The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 29, 1927, Page 9, Image 9

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Feature :
' Classified ,
f V.
. Pages 1 to 8
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Salem, Oregon, Sunday, morning, may 29f 1627
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A! lor Visiting Salem, Writes
His Favorable Impress
inns of City
C!;irorH'o O. Finrli, f!itnr of
Tiii. County 'oriT. Fair
fi,.,l. Iilaho. wlio is liiakinK an
iitm. nip thrnuRhoiit the nortlv
,.vt, ni nrly visited Salom. Hp
for Jus nowspappr ms
j,r. ions. llic an iv if was
in i hi- Idaho Fro Pris, Nam pa.
with this comment "In a letter
t,i papor last week ho wrote
iii'h a readable article about Sa
1. in. Orfpon. that it is reproduced
h.'-re rt follows." The follovvinK is Mr. Finch wrote:)
Ii is entirely meet, fitting and
proper thai a state which possesses
hi- manifold attractions, resources
;iiid potentialities of Oregon should
li.iv.- a tate capital of which every
.itizffi .ould justly he proud, and
ihis is exactly what Oregon has.
The founders of the state certainly
usi-il kwn discrimination In se
ll, ting the site, and the builders
have exercised equal judgment in
JHtl" Hlh III-. u. ....
naiiir has Ieen exceedingly Ren-i-riii.--.
Beautiful WilLainctte
These travelers have seen a
large number of rivers in their
xoinK up and down the country,
bat do not recall one which pos
sesses more natural beauty and
attractiveness than' the Willam
ette, on whose banks Salem is
located. Back from the level
floor of the valley. He the rolling
hills, covered with the orchards
which have made the TaUey fa
mous for its fruit, and tack fur
ther on the east lies the Cascade
raoKe, with its snow-capped peaks
and well nigh Impenetrable for
tity while to the westward lies
t OT coast range, also densely cov
ered with forests of merchantable
' Timber.
The soil of the valley is of great
(Continued on If 8.)
Promoters Believe Receipts
From Pageant "Rosaria"
Will Pay Bills
a!I events for the 1927 Rose
I'e-ttivjii, to hold the" amusement
boards of Portland from June 13
t' is. will be free with the ex
''ption of thenaseant "HoSaria."
The proceeds from the fire night
Performances- of th great fepec-Mf-Je
will serve to fiaance the en
tire n-i-ek of attraetlons and pro
vide a sinking fund to assure the
f' and pageant to be produc
'4 next year and succeeding years
n a grander scale each year.
' Tlans have been made to fix
the .Kimission prices to "RosaTia"
s" that all persons may attend
and hy the number of these ad
missions, the entire expense oi tne
festival be paid' said Frank C
. li'egs. president of the Portland
Rv Festival, Inc.
The two great parades, the flor
al on Thursday , and the Merry
khana on Friday, will be free on
tho streets. For those wishing to
T''3w the parades at Multnomah
stadium an admission jcharge will
be made. For reserved seats the
JTioe will be 75 cents. Twenty
ihousand seats for parades will be
available at 25 cents each.
-verytning else during me wwk.
ill he free to the public includ
in? the impressive police review
t the stadium at "10 o'clock "Mon
day morning, June 13, followed by
a parade In the business section.
The crowning of the Queen of the
Rose Festival at Laorelhnrst park,
formal opening of the festival cen
fireboat exhibition,! military
iwrade and air circua and other
"inning day features are all free.
Tuesday the opening of the
Tlone show in the Auditor
im, Chinese baby show. Oriental
hinatowh carnival and many oth
er downtown ,-featnrea will serve
to thrill and entertain crowds
Tuesday and Wednesday will be
the pageant at Laurelhursf park,
whn a thousand Portland girls
will present "The Fairy Itoae."
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Decoration Day, when the hatreds of war are forgotten and triend and foe join to do homage to the sol
dier dead, ffnds few of the men who wore the blue and the gray in '61 left to pay tribute to their fallen
comrades. Left, a white-bearded G.
a section of Bony. Cemetery, France, where the white crosses, "row on row" mark the graves of American
boys who fell in u major engagement of tfilfsYth Division' Right, - below, a sister kneels, weeping, at
the grave of her brother burled on
Great War are able to go to France
graves of the Americans, as well as
Recent Growth of Redlands
Attributed to Such Derived
That musical advantages make
a community a more desirable
place in which to live was again
demonstrated in connection with
the closing: of the season of win
ter concerts under, the auspices of
the Community Music Association
at Redlands, California. On that
occasion a group of the town's
business men made a presentation
to the association's president, Mrs.
G. E. Mullen, upon the eve-of her
departure for a European trip.
In presenting the gift, a substan
tial check to be used in the course
of her journey. Lyman M. King,
declared: '"I have heard some of
our most substantial and far-seeing
business men say that you
have done more than any other
one person in bringing Redlands
to the front in that way which is
most impQrtant. most worthwhile
as "a home for all of ns and our
Frie'nds of the movement in
Redlands point out that previous
to the start of the Community
Music association the population
(Continned oa page 6.)
European Travelers Seek
Passport Simplification
PARIS (AP) European trav
eling, for Europeans, would be
as easy as commuting, under the
scheme advocated by several trav
elers' organizations and under
consideration by the foreign offi
ces of many countries.
The plan, contemplates the use
of "European .passports' enabling
the traveler to! journey in any
country in Earope without the
usual : visa "annoyances or police
surveillance. They would be. Is
sued under. the authority "of an Inter-European
passport union and
would be printed In at least three
languages. Actual issnance would
be' by n committee of the consuls-4
general of each European country
in each capital,: who would ap
prove It only aHer a thorough in
vestigation of the" applicant. Those
unable to satisfy- the committee
would be forced to travel with the
usual national passport.
A. It. Veteran stands silent at the
French oil. Since few, Americans
on Memorial Day. the French themselves are observing the day and the 1
podlusVar decorated with flowers.
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ci ; D ' Robert & wcefifoiL V , o
grave of a soldier friend. Above, 4
who have lost their boys in the
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rLAi;ts Or RcST, CARTU MAY "
History of Ancient Stream's
Connection to Salem Re- r
fated by Smith
By John K. Smith
Where does the mill race come
from? If one follows it eastward
it will be found joining Mill creek
less than a 'mile beyond the city
limits. The creek channel how
ever, is found to be more or less
artificial all the way ' to Turner
where a well-boxed diversion of
its waters is turned through' the
city. From a point near Stayton
to Turner Mill creek takes a semi
circular course northward alonjr
the foothills past Aumsville. In
his segment the channel is also
somewhat artificial and within
three miles of Stayton it becomes
wholly so, its direction being care
fully guided through the city from
the est where it obtains its per
manent supply of water from the
North Santiam. This ditch fur
bishes water power for f6ur cities.
Additional waters are contrib
uted bV Beaver creek which, en
ters from the north at some dis
tance west of Aumsville and by
Battle Creek from the southwest
at Turner. Though the Salem
ditch and the irrigation ditch thtt
branches from it east of Stayton
and flows past West Stayton to a
creek near pleasant Grove reach
a distance of four miles apart,
both can carry Santiam water by
-means of gravity to Turner and
the former takes it on to Salem
in the same way. The elevation
above sea level at tb Intake abont
450 feet, extends through Stayton
half a mile, and descends rapidly
toward the .northwest to 360 feet
(Continued on Pas 3.)
Fallen Heroes Deserve
Homage; Unite Mankind
"To You From Failing Hands We Throw the Torch Be Yours
to Hold It High;" "The Torch Ye Threw'
" to Us We taught"
By Irl S. McShe'rry
"In Flanders' fields the poppies blow
between the crosses, row on fow,
That mark our place, and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing1 fly,
Scarce heard amid the guns below
We are the dead Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Ix)'ed and were loved, and now -we lii
In Flanders' fields.
. v .
i ,
Take up our quarrel with the foe.;
To you from failing hands we throw ,
The torch: be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die,
We shall not sleep though poppies grow
In Flanders' fields."
French Create Opposition
Against Newjatking Films
PARIS. I AP) Opposition to
the "talking" film has1 grown to
such an extent in France that' a
"League of Silence" to combat it
has been formed by a number of
leading cinema critics and pro
ducers. .
' It" is a wonderful invention,"
say the critics, "but that is no
guarantee that it stands for real
progress as far as, the art of the
movie is concerned."
They declare that the film must
remain a- pi5tute,.4Hd that the
spoken word is not only super-1
fluous but actually destructive of
the imagery and symbolism of the
ideal "motion picture.
.T,;; i:y ".x
A nation will pause tomorrow,
Memorial Day, and commemorate
the patriotism and valor of tub
thousands of brave men who "gave
their lives that the idealis of this
country might be perpetuated
The season will join In this ob
servance and so inspire all to
greater sacrifices. Peace and
tranquility reign in this land
sunshine and shadows . playing
over tne green hillsides--rlppling
streams and great rivers winding
their silTery courses o'er plain
and through peaceful sleepy val
leys- the rustling of the ; waving
grain the gentle sway of the
beautiful flowers the singing of
the birds the soft whispering of
tne wina m tne towering: rir trees
all are symbolic of the peace of
this Memorial Day.
The spirit of Memorial Day,
which came from the . Northern
states, is one of the nation's
most sacred idealisms. Bitterness
and hatred have been removed;. all
unite In a general commemora
tion. . World wars have iljrought
folk of all nations Into" closer re-
lationship in as much as - tne
graves of our own dead and of
our allies encircle' the earth. These,
dead comrades, Fbo gave their
lives for their fellow, men, are
binding together the hearts 'f
mankind.' The spirit of the da
has spread until now we have al
most alworld Memorial Day, wTilch
promotes' a feeling of 'brotherhood
among the people of the earth.
And so toniorr"ovr people of many
nations will pause and at sunset
glow will have been brought clos
er together . after1 speaking tb6
universal language of flowers ad
tears In hpnfcrlng their dead.
In' retrospection tbere comes be
fore our eyes" as' In a dream tbe
hurry and -preparation' for waf
the boisterous dfums the silvery
calls of , the bugles the traa'p at
coufitless f eet the' fhtibe'd1' faces
of the1 boys' as' tbey gt th? pale;
cheeks of. the women the trench
with Its slime- the deadly creep
ing gas the roaring airplanes .
the darting tongues of the 'liquid
flame- the whirlwind charge of
men' with nerves of Iron the bat
tlefields with their dead and
wounded -youths pierced and
torn by shot and shell-aud then
the calm after the storm' with the
heroes sleeping, '-each'" in his wift
dowless place of 'rest where suh-
Continued on-page 3,
Leaderless Orchestra .
Offers Tribute to Dead
An unusual rbute from orchesi
tral players to their conduttor
waS Witnessed at 'the memorial
concert given recently by the j6i
Angeles Philharmonic foIl6wing
the sudden deatb of their leaded.
Waiter Ilenry Rothwell, from a
heart attack. With their dead
conductor on a bier before them:
.the Los Angeles rdrcbes'tra'" played 1
the Andante ' Cantabile- from
the Tschafkowsky String Quartet;
with the conductor's stand vacant.
, "Clifford Lott, 'singer and close
.friend of Rothwell, reviewed the
conductor's life and then, after a
reading" of the Nineteenth Psalm,
the orchesrta' men, again without
a baton, offered as their final tri
bute the Allegretto , from Beet
hoven's A Minor Symphony. Roth,
well had often said in life: "I feel
ennobled, freed ; fromr all terrors
and bitterness, when l conduct tks4
Allegrejttq.,. It la the. last expres
sion of peace for me."
Continuing,; Jason Lee's ln
- fluence in Saving Oregoii
Country to If. S; , ;
lly W. T. IilKlon
(This itt.the third in a series of
artideW in The Statesman of Sua-s-day.
It is the'.cont-Jndlng article,
uxfcepting for ' some additional"
comments by the author, which
are to appear In The Statesman of
next Sunday, and perhaps the fol-.
lowing" issues: ) ;
In Two Ycnre Absence
Upon Lee's . return from the
east h' was shocked and'horrlfied
at the terrible death,' rate Which
Had prevailed among the .Indian
children at the schools during his
absence of two years. . Every oth
er feature of his work seemed to
;haya progressed as expected but
the' teaching' and the christian id
ling of the Indiiitt was the object
.of his" missions. '
i Now If the children were not go
ing to endure . the confinement -necessary
to the vocation of teaco
Ing, and the adults were adverse
to any kind of; manual labor, the
saving of the Indian would henoe
forth be a task with little hope
Of success. Brit 'Jason Lee was
not ..tne man to gfvup without
making an heroic effort.
"'With new recruits seasoned io "
the work he hoped to gitro the
work improved atfentlou. ira
'Brovpcl' methods, better sanitation,,
better regulations and be In a bet
ter position to pacify tne ptrents
of the children. Th Imliana were
eetg fait p jmlc3oulioTTthV
white .man's .aotrvfts. Tir Indlanii
In- the irpper country we re really
Blarmed that the presence of the
wilte people jwas the cause of the
fast Vanishing of the Indian. race.
A1 prominent chlef, Pu-Pa-mole
mox had sent his son to Lee's mis.
eion for several yetrs and now'
considered his son an educated
gentleman. This son got Into as
altercation wPij a. .white man antt
-" ! (Cnntloiicd on Pg 4.)
Former inaccessible Scenic
Spots to Open for the
Tourist Season
claD A Greater Glacier Park la
In the making, according to the
Plans of Undo Sam'In sending I,
Uoss Eakla back to his old stamp
ing grounds to again take up the
administrative 4W07IC as' superin
tendent of; this Rocfcy mountain
tourist playground region. Mr.
Eaktri, who baa been in charge of
the Grand ; Canyon National Park
since 1924, replaces C. J. Kraebel
who has entered th'e forestry ner
Vice. " -
,The National Parks Service Is
preparing, this ason for the
greatest tourist travel in the his
tory of Glaritr Park and Mr. Eak
Ja, who "served in France durlnjf
;tbe WorM war In "the engHneerlnc
divistorf, !Js' select e'd' to take com
plete charge of a cotnpreheaslve
fpad and trail development ' pro
gram that wlii opeh'some hither
to inaccessible scenic spMs in tha
heart of tBe Rocky 'mountain
range, lie has been' on the J.ib
tnce'April 2T,anI announces that
despite1 unusually ' heavy snows
during the 'past' winter, all roais
.and trails will be in excellent
sha'pe' for the onenlng of the
tcason, June 15th! He engineerfd
-theb'ullding or some ' difficult
trails In-the' Grand 'Canyon and.
now h&V been brought, back to
Glacier National park on'acfou:.t
of his TperIence ' In "' mountain
Jlrail. work. '."":" " ' "
. 'The hew superlnteudetit fa!!; "
kVWe have ample fnnds to put t!l
Jtrails In first, class condition, a
constructive", trail' .program t - 4
been adopted' which Insures t' it
all. existing trails. wlU be r, ,;
,aud the .new .ones eonFtrncV 1 t"
'the hignest" jtanrlard. Amon-; t! 1
mostJiarort-nt of' the new tr?: ,
Win be orte iron IMarmlparj I
to Belly river which -will j-Ixr; t
1 ; (CoBtinari on 'Paje' 4.)