WEDNESDAY M0HN1NG, JUNE 8. 1927 11 II- training scnooi near Turner wnera convention or tne . racinc wooa S0CIE1 (Continued from pag S) Harold of Klamath Falls; Mrs. 'Sylvia Hauser of Forest Grove, L. B. Marsters of McMInnvUle, Mr. and Mr. Lloyd Simon of McMinn vllle, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Brid well and Mr. and Mrs. A. R." Mc Lain of Portland; Chester Ellis. Gertrude Ellis and Homer Ellis of Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Irwin of Tillamook. Mr. and Mrs. Bertell Ford of Ltnsey, Cal., and Mr. and Mrs.- O. A.- Hanser of Riddle, and Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Payne of Yon calla. For herl golng-away dress Mrs. Ellis wore a smart model In deli cate rosewood georgette. Box Luncheon at Jllahee Country Club Tomorrow Night Will Attract Many 'What will probably be one of the most enjoyable affairs listed on the social calendar this week Is the box supper, and informal evening of 'dancing and cards which will - take - place Thursday Bight at the club house. Every lady and girl of the club is urged to bring a basket, for the auction, enctosing her name In her box. Beverages will be served during the evening. Following the box dinner, dancing and cards will be enjoyed. The lunch baskets will be auctioned at 1 o'clock. Mrs. John Bayne Will Entertain South Section of y oman's Unton' ' Members of the -South section of the Woman's union of the First Congregational church will meet at 2 o'clock' Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. John Bayne. Sewing will -be in order during the day. Visitoi's ut N: C. Kafoury Home Are From Spokane Mr. and Mrs." N. C. Kafoury have had for -several days as house guests Mr. A. Scroggin and daugh ter. Miss Arta Scroggin, of Spo- :kane. The Scroggins are return- Ing home-after a most' Interesting motor trip through t ho south.. The - past ten. months have been spent leisurely driving, v visiting the scenes of Mr. Scroggins' boyhood 'and college days; also visiting rel atives and friends in Florida, Oocial Calendar f o i.r - - . ?-.---,-.-.-j .a :. . t - -5 touisiana Missouri and California. , . . Miss" Scroggin is - a prominent member bl the, Spokane Business and Professional Women's club, and is past president of that or ganization. Several days will be spent in Portland before the com pletion of their trip.- Gueets at the N. C. Kafoury home Friday were Rev. and Mrs. E. Beatty. Miss Virginia, their daughter, and son Bruce, en route to their home in Wenatchee, Wash., from San Francisco. They were accompanied home by Misses Helen and Mary Kafoury, .who will De their house guests tor two weeks. , Presbyterian Missionary Society to Meet Today The Woman's Missionary society of the First Presbyterian church mill meet at 2:30 o'clock this af ternoon In the church parlors. Mrs. Charles E. Siegmund will bring to' the society a-report of the presbyterial recently held at Woodburn, and Mrs. E. G. Ford ill present high points of the Woman's biennial and general as- embly at San Francisco. 'Hos tesses -for the afternoon are Mrs. E. Ling, Mrs. Henry Morris, Mrs. I. M. Don gh ton. Mrs. L. O. Clement and Mrs. C.' D. Childs. All women of the church and .con gregation are invited to -come. Mr. arid Mrs. Arthur Vassall Will Hold Oven Garden Tomorrow The garden of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vassall at 1820 Chemeketa street will be opened to members of the Salem' Garden club tomor row afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock. Today . Miss Margaret Fisher will pre sent Junior pupil's in piano recital. Waller Hall. ' Woman's Missionary. society of First Presbyterian church. Church parlors, 2:30 o'clock. First Methodist WFMS. Mrs. Fred Miller. 1009 N. Fifth street, hostess. Royal Neighbors of America. St. Paul's parish house, 7 o'clock. Piano recital at Hollywood thea ter during , intermission. Five students of Mrs. Harry M. Styles. W H M S of Leslis Methodist Methodist' church will meet with Mrs. F. W. Seely on Wednesday at 2:30 p. m. Election of Officers. ' Barbara Frletchle tent, Daugh te rs of .Union Veterans. Woman's club, 8 o'clock. Jason Lee WHMS. Church par lors. 2:30 o'clock. Presbyterian Missionary society Church parlors, 2:30 o'clock. Pupils of Miss Elma Waller in fetand recital. Residence studio. Pupils of, Prof. T. S. Roberts in tecltal. ' Residence studio. . '" Practical nurses, 2 o'clock. Thursday Salem Boys' chorus. Capitol theater." 8 o'clock. ; Annual spring exhibit and "The Goblin Fair." State feeble minded school, 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Basket-dinner (auction). Illa- hee Country club, 7 o'clock. :VOpen garden." Home of Mr and Mrs. Arthur Vassall, 2 to 5 o'clock. i Annual exhibit. Oregon state school for the blind. Ladles of the GAR, Mrs. J. W. La Bare, hostess. . Friday Comedy, "Apple Sauce." Cap! tol theater. Auspices of Willam ette chapter of the Red Cross, :15 o'clock. " "' ,.. ' South section of Woman's union of fitm Congregational church, 2 o clock. - - 1 Saturday Artisans in first state Headquarters, Grand t i I -i r S I 1 3 I i Junior conclave, theater. '' President's reception. Hall. 8 to 10 o'clock. Lausanne JUNE ToileW Goods Sale o "J1" r JONTEEL COLD CREAM . An Ha A a. V rl tannine cream. Loosens the dirt -and" powder -and keeps the',, complexion clear, Does not promote . the growth of fhair. ' Regu lar price 50c. ' -Special price 39c v" JONTEEL ' , , VANISHING , ; CEAM Ths' cream is 'free from -grease and. readily ab sorbed by . the skin, " A raluable bse for .face powder Regular price sec. : .- -J 1 . -:'Epschi price 33c 3i ' If i Dr. and Mrs. Cart Gregg : I Doney Wiu Entertain at i j -Annual Reception June 11 ; All frledds of Willamette funi versity are invited to meet the graduating class at the, president's annual reception on Saturday eve ning, June 11, from 8 -to 10 o'clock at 2 Lausanne Half. Mrs. George H.! Alden will in troduce to the ; receiving, line, in which will stand Dr. and Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney, Miss Frances M. Richards, Dean and Mrs. F. M. Erickson, Dr. and Mrs. John Mar tin Canse and Mrs. Alice H? Dodd. The committee In charge of the decorations In the living rooms in cludes Mrs. Gustar Ebsen, Miss Nina McNary and Mrs. Morton E. Peck. At the door to greet the guests will be Mrs. C. L. Sherman, Miss Lois Latimer, Miss Gail Curry, Miss Avoca McMinnis, Mrs. Roy Harding and Mrs. Darwin Bur roughs. . Those who will assist la. the liv ing rooms are Miss Edith Denise, Miss Frances Virginie Melton, Mrs. J. O. Hall. Mrs. A-' N; Moores. Mrs. J. O. Goltra, Mrs.l F. G. Franklin, Mrs. Herman Clark, Mrs. E. W. Hobson, Mrs. T. S. Roberts, Mrs. Robert Dann, Mrs: S. B. Lajighlin and Miss Leila Johnson. Those who will invite Into the dining room are Mrs." E. T.'Barnes, Mrs. Robert J. Hendricks. Mrs. C. A. Downs and Mrs. Florian Von Eschen. These will be assisted by Mrs. Roy Keene, Mrs. Robert Gat ke, Mrs. E. T. Brown and Miss Winifred McGill. " Mrs. E." C. Richards and Mrs. W. E. Kirk will be in charge of the dining room; " '' Mrs. Thomas B. Kay and Mrs. W. C. Hawley will pour during the first hour, At the second hour their places will be taken by Mrs. Pau B. Wallace and Mrs. C, P. Bishop; . '' Assisting in the dining room will be Mrs. W. E." Kirk; Mrs. E. C Richards.. Mrs. Gustav Ebsen. Mrs. Mgrton E. Peck 'iand Mrs. A. E. Lee." The Junior girls wm serve. Neighbors of Woodcraft Meet .Silver: Bell circle. Neighbors of Woodcraft, met last Friday night with a large number in attend ance. The annual memorial ser vice was solemnized. The audi ence was charmed with a beauti ful solo by Mrs. Teeeen. The drill team sponsored an exhibition drill in a very creditable manner. The Juveniles staged a practice drill, preparatory to their visit in Sllverton - Saturday night. Annual Exhibit at Blind School to Open Tomorrow The annual exhibit at the state school for the blind will open to morrow and continue through Fri day. Many interesting articles made by students of the school will be on display in the gymnas ium. The public- is cordially invited to attend. Comedy, "Applesauce," Meets With Much Approval The dress rehearsal of the -comedy. "Applesauce," which will be presented on Friday evening, June 10, at the Capitol theater, was a complete success. The play is one which is simply effervescent with comedy. The characters ate extremely well cast; the play as a whole one of the best local productions of the year. Those who motored to the boys' the dresal rehearsal 'performance niah: Life 'association. Mr. Beard was given on Monday evening, in cluded Mr. and Mrs. J. A." Jeldrks,1 Mrs. W; H. Byrd. Mrs. Ray I Farmer and Mrs.' S. M. Endlcott. " ThQ plav.' which will take place on Friday, ia being sponsored by the Willamette chapter of the Red Cross. - .. - Practical Nurses' Association Will Meet Tomorrow The Practical Nurses associa tion will meet at 2 o'elock Thurs day afternoon on Marion Square, oc In case of rain, at the home of Mrs. Robeck, 545 North 2,1st, In a special meeting for reception of new members and consideration of unfinished business. Prompt ness is .urged to allow time n the social ! program L which; . .haf been planned. - Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Beard Motor to Los Angeles Mr. and Mrs. F. A, Beard left yesterday morning by motor for Los Angeles, to attend the national is'state manager for the Pacific association., . ' Mrs.-Beard wiU attend the na tional convention of the Woodman circle which opens In Joint session1 with the ' Pacific Woodman Life association on June 13. Ladies of the G. A. R. The ladies of the GAR will meet Thursday afternoon at the on WV La Bare at Tae La Bare home of Mrs.. J. 1835 Lee street home is reached by taking the S P. bus line. j? All GAR veterans; are invited or tK IHlulA' I Mill I TT I I II i M(C flltctw, imH4 vHh Bta fj Rfhkoa. ' Kb it ii . 1 s .. ! Im I When Glasses Are Needed "APPEAL TO O'NEILL" New Location Dr. C. B. O'Neill Fourth Floor First National Bank Building - Ph0B 26 'wni)niixiw,m miiiHiiwiiinni.w'i'ir' iihiMiMiMiiiiiiiiMMiiiiiiiMiii WiWii.yHiiqtiiiiiiM.iWM'iiiiiii IN-"Tti'ffi'iiir,'l''M'iT,"''M":" l,tr-ti,tr'i'i''t'T'ffrr"W'iHi'iffmr HI tHitHiiniil KiiMB "' - : Tlhore's To a FsMop Show Today at MiMir'-s Exclusively In Salem At Miller's will be modeled to music from 12:00 to 12:30 and 3:00 to 3:30 t i 1 Egg 1' if 3 i Hi b - Perhaps you will wonder why all this excitement about mere house frocks . . . come and see them modeled and you wjn instantly know.wly they are worthy of all this bother. They are as carefully made as silk frocks and most practical, too (though we confess that they, don't look it) . . . for all fabrics are of highest quality and all are fast color ime Ur esses that are different & inexpensive tool Such a host of colors greet the eye .. . such'a variety patterns . . quaintly lovely ones and ones with daring modernistic views. , Bodice styles and straightline frocks vie for honors, and adopt rows of laces or braids to please your fancy. '"Surely frocks like these will be expensive," you're very wrong, for each price ticket aaya but 21.95. 3 i Wit' f 5 a -f I i 1 1 1 n U ay time Ur esses mat are : mMiMM. m (wm mm 100 Juanella Frocks Qe rM of T L I v 'Sl K w 1 A Juanella Frocks. ,3 U O Dress Section . fTh n ' V ' ' ' ' FS v A Juanella Frocks - 4 in a m 3 ' Bishoo's - j - 1 " t" a 1 III - - . d mm. m III Uon t 'wish you had" when it's too III late, be wise -Buv Nowl j We don't want anyone to say that we didnt let them know about these won derful values. Buy now! Shoes and Oxfords (Broken bizes J Reg. $6.50 to $10.00 j SALE J J - I Shpes and Oxfords Reg. $8.50 to $10.00 if ' Fine Quality ! II 3 100 to sell for For every "mood . w gay with bright colon and quiet with soft tintings. Dimitftt that ' effect quaint basque styles . r v. soisettes that adopt scalloped tiers . . . and prints .ihat need only hemstitching or a combined color f or trtmmina". Dresses o f gay little prints or soft soisette to take: you shoeing smartly ' oc; n -1; m styles ihdt ynark - them chic for street -wear and set them far above the general run of cotton frocks at any place near the price. Note , the clever way a soisette frock uses organdio ' bands and an apron front edged with lace . . how a print model trims its pockets "and collar and cuffs with lace . : ! little things most truly, ut the things tjiat .make this collection outstanding: Seer theni dis . played on lovely models ... to .the strain of lilting "music , - 1 v :- r ' f -. ,3, Come to the Fashion SKow! iJ SHI t 5 tl I 1 1 ST . C r a i 1 i 1 i .3 i i i -I Mws Westj Representing Juanella Frocks, Will Be Present to Give Lecture Upon These Dresses . t And r Thurcday v - ' aieai iLeading ..tJepaltxnent t5fa ,1 -t Today 'Thursday .Several Lines of Nettleton Regular $15.00 SALE 0 Our Entire Stock of ri Just . 1 i S .-: w ffht Arch HI Regular $ 13 to $14 SLEV Work and Outing Shoes Regular $4.50 Value SALE DON'T MISS THIS SALE IPerrVa Drcr Store -115- Commercial r t 2