i i - ' I ' I r i f" yjtiff 1 GROW I V L .?r' I r XWifvV I lAnJf 1 i . ,ii , -ages CPLENDID idea for the little fellow to come down here and see how we run this drug store. It will give him an idea of modern methods, of worth-while merchandise and polite salesmanship. ' THE CAPITAL DRUG STORE J. H. WILLETT Agent Owl Drug Company Products Katty Corner from the new First National Bank Bldg. LOCAL Arpke Here Frederick Arpke arrived yester day from Republic, Wash., where be has been teaching in the high school during the past year. After spending the summer here,he will return to.Repubic In the fall. High Grade Auto Paintinr-- Hull's Auto Top & Patnt Co., 267 S. Commercial St. J7 Many Seek Work , Three hundred fifty-nine men and women aoright work 'at the U. S. employment bureau during the week. Of thin number, J 21 men and 37 women-were In de mand and 98 menand 30 women were reported placed. Agricul tural laborers headed the list with 156 men and .49 women regis tered. . . Make No, Engagements - For Tuesday evening. - Salem Ad club stunt dance at Schlndler's ballroom. - . i5 To Install" Officers . Officers for the Epworth league will be installed at the regular meeting tonight. The program will include a fellowship and get-together meeting ; 5 Salem Ad Club" Brunt Dance Tuesday, June 7th. . Schlndler's ballroom. i5 Pay Fines in Court C. A. Arpke and Robert Need ham paid $1 fines . in police court yesterday for overtime parking. Hot -l Marlon Dollar dinners served 5:45 to 8 every evening. n26tf Speeds and Pays For speeding 32 miles an hour on South Commercial street yes terday Ben Henry of Portland was brought into police court and fined $7.50. Furniture Upholstery And repairing. Giese-Powers Furniture Co. f3tf Gets Building Permit A building permit was Issued yesterday to Carl Bahlburg, 1410 Nebraska street, who will erect a dwelling costing $3850. Reduced Prices, 50 Off On all bedding and window box plants this week only. Garden Road and 15th. C. F. Breithaupt. 311 Page Issued Permit Walter Page, 575 Mission street, will erect a one-story dwelling at, 575. Mission street costing $3850, according to a permit issued yes terday. Carl Bahlburg will be the builder. Graduates, Attention! Special prices on some attrac tive photographs. Cronlse Studio, over Busick's. j Isue Permit C. Davis, 1910 Fairgrounds Road, will erect a dwelling to cost $1500. A building permit was issued yesterday. O Room House, Cor. Lincoln And Saginaw, fine lot, garage $3950, $350 cash. Phone 188W. Report Accldent-i -r An automobile accident near In dependence in which Mrs. Olive Pence. 1315 Jefferson street, ana George Zappalla figured, was-re ported to. police yesterday. Petunias and Geraniums 2 for 15c: all kinds ot flowers for boxes and . baskets. Arthur Plant's greenhouses, 1398 S. 13th Phone 2150. JT Story In Salem . -. Robert Story, former student body president at Willamette uni versity, is in Salem visiting with friends here. Story just returned from the east where be visited lor a time following his trip with : PILES Cured While You Work JDK. MARSHALL " - Oregon Eli, V , s TT&O FtrVOU'P ) THINK O' 1g ROLL THE ENGWE ISOMETHIrfG PSrtSfTl lOPFW TMC TRACICJELSt YOOVl NEWS IN BRIEF the floating university cruise. He has been appointed a special rep resentative of the floating uni versity and will leave in two weeks for Salt Lake City where he will sign up a number of people to make -the trip next year. Jason Lee Institute Club Presents "The Rich Young Man," Monday, June 6, 8 p. m. 50c and 25c. 5 Leave for Devils Lake Mr. and Mrs. Kric Butler and family went to Devils Lake yester day to spend the week-end at their cottage there. t Electric Range Purchasers Are given $10 Wear-Ever alum inum with each new type Westing house range during June at Gahls dorf's. J 5 Visit Here- Miss Etta Lewis of Gault, Cal., and George Reed of Los Angeles are visiting at the home of Mrs. Cora E. Reed, assistant county school superintendent. Scott Tissue Special 12 rolls for 11.15. Phone 7. Gahlsdorf, Inc. 1 - J 5 y Reed Visits Here Evan Reed,, an employe of the government on road work near Metaline Falls, Is visiting over the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Cora E. Reed, assistant county school superintendent. Violin and Piano Recital Given by pupils of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Thomas, Monday, June 6, 8 p. m. First Evangelical church, 435 Center street. Public invited. 35 Four Licenses Issued ' Marriage licenses issued yester day went to Carl N.' Conklin, Sa lem, and Evelyn Tlmm, Gervats; Lester "Brittell, Salem, and Vera Roth, Salem; Edward R. Soule, Portland, and Mrs. Mar Croft, Watervllle: Henry C. Heth, Sa lem, and Violet E. Newton, Salem. Phone 1142 and Hare- Homer Leisy estimate the cost of new curtains and draperies. Better valnes. 35 Goes to Portland Mm. Mm L Fulkerson. county school Munerintendent. snent yes terday in Portland on business. Dancing Every Friday- Domes' hall, McCoy. 35 Action Dismissed Action of the Credit Service corporation against J. A. Morgan filed in circuit court was dismissed yesterday. The differences were settled -out of -court. - What About This Summer? Some will fritter away, the time. Others will make good use of It by taking some useful studies' at the Capital Business College summer school. The- time to make a de cision is today -tne time to be gin is tomorrow. A wise decision now, backed tip by energetic work will mean Increased opportunities later. ... Large Litter of Blue Foxes M. A. Van Denberg, caretaker at the Sunny side Fox Farm; W. S. Pemberton. manager, called at this office Saturday and reported that one of their bine foxes had a litter T Id , Fr Baas cnaaatmc pMSal nasal taM atadmts nsaa m 847 V. Omb'1 St. CMLOCKWOOD Boston ' Terrier Puppies ' For - . Sale . . .". i- -- Champion ' Male for Service DR. FRED ELLI3 Salem,' -Oregon t Safrtys King Jr. 1 11 . - II. 1 - . .. I I ' -fHlNK I'LL ; BECOME A - . CRACKER. JACK PRU60IST I'LL RUAf POWAJ TO -AND FIND OUT mow : ? of 11 fine, lively pups, eight pups being considered a good average litter. Silver black foxes are also doing well on this well managed fox farm and a good, successful season is reported. Dance at Turner Every Wednesday night. 35 Case Appealed The case of Z.. J. Rlggs vs. New Jersey Fidelity and Plate Glass company of Newark, which was decided in favor of the defendant by the circuit Court, has beep ap pealed to the supreme court. Salem Maid Ire Cream Nuff said. Sanitary Confection ery, 1587 State; Palm Confection ery, 4C7 N. Church; The Nook. 379 North High. J5 Garden Club to Meet The Salem Garden club will bold a meeting at the chamber of commerce rooms Monday evening at 8 o'clock. For Women and Children Nothing equals osteopathy. Dr. Marshall, Oregon BIdg. J5 Cherrians Drill Tuesday The Salem Cherrians will drill again Tuesday evening at the city hall, in preparation for their ap pearance at the Portland Rose fes tival. They are progressing satis factorily, and expect to make an unusually good showing. Sportsmen to Meet The Salem Rod and Gun club will hold a meeting next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock in the cham ber of commerce rooms. The Nes tucca river proposition will come up for consideration. All mem bers are asked to attend, whether Or not their dues are paid. See Next Tuesday's Statesman For details on Salem Ad club stunt dance at Schlndler's ball room. . 35 Special Practice Held A special practice of the Salem boys' chorus has been called for next Tuesday evening In prepara tion fcr the concert to be given at the Capitol theater Thursday night. Kelso Commencement Speafci Prof. J. T. Matthews of the Willamette university faculty, re turned to Salem Saturday after delivering the commencement ad dress to the high school at Kelso Friday evening. Dr. Doney at Brownsville President Carl G. Doney of Wil lamette university delivered the commencement - address for the high school at Brownsville Friday evening. -From there he went on to Eugene for a visit before re turning to Salem. Cool Is the Word!! You've r never tasted anything j ust like it "Nothing- can quite 'match'it for cooling off : when r it's ' ' sweltering- hot! ; J v ? Tasty, . Delicious the Twin to an Ocean Breeze Ask for the Coolest Drink in Town at 4 SCHAEFER'Q DRUG STORE J Original Yellow Front; ; Phone 197 135 North Commercial The Penslar Store mmwr 'OIL ILL SAYS: We have a lfKM Chevrolet coach with good rubber and in fine condition for $323. 1 Make Donations Two more donations to the Sal vation Army Mississippi relief fund were reported last night by Captain Pitt. One for $10 Is from a Chemawa resident, and the other for 85 is from the Liberty Wom an's club, through Mrs. Orrie Cun ningham. Home of Miles Robbed The home of Don Miles, 706 Stewart street, was reported brok en into yesterday evening and robbed. Officers are investigat ing. APPOINTMENTS MAIN INTEREST-FOR TIME (Continued from page 1) ceived by the board of regents of state normal, schools indorsing Mrs. Redfield for the, presidency of the Oregon institution.- Although not an active appli cant for the normal school presi dency, R. R. Turner of Dallas, probably will be considered. Mr Turner has served a state super intendent of public instruction and has held other offices of trust. He has been superintendent of the schools at Dallas ror seven years, and recently was elected to the position for another three years' term. It was said that G. A. Brlcker of Cleveland, Ohio, alno would accept the normal school presidency. To Selec t Commission Acting under v. new law enacted at the last session of the legisla ture the state board of education will meet within the next few weeks and select members of the state text-book commission. . The appointment of the text-book commission previously was vested in the governor, but the law was amended at the last legislative ses sion at the .request of Governor Patterson. Reports here recent ly indicated that all members of the present text-boon commission were slated for retirement. Turner Considered Members of tne commission are Milton Miller and Winnifred Win nard of Portland, George Hug of Salem, A. C. Hampton of Astoria and F. C. Kent of Corvallis. It was said that at least two mem bers of the state board of educa tion would vote to reinstate R. R. Turner as a member of the text book commission. Mr. Turner previously was a member of the commission but was removed by ex-Governor Pierce. Mr. Turner alleged that his re moval from the commission was due to politics and because he would not follow the dictation of the ex-governor. Selection of a MONEY TO LOAN From one to Three Thousand From 2 to 8 Years Pay Like Rent, the Easy Way. GEO. F. SMITH 965 N. 5th St. Phone 428-W It's Time to Think of PAXNTLXG and CLEANING UP We Sell Martin Senonr 100 Per Cent Pure Paint DOUGHTON 8HERWTN 286 N. Commercial TeL CSt Radium Ore t"Revigator', Purifies water, cleanses the blood k and gives health J. L. ELLIS, Distributor 2295 S. Church Street . Phone 1365-J fiESISTOCHING 8, t and 10 cents per yard. Also buttons, stamping and pleating. AJTJfA H. ERTJEGER Over Miller's Telephone 117 VBESS DALE FREEMAN, popular matinee lecturer, over KGW, and national authority on the Skin, and Scalp will be at "The Specialty Shop," 452 Court St, all day Saturday, Jnne the ladies of Salem and vicin 11th. A rare opportunity for ity - to obtain, expert advice gratis. . 1 Mrs. Freeman' is distributor of , the well-known Esplrlt d 'Amour Toiletries, Blockimak er, Chicago, over several north west states and Japan. Phone 890 for an appointment or come. in. Miss Swart. The Specialty Shop km state budget director by Governor Patterson i, one of the adminis tration' activities that has caused considerable speculation, ' It is likely that this , appointment will be announced within the next two weeks. Friends of Governor Pat- a sua nTB a kma m lcvi t. va fire of budget director would be! offered to Sam A; Kozer, secre tary of state: The term would cover approximately three and one half years, with an annual salary of not less than $6,000. This is $600 a year more than he receives as secretary of state. Five Men Mentioned In event the secretary of state is offered the office of budget di rector and accepts it his successor would be named by Governor Pat terson. The names of at least five prominent men have been men tioned in connection with the, ap pointment ot secretary ot state. These include Roy Rltner of Pen dleton, John Cochran of Portland, Carl Gabrielson of Salem, Hal Hoss, private secretary to the gov ernor, and A. H. Lee, ex-secretary of the Oregon state fair board. Mr. Cochran previously served as deputy secetary of state and is now deputy Internal evenue col lector with headquarters In Port land. Mr. Gabriel so a is in charge or the state motor vehicle depart ment. Mr. Ritnef formerly served as state senator from Umatilla county and is a close personal friend of the governor. The governor also has under consideration selection of a board of naturopath examiners which was authorized under an act of the 1927 legislature. LIQUOR STORES POPULAR Women Crush, Police Called to - Quiet Thirsty Crowds WINDSOR, Ont., June 4. (AP) Police reserves were called out today to handle the crowds that gathered at the two government liquor stores, here, after several women prospective purchasers fainted in the rush incident to the opening at 10 a. m. Long lines of persons began forming before the stores early today and at opening time the crowds had grown to such an ex tent as to become unmanageable. Women close to the entrance of the stores were suffocated in the crush. Practicably every police man of the local .force was re quired to restore order, and the work required several hours. No one was seriously injured. At closing time hundreds of per sons were turned away from the stores unserved. Wrenns Return to Salem for Visit; Soon to Leave Gilbert Wrenn and his wife. formerly Kathleen LaRaut, re turned Friday evening from Ray mond, Wash., where they have Men's and Ladies' sulfa cleaned and pressed, SJ.OO. Ladles' silk dresses. Si. 23. Coats relined. P3.00. Men's suits pressed, SOc. VARLEY CLEANERS Over Bnslck'i A Vw PVilI MVmImii A Room I Bungalow and Garage on Fairmount Hill At- S2600 $300 down, balance $25.00 per month CLRICH ROBERTS, Realtors 129 North Commercial DRESSMAKING Reasonable prices. Don't for get our hemstitching, stamping, button making and pleating. THE PETITE SHOP Over Busick's Telephone It 81 For Sale Store building and residence, corner lot, 4 blocks out, $12,000. F. L. WOOD 841 State Street GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Silverware, n .Glassware, China ware, Stamped Goods, Miscel laneous Articles. - : i Variety and Gift.Shop - . Mrs: Helen Prescott ." ?r 211 N. Commercial, Salem, Ore. Casey's Guaranteed : rheumatism: REMEDY , r Money refunded if -it does not - cure your case : ; . NELSOJf A icUWjivugsflBt Cor.. Court and Liberty TeL T YICKSOHERBCO. : J. H. LEONG, MGR.? : - -Our life's worr .hsji been spent in. studying, the healinz croDerties of: Chlneser 'herbs and, : ZjT now dally .we relieve : j those suffering: from stomach. llTer and kld - -"uey trouble, -'rheuma-. . tism and gall . stones, 1 also disorders of men, women and children. , Free Consultation, CaH or Write X Open Q JL M, to 8 P; 1L 4S9tate EL, EsJeta, Oregon : Where To Dine TODAY Eat Tour Sunday Dinner At the Gray Belle. Chicken Dinner Served all day at The 8pa. For .Dinner -Th to Evening Dollar dinner at the Marion hotel today. Chicken Dinner at the Lunch Box 181 S. Liberty St. Tables tor ladles. Open all day. Eat Tour Sunday Dinner At the Valley Grill. 16H ft Com'L Under new management. Eat at Mlnto's Chlckan dinner. See. Special Dinner Today And home made salads, State Cafeteria. ' been teaching In the high school. After spending "a week with the OBITUARY Bents Fred Bents, age 72 years, died at the Good Samaritan hospital on June 1, 1927; husband of Minnie Bents; father of William Bents and Clarence Bents of Fargo, Mrs. Hattie Bower of Portland, and brother oi Henry L. Bents of New berg. Funeral services will be con ducted today, June 5, at the resi dence of the family near Fargo, Marion county, Or., at 2 p. m. Interment will be in the Butte- ville cemetery under the auspices of the Masonic and Odd Fellows lodges. Fraternal members and friends invited to attend. Marquis Helen Marauis died at a local hospital June 4 at the age of six years. Remains are in charge of the Salem mortuary. Funeral an nouncements will be made later. CONFIDENCE is always esteemed when gained through the worthiness of a service that is discreet, exact and thoughtful from the first tot the last detail. WEBB'S FUNERAL PARLORS Tel. ISO TERWILLIGERS Perfect Funeral Service For Less Licensed Lady Mortician 770 Chemeketa Street Telephone 724 PLUMBING Quick Reliable Service H. EGNER, 1015 Center Street Phones 852 and 1310-W Fine Fixtures Standard Equipment Bedding and Window Box Plants Are now ready, also fine line of shrubs and perennials. C F. BREITHAUPT Telephone 380 512 State St, Tour Car Deserves SEIBERLIN6S America's Finest Tire ZOSEL'S TTRE SHOP, 190 S. Commercial Tel. 471 C. A- LUTHT& Jeweler In NewT,L6catJon 825 STATE STREET Watches, Clocks and Jewelery , ' Repaired TELEPHONE 4-2-6 JOE the battery man service , calls free. 540 Cbemeketa Street Just a little above the: Average;. " CLOSED EVERY. SUNDAY, . Clack Cat Rcstaurcnt 150 t South' liberty Street r ELECTRIC MOTORS -Rewound and Repaired New1, or Used Motors' .V . --. - - O ! I : - VIBBEIIT & TODD . Things Electrical ISIS. IHsa ? w - TeL-Sill ISl ' t One , fi X Half f j -v.l .Block XSiS , State parents of Mrs. Wrenn at - 755 Church street, tbey will leave on a visit to Florida, where Mr. Wrenn will visit his parent. They will return to Oregon in the latter part of July. Mr. "Wrenn has 'accepted a posi tion as principal of . 1 he ; Valsets teacher training center, in connec tion with - the Oregon normal school at Monmouth, and will take up his new: duties immediately upon his return Mrs. Wrenn ! will teach music at the Oregon normal school next, year.--'.. i ; . ) ' f , I COMMISSIONER GOES EAST Judge George E. Davis, state commissioner, will pass Monday and Tuesday at Boise attending a conference of the western district securities commissions. Judge Davis is slated to give an address during -the conference. Glads, and Dahlias Half Price Glad. Bulbs. . . . 10c to 25c doz. Dahlia Roots 50c dozen and up MORCROP FERTILIZER will give you a green, vigorous lawn: PEARCY BROS. 178 S. Commercial St. LADD & BUSH, BANKERS Estalished 1868 General Banking Business Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. GATCH a big bass-rr a string of not more than five don't clean them or dress them bring them here for measuring and weighing. You may win 1 LocalT Sectional and National Prizes. Prizes for bemt fish photo. Prizes for Boys and Girls. If you do no have the contest official Bait (the Shakespeare Swim ming Mouse) we will lend you one iree. Enter your name, NOW! . . . v - There Is Something To It! A business man's appearance means, everything to his patrons, it declares his . progressiyeness and his ability. ; v. . 3- And TRANSFER AIH) STORAGE . ; Long and SEort Distancc.KctiHn ' . Public and Privato Stexac? ' Fireproof Buildlrj.s s GRAD, FEED (Mt Free Deliver to any ''part qf the clty QUOTATIONS ON APMCATICr ! .Ii clFIIilS G, y v -.w-. ; ; " " PAUL THAGLXO, r'r:?, ; SICK WATCHES t We don't care bow sick your watches are, we have pills for all their ailments. , DR. PRESCOTT. Jewc!er 2ttl N. Conunercial 1 , ' DISEASES. - Treated by Osteopathy, Dieted lea. Radiant Therapy and Elec trical Therapy indndlng Zr. Abrams' Electronic System, . y No Charge for ( . Consultation DR. B.H. WHITE ' - Physician and Surgeon : 6M U. S. Nat'L BaaX Bldg. . Salem, Oregon - 1937 FREE WALLPAPER SAMPLE BOOKS Call, phone or write MAX O: BUREN 179 N. Commercial Salem YOUICANMIN - Big Prizet JfYou Act NOW! Salem Hardware Co. 1 ISO X. Commercial y" Salem, Oregon ! truly, tailored-to-mea- sure clothes bring out everjr : - good point in a man's char- : acter. V :i iiJS tlil!i3 ' ' lf ' " - '"" . - - - . - k You can't go wrong if ' you wear Tailored to. r Tj Measure Clothes fc ' D. H. Mosher The Merchant Tailor 484 Court St.