THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON 41 ; SUNDAX MORNmG, MAY 15, 1927- lit Mi El DELT BUTTLES ' BUGIITWini BUZE . Burner '.Belongs, to. Federal -Government; Made.Avail ... : able to States '. . KAXKAKEEV 111. AP) Fire en the praries, the scourge which , once the western .fanner feared, today is the token of victory .. nainst his greatest foe the Eur ' 'opean com borer. Daily throughout the fields of ' 'Kankakee county an oil burner is .apraylngwlth. liquid fire the dried ' stalks' in the cornfields, laying a - farrier "ftleng tbe Indiana- line, past wnlcti, agricultural experts believe, the corn borer will be un able to pass. The fire, searing the stalks, brings death to the borers which infest them, and. further precau- tionary- measures fkre in progress to keep the foreign 'pest, from in- trading the great belt across Illi nois, Iowa and Nebraska where most of the nation's-corn is raised. . No other effective weapon has been found to halt the borer's march into the corn belt from Canada- across , southern Michigan, northwestern Ohio and Indiana. - The burner operates from a tank where crude' oil is stored under a pressure of thousands of pounds. UHshoots- out the burning oil like "a blow torch spouts flame, and all life is snuffed out In its path. Just a few months ago a single specimen of the corn borer, small er than the tip of a' man's little finger,, was found In Kankakee county. - It is the only one yet found in Illinois, but its discovery aroused farmers of the state. 14 Governor Leu Small of Illinois, larre holder of farm land near ' Kankakee, witnessed the opening of the fiaht with fire. " The burner belongs to the fed eral government, which has made it available ' to state departments of agriculture. 111 . MID DISHED 'Knowledge of Fate of Mans rK . People Lacking; Tribe ; : Vanished , ANADARKO, Okla. , (AP)- Blood of an extinct race flows in the jelns of, Harry Shirley, believed- to botba last of the Nab-Dah- LflSTOF ;'' Ko" Indiana, who attained a degree -'ii-of civilisation as long as four cen , torles ago. ! i! J 9 Vt Lr? HIa father, Pat Shirley, was a - - white trader, but his mother was Nah-Dah-Ko. With his white ...-wife and .two children, Shirley ; lives on a farm near Anadarko. He la S5 years old. : Virtual annihilation of the Nah- Dn-Kbaf " was "Z completed when Shirley was fonryears old, and his "knowledge of the fate of his peo . pie is vague. - The band which was w ..'branch of the Caddo tribe, was not great in numbers, and he be- Heves itwas annihilated in an in- temecine war wnen ne was a cniia. He was .' taken, to Texas by his ..lather when hostilities broke out, ..and 'did not. return until the war . . ended.. v . t -.-' ; The town of Anadarko Is named for the vanished tribe. Legend has It that the elder Shirley's Irish pronunciation of the tribal same" was responsible for the cor ruption of th'e name from Na-Dah-K6 to Anadarko. ; ' Although the present town was not founded un til. 1901, an Indian agency of the same nameutras located near here as early, as 1858. original home , of the Nah-"-.Dak-Ko band was - in Louisiana. - Records of a Spanish explorer re . Val-that In. 1542 theIndlans lived Inhoiises, farmed extensively and owned cattle. ' They were driven U westward, by the encroachment of the white men and gradually' Jost their identity through absorption into other tribes and losses in war fare. ' ; .-'" . 1 . , , LEGIONNAIRES TO ' VISIT OLD HAUNTS (Continued from Page 1,.) I the reviewing stand. All Paris 'will observe a holiday and mass along the line of march. After Paris will come the bat- . tiefietd and cemetery trips. 6ev--"eral touH of one day, starting - and ending in Paris, ; of especial interest to , men .from this state have been arranged, i For the first time through' the co-operation of - the American Battle Monument J 'Commission, and the French gov . , ernment the Legion will offer tours' to all sectors where Ameri can .soldiers " were, " quartered, fought and lie burled. A two color ' "On to Paris" folder con jtalning official Information about thetrip and a map showlngthe (battlefield and cemetery tours of Interest to" veterans of this state has been prepared for distribu tion. It will be sent upon request , by the Department 'France , Con j mention Officer, whose address fa " kiver above or. by National head ' qur; : rs. Tie American Lesion, ' "jsJL" 2V0IL3, Indiana. 1 WHEN OREGON WAS r STRANGE COUNTRY : ' (Coh tin ned from Page 1.) ity to question the facts aa stated by Moses. Still I think I am going back far enough to give an intelligent understanding of the realm in which Mr. Lee moved, from the time be first became Interested In the far western Indians. r -The Three Messengers In the summer, ef 1832 three far west Indians appeared on the streets of St. Louis, the border town of Missouri. They said they had come from the setting, sun; that they had heard of the white man's Book of Heaven; that they wished to obtain it, and learn how to worship the Great Spirit. Gen eral William Clark was then In St. Louts, lie of the Lewis . and Clark; expedition, now general, In- ian agent for the government and stationed at St. Louis. ' ' , General Clark Beard of the presence of the strange visitors and had them taken to his house. If so happened, or you may call It providential of you wish, that William Walker, a half-breed In dian sent to St. Louis by the 1 United States government to select-lands west-of the Mississippi river. for the Wyandot Indians of Ohio whom the government wish ed to remove from Ohio, was also in St. Louis. v Soon after the three Indians had been seated, in came William Walker. Through knowledge of the Indian lore possessedAby Gen eral. Clark and Mr. Walker, they had bfft little trouble in learning the mission of the Indians. From them Walker learned first of the customs and habits of these most western Inhabitants of a great and wonderful country. From these Indians Walker also learned of the great distance, more than two thousand miles, which they had come to get the white man's Book of Heaven. It will appear, no doubt, to many that this meeting was of divine arrangement; that an In dian from the east should meet Indians from the extreme west at the home of the principal Indian agent of the United States gov ernment, in the middle west, who had made the trip 26 years before, at the instance of President Jef ferson. "Now from this time' on I wish you to keep the word Methodist in mind as a growing chain running through so many material trans actions that finally bound the Ore gon Country; to the United States and possibly brought about the conditions we are enjoying today. The Great Call St; Louis was a Catholic town at that time, as It is largely to day. , General Clark, also being a Catholic, took much interest in showing the Indians through the Catholic churches. But the In 'dians were not' shown the Book. Walker, also, became greatly in terested in the Indians. : Walker being a Methodist, he immediately wrote to G. P. Oisosway, a wealthy merchant of New York, with whom he was acpuainted and who j had greatly , assisted the Wyandots with funds, and was one of the f tinders of the Mission ary Society of the Methodist Epis copal church. Through - Mr. DIsoway the Christian Advocate and ZIon's Herald both got the story In the issue 1 of March first, 1833. A newspaper of St. Louis also got hold of the story ' from General Clark, and so it took its round through) the secular press. Pres ident Wilbur Flsk of the Wesleyan university and a leading Metho dist in Connecticut, upon reading the story became wonderfully aroused. Bishop Bashford says:. "It was like fire shut up In his bones," as he sounded the eall throughout : Methodism. "HEAR! HEAR! Who will respond to the call from beyond the mountains?" He made a wonderfully strong ap peal for two young men "with the spirit of martyrs" to go Into that far off land beyond the confines of the United States, to carry the gcspel'to these poor natives who so wished to learn of the living word and to learn how. to approach the Great Spirit, as to send a dennta Hon l of their most honored chiefs two thousand miles over trackless plains, and through hostile Indian tribes, to get the knowledge of me after life. vv I would like to Insert the call in full j but time forbids. However. President Fisk closed by stating that he knew of one who', fn his estimation, was "suitable for such an enterprise. And that is Jason Lee, a former student of mine at WHbraham Academy." At this time Brother Lee was on a charge up in Canada await ing a call to go into a mission field somewhere. Now while this matter is crystalizingr Jn the eastj let us for a few moments go back and! find what became of the In dian chiefs who made the trip to St. Louis for ' the white man's Book of Heaven. 1 , k -V I How Did They Know? Some time la the summer of 1S31 the Indian tribes of the Nez Perces and the Flatheads held a council among themselves In re gard to sending for ' "the white man's Book." This meeting result ed in sending 'five of their most noted men and chiefs on the long journey to the east,. f6r the covet ed Book. A''V;V " Ilere the , query will naturally arise, how did these Indians, so far from civilization, know of the . JASON LEE THE MAN OF GOD. , -, C p.- . . v . - . fx "Hear! Hear! who'll go and teach, the Indian race: God'a holy laws, out near the wetting sun.'. - Until the Indian heart accepts God's grace, And. civil life obtains in Oregon? . - ,it-.'- Jehovah heard the wall from that dark land "Where rolls the Oregon" In wild -unrest. Called Jason Lee and gave him strict command To open up that empire of the .west. , ' j, -. - -, ' Lee was a man of vision, iron will, . , . :. Who saw God's image in the Indian race, And felt he had, within, the power to fill The Indian's wish to know God, face to face. A man of lofty purpose, genlns, worth, A tall, commanding, well poised, stalwart frame; A body robust, perfect from his birth. Betokening strength, endurance, future fame. A heart of loyal mold, yet pure and sweet; '. f A Wesley faith, a Luther's fearless voice; i - ""V A' temper -calm, unruffled and discreet; Although endowed with Wbo breathed within, the spirit and the grit;. To burnish tip the hardened hearts of men.V -And in the crisis of the final rift, " Light up the brilliant star of hope again. Ambition,' all absorbing constant weal Determination stamped his every, nerve; . ;. Compassion filled his soul with ardent zeal, ,' ' . While conscience sought for time and place to serve.- Arise, ye offspring of the Deity! . With God's own word your sturdy feet are shod;' His lamp will guide you through eternity; Your armour is the gospel of your God. "Go to," ye warrior from the hand Divine And bear His message to that distant shore; Let love and patience hold the plummet-line, While truth and virtue deepen to the core: , . ... Ij No cannon's roar; no conquest's lboody blade To fill the caldron with the wrecks of war;. Let God's bright sunshine clear away .the shade; Let arts of peace redeem from every Bear, An empire, in the building, waits for you; The hour of God strikes with a steady stroke; Behold! -America awaits the new! For your success a world of prayers Invoke. Hark! bear ye not, the rumbling of the ground? Not bursting shells to mar the pleasant plain; The old is Crumbling, falling, crashing down! The new arises on this grand domain. An emp'ire won, an EMPIRE Master strike! ". Eternity rolls back a welcome tide! The first great empire rose when Adam woke; . The last, when Jason Lee praised God and died. white man, and much less how ! did they; know of the Book They remembered the trip of Lewis and Clark, twenty-six years or so before.- Since which time trappers and hunters had been roaming over the - whole north west. No doubt many Catholics in the employ of the Hudson's Bay company had told the Indians about the. Christian religion. But as no Catholic is expected to read the Bible for himself or even car ry one, they had, Only, been told about it. ' . Possibly they had been told that their style of worship was not pleasing to the Great Spirit, and they, wished to learn the correct mode of approaching the Great Spirit. ' t ' - - Some Indians had sent students to Montreal to be educated and some of these students might have' penetrated, the far .west and come in contact with the Nez Perces or Flatheads, apd told" them of the style of worship they had seen, and of the Book from which It was taken. J ; The historians - whom I have consulted give several pages of sepculatlons as to how the Indians learned about the white man's God. j '. I do not see that such specula tions are of any particular profit or even much . interest. Of the five Indians, who start ed, two of" whom were chiefs, one gave out and fell by the-way and returned, one died before reaching St. Louis, and one died before reaching home, - i What a wonderfully pathetic story, considering : their, mission, their hopes, their desires, their failure, their , disappointment and the tragic deaths of four of their cherished 'leaders out ' of five which they' sent on the; sacred mission. I A more tragic story than that of the Jews in the wilder ness. ; , ? -,'..,-' N iLet us now hear the speech of of Hee-oh-ks-te-kln just before saying good by to St. Louis. I take the interpretation of Rev. Spauld Ing: 1 ' V :; ' "We came .to you1 over a :.t . trail of many moons from the setting sun- You were the friend of our fathers who ti have all gone -the long way." We came.with one eye partly ' : opened for more light for our : people' who-ait - in darkness. -v We go back with, both eyes .. closed. . How can we go back -blind to our blind people? "We made our way to you i with strong arms s through 1 ; many enemies that we might carry back much to them. We go -back to them with both arms broken. - : "Two fathers came with us. :- j They were tired in many moons and their moccasins " ( wore out. .We leave them ;. asleep by your great waters : and wigwam. -t' ' ' 1 "They were, braves of many M " winters and wars. "Oar people sent us to get'; : the white man's " Book i of,' I Heaven, .-you showed us ..." where you worship the Great . Spirit with candles, tint the 1 : Book was , not therel -'Tou great dynamic force. ,.i:K ..1 V W. T. Rigdori I showed us the mages of the good Spirit, and pictures of the' land beyond, but the ' Book was not among them to tell us the way. "We are going back. the long sad trail to our people of the dark land. You make our feet heavy with gifts and our moccasins will grow old carrying them,, but the Book Is not among them. "After one more snow we . tell our poor blind people in the big council that we did not bring the Book, no worvd will be spoken by our old men . or 5by our young braves. ; One by one they will rise up and go in silence. Qnr peo ple will die - In -darkness and they will go on the long , t Journey: to other ' hunting ' grounds. No white man will go with 'them and no white man's book to make the 'way plain. I have no more words." One hundred years ' hence . this speech will rank, for terseness. clearness, and 1 pathos with such speeches as that of Regulus be fore the Roman senate, Washing ton's farewell to his troops, Mark Anthony's address t the death of Caesar, of Lincoln's at Gettys burg. Five started, one returned, dis appointed, heartbroken! Is it any wonder Christendom became aroused and began to read the' writings of Hall J. Kel ley. Ledygrd, Washington Irving' s Bonneville with renewed Interest? As these Indians were crossing the. mountains on their way to St. Louis, j they unconsciously passed Capt. Nathaai Wyeth. who was go ing west to- look up a site for a trading station somewhere on the Columbia rxver. On his return by ship in 183yjie took two. Flathead Indian boys with him -to Massa chusetts. V" - History s far as I - nave read does not inform Us' bow Jason Lee happened to be in Boston '- with Wilbur m at : the ; Bloomfieid street Methodist chorch" as Capt. Wyeth, fresh from his ship, came walking ,p ifbe aisle;-with f-hls two Indian boys. Possibly anoth er wise providential , occurrence.' ' After the sermon Nras concluded Dr. Flsk and Jason' Ie gave each a short.address. Capt) Wyeth and the Indian boys were Introdoced. ' Captain Wyeth th&h made Utirring address, after WWhthe plates were passed and one hun dred and twenty dollars' was rais ed . for Indian: missions. ",. V What significance this meeting had tn regard to Lee's plans Is not brought out by any historian that I have eonsulted.'i;:-,,;--:-;'';"--!!' We1 learn -5 that President ,Fisk had written Jason Lee soon after or about the time that the report was first published In the AdTo cate,. and received Lee's cotMent tof go' to iho.Oregoii .Country and start a Methodist, mission, for the education and the conversion of the Indians of that far off heath en . land. '' : '..:" . , J i 'vj -:-:; (Continued next Sunday. .There will be two or three more. Install- ment..).-:;-.-; '; 1 V;." ei.L. Women Must Wear Hats -" at London Tea Dances JNDpN.--i (Ap) r-Wo men must ' not Temove their hats to dance at ''the dansants" which, take plaee in some of London's older and more conservative res taurants. . . ,j To break this rule Invariably leads to a request to recover or leave the dance floor. The majority of Englishwomen today are owners of sleek shin gled heads and are accustomed to take oft their hats on occasions when the women of a generation ago would ' not have dreamed of "uncovering." In some quarters, however, the old Ideas still prevail. MAUNALOA r i THREATENS AGAIN (Continued from Page 1.) scription of the Kaumana flow that- threatened the village of HIlo In 1880-1881. "There are perhaps only two or three persons now' residing in the village who can relate at first hand what really happened then," he de clares. "The flow continued , for more than nine months, com mencing with great fiery- foun tains at Mokuaweoweb in Novem ber, 1880. " "Town residents and other sightseers would go close to the front of the lava flow to watch its daily progress as it crept down ward to within two and one-half miles of Front street and to with in a mile of the suburban sections. There was a constant fear that the Tava .would reach the seashore and wipe out -the town. " For nine months, the residents watched the fiery flood with awe. "What is inside of that mighty mountain now? We know that It is full of fire; we saw it afew months ago; from the records of the observatory instruments we know that the lava has not reced ed; and that from its tilt the mountain is full at this moment of molten lava, boiling for an out let." And Madame Pole's "appear ance", bearg him out. WORK OF Y. M. C. A. GOES ON IN CHINA (Continued from Page 1.) and the associations were closed. Lam writing this letter to give you the latest news from the field. . Not one building has been clos ed, not one building has yet been confiscated, and but of our total staff of foreign, secretaries .'. in China only seven are temporarily kept from their workl The association was never more alive andi while involved like ev erything else Chinese in the per ils and difficulties of the present crisis, it, Is finding that these very perils and diffculties are opening new aad unexpected doors, espec ially, among the student -and la boring: classes where the attacks of the radical element are being centered. ' 'The Work Increasing ' T. Z. Koo tells me that the Na tional committee has just placed strong; new student1 secretaries at Yunhanfu, Nanking, Wuchang, Tslnan, Tiensln, Taiyuan, Canton and Changsha in response to ur , gent demands from these centers. A letter from one of the foreign secretaries says:' "Red agitators have stood at our front door steps and preached to the thousands in the street against the T. M. C. A. and Christianity, but so far as we can see it has done us no harm. There are fully twice as many young men coming to our building now as at any time In the past." -; Confidence Increased The npheaval has greatly In creased the conf Mence of the country ,in the association and has brought it to the front as an In dispensable national institution. The highest English official in China a few months ago called it the only nation-wide agency with a constructive program, and . an : r ; Where an the 'wash boil ers, the clothes lines, the washboards and wringers of yesterday? ' Ask the woman . who has time . to go places, aad do things. She win tell- you they have been, replaced by nst We Call and; Deliver JAPANESE HAND LAUNDRY AND CLEANER . Ferry Street . . r : -Telephone 753 1 1 . Simple! 1 w 4 i - i eminent Chinese . has - referred? to it-as the-rallying point . of the sane, moderate, forward-looking people, in China; ., ? ; , The ? association leaders : -are alert to the demands of the mo ment and are moulding their plans to the situation. All the activities of the association have been reorganized along three lines of emphasis, namely, character building, citizenship training and promotion of International 'good wlll. r ; XeadeW ptlmJstic i x- l Barnett, our senior American secretary, says: "We are optimis tic. In the -upheaval and change now going on we see the spirit of God moving Iri 'the minds and hearts of men. Needs are reveal ed of which we are scarce aware; and" in seeking, to.' meet them, we find new opportunities." 1 j , The IMfflcuitiea Great f do not mean to minimize the difficulties. They are; unbeliev ably great. The communists have avowed their determination to de stroy the association and have de clared it the greatest bulwark against their revolutionary . pro gram. Of course, the financial situation throughout the country Is desperate. But persecution,, hostile legislation, financial per plexities and other difficulties,' in stead of destroying the associa tion are welding it Into a new solidarity, deepening the . loyalty of Its members and drawing forth a new spirit of self-sacrifice. ,: ;I see no, Indication that the as sociation1 is to have a smaller place In China, but rather; a' larg er one; nor that American cb-op- ratlon will be less needed, less welcome, or less effective in the J future than In the past, it is in their .emergency .that the strength of our support will count most. -1 haye . no fear that we shall fall them. Faithfully, yours, FLETCHER S. BROCKMAN. SECOND COMING OF CHRIST DISCUSSED (Continued from Page 1.) you (not at death, for then'we go to Him) unto myself." John, 14 chapter. 1 We are living in the dispensa tion of the Holy Spirit the Com forter is here and now- for Jesus said, -"He, the Comforter, will abide with you forever.' The Holy ;Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, abides and . leads God's children, into all truth. The truth is the Word of God and He nerer leads contrary to It. On the day that Christ ascend ed we read In Acts 1:9-11: "And when -He had spoken these things (the verses prior to this) while (k.if VafiAlil tin n-n a ialrftn ,iv. and a cloud received him out of their sight. And while they look W J TlLi ,fiiC wj ':::'''v';o-:'';--;'' ' Deep Sea Fishingr, Agate Hunting, Boating, Horseback Riding, Rock Oyster Digging, Clam and Crab Fishing, Golfing, Swimming, Bathing, Roller, Skating, Trout Fishing,! Dancing, Hiking. . . - I i "THE SAFEST BATHING BEACH ON THE COAST" I 1 " I. - NEWPORT NAT Swimming in Warm Salt " Water - DANCING Nat Grill. Excellent Service .".'. Nye Beach -Newport, Ore. 'Cherry City Cottages Open All Year One Dollar per day and up Wood, light, water,- furnished Near Beach.".-' - . ' For Reservations Address f .' - Box' 423, Newport . Yoody's Beach Garage The only Fireproof Storage Garage at Newport EVERY AUTO SERVICE! Coast Street Newport, Ore. flew Locked Garages Free tflth clean cottages at t IThltlettCamp Ne'wpori,'Ore, ed steadfastly - toward heaven as he. went . up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; which also said, ye men of. Galilee, why. stand lye here gazing up into heaven? This same Jeun, which is taken up from you Into heaven, shall so come In like manner as ye have seen Him go into eaven. Bless God-4-He's coming again. ,-For It we believe that . Jesus died and rose again, evenso them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Hin. F0r this we say unto you by the word of the' Lord, that we which are alive and re main unto 1 the coming 0f the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord him self shall descend (means come down) from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first (this refers to the bodily resurrec tion); then, we which are alive and remain shall be caught up to gether with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord." 1 Thess. 4:14-17. At the present time Jesus is seated at the right hand of God making intercession for us. He is Pour high priest, our intercessor. It is only through Him that we can approach the Father, hence we pray,' "In Jesus' name." that Name which is above every name to which every knee must bow and 'every tongue confess. Dr. R. A. Gorrey, a real Bible student, says: "The' second com ing of Christ is said to be. men tioned 318 times Jn the 260 chap ters of the New Testament, and It occupies one 1n every 25 verses, from Matthews to Revelations. By far the greater number of predic tions concerning Christ In the Old Testament are connected with His second coming. ' The coming again of Jesus Christ . and the events connected with it, are the blessed hope and eager desire of true believer (not the one who is .tearing God's word to pieces.) The fact of the coming again of Jesus Christ Is the great Bible ar gument for a life of watchfulness, fidelity, activity, simplicity, self restraint and abiding In Christ. The coming' again of Jesus Christ Is the one event for. which the disciples' should be looking. "So :chrlst Was 'once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for Him shall He appear the second time without sin unto salvation." -Heb. 9-28 What will be the fas of those Lwho are-not looking for Him? If I denied or tried to deny the second coming I should deny the first coming and then I would turn to Rev. 22:12 to the close of the Book and read my fate, "And behold, I come . quickly and my Newport Beache GO : SEA CREST COTTAGES , ; . Right at the Beach . Furnished ' cottages, directly fronting ocean. : ' - Wood, Light. Water, Auto Shed i v ' Open all the Tear, t .- : , .- ' ' . . . . Newport, Ore Chris Anna f TEHT CITY ' Cottages and tents, famished except top bedding. Water, wood, lights, tree. " I .';,- Box 8, Newport AGATE BEACH IMN ay, north of Kewyort XATBAXIBX CEOaOE. Propilor. 1 ;-v'LAaato Bosea Too omeoi 'i Memo VIEW (Mn. OllTO Hottptoa) . Bu a B0001 raraUso Cott Read The' Statesman ms to RWe ne. 1 am Alpha and 'Omm tin beginning ann-th, ,nJm'f and the UstTv Blessed that-do His commandments . they may have risnt to the L life and enter m through K gates into the city. For withoi' are dogs and sorcerers a whoremongers, and murder! and idolaters and whosoever if! eth and inaketh a lie. 1 jeJ have sent mine anger to test! ufita you thene things in ,5 churches . I am the roo anil ti offspring of, David, ant, Vie brlri and morning' star. And the Sn 1 and the Bride come. And let hi that heareth say, come and t him that is athlrst, come. -uusucTer wm iei mm lane t water of life freely. For I 4 my te every man that heareth 1 words of the prephecy of t! """ ""J man suau aua unl tnese things. Cod shall add m ptuguea inai are wrltit iu mis Dook. And If aii-! shall take sway from the wf ' the book of this prophecy, shall take away his part ouvJU book of life and out of the hr.f .U.. , . ..... in-jr aun irom me tnings whi( are written In this book, l, which testifieth these things Bait! auiciy 1 come quickly. Amcl t-ven bo, come,. Lord Jesus." "Watch, therefore, for ye knot neither the day nor the hour whi tne son of man cometh My heart goes out to the von students who are dedicating th lives to the ministry of the Col pel of Jesus Christ. I would s to them in the language of paf "Preach the Word. Study I show thyself approved unto Cfij a workman that needeth not to I ashamed, rightly dividing ii word of truth." j i MRS. G. N. THOMPSCt Teacher of Philathean Bible clat irst Evangelical church, s lem. Ore. heYELLOJ'.' rciNLi: wilht'' CILCC V " if ykv ill i .a VP Spend Your Vacation at the 1 HOTEL GILMORE Bv the Sea Nye Beach Newport, Oregon . Newport ' Service Station Snper Serrlce J At junction of Booserelt tf-, Newport-Corrallis Illgnww KEIX Y AND GTLKEY, TROl CRANE COTTAGt ' : S .blocks N.of Postofflc I ! Box 43, Newport REST COTTAGk " Farnlshed. Wood, LUb Water, Free. Xox 453, Newport J -PAf'Af.lA COTTAGK