THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEMT OREGON TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 31, 1927 , 1 1 7 iij ill 1 1 1 I (A -y FOR 8 A LIS 8T J ifOXKT TO LOAX 87 RKAI. EflTATK "I KKAIi ESTATE A3 I . TZi'u POTATOES 4?AIX BCTEfl 61 M !';. 1005 Broadway. 12 2 ""' ' 87Jel U1KT TOR 8ALE IN EITBEB Reasonable. S7dl8tf -WrlH or South BaJem. FOR SALE -LUe Stock 80 rrr TiiiKit puppies, both x,x . .i.-elv tusrked, pure bred, priced tu. m$ rt-l J" Ura Freak J a ask. J roB. Ore.. VETERINARIAN 80 'V LAVOE VETERI MARIAN S5529 Cou.ereieL Tel. 1198 Vel 1668 A28tl WOOD FOR SALE 49 C. I . . . miuiii r.u. . . . . Miff 1990. VI H I11 L .aft.-1'S'1 J a INCH OLl lUitwh green riK, in $4.5 PEK LOAD wood, II per load ill) wood fit. Tel amayStf S load f 8319. tiUOO ukt vr got TOO A ASariatf l,rr. TivcH OLD flit SECOND GROWTH i oas T ...1.1 Laf, nnOD COAL DRY WOOD, PROMPT DELIVERIES. HILLMAN f L'EL Op. TELEPHONE 1855 , iraT grade or wood Urr wood. 4 ft. tad J lack. Large te7d. cheaper te br M n wdT specialty. P""P "' 280 8. Church. TeL 1541. finvu MKDICAX. 44 BALM 0OUOH REMKDt POULTRY AlfD EGGS 43 VRIFS TOR SCXDAT DINNER, WEIGB 1 two pound.. T.L 82r"21 Lwa', CHICK, CHICK, (CHICK ! "OCR ekicka Uf to aaaka yoar H Im" Open ranca, kealUy atock; 5 breadi SteM radaead pricaa now la tftCU FLA KE'R PETLAND ,77 3uu. sSydtt ELECTRIC BROODER FOB BALE Oaly ona Uft. A aaw broodar of 150 ebii eapaeity, wall knowa make, aatar uncrted will ba aold at a diacouat. Can ba aean at tha Stataa otfiaa Ak for Mr. Stiffler. 45ailU BABY CHICKS AND CUSTOM HATCH mc Expert help, moat modem aqarp- I 'SVr7 Monday. 8ttBa (oar dara .. k t.i lirll. Laa'a Hatch- ory. doUOtl CC'E WK PAT CASH FOR POOL Dork. aal aad hidaa. W try carry -d and poaUry aopp'.iaa, fcr anj at Silrertoo. Wither A Neal Pro dura Cd 860 Ferry. Tal. 12. 46(Stf BRED TO LAT WHITE LKGHORN CHICKS vs. PFPPERM INT OIL We w':ll sell or trad i', 3 and 4 week old sturdy chicks for Peppermint oil. Orce snd see 15,000 ehieka and yoa will prooouoca them the beat lot yon Tr . oKKtiON t'ORVALLIS HATCHERT 70.t N. Uth St., Corrallia. 4Sm1 MUSIC STORES 49 Mm a - WILL PIANO. PHONO graphs, saving maekinaa, . aheat maale --d piano studies. Repairing pkoao- , -aphs and tewing machinaa. A2 State v fet. Sslea NEWSPAPERS 47 THK PORTLAND TELEGRAM, Agency. The Ace. TeL 839. SALEM THE OREGON STATESMAN. 50 CENTS per month delivered to yoar home early each morning. ' TaL 28 ar 588. NURSERY STOCK 40 CKKAVrlMS SPECIAL BLOOMING large an. I tin a 11 and box plants lOe wp. Beodinr plants 25e dox. Also, arrange por h bnxe to order. Mrs. Hall, and Sours lifh. box 26..- 0j PAPERHANGING 60 HONE GLENN ADAMS. FOB HOUBE, aeorstiBg. aaperhaagtag, , tiauag, eta. Uhabl workman. r -' PAINTING 80A CHAS. BENNETT. PAINTING COlt- tractor, painting, paper kaaglag iU3-J. 1ST Wast Miller. MISCELLANEOUS 81 ALL TYPES CEBTATSEEED SHINGLES laid evtr old wood ehinglea or oa aew work. Highest (reality made; prieea rssca from $7.50 to $9. Cebba-Hitekell Co.. Lumbar 84B Sa. 12th fit. TaL 818 51apr20tf OCR CUSTOMERS ARK OTJB BEST boosters because whea we do yonr welding, 'tis dona, not yen, Kleetrie sod acetylene welding, large aad small. C D. S95 Mill St. TeL 872 aad 2088-J. 61maytf FOE SALEU SCAVENGER GALL 187 5U10-'38 FCR.VITURE UPHOLSTERING AND BE Dainne. Diau-Pnm Wmraitare Store. 5120tf BCY CSED MEN'S CLOTHING JEWELr ry. Guns. Tools. Bicyelea. ate. Btavr Exchangs. S24 N. Co as' I L xaa. 858. PACKING a SHIPPING 82 IOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING aad shipping, call Stiff's Fnrnitre Kr Tel. 941. LOST AND FOUND C3 Lost-oV MONDAY LAST. BETWEEN K ( o..te Pulton's and W. J. Rigdon ft Son. a IjIhp mt-sh hand bar. Finder iurn i.j c. p. HishoDv 765 Coort St. r--wril 53m.11 TIANO TUNERS 84 THOMAS EAT, PIANO TUNEB. WOW the Portland Music Co 855 K. H a ywnr piaio toned by eae was High. has had years of asperteaea la the werk 8a3tf EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piaae i.v. order Will1 Mveie utora. PRINTINa aa rOR STATIOSERT. CARDS, FAMPH ets, Drecrama. Isnaha ar aaw kind of I priating, call at the Stateamaa Print Deasrtmeat, 315 H. Ceaamaraial m w-.U MONEY TO LOAN 5T ERAT. F1DU fAltf KtlXfla T. yf-tood, 841 State Pt. 5Tse7tf D 1 8 A PPE A BTNCP MORTGAGES .w xssks leena an re .daaee property. Month' ly paymeata. Raaeon rea. No delay. STATE SAYINGS AND-k ASSOCIATION 70S rtrst National Bank ' Btsildiag. ITJS V, f 1 P. H. BELL. 21 D. S. BANK. BLDO. Residence a ad batiatu loaas. Tel. 607 or 2141 W. 67apr7tf OITT AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rat. But teraee obtainable. Our Insurance department offers yoa -part ed-rise and service ia all Unas. HAWKINS ROBERTS (lie.) Tal. 1427. 105 Oregon Bldg. 7fl0tf MONET TO IiOAN FOR BCILDINQ AMD oa city property. .. ft. 8. Marti a 4 L. ft. Martla, atteraeya, 4l Oregoa BaDdine. Te oa i1flrt WANTED LOANS 89 WANTED am; M lata PrWata EBTATE. aa REAL W. H. ORABENROR8T CO. IS4 8. LIbartr St. &038tf PI.UMBIXO AO PLUMBING AND REPAIRING n.a.A- aonabla Eatluataa. A. L. Oodfra. 127 Uolon St. (Tal. 495 W. 0fltf PLUUBINQ AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graaar Braa ISA 8. Libarty. RUSINRSS OPPR. 61 A RKAL INVK8TMKST FIVE ROOM dwelling with 4-room basement apart ment, located at 999 S. Commercial St. GOOD CORNER FOR BUSINESS. WILL INCREASE IN VALUE. Price S3 100. $1000 down, balance terms. W. II. GKABKNHORST ft CO. 134 S. Liberty Kt. Clm28H KCSINKSS PROPERTY Two-story briek block, corner prop erty, price $45,000. Large cloxe in corner, 85 by 149 feet, price $50,0O0. Kino Kara aita, 82 by 165 feet, price $15,000. Cl-ae in business lot,- 61 by 16 J fet, price 21,O0O. Quarter block, close in, 165 by 165 teet. price $18,000. Business block on Commercial street, paying good Interest, price $55,000. Good store corner on North Liberty St. Price $3000. Good store and serrire station cor ner. 88 by 70 foot, price $2500. Business block close in paying good interest, price $42,000. If you are looking for a good in vestment in income property or would want to lease a building, built to suit your needs see W. H. ORABENHORST ft CO. Realtor 114 S T.ih-rtT Mtrt 1nt2ftf RADIO Radio las For every purpose, for every pnrae All standari aisea of Radio Tnbea. r . . , . .It.. . vWt 1 es A T OT1AD 835 Court St. TeL 488. 62aprl7tf REAL ESTATE 83 GREATF.8T TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PAUiriU mjABl We have over 8000 prapertiea Hated for exchange. Every kind of property, very price, Try location. We can match your exchange EXACTLY. If you would like ta trad yor property TODAY, come in i uun. i . dh GASKILL ft EARLE, Realtors. IRS 8. Libertv. TeL. 2242. 6aprl5tf STOP LOOK LISTEN If yu are interested in buying or t!li,..r DroucrlT in the Willamette Vl lev. It will p'ay you to get in touch with ii. We charge no commission. OWNKUS CO-OPERATIVE SALES BUREAU 210-11-12 First Nat 1 Bank Bldg. 63j3 Kit II SALE Two-sory brick building located "n coud corner. A UCAI. Invest WENT. Price $45,00. Terms. W H. flRABENHORST CO. !31 S. Liberty Sf. . 63 j I FOR SALE CORNER LOT OAKS iff- dition, $1230. Box 91. Statesman. 63jl HAVE A GOOD 60 ACRE DAI K , HUO and flax farm for sale on wnirn l can accent smaller fsrul or city property in n.rt uavment. What have you i Value $7000. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Realtur Lnans Insurance 147 No. Com'l St.. Salem, Ore. 63ai31 FURNISHED APARTMENT. HOUSE close in. $8,000; 2 lota, 5 -room house, corner, $2750 with furniture. Partly furnished 5-rooni house, east front, fruit trees. $2350. 5-room bouse. 2 larva lots, corner. $3000. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 N. Cottage. 3m29tf FOR RENT Large seven-room house 2217 Fairgrounds Road. located at $25 per month. ' W. H, GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 6. Liberty 8t. 63 j I WEEK END SPECIALS One mora ent in some fine new mod- ern homes. g room, formerly $5500, take it for 84750. 6 -room, formerly $4700, take it for formerly $4700 I4J250. 6-room, formerly $4500, take it for $4100. NOT QUITE SO NEW Magnificent home in splendid com munity, cot te $5OO0. Another for $4000. We mean business on these homes and are going to aell some of them to get a little needed cash. BOND with JOS. BARBER 200 Gray Bldg. 125 N. Liberty. 63m27tf OWNER OF A FIRST-CLASS 70-ACRE FARM, GOOD LOCATION About 6 miles from Salem, wants to sell or exchange for a small acreage borne aear Salem or for Salem city property as the owner is too old to handle the 70 acres, which is practi cally aU in cultivation and crop, there i nl 7 -room homer rood sixed barn and pmltry house, SPRING WATER FOR STOCK, WOULD MAKE A GOOD DAIRY FARM. AND PRICED RIGHT. Please submit your proposition and investigate this offering, at once. H. WELL? TALLMAN ft SON HV.ADOUARTERS FOR BEST PROPO SITIONS FOR EXCHANGE DEALS, 21ft Masonic Temnle. Phone 018. 63m31 -REAL BUNGALOW SNAPS . All of them naw, well built and np m rf.i. I'n.-Ml rialit. Ona that a real beauty for $5ltO; one for $450O; for a.t7.'0- one for $3450; one for $3200. Four five and eix rooms. Small payment down, balance like rent, Wh u v mt! 8m 1iu ta Becntel Realtors. 341 State Street. t3m29t( MINUTE MOVtES 7 3 wroot. AO : m X ttATH-tCFyiN LEAP VDU CArsi AGAWST "IW ADVICE Cf AU.ToNi CHOV3S fAtTrtnJt! , (SAp. aHD : CHAHCC Or f.ftfHh IKiltSE BUYS $ 750 $100 down, 4 rooms $1200 $300 cask, 4 rooms, lot ooriou, f 18O0 I "'down. 4 roMn. lot 5Oxl30, take ear a part iiayraent. -. $. cash. -,r a" mtereFt 5 and bath. large tot. nice Oak shade, close to but. and school. 30OO Terms. 4 rooms, mwi hardwaod floorx. lot 60x131). pavement, garago. f o.i..i irwi h JH incloainr trest moatkly, 4 rooms an.l hath. NEW, garage, nice jiapiw s. $4000 5i0 down, 5 ris and bath. strietly modern and new, double garage, giKxl bclion. Eine buy. t.-.H l0O cask. $-' monthly, new, slriclly modern, 0 room ami bath, iaed. garaire. f4.ViO $.ViO down, 8 tnoni'. nook and laib, strictly iU04tern. I t 7-"x7.j, double garage, guiwl lx auii. not lar out. Private mwrv to loan 1 Inures to rent. KOCOlJOFSKY ft SON First Nat' I Bank Bldg. 63m29tf siTiirk: OF OKOt r.KI r.r am nuu.r. i.n neighboring towii. iloing s"u nusmess t.. .vehanre for house in Salem. Owner hai busineaa that requires his alien lion here. il t a I ions, one leased long tim f.a investnicnl . Take hold and p erate the other. lO-acre tract liinhly improved except Miilriin? to exchange for city. For rent or lease for ear, new room house on street car line f r $3.". We have some very reasonable ii-re trait near city. A magnificant home in Nob Hill d s irii-t, modern with large parage, easi from, fruit, for fliOOO. See the weili end specials in an ther c liinin (or house bargains. Watch these ads, they don't usually appear but once except week-end spe cials which -appear twice. BO.N'll with JOS. BARBER '200 firay Bldg. 12." N. Liberty. 63m29tf STRICTLY MODERN Brand new English type stucco home One of the best in the city. Double constructed- with best of material and workmanship throughout. 7 cheerful rooms with hardwood floors in part Built ins, breakfast nook, fireplace, full basement. furnace, laundry trays. double garage. Lot 50x120. Paved street. This home is located in one of the test residence districts in S lera. To appreciate it you should let us show you through it. Price $7."i00. rasn l -i. balance terms. SEE LEO N. CHII.DS CO., 320 State Street. Realtors. Tel. 1727. 63m29tf MUST BE SOLD At a sacrifice to close an estate. 4-rm Cottage, bmlt ins, closets and bath room, large front porch, screened in oacic porcn, oest t plumbing, large garage, flowers and shrubbery, g-iod corner lot, street paved and paid. This home for only $2300, cash 500, bal ance monthly. SEE LEO X. CHII.DS CO., Realtors. 320 State Street. Tel. 1727. 3m20tf HAVE 2 WELL IXICATET). REASON ably priced garages and service sta tions for .sale. $1500 cash will handle either. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor Loans Insurance 147 No. Com'l St., .Saiera, Ore. 63m31 LOTS LOTS LOTS Go 'd comer lot on Broadway ....$ 850 N. Church St., lot.Mtast front. ...8 450 Double lot near new linen mill . 650 Tw i lots on X. ;Mrd and 24th Sts. paved and paid for $10 Lood lot in east Suits. St. paved. cement walks in and paid for $ 630 Choice lot on Faipinount 11:11 for. .$1200 Lare Wit close in on X. Winter St. for $1000 Beautiful large lot on State St. for . $I8O0 .1 nice lots on N. Churi-h St. with some apple trees, all for $1400 We have a large list of lots. .Sue ua LEO X. CHILD! CO.. Realtors, before selecting yofcr building site. 320 State Street. Tel. 1727 , 63m29t NEW BUNGALOW IX NORTH SALEM 4 rooms and bath, nook, fireplace and basement, $3.00. Serins. 5 room furnished home north, just off ( apit il. T.-'SOO. Hsiall payment down See lientry, Salesa Realty Co., 4H .State St. i 63in2Jt - INSTALLMENT ACREAGE $500 down and balance terms will handle 5 aena close in, three room House, tarn, well, running water. Price (3500. $500 down and balance terms wil handle a fine improved acre trac in Saleni Heights, 6-room house. basement, furnace, fireplace. rrice f32O0. $150 d wn and balance terms will handle three room house and large lot, all in bearing cherries. Price f 2.00. $ 50 down and balance $10 per month Duya x acre all in bearing cher ries. Price $650. $ 25 down and la la ace $10 per month ouys a acres on the Uardsn road Price $1500. $ 10 down and balance $10 par month buya 10 acres cf fine frait soU, all cultivated. Price $1550. $100 down and balance $20 per month ouys w acres, small aback, well t'rice $2500. x.'oo down buys 7 acre tract, old bouse and barn, some fruit, some fine timber, located south, close , ",ca 32. iat. per cent ivu aown ana balance terms buya acres close in. Sme fine tim Knce 250 Pr acre. i it is a amall instaUmeat that you are look in? for. mm acreage W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. Realtors. i n s. Liberty St. 63m28tf LOT BARGAIN i-orner with both Ureets paved, lo caiea on rairmount iiQ east front. x nee ior quiCK sale 1350. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. p- Liberty Kt. 63ji FOR SALE OR TRADE tioOO home in Eugene ior Salem. $4 loo home, Seattle for Salem. $4000 home in Salem fr tract. o-a. farm. 30 miles from Eugene, near the McKenzie river price $1200 Pay difference for a li'iae in Salem. i. a no new mnciera tninirs:w t. t;. place, basement. Ideal oration. Trice ?4.0O. Trade equity f.f old house. j0 a. farm near Dallas, j500O, take a home in Salem up, to 18500. Many other trades. List your', property with lnis Herhtel, -Realtor, 341 State Street. 63m2Stf Kt Ml M accept men t. HOUSE, m idera I e St a ad ley 117 N. priceil A Fob I8TH. WILL t.nk first pay , Phone ;UT. 63j3 UJlTH fcRiTXSE ACROSS DEWH RIMER Up, A HBVrj ?R0B4JEM pF?eSEMTS itself; To SWERiFF t?HiElR5 Of HIS POSSE: 1 vAri' fou" MAKE IT, 30, -. vEMCMEER - ITS OUR ONy, aWsl. . . 1 CATCHIV THAI , VCC?NViCT.' Mite OOT V 4 LP FN. $5000 w. Modern, 8 rom hun-alow, 5 blocks I'arrisli school, fine east front lot. Terms. $4300 New ti-rpom bungalow, basement. pip furnaee, fireplace, laundry trays, 2 hardwood floors, gar rage, paring paid, en State street. Terms. w $1750 New 7 -room English type home, in every way, garage and iiaving ltaid, $.'n0 down. I'rireJ below value. $3700 New 5 room Enullsh type home modera in every way, p;iving paid. f.KMI dowu. $27.1t Six room semi-modern bungalow, KOod i-ondiiion. $20o down, bal ance $25 per month ini'liidiiig interest. $33.'0 Modern 4-room stucco bungalow, $J5o flown. Ixits in all p-trts of the city. MELVIN JOHNSON 320 C. S. Hank. Tel. C37. 63iu29tf rXK SALt. NKW I KOOU BONUA low $26O0, $50 dowa, balance like rent. TeL 520. C3aprl5tf TRIANGLE TRADES NEW MODERN . roon, r 111 ac cept smalt ii ii improve! acreage a part. SAN FRAX'IS"4 1IOME for small unimproved acreage here. TEN ACRES in cdue of Salem for small residence. TRIANULE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street. Ground M or. ' EXCHANGE HEADQUARTERS" 63m'J7tf INVEST YOUR MONEY In a fine cloae in proMrty with eight houses, briiigiiig fair income, a little mor than a full quarter blot-k. Price $21,000 f .r a tiick sale. SEE Uf AT ONCE. THIS WILL NOT LAST LONO. W. 11. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty St. G3jl 8IX ROOMS AND BREAKFAST NOOK, furnace, fireplace, oak floors in living and dining room, full concrete base ment, wash trays, garage, paved street, side walks and concrete drive way to garage, electric range all ready, in stalled, lawn set, east front on Suth High street. New. Move in todsy. This nice home is priced low at S50OO, There is no incumbrance. It can be purchased for a small down payment and the balance on easy terms. Tel. owner, 2538 U. S3m2tiif 1.1 ACRES, loo IX CULTIVATION. Bal ance go 'd pasture, running water. tore room, gas pump, renting for $15 per mo. 2 fair houses, 2 barns, a dandy sheep ranch, 7 miles to good town. Price $100 per acre. Will take some Salem property or acreage close in. See J. K. tientry, with Salem Realty Co.. 41S2 State. 63m28tf 4-RMS. AND NOOK, HDW. FLOORS. new, furnace, fireplace, garage, paving paid, several large bearing cherry trees, $3450. Terms. Owner has juat reduced for quick sale. Several new houses, new and well located to trade for suburban homes. 6 rm. modern near Parriah Jr. high in select district $4000. 8-rms. new and modern. Fair mount Hill, this is being offered at leas than cost to owner, $rt000. Excellent view. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor. 175 S. High St. 68m22tf EXCHANGE. APARTMENT HOUSE, good income. Price $20,000 for farm. A OO-acre farm for home in Salem. For sale Two acres choice garden la ml. 30 blocks out, sewer, lights and water, gravel street, $t00. New five- room bungalow with furnace. $3000. Strictly modern, six-room new house, $40lK). Want farm loan $2000. Want t i buy farm up to 10O acres. F. L. Wood Geo. F. Peed, 341 State St. 63in29tf LOTS LOT S I ,OT S Near the new linen mill, $27 $500. PICK YOURS NOW. down, balance $10 per month, ! pel' cent. W. II ORABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty St. t $10 Hit G3 j 1 LISTEN 9 acres just outside of city limits of Salem. i acres logaiis, 2 acres straw berries and small house and garage Owner leaving town. A real bargain at iuu. very easy terms. ANOTHER SNAP 4 acres just out of Salem,, with run ning wuter beautiful building site, gar den and shrubbery, all planted, small houae. You can n it beat it at $21UO. Very easy terms. We have smile good houses for rent. I. I.Kit H A ROBERTS, Realtors. 129 X. Com ! St. Tel. 1354. t3iu31 WORTH INVESTIGATING All modern 5-room bungalow Sum mer St.. $5000 easy terms. Small grocery and confectionery . fix turea. long lease, fcnap $000. Good corner lot, E. Salem, $300, Good 6-room home. 2 lota, fruit, ga rage. $3000, easy terms. Best farm bay in Marian Co., 3 new modern bungalows for ranch. 5 room stucco bungalow and garage. ?3'J00, easy terms. 20-a. suburban, food bldg., fruit, berries, line soil, 96000, terms, PF.RRINE ft MARSTER8 212 Commercial Club Bldg. 63m26tf 5 ACRE8 ALL IN CULTIVATION. MOD ern 8 room bungalow, city water and electricity, good barn, 2 large chicken h uaes and garage. A-No.-l chicken ranch. 1 seres of land, good 5-room plast ered house, barn and chicken houses. North of Salem, all for $1700.00. Small payment down, balance easy terms. 1200-acre ranch Weat of Salem, will trade for amall ranch. 400-acre dairy farm, fine buildings stocked and equipped. Will trade for income property. Garage tools, all machinery and equipment to trade for Dallas rest dence. Garage, filling station, auto camp, 8 room house and 3 Vi acres of land. cloae to Salem on highway. Will trade for ranch to value. General merchandise store, stock, fix tures and lease in North .Salem, doing a good business. New and modera 6-room bungalow on paved street and bus line. $500.00 cash will handle, balance like rent. 7-r-iom modern bunxalow and 2 lots The show place of Newport overlooking both the bay and ocean. Will trade for Willamette acreage to $7500. We have several good building lots in North Salem ou paved street, small payment down, balance easy terms. See GASKILL ft EARLE, Realtors. ICO 8. Liberty St. Tel. 2'."42. 6.1m27tf CUISK IN HOMES fi ROOMS NORTH. 7 blocks from State: furnace, double) garage. $4500. i ROOMS SOUTH, 9 blocks from Stale: basement, laundry trays. $4750. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street. Ground Flor 63may27tf A TM SHORE OlAD V'GOT YOUR HOSS ) zr rVr- V FAILED ME yET, At," X REAL ESTATE $4"..".0 New lumlern suburban 7 -room house, big well built fooroa. A acre grOHiid. Ilown paymeut $05O. $hmoo X. Summer Home, strictly mod ern F.. front, lot no by UMI. Well arranged iasiale, lots of built iu features. Down payment $850. Money to loaa A Special Proositien. LAXF..MORLEY AND Co. 413 First Nat' I Bank Hldg. Tel. 7-".f. C:iBi27f f.ldUO NEW, FOUR ROOMS. BREAK, fast aook hath, fall concrete base meat, fireplace, furnace, garage, wired for elertriG range, oak floor la fraoi rHMn, double roustrurted aad wall bmlt. This bouse is jusl ready twi oi-cajc. t'onrrrte sd walks aaw drive way will put m all for $36(i biWic rmli. Iialaur-e on terma. Owner Tel. 253-R. C8mayl8tf BltlNii VOIR FHIENOS AND ENJOY ourself in the marvel ua woods oi kingwood tleiglft-. New additiou nn open. Pii-nic on-e ov- there and you will love it. Scenic view, old b:g tre-s on every side. High p iwer electricity and city waier. il ropurly restricted. Collie and see us for details. Kingwood Realtt Co.. 1231 Front St., West Sa lem. o3ni29l( SNAP Va-:nt i-flrni' Ions I IO feet onlv. close to State House, $35110, for a few days W. H. tilt A BEN 1 1 OR ST & CO i:t4 S. Liberty St. 3jl FOR SALE GOOD PLASTERED house, baseiuefit, lirei!a e, six rooms ami h;itli. big lots covered with large cherry, nut ;m,l apple trees, roses anil shrui'bery, garage, poultry h mse, $:SrfOO. Same liot:e v iih two lot's $3500. Owner 849 Rural avenue. Some terms. " fi:jm-9tf DON'T BUY A HOME UNTIL YOU SEE what 1 have to ofier. Complete, up-to-the-minute suburban home. At a price that should interest anyone, i'ft information call at Miller's Auto Parts store. 184 S. Com'l. . C. A. Elliott, mile west Keixer school. 83j9 BARGAINS IX NEW HOMES $3 150 New 5-room home with east front and paved street, base nient, furnace and fireplace, MUST BE SEEN TO BE AP PRECIATED. $350 down, bal ance easy terms. $4 150 New O room honig with east fr. .1. pavel street, modern in eve,., v ay, $ 150 d iwn, bal:ini-v east ms per month. $ 1 500 New -room home just com pletiii, iJ.iO down, balance $20 per .ontli plus int. at 0 per cent. II. ORABENHORST & CO. . Liberty Si. f.3jl w. 134 ,s FOR SAI.E Business building located' close in on N. Libertv St. Price $42,000. An investment worth while, SEfc US AT OXCE. W. II. ORAP.F.NIIO-RST ft CO. 134 S. Liberiy St. 63 j 1 LOOK AT THESE "room, (ilastered house, complete bath r oin, fruit, garage, woodshed. $1800.00. 5-room house, Jare lot, pleasant lo cation on Mission street, $1600.00. Suitable terms on each. PAYNE with BOHRNSTEDT 147 N. Cora l' St., 'Salem, Oregon. b.'in:3 1 FOR SALE BUILDING LOTS $f)nO Buys two fine building lots locat- l no Vnrtfl sit r, vu-rnt in ' 1 paid. '') down, balance $20 per month. t ine lit near the new linen mill, $10 down, balance $10 per month. $1 o Iit 50x137 in Kav's Second Ad dition, 410 down, balance $10 per month. $500 Lots on Kural Ave. near S. Com'l St. .Mi 2 on f,-et. i." down, ba'an-e $10 per month. $.".00 L n "ox OO feet located tin Fair mount Jlill $25 down, balance $10 per month. W. II. liKAHEN ilOKST ft CO. S. Liberty St. :ljl A BIG CHANCE FOR YOU IP TOU know anything about building, you will buy. $3200. This attractive price for a I six-room r.nglish- style stucco house. Corner lot 50x100, side walk, all s SHssments paid, $200 d iwn. $00 per month. Come anil we will show you. Kingwond Kelty (u., 1331 Front Si. West Salem. Ii3m2!tf WE HAVE SOME GOOD BARGAINS IN hs, city water, electricity, sewer, aide walk, close in. We have some money to finance entire cost of vour building. isingwOod Realty Co., 1231 Front 8.. W. Salem. 63m29tf CHOICE CREEK LOT Large frontage, paved street, side walk all in and paid. Shade trees. A real snap, price $1500 for a few days only. SEE LEO X. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street. Tel. 1727. $ 750 $100 down, 4 rooms, garage. $1200 $300 rash. 4 room, lot 80x100, garage. $1800 $100 down, 4 rooms. lot 50x 130, take car as part pay ment. $2500 $200 cash, $25 and interest monthly, 5 rooms and bath, large lot, nice oak shade, close to school and bus. $3000 Terms. 4 rooms, nook and bath, hardwood floors, lot 50x130, pavement, garage. $3200 $600 down. $28 including in terest monthly, NEW, 4-room and bath, garage. Maple shade. $4000 $500 down. 5 rooms and bath, NEW and strictly modern, double garage, good location. Fine bnv. SOCOLOFSK'tJ ft SON First Nat'l Bank Bldg. 63m28tf PRIVATE MONET WANTED TO LOAN on real estate. TRIANGLE REALTY, 421 Court. 68may7tf REAL ESTATE TRADE 63 EXCHANGES 34 acres with 3 room house and barn, some fruit, close in on highway south. Will exchange for house in Sa lem. Fine large home with 14 lots, good locution on paved street, will exchange for farm. 25 acres with "ood buildings, has 6 acres of frnit and berries, near Salem on paved road. Will exchange for house in town. 3 acres with small house, close in on paved road, will trade f-r lioe in lown anil pay difference. Ford truck almost new, will trade for kit. GEO. THOMASOX. 320 State St. With Leo N. Child Co., Realtors. 65m29tf NJfTH THAT e-RlDSE DVWAMlTfeD , HOU) ARE WE. ACROSS WITHOUT Goitt' TO "WE rOKKS REAL ESTATE TRADE. ft."I GOOD HOME FOR SMALL MODERN. . So. Calif. 1145 Statesman. 6W FOR TRADE BY OWNER, C-ROOM honse. Close in, Salem, to trade foT farm. Price $4m0. Address. Hattie Davis. Halsey, Oregon. - 65m31 TAXIDERMIST TAXIDERMIST SHOP K. E. WIG gina. Prop ., 114 Norway. Near Woodrya A action Market. TeL IMl W. REAL EST A TV Suburban tttt NEW HOUSE JU8T COMPLETED FOR sale on terms like rent, doable con truction fullv plumbed, electric fis sures, v etc . 4 rooms and break 'set nook, garage, etc line half acre a' finest garden land. Price $8100. Carle Abrama. I an t rhn.eketa St. Tel. 1894 4 M-I TRANSFER HAULNG 70 WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HO0ME bold gooila. Our specialty ia piano and furniture moving. We also make coua try trips. We Dandle the beat coal and wood. Gall on us for prices. We give good measure, good quality and good service. Larmer Transfer Co Tat TRANSFKK AND HAULING OF A LI kinds. Tal. 72F2. 8ALKM TRANSFER FUEL CO. Local and l-ong Distance Hauling. Storage and Fuel. 899 S. High. Tel 529. 70aSOt CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 22" State St. TeL V38. Distributing, for warding and aterage our specially. Oct our raeit WELL DRILLING 73 R. A. WEST. RT. 6. BOX 108-A. 110F5. 8 miles east of Garden TKL Road WATER 74 SALEM WATER, LIGHT ft POWER CO. Office 804 South Commercial St. Ten per ceat discount on domestic flat rate paid in advance. No deduction for ab sence or any cause unleaa water ia ahn off your premises. ' TRAVEL 7H TRAVEL Safely, Swiftly and Comfortably in baaes of the Parker Stage Lines. STAGES LEAVE FOR 8ilverton 7 a. m., 11 a. m.p 5 p. m. Mt. Angel 11 a. m., 5 p. t. Dallas 7 a. m., 9 a. m., 1:25 a. m. Falls City 7 a. m., 1:10 p. m., 6:15 p. m. Independence 7 a. m., 9 a. m.. 11:15 a. m., 8:10 p. m 6:15 p. m., Sun day only 8:80 p. m. Monmouth 7 a. m. 11:15 a, m., 8:10 p. m., 5:15 p. m. Sunday only 7:10 p. m., 8:80 p.- m. MeMinnvlUe 8:80 a. m., 2:10 p. m., 5:15 v.. m. Newberg 8:30 a. m., 2:10 p. m.. 5:15 p. m. Tillamook 8:80 a. m., 2:10 p. m. Call 222 or 696 for information. d28tf AUTOS WANTED 77 CASH PAID FOR FORDS BIKER AUTC 77nilTI,' USED CARS FOR SALE 70 Just Scratch Out Depreciation When vim hoy one of the fine used cars on our lot you cut out the biggest factor in operating cost right at the start. You save the depreciation thr first uwuiir paid". 124 Coupe, new paint $28 1924 BroWea Ijquered Touring best , pulling car on our lot, $96 worth of repairs on this, guaranteed machine. Call for No. 678 ,. $215 19-4 As Ia Touring, call for No. 805 : $165 1923 Touring with new Holly Napivitor, quick - change bands, special ignition. Has filer shocks, outside brakes. CtH for No. 753 $140 1922 Chevrolet Delivery, just the thing for your berries, 31x4 straight side tires in rear. Will liandJe load nicely. Valley Motor Co. Salein, Oreg. 79m27ti Here Are 8 Bargains In Used Transportation 1922 Ford Touring, motor O. K. new top and paint $185 1924 Ford Coiine. balloon tires. inside like, new $350 1925 Star Touring, new tires, paint, runs g od $285 1917 Chalmers, " pass. Touring, rebored, new pistons, pins, rings. bearing taken up, valves ground, two spare tires $165 "1925 Chevrolet Touring, new Duco, valves ground, bearing taken up, one new tire, four others giod $350 1921 Studebaker Light Six Tour ing, a car that has had. the best of care and in very best of condition, now $375 1923 Studebaker Special Touring, good paint, 95 per rent tires, many extras $675 1924 Willys Knight Sedan, new Due i, balloon tires, bumpers, spot, swipe $000 Convenient Terra. at - Lowest Rates. We Now Have Erskinex for Delivery. Marion Auto Co. Kttidehaker and Frskine H'.x Dealers for Salem and Marion County. Ask for R. 1. 235 South C Oibbins, HI 'I St, Used Car Dept. Telephone 3i2. USED CAR LOT NEXT TO FIKE STATfON O.V CHEMKKETA LOT PHONE "Jill. 7Uj2 I LXVJT GOlfJ TO SET GOT A If" IT WltarsJ 1 WWW USED CARS FOR SALE 70 Better AutotTiQbUe Values Buick Coupe 1920 model, flue finish,' good tires, equipment. . Buick Roadster, lata model Chevro let, late model Hudson Sedan, 5 extra tires. ' Fords 8 Ford Oars, g km!, values, selection now. Spend id values. Make youi automobile F. W, Pettyjohn Co. Xorih Commercial Phone I .'i' St reel. After We Sell We Serve' 79m28tf DEPENDABLE USED CARS 1926 Chevrolet Coupe, looks like new, lots f extras, snappy- motor - -- $5.,i 1926 Chevrolet Tojifing. everything on it. Almost as good as a new car -. $450 1925 Chevrolet Touring, complete- . ly overhauled $365 19C3 Chevrolet Coupe, overaite tires . . -. ....$2O0 1921 Ford Coupe $135 1923 Ford Coupe, high ba-k $25U I9ti Furd Touring, new rubber... $ 3. XEWTON CHEVifcOLET Across From the City tlall. CO. 79m25tl MARMON CHANDLER Attention Berry Pickers ' If you are in need of a good trans portation to and from your work, aee us at once as we have some real bar gains iu ued ears. Terms to suit you: Buick Tourings. j- Overland Tourings. Dodge Tourings. Cleveland Tourings. Hudson Touring. Hnptnobile Touring. :0ray Touring. Dort Touring. ' Moon Touring. - $50.00 and up. Three light used trucks juat the truck to haul the berries. MacDonald Auto Co. Cottage ft Ferry Sts. Tel. 409. Salem, Oregon. MARMON DEALER - CHANDLF.B 7mV5ti PACKARD OLDS MOBILE Two Of . The Best Packard 7-paaaengsr sedan, paint, A-f shape .- . duco .....$ 145 Oakland sedan, lata model $75t Jewett touring, late model $371 Ford coupe, late model .....$351 Earl aedan, new paint, good condi tion $35t Ford aedan, a bargain ...... $12.' Dodge ton ring, a bargain $121 3 4 ton Republic truck pneumatic tires and starter $200 We have only listed a few of out used cars above if you -are interested in a good osed car coin, la and look our atock over before you buy. Capitol Motors, Inc. 850 No. High St, Tel. 8125 Biddy Bishop. Al. Ronsseao. Two Of The Best PACKARD OLDSMOBIL. 79apr22tf O I 3 Salem Markets GRAIN No. 1, wheat, . white ...j. Reil, wheat, sacked 'Oats, per bu. milling 1.87 1.32 .64 ; PORK, MUTTON AND. BEET " Top hogs . : 101a Sows 0m3,nT Top steers , 08, 09 Cows . .OO Bulls 04 ffl. 05 M 1927 lambs, under 06 lbs. Top live veal Dreased veal . Dressed pigs .- .10 IO .17 .15 P0ULTEY Light bens . Heavy hene .18 .22 Springs .17 Roosters . ,000.08 EGOS. BUTTER, BTTTERTAT Standards ,, Pound . .,. Butterfat . il8 89 Cream butter '. 1 1 (fj .4.2 VEGETABLES Vegetables, bet ta, sacked turnips, carrots Onions. , dos. bunches Xew Cabbage Potatoes Celery . California lettuce, crate Local spinach . ADVICE TO LOVELORN DEFIANCE, Ohio. The recipe for girls to make sure of pro posals given by Miss Isabel Hitch cock, domestic science teacher at lie fiance College i to. wear a white dress and select a back ground of greenfoHage. - She ad vises young men Lo wear ties to match their eyes. Bv Ed Wi (HQ kNOUJ HOW VoVttE, GOoJMA I Ml . '.80 ......09.10 08 6.00 8.SO .06 C3ET ACROSS , SHERIFF, BUT X IDEA WW np Atvi ' PATCHEMS GOHNfr DO - B Am eta NoTANNCH 1 lb SPARE Folks ,' tillT Across - . - '... NOu, ATCVv C rTV" J I 2 vlS TEN IN TUESDAY MORNING ior)-Ift:ft-i-KFWV a 2I2'. Shrtiipinc . hour. . - - " ' ' 9:45 1M:00 Kt1W'49. Exercises. 10:00-11 : WXL !t3.-ni. Morn in j mu ie. ' 10 :MI-11 :3 KGW. Household help and music. - ' . - - ' 10:30-12 ;oe KLX - 124?)., I'attia Cook, mrning eutera;ninen. IV :i-ie:i - KOIN (S19I. Housewife' hmir. -TUESDAY APTERKOON l:00 KF'.C C252). Weather reports, i 14 :0o-2 :2o- KKX. "l'opnlar orchestra music. 12:00. 1 :Of KOIN. fieorge Ol'sene. con cert organist, 12:30 I :: K!W. -Xoon conceit. 1:30-2:30 KTBR M263 Siti.Lo uw gram. . 2 :on :t :0f K EX. Mat'nee; 2:--ro KOW, Matinee. 2;.0-."i :30 KXL. Music. 2:30 End KTBR. Play by play hafehalt reports. 3:oo-4:Mi KOIN. News, music. 4 :lM.."l :o KFEC. Music. 4:o-6:0 KFWV. Twllite hour. 5:l5-6:oO .KOIN. Topsy Turvy Times.' 5:50 6:00 KKX. Organ concert l.y Dar win Woods. TUESDAY NIGHT -.:iio 8:of KFWV (2l2l. AinuseMieiil goiile.- ;: 7 :ort KOIN (319). by fleorge M'sene. . Organ concert 6:00-7:00 KTHR -1 263 ). Music. 6:00-7:00 KG W 4;. Dinner concert. i:oO-8:0O KXL (389). Music. :00--20 KEX (2421. Organ concert. S:30-7;30 KFEC C'52). Musi.'.. ii :3ii-7 -.nil MIX, D'u.ner conc.-rl. , f:O07:30 KOW. C.ncert trio. 7:Mi7:3o KTBK. A. A. A. road reports. 7;Ofi-8;0O KOIN. . Amusement guide, educational talks. 7: 5 8:15 KKJK 2C3. Journal Jun iors. 7:30-8:00 KEX. Webt'oot crier. 7 :30-9.:0 KG W. Educational program. . 8:00-10:00 KFWV. Studio progtau.. 8:00-9:00 KXL. Dalquist's old-time or chestra. 8:00-9:1)0 KEX. Classical hour. 8:00-8:20 KOI.V. Studio program. 8:15-8:80 KFJR, Rwdio code clans con ducted by Ashley Dixon. 8:20-8:40 KOIN. Whistlers. 8:40 9:10 KOIN. San Su Ktrntters. 9:00-10:00 KG W. XUC program. 9:30-Knd Blow by blow fight returns. 10:00-1-2:00 KXL. Pirate's dance band. 10:00 12:00 KOW. Kenin' orchestra and s 'loists, ' lO:30-ia:iHi KEX. Kremer's orchestra and soiois'ts. KOO Oakland f::fl). , orchestra; , The Pilgrims; 9, NBC program; 10, ' surprise. 4 a ; KFWB- Hollywood; (252). 6, concert; 7-8, orchestra and soloist; 9, c ncert ensemble and soloists; 10, Rainbow hour. KF1 Los Angeles ""(47. 5:30, Hawai iaus: B, 0:15, ii:30, 7, orchestra; 8, string. quartet; 0, NBC program; 10, orchestra and sol ists. KG W Sj)kaiie (.'S94. 6, trio: 7. dnnca music; 8, 8:30, organ,, concert; lo. dance orchestra. - . - " 1 KJH Seattle (384). 6. 6:30, duo; T. orchestra; 8, 10, time. KPO Kan Francisco (428). 5:30 chil drenNi hour: 6:15, :.lo, orchestra: 7. , concert orchestra; 8, organ concert; ik NBC program: 10. dance urcheslra 1 KA San Prancfsco (288). 7, concert trio; 8, 9, KFXI1 program. KNX Hollywood (337). 6, orchestra 6:30. orchestra; 7, 7:30, 8, , io. dance orchestra. KFSG Los Angeles (275). 6:30, Ange Ins hour. ' - KKVZ Hollywood (220). 6, 7. Hawai- ..1!.a". ,r': quartet and soloists; 9. Kr VMSan, Francisco (250). . Hawaii lan; 7. 8, f orchestra; 1:30. inystet ioiis huur; 1 2 :30, organ concert. I O General Markets ; I o LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, May .;. (AP) Cattle and calves: Beef steers and- the stock, -teady: bulls and vealers strong; roil re ceipts, cattle 1,481). calves 370; includiiiic 95 cattle and 15 calve through. Hieer good . $9.'.'5i. 10.1 5; medium 8.5l.n 9.25; common $7.2.(Vi. .50 ; canuer and cutter, steers . $o,50(fi 7,2A; . heifers g od ... 8fri9.25; esimrpon and medium $6.25(To 8; cows' good $7.50fi( 8; common and ne u.uui j..iOi 7,iO; ion cotters and cut ', ters $3frf. S.ftOf bulls (good yearlings vt eluded) .50fff6.75: cntter and medio' n cnnneis aixl .bolognas) $5f,r,.si); cat e medium t i Choice Jiriillt, fed excluded) Ha. 1 ) culls and common L $5. ."( 8; eaters , n'ediupi and choice $10.5if ll( ;j ; chIU aiid cotiimon. , $ti.5ot(f 10.5O. Hogs fairly active, mostly lofirLlr lie low Unt week's close-, receipt higs 225 iiiclndituj .-3(1, .through ; - heavyweights 2.0-350' pounds, medium, good and choice, ' $9.a()rti 10,50 ; medium -weight 200-25IS E?o1d!"mnM,,,i ". good and choiiyw 10 10.li5j t 1-ght weiirlila pounds cornmon,. medium, good and rh i, e O.J.ifc 10.i5i li-ht lights - 180V16O Vl,".-e'm7?,,' niedium. good and , rlO.J.vtVt 10.7j; packing hogs rooiLCi and amootli $7r,8.7?: slanghter pigs o.i")fi pounds medrtim, gIMd and choice $10 a 'Hi 0 75 -feeder and stoefcer pig 7o 13U Sf 12 25 m?4'0m' ' 111.23 exclndl',1 rL',r hnK' raaatiag' pigs excluded in ahore -quotatjona.) ." Sheep and lambs (slaughter stock 1 r.. ower, lambs medium to choice IS Sfito llr.cull. ,ad common $7(5,8.5-?; Ypr medium t . choice 84 pound, do., ill .o: li7wB,!,M,B STViZ:, .pra, lamb. ;n rWXsITASlS FOR IILIXD LONDON -Broadcas t. programa printed in Rrsiiia -p f . m . - 1 " -iit-j)8sea . tvDfi - - "- i"e oiina. , The British : Broad casting Com- reriai ,nrCeMary program cation, and, as soon as the. re,ul.It, , ," e j. - -Ql'ARTKTTK f) RIXt)T SnT' ':torMr-. ' England. --Airodd slogan mrfo lts appear- be?.tt t urban status. ,mi! tor whiskey, rote ffir JJJUTrt. "Castor oil. and calico. as th slogan of the four b jsl nesa candidates for the first Sady Urban Council. They are a spirits mechant, a-baker, a doctor ftnd a draper. ' - 4 Xtle For Bid.' , ... ... Sealed Proposals wil 1 received at the office of E- M. Smiih. Busi ness v Manager, acting for th Board of Regents of the State Agricultural College. Corvallia. Oregon, until 2:30 o'clock P. M.. Tune 8. 19 27; for the general trcrk.. plumbing, heating and venlilatlcg--ystem. wiring and elerqtors of the new Physics building, the hew Poultry building and general Work: of ..'Greenhouse .Service bnlldlnp' nd ; foundations and walls of: Greenhouses, to be erected on thu College Campus. Coryalll3,,Orero:. A- Bids will be opened at a meeti'4-c of the Board of Regents to bo h iU in the Administration building, at 2:30 P. M. the eaitie day. Plans and, Specifications ma be obtained at the office of the Archi tects. Bennes and Ilerzor ' 104 0 Chamber of -Commerce . buildic-. Portland, Oregon, and at the offica oi E. m. smith. Business tianac: To MAKE THS of the College, Corrallls, Orcr s J n.