J :t; THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM i OREGON ' SUNDAY MORNINGMAY 29; 9ZT,'i. i vtf?T AX T 46 hjX). & WILL. PIANO, PHONO grapha. sewing mekiMt, aho maaic id piano studies. Repairing phono graph and sewing maehia. 483 State street. Bslem. NEWSPAPERS 47 THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM. SALEM Agency. Tb Aea. TL 38. the OREGON STATESMAN. 60 CENTS r month delivrd Jo our bos early scb morning. Tel. 28 T 883. XURSERY STOCK 40 Oif.AMfMS SPFCIAL BLOOMI r.re and small ai d box plants 106 BLOOMING up. I'.e.itling plB 2-V do. Also, arrange ...,n-h boxes to orior. -trs. '-.nth 12th. bo 4"J PAPERHANGINQ 6U I'HONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HODSE, d-ooratiBg. papernangiu. ....... kt'tiahla workman TAINTING sua CiUS. BENNETT. PAINTINO CON tra.tor. painting. PPT haogieg. 2-H3-J. 17 Weal Miller. MISCELLANEOUS 51 ALL TYPES CEBTAIJTEEED 8HINQLE8 la d over old wood shingle or an aew vrork. Highest quality mad; price rang from 87.50 to $9. Cebbs-Mitehell to Lomber. 840 So. 12tb St. Tai. 818. '' SltprSOtf OCK CUSTOMERS ARE OUR BEST boomers beeaaaa wa do yout weidicg. 'tis done, net yen. Electric nd sctyln welding. large Bad imalL C. D. Oppen. 484 Mill 8. Tel 372 and 2l8o J. . Slmayotf KOK SALEM SCAVENGER CALL 187. r'L'HN ITI'RE CFHOL8TEBING AND BE Diirini. Gis-Powrt farnitar Stare . SltJOtf Bl V CSKD MEN'S CLOTHING JIWEL-r-. liuns. Toole. Bicycle, etc. Star Kxrhange, 824 N. Com'l. Tel. 858. PACKING SHIPPING 63 j. on EXPERT rUKNITURB- PACKING and shipping, eall Stiff Puraitar Store Tel. 841. LOST AND POUND 53 0!T-PAIB GLASSES. MONDAY OS N ,r:h 'a(.toi. Reward.- leave et States man office. 53raJ9 LOST ON MONDAY- LAST, BETWEEN t vnke I'atton's and W. j. Rigdon k Sons, a blue mesh brid bag. Finder return to "55 Court street. 53m29 L,7STA DIAMOND RING ON FERRY Mr-et between W. tj. and 19th St. $25 reward. Tel. 849-W. 53my29 LOST Ml'VCH OF KEY8 IN BROWN Ir.ith.T rase. LeaTe at btatesraan oilirf and recei.vt reward. ,53m:i9 l.OST-oN MONDAY LAST, BETWEEN K. Cooke Patton s and W. J. Rigdon &: S-on. a blue mesh band bag. finder return lo C. P. Bishop, 785 Court St. Kwarl. 53ro31 LOST i. LATHER POUCH WITH PER v tia! papers of no Talue except to own er. Name on outside. Please return lo Yirjil M. Stoliker. Marion Hotel. Keward, 53tn'29 PIANO TUNERS S4 THOMAS FAT, PIANO TUNER, NOW at the Portland Mafic Co., 865 N. High. Hsvs your piano toned by one who has had years of experience ia the werk. 8a3tf EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano timer. Ive order Will's Mntio Store. PERSONAL . UIAI.TIIV. I'ltF.TTV GIRL. I.ONKLY. marry. Mis Smith, 5'J5 S. T p.k.i. Wirhita. Kansas. - " 55m29 MAUKV IK I.ONKLY JOIN THR 8UC-r- i li i orrexpondenre Club. Reliable - - rl..-. riit on free. Box 556 Oakland. '.-.lforiiia. 55m29 PRINTING 60 FOR STATIONERY, CARDS. PAMPH lots, programs, books 'or any kind of printing, call at the Stateaman Print in tepartment. 215 8. OosmaiereiaJ Tel. 583. MONET TO LOAN 57 VKHF.RAL FARM LOAN F. Wood, gtl State St. , S7m L. 7tf P. H. BELL, 219 TJ. 8. BANK BLDO Residenre and buiinets loans. TeL 607 or 2141 W. 67spr7tf CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rate. Beat tense obtainable. Out insurance 'department offers yea ex pert adie and serrire la all line. HAWKINS ROBERTS (Tae.) Tel. 1427. 108 Oregoa Bldg. 7fl0tf MONEY TO LOAN P0R BCILDINO AND en city property. B. 8. Martin A L. R. Martin, attorneys, 418 Oregoa Building. TeL S084. 6tal0U DISAPPEARING MORTGAGES We ataka loams on rea dnce property. Month ly payment. Beatea able, rates. No delay. STATE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 701 Fir Natioaal Bank Bnilding. ITJt WANTED LOANS 60 WANTED sonsy to loan Private EaTtTE. u REA1 W H. ORABENrxOBST tc CO. U 8. .Liberty. 8... . 6908011 PLUMBUfO 60 I'M VRisa AND- REPAIRING kEA Battmstos. A. U Godfrey. 127 l aioa St. TeL 49S-W 60fl6M PM'MBISO AND -GENERAL REPAIR '. Oraber Bros 164 8. Liberty T.i - tKf BUSINESS OPPR. 01 A ilKAl, I.N'trKSTMKXT Fl VK-ROOM i -ilms with' 4-rm cnent apart .. !.H .rted -at 999 ff. Crtmmerrial S. "l (')g.VKH VOIP BUS1NLMS. Hill, INOKKAKK IN VALUK. Prwre itiii flow) down. Iilfwe term. -w. -IT. UHABHNHURHT CO, lis. Irtherty it. 0IBB28M ' B(VVN.S PROPERTY I no t. Jrirk fblerk, romer prp i-r.,. pri'ttv,oiH - -i.'.-.- Ijirgn cl4 tn corner. 85 by 148 :-'. prjeo 8."4,1K0. i .- v Pin csrsra site, 83 4 t 165 Test, pin-r f l.',wL , ' - , -! in buiiM lot, - 61 by IS- M, pr-i 8il.wo. SViirtrr'Mrlii rlmw ia, 165 by' 16j Ufkrprtr It.Wjtx ' '. - ; ft Bat4aesi li tf on J'nuvraerrisl atreet. 'f gwd inlereiit, pfiee t.5,r)'". -. UooH vtore'trvraer on Wth Liberty tjt. , PHre aoa. ... 1 : Uomt atore sad erioe' atatiou cor er. Hit by 70 foot, .nriew t"J5(0. . t Bnaiueaa bleek rim fa paying (wod infreu price xt iv.ww. If yon are tookiac for a sood in Teatnient in ineome property or wwald want tot leaxe a building, built to suit MTJSIO STORES . yr aeeda aee " W. II. GRARENHORST CO. ' RaalUra ; 62 Radiolas - For every parpoee, far e-ery pnima All standatJ sues of Radio Tab. HALIK EOFP ELECTRICAL SHOP, 835 Court St. TeL 488. 2aprl7tf REAL ESTATE 6S WANTED LOAN , One for $40W, on f r $2000. . Will pay aeren per cent in tor eat, on good real estate aeenrity. - W. H. GRABKNIIORST 8: CO. 134 S. Liberty St.- . . 63m29 SUBl'RBAN HOME One acre planted to young filberts and walnnts: baa six -room bungalow with fireplace. ak f lo ira. basement, plumbinf, electric lights. Price 83400 as it atanda, easy terns. Lo cated three bl k frum bus line, one block from pared "highway. W. H. GRABENHORST t CO. 134 8. Liberty St. C3m29 IKK AT EST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST . We have oer 8000 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property, ery price, every location. We can match year exchange EXACTLY. If you would like to trade your property TODAY, come in TODAY. Be OA SKILL ft EA.RLE, Realtor. 166 8. Liberty. TeL 2242. ttSaprlStf STOP LOOK LISTEN If you are interested in baying or selling property in the Willamette Val ley. It will pay you to get in touch with uh. We i-Jinrge no commission. OWNERS CO-OPERATIVE SALES BLRKAi: 310-11-12 'Jr.n. Nat l Bank Bld. 63J3 FOR SALE Two-stor brick building located fn j,-ood corner. A KKAL INVEST MENT. Price $45,000. Terma. W. II. URABENHORST A CO. 13 1 S. J-iberty St. C3jl IAVE A ;OOD 60 ACRE DAIRY. HOC -and flax farm for nale on which I ran aori-pt kmaller farm or city property in part payment. Wbat have you i Value 7(H'. A. S. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor I. ans Insurance 147 No Com'l St.. Salem, Ore. 63m31 FL'RStuHEli APARTMENT HOl'SF. close in. $,0G0; 2 lota, 5-room huae, . corner, $2750 with furniture. Partly furnished 5-room house, east front, fruit trees. 82350. 5 room house, 2 large l"t. corner, $3600. UERTRfDE J. M. PAGE 492 N. Cottage. 63m29tf FOR SALE THE DESIRABLE PROP ertiea listed below can be had at your own price and terma. Anything with in reason will be considered. I decided a few days ago that I was a slave, working early and late, rush in? here and there trying to give atten tion to my farm and office. In order to give my office work the attention - ifc requires I have decided to sell my properties on terms that anyone can meet. I set a price on a house in Sa lem and aold it to the .first man .who looked at it. Now I am ready to sell my t-onntry property. Here it is: Look it over and tell me how much you will five for it and on what terms you can use it. Tract No. 1 151 acres at Black Itx-k. Some timber. Good goat or cattle range, or good for bees. Tract No. 2 71 acres near Wall port. Nice young timber. Good out ranse. Tract No. 3 100 acres near Marion. l.Vjo cirds wood timber, lots' of grass and feed for goats. Good for poultry. Building, two wells and spring. Fine fur man with boys to cut and haul wood and raise cattle, giats and poul try. Tract No. 4 o acres fine stump land with small house. Not bard to clear. Tra-4 No. 5 fit acres, 15 miles from Salem, nire creek, all year spring, and scvi-ral thousand cords of good timber, on mail route, near school. Tract No. fi 125 acres 8 miles out. Reasonably gol farm buildings, fine well, pump, running water and springs. 250O worth of fctumpuge. Grass ill auunuancc. 4ool new woven wire fences all around. Ihis place is fine for goats, sheep, cattle, poultry and walnuts. School on place. Tract No. 7 60 acres 5 miles out. two acres timber. 10 acres cleared and in clover. Remainder cut over and This is destined to be a beautiful and windmill. Tract No. 8 40 acres. 3 miles out. All fine soil. 30 acres set to walnuts, filberts, cherries, prunes and fctraw berries. with 28 acres seeded to c"rn. This is destined to be a beautiful adn desirable home. Tracts No. 3, r, C and 7 can be . subdivided ia aizes to suit. No. 3 and No. 5 have enough timber to pay for them when cut into woid. If Ton have a little money or. some property to ex change that will not cause me so niueti work to lo k after it, com in and get full particulars. JOHN H. SCOTT 305 Oregoa Building. 6 m29 FOR EXCHANGE 17-aere fruit ranch, well kept and will bring good ineome this .year. This property is nearly all in bear ing fruit, located elose in east. Price $7150. Owner will exchange for 60 to 80 acre dairy ranch on Howell Prairie and will assume. 1 W. H. GBABENHORST ft CO. 13 1 S. Liberty St. 63m29 HAVE 2 . WELL LOCATED. REASON abty priced garages and service sta tions for sale. $1500 cash will handle either. - A. C. BOIIR.S9TEDT Realtor Loans Insurance 147 No. Com'l St.. Salem, Ore. 63m31 WEEK END SPECIALS One more cut in some fine new mod ern homes. 6 room, formerly $5500, take it for $1750. 6 room, formerly $4700, take it for $450. o-r om, formerly $4500, take it for $4100. NOT QUITE SO NEW Magnificent home in splendid com munity, cut to $5000. Another for $4000. We mean business en these homes and .are going to ell some of them to get a little needed rash. BOND with JOS. BARBER 200 Gray Bldg. 125 '. Liberty. 63w27tf OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO K K K FOR SALE For $750 we K K could get you a warranty deed K K for -3 g od east frnii iota- near - K K l St. Let as show you. K K . K K W. G. KUL'EGER K K 147 Cora l St. 63m28 K K K OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO MINUTE MOVIES ED VUHEELAN'S ek? ! VimslBRN SERIAL UJiTH A 'SENSATIONAL ALL-STAB CAST i HAHpS of THE I HEAr?rN Tbni i FAMILIAR . WQ ftr THE. ! . C i RADIO 63 GOOD HOUSE BCYS $ 750 I0 down. 4 rooms, garage. ; $1200 $300 cash, 4 rooms, lot 80x100, ' garage. , . ? . ; ., ' $1800 aioo down, 4 rooms,' lot 50x130, take car s part payment. $2500 $200 casU. $25 and interest m nthly, 5 rooms and bath, large lot, nice Oak shade, close to bus and school. $3000 TerotK, 4 rooms, nook ' and bat h, hardwood " floors, ' lot 50x120, pavement, garage. $3200 $60O cash, $28 including in terest monthly, 4 rooms and bath, NEW, garage, nice Maple shade, $4O00-$50O down, 5 room and bath, strictly modern and new, double garage, good teeatien. Fine boy. . $J2..0 $1100 'cash. $2 monthly. Bcw, strictly modern, 6 rooms aud bath, paved, garage. $4500 ."" down, 8 rooms, nook and bath, strictly modern, lot 75x75, double garage, good location, not tar out. Private money to loan Houses to rent. SOCOI.OFKKY ft SON First Nat l Bank Bldg. 63m29tf WOULD YOU TAY $22.50 TER M0. for nic 5-rooin, full banvm, how in. choice location. close- to school f This ia practically nc hoine.'wlth fine lawn, flowers, shrubbery, etc., and can be bought very reasonable from owner with only $22. 50 per mo. payments and dow'n payment. Thin pr'vperty would rent easily for $35 per mo Cheaper than rent, and it is yours, fce at 430 S. 23rd St., Salem. G3m2S STOf'K OF GROCERIES AND HOUSE IS neighboring town, doing go d business to exchange for house in Salem. Ownei liis business that requires his atten tion here. Oil station, one leased long time leese investment. Take hold and op erate the other. ' 10-acre tract highly improved except buildings to exrhange for city. For rent or lease for xear, new 5 room bouse on street ear line far $35. We have some very reasonable 5 acre tracts near city. A magnificent home in Nob Hill il l trict, lr.odeni with Urge garage, east front, fruit, for $OO0. See the week-end specials in an other e lumn for house bargains. Watch these ads, they don't usually appear hut once except week-end spe cials which appear twice. , BOND with JOS. BARBER 2i0 Gray Bldg. 125 N. Liberty. 63m29tf . STRICTLY MODERN Brand new Engl sh type stucco home. One of the best in the city. Double constructed with best of material and workmanship throughout. 7 cheerful rooms with hardwood floors in part. Built ins, breakfast nook, fireplace, full basement, furnace, laundry trays, double garage. Lot 50x120. Paved street. This home is located in one of the best residence districts in Sa lem. To appreciate it you should let us show you through it. Price $7500, cash 1-3, balance terms. SEE LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors. 320 State Street. Tel. 1727. 63m29tf MUST BE SOLD At a sacrifice to close an estate. 4 rm. Cottage, built eins, closets and bath room, large front porch, screened in back porch, best of plumbing, large garage, flowers and slim hbery, giou corner lot, street paved and paid. This home for only $2300, cash $500, bal ance monthly. SEE LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors. 320 State Street. Tel. 1727. 63m29tf NEW BUNGALOW IN NORTH SALEM 4 rooms and bath, nook, fireplace and basement. $3."00. Terms. 5-room furnished home north, just off Capital. $2401. Small payment down. See Gentry. Salem Realty Co.. 4Ji' Stat St. 63m'29tf OWNER OK A FIRST-CLASS 70 -ACRE FARM, GOOD IOCAT10N About miles from Salem, wants to sell or exchange for a small acreage home near Salem or for Salem city property as the owner is to old to bandit the 70 acres, which is practi cally all in cultivation and crop, there is a good 7 room hoase. are ! siied harn and poultry bouse, SPRING WATER FOR STOCK, WOULD MAKE A GOOD DAIRY FARM AND PRICED RIGHT. Please submit your proposition and investigate this offering at once. See WELLS TALLMAN ft SON. HEADQUARTERS FOR BEST PROPO SITIONS FOR EXCHANGE DEALS. 210 Masonic Temple, Phone 61o. 63m31 FOR RENT Large seven-room house located at 2217 Fairgrounds Road. $25 per month. W. II. GRABUNHORST ftC0. 134 S. Liberty St. 63jl LOTS LOTS LOTS God corner let on Broadway ... $ 350 N. Church St.. lot, east front ... $ 4j0 Double lot near new linen mill $ 650 Tw . lots on X. 23rd and 24th Sts. paved aud paid for . ... $1050 Good lot in east Salt. St. paved. cement walks ia aid paid for .. $ 630 Choice lot on Kairmount Hill for..!200 Large lot close ia on N. Winter St. for $1000 Beautiful large lot en State St. for $1800 5 nice lots on X. Church St. with some apple trees, all for $1400 We have a large list of lots. See ua LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors. before selecting your building site. 321. Stale Street. 1 Tel. 1727 63m29tf GOOD SMALL ACREAGE FARM HOMES WELL LOCATED NEAR SALEM. FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE AT FAIR VALUE PRICES. - 10 acres, ged 7 -room houi. "oath and toilet, electric lights water system, poultry house for 3tH) hens, barn and , other necessary bnildings, well located '' milea from Salem, excellent land, all in crops, 3 acres berries, and other fruit, balance in wheat and other crops, fine prospect crops, f a rm tools, good horse, 2 good cows, 70 hens and lOO pullets go with , farm at $7000, $3000 cash, or owner will take good Salem residence as part pay. If yon want one of the best small farms nesr Salem, you should see this one. 10 acres, good improvements, nice location, 3 miles from Salem, good land, nearly ail in crops, 2 acres of berries and vegetables, excellent prospect, ex tra good poultry buildings and runways for poultry, good young horse, 2 cows and considerable poultry go with farm at $0500, good terms on part. WHEN YOU WANT TO BUY OR EXCHANGE your city property for ciose in suburban acreage homes and larger farms. REMEMBER WE HAVE - AN KXTKK8I V K LIST OF THIS CLVSS-OF PROPERTY CAREFULLY INSPECTED BY US AND PRICED FAIR TO THE BUYER. See WELLS TA M.MAX ft SOX 210 Masonic Temple. Tel. fit". 3m2tl HUE. WS iMASTCR , t TOM RISK, IS BCING RESCUED &y THE 3HRIFP AMD S MEN, FWTCHS"rATTZ.EvT LSPlrRATEiy A?WST CURREMT OP DEATH REAL ESTATE UJrtUE: SHERffT, WiELDS t THE REST OT-. fCWEfwS, UDCfi&ON TOSE; AMD , (rs2ATiOM j. - 4- ft - fX 63 ! GOOD WLUES 5. $5000 New, Modern. ro m "bungalow. 5 blocks Parrlah school, fine eat front lot. Terms. $4300 New 8-room bongs low, basement, - pipe furnace, fireplace, laundry trays, 1 hardwood floors, ga rage, paving paid, on State street. Terms. $1750 New 7 -room English type borne, modern in every way, garage and paring paid, $500 down. Priced below value. $3700 New 5-room English type borne modern in every way, paving paid. $5MI down. $2750 Six-room semi-modern bungalow, good, condition, $2( 0 down, bal ance $25 per month including interest. $3350 Modern 4-r-om stucco bungalow, - $2511 down. Lots in all parts of the city. ' MELVIX JOHNSON 320 U: S. Bank. TeL G37. G3m20tf VOK tAl.k N EW &4fcOOM BQNOA- iow $2600, $50 down, balaoe lik rent. Tel. 620. 3prlStf TRIANGLE TRADES NEW MODERN 5 rooms, will ac cept small unimproved acreage as part. HAN FRANCISCO HOME for su-all unimproved acreage here. TEN ACRES in edge of Salem for small residence. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street. Oronnd F or. "EXCHANGE HEADQUARTERS" C3m27tf INVEST YOUR MONEY In a fine close in property with eight houses, bringing fair income, a liiile more than a foil quarter block. Price 3 1.OO0 fr a quick sale. SEE US AT ONCE. THIS WILL NOT LAST LONG. W. H. OR ABENHORST & CO. 13 1 S. Liberty St. 63jl SIX ROOMS AND BREAKFAST NOOK, furnace, fireplace, oak floors in living and dining room, full concrete base ment, wah trays, garage, paved street, side walks an concrete drive way to garage, electric -range all ready in stalled, lawn set, cast front on S uth High street. New. Move in todsy. This nice home is priced low at $500i. There is no incumbrance. It can be purchased for a small down payment and the balance on easy terms. - TeL owner. 253S-R. 3m26tf 1 II ACRES. 100 IN CULTIVATION. Bal ance go -d pa-ture, running water, st'tre room, gns pump, renting for $15 per mo. 2 fair houses. 2 barns, a dandy sheep ranch, 7 miles to good town. Price $100 per acre. Will take some Salem property or acreage close in. See K. Gentrv, with Salem Realty C'. 4o2 State. 63mB8tf 4-RMS. AND NOOK. HDW. FLOORS. new, furnace, fireplace, garage, pavinfH paid, several large bearing oaerry trees, $3450. Term. Owner has just reduced for quick sale. - Several new houses, new and well located to trade for suburban homes. fi rm, modern near Parrish Jr. high in select district $4000. 8-rtns. new and modern. Fairmonnt Hill, this is being offered at less than cost to owner, $8000. Excellent view. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor. 175 S. High St, 63m22tf SPECIAL BUY In modern suburban home, six rooms, new, wonderful view, locstsd south, near bus line and paved rOad, has bearing cherries, filberts and 1 -gan-berries. Price $12,000. Five acres in ail. LET US SHOW YOU THIS NICE HOME. YOU WILL LIKE IT. W. H. GRABEMIORST ft CO. 134 S. Liberty St. 63m29 5-ROOM HOUSE. 147 N. 18TH. WILL a'-cept 111 ulerate priced lot first pay ment. Stand!ff & Folev, Phone 3 47. I!3j3 EXCHANGE, APARTMENT HOUSE, good int -nine. Price $ 20,000 for farm. A 00 -a ere farm for home in Salem, For salt Two acres choice garden land. "0 blocks out, sewer, lights and water, gravel street, $400. New five room bungalow with furnaco. $3000. Strictly mmieris six-room new house, $4OO0. Want farm loan $2000. Want t bi.j' farm up to loo acres. F. L. Wood Geo. F. Peed. 341 State St. 63m29tf LOTS LOTS LOTS Near the new linen mill, $275 t' $5oo. PICK YOURS NOW. $10 down, balance1 $10 per month, int. fi per cent. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 S. Liberty St. 63jl LOTS LOTS LOTS $ 200 Corner lot 50x150, $25 down. $ 375 Nice lot in I800 block on X. 4th, subject to paving. $ 300 Fine view lot in S. Salem, east front. $ 450 Nice lot on Hazel Ave., south of Highland. $ 500 Lot 52Vxxl28 on N. 13th, $10 flown and $10 monthly. $ 700 Fine east front lot on N. 14th, $50 down, $10 monthlv. $ 700 Fine lot in 200 bl ck on N. 23rd St., $50 down, paving paid. $1C50 Fine lot on N. Church between D and Market St. . Terma. $lf,tX) Fine east front, corner lot on N. Summer. $2000 and $1000 to loan. MELVIX JOHNSON 320 U. S. Bank Bldg. Tel. 037. 6 3 ni29 LISTEN I 9 acres- just outside of city limits of Salem. 7 acres logans, 2 acres straw berries and small house and garage. Owner leaving town. A rest bargain at $1750. Very easy terms. ANOTHER SNAP 4 acres just out of Salem, with run ning water beautiful building site, gar den and shrubbery, all planted, small hoase. Yon ran not beat it St $2100. Very easy terms. We have some good houses for rent. ULRICH ft ROBERTS, Realtors. 129 N. Com ! St. Tel. 1354. 63n31 SAVE THE COMMISSION BUY DIRECT No. 119 5-rte. modern house, lot 56x150, strawberries, furnace, fireplace, 5700. No. I'.H Suburban 5-rin. house, 12 11. 40 truit trees, 6-a.strawberry, trade or sell. - Owner Co-operative Sales Bureau, 310-11-12 First Natl Bank 15:tig. 63m29 RKAL BUNGALOW SXAPS All of them new, well built and up to - date. Priced right. o -that 's a real l.tauty for $58ltO; one for $4HX; one fur $3750; one fir $3454); one for $32i0. r bar five and six rooms. Small payment down, balance like rent. Why pay 1 rent f Se Louis Bechtel, Realtor. 341 State Street. 03ra2tf Nttcncu - that crx . UQS3 mmwm mr, S. REAL ESTATE 1 vgj REAL ESTATE 63 $4850 New modern suburban 1 7-rKim house,-big well built rooms. A acre ground. Down payment , - $650. V. " $0800 H. Summer Home, strictly mod ern F. frint, lot 5Q by ir0. &VU arranged inside, lota of built in , features. Down payment $850. Money to loan A Special Proposition. LANE MORLEY AND CO. 413 First Xafl Bank Bldj. Tel.' 757. U3m27lf $3600 NEW. FOUR ROOMS. BREAK fast . nook, bath, fall eoncret . base '. ment, fireplace, furnace, gsrag. wired for electric rang, oak floor ia front - room, donble ' const rurted and - well built. This nous , jut rA) iwi occIjc. tosrrt.14 . k ash dnri a will put tu: ah tor- $36M Soi'M- cash, balance terma. Owner Tel. 8538 R. 6Sssyl3tf FOR SALE CORNER LOT OAKS AD dition, $1250. Box Jl. Statesman 63jl BRING YOUR FRIENDS AND ENJOY yourself in the marvel ius woods of Kingwood Heights. New addition now pen. P chic ust'i- over there nd you will lore it. Scenic vieV, old big trees on every side.. High p 'Wer electricity and city water. Properly restricted. Come and see us for tletails. Kingarood Ueaity Co.. 1.231 Front St., West Sa lem. - R3m2!tf WORTH INVESTIGATING All mot! era 6 room bungalow Sum mer St., $5000 easy terms. Small grocery and eonfcf Sonery fix tures, long lease. Snap $600. Good corner lot, E. aaiotu, 43O0. , Go.d li room home, i lots, fruit, gs rage, $3000. easy terms. .Best farm buy in Marion Co., 3 aew tni-dt-rn t.ungalows for rauch. 5-room stucco bungalow and garsge, $3200, easy terms. 2(1. suburban, good bldgs., fruit, berries, fine soil, toooO. tortus PERRINE ft MARSTERS 212 Commercial Club Bldg. 69m2Stf 5 ACRES ALL IN CULTIVATION. MOD ern room bungalow, city water nd electricity, good barn, 2 larg chicken h -uses and garage. A-No.-l chicken ranch. 1 1 '4 acres of land, good 5-room plast ered house, barn and chicken houses. North of Salem, all for $1700.00. Small payment down, balance easy terms. 1200-acre ranch West of Salem, will traCe, for small ranch. ' -: 4r0at- e dairy fafm, fine buildings, stocked id' equipped. Will trade for income ; ty. Garag- .-. all machinery and equipment . trade for Dallas resi dence. . Garsge, filling station,' auto camp, 6 room house and 3Vs acres, of land, close to. Salem on highway. Will trade for ranch to value. General mereha-ndise store, stock, fix tures and lease in North Salem, doing a good business. - - New and modern G-roora bungalow on paved street and bus line. $500.00 cash will handle, balance lik rent. 7 room modern bungalow and 2 lots. The show place of Newport overlooking both the bay aud ocean. - Will trade for Willamette acreage to ' $7500. We Jiave several good build tug lots in North Salem on paved street, smell puvment down, balance eesv terms. See GASKILL & EARLE, Realtors. 166 S. Liberty St. t, Tel. 2242. T 63m27tf CLOSE IX HOMES 6 ROOMS NORTH, 7 blocks from State: fuVnace, ' doniile garage. $4500. ti ROOMS -SOUTH, 9 blocks from State; basement, laondrv travs. $4750. ' TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street. -Ground FIo-r i)3may27tl FOR SALE OR RENT Dandy three-room tmngalow with ga rage, fireplace, modern plumbing, lo cated at-1.80 S. C tttage St. Price 2i.V): Rental $25 per month, sub ject to sale. W, II. GRABENHORST & CO. 13 1 S. Liberty St. I53m29 r-XV - 1C IC IC IC IC - 1C - IC-n IC JC C ONE CENT SALE IC IC IC tf' kVVith cyey. listing this week IC IC we will give an extra listing ' IC IC for ONE CENT. Two proper- IC IC ties listed for the price of one, IC IC plus ONE CENT. IC 1C IC IC REMEMBER WE CHARGE NO IC IC COMMISSION IC IC IC IC OWNERS CO-OPERATIVE IC IV SALES BUREAU IC IC . IC IC 310-11 12 First Nat l Bk Bldgl IC 1C 0tfm29 IC IC IC v-Ol - .t - OT - Oil- 01 : 31 31 - Ol- INSTALLMENT ACREAGE $500 down- and balance terms will handle 5 acres e!oe in, three room bouse, barn, well, running j wratert. Price $3500. $jOO down and balance terms will handle a fine improved acre tract in Salem Heights, 6 room honse, basement. furnace, fireplace. Price $3200. $l50diwn and balance terms will handle three-room house and large lot, all in bearing cherries. Price . $200. $ 50 down and balance $10 per month bnys 1 acre all in. bearing cher ries. Price $650. , ' $ 25 down and balance $10 per month bnys 5 acres on the Garden road. Price $1500. $ 10 down and balance $10 per month buys 10 acres of fine fruit soil, all cultivated. Price $125Q. $100 oown and balance $20 per month buys 20 acres, small shack, well. Price $2500. $200 down buys 7V4 acre tract, old house and barn, aome fruit, some fine timber, located south, close in. Price $32O0. int. 6 per cent. $100 down and balance terms buys 5 acres close in. Sme fin tira" ber. Price $250 per acre. If it is a small installment acresge. tliat you are looking for. see W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. Realtors. 134 S. Liberty St. . ,63m28tf LOT BARGAIN ' 7 Corner with both streets paved, lo cated onV Fairmount 'Hill east front. Price for quick sale $1350. W. H. GRABENHORST ftCO. 134 S. Liberty St. 63jl FOR SALE OR TRADE . $55i0 home in Eugene for Salem.' $1100 home, Seattle for ,Salem. $tOOO borne in Sulwn for .tract. 40ra. farm. 30 n-iie from Eugene, near the MrKcnzie river. Price $1200. Pay difference for a b tine in Salem. Brand new raoilc rn bungalow. 6-r., fire p la 1-0. basement. Ideal location. Price 8 430U. Trade equity for old bouse. 50-B. farm near Dallas, $50O0. take a horn.; in B;olu up to $2500. Many other traces. List your property with l-ouis. li.fcl.tcl. Realtor, 341 SUtc Stroet.. 63m29tf tTREArA , AT A" P0MT THE cuff ts less . . -STEEP. TWE - i a aa4pa,t IE t " ,-- ryANASEo Q .VT OwTo'THE BANK - ssst. HE: yxxt ..TV.lKlt ' : --3-nT.iX -! TIT J ,. , . . J- ,.V' - j . ' ... rrk -V-Xv aj- t vwi-ii. r'Y I sr VF. 63 SNAP , . Vacant corner close to State Hoose, lOOxllOfeet, $3500, for a few days only.. W. H. GlrtBENHORST ft CO. 134 S. Liberty St. ,i 3j"l FOR. SALE OOOD PLASTERED house, basement, fireplace, six rooms and bath. 3 big lots covered, with large rherry, nut and apple trees, roses and shrubbery, .garage, poultry house, $3800. Same hease wttB two lota $3509. Owner 819 Rural avenue, ; . Some-- terms. ":" DON'T BUY A 'HOME UNTIL YOU fE what I have -t. of ter . Co'nplie, up to-tiie-miuktes. suburban home. ' At a price tbat should' interest anyone. For in formation rail at Milker's Auto I'sirt!. stor. 1(J4 . Com'I. C. A. Elliott, mil west tveixer school. . i3ja- BAKGA1XS f. UVEW HOMES . $3750 New 5 -room, home with east front and paved xtrtet. lse n.enl, lurnace and lireplace, MUST 'BE SEEN TO BE AP PRKCIATED. $350 down, bal ance easy lerms. $4150 New' li-room hotrt with east front, paved street, modern in . every way. $4.U d wi, balance easy terms per mouth. $1500 New five-room home just com pleted. $250 down, balance -$2W per .tooth plus Jnt. at 6 per cent. . W. fL (JlttBRSIlonST ft CO. 134 liberty St: 03jl II Lit EN E RESIDEXCI-U.LOCATKD SEAR c.niipuk, suilab.e to let rooms at" go 'd inreine, to trade for Salem residence. Address J. K. Moore. Eugene. 0om29- FOR SALE' '--. Busiovss building locate close in on N. Liberty Ft. Price $42.00i. An, investment worth wane, s 1, s a J ONCE. W. fi. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 S. LiUeity St. C3jl ' LOOK -XT THESE 7-room. plasterfejl house. complete oain r ora, iruii, j garage, ( woonsuea, 1 800.1.10, "-room hirase, .large lot, pleasant lo tat'on on Mission street, $lC00.tl0'. Suitable terms on each. PAYNE with BOHRNSTEDT 147 N. Com'l St., Sa em. Oregon. u.ii'3i FOR SALE . BUILDING LOTS $90O Buys two fine building lots loest ed on Market St. pavement in and p.Vd. o down, balance $20 per month, $300 . ie t t near the new linen mill, $16 down, balance $10 per month. $150 Lot 50x137 in Kay's Second Ad dition, $10 down, balance $10 per month. $500 Lots on Rural Ave. near S. Com'l St. 50x2O0 feet, $25 down, balance 4)1X per month! $500 Ltt 50x:00 feet located on Fair mount Hill $25 down, balance $10" per month. W H GRABENHORST & CO. 134 S. Liberty St. 63jl A BIG CHANCE FOR YOTJ IP YOU know anything about building, you will buy. $3200. This attractise pr.ee tor six-room English style stucco house. Corner lot 50x100, side walk, all as sessment paid, $200 d'wn. $H0 per month. Come and we will show you. King wood Realty Co., 1231 Front" St. West Salem. 63m29tf WE II AVE SOME GOOD BARGAINS IN lots, city water, electricity, sewer, side walk, close in. We have some money to finance entire cost of your building. Kingwootl Realty Co, 1231 Front St., W. Salem. 63m29tf SPECIAL BARGAIN IX 6 ROO.M HOME, well located on Siuth Liberty street. Lot 75x162,' east - front, on paved street. Price $3800. Reasonable terms. - W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 131 S. Liberty. 63m29 CHOICE CREEK LOT LarSc frontage, pared street, side walk, all in and pwid. Shade trees. A r.-al snap, price $1500 for a few days olllv. 1 SEE LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street. Tel. 1727. $ 750 $100 down. 4 rooms, garage. $1200 $30O cash, 4 rooms, lot 80x100, garage. $1800 $100 down, 4 rooms, lot 50x 130, take car as part pay ment. $2500 $200 cash, $25 and interest monthly, 5 rooms and bath, large lot, nice oak shade, close to school and bus. $3000, Terms, 4 rooms, nook and bath, hardwood floors, lot 0x130, pavproent, garage. $3200 $600 down, $28 including in terest monthly, NEW, . 4-rom and bath, garage, Maple shade. $1000 $500 down, 5 rooms and bath, NEW and strictly modern, double garage, good location. . Fine buv. SOCOLOFSKY ft SOX First Nat'l Bank Bldg. G3m28tf PRIVATE MONEY WANTED TO LOAN on real stt. TRIANGLE REALTY, 42 Court. 63m.y7tf REAL ESTATE TRADE 63 GOOD HOME FOR 8.MA1.L MODERN, So. Calif. 1145 Statesman. 65j3 FOR TRADE BY OWNER. 6 ROOM house. Close in, Salem, to trade for farm. Price $4000. Address Hattie Davia, Ha I say, Oregon. 65m31 EXCHANGES 3 acres with 3 room bouse snd barn, somo fruit, close in on highway south! " Will exchange for house iu Sa lem. Fine large home with 14 lots, good location ou., paved street, will exchange for farm. 25 acres with good buildings, has C acres of fruit "and berries, near Salem oti paved road. Will exchange for house in town. 3- acres with small honse, close ' in ' on paved road, will trade f T bouse in lown and pay difference. Ford truck almost new, - will trade for lot. GEO. THOM.ASOX. 320 State St. With Leo N. Ciuida Co., Realtors. 65m29lf REAL ESTATE Farms 07 HEAR FROM OWN Eli RANCH FOR sale) state cash price, particulars. D. F. Unsh, Minnespolis, Minn. 67UI29 DO YOU KNOW YOU CAN BUY 240 acres (n Marlon county with small barn nd house for $1750. JfcM the place to start a stocs ranch. Ila lots of sec ond growth fir and. son- alder. Can drive to it in a rwr. It won't be long now. Address Hugh Magee, car States man. 6m29 Akd.Tow. SEEN( HIS PAL DiSTAkjCE CALLS lOUDLV To HIM AGAH MrrH The MASTEFS HE LOVES REAL. ESTATE DEAR OL'J 1 C8 TAXIDERMIST SHOP X.-.X.' WIO rins. Prn- 1145 Norway. Nar Woodrys Aaettoa Market. To. S:l W REAL ESTATE Suburb a C9 NEW HOUSE JCST-COMPLETED POR aal oa torma like -rnt, denbl onn traction, fully plumbed, bwtri lis ' sure, etc., 4 tooni t and -breakfast Book, garag. ote.; On half . aery at i finest garden Und. Prie $8100., Carl Abram. I4i Chmku -Bt. TI. IB9A-J - . - "tfiatf TRANSFER UAULNO 70 E MOVE. STOKE AND Stllr HOD8E bold goods. Our specialty ptaoo and farmture moving We also make eoua - try trips.- -.W haitdl- tb -beat-coal s4 wood' Oflt- w us for priees , W iv good o.easur. gothl quality and good service, armr Traitafet loi -mu TRANSFER JtND'HiCLINfT t)F ILt kinds TeL 72F8. . ' - . ": : .. tALfcM I .JOEL" fO. i Local and lng. Dfstanc Hauling. 8toraga and Fuat - 899 S. High. . Tl. 628. - i 7w$0tf i 1 - , - - - CAPITAL CITY TBVtNSPRIt; VO, t2 Stat St. Tl. 93S. DiatribntiBg, for; warding and storsg vr peiUy. Gel nnt rates . . . . V ... . - " . ' WELL DRILLIXG . 72 IC- A. WEST." RT -BilX - rfiy A TEL; I10F5, 8 mile sst Of Garden Raad. IVATKR 74 SALEM WATER. LIGHT POWER COl Office a OA South Commercial tit. Tea par cent diaeuuat on doiuestie flat ralo i m4mmm STrt AAlt UlB 4ap b senee or any causa unless water is shut offotrr-prtm; TltAVKU. 78 'TRAVEL 8afe!y, Bwiftl) .and Couifortsbl- ta , bu.es of tbl.rl4h- Stage Line STACKS LEAVE FOR Silverton 1 oi.,.l . m. ft. pu.as,,, Mt. Angel 11 . m., 6 p. m. . Dallas T a. m.i a a. m., 1 :16 . bk Falls Oty 7 a. tn S:10 p. m ;I5 p. m - --.-i- . Independence 7 0. a 9 a, Mils a. m, 8:10 p. m 5:15 p. m Sua ' day aaly 8:10 p. m. Monuioutb 7 a. ta.. 11:15 a .. . 10 p. m., 6:15 p. m. 3nnda only 7:10 p. M, $ 50 p. m: McMinnville 8:80 . m.. 2:10 p. ou. 6: I S v. m. Newberg O.30 a. 1:10 p. aa 6:15 p. ta. Tillamook :HO a. m., 8:10 p. m. Call 222 or 696 for Information. -d2Stf AUTOS WANTED 77 CASH PAID FOR FORDS E1KER AUTO ' , 77iNlt USED CARS FOR SALE ?fe MARMON- CHANDLER Attention Berry; Pickers If you are in need f food trtns portation to and from" yodr vor," aet us at one as we bate some real .bar gains in used cars. Terms to suit you: Buiek Tourings. Overland Touring. Dodge Tourings. Cleveland Tourings. Hudson Touring. Hupraobile Touring. tiray Tourine. Dort Tourine. Moon Touring. $50.00 nd tip. ' Three light used trucks Just tin truck to haul th berries. MacDonald Auto Co. Cottsge ft Ferry Sts. Tel. 400. Salem, Oregon.. MAKMON DEALER C1IAVDLEI 79raStl Here Are cV Bargains ln Used' Transportation 1922 Ford Touring, .motor O. K. new top snd paint ,,..$185 1924 Ford Coupe, balloon tires, inside like new ..$350 1925 Star Touring, .new tires, paint, runs g od ,.$285 1917 Chslmers, 7-pasR, Touring, . rebored, new pistons, pins, rings, bearing taken up. valves ground, two spare tires r... $165 1925 Chevrolet Touring, new Dueo, valves ground, bearing taken up, one new tire, fonr others g od i..: $350 1921 Studebsker Light Six Tour ing, a car that has had the best of care aud in very best -of condition, now $375 1923 Studebaker Special Tooring,', , good paint, 95 percent tires, many extras .....$G73 192 4 Willys-Knight Sedan. new Duet, balloon tires, bumpers, spot, swipe ..,.- ,.$900 ,t . Convenient Terms at Lowest Rates. We Now Have Erskjnes for Delivery. Marion Auto Co. . . - '.-v.'. - - .- " Studebaker -and F.rskine Six Dealer for Salem11 and Marion County. . i . . - - . -'.-J--V ' - i Ask for R. 1. Gibbina, Csed Car Dept. 235 South Cjm't St. Telephone 362. USED CAR LOT NEXT TO FIRE STATION ON CHEMEKETA LOT .-PMONE 2.17. 1 79j2. "DEPENDABLE 0SED CARS j 192Q CheVroiet Coup, looks like J new, .lots of extras, snappy . motor - $550 1 nria ,'i. i. 1 : . l -. - oh it. Almost' as go-id as a new car . .. .$450 1925 Chevrolet Tearing, complete ly overhanleil . ,..u-.- $365 19:3 Chevrolet,,. Coupe, oversis tire $2011 121 Ford Coup ;...... , ,.$125 19,23 Ford Coupe, high bark ...$2.ti 1918'Ford Touring, -new rubber..$ 35 KB WTO N CHEVROLET CO. Across From, the City Hall.. 79ui25t ByEdWUUn 'pivrruFjcr. Vci rov- mm x An j FArtS.COMEf THEtM3GEST TFaiLLcPaH ijjTcU THIS TAXIDERMIST -v. 5 1 mJo USED CARS FOR SALE 7t " 'Better .., Automobile Values ; BuiclCoupe 'iliiu . - - i- : 1926 model, fine finish, good tirs, equipment. - ' " - . Boirk Roadter( late : model Chevro let, late model Hudson i Sedan. 5 extra tires. ' " ( . ; Fords. s- Ford Cars, g'od values. Make yeui e'etion now. - Spend id -. a.tomobilr values. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 3C5 North CVomercial Street. , . Phone 1260 . 'After '.We Sell We Serve ?'Jat2Mf Ju$t Scratch Out DeprecliStion fc . . ,'' v - - - ' 1 ' I "- . : -.- ;-.--- t . i. When yon buy one- f the' fine sef cars on -our lot you cut out the biggest factor in operating cost right at th' start. You save the depreeiatioa the first owner pid. . 1 ..... , 1034 Coupe, new -pain 42J ' 1924 Brown I. que red Touring ' best pnlliug ear on our lot, $96 wort of repairs on this. ' " 7 ruaraateed m set in. CI1 -tor No. 6T8 j...-t ....t.......$2l5 . 19;4 As Is Touring-, eall for No. 3 - H5 .i ...4.;.... .. : $163 1923 Touring With ...now. .Holly . Nap'viaor, quirk Chang bands,' tpeelal Ignition, llss sler -shocks, outside brakes, rati for No. 753 : $140 1922 Chevrolet" Delivery, just -the . thing .for - your brrie.-r 31x4 straight side tire in ' rear,. Will handle 1500 ' lb. load nicely. .'- Val ley"yidt6 r" Co: Salem, dreg. 79m27tl PACKARD-. --Of.DO M"BII.E ' Two Th Best , . . x- .. i i.- -, Packard 7-pengsr Sedan, due paint. A-I ah an ,i-- .- f ts Oakland sedan, las model -...$7.'4 ' . Jewett touring, tat modal .....$37l Ford coup, tat tnddsl '.... . $354 ' Erl sdan, new paint, good ondi- . tion .... ,.4...w i. 1..8354 Ford sed.ni a bargain iiu. ? $123 Dodge touring, a bargain $121 8-4 ton Repuhlle truck pneumatie tlrett and lrtr . ;.826 - t W , hav only lifted a few of om used ear shove if you-sr interested " in a good ased r com In and- look our stock ver befer you buy. . Capitol Mo to rs Inc. "850 N. Hick St. .Tel. 2125 ' ' Biddy Bishop. .... - AL Rousseaa. Two of The Best PACKARD OLD8MORU.lt. aprttf Esperanto Advocated -u . i for Schools' Curricula BERLIN (A.P. ) An effort to induce ttie Ministry of Education to 'include Eftperanto in the Ger man public school curricula is be ing made by the Esperanto Fed- era tion. ' ' ' -Esperanto Is now taught in sev eral private colleges of commerce. , The Federation believes the lan guage is of sufficient world im portance to warrant its teaching in high schools and universities. At a recent conference of t,he-, Federation in Cologne the pr'acfti- ' eal advantages-of the1 world lan guage, were demonstrated by the ' fact that representatives from " 2') nations including Japan and China 1 were able to understand each other by speeches delivered In Es peranto. . . v " NOTICE OP SALE OF REAL : - ESTATE : . Notica is hereby given that th anderslgned will receive - sealed bids up to 2 o'clock p. m. Thurs day, June. 2, 1927, at his office in the Capitol building for. the sal of a tract of land adjoining Centci street on the south and bounded by 21st and 24th streets. Salem. Oregon, 'containing approximately 13.72 acres, jhj dr Or less. Said property now ow-flea by the State of Oregon. . . - j The terms of the ttale are cash upon completion of the transfer, and all bids must be accompanied by a certified Chock. . payable la Carle Abram 8, secretary Oregon State, Board of Control. In the amount- of 21.000.00 as evidence of good faith and guarantee of performance by the bidder. The right U reserved to reject any or 1 blds.v -: . . The legal .description of this property may b. secured ncd the plat or same inspected at the office of the undersigned.' CAR.LE AnRAMS. Secretary, Oregoa State Hoard of Control. . - H; ro l.-lB 22-2 : " ' N'HJr ror-llkls SeaJed IVopoaH will'be received at the orficb of E. M.! Smith, Bul- nass - Maaager, ufcllng for - the ' Board of. Iteg?nts of the Statu Agricultural College,- Corvallii. Oregon,, until 2:3 u -.u-'Hork P. M.. luBt? 8. 1987, Tor be gi-ncral work, plumbing, heating and ventilating Fyetem. .wiring and elevators of the new Physics building; the new Poultry building and general work ot Grcunlwahe -:crvicQ . building and - foundatlans.- and - walls .f CrettabgiiHo-s, lo be ererlcl on th? College Capi pus, (N.rvallis. Oreguii.' Bids will beryprrird at mctin? of tho Board ot.Bents In Int hell n the -imilstralh, bulidins at 2t30 P. M. the'samfs day.' ! Tlatm and Spociflratlons nv-ny n. Obtained MV the bit icp of the Anhi tects, Beunes andj Iterzog. 1 o 4 o Chamber of Comnirco buildias, Portland, Oregon, and at tlm off It of E. M. SmitbwJCusfn1"? Manrr'T of. the -Col lege, Corvallio, Ore;: - 1 ll s If ii . :OI 1 n 134 SJ. Libert t?Uet. . . ei;U