TTTE OREGON-STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON - - r v 1' ' '-...":' - Pill , New First National Bank Building Directory BASEMENT TV. T.jito fthinlna- Parlor rUnerta for Ladle and Gentlemen. ENTRANCE Teds Cigar Stand Ted Irwin. Proprietor second floor Coffey' Photo Service TeL 708. Orer tts Spa THIRD FLOOR Morn Optical Co., 301-302-303 Dr. Hoary E. Morris, Optometrist Telephone 239 C. F. Gillette Salt SIC Lawyer Telophooo 1064 Socnlofsky Son. Tel. 970 ..304-306 Real Estate, Loans, Insurance FCXJRTH FLOOR Dr. O'Neill it Burden. Optometrists Phoce 626 401-402-405-404-405 Gaardian Building Loan Association G. Rayford Ely 413 Telephone 75 I - Willard H. Wirta and Pan! T. Bttiria Attorney!. 410 411-413 Tel, 186 Lane Morley. 413. TsL 767; Bas." 1915-W Real Estate Loans Insurance SIXTH TXOOB Geo. B. Vebrs, M. D., Physician It surgeon Suite 60S. Tel. 2378-2379; Res. 77 Robin D. Day and Donald W. Mil! Attorney at Law Telephone 193. 610 8U-12 B. r. Smith. Hew Terk Life Room 613. Telephone EIGHTH FLOOR . f Dr. C. Ward Davis, Gensiel Dentistry ? .Telephone Bit. Open Evenings. Room SOS J Dr. H. B. Scofield l SOS J! Chiropractor, Nenrocalometer Service I. N. ganders, M. D., Physician ft laxgeon Snite 810. Telephone 665: Bee. 234$ NINTH FLOOR Dr.,H. M. Brown, Eye, Ear, Nose ft Throat Specialist. Salt 901 TENTH FLOOR Dr. W. A. Johnson. Dentist Telephone 1285 1001 Chaimar Lee George, D. D. ft. General Dentistry B. M. Grirfin, D. D. S., Orthodontia Telephone 181. luito 1002-100; T UNION ROSTER t o o "N CARRIERS AND BUILDING LA m Trr1 I -oca I No. 441, meets WeL, I S. m. Call 179 for men. i'APITOl, TYPOGRAPHICAL UNIOS No 210 President, G. F. Evans; see reUry. M. 1. Pilkeatoa. Meets see on. I Saturday, 8 p. an. CARPENTERS UNION NO. 1065 Meet. Thura. evening. Herbert Halt pretideat; Wm. Psttit, secretary Skilled mechanics furnished. Tel. 179 BAT. KM UNION LABEL LEAGUE Meet, at Labor Hall on call of presi dent. F. W. Seara, secretary Bo: 443. Sslem. Ore. 9 o o KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEETS AT MrCornaek Hall, over Miller's store. every Saturday evening. F. J. Toosa, C. C; H. EL Burke, K. of R. 8. Tel. i:u: XV. REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY BECKE ft HEXDRICKS 1H N. High. Tel. 169. LEE W. BELL 5oa Bank of Commerce Bldg. Tel. 484 KOHRN8TEDT ft PAYNE ft i 1T N. Commercial. Telephone 577 P. W. GEI8ER 441 Court. Telephone 2312 W. G. KRCEGER 117 X. Com'l. Rm.-l. Tel. 217 JOHN W. ORB New Bligh Bldg. Tel. 2485 GERTRUDE 3. V. PAGE 4'Ji X. Cottage. Tel. 1186' TRIANGLE BEALTT CO. 4U1 Curt St. Tel. 651 ULRICH ft ROBERTS 19 X. Commercial. . Tel. 1854 VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor in x. Com'l. Tel. 677 SQUARE TF.AT. HSJAT.TW 1 K. X.t'l Bink Hlrt Tl dIO AUCTIONEERS F. N. Woodry . 1 1 rra. 8.1em's leading anetionaw "'I furniture dealer. Res. sad Store I' -i" N. Summer. Tel. 511. NO KICK ON VI SERVICE" 2ar22U 2 S . F. Woodry & Son l:-cHt down town. Cash paid for ved furniture, Store 271 N. Com'L A rente for Lanr Rf AUTO TOPS BfcK VH ra TOP AND PAINT WORK - ' J. Hull Auto Top and Paint Shop. tiH7 K. Cnmmereial. ' SalBtf juTTKitY EicrrraciAN 6 It. I BARTON EX IDE BATTERIES -r'lrlr and nunlar work- .202 1th Hirt. C Will i TeL 198 HIGH AND CENTER JKn WILLIAMS: Ft.KENEK. ELECTRIC- - CO.: BOOB vrirmg hy htntr er eentrsrfSL f.irni.h4 Tel. 88Q- 47t flwwrt Bt. nitnrci.Ks a retahno u HjOTT1 K. RAMKrr.N-mLtTURIA B -' " tviwt.rinc SIT rimei HELP WANTED STRAWBERRY PICKERS, MARSHALL end F.tterhrr. IH mile N. W. Larywli. W. W. Bandera. Laromb. HEJ.P WAXTED Male 11 APPRENTICE WANTED HULL'S TOP shop. 269 S. Com'l. - llmayStf WANTED A LIVE NEWSPAPER SUB ecription canvasser. ' Call Circulation Manager, Statesman office. tlmlltf MALE HELP WANTED SALESMAN wanted for Lane. Benton, Polk and Marion counties, to sell popular lino of automobiles. Very liberal term op demonstrator. Must be aggressive, in terviews confidential. Address by let ter. B. L. Down, care Statesman Pub. Co. 11 may 2 8 EXPERIENCED WOODCUTTERS TO cut and peel 150 or more cords whit fir wood for Paper Co. 92.50 per cord for gd. wood. 7 miles north, west aide of river. House .furnished, t. G. Mc Linen. !!n27 CHIROPRACTORS lft OB. H. B. SCOEEIELD, P. 8. C 80f First National Bank Bldg., OK. O. L. SCOTT, PSC CHIROPRACTOR l N. High. Tel. 828-R or 8T. FLORISTS 14 CUT FLOWERS. WEDOINO BOUQUETS Funeral wreathe, deeorationa, C. P Breithanpt, florist. 612 State St Tel. 380. MAGAZINES Farm Papers 17 IF TOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper send five 2 cent stamps to tha Paeifie Homestead, Salem, Oregon, for three months' trial subscription Mention thia ad. POULTRYMEN "feEND EjGHT TWO cent stamps for special three- months' trial for the best and oldest Journa1 in the west. The articles sad sdver tisementa are of special interest to the poultry breeders of the Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 8. Com merrial St., 8alem, Ore. IXSURAXCK 18 'OR SALE FIR8T AND SECOND Mrt ragea. Trust Deeda, Contracts ob bouses Will net 6 to 30 per cent. BECKE ft HENDRICKS Heihg Bldg.. 189 N. High St. Jl-tf fARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONE) to loan on good farm seenrity. CITY LOANS We are loaning- Pru dentiaJ Inanranee Company money oi city reaidance and business proper t .' at 5a per cent, plus a commission Hawkina ft Roberts. Inc., 205 Oregoi Building. r dl4t Insure Your home or ear now. Phone 161 BECKE ft HENDRICKS Hellig Bldg.. 189 N. High St. il tt WANTED Employment 19 EXPERIENCED V. S. ARMY TRUCK drivr 1090 Highland Ave. 19m27 FOR GARDEN PLOWING. BA8EMEN7 digging and team work. TeL 72F2. 19ml4tf FOR RENT SI FOR RENT NEW MODERN GARAGE and service station, go d loi-alion. Ap plicants mut lie relialle. Room ::u.i First Xat'l Bunk. 21m27tf STORE ROOM FOR RENT 260 FERRY atreet, betweeai Front and Commercial formerly occupied by Withers ft Neal $20 a month. Inquire at Statesman office. 21apr28tf FOR RENT Apartments 23 APARTMENTS. irsrSJi STATE ST. 23)1 4 ROOM FRONT APARTMENT UN furnished, June 1st, 378 State St. 23m29 FOR RENT Rooms 25 TWO ROOMS AND KITCHENETTE. lose in $20. 555 Marion 25juel SLEEPING ROOMS FOR LADIES. TEL. Z4;-M. 25m31 ttOOMS WITH BOARD AT THE ALEX ander. TeL ' 1539; 1030 Chemeketa. 25apr21tf rtOOM FUR RENT IN MODERN HOME near Capitol Building. ' Gentleman only. Telephone 194-J or call 1465 Chemeketa. 25aprl7tf FOR RENT Houses 27 FOR RENT 3 ROOM HOUSE. SEMI uiodern, good location, $13 per month, water and light furnished. FOR RENT 6 or 7-rooin semi-mod ern house, good location, $20 per mo. FOR RENT 5-room modern hoiike with a gas range, three blocka from State St. on So. High, $35 per month. NOTE These nouses are not on the market. LANE MORLEY AND CO. 413 First Nat'l Bank. Tel. 757. FIVE-ROOM MODERN HOUSE; COX venient to S. P. Bua line. 1178 N Commercial. 27m28 BUNGALOW IN PALMER WORT Ulrieh ft Roberta. TeL 1354. 27apr23tf LAUNDRIES 82 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The Laundry of Pore Material!.' Telehone 165. 1264 Broadway. FRY THE HOME WET WASH LADN -dry. TeL 171, 1356 B Street. J17tf THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WE1DER LAUNDRY Telehone 25. 263 S, High. TAILORS S4 D. H. MOSHER TAILOR) FOB MEN and women 474 flnnH At 1 1 WANTED Miscellaneous 85 FURNITURE PACKING FOB SH1P menta. Gieae-Powera Furniture Co. 35apr20tf WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOR farm loana. We have several applica tioaa oa hand. Hawkiae ft Robert., Ine. 80S Oregon Bldg 5dl4tf AIATTRESSES 80 MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capital City Bedding Co.. 1190 North CapitoL Called for and delivered. All work guaranteed. Tel. 19. fl9tt FOR SALE 87 50 WHITE LEGHORN LAYING HENS. WV E. Thowpsuu, Kt. , Box 8. Sa lem. ' 37ui2 MINUTE MOVIES )mxs or THE LAW. trttoK 37 DyN AMITE" HDN0U)TME EBL V i U-X urnn uivs SIt)FfeD VT OOIM' .He LI- EE ' r ... 16 UATCM "tHE BDGE cwEptA"m rmR Ei0D UP, STArSTy ;' a . BBS aAnjaiM ax-V K . AS HE r S 37 CLOVER HAY RT. 9. BOX 101, SA lem. ' S7m2S SEED POTATOES CALL BETWEEN 12 and 4 p., m. 1005 Broadway. 37jnel BLACK DIRT FOR BALE IN EITHER North or South Salem. Bsaaonablo. Tel. 72 F2. $7dl2tf LARGE HYDRANGEA PLANTS, 25e. Azaleas bedding and box plants cheap. Mrs. Hall, end of S. 12th St. Box 26. 87may27 FOR 8AXJ2 Live Stock SO POX TERRIER PUTPIEsi BOTH sexes, nicely marked, purs bred, priced cheep to move quickly. Tel. 49F23 (Salem) or write Mrs. Frank Jones. Jefferson, Ora.. Rt. 1. 39mltf VETERINARIAN 80a FRED W. LANGE, VETERINARIAN Office 529 8. CommereiaL Tel. 1498. Rea. Tel. 1666. A89m23tf WOOD FOR SALE 48 DRY WOOD FOR SALE. TEL 142. 43may26 FOR DRY WOOD TEL. 1990. C. U. Ilaxltauxh, 1038 Highland. 43j26 it INCH OLD FIR, $4.25 PER LOAD. 16-inch green mill wood, $3 per load. 5 loada of green mill wood $14. Tel. 2313. 43mayStf lOOD DRY WOOD FOR YOU D. A. Larmer. TeL 930. 43arl6tf 16-INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH oak and ash. Tel. 72FS. M. D. May field. 43fl8tf GOOD COAL DRY WOOD, PROMPT DELIVERIES. HILLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855 Telepisae 529. 43a80tf BEST GRADE OF WOOD Dry wood, 4 ft. and 16-inch. Large loada are cheaper td bay. Mill wood ie our specialty. Prompt delivery and reasonable price. "FRED E. WELLS 280 8. Church. TeL 1542. 43d9tf MEDICAL 44 MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Tel. 517 W ; IOULTRY AND EGOS 45 FRIES FOR SUNDAY DINNER, WEIGH two pounds. Tel. 32F21 Lee's Hatch ery. 45m24tf CHICK, CHICK, CHICK "OUR ehicka live to make your liv ing." Open range, healthy stock; 5 breda. Social reduced prieea now 1 effect. t FLAKE 8 PETLAND 277 Stats. Salem, Ore. 45may4tf ELECTRIC BROODER FOR SALE Only one left. A new brooder of 250 chix capacity, well known make, never uocrated wilj be sold at a discount. Can be seen at the Statesman office. Ask for Mr. Stiffler. 45ml3tf BABY CHICKS AND CUSTOM HATCH ing. Expert help, most modern equip ment. Chicks for sale, all breeds, every Monday. Settings four days each week. Tel. 32F21. Lee's Hatch ery. 45fl0tf PRODUCE WE PAY CASH FOR POUL try, eggs, pork, ve.l and . hides. Wr carry feed and poultry supplies, here anl at Silverton. Withers ft Neal Pro duce Co.. 260 Ferry. Tel. 125. 45f8tf BRED TO LAY WHITE LEGHORN CHICKS vs. PEPPERMINT OIL We will salL'or trade 3 and 4 weeks old sturdy chicks for Peppermint oil. C'Miie and xee 15,000 chick, and you will pronounce them the best lot jou ever saw. OitEGON COKVALI.IS HATCHERY 70'. N. 11th St., Corvallit. 45mjl MUSIC STORES 4 GEO. O. WILL PIANO, PHONO grapbs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and sewing machines. 432 State atreet S.lem. NEWSPAPERS 47 1'iiE PORTLAND TELEGRAM. SALEM Agency. The Ace. Tel. 939. THE OREGON STATESMAN, 50 CENTS per month delivered to your homt early each morning. Tel. 23 or 583. PAPERHANGING . 50 PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE, decoratinc, paperhanging, tinting, etc. Reliable workmate. PAINTING 50A CHAS. BENNETT. PAINTING CON tractor, painting. Da per hanging, 2. S3 J. 187, West Miller. MISCELCAN EOUS 51 ALL TYPES CERTAINEEED 8HINOLE8 laid over old wood shingles or on new work. Highest quality made; prices range from $7.50 to $9. Cobbs-Mitehnll Co.. Lumber, 349 So. 12th St. Tel. 813 61apr20tf OUR CUSTOMERS ARE OUR BEST boosters because when we do yonr welding, 'tis done, not you. : Electric and acetylene welding, large and ems 11. C. D. Oppen, 695 Mill St. Tel. 372 and 2086 J. 51may6tf FOR SALEM SCAVENGER CALL 167. 61fl028 FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AND Re pairing. Giese-Powere Furniture Store. 51s20tf BUY USED MEN'S CLOTHING JEWEL-J n ww i r : i an. Exeheiice, 824 N. Com'l. Tel. 356. PACKING A SHIPPING CGC3 - FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING and ahipping, call Stiff's JPwaitura Btore. Tel. 941. f LOST AND FOUND 53 LOST ON MONDAY LAST. BETWEEN Coke Patton's and W. J Kigdon A Sonx. a blue mesh hand bag. Finder return to 755 Court street."; j 53iiv29 LOST A DIAMOND RING ON FERRY .treat between W, V. nyk lth Bt, $25 reward. Tel. 949 W. 63way29 4 ' Tom oxj Ml S WONDER VAORSr.TCWEsT, LEAVEsT FAR ' FOR SALE All-T THEM UtKO t . HAcytv u.i a severs UN e- -.- .-aw t' . i LOST AND FOUND ' 53 LOST LEATHER POUCH WITH PER aonal papers of no value except to' own er. Name on outside. Please return . to Virgil M. Stuliker, Marion Hoted. Reward. ; 53u29 PIANO TUNERS 54 THOMAS FAY. PIANO TUNER, NOW at the Portland Mosie Co., 355 N. High. Have your piano toned by on who baa had years of experience in tha work. 8a3tf EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano tuner. Itave orders Will's Mnsie Store. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY. CARDS. PAMPH lata, programs, books or any. kind of printing, rail at the Statesman Print inr Department. 215 8. Coaasaoreial Tel. 583. MONEY TO LOAN 57 FEDERAL FARM LOAN 54. P. L. Wood, 341 State St. 57m?tf P. H. BELL. 219 U. 8. BANK BLDO. Residence and business loans. TeL 60T or 2141-W. S7apr7tf CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rates. Beat terms obtainable. Our insurance department offers yon ex pert advise and service in all lines. HAWKINS ft ROBERTS (Inc.) Tel. 1427. 205 Oregon Bldg. 57fl0tf MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING AND on city property. B. S. Martin ft L. K. Martin, attorneys, 418 Orecon Building. Tel. 2084. C7ml0tf DISAPPEARING MORTOAGE8 We make loans on res idence property. Month ly psymenta. Reason able, ratea. No delay. - 8TATE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 703 Firat National Bank Building. 7j$ WANTED LOANS 50 WANTED Private money ( to loan on REAL ESTATE. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 8. Liberty St. 59026tf PLUMBING 0O PLUMBING AND REPAIRING M.EA nnable Estimates. A. L. Godfrey, 127 Union St. Tel. 495-W. 60fl6tf PI.t'MBINO AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber Broa., 154 S. Liberty. Tel. 550. 19tf RADIO 82 Radiolas For every purpose, for every purse All standatJ sises of Radio HALIK ft EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP 335 Court St Tel. 48 2anrl7tf REAL ESTATE 83 BARGAIN FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW, with sleeping porch, swell location, fruit and walnut treea, two lots, $5000 one lot $4 000. A real home. F. L Wood. 341 State St. 6Smayl3tf FOR SALE 10 ROOM HOUSE. RENT ed at $50 p;r ui'inth. ('lose in . .on Marion St. This i liiisineiin property, $55"'). SALKM REALTY CO.. -462 State St. E. N. Peetz and H. ' R. Br r,nt. 63in2Gtf WANTED I .OA N . One for .-Mnoo. ''e t r $'J0O. WTJ1 pa s.-vrii per cent Interest, on TOl real e-tiite .-, -ii r it y. ,W. II GRAB-KNHOUST &A"0. c i I :l 4 s. Liberty tt. r 63m29 FOR SALE NEW FOUR "ROOM Bungalow with basement and furnace, immediate possession. . $3000. New strictly modern six room English type binifi-, pnvement and bus line, good lo cation, ok floors, a .sap at $4000. Ten acres, river bottom land, 5 acres straw berries, another snap, $5000. f. L. WOOD GEO. V. PEED 341 State St. 63-may-20-tf SUBURBAN HOME One acre planted to young filbert and walnutx: lias six-room bungalow with fireplace, (ink flo irs, basement, plumbing. electric liirhts. Price $34(10 as it stands, easy terms. Lo "aled three Mneks (rum bus line, one block from paved hitfhwav. W. II. GRABENHORST t CO. l;: S. Liherty St. C3in9 SNAP Two beautiful lots. pnving paid. Rome fruit trees. Price $600, terms. See Louis Bechtef, Rea. tor. Sole agent. ;U1 State street. Tel. 303, shown by appointment only. 63m24tf GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST We have over 8000 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property, every price, every location. We can match yonr exchange EXACTLY. If you would like to trade yonr property TODAY, come in TODAY. Boo OA SKILL ft EAALE, Realtors. 166 8. Liberty. - - ' Tsl. 2242. ,63ajrl5tf WEEK ESEi -rtrpECIALS Onpjirtnore cut in wrme fiue new mod ern "liases." " (i-jwtat. formerly $5500, take it for $47 formerly $4700, take it for for formerly $4500, take it fVOT QU j ihTi it y.At t to $ 1TE SO NEW X , home in splendid com- j000. '"J 'Hvt,iur 4000. -' Vt & mean hiiKinfSM n th. humps Viinit A F . vnili. ... . . 1 1 . . . . I. ... ... et a I t:e affiled ea.h. giOXD with JOS. BARBER 0 tiiay li'.dz. 125 N. Liberty. 63m27tf EXCHANGE acre fruit ranch. well kept and wilt" bring Kjueit income tlu cki. TiTHhJa property ia nearly all in bear ing fruit, located in east. Price f $5150. Owner will exchange for 60 to HO acre dairy ranch on Howell Prairie and will assmne. j W. U. (JHABKX1IOUST ft CO. 131 OS., liberty- St. 03ui2'J - ".i .: ,. :' W '.AS! , ( COML ON, OL' PAL , NtfEftE. OONrMAi v - -tT'vn cir-T that B lOh I ' otrvt. AS worse : feJHt X Riders REACW THE AJD START S ACROSS ' s. 9 I 83 FOR BALK NEW 5 ROOM BUNOA law $2600. $50 sawn, kalaaea like rent. TeL 520. 3aprl5tf VISIT KING WOOD PARK ONLY ONE mil from State and Commercial streets, west aide highway, sad sea sm the fine new homes being built tbera. The English style stucco on a beauti ful corner of Kiagwood avenue, large tres, fine walks, six rooms, $3200, easy terms. Kingwod Realty Co-, owner. 63may22tf BEFORE SELECTING YOUR IDEAL bomonite, visit King-wood Heizhta. A niowl unique, hiehly restricted addi tion. Large yites, graveled streets, city water, electricity, marvelous view, beautiful targe tree and hrulis. Close in". See Kinewood Realty Co., 12:!1 Front 'St.. Kinw -od Park. 6 3 may J2 ft NORTH SUMMER HOME FOR SALE. 5-room modern, breakfast nook,- special bedroom that can be converted into a Kleepinjr porch. A beautiful lot front ins east and a brand new house. Real value in this property. Easy terms. Money to Loan A Special Proposition. Come and see us. ' , , LANE MORLEY AND CO. 413 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tel. 757. FOR BEST BARGAIN'S AND TERMS IN SALKM HOMES, VACANT LOTS SUBURBAN ACREAUE BOME8 DAIRY FARMS, AT FAIR VALCF PRICES FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE, SEE US: WE HAVE AN F.XTFNSIVF LIST OF DESIRABLE PROPERTIES of the various kinds' and make a spa rtaiiy of matching np exchange deals satisfactorily and will be glad to re ceive yonr offering, for aale and ex change and assure you of our beat ei forts in meeting vour wants. See WELLS TALLMAN ft SON 216 Masonic Temple., Tel. 618. ' 63mayl8tf GOOD VALUES $0250 New 4 rooms and nook, base ment, furnace, fireplace, recess bath tub, hardwood floor, ga rage and paving paid, $200 down. $4750 5-rom buncalow, modern lot 50x150 in good residence dis trict. Will trade for smaller house. Lots in all part, of the eity from $175 up. S1000 $1COO 1500 and $2000 t" loau on r'tr property. " '.VIX JOHNSON 320 U. K ,nk Bldg. Tel. 637. 63may22tt So IK DAIRY FARM 5 1 One of i!ie best tn the valley, 8 miles from Salem, H. acres cultivated with balance good pasture, running wa ter, good farm bouse, electric lights, hot and eld water, bath and toilet, 2 good barns, 2 silos, milk bouse and poultry house. Thja farm will keep a large herd af rows. Price only $8000. go-d terms or will take Salem home or small ncrence as part. See LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State St. f Phone 1727 63ra2Gtf LOTS $ 200 For a . lot 50x150; $25 down, balance monthly. $ ::00 For a lot in S. Salem, fine view. Terms, if 400 A lot in N. Salem, 60x214 Term. $ 5O0 Fine lot on Haiol Ave., $25 down. $ 500 For a lot 5214x1:: 8 on N 13th S25 down. $ 700 Kino lot on N. 23rd, close to State St., ?50 down. $ia."n Kmc lot on Saginaw. Terms. JfitiUO Fine east front, corner lot on tjal. X. Summer. '"$1250 Lot 50x112 on N. Church. ' f Terms. ;;$ 375 Lot on X. 4lh subject to paving, easy . terras. ; rU'00 $2000 aud $2500 to loan on iSuIeni jiropertv. i MELVIN JOHNSON ' S0;r.A8.Bank Bldg. C3m25tf VlH VBEKr iJUY Ix SALEM "'Kve roosns and bath, strictly modern Jbonse, new. Well built and arrangeil .-iJwubln gtrage, good location, $4,000. , -$50O down. '-vs;- m '-OLOFSKY k SOX, .-'ii ' First . Nat'l. Bank Bid. J?t '"J ,' C3m26tf ;5LX ROOMS AND BREAKFAST NOOK, i, furnace, fireplace, ouk floors in living and dining room, full concrete base ment, wash trays. garaKe,. paved street, j-ide walks an. concrete drive way to gar.-iae. e!e-tric ranse all ready in stalled. In w ii set; east front on S utli -High sir.-e't. Ne-. Move in today. This nice ln-nip is priced low at $5000. There s no incuiiihrance. It ran be . jjurcliased for a sirall down payment and the i.alant-e on easy 4erm. Tel. owner. 2538-R. 63m26tf 4-RMS. AND NOOK. HDW. FLOOR9 new, furnace, fireplace, garage, paving paid, several large bearing cherry trees. $3450. Term.. Owner has just reduced for quick sale. Several new bouses, new and well located to trade lor suburban Homes. 6-rm. modern near Parrish Jr. high in Select district $4000. 8 ral- lew and modern, Fairmount Hill, this is being offered at less than cosi to owner, saoun. Excellent view. ' WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor. jij a. nign si. 63m22tf DO YOU WANT A SERVICE STWTION ? '4; Spleudid view lot in Santa Monica. California. S.tiuO, likelv would trade for City. i 10-acr tract south Garden Road straw lurries nearly ripe, legans in bloom. $55ii0. would take city proper V op 1 1 $4tO0. Terms on balance. '.-Hunae and furniture for if 1750, a little repair and you have a ifood bome sad-no ierniture bills. W1? home on 2rd St. not far from lste. : better than a good mauy new e. Far! basement, splendid garage, grape v mes in-back,' herbs aronnd the koHe. family i.rden, peach tree loaded, Ttg.walmit and apple trees in prime con dition., trunk, whitewashed. Owner movina- away and offers this magnifi cent bonis , for $4750. It is clear; street improvements paid. Cheaper boiae. .lot 5:"xl04. 5-room and wo .dshvd.-cherry , plums apple and apricot treea, $1800; $loo down, $15 per months Ywav can't afford to rent. Lots are in demand again. Look at auie we hv to offer. 5 five-acre raffs-' riose in, sell or trade, altogether. separately ; tracts ore good. ; - ' . BON D, wltl "ioS. BARBER 2o 4i ray B!dS. IJj N., Liberty. - . 6Um27 SPECIAL BUY . In modern avbvrban borne, six rooms, new. wonderful view, located south, near bus line and paved road, has bearing cherries, iilberts and logan berries. Price $12,000. Five acres in all. LET-l'H SHOW VOU THIS NICE HOME! YOU WILL LIKE IT. W. 11. (iKABKMiOtA CO. 13 1 S. -Liberty St. Jt 63m29 - i -' - - - - '--. - REAL ESTATE, SHEt?iFP SMfEl,l5 TIJAT CChJ&OV IS SOME Up THE RESf RJDEFltSHeRF. AM' wE OF THE ' PDSSE , f-H-lVJUE TVM OMJ v - " V1 i ON AS AS lUEy -?v4! CAN. . Oi" Mr T TfSs t! . y- t:ai- - 1 .,i -tr 7-r r.t mm " i 63 SALE OR TRADE ' Fine lso-a. stock or dairy farm only . 7 miles north of . Dallas oa MiU creek. Only $30 - per acre. Another of 70 acres, miles N. , W, of . Dallas, fair buildings, crop in 'best of soil. Pries $5000. or 130 a. coast ranch for $1500. List yonr to trade with Lottie Bechtel. 341 Stat street for results. 63m24tf $4050 New modern suburban 7-roora house, big well built rooms. acre ground. Down pavuicut $650. $CrM) N. siimmtr Home, strictly rol em E. fr -nt," lot 50 l,r IOO. Weil arranged iuside, lots of built rn feature. Down payment $S50. Money -to lomi A Special Projiosition. LANK MORl.KY AND CO. 413 l ira Nat l Bank Bid. Tel. 757. 1 - 0ltmS7tf $3600 NEW. roi'R ROOMS. BREAK fast nook, bath, full concrete base Dii-nl, fireplace, furnace, garage, wired for electric range, oak floor ia -front room, dnnble : eonatrwrted and wall built. This house is just ready for oceu'.aey. Concrete eide walks and drivr way will be put ia, all for $3600. - Some eaah, balance oa terms. Owner TeL 2538-R. 68mayl3tf SPECIAL BARGAIN IN 6-ROOM HOME, iwell located on S uth Liberty street. Lot 75x1 2. east front, on paved street. Price , $:t00. Reasonable terms. W. II. GRABENHORST & CO. 13 4 S. Liberty. ti.5m29 EXCHANGE THESE MODERN HOME X. Salem, clear, w tli 2 Ipts for good farm near high . scb iol. TWO GOOD . INDEPENDENCE HOMES clear, and priced right for Sa lem home. SECOND HAND BUSINESS for res idence, TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 4?1 Court Street Ground Floor "EXCHANGE HEADQUARTERS' " i. 63m2Gtf IRRIGATION IS CROP INSURANCE. On this lil-m-re dairy, hog and flax farr.- there is a deeded water rijrht. Land deep lilai-k loam. Lots of build injs including 2 silos. Price $7000. A. C. BOURN ST KDT Realtor ft Loans Insurance 117 X. Cum 'I St. Salem. Ore.: ;3m27tf SPECIAL BARGAIN IS B ROOM HOME, well located on Smth Liberty street. Lot 75x162, east front, on psved street. Price $3800. Reasonable terms. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 S. Liberty. 63m27 WANTED ACREAGE Will take close in acreage for my equity in one of the nicest homes on North Summer Street, See my agent . LEO. X. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State St. Phone 1727 63n26tf PRIVATE MONEY WANTED TO LOAN on real estate. TRIANGLE REALTY, 421 Court. 63msy7tf $300O FURNISHED HOUSE $3000 Neat 4 room house close in, east front, lot f6xI20, paved street, garage, walking distance to grade and high school snd just what you are looking for. See LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State St. Phone 1727 63m26U NEW BUNGALOW SNAP $3450. Brand new . 5-room, hard wood floors. Fireplace, best of plumb ing. All the built ins; full cement basement, located in North Salem; fastest growing part of the city. This was built for s home but the owner was called east. Must sell at sacrifice, price $3450. terms. Louis Be"htel, Realtor, will .how you property. Phone for appoint mes t or call 341 State St. 63in24tf LOT BARGAIN Two fine lots on paved streets, side walk and trees, east front, splendid view of the mountain., $750 each. See LEO X. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State St. Phone 1727 63m26tl WORTH INVESTIGATING All modern 5 room bungalow Sum mer St., $500 easy terms. Small grocery and confectionery fix tures, long lease. J-nap $600. Good corner lot, E. Salem, $300. , Good fi-moni home. 2 lots, fruit, ga rage, $3000, easy terms. Best farm buy in Marion Co., 3 new modern bungalows for ranch. 5-room stucco bungalow and garage, $3200, easy terms. 2o-a. suburban, good bldg., fruit, berries, fine soil, $buu0, tortus. PERRINE ft MARSTERS 212 Commercial Club Bldg. 63m25tf SPEC I A L Aim 'st new Ford Truck, will tra ' for vacant lot: good 5-roora house anc' 2 lots, with all kinds of (rut, pricn $t0OO. Will exi-hauKe for 10 acres a I. -lit same value, must have ;ood buildiujes. See THUMASON. 320 State St. With Leo XV t'hilds Co., Realtors. 3tu27tf HERE'S YOUR CHANCE A five-room planlered cottage, 8-pioc4 bath room, tueplace, full basement, ga rage. Two blocks from Junior High school. Within easy reach of two other city schools. Walk, snd pave ment. $3650. Suitable terma. Loans Trade Rentals. I AYXE with BOHRX8TEDT 117 N. Com'l St. , Tel. 2063-J. 6Jmay2ltf 5 ACRES ALL IN CULTIVATION. MOD . ern H-room biuiiralow, c.ty water and electricity, good barn, 2 large chicken h iusps and garage. A-No.-l chicken ranch. I ' acres of land, good 5 -room plast ered house, barn and chicken bouses. North of Saleui, all for $17M0.00. Small payment d wn. balance easy terms. 1200-arre ranch West of Salem, will trade for small ranch. 400-acre dairy farm, fine buildings, stocked and equipped. Will trade for income property. Garage tools, all machinery and equipment to trade for Dallas resi dence. Garage, filling station, auto ramp, 6 room bouse and 3 acies of land, close to Salem on highway. Will trade for ranch to value. General merchandise store, st ck, fix tures and lease in North Salem, doing a good business. ' New and modern 6 mom bungalow on paved street and bus line. $500.00 cash will handle, balance like rent. 7 r om modern buuicalow and 2 lots. . The show place o( Newport overlooking; both the hay and ocean. Will trade for Willamette acreage to $750. We have several good building lots in North Salem on paved street, small payment down, balance easy terms. Fee GASK ILL ft KAKLE, Realtors. ' 106 K. Liberty St. Tel. 242. b3uU'7tf MAS" GOT SOME MOSS , Tbo i! t" ...". ,' TS, A-.'-JI- REAL ESTATE. ' . fia ': I - J . f m ' " .... I f '" a m ' ' -Psgaa---'. at . a 83 FOR SALE STORK BUILDING AND residence, corner lot. 4i blocks ut- f 12,000, T. L. Wood, 941 State St FOR SALE CORNER lT OAKS AD diUon. $1250. - Bos 91. SUteaman. 63)1 DXJN'T BUY A HOME UNTIL YOU SEE i what I have to affer.--Complete, np j to-the-minote suburban home. At a i price that should ' inlerefti anyone.' For information call at Miller's Auto Parts iitore 181 S. Com'l. C. A. E'liott. ! nilf west Keiaer school. '- "i 63j9 NEW A V I READY TO MOVE INTO 5 rooms, and 2 upstairs not finished, lisrdwo'd floors, fnruane. fireplara, Pembroke tub. YOU WILL LIKE THIS, $4250, $500 down Term. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY l"!t t'oort Street - - (Irrnsil Floor "HEADQUARTERS' Hilt HOMES" 63m20tf .. . -. t a, "in,. I, ii ' n -1 FOR SALE OK BENT i Dandy three room buiiKiilow' with ga rage, fireplace, nimlern pluiuhinir. lo cated at 15H0 S. 0 ttajfe St. Price 2i'.50. Rental $25 per month, Mib ' jert lo sale. W. II. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 S. Liherty S: 63m?! LARGE CORNER BR'IN'GlXL SPLENDID dividen'ds . ou in cstn'ent. -Has future Rrowing vahie. $2b.H'W. . . Income property that more than car ries itself while you are waiting for advancement, $U50O. I.ari;c house, car. lot, close in, eavily arranged -into attractive apis. $6500. This is the opportunity you have been wa ting for. Don't let it slip by. 5-rm. bungalow $ !;tiio, easy payments, rues and rana-e included. , 4 rm. biingHlow. everything modern, street paved, clear. $36oO. See us about vour INSURANCE! GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE, Realtor. 492 N. Cottace Street. . 63m27tf REA L ESTATE TRADE 1W TO EXCHANGE roomed house and lot. 1 icated at ?MM E. 1 lib -St. N. Portland. Valued at $1500 for property! about same .i muf in raietn. W. G. K RUEGF.R N. t'ommercial. - b 5 in of, FOR TRADE BY OWNER. . 6-ROOM house, t'lose in, Salem, to trade for farm. Price $4000. Addresa Hattie lavis. ,4Ialsey, Oregon. 65m31 TA"CnERMIST AM TAXIDERMIST SHOP t Jt. VVIU gins. Prop, 1145 Norway. Near Woodry. Auction Market. Tel. 2J41-W. REAL ESTATE Suborhan 80 NEW HOUSE JUST COMPLETED FOR aale on terms like rent, double con struction, fully plnmbed. ' electric fix tures, etc ., 4 rooms and break last nook, garage, etc. One half sere of finest garden land. Pries $3100. Carle, 1465 Chemeketa St. Tel. 1894-J. 6fl2tf TRANSFER A IIATLNO 70 WE MOVE. STORR AND SHIP HOUSE hold goods. Our specialty ia piano and furniture moving. W also make ooun try trips. We handle the beat coal snd wood. . Csll on us for prices. We give good measnre. good quslity snd good service. Lamer Transfer Co. TeL 930, TRAXSFER AND HAULING kinds. Tsl. 72F2. .-. OF ALL SALEM TRANSFER ft FUEL CO. Local snd 1-otig Distance Hanling. Storage and Fuel. $99 8. Hich. Tel. 529. . 70.30tf CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St. Tel.- 933. Distributing, for warding snd storage our specialty. Oet onr rates i, . WELL DRILLING ' 72 R. A. WERT. RT. 6. BOX 103 A. TEL. 110F5. 3 miles aaat of Garden Road. WATER I SALEM WATER. LIGHT ft POWER CO. Office 304 Sonth Commercial St. - Ten per cent discount on domestic flat rata psid in sdvance. No deduction for ab sence or an v eans unless wetar is shut oT vonr premises TRAITSL 78 TRAVEL Safely. Swiftly and Comfortably tn buaes of the Parker 8tae Lines. 8TAGES LEAVE FOR Silverton 7 s. m 11 a. m., 5 p. m. Mt Anrel 11 a, m.. 5 p. m. Dallas 7 a. m., 9 s. m., 1 :25 a. m. Faila City 7 a. m :10 p. 5:16 p. m. , Independence 7 a. m., 9 s. as., 11:15 a. m., 8:10 p. m 5:15 p. m gun day only1 8:30 p. m. Monmouth 7 a. m., 11:15 s. m 8:10 p. m., 5:15 a. m. - Sunday only 7:10 p. m. 8:30 p m. MrMinnville- 8:80 a. as., 2:10 p. m 5 : 1 5 p. m. Newherg 8 ;$0 a. m, 2 : 10 p. m, 5 15 p m. . rill.iwook :S0 . .. 2:10 p. m. Call 223 or 69$ for Information. d28f AUTOS WANTED 77 CASH PAID FOB FORDS EIKER AUTO - - "1 77ml2tf USED CARS FOR SALE 70 RE0 TOiJRINO. 1924. Just like sew Worth $800. Sacrifice, for $650. To) 1241-M, 79aprl4r Better Automobile Values Studebske Sedan, lste modaL "Buick Roadster, master. Chevrolet Touring. r Dodge Touring, t 1 . r Buick Touring, sxeellent sbspa. Hudaea Sedan. - . , Oldsmobile Coach. . ; 6 Ford Touring Cars. . . Nash Bedaa, lata svodeL Nash Taurines. SEE THE8E EXCELLENT VALUES ' BEFORE TOU I BUY. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. $65 North Commercial Street. Telephone 1260 "After we sell Wo aarve"- ' " t :'' Y9may7t By Ed Wheelun i:: ' REAL ESTATE THE LtKC1 O V WT ANIMiLE All My ECRS DftyS - 3TST LOOW ATriM -1 i i -i TosuCi t iec-4 u-b t Fans, if1 you u;amt .tvie, " THRILL OF 'VOUL Lives watc : "wis screeaj . 'T '. -f ..: .. rfSED CARS FOR SALE 7t Just Scratch. Out ' D When -u of the fine nel cars oa our lot yvu rut out the biggest farfor in oierating cost right at the) Hart. You save the depreciation Iho first owner paid. '. -1I'J4 Coupe, new paiaf ...... f.8J- 1924 Browu Ijinuered Touring " beat pulling car en. our lot. ; $UU worth of repair on this. f uaranteed - inarhine. , or No. 7 ...,". f-lJ ltf.'l As Is Totiriiyr. call for x. .; 'H03 .'."..'... '. 1!U3 Touring with - new Holly . ' Nap -vi. or, - uick change v , bands, si-ial ignition. Has . fcliocks, - oul.idc brakes. roll for No. 753 HW .V)i Chevrolet Delivery, just Ihe thing for your berries. 31.4 straight side tires iu V . rear. Will handle iiOU lb. - load uiieiy. -;" . - 1- - Valley Jvlotor Co. Salem,, Oreg. PACKARD . M OLDSMOBILK Two Of The Best Packard 7 -passes g.r sedsa. daeo paint. A-l shape ....... . . .....$1454 Oaklaed ledhn, Isva modal ....,...$754 Jestett touring-. 1st mods! JS7I Ford coups, lata model - -. $351 Esrl sedan, aew paint, good condi tion ....$3$ Ford sedan, a bargain ,......$ 125 Dodge touring, s bsrgsla ...$121 $-4 ton Repuhlie truck paeumstie tires snd starter .$204 We have only listed a few of out need - ears above f yna-are interested' in a good, used car coin, in and took our suxk over lefnre you buy. . u ".';. ., ' f --. Capitol Motors, Inc. . , 4 "i50 No! Htgh St. " : ' Tel. $125 Biddy ' Bishop. At. Raussaaa. Two Of The Best PACKARD OLDSMOBILE. 79spr22tf MARMOS .' ' " ' CHANDLER " . ; Attention '-".Berry, . . . Pickers If yon are In need of a good trans portation la and from your warkr see lis st once a w have some real- bar gains in- aaed- ears.- Terms to suit )fi: Buick Tnnrings. . Overland Trilr ng. V '' ' . Dodge Tourings. . " '.'. -, j CleteHrtif Tourings. ' , , , 1 1 ud. son Touring. -Ilupmohii. Tnuriug. '" (ray Touring. j j"Drt 'Touring.' ' ' Moon Touring. $50.00 snd up. Three x light' .used trorki Just Ihe truck to lisul Uie berrivs. MacDonald Auto Co. Cottage ft Kerry Sis. - Tel. 4'j. Salem, Oregnn. - - ' v ' , M A HMO N ll E A LE It C II ANDI.F.B .. ,J, :.-..,-- . 70m. 5tl , , Here Are 14 Bargains in Used Transportation 1917 Ford touring $ 60 A good fishing csr. i 1922 Ford roadster $ 150 Delivery boa.- i - 1924 Ford-eonpe $ 850 . .Balloon : tires,. A l shsps. - many extras. 1925 Stsr 4 touring f 285 New tires, overhauled. 1925 Chevrolet touring 850 Overhauled, one new tirs nd paint. 19?4 Star 4 coupe ,., .....! 87$ A dandy ear, 4 wheel brakes. 1917 Chalmers 7 pass, touring $ 163 Rebored, new pistons, rings, . N valves ground, bearing taken np, two spars tires. 1922 Chevrolet tonrisf 125 In good Shape. 1923 Ford roadster - .$ 13 Just ae. this one. 1916 Chevrolet touring $ 60 - Fine to go fishing in. 1923 Studehaker Special 8is bsurlng , .,$575 " . " Good pslnt, 95 per cent - , tires, sssny estrss. I923..8tndebakr Big Sis coups sedan, now , .$11D0 1 A ear worth $15oo. 192 l-WIUys Ksight sedan w..f 900 New- Duco" psint, bsllooa tires-Xumpera, spot, swipe. 192f H. D. Motorcycle sad Side . car ...l-: $ 130 8TUDEBAKJ5K USED CAR PLC Da E . 1 Every seed ear ie conapleaausly marked with ita pries .in plain fig ures, and that price. u.t aa th. price of Our a.w cars, is rigidly maintained. ' " ' - t '" , . 2 All Stttdehaker sntonsobllea which sre told ae CERTIFIED CARS have been ' properly - reconditioned, and .carry a 30-day ' gitaraniee far re plaeemest of defective parts sad frea service on sdjultmants. 8 Eveyy purchaser of a mad csr may drive. it. for five days, and then, not satisfied for any reason, mrs' . it back and. apply the swat; paid . aa a eredit on the purchaaa of any other car in stock-new or ased.' (It is assumed that lbs car not bees damaged ia the m.satime i Convenienr Term at Lowest Rates.' Nosr.Hava. Erskia.s lor Delivery. ..... , : v- ;. . --. ' MarlonAuto Co. StHdl.plr' .Mrf- skn. K" Dealer ; for' Salem and Mirias C'eaaty. Ask for K. t,. 4iibbisi fied Car Dpl. - 235 South CoaVI ht. Telephoa. M,i. .ItSF.D CAJt LfrT NKXT Tr KIKE HTATIONTS LHKMEKET -LOT PlltNK 2117. - - 79s.yJ r .. . a in 1 1 1. 1 1. .1' -1 1 11 m '1 DLI'EXDAlU.h 'USED CAL'S ..... .. ..-.., . .. - ..1. IVi'V Chevrolet . Conpe, it lite new, lot." of extras, .nappy ' motor -- - - .. $' I9'Ji; Chevrolet Touring, everything on tt. Almost s good as s new car ,..,.$450 IK'i I herolet Toering, r.mplete - Jv overhauled ... . .... . $;.' . 19.3 ( h.vrelet ' 4kHpe, ever.iie . ' tires . .... " . '"fi I95t Ford Coups'...: ... $ I " " l.'.':t Fvrd '".e. hih .a,k $1 ,0 1W1M F rd 1'owrngv -wuhh.r . $ 3- . NrniO.V 4,1TEV liul.ET .CO, Acrom Fro mi 1 1, c C.fv If 1 (, 1:mZlf DES'JAOISKH, Jowa-Work!"-in a bkkeijr.lo mm his way through Dr jvc university, 1)111 lrainlUofimlxJ flotigli'f noii.-h i t '.year, to TtiaK 2.lM'.i.' j n . h s 0 - 6-18 . - 9wey37 of bread. V - . - ,