The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 15, 1927, Page 12, Image 12

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A quintet of attractive young Salem'girls who are in junior high and high school:
Uper left: . Miss Katherine Goulet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Romeo Goulet.
Upperright:; Miss Eleanor Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David, Wright.
Cenferr 'Miss Grace Elizabeth Holman, daughter of Mrs. Thomas' Holman of EolaV
Lower left: Miss Maxine Myers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Myers, who was the
inspiration for a delightful one o'clock birthday luncheon on April 23.
Lower right: Miss Marie Stutesman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Stutesman.
Dawri is dense with twitter,
And the white air swims and sings
n rapid wings that glitter,
And the flashing of wings,
Delicate and fugitive shiverings.
The dews curl up in haze,
While the sun from his hive
Like i giant bee ablaze
Bursts dizzily alive
And through the. glow a thousand swallows dive.
Light like a storm
Deluges the grass,
And birds in a swarm
Wheel, dwindle and mass
And their wings are split silver as they .pass.
Professor W. S. G. Thatcher
. Will Address University
Women on Saturday
Froiessor W. -S. O. Thatcner or
' the University of Oreson school
of joarnalism. will be the speaker
of the afternoon at 'the luncheon
neetlns or the Salem branch ox
the American Association of Uni
' rersity Women on, Saturday, "May
21, at toe Gray Belle. .
The officers for the year will be
elected at this. time.
" , Reservations for .the .luncheon
should te made with -Mrs. Robert
3 Dann at 148 0-J before Friday.
Guests from Berkeley;
Calif ornia, Will Spend
. Twn Week Here ' .
' Mr 'and Mrs.. A. P. Brasfield of
Berkeley. California, who are
house guests of Mrs. E. C Small
and Mrs. George J. , Pearce, pun
to spend andther week in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Brasfield arriTed In
Oregon" last Monday.
Mrs. Brasfield is a daughter of
Mrs. : Small and sister of Mrs.
George J. Pearce.
Success fid Benefit Bridge -is
Sponsored at Laban
Steeves -Home'.
Every- available table ,was tak
en, several days in advance of the
pjaylng. for the American Legion
Auxiliary benefit bridge; tea. on
J-Mday al'the home of Mrs. Laban
43teeves, - :-: '.; -v
Rom cofored tulips Iris, - and
lilacs . were - arranged" in almost
beautiful ' manner5, around', the
rooms.. ". : -f . . :
Mra. A; L: Johnson '.won '"''the
first prize of the afternoon; white
the- second award went- to Mis.
Erle Dane. ' : .-
; Hostesses wt Mrs. Steeres
wre Mrs, Reed Towland, Mrs.
George Nelson, Mrs. Karl Hinges.
Mrs. R. C. Stetenin, and Mrs. E.
A. Paulson.
Those participating in the af
fair were: Mrs. Ray W. Hart-
' man, Mrs. A. C. Sample, Mrs. J. H.
Willett, Mrs. H. O. White, Mrs.
R, C. Hunter, Mrs. C. E. Know
land, Mrs. A. L. Johnson, Mrs.
Murl Pettitj Mrs. Marshall Pen-
gra, Mft. Ira D. Mix, of Independ
ence; Mrs. Walter Smith, of Mon
mouth;, Mrs; C. L, Newman, Mrs.
J. Hi Brady, Mrs. F. Ivan Brown,
Mrs. -Richard Meyer, Mrs Earle
Daue, Mrs. Henry Finley, 'Mrs.
Otto Hopper, Mrs. Oscar Zeller,
Mrs. Newell, Williams, Mrs. p. J.
Meaney. Mrs. E. E. Ling, Mrs. S-.
H. Starr, Mrs. F. E. Sherwin, Mrs.
Chas. Ramp, Mrs. J. W. Orr, Mrs.
M. P. 'Adams, Mrs. O. L. Fisher,
Mrs. 1. M, Doughton, Mrs. Harold
M. Brown, -Mrs. Albert C- Smith,
Mrs. C. W. Emmons, Mrs. James
Goodman,-Mrs. Grant Day, Mrs.
Ross Goodman, -Mrs. Edwin - Arm
strongs Mrs' Lawrence Imlah. Mrs.
Ned 8trahorn, Mrs. Richard Schei,
Mrs. Albert JGragg, Mrs. Paul F,
Burr js, Mrs. E H. Kennedy, Mrs.
Jas. II. Jennfngs, Mrs. Ehiane Gib
son, Mrs. Elaio .White. Mrs. Adam
Engle, Mrs. K.1L. Williams. Mrs.
T. D. Pomeroy," Mrs. Ri E. Smith,
Mrs. G. G. Mattison, Mrs. Willard
WIrtt, Mrs; Robt. G. Brady, Mr,
Harold '"' Mason", Mrs. ' Charles
Strickland Mrs. ChalmerGeorge,
Mrs. 'James M.f Smithy Mrs. f Jess
GeorgirMra. Carl Armstrong.' ' V
Miss Ruby Cs Peterson P. -Announces
Betrothal to
Ralph C. Curtis on May U
Of - wldo interest on- the Will
amette uniyerslty -campus is the
news "of the engagement of Miss
Rnby' C. Peterson to Ralph C.
Curtis. ' - --
The news was told in a delight
ful manner yesterday. May 14,
when the bride-elect entertained
at the Green Gate at the Spa with
a 1 o'clock luncheon. Covers were
placed for 14 intimate friends of
Miss Peterson.
A lovely basket of red carna
tions centered the table on which
lighted red candles glowed.
The secret of the betrothal was
concealed in the place-cards,
which, when opened, revealed the
names of Miss Peterson and Mr.
Covers were placed for: Miss
Millicent King, Miss Ella Pfeiffer,
Miss Adelia Gates, Miss Betty
Rice, Miss Ruth Drew, Miss Mar
garet Johnson, Miss Mildred De
Bord, Miss Melva Spence, Miss
Margaret Brown, Miss Elizabeth
Vinson, Miss Ruby Lou Davis,
Miss Mary McKee, Miss Helen
Balrd, and the hostess, Miss Ruby
C. Peterson.
Both Miss Peterson and Mr.
Curtis are members of the junior
class' at Willamette university.
Mr. Curtis, who is a newspaper
man, is telegraph editor of the
Oregon Statesman. Formerly he
was connected with the Bend,
Bulletin, at Bend, Oregon, and la
ter with the Martin Advertising
Miss Peterson is. the -daughter
of Dr. and Mrs. H. Peterson of
Portland, while Mr, Curtis is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Curtis
of Salem. -. t; I :
The date of the wedding , has
npt been announced. '
Thursday Club WiU Meet
at.E. C. Cross Home " t
The members of the Thursday
club will meet on Thursday after
no6n of this week at the home of
Mrs. E. C. Cross. Hostesses with
Mrs. Cross will be Mrx Russell
Catlin.-Mra.H." B. Thielsen.- and
Mrs. F.(A. Elliott. 1
Mrs. J. N. Murray Is'
Guest From Portland
Mrs. James N. Murray of Port
land , is a house-guest this . week
end at the home of.; Mr. and Mra.
Frank JaskoskU JMrs,Murray ac
companied . Mr. and Mrs. - Allman
of Portland, who. motored . on to
Eugene, 'as I far as - Salem, . She
will return to" Portland with the
AUniaiia: gil't, ' '
StPaivs Junior Guild WiU
Sponsor Benefit Bridge Tea ,
on Friday, May 20 V'r"'
1 The outstanding benefit Affair
of the week will be that on Fri
day, May; 20, which the - Junior
Gujld of ; St. Paul .Episcopal
church will sponsor at the Par
ish house.
Reservations may be had by
calling Mrs. . Donald Roberts,
1359-R. ' . V .
The hostesses of the afternoon
will be Mrs. Louis- Lachmand,
Mrs. E. H. Kennedy, Mrs. Donald
Roberts, 'Mrs. V. E. Kuhn, and
Mrs. A. C. F. Perry. .
Assisting daring the afternoon
will be Mrs. 'W. W? Baum, Mrs.
Dave M. John, Mrs. Earle Dane,
Miss Sarah Lansing, 'Miss Char
lotte Zieber, Miss Bertha Babcock.
Miss Nancy Thlelsen, Miss Julia
Creech, Miss Dorothy -White, Miss
Margaret Bell, and Miss. Virginia
Page. .
Special music numbers will be
given during7 the afternoon by
Mrs. W. Carlton Smith and Miss
Nancy Thielsen. '
Reservations have already been
made for an interesting afternoon
by: Mrs. Joseph Baumgartner,
Mrs. Amos Strong, Mrs. Vassal.
Mrs. E. H. Kennedy. Mrs. Homer
Smith, Miss Sara Lansing, -. Mrs.
Robt. Brady, Mrs. J. E. .Law, Mrs.
Al Krause, Mrs. Wm. Lytle, Mrs.
Louis Lachmund, Mrs. Rnssel Cat
lln. Mrs. Frank Years, Mrs. C. C.
Page. -Mrs. H. G. Maison. Mrs. W.
W. Boum.
Marian Lorena Barker' r
Celebrates Sixth Birthday
On May 10
Mrs. Ernest Barker was hostess
at a delightful children's party on
Tuesday, May 10, when she hon
ored her little daughter. Marian
Lorena, on her sixth birthday.
The rooms were lovely with tu
lips and delphinium.
In the guest group were Gordon
Winchcomb, Maxine Gahlsdorf,
Vera Luther, Jennette Graber, Bil
lie May McDonald, Dorothy aBrk
er. Marjorie May Barker, Mabel
McGuire, Bobby Purbrick, Gordon
Jergenson, Helen Jane Acheson,
Norma Sumner and Gordon Sum
ner The hostess was assisted
during the afternoon by Delphine
Anderson and Alice Claxton.
American Legion and
Auxiliary Will Have
Joint Social Hour
Following the regular meetings
of the American Legion and Amer
ican Legion Auxiliary, the two
groups will enjoy a Joint social
hour in McCornack hall. Each
auxiliary member is asked to bring
either sandwiches or cakes.
Story Telling Section of
the Salem Arts League
Completes Successful Year
Under the able leadership of
Mrs. Clifton B. Mudd, the story
telling section of of the Salem Arts
league has just completed a suc
cessful season. On Tuesday, the
section conducted the open meet
ing of the Arts league.
The story telling work began
last October with a study of what
kind of stories to tell and how to
tell them. Two meeting were held
during November. At the first
kindergarten stories were studied,
and at the second Thanksgiving
In December, fairy stories and
Christmas stories were featured.
In January both meetings were
devoted to historical stories. In
February the group studied poetry
and pictures; in March, Bible stor
ies; in April, epic stories); and in
May, reminiscences.
Mrs. McCall Entertains With
Delightful Birthday Affair
Honoring the birthday anniver
saries of her husband, W. F. Mc
Call, and of Mrs. M. C. Petteys,
Mrs. McCall was hostess recently
at an attractive birthday dinner.
Covers were placed for: Mr. and
Mrs. M. C. Petteys, Mr. and Mrs.
H. E. Rice and daughters, Marga
ret and Helen, Mr. and Mrs. Ferd
Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Allen,
Mr. and Mrs. John Gull, Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Utley and son, Billie,
Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Blodgett and
son, Cory don, and Mr. and Mrs.
W. F. McCall.
Violin Concert at YMCA
Pleases Capacity Audience
on Friday Night
Every seat at the auditorium
was taken for the "pleasing con
cert which was given on Friday
at the YMCA under the auspices
of Miss Elizabeth Levy, president
of the Sejem branch of the Ore
gon state music teachers', associa
tion. v
Miss Ruby Norgard, the most
advanced of the group, played
Handel's- 'Sonata in A Major"
with genuine skill. . '
Miss Fay Irvine, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Irvine ' of
(Independence, played , her Mos-
kowskl numbers with great
Miss Mildred Jaeger assisted on
the program with two Chopin
numbers for the piano.
Miss Levy's violin choir was
received with much approval. In
the group are : Misses . Fay ' Irr
vine. Norma Greene, Yvonne Pick
ell, Ruby Norgard, Margaret
Hogg, Mrs. Rosetta Wooley, Mrs.
Katherine Pankalla, Mrs. Ruth
Fuller. Miss Mildred Jaeger is
piano accompanist.
Cornelia Marvin; State
Librarian Supplies Business
Women's Editorial -
i In a recent Issue of the official
publication: of the Salem Business
and Professional Women's club,
which is edited by Blanche Isher
wood.tMlss Cornelia; Marvin, stats
librarian, submitted the following
editorial: t , r,- -
' I have been asked to supply
the editorial word this month and
I am happy to comply with this
request, because it has seemed
impossible for me to attend meet
ings, and I do wish to express my
interest in the work of the organi
sation and 'in its future. When
Dr. Rowland came to me years
.go to tell 'about the struggling
organization with a dozen or more
members, and to talk over plans,
it - appealed to me very strongly.
I .believed that business women
had interests of their own which
could be promoted through coop
eration, and. I felt very sure that
they had .certain qualities devel
oped r 'through ' their experience
which would make it possible for
them. t6 give, through an organi
zation, something the community
needed. . K
''The past few years of out club
have been devoted to perfecting
organization and acquaintance, to
securing members, and to the
fundamentals essential before any
vigorous growth in influence is
possible The leadership has been
fine, and certainly - the time has
now come for carrying' out some
of the projects which were part of
the vision and hope of the found
ers. , - ,
"Most business women' have so
many.' financial responsibilities
that-the leaders have hesitated to
burden them with the thought of
assuming a debt collectively; but
the club house must come, pos
sibly two, one In town and one In
the country; there must be an
educational program and a recrea
tional program all year round, and
there must be V program which
will be helpful to all working
women, to the beginner and to
those who bear the heaviest bur
den. The educational need is
Surely for constant self-improvement,
which will be reflected in
the business and profession."
Mrs. Alfred Vick is Hostess
For Jason Lee West
Side Circle
The West Side Circle of the Ja
son Lee Ladies' Aid Society met
last week at the home of Mrs. Al
fred Vick. Twenty-seven mem
bers were present.
The followr&g program was giv
en: piano solo, Mrs. Wygant; de
scriptive tree ontest; piaro solo,
by Miss Lorraine Vick; duet by
Mrs. Vick and Miss Lorraine Vick.
At the tea hour, Mrs. Vick was
assisted by Mrs. Lena Hackett and
Mrs. C. T. Givens.
Visitors in Portland
Mrs. M. N. Chapman, Miss Edith
Hazard, Mrs. E. M. Crofean, and
Mrs. E. M. Hoffnell mokored to
Portland last week to speind a day
viewing interesting gardens.
Visitors Return to Manzanita
Mrs. L. E. Rogers , and her
daughter, Miss Lila Rojgers have
returned to their home at Manzan
ita after spending three weeks in
WRC Ladies' Aid Plan to
Plant Flowers at
Fairgrounds .
The ladies aid society of the
WRC met on Thursday fbr an all
day meeting , at the Fairgrounds
building. Twenty were in the
group.' It was decided to plant
early flowers as well as the later
varieties around the building. Any
one having early plants for June
blossoms is asked to call Mrs. Mc
Adams at 679-W or Mrs. Loveland
at 2251. .
Royal Neighbors
The Royal Neighbors will hold
the regular meeting at 8 o'clock
Wednesday at St. Paul's Parish
Writers1 Club WQl Meet
Mrs. W. F. Fargo will entertain
the Writers' section of the Salem
Arts League on Tuesday, May 17,
at her home, 1085 N. Church
street. ,
Group of Royal Neighbors
Visit Home of Rose Abbott
To assist Mrs. Rose Abbott, ora
cle of the Royal Neighbors of
America, in the management of
her home, a group of Royal Neigh
bors called at her home on Satur
day and spent the. day, assisting
her in every possible way.
Six weeks ago Mrs. Abbott fell
on the pavement on her way to
lodge and broke her shoulder
blade. She is still unable to use
the member.
Those assisting Mrs. Abbott on
Saturday were: Mrs. Sarah Pet
erson, Mrs. Mildred Julia Blod
gett, Mrs- Carrie Bunn. Mrs. Carl
Lickis, and Mrs. Bertha Loveland.
' The group enjoyed a pot-luck
dinner at the Abbott home.
Past Matrons Will be in
Charge of Eastern Star
Meeting on Tuesday
Chadwlck Chapter, Order of the
Eastern Star, will meet on Tues
day evening May 17, for a particu
larly interesting meeting at the
Masonic Temple, with the Past Ma
trons' club In charge of the initia
tory work.
M rs. Frank Churchill
WUl Sponsor, Program at
YMCAon. Wednesday
Mrs. Frank Churchill has made
interesting plans for a concert on
Wednesday evening, May 18, at
the YMCA auditorium. Piano pu
pils of Mrs. Churchill will be as
sisted by the Sacred .Heart acad
ema orchestra, Lawrence Deacon,
baritone, and Norma Sutherland,
The public Is invited. The pro
gram will open at 8 6'clqck.
Mrs. George Nelson is
Honor Guest at Meeting
of Adolynk Club
Mrs. George Nelson was the
guest of honor at the delightful
Maytime party of the Adolynk
club at which Mrs. Karl Chapler
was hostess at her home on Mon
day. Each place was marked with a
miniature May basket, filled with
Five special guests were includ
ed; Mrs. Carl Armstrong, Mrs
Lawrence Imlah, Mrs. Arm in Ber-
ger, Mrs. W. A. Johnson, and
Mrs. Edwin Armstrong.
Mrs. George Nelson won the
first prize of the afternoon, while
the guest prize went to Mrs. Carl
Every member of the Adolynk
club was present.
Woodbum Leaders Attend
Missionary Meeting
Mrs. Sarah Jenny of Woodburn
was a special guest at the quarter
ly tea meeting of the Woman's
Foreign Missionary society of the
First Methodist church on Wed
nesday at the home of Mrs. Ray
L. Farmer. . Mrs. Jenny, who is
president of the Woodburn WMFS
gave interesting words of . greet
ing from her group. The pastor
of the church, as well as a nam
ber of others, were also guests at
the meeting.
Girl Reserve Croups
Sponsor Picninc on
Thursdau Kveninn '
The Girl Reserve organizations
of Salem eight In all, spent a de
lightful evening on Thursday,
southwest of town at the Erickson
acreage where a picnic supper was
enjoyed, followed by the ceremony
of friendship fires. Seventy girls
were in the procession that mount
ed the hill singing "Follow the
Gleam," as part of the ceremonial.
Royal Neighbors Sewing Club
. Twenty members of the R. N. A.
sewing club enjoyed the meeting
on Tuesday at the home of Mrs
Ahault. The time was spent in
sewing on bazaar articles. The
next meeting of the group wiirbe
held on May 24 at the home of
Mrs. Mary Ackerman at 192 East
Myers street.
Sacajawea Camp Fire
Girls Enjoy Activities
The reporter of the Sacajawea
Campfire group has written the
following news concerning the
organization: '
The Sacajawea Campfire girls
met at Sohequa Wednesday even
ing, for their weekly meeting
They decided to postpone further
Plans for a play until next fall
Plans for their summer came were
discussed. They planned to have
an all day frolic followed by
council fire some time In the near
future. On Wednesday, May 4
theirls had a cabob "roast at the
home of Thelma Davis. Co bobs
(Continued on Pag 3.)
HoWo You Feel at the Finish?
FTER THE DAY'S WORK, is finished, re you
brght and fresh to greet the folks af home?
Or are you worn out and irritable? Dizzyj frontal
headaches nervousness and digestive troubles will
cause this fatigue. All the illnesses can be traced
directly' to the eyes.
Pomeroy & Keen
Jewelers and Optometrists
, Salem; Oregon
yr ; "" -
i ' ". :. v . ' ' " ' ' . ' . !f"
' Glaubers
- -
If you want your floor covered
and only want to spend a little for
it we are offering for six days a
nice lot of patterns of felt base at
49 cents per square yard and the4
very best felt base made such as
Congoleurn, Armstrong and Ne
ponset at 69 cents on your floor,
new up-to-date patterns. See the
patterns in our window.
Anniversary prices on
For Another Week
Splendid one piece Axminster
rugs, 9x12 at $39.00, and those
Worsted Wiltons at $74.00 are a
real buy. The very finest Wiltons
made, such as Royal KaShau's at
$1 12.00, a real bargain. If in need
of a rug of any kind do not buy
until you have seen these.
A very special on 9x 1 0.6 and 9x 1 2
felt base rugs at $8.85 and $9.85,
The kind usually sold for $ 12.25 to
$13.50. Our price for six days
$9.85. Buy now and save.
Everything in the store reduced
during our 10 year Anniversay
Sale. Only one more week can
you buy, Davenports, Dining Room
and Chamber Suites at such little
359 North! High Street
i " ;