ' teen round in. the toinh of St.
Ciiihbert who died in ;s7. are on
exhibition in the Tailed Slates.
One if th'1 collei-l ions, be
uueathed to the nut ion by Charles
.. Freer of Detroit, is in the Freer
Gallery of Art Mere. The other,
comprising a few papriis frag
ments, is at the I'niversity of
Michigan. .
The "Washington Manuscripts"
as the Freer collection is known,
include one of the oldest Greek
versions of the Uihle known. Its
date is placed in the fourth cen
tury by Dr. K. A. howe, Oxford
lecturer and research investigator
of the institutions.
; Considerable attention has been
; drawn to the "Washington Manu
I scripts," l)r. Lowe pointed out,
j because they c;i i ry the following
i:lru verse.-; after Mark. 1 0 : 1 4 :
i "I Jut they defended themselves,
saving that this age. 'of lawlessness
land unbelief is under the power of
i Satan, who doe:! not permit those
! made impure by evil spirits to
! comprehend the truth and power
j of God. Therefore reveal now thy
j righteousness, they said to Christ.
And Christ replied to tlwm that
j the limit o4" the years of the power
or Satan has been made full, but
other dread events are near at
hand, and in behalf of those who
had sinned I was delivered unto
death in order that they-may re-
LONDOX. -( AP) Ghost ltunt
uig is one of Sir Arthur Conari
Morning Park Rides !-; j"timos when iu. is n..t
writing new Sherlock Tlolmes ad
ventures or has nothing else m
particular to do. Sir 'Arthur says
he has no psychic Kifts himself,
but he has had experiences with
ghosts on several occasions - once
when he was not looking for them.
Writing in the Weekly Dispatch
on "Ghosts 1 Have Seen." the au
thor describes) a midnight exper
ience at his country place at
Crowbomugh when he was awak
ened with the impression that
there was someone in the room
and "that the. presence was not of
t his world." '
Of this Sir Arthur says: " was
lying with my back to the room,
acutely awake, but utterly uii.-tble
to move. -j
"ll was physically impossible
for me to turn my j'dy and face
this visitor. I hejiird measured
steps across the, room. I was con
scious (without seeing iti that
someone was bending over me,
and then heard a voice paying in
a loud Whisper. 'Doyle, f come ro
tell you that I am sorry.' A
moment later my disability disap
peared and I was able to turn, hut
all w;is black darkness and perfect
ly still. My visitor save no name,
but I felt that it was an individual
to whom I had tried to give psy
chic consolation when he was be
reaved. He rejected ray advances
and died shortly afterward. It.
King Resumes Early
LONDON (API King George j
has resumed his early morning
summer horseback rides in Rotten;
Row much to the satisfaction of j
numerous tourists hut there has
been no tendency on the part of
society leaders to turn out for!
canters neiore oreaKiast as was
the custom thirty odd years a to.
The kiitfc rides between 7 and S
o'clock, this beiiiK the only oppor
tunity he has for regular outdoor
exercise when the court is at
Huck in g ham palace.
In olden d.;s when royally rode
regularly i.i Hyde Park a great
many of the most prominent men
and women of the land wen sun
to turn out. -vi'ii Ijefoio breakfast
if it were known that King IM
ward would appear on his favorite
steed. Itut early rising is nl as
popular as formerly and the morn
ing after in these days of night
clubs and cabarets the king has
Rotten Row almost to himself tor
his enrly morning canters.'
may tie that h wished Weipms
Accompanied by six other person.-,
the famous novelist andsplr
itualisr one night last summer vis
ited country church which had
the reputation of being haunted.
He told of seeing "tw.o perfectly
clear-cut figures : in black and
white, with dint luminosity of
their own.
"The coloring and arrangement
gave me a general idea of cassocks
ami surplices." he wrote.
"There was no possible room for
error. Unquestionably we all saw
these figures and equally unques
tionably the figutes were not of
this world." "
Sir Arthur says he has never
seen a ghost in the daylight.
Slight Decline Recorded
in Birthrate in France
African Native Wives
Using Lizzard Porridge
LONDON. - (AP Central
African native wives have a firm
belief in liyard poirTdge as a food
for errant husbands, according to
the Rev. A. S. I). Ranger, who has
returned home after many years
missionary work in Central Africa.
He says the native women whose
husbands have strayed from the
path of faithfulness, dry lizards In
the sun. pound them to a powder
and put it in their husband's por
ridge. The women have, a firm
belief in the efficacy of this
remedy because of the homing instinct.
PARIS. (AP) The legend of
France's declining birth rate ishe
lied by the preliminary vital sta
tistics for l92tJ. now available.
The number of births in l!fi
w:ls 76fi,2t.e, or 18.8 per
against. 790.:li5 or 19.1 per 1,000
in 19i:i.
What, however, cause? serious
disquiet to the health authorities
is the abnormally high infant
death rate as compared with other
European countries. The number
of children dying helow the age of
one year in 1!2J was 74,i;98
against ij,:!7 in lHifi. in some
department's, notably in the moun
tainous regions of the Centre, the
increase In the infant death rate
from one year to the other exceed-.
d 40 per cent.
lo th Worid; haihWn raised.
Five francs was the cosrr for the
post-war inflation period but as
business has been good an addi
tional franc is charged now.
The tower generally is consid
ered a public institution but really
If la owned by the company thht
built it for the 1SS9 Exposition..
The citv trets a teiveniae jnd it
was to increase the city's share
that the view of -ther country
around Paris has been made more
Eiffel Tower Ascent
Becoming Much Steeper
PARIS (API -Even the price
of going up has gone up.
The charge for ascending the
Eiffel Tower- the tallest structure
' 111 )w '
is pronounced in Traub Rings. Sijj
nlficanr Orange Blossoms adorn
designs that are most artistic
Quality is juprcme therc are
none better. - . ' - '
We feature these Genuine Orange
Blossom Rings in hard-iridio-
platinum or special 18K gold. Some
are jeweled with few or many
We have the style "you prefer at
the price 'you wish to pay.
Corner State and IJheriy
trvjB ;.n.A
Oranpe Blossom
(i n
Myrtle Point - New grades,
school to cost above $35,000.
Itke New and Finer
. , , : t ;t . . -Lt.-' ' Batty by FUhmr
'it Wjl Irk
thai grows mI
' U U UJ
with every
Ever since the new and finer Pontiac Six was
announced, the automotive world has been
ama:cd at Pontiac Six popularity! Last year
Pontiac sales set a world record this year that
record is being surpassed by a margin which is
growing every week! And if youVe seen the
new and finer Pontiac Six and driven the car
-you know why!
New bodies by Fisher, the world famous
builder longer, lower, more impressive in
their beauty and finished in arresting, new
Duco colors!
New mechanical features tilting-beam
headlights with foot control, more convenient
operating levers, a clutch even smoother and
ff more positive in action!
Coupe $775
Sport Roadrter (4-pM.) 775
Sport Cabriolet (4-paM.) 835
Landau Sedan - - - 895
Dc Luxe Landau Sedan 975
De Luae Panel Delivery 770
DeLuxe Screen Delivery 760
Delivery ChaMii - - 585
The same tried and true
Pontiac endurance that was
developed on the great Gen
eral Motors Proving Ground
and proved by over 70,000
owners the first year . . and
new low prices !
Made possible by increased
nroduction and General Mo
tors' vast resources in buying, inspection and
research, Pbntiac's new prices are the lowest
ever placed 'ohsixes , of ; comparable quality,
beauty, and sixe . . . and that's why Pontiac Six
today reigns as the most popular car of its kind
the world has ever known!
Oakland Six,$ 1025 to $1 295-AJ1 pHcm.
at factory. Delivered price inclmd
mitUmntm hmndlimm
pay an (he liberal Cnwral tAufm
Time Payment Pta
VICK BROS. Salem, Oregon
' "-'-: Associate Dealer i-J J 1 --': - -
MILLER 'MOTOR CO., Albany, OregdD; FRED T. BILTETJ. Selo, Oregon:
" B- E. TaTLOR, Lebanon. Oregon: SILVERTON MOTOR CAR CO; SilTer-.
ton. Oregon: GEO. DORR. Wood burnt Oregon; C. J. SCHREEVB A SON,
Dallas, Oregon; HARR1SBURG GARAGE. HarTlabura:. Oregon; JOHNSON
MOTOR SALES CO., Corvallia, Oregon. '. . , ? ;
OUR I lTriT TTT TrTr-4Vl TT f 1 OUR I
"where savings are greatest"
160 North Liberty Street, Salem
Every Suit We Sell
A Worthy Inves
to the Customer
In Appearance
In Service
In Economy
These Suits at
will pay generous dividends in Clothes-Satisfaction Every
Suit will prove a good investment to YOU and to US.
By giving satisfaction we make new friends and cement old
friendships more closely.
Two-Button, Single-Breasted
Popular, Easy-Fitting Model -Assured
Style Not Extreme
Quality, Value and Service!
Splendid quality serges, unfinished worsteds and cassimeres
in many new and unusual shades grey, tan and blue
mixtures, overplaids narrow; group and novelty stripes.
Other Suits iti Young Men's and Semi-
4 .
Muist Be
- . -'- . '- j
r WW Y
,1 J -
1 1. WW I
ll ll I I:
J ' 11 !
uve ivioais, prV5 to !jp4.75