The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 29, 1927, Page 16, Image 16

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    't kill OlUJ. iUN STA' l-SaUAN, KAI.i OllKftON
tTime Grizzled Grizzly " -
- Kilted by State Ranger
rilACinn PARK. Mont. ( Spp-cial)--4learjr
Thol, Montana stale
, forest ;BhRer, Vwntlr killwl one
of Alia oldrisf Rflkilie8ever Been in
tho Rocky mountnlnn. While pa-
trollng the connlry alone the west
ern boundary of Glacier National
jparkori his usual winter sfliow
phow trip to protect Oeer. from
predatory animals Unnfier Thol
ittraoupdn (he carcass of a deer.
Huge bear tracks, on the spot 4n
dlrntod . this particular deer was
not saluehtered by, coyotes. Thol
followed the tracks all day and
shot the monster bear.
' .The hide of-the bear measured
eignt-feet from tip of noae to tip
t ta.ll and Thai estimated the Jive
.weight at over 500 pounds, ' and
he wan thin Just having emerged
from a winter's hibernation.
Old "SilvertlpV teethe were
worn to Blubs and several of the
largo ones continued cavities and
appeared to have been abscessed.
. According to the belief of old tim
ers acquainted with the habits of
wild animals this, indicated the
bear mast have been at least 46
year of age.
"ThoT said it a rare occurrence
to Tind a bear which kill other
game .-a these animals ordinarily
prefer fish and vegetables and us
ually eat only the meat of ani
mals killed by coyotes and moun
tain lions. .- However, occasionally
a grizzly will . kill his own meat
when he cannot .obtain berries and
green -food.
Lo7d, M war's tempests cease,
Fold the 'whole world in peacej ( A( llr
Under Thy wings. SSBfffi JpP
Make all the nations' '. j jJjM
. All hearts beneath the sun, - 7f 5 lTtS:
, Till Thou shalt reign alone, -l V IK
Great King of Kings. A y WjJiU
- Ti in ! . - i- , .1 r i. - i 'X' ' ' ' 111 " ' - I 11 '" "
j (Oifitinunt from pnR I.)
fertility and crops of all kinds and
Tast stretches of orchards yearly
add to the growing wealth of Iho
1 The City Reaiitirul
Amidst thin rtot., of - natural
beauty; and cultivated loveliness
the enterprising citizens of Salem
are building a city which is des
tined to become, famous as one of
the-most beautiful-of the entire
country. The state house grounds
lie; directly in the center dt the
city hpucdedon .the west by the
business district and -flanked on
the! south by. the campus, of WU
lamette Tiniversity, a eplendid edu
cational institution sponsored by
the Methodist church of Oregon.
East "and north of the capitol
grounds are homes, both large and
small, but In all probability these
will; within a. few years, give way
t6 business houses, as the rapid
growth erf the ity already Is serv
ing' notice' that business - shortly
ill be encroaching on residence
sections .and the possibility for
growth-toward the.westia limited
by the nearness of the river.
State -ilouse Grounds
The sUtehouse- grounds are
unique in the variety of trees they
possess. " Only in; the, grounds .of
the national, capitol at Washing
ton probably are to be. found such
a large .number of fees brought
frdm'.ao jaany, sources and coun
tries. Located in the midst of
Illimitable forests and , with a soil
producing the., choicest- of fruit
- trees, th,e, people of Oregpn were
not satisfied, with trees indigenous
to the. native boil, but have gone
far afield, for trees to plant, in the
grounds of their. state capital. As
each tree contains a. small metal
plate giving, its name, it "is fascl
natlng to walk. past. each of them
and-discover jts, origin. vOno will
.find tbe lBglisb-hawthorne. the
Chines magnolia, , the . cedar of
Lebanon, the, smoke-tree, the.Ori
. ental sycamore, the Judas tree, the
. umbrella' tree, - the weeping mul
berry. the-golden, twigged dog
wood, the 'Irish yew and the yel
low i Jasmine,, and-such a Ions list
of othesf varieties that the-only
possible way one can remember
th names -will 1m? to take a note
book and Jot" them down. Rut,
efen'though one fails to remember
all the, TiajnejCthe memory of that
hour strolling, through t these de
lightful,' grounds will, always re
maia with one. The state house
building Is old and entirely in
adequate.'! A' newer building at
the east end of the grounds houses
the supreme court and some of the
v other governmental tuncjlpns, but
at that, there is a palpable need
f or. .a ;new and greatly, enlarged
buildings ;.
What Became of Governors
On the Twaltg of "the senate and
house of-representatives are hung
oil paintings' of past . governors.
' In looking over the chief execu
tives of the state during the years
that hare passed, since the state
was . organized, one -cannot help
hut note the? large number who
- have not completed the terms for
which they were, elected If they
Aik BOt;,dfe they resigned after
being. elected to the United States
senate. -. Just which fate has been
considered preferable this writer
Is ' not' informed, but one or the
other seems to have overtaken a
large nuhiber of Oregon's, gover
nors. ' -.W:K J" ; '
. Salem hask distinction; which
many state- capitah do not - pos
sess, in that It has a large number
of state Institutions. States -as a
' rule are jealous of the capital and.
having located, the seat Of , KOTero
mentrvthre r forever;, afterward
- deny; the city any Institution But
it's : different t la Oregon. i Salem
not car? got the capital, but he
asked . for 'and-received .'eight of
the ttate.lnstitutloHS.
. ' Wonderful Itesourcea J
, Tnth.JWJlTaraette- university,
$ht.3tata 'ln&tllutlolTs -and- the
largest school for Indians In the
west, Salem would be a center of
population even If it did not have
natural resources to make it pros
perous, aiul when it comes to re
sources of soil. Just look at. this
list of products: It produces
wheat, corn, oats, barley and pota
toes, jjist like other parts of the
country: it is tho center of the-
groatest hop industry in the
I'nited States. It produces im
mense quantities of flax and two
big flax mills (the only ones of
the kind west of ,Vew York) I
manufacture tho product; it hasj
great fields of celery ind of pep-I
permint, the latter being Teduced !
to oil and essence. . Its poultry j
ann iairy production are enor
mous. And, after all these things are
enumerated, you . come to the
greatest of all the fruit. The
pmne production is simply mar
velous, and following that come
Lambert and Queen Anne cherries,
blackberries, strawberries, logan
berries, pears, peaches, apples.
English walnuts, filberts and all
the rest. Is it any; wonder that
those webfeet are all swelled up
on their country and that if yon
begin to tell one pf them about
Florida or California or even the
Garden of Eden, they will inter
rupt you impatiently with "Yes,
but did-you hear about the fruit
we shipped last year?" and quickly
prove by statistics that there is
not and never has been so favored
a spot on the face of the whole
globe as his own favored location.
And when I bad looked the coun
try over, and became acquainted
with Its varied points of excellent,
I- concluded that I did not blame
him fqr- making a loud noise. He
has a right to. and would be un
grateful 4f he did not,
' r ; Other Attractions
nut even then the- story is not
told. Within a radius of 25 miles
of Oregon's state house are 235
miles of paved toads and- 1000
miles of graveled and macadam
roads. The city has 32 churches
and Is the center of a population
of educated and cultured, people.
I. did not hear a single person ou
plain' of paying school tax while
I was in Oregen. Right tanning
plants furuish a tremendous mar
ket for fruit and a big payroll for
the employes during fruit seasons.
The city lays claijn to having the
largest proportionate strictly
American population in the coun
try. No foreign element,' no Mex
icans; only 30 negroes out of al-
, r 4 ,
most HO, 000 inhabitants, the city
is Just a little boastful of the
"quality" of the folks who live
there. The possibilities for recre
ation am limit less. Only 85 miles
by paved and macadam bighway
to the seashore and only 45. wiles
into the Cascade .mountains. . The
streams abound in fist, and wild
Tiame may fTW fi.uutrriTalHmdSnlia JjLTTTa?jSavoted: considerable
within a shorter distance than spare io Salem for .one reason -Camas
Prairie uimrods travel each ieatiM what la true here is true
fall to seen re a deer. In fact, It is towihsiderabln exlent of the entire
t orrljiiillnrol eftlnna rtf ttin Aiiftrz
....... - - - -. - --- " -
difficult to nwntott"antliing that vallfy
inaKes are worm Jtv4Ug wut that
Salem lias: it. Ho wonder the
people "are chesty. And wonder
tlieicity la growing rapidly, .-it-has
something worth while to feel
swelled up about and it has advan
tages which simply make it grow;
But, in addition to all its natural
advantages, it has a bunch of live,
wide-awake, hustling residents
who -are not going to be caught
4sleep at the switch.
CJreat Willamette Valley
It is-likely thatx some of the
readers of the Courier will be in
clined to chide the writer for wax
ing so enthusiastic over what he
saw there and ask him if he has
forgotten all the fine things he
wrote about Florida, just a year
ago. Not a bit of it. "The things
that . were set down regarding
Florida were all true, as we saw
them, and that' wonderful state is
destined for a prosperity beyond
the mind of man to estimate, but
we were more than glad to visit
Idaho's sister state and record the
marvelous natural advantages and
resources and the tremendous de
velopment which is going on there.
It is one of the glories of this
great nation that all of the excel
lencies are not located in one sec
tion, nut truth demands that it
be here recorded that in the pass
ipg out of great natural riches and
resources, the Willamette valley
received more than an average.
One manner In which, our
knowledge was broadened was in
learning the pronounce the name
of this river and valley. W had
been saying it like the "a" in "all,"
but were, instructed that th prop
er sound Is like the "a' in "lam."
A little, bit of travel certainly adds
a lot to a fellow's education in
more ways than one.
length of. 'our .stay precluded , our
The capital city may have, visiting all the points of interest.
a little more than the average oft but :we saw enough to. make '-us
'natural resources, but the entire j certain t hat It Is destined to be
country from Tort land up to Eu-j and remain one of tho greatest
gene and beyond is greatly blessed
withaoil and f tfmate which makes country. : ;
it tremendously prosperous. The r "Trail em to Salem" is the cap-
..tiftn and slogan of, a publication
issued by - the chamber of com
merce of that desirable city, and
if asked as to where a motor vaca
tion could be made pleasant and
profitable, these'' wanderer U1
always be glad to tell their fri-,,,
that they cannot do better u,r, , (
emulate the example t, ilm,.-;i!,,u
of travelers' who here find the uu
most delight and pleasure W(lt."
they fo'low that excellent adm,,..
tion and "Trail ,'em to Salei;,.-
Look, Mother, it's Dry!
Duco is positively a delight to
use it dries so quickly, and is
so easily applied! Paint a chair
with Duco, and -use it in less than
an hour I Paint the bed with Duco
in the afternoon, and sleep in it
that night! Paint the kitchen
table with Duco in the morning,
and prepare lunch cm it at noon!
Duco comes in a variety of
beautiful shades and stains.
'Ask us for a free color card.
1 1' irir xiui Tfuu
' ' ' ' - III- , " -y ... ., -
-' . ,- . ; ,- Vj-, - .f;-..,.. r
We realize how hard it is to gt to the bank to make deposits,
cash checks and pay , bills. . But, yr ith -a checkings, account,
this bank is no "fart her-away than the .mail box -outsider your
Rate.- Simply pay your bills by mailinpr your- personal check.
. Deposits and withdrawals-may be made just as' easily-and
by;maiL tt.'. i . ' ..iVfr, '
Your Checking Account Is Invited "
" 1. t. "i & ?3&tmi o-tl-- er.M-r - - : - . -- 5' - r-
. ., .. . -, ' J ' ' 1 - Ji .' 1 - '
. NATaONAt 'lTA'NK j
Tfc Bank That Serine BuUlr
r . - i. v -,
1 t It Jk I 111! I I I ft 1 I
.NiLi 1.
"where savings are greatest
160 North Liberty Street, Salem
LewPrices iiitaiiies
Ve Sunre of Boitli Here
Lowest Possible Prices on Reliable,- Quality Goods Is Part of Our Everyday Program
Here. If We Ran So-Called "Sales," We Could Not Serve You as Economically,
as by Our Policy of ALWAYS Quoting Low Prices arid ALWAYS
h ' Selling Only Goods of Worthwhile Merit
Wrapping Up
Parcels of
No one has ever
entered our store to in
quire for a "package of
dreams" and yet that
is really Hvhat bur 773
stores sell. Perhaps
we've all formed the
habit of never asking
for what we truly want.
Youth comes in to in
quire for a Blue Dress,
arid carries out a bit of
Romance for Saturday
night under her arm.
The matron sighs envi
ously as she passes' the
rack of sports sweaters,
arid a saleswoman ex
changes some silver
coins for a colorful bit
of Youth.
The . C. Penney
Company has always
trained its salesforce to
fulfill, not only the ex
pressed wants of its
customers, but to find
out' and satisfy, if pos
sible, those hidden
longings we -all tuck
away in the corners of
our hearts.
Youth, Romance,
Adventure, Fun and
Dreams they are all
pas s e d across our
counters in b r own
paper parcels for oui
customers to take
home. ! t
25 th Anniversary
A Big Turkish Toellalue
Plain White Or With
Colored Border :
One of 'the biggest towel valu.s we
have ever offered 1 Whether you need
a few -or a dozen this is the time to
replenish your supply. -
Feature Anniversary Offering
Large' size, heavy quality turkisfi
towels all plain white or finished with
colored borders. The urice is tvoical
of our great Silver Anniversary Values.
Warm Blankets
Bay Them Now
Flee cy,
Blankets in
the newest
designs and
Lingerie Fabric
Dftinty Durable
Make yotiT own pretty tra
derthings at home from mod'
estly" priced and attractive lin
gerie fabrics; " Dimity, nain
sook, plisse crepe, batistes, and
Yoile, ranging in price,
Tbe Yard
15c to 49c
25tH Anniversary
The Road To
Follows Our Trademarks
The superior quality that eycry woman wants at the
prices she can pay that's why women have
found these trademarked brand of ours particularly sat
isfactory. These labels are your protection.
Honor Muslin, 35
Inckes wid blcbd
and '39 incbat wid
BIU 1st Mu.Hn. 36
. inebe ,wia blcb4
and 39 incli wid
unblakd, yard ... .
Ptnc't SbAing, 2
yard wid biacbl
and 2 yrd wida
unblacbad4 yard . . , .
"Pan 'o - S h t i a g,
254 yards wlda
" bl.aek.d and 2H
yards - w Ida nn-
blcscbad, yard
aablaacbsd , yard .... 1 2 H
Nation-Wid Sbcti.
2 yards wid bUscbed
and 2 ysrd wid
uablackd, yard ...
Nation-Wide Sherfinjr
i?U yards w i 1
' blencljefl ami
. yartlj wilii unM'J' b
"I, yard
-, 25& Anniversary
High iigham Quality
In Our Tidemarlced Brand : " t ."
f" Mf? in&e:.and crisp for school frockW
or nioher"- "home frocks perhaps, even, for new
curtaini on :Afe kitchen , or' IxSroom windows 1
. H--iSl ancl other gingnama ard included at this at-
a ava w f 4aVW JT CU U ":.-. " v -- j ' . Z V.'-.v X" : T ' ; r ' i
Other Splendid l Fsh
tim&Z&WC- Pattys "
gham Dresses
For School Days
Plaids and prints that
every, girl , will ,love and
priced so reasonably, that
the can have a fresh one to
put on , every, morning. They
wash so well, too. . - i
Fresh, Crisp
Styles For Sprinjj
Collars and uffs of a con
trasting' color- and. bits of
embroidery- make each oa.
distinctive. Sizes 7 to 14
ore. included ia the folio w
ing-very low pric rang. -
4TTn II i