jnmOJ&GbhATJkitAk Oregon. Sunday jdoiifriNG, iikr n, 1627 TUESDAY T TIE CAPITOL the dinner which was ' brought complete from Portland was served on a table, cloth Mrs. Ald erson received as a wedding gift forty-eight, years ago. I 4 1 11 J U. D. Club Is Entertained Last Week With Maytime irtji tit Elks Club k"n of til exceedingly enjoy- ZV J meetlnes la the TJ. D. club series thla year was the Maytime party last week at the Elks club. The hostesses were Mrs. A.- B. Huctestela, Mrs. M. J. Petzel. Mrs. Harry Brians and Miss Rosalia Bach. A Maypole scene was arranged at the center of the table. Mrs. Harry Weis won the highest honor of the afternoon, while the second prize went to Mr. E, A. Praitt- lnnchpdn wfrt j i placed for Mrs. E. H. BuirreH, Mrs. V3T. D. Mcciain, Mrs. t. m. Barr, Mrs. Stephen Breltenstein. Mra. E. Eckerlin Sr., Mrs. C. J. Healy, Mrs. James Heenan, Mrs. John Nathman, Mrs. Prank JaskoskI, Mrs. C. D. Thomas, Mrs. Harry Weis, Mrs. E. A. Prnitt and the hostesses. Mrs. Hockesteln, Mrs. Fetzel, Mrs. Brians and Miss Bach. Mrs. A. A. Lee Honors Son's Wife With Delightful Afternoon Tea on Thursday 'Mrs. Lloyd Lee was the honor guest at the home of Mrs. A. A. Lee on Thursday when Mrs. Lee entertained the following friends: Mrs. S. W. Marsters, Mrs. Paul Acton, Mrs. Foster Odom, . Mrs. Leonard Kelson, Mrs. Laban Steeves, Mrs. H. E. Shade, Mrs. E. O. Welling, Mrs. George O. Lewis. Mrs. H. D. McMillan, Mrs. A. L. Lindbeck. Mrs. Wallace tlrif .fith. Mrs. Paul Monte, Mrs. Marion Curry, Mrs. Ralph H. Kletzing, Mrs. Oscar Powell, Mrs. Willis Vincent, Mrs. Harry Scott, Mrs. B. L. Steeves, Mrs. P. A. Legge, the honor guest. Mrs. Lloyd A. Lee, and the hostess, Mrs. A. A. Lee. - . Sewins and games were the di versions of the afternoon. Miss Helen MacPherson, a niece of the hostess, pleased with two solos, "Until" and "Spring Has Come." , . The delicious, refreshments were served at small tables, with a ceo terpiece of Cecil Brunner toseS and baby's breath on each. Mrs. Lee was assisted In the serving by Miss Doris Hoogerhyde and Miss Helen MacPherson. . 7f Second Recital in Series of Four Is Giien on Friday . at Roberts' Studio Pupils of Prof, and Mrs. T. S. Huberts have been presented in t-?. out of a Berleg otfour t 'A Is planned, attractive mnslcales already this month. x The first recital was given dur ing Music week by the very young est pupils, and consisted of class work, songs, games, kindergarten plays and piano solos. Those tak ing part were Richard Paul Bar tf-n. Peggy Thompson, Beth Sie vert, Alan Siewert, Alta Vivian Cell and Edna May Swesinger. On Friday night a second de lighiful program was given and It ok the farm of a class demon stration of the Dunning iystem for beginners, which consisted of Right reading, ear training, pic Mires illustrating duple, triple and quadruple time, intervals, and re "gnition of them when played on 1 lie piano. The following program v3 given: ' , : , . . Piano solos I a The First Lesson '-i Krogmann Junior Scaaeffer. The Vicar of Bray Dlller Prrot Dlller , 5 Victor Gibson. . . .' '. fckepy Time ..:..-Xr Mattingly Dorothea Kletzing. ; 1 Kight measures written from C memory at board 1 Wooden Shoes Krogmann Marlon Moore. ' I-edtime Song ; Rogers Mary Frances-Henderson. Iuet. Sing, Robiri, Sing..Schumann Eleaner Asplnwall, Corliss Clark. Aladilin March 1 LeGrande Margaret Moore. Naughty Pixie Mocking His l Mother .. . Brown ' Mgrlin Pm arat tci istique Dance. .Huertcr Corliss Clark. Keuing Song Klnsella Jean Anunsen. Tulip Sartor io Eleanor Asplnwall. l'iauo solo, At School Strcabbog Evangeline Millard. ' Vioiiu solo. In the BoatV.Frai.cke Margaret Savage, l.ucile Mother, accompanist! Trio. Dancing FairiesMattlfjry Jean Anunsen, Mary Fran ces Henderson, Marian Moore. , Mrs. R. L. White EnUrtatris Junior Ball Room Class With DeUahtfid Affair 1 One of the most enjoyable af fairs of- the spring season in the calendar of the younger group was tdance at which Mrs. R. L- ,te entertained her janior ball loom class on Friday evening in Uerby hall. A profusion of soring flowers Jilled the v rooms- Punch was yaserved daring the evening. Mrs. I - . . . . . . . uiie was assisted 07 iwiss race Day. Miss Elizabeth Waters, Miss Cynthia Delano. Miss Luciie , Do .Witte and Mrs. Armin Berg6r. JP fh the group? wexec frgacea lic- Cready, ' DorbtttyiBlaTsfffell. Mar garet Bell, Helen Hill, Marie Statesman. Kathryit Ellis, Eleanor Wright,.,. lrl-Jrgeoeen,'- Edith Clement, Elizabeth Clement, Jane Harbison, Grace Holman, Dorothy Moore, Helen Purvine, Ann Reed Barns. Dorotha Cannon, Josephine Beatty, Leone ; Davidson, Esther Cibbard, Marjorle Webb, Ruth Fick. Josephine Cornoyer, Lois Leedy, Margaret Pnrvine, Marie Patton, Jeanne Patton, Billy Dyer, Cecil Franklin, Paul Franklin, Richard Pierce, Lawrence Blais dell, Kimball Page, Werner Brown, Frank Spears Jr., Tommy Lives ley, Charles Kay Bishop, Jnnior Goulet, Edwin Cross, Frank Cross, David Eyre. John Hughes; James Vincent, Horace Stewart, Anne Dalzell Jr., Leon Perry,. Sam Har bison, Jack McCnllongh, Jimmie Emmett and Robert Needham. Ladies Attend Tea Given at Dayton Thursday eighteen ladles of the Jason Lee Memorial M. E. church motored to Dayton to ' attend an afternoon tea given by Mrs. Leroy Walker (Alene Ritchie) and Mrs. Walter Jackman. Mrs. W. P. Miller, conference secretary of the Woman's Foreign Missionary society gave a very in teresting talk on missionary work. Mrs. Waiter Jackman delighted the ladies with two beautiful vo cal solos. " . Other mem'bers on the program were: ' Piano solo Opal Frances Hud dleston. -t ' 1 , Reading Marcia Fuestman. Piano solo- Naomi Addison. Duet entitled "The Sunset Song," was sung b Mrs. P. L. Frazier and Mrs. Albert; Fuestman. Mrs. Walker, who was formerly a member of Jason Lee church, and Mrs. Walter Jackman assisted by Mrs. Agnes Berry, Jaiss Flor ence Waldo and three little girls, Opal Frances Huddleston, Naomi Addison and Leora Berry served an elaborate lunch. Those who were in the motor party were: Mrs. C. M. Roberts, Mrs. W. W. Chadwick, Mrs. E. E. Roberts; Mrs. Marie Putnam ; Mrs1. J. II. Erp, Mrs, A. F. Waller, Mrs. Emma Hocking, Mrs. P. L. Fraz ier, Mrs. Fred Barker, Mrs. Ernest Taylor, Mrs. A. L. Dark, Mrs. W. P. Miller, Mrs. C. A. Gies. Mrs. Emma Roberts, Mrs; I. M. Scharf, Mrs. Belle Roberta, Mrs. Albert Fuestman and daughter Marcia. Mr. and Mrs. Bds'ey Entertain Jotty Sixteen Club The members, of the Jolly Six teen club met At the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Basey on Capitol street on "Wednesday evening Tor the regular meeting. Cards were in play until a late hour, after which the dining room table was arranged for refreshments. Mrs. M. P. Dennis and Dr. O L. Scott won the high scores of the evening, while the low awards ' ' ; i '''' CB5RCES RS7iwi MAV M sOY .THE. FII5E BRIGADE Paul Hanson; and went to Mrs. Daffodils, ferns and tulips were lovely in the rooms. 1 r Guests of the evening, included Dr. and Mrs. O. L. Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hanson. In the club group were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bechtei, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Busey. Mr. and' Mrs. M. P. Dennis and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Basey. Vacation at Coast Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Kimball are spending several weeks at their summer home at Taf t. Mrs. A. A. Lee Is Hostess for Standard fearer Group juemocn 01 ine oianaara .near er society of tho First Methodist church were entertained last Tues day evening at the home of Mrs. A. A. Lee. Miss Dorothy Taylor, the presi dent, presided, while Helen Breit- hanpt acted as secretary pro tern. Miss Neva Stolzheise conducted the devotional. ' A dialogue, "The Red Apron," was given by. Gladys Taylor and Fern Colwell. Miss Doris Hoogerhyde was in charge of the lessons on "Moslem Women." Mrs. A. A. Lee was assisted by Miss Isabel- Huston, Miss Lorraine Robbins and Mrs. Edna Van Niee as hostesses. At the refreshment hour Harriet Beckley also assisted. and the matter lapsed. News of the option . which leaked out a month ago came as a big surprise. Officials of the water service corporation announced yesterday that a deal for the purchase of the Hoquiam. Wash., water plant was being worked out, and if pur chased, the Salem and Hoquiam plants would be operated under a new company to be known as the Oregon-Washington water service corporation with main offices in Portland:Other water plants in the northwest will be acquired, the jbfficial stat t? , Already - the Federal' Water Service Corporation": owns water plants in 13 states throughout the United States. - High Sch6o1o Hold tComnienceiTrent Program OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL, Monmouth," Ore., May 14. (Spe cial) .Commencement exercises for the twenty-one graduates of the Monmouth high school will be held on June 10, according to F. M. Roth, principal tit the schobl. Dr. J. E.l Brumbaugh of the psy chology department Vat, OAC has accepted art invitation to give the address to the graduates: Those' graduating are Florence Bierce, Florence Bond, Fred Calef, .Shelddh Cody, Edifh Comstock, Evangeline Davidson, Dorothea odds, May Folsom, Genevieve Ganiard, Verda Hamar, Jeannette Hinkle. Viola Hockema, nia Hu ber, Cora Light, Paul Penhollow, Helen Stanbrough, Elsie Stewart, Loretta Suver, Claude Wlnegar, Thella Wood and Howard Woodward. LEAVE FOR CALIFORNIA OREGON, NORMAL SCHOOL, Monmouth, Ore.. May 14. (Spe cial.) Ira C. Powell, president of the First National Bank of Monmouth, and Mrs. Powell, left for California Thursday night to be away about a month. Their first stop will be at San Francisco where they have many, friends. The trip is being made In the hope of improving Mr. PoweRa health. SALE OF CITY WORKS ASSURED NOW (Continued from Page l.) it laid an additional five or six mlle3 of pipe. In addition it has installed . some new pumping equipment. and other facilities for improvement of the service. A movement was -started last November for the purchase of the water works for the city. A figure of $792,000 was set as the valua tion in a report drawn up by a consulting engineer at that time, and the city probably could have purchased at that figure. City officials lacked interest to carry the proceedings through, however, Family Reunion Held at Monmouth Sunday OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL, Monmouth, Ore., May. 14. (Spe cial.) Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Fergu son and son Kenneth of Portland drove to Monmouth Sunday to spend the day with Mrs. Fergu sons mother, Mrs. Mary Alderson. The day was Mrs. Alderson's forty- eighth wedding-anniversary. Other members of the family who at tended the reunion were Mr. and Mrs. Dick" Alderson of Eugene, and -Eugene Ferguson, son of Mr. andYMrs. C. E. Ferguson and who is teaching this year at Maupin. The affair was in the nature of a surprise to Mrs. Alderson, and HEMSTITCHING ff, 8 and 10 cents per yard. Also buttons, stamping and pleating. ' ANNA H. KRUEGER Over Miller's Telephone 117 Bedding and Window Box Plants Are now ready, also fine line of shrubs and perennials. F. BREITHATJPT Telephone 380 512 State St. J " I t i , , t I J j BATES 'THE EYE MAN" MAKES that fit Convenient Terms 457 State Street With Burnett Bros. 500 owrno P With G 16 a n able mm Ice - - . ... 4 .... ...-..-- FEEE Ea ich :6 mm o tor ; Style No. 49 lAofi&td Cleanable Hardwood CaDinet with Porcelain Lining Hardwobd. cabinet with front panels of selected Ash. Golden Oak finish. Round corners. One Piece Porcelain Lined Provision Chamber with round corners. Shelves, ice rack, drain pipe and trap are easily, removed for cleaning. Hinges and self-closing latches are nickel plated. Ice chamber is lined with Galvanized Iron. The baseboard can be lifted and the casters are top bearing.. Special 00 lbs. Ice Free.....:....... 1 4S50 Style No. 7131 Leonard King Hardwood Cabinet with White Enamel Lining Hardwood exterior - with round corners and ash veneered front panels. Golden oak finish. Insu lated with Wool Felt and Asphalted Felt. . Re-tinned-, wire shelves. Hinges and self-closing latches are nickel-plated. Baseboard can be lifted up. Top bearing casters. White enamel lining. J Waste pipe and new patent trap are easily re moved from inside of provision chamber. Special 500 lbs. Ice Free We h dittitfe: 1 ators prfceel from1 $16 lip to $165. SOLD ON EASY TERMS 6 Uee Yoiir ' Credit . ,. - - , . - We Charge Interest. IIEXIfifenlfiFCOMMlSRCIAL ASSOCUTES; INC t .. t - ar THE LARGEST FURNITURE BUYING ORGANIZATION IN THE UNITED STATES. """Felt BaiiLFIdb Covil'a atid Linoleum All makes of felt base iloor cover irrg, yd, - Print Linoleum, yd. . v Felt Base Rugs, &ri64 9x12 size ........ . . The Kind Usually Sold From $12.S0 to 13.50 Our Priced only 57.95 58.95 50X5 Come hi and Look Over This. Flo6r CoVerihs All Sold on Easy Term MATT 40 Potnid All Cotton Mattress lj Built layer upon layer (hot stuffed), s - macnine stitcnea roil cage JJm HO 50 Pound An Cotton Ma(tre& Built layer upon layer (not stuffed), double stitched im perial roll edge,, covered with fine art ticking with plain edge box, special price on this present stock, onl Draperies and Curtain Material We wish to call your attention to our comrjlete stock of draperies and curtains. We also offer you the services of an experienced decorator, without cost or obligations. Band -. .4 ' -- J i , -mammr- One lot of Bed Springs to be sold at We are not limiting quantities to customers but we do reserve the right not to sell to dealers at these ric.. w , 0i: 'r . Double, deck spring, with 99 cone shaped spirals of best grade carbon tempered Svire. Each coil attached to the ad jacent coil at top byf small resilient helical springs. Is equipped with stabilizers to prevent side sway. $1105 Double dk spririg, withiofl belical top and ,99.bet gredd wirei coils attached to eteel "slat bottom ancl heavy ride rails. mi Single ctec spring, 99 heavy cohet, spirajs; made bf best grade carbon wire. 99 cone shaped carbon temp ered coil springs. Each coil fastened , at. top with small belical .spring. Frame of heavy Angle steel. use,-; YOUR -CREDIT ;Gise-powers' . JurniiUre (fcmbariu 1 .. i;o. Members Coranicrcial Associates, Iric; the Largest Funiitura Luybj C:i ' :, V-. .C " -V-' . , la Uie-United State3 " I ! ! I