The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 08, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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to i ' V.
- i.nn DI1VP1I
H Al I'll r.t i!'"
, Mafstri Hoine
u 'a iwtirul weddlns service
,.ieraay. aneriiot.n.-; at 5 o'clock
' "d'a.t't.-r of Mr. and Mrs. H. I..
U ;-.l- Klli.-. The ceremony was I
,,e!f..n.H-.l at the Home or tnei
l i(!- 's paren-ts ' at 1656 Court
s(rr.,.t. Sixty friends ant relatives
wvr. invited.' ; ! '
Tin- living room banked
with palms, ferns, rosesjtlelphin
iuin and rHi;ie in pastel -shades,
(in either ?! of ftorsreows-bas-Kf,f
,,r pink and white peonies
tuH standards of yellow and
vhit- ornamental tapers. ' "X
Tli" sinRi" ring ceremony was
s,(t with K v. If. DOhambers,
tu.-tr of St. 1'a ill's Episcopal
l.iin li. otfii iatinK. ''''" ' 1
. m mom! id t fly preceding the cere-
Lu.ny Mi Kavc Sparks sunt? "byt-r
vi i " (Sn-ak-i) and ('adman's "At4
Jt;iWIlillSr." '
.Miss ru-ryl Marsters, sister of
lh- hiidf. a rompauied the soloist.
Thf l.rnlal party descended the
lnhK stairway and assembled at
i(.h tt..ial Imiwci- to the strains of
U.h. iis-i in's wedding , march.
I .in I Miss I-rf-one Spauldfng. in
n fn-. k .if lavender, -and lace,
M.rinkl-J rose petals. In 'the. path
of i he approiuhinK bride. The
little (lower j.'irl .is the, daughter
el lr. and Mrs. Walter L. Spatil
The hrhle was very lovely in her
j ln.iiflant frork of Saxe blue taffeta
with insert of georgette and or
laiimntntion in silver and gold
l.eatl. " her hair she wore a
Ju inl f silver (lowers. Her pumps
v, ie nl silver nroeaiie. f
Mb ijeorKia Klli.s. sister of the
griHiiii, a.s maid of honor, ller
lto. k was of Kieeii georgette. Miss
Knlalia Lindsay, in rosewood, was
The groom was attended by
il!as Marsters. hrother of the
luiile, as best man.
A reception followed ia the din-
iris room of the Marsters home
Mrs. Kalph Clover poured the-cof
fee and Mrs. Waller Jj. Spaulding
nil the ires.
A beautiful Oriental linen cloth.
exquisite with embroidery, covered
the tea table on which a gorgeous
basket .of pastel flowers was ar-
r:;nged. Pink tapers gleamed In
low reen gla.s holders.-" n
Mrs. Waldo Masters served the
(redding cake. '
Those assisting In the serving
were -Miss Maxine Glover, Miss
Winnifred Albrich, Miss Beryl
Marsters and Miss Faye Sparks.
The guests were received at the
.oor yesterday t Mrs. Walter '1k
Vi Snauldlne and Mrs. Ralnh Glover.
s After a weddinjr trip to points
south. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis -will
make their home on the McKenzIe
Mrs. Kllis, who is very popular
anions the younger group, haa
Ik en employed in the secretary of
state's office for the last six years,
she attended the Itoseburg and
Salem high schools.'
Mr. Ellis, who is the son of, the
latf Mr. and Mrs. II." J. Ellis, is
a member of the Masonic lodge.
He is an employe of the state fish
imi mission. : ' . v" .
'"tit of town guests Invited for
i lie wedding were Mr. and Mrs. A..
'. Marsters of Itoseburg Mr. and
rs. k. v. Marsters and daugh-
j ier Dorothy of Jtoseburg; Mr. and
Irs Frank Churchill of Rose
'nrif; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Seltars
"f Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. G. D.
Hinsdale and daughters. Opal and
Harriet, of Forest .Grove, add son
(Continued on 'pace ' 8.) ;
an-- ZJ
Daily Departures
SnJyr.lno,op BttBe service to
ancisco- California, and
S',est cities wUh 3 daily
milS1"9- Serves mter
"'paint8 op-overs if
t y, Great responsible sys
, Prtect3 you - carea . for.
.ar, Kfl Pll"lt glasenclosed
ra;r nins cbairs, heaters
-eVe lor .
m'-S, ""K noebr,
A,,r Slin cisco, Ixs
b '. San IIego. Phoenix,
Ki I'aso
,0;20 A l:40 A. M,
7:30 I. 31.
Realtl. Vancouver
--0 A. St., 1:30 P. JL,
P. M.
FrM&y, Saturday, Jfane 14-18
A S exclusive agents for the The OWL Drug Co. products, we hav
tne privileged of rering this money-saving BuyTwo Sale a
annual feature in The OWL Drug Co.?s own stdres "Bark nf rhi
are t the large resources of The OWL Drug Co .--a Buying power
and manufacturing capacity tkat makes possiljle the loSvest of low
prices on desirable products.
75c Owl Theatrical
- Cold Cream
Buy-Two for 99c
You save 5jlc durtng
the Buy-Two Sale and
you get a pure, frag
rant cleansing cream.
It will ketjpi indefi
nitely. .
- 40c Owl Skiij Cream (tubes) ' -'
, - V Buy-Two lf or 49c
50c Owl Lemon Lotion
V - . Buy-Two for 59c
50c Red Feather Complexion
Powder . Buy-Two for 59c
65c Owl Lemon Cocoanut Oil
Shampoo . Buy-Two for 66c
1 5fc Churchill Skin Soap
1 t : Buy-Two Boxes for 79c
Six, cakes in a. box.
This soap is a favor
ite with our custom
ers. Pleasantly fra
grantgentle and
1 OcTodco Cocoa Almond
Soap . . . Buy-Twelve for 79c
. 25c Yarntu Castile Soap (cakes)
" 'i ". . Buy?-Twb for 29c
50c Owl Bora ted Bay Rum -:
(16 oz.) . Buy-Two for 59c
10c Palmolive Soap - ?
. v . . Buy-TWofor I Ic
50c Palmolive Shampoo -
v , , ,c . . . Buy-Two for 51c
50c Owl San-Ora Mouth Wash ;
. . . Buy-Two for 59c
50c Rim Toothpaste ' ' :-
, Buy-Two for 59c
Take advantage of ,Ue
low Buy-Two Sale price
on Rim- a safe, effi
cient dentifrice that
cleanses the teeth thor- -oughly.
Jx , V'
50c KCL Tooth
CT paste 1 :j: : i '
Buy-Two for 59c
Another dentifrice;fpri
keeping the teeth and
gums in good condi-
v.. -'A. 5 ,i' -r
. TV
79("Creciaripse Bath Powder
i .ff-i-:r'.:.r; , 3 Buy-Two for 99c
Ajuxurious bath powder, packaged, especial
ly for body use. A large sof t powder puff
3" T-e&ch;tin. You save 59c on this bath'pow
e (Iurjng the Bujt-Twq Sale.
50c Red;Feather ,BatK'lCrystals
I i v. vBiiy-Tyro for 69c
Refreshing and cooling. In three popular
fragrances: rose, cologne and verbena.
1 5c Owl Wash Cloths
.. .. Buy-Two for 16c
Your choice of colors-kntyted, in several
popular styles. '
75c Last Long Rubber. Gloves
' ) : . . . . Buy-Two for 89c
Sturdy rubber gloves, for use, around, the
house and garden. All sizeV
25c Hand Brushes Buy-Two for 29c
; These are great brush, values indeed at this
' lotv Buy-Two Sale price.' '
50c Boncilla Vanishing or Cold - .
Cream yk uywfp 51c
30c 1 -lb. size Bag of Blltfiy BatK'
- Salts (5 odors) Bu3Tvyfor:31c
25c Talcums Buy-Tlvo for 26c
. uoncma, Egyptian Talc by
Colgate's, Palmer's,
25c Owl Hou
" . t
Powdered Boric
Henna Powder, 2
Epsom Salt, Vz
' ' ' Glyce
75d Owl Antiseptic Solution
1 (1 6;oz.) . Buy-Two for 99c
.rAborated mouth .wash and gargle
1 5c OwLDental IHosV'-.-cnV
- Buy-Twp f or4j5c -it
!)Uc l odco i ooth
5: Buy-Two for 51c J
. i rnese Dnisnes -are srreac-. 44,-
' I- values a?the 'regular price . gf )i '
; pf-50c; and rare 'yaluea fcat i ftf
this low ; Buv-Two Sale . l. I
75c Todco Gauze (5 yds. ) ' ; -
.1 . . . Buy-Two for 87c
50c Todco Nail Files
. . . Buy-Two for 51c
$ 1 .50 Pum-Kin Double Com
jpact. - :i Buy-Two for 1.51
$ 1 .75 Narce":Double Xompact
Buy-Two for v 1 76
50c Owl Milk of Magnesj
1 no Mini oi7 ni iwi - vi 1 1 it nr n,
in. Owl laboratories of 'the h
v. Magnesium Hydroxide. J
:$ ! .00 Owl BeefIron and
U A palatable tonicfori stimula
titend 'building strength. ' "
69c Owl Aspirin 1 Buy-T
r iuu taoiets 01 pure aspirin,
laboratories. v T
60c Audemards Olive O
. . Buy-i
Nice France. ; '
50c Owl Ameroil (regulf
I6:oz. . -Buy-T
A pure odorless and .tastele
It's a safe regulator in cases
. $ 1 .25-Owl Ameroii with
;(iooz.; . ;uuy-Tv
(5 gr.) . .i. CuyrTl
35c;Todc64 Adhes,ive.pia
1 5c;Tbdco Adhesivb Pla
4 j 7-.
When you read this advertisement, you. will notice that the items
on sale cover a wide range of usefulness, and tha the Buy-Two JSale
prices represent big savings hv every instance. Check what you need"
then plan to shop as early as possible. Our stocks are large but.we
cannot guarantee that all items will last throughout the sale . JTie
early shopper always benefits. : . ; - u: . --.-"
3 t" - i
59c"Ravelstone Pound Paper
. Buy-fTwb for 60c . ,
49c Todco Nappe ttes
1 . . - - Buy-Two for 63c
One tlozen seamless sanitary napkins filled
with soft cellulose fibre. These napkins are
of the right size. You save 35c by buying
two packages during this Buy-Two Sale. ' "
49c Todco Absorbent Pads
. . . . Buy-Two for 63c
1 Buy-Two for 59c
Rubcohol is one of the fine
products from the Owl lab
oratories 40c Owl Witch Hazel
(16 oz.)
Buy-Two for 49c
A i6 oz. bottle of double strength witch
hazel made in Owl laboratories.
5c Todco Powder; Puffs
. . v Buy-Two for 19c
Puffin, fl"fr,f,r ti-Pfo 1t, nnV fftlAKJpi
A ''full pound' of gootl
writing paper contain
ing J36 sheets. In three
popular colors-: 4 white,
gray, anrj apricot. -This
will be one of the most 4
popular Buy-Two Salp,
items'. ' ' ' "'.
49c Ravelstone Envelopes,
". ... .. ' Byy-Two for 57c
50 envelopes to a packager-:inthe sam col
ors as the pound paper, f " ' " '
20c WritingTablets ' " "
v. . . Buy-Two for 21c
25c Boston Cloth Brushes
'Buy-Two for 126c.
35c Red Feather Shaving' Cream"
. -': ; f .- BuyrTwo for 43c
Men will appreciate the saving
r on this shaving luxury con
, taining bay rum and nienthol.
75c Red Feather Lilac
: Biiy-Two for 89c
i A charming -toilet .water. Use
it as a hair dressing and.afterr
snavmg lotion."
.... ysf?j.l
: -.
...... . i , . -l, -
Last Loner Hot Water Bottle
. "r- v Buy-Two for5159
fresh, live rubber. You get ,
, two bottles for- one cent .
more than the price of one.
75c Todco Hair
" Brushes, . ;
V Buy-Two for 87c,
$1.00 Todco Hiir
4. , Brushes ... r
Buy-Two for $1.39
50c Whisk'Broom Buy-Twolor :.59c '
50cWliidk Brddhi BuyVTwa f 6r h&k
' " - ! Ams Droom is m a neat case r" :
.." .... w
These sprays make sham- :
.. -PPOing so much ca3ier and -more
effective. Use them
v also, aaa shower. Easily in
stalled in anv tnh ry hrw!
A 'great -value at this low"
h 1
"'Buv.Twn Solo ti-io
.. a.
20c Goodrich Nipple
v iiygea rtorsing jioute " ' ;. '
J,tW;-fl' for 21c
( Gillette Razor Buymvo r6r 5lk
TckIco Absdrbnt Con- 'r
75c BbxEline" sCnocolate Coated
teOierries CllbRUyfKvvo fort7Ci
75c BcliheyChocofe
Assortedfruits and nuts -v ; -v-v T . v- :
. ' ". , r.' ?..-f "Bux-Two for cr-
. : 35c Perfection Mill: ChocolaiV
r.(J4 10 Buy-Two for :
35c Owl Fabricnd Glove
Cleaner . Buy-Two for ZCz
erimnal Hotel
" Telephone COS
Katty Corner f rq