The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 05, 1927, Page 11, Image 11

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(CoBtiaei from pe 2.)
ceremony was given honoring Mr.
and Mrs. G. L. Cummlngs and Mr.
and Mrs. Crary." The former
having been married thirty-two
years and the latter ten years.
Sir. R. A. Blerima proved that he
( had missed his calling, when he
A acted as minister. The nt meet
Jog will be July 6. Place an
nounced later.
Three Feminine Roles in
Domestic Science Comedy
Are Excellently Cast
Unusual ability In the portrayal
of difficult roles characterizes the
three young women who form'
part of the cast of "Apple Sauce,"
the three-act domestic comedy by
Barry Connors, which will . be
presented at Bllgh'a Capitol thea
ter on the night of June 10 as a
benefit for the Mississippi' flood
Starting back In' their early high
school days, all three took part in
plays and formed a love for dra
matic Aft. Work and study have
developed their art so that their
impersonations carry truth and
These three are Fay Jo Wolx,
who plays the lead in "Apple
Sauce"; Mildred Pugh. who has
developed into a character actress
of ability, and Julia Query, whose
comedy touches bare delighted
many Salem audiences.
Miss Wolz has a long, list of
parts to her credit, in which her
natural charm and beauty have
shown to the best advantage. She
has aoDeared in "Brown's' in
Town." "Good Gracious Anna.
social, uaienoar
. Today
Film at First CongiresattoUal
church. "The Making of O'Malley,"
SVctocg. " "i -
"Open garden; Dr. and Mrs. H.
J. Clements, hosts, 2 to 7 o'clock.
Book-of-the-Month club. Wom
an's club house. " . ,
Execntiv committee- of Ameri
can Legion auxiliary. , McCornack
hall. 7:30 o'clock.
Salem Garden clnb. ' Chamber
of Commerce, 8 o'clock.
Comedy. "Apple Sauce," at boys
training school.
' Tnesaay
Farewell tea honoring Miss
Frances M. Richards. Mrs. E. C
Cross's home at .1185 Chemeketa
street. 2: 30 to 5:30 o'clock. All
friends of Miss Richards invited.
Writers' club. Mrs. Ora' P. Mc
Intyre, 210 North 14th street, hos
teas. ".",('
Needleeratt club." Mrs. L. C.
Brotherton, hostess.
the Piney -Woods school. Z"lrst
Congregational church, o'clock
Salem club? or American War
Mothers. Chamber of Commerce
2:30 o'clock.
W. C. T. U. hall, 2:30 o'clock
Program under auspices of Flower
Waffle supper. Mrs. C. M. Rob
erts. 1015 Shipping street, 6 to 8
Executive board of First Pres
byterian Missionary society, Mrs.
A C. Sample. 1265 Marion street,
2:30 o'clock.
Miss Margaret Fisher will pre
sent Junior pupils in piano recital.
Waller Hall.
Woman's Missionary society of
First Presbyterian church. Church
parlors. 2:30 o'clock. '
First Methodist WFMS. Mrs.
F:;ed Miller, 1009N. Fifth street,
Royal Neighbors ot America.
St. Paul's parish bouse, 7 o'clock.
Piano recital at Hollywood thea
ter during intermission. Five
Thursday -Salem
Boys' chorus. . .Capitol
theater, 8 o'clock.
Friday .
Comedy, "Apple Sauce. Capi
tol theater. Auspices of Willam
ette chapter of the Red Cross, 8:15
Junior Artisans in 'first state
tonclave. Headquarters, Grand
beHe, ThV !Whole TowhY Talk
ing," and woil a' distinctive re-
cognition in the Pe Molay produc
tion of "A Foil Housed In the
present play "Apple Sauce, she
has a role that fits her natural
abilities well. She resembles to
marked degree the girl who
played Hazel in the New York
production' at the Ambassador
Miss Pugh found an outlet for
her dramatic talent while in high
school in "Kempy," "The Whole
Town's Talking," and won excep
tional commendation in the pro
duction, "A. Full House," by her
excellent old maid characteriza
tion. Her present role in "Apple-
Sauce" is that of Mrs. -Robinson,
the wife who is always wrong.
whether right or not. Her por
trayals of this part promises to
be exceptionally fine.
Miss Query first stepped into
fame as a comedienne with her
work as a house' maid in theDe
Molay production of "A Pair of
Sixes." Any one . who saw that
play cannot recall1 Miss Query's
work without a smile of apprecia-
on. While she appeared in com
edy roles itt "Wedding Bells" and
'What Happened to Jones," she
caused gales of laughter in "A
Pair of Sixes." In the play. "A
Full House." presented last De
cember by the De Molay boys, she
carried a serious role successfully
and demonstrated her versatility
In "Apple Sauce" she is cast as a
talkative neighbor hood gossip
Her tongue wags furiously, and
with a decided comedy result.
Guests From Friday Harbor
Captain and Mrs. I. N. Mcinery
of Friday Harbor, Washington are
visiting in Salem this week-end
at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Har
ry Styles and Mr and Mrs. P. E.
Fullerton. Th families were ac
quainted when they lived In Pull
man, Washington.
Today Mr. and Mrs. Fullerton
are entertaining at dinner in
Rice and John Llndbeck.
Vaffle Suvver Will Be
Held Under Auspices of
Jason Lee W. H. M. S,
A waffle supper, under the
auspices ot, the Woman's Home
Missionary society of the Jason
liee church, will be sponsored on
Tuesday evening from 6 to 8
o'clock at the home cf Mrs. C. M.
Roberts at 1015 Shipping street.
Everybody !s invited.
Sirs. C Loveldnd Is , !
Elected President of
Circle for Fourth Year ?
Mrs. C. F. Loveland 'was elected
president of the1, West SideTcircle
of the Jason Lee ladles' Aid soc
iety on Friday " forthe fourth, con
secutive year, fop meeting,' with
28 members, present, took place
at Mrs. Loveland's, home.
The other officers .named are
Mrs. Fred Prince, 'vice president;
Mrs. A. C. Bonney, secretary; Mrs.
Richard Erickson, treasurer.
Tfie programr oB Friday includ
ed a playlet, "The Train Tomor
row" by Mrs. Fred 'Prince. Mrs.
J. F. Branson, and Mrs. AJC Bon
nier , . - (
At the tea hour; "Mrs. rLoveland
served . refreshments," asested by
Mrs. M. E. Dleffenbach.Mrs. 31 F.
Branson, arid Mrs.. Ruth Dehnlson..
The ,t1sI tors; preset included
Mrs. W. A: Ctrmmings,'Mra: Albert
F: Waller, Mrs. C. Ai Cles.'Mra.
Iaaf Sboesm'ith, Sirs: T. FV LCTve-
. - i - i - - .
iana. Mrs. j. v. L.a -Hare. Mrs.
McDirby, Mrs. Carrie! Ross, and
two, children.
The next meeting of the circle
will be on July .1st at the home
of Mrs. M.. E. Diet renbach at 815
N. 16th. Street. , , i
Presbyterian Missionary
Society Will Meet 'Wednesday
The regular meeting: of the
Woman's Missionary 'society of the
First. Presbyterian church will be
held In the church parlors at2:30
o'clock Wednesday afternoon. A
very interestlng'prograsn has been
Regular Meeting of R. N. A.
The regular meeting of the
Royal Neighbors of - America -will
be held promptly at 7 o'clock b'n
Wednesday evening at St. Paul's
Parish house on Chemeketa street
Mrs. Thompson of Mointana, state
deputy of the Juvenile' department
oi ice ttoyai iNeiiKnoorn win r
present to organize ; a Juvenile
Of special interest will be the
Memorial service for members
of the order who have died during
the year.
Son Is Born
An interesting arrival In Salem
on Saturday, May 8. was John
Coleman Lee, the 7 pound son
of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Leet who
has been given the name of bis
maternal grandfather, a former
president ot Willamette University.
Greater' OregoniWork for
Coming Year Will Be
Headed by Salem Man
Of much interest among local
folk, especially those who are
alumni of the University of Ore
gon, is the fact that a Salem man.
Harold Socolofsky, has been
choeen head of the greater Oregon
committee. The atmointment was
made by Don Beelar, Associated
Student Body president. Mr. Soeo- '
lofsky is a junior in business ad
This committee endeavors es
pecially during the summer
months, to get in touch with pos
sible Oregon students, and aims
to encourage high school gradu
ates of the state to attend the
University or other institutions in
Oregon. '
Socolotsky's home is in Salem, a
central location which will make if
possible (or him to direct the work
of his helpers easily. Twelve dis
tricts have been mapped out. Fort-
land being one, so that the state is
thoroughly covered. A new card
system of correspondence to be
used for the firs! time will be of
JUntor Artisans Will Hold
Conclave in Salem on
Saturday, June 11th
The first conclave of Junior Ar
tisan's ever held in Oregon will
take place in Salem on Saturday.
The convention headquarters will
be the Grand theater. Delegates
are expected to attend from all
ever the state.
A parade will be a feature of
the morning. A special, call will
be made at the' state house. In
the afternoon ritualistic work and
fancy drills will be given on the
An invitation to the general' pub
lic is extended.
The complete program will be
as follows:
10 a. m. Registration at Grand
Opera house.
10130 a. m. Parade to capitol
Formation in parade. Band,
Boy Scouts, buglers, Portland
drum corps, Portland girls' drill
team. Portland Juniors, Seattle
l-i 1 1 tfti m A n si Inn tAa OaIm.
value. Beelar explained. YZ""riZT.J: '' ZZT
position T cireruli;" cosldeVed 1 2?" 3 't!?-8
several who have shown marked I, j .' ' l"u.lwr "u
ability in initiating, organizing
and directing projects oh the cam
pus. I decided upon Harold Soco
lofsky because I think he has the
qualities that will make the Great
er Oregon committee a valuable
institution," the president stated. .
It is predicted by the adminis
tration that the Junior college
plan which will be introduced here
in the fall will attract many fresh
men to the'eampus.
Socolofsky was a member of the
Student' Union Workers, active in
athletics as manager of basketball
and assistant manager of football.
He has' been a member of the
men's Glee Club for 2 years, took
,a leading part In the recent
Junior Vod-Vil and is a member of
three national . honorary fraterni
ties Pan Xenia, foreign trade;
Phi Mu Alpha, music; and Alpha
Kappa psi, professional commerce.
He Is a member of "Beta Theta Pi.
Oregon Daily Emerald.
Solemn Garden Club
Will Meet Tomorrow
The annual meeting of the Sa
lem Garden club will be held to
morrow evening at 8 o'clock at
the chamber' of commerce rooms.
Mrs. W. W. Rosebraugh, the new
president, will preside.
Your future life de
pends on how -free
from poisons yoii keep
your body. Chiroprac
tic builds, the resist
ance1 of your body and
keeps ytix free of pois
ons, rheumatism neu
ritis, , etc.' s .
Consultation Free
SMight Patnur Ckird praetor
807 First" Naftnal Bank
-.. .. : --Building ;:j '-.-J; 5
. Salem : - v"w'
m jm w m - li if in i a w r u a t t. a s j i i i
- -- . -
What a thrill it iswith exams over and' things of the past
. to step put otf graduation day and receive the coveted di
ploma.' And tfhat an added thnll when you can step iortn
confidently In' a smart frock selected from among our fine
selection; All sizes in voife,f organdie, taffeta, crepe de
chine and' flat crepe in whites and pastel shades.
i '
And Here Are
We wrap all gifts m appropriate boxes in ah' apjirbpriate
way what would be more appreciated by the girl grad
uate tKari something to wear.
Leather purses arid the - new Jtapstry
bags, will make excellent gifts and it is
most important to have a purse harmon
ize with one's attire. , . ., 4
Silk scarfs, delicately tinted with de
signs and flowers are here in all their
glory and fafacy dress flowers'' are al
ways welcome. ,
There are bloomer and vest sets of ray
on or silk. Dainty brassiers, silk' or ray
on gowns beautifully trimmed with: lace
and. ribbon flowers.
And; hose----just. the thing. One never
has too " many pairs and we will pack
one pair "or three in a neat box.
Come in and stroll around
led by Prof. W. A. White, Rose
burg drill team and Juniors, Eu
gene, Harrisliurg. '
11:15 a. m. Entertainment by
governor in state house
2 p. m. Work given in opera
house by Salem Juniors.
3 p. m. Convention, all Jun
iors. - Meeting called by President
Zelma LUthy
3:30 p. m. Address of welcome
by Mayor T. A. Livesley of Salem
Response by H. S. Hudson, presi
4 p. m. Drills
Order of drills: Eugene, Rose-
burg. Springfield, Seattle, Port
Jand, Salem. .
7 p. m. Music by Portland or
Fairy pageant; Salem.
Reading by Katberlne Oldav of
Dance revue: Irish reel; Bertha
and Lewis Lunsted; jaiz dance,
Olga Gregorio; Spanbsb soft shoe,
oeri towards: irip-hlanri
: m.. .. - . " ' " fo 1
Bertha Smith, Adeline Lunstedt
and Olga Gregorio. 1
Music. Salem Junior orchestra.
Ukelele duet, Ruth and, Donald
Woodward.-; j .- ,, -v-..
Drum corps quartet, Portland.
, Music. Salem'" Junior band led
by Professor White)
Vocal solo, Farish ; McGulre ot
Portland. "
Selections, Mrs. Ij-ene Alleman
and daughter.'. ' '
. . Woodry brothers'"" and Salem
boys chorus", led by Dr. Eppley;
Mrs. F. Ni Woodry at, the piano.
House Guests tit'
Robertson Home
The Misses Esther and Margaret
Halvorsen of Eugene spent last
week-end Ih Salem as guests of
Mr. and Mrs. C, C. Robertson.
Executive Board Witt Meet
at A. C, Sample Home
i ne executive board of the wo
man's Missionary? society of the
First Presbyterian: church will
meet at 2: 30 'o'clock Tuesday af
ternoori at. the home of Mrs. A.
C. Sample at i 2 6 5 Marion street.
Dr. and Mrs': H. J. Clements
wiu Hold "Open Garden"
All earden lovers in Ralem are
InvitedT.t be guests of Dr. and
Mrs. H. J. Clements in the garden
at their home today from" 2 to 7
War Mothers Will Meet'
The Salem club of American
War Mothers will hold the regu
lar meeting on Tuesday afternoon,
June 7, at. the chamber of com
Executive Committee to Meet
An important meeting of the
executive committee of the Ameri
can Legion auxiliary has been
called for Monday evening at 7:30
o'clock in McCornack hall.
Mrs. Brotherton Will
Entertain Needlecra ft Group
The needlecraft club will meet
on Tuesday, June 7, at the home
of Mrs. L. C. Brotherton.
Guest on Campus
Miss Martha. Hutt of R'iverton
was a recent visitor oh 'the Wil
lamette University campus.
Mrs Ova Mclntyre Will.
EntertaiA Writers Club k l
The. members . of. the .Writers
section of the Salem Arts League
will laeet on Tuesday t the tpsms
of Mrs. Ora Ff Mclntyre at 210
North 14 th Street.
Recital Planned " . v
Pupils of Mr. and Mr. E. F.
Thomas" will give a violin and' pi
ano recital at the First Evangeli
cal church. 435 Center street, to
morrow bight at 8 p. m. The pub
lic is invited." ' .
Blaming: It On Eve
"One day; said a atoty-teller.
"at the close of a hot day.' Adam
was returning with his hoe on
his" shoulder 'from a hard day's
labor to his humble cottaSa.; -iy-
be it waVs.cavd, . aaii-cu i.
mitter, for it was a humbly bode.
Youhg -CAlo ,wa rannjrj
boy-like, ; throwing rocl:3 ' fct the
blrdsr Suddenly they cajma upon
a beautiful garden 'Oh,-father,
said Cain. Hook at that beautiful
garden. ' I wish - we could live
there. -'We did lite tn that gar
den, said Adam regretfully, "until
your mother atd us out ot house
and home. ?
' -
Sprlngfield-i Proposed fruit and
vegetable. cariheryprojeict Is well
supported. " .. '
Garibaldi -'Contract Met e tor
Rockaway section Eooserelt high-,
way, for 1134,492. " -:- '
.. ..
-1'-" j
OraTe Blosscbccaufe Its siificance has Jeen
identified with the marriage ceremonv through the
ages.i;Orarigef Blossoni because this exclusive
Traub design speaks the last word in wedding ting
fashion. Orange Blossom becaose the Traub trade
maik, found only in Genuine Orange Blossom
rings- definitely establishes strpreme' quality; tet us
show ybii the three rrTectry matched leaders "pic
turedbelowr-engagement solitaire, Bridifiring and
bridegroom's ring. Remember; Traub rings,, all
of the highest quality, are priced as icW as $12.
COr aer State ind Liberty '
Ofun& Blossom
Very helpful to women is the Biltwell Davenport Bed. A luxurious com?
fortable davenport by day; a restful full sized bed by night. Let us show,you the new
Biltwell designs -all are here inviting your inspection and at prices sure to please.
i 1
ills S
. j- - r , . ' . '
i i
Ruffled Curtaini
- T' :
; no