The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 13, 1927, Page 9, Image 9

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Social Calendar
.yilia Temple -Announce
'S firing Ceremonial
t The sprinst'ceremonial of Nydia
tS'inpfe :So." 4. , DanRhtera or the
"fJile. according I o announcement!
which are being received by the
members, will be an interesting
:venf' of Saturday afternoon. May
21. tn Portland. The ceemonial
will be held in the new place of
meeting, the Odd Fellows build
ing at Tenth and Salmon streets,
beginning at 2 o'clock.
Dinner will be served in the
Oystal room at the Benson hotel
;it ;:.10 o'clock at $1.25 a plate.
Reservations should be made
while Mr. Kills Is a son or the late
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Ellis.
('overs at the dinner were placed
for Misa Sylvia Marstecs, the gneKt
of, honor, Miss -Eululjia Ldnday.
Mrs. Sam Jlurkhart, Miss Nancy
Savage, Mian J race Holt, Miss
Irene Bradford. Miss Ia Verne
Kantner, Miss Jessie Miles, Miss
Dorothea Steusloff, Miss Esther
Erickson. Mrs. Ben Ramseyer,
Mrs. Waldo Marsters, Miss Dor
othy Ellis. Miss Leolyn Barnett,
Miss Velma llominger. Miss Ma
bel Savage. Mrs. H. L. Marsters
and the hostesses, Mrs.. Spaulding
and Mrs. Marsters.
First Methodist Church
with-Mrs. Hugh McC'redie, 975 E.
l.'iiii street north, telephone Car-! ,.fs. f other nntl
li. ld or -with Mrs. ( harles jjaU(JJtter8 to HaWJltet
L. Dunham. R90 East 25th street! ' . ...
, rth. telephone CJarf.eld 750, f,y ! . T,,e '"l Methods church in-
j.rj(l.V. ! vites all the mothers and daiigh-
7;u.sts should present the 1927 j1 of 'tne ngregation to at
for admission lf the ere-! U",! , the anm,al banquet which
n in 1.
Meeting of Chem electa
Ciiifttrr I'mtptmttl
l'ntil Mig 28th
Due to a conflict of engage
ments, the special meeting of ('he
rn, ket a chapter of the Daughters
of the American Iteolution, plan
ned for Saturday of this week, has
will be served at the church this
'-ning at 6:30 o'clock.
The South East circle, of which
Mrs.'K. C. Miller'is president, will
prepare the 'meal which the men
will serve.
The following committees have
been appointed to take charge of
the affair: Executive, Rev. P. C.
Taylor, H. F. Shanks, A. A. Lee;
Im.mi postponed" until Saturday, Ingram, Mrs. Chester C. Clark,
May 28 two weeks from thedate
lirst announced.
Miss Sylvia Marsters
Announces Wedding Dote
at Dinner at Spaulding Home
Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding and
.Mrs. Ralph (Hover were hostesses
at . an exceedingly attractive din
ner party on Wednesday evening
honoring Miss Sylvia Marsters, a
popular bride-elect. At the din
ner, which was served at -the
Spaulding home, the date of Miss
Marsters' wedding to Wade Ellis
was formally announced Tues
day, June 7.
A beautiful bowl of green art
plas.s with lovely green glass can
dlesticks to match centered the
long table. Iris, honeysuckle,
bridal wreath spirea, tulips and
columbine tilled the bowl which,'
together with .the candlesticks,
was a gift to the bride-elect from
the hostesses, Mrs. Marsters and
Mrs. Spaulding.
The color scheme of yellow and
green was emphasized in streamers
which reached from the bridal
place cards to the wedding rings
concealed in the bouquet. To
(ach ring was attached the wed-
liroughout the evening. . .
Miss Marsters is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Marsters,
and the Delta Alpha class; menu
and "dinner, Mrs. J. W. Phenicie,
Mrs. i'- Pontius and Mrs. N. S.
Savage;, kitchen service and din
ner, W. C. Winslow, H. W. Swaf
ford, E. C. Miller, j: C. De Har
port..C Hoogerhyde, J. B. Crary,
I. (',.' Boyer, N. S. Savage, F. W.
Ailer; tables and decoration, I. T.
Moore, George Outekunst, Joseph
Sykes. J. H. Van Nice; waiters on
table, J. D. Foley, D. H. Mosher,
Li. S. Covert, U. G. Holt, Charles
Lisle, W. C. Keck, E. C. Halladay,
O. K. Middleton, E. T. Barnes, R.
C. Glover, O. W. Emmons, G. E.
Lewis, A. A. Lee, B. Blatchford,
Chester Nichols, J. N. Moore; fin
ance committee, N. S. Savage and
A. A. Lee.
Mrs. J. P. Price and Mrs.
H arley Hosier Are
Hostesses for Amperettes
Mrs. P. Price and Mrs. Harley
Rosier were joint hostesses for an
enjoyable meeting of the Amper
ette club on Wednesday at the
Price home. Mrs. W. J. Green and
Mrs. Belle Brown assisted the hos
tesses at the refreshment hour.
Cards were in play.
High scores of the evening were
Won by Mrs. Mason Bishop and
Sng date, June 7.,
Game. and music -wsj-fr-en joyed! W.,X. -Green, wbHeMrst- F. X.
Iloereth and Mr. Bishop received
second places. . r
In the group were Mr. and Mrs.
in" inri
. ': Today , , -r
Ladles pay. ; Illlhee Conntry
rlaiir. First matches.
'Mothers' nd dancliters' han
qnet.' First Melhodist church,
:S0 o'clock. j
American Legion auxiliary ben
efit bridge party. Mrs. La ban
Steeves home. ' ,
Box social. West Salem church.
State -onvent1on of Business
and Professional Women'n clubs.
CorvaHis. Opening session at 1
o'clock. J
Woman's society of First Bap
tist fhurch. Mrs. T. "L. Tweedale,
hostess, 2:30 o'clock. J
Ml98 Elizabeth Levy's program
at YMCA, 8il5 o'clock.
Hal Hibbard auxiliary. Mrs?
B. W. Walrher, hostess.
Women's Relief corps card
party. Mrs. T. W. Da vies, hso
tess. . : '
i Saturday
Salem Woman's Club. Club
house. 2:30 d'clock.
Ieslie - WFMS--thank offering
service, 11, o'clock. Leslie Meth
odist 'church. t
Interdenominhtioiial council, at
Leslie M.'E. church.
Earl Chappell. Mrs. Belle Brown,
Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Hartwell,
Mr. and Mrs. Mason Bishop and
daughter. Henrietta, Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Green, Mr. and Mrs. Merle
Travis, Mr. and Mrs. F. X. Hoer
eth, Mr. and Mrs. W. Rentchler.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Mendell, Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn Selee, Mr. and Mrs.
Larry, Sechler, Mr. and Mrs. Mosh
er. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Bosler
and daughter Marjorie, and Mr.
and Mrs. J. P. Price and son,
The regular business meeting
of the Amperettes will lie held at
the V. A. Rentchler 'home at 1183
Madison street on Mondav, May
Former Salemites Are
Guests Here From Florida
The many friends of Mr. and
Mrs. A. F. Adams and daughter,
Miss Alice Adams, are glad to
know they have returned from
Florida where they have been
spending the last three and one
half years. They are the house
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben P.
Taylor, 1998 East State street.
They will locate permanently in
Eugene. I
Miss Alice Adams is talented
as a musician.
Garden Motif Is Feature
at Miss Robertson's
Party Last Night
A delightful party took place
last night when Miss Eunice Rob
ertson entertained at her home,
340 Rural avenue. The garden
motif was introduced in a clever
way-i At -Ihft-refcesliHH'ut hour
the menu was served in small
Cower pots. Lilacs were lovely
in the rooms.
In the guest group 'were Miss
Erma Bolinger; Miss Harie Brett
eqstein. Miss Itet ha ? Nash. Miss
Dorothy Hinds. Mrs.' Kenneth Bell.
Mrs. Wilbur F. Daily, Mrs. Ned
Strahorn, Mrs. Stanley Latnson,
Mrs. Ted phalmer and the hos
tess. Miss Eunice Hobertsoh.
Mr. awL-Muts,
Charlton Name Son '
Mr. and Mrs. E. t.'. Charlton
(Luella Pat ton) have "given the
naeie of Robert CTarl to .their small
son who M new three -w'eeks old.
Mrs. Charlton Is at - the home of
her parents,4Mr.and Mrs. E. Cooke
Patton. .-; -t yft "'
Leslie WFMS Will Hold I
Annual Thank Offering ''
Service on fZimday
The Woman's Foreign Mission
ary society of the Leslie Metho
dist .church will hold Its annual
thank offering service at 11 o'clock
Sunday morning. May 15.
Estelle Jinson Bare, a returned
missionary trim India, will be the
speaker. Her message promises
to be vital and compelling.
Every member of the society; is
urged to attend in a body in ortfr
that the speaker will have the
group to greet her, of which she
Is worthy.
1!V U. C. Card Part Will be
Held at T.. W. Davies Home
(in account of tlw remodeling
work which flaking place at the
armotry, the WltC benefit card
party will not be held in the Vet
erans rooju. Instead, it will take
place from 2 to 5 o'clock 4 his af
ternoon at the home of Mrs. T. W.
Davies, 41 North Cottage street.
To reach the Davies home, take
the Summer street bus. ! '
Mrs. WalcJier Will Entertain
Hal Hiblmrd Auxiliary
; Mrs. B. W. Walcher will enter-
tain Hal Hibbard. auxiliary, U. S.
W. V. in her home at 1570 South
Commercial street on Friday af
ternoon. May 13.
Thiswill be a business and so
cial meeting combined. Ladies
who are not members of the aux
iliary "but are relatives of Spanish
War veterans are cordially invited
to this affair.,
Mr. and Mrs. Styles Move
to Fairgrounds Road
Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Styles
has moved to 2075 Fairgrounds
Load, which Will be therr home In
the future. Mr. and Mrs. Styles
formerly lived at 7 80 N. Summer
t , -
m itm m:wm With mn milium
When Glasses Are
New Location
I Dr. C. B. O'Neill
? Fourth Floor ,
Flrst National Bank Building
. Phone t5
It Has The Most Popular Sale Of Any
Bread Made In Salem
it is PSuesLsss
Ard Is Recognized: in Every Home for Its
Quality and Genuine Food Merit
. (Convea4?nNyJLca4 )
170 North Commercial
U: takes a lot of mineral .!
lp stow husky frame.
I lht' why kid should lunch
each day
On honey-sweetened .
rod no more bake-day trooWet
do more worries about "what to have
to eat." This valuable v6Xtme, pre
pared by the best Informed baking
authorities fa -the world, contains
pasje after page of the favorite rid pel
of famous chefs the most 'delicious
foods that Can be produced, ettactly
as the world's master 4dkrs aaake
(hemA Their success Is your success
their baking experience and bak
ing secrets are yours to use, to enjoy
and to profit by. Up-to-date methods
hat make baking easier aftd-lnf-prove
the quality of fostds. Sen J
today. No cost. KptSirtr o buy.
Absolutely free. '
4100 Flllttor 54. ' - " XXiIcmtX UL
I CALUMET BAKING POWDER CO, 4100 Fillmore St Chicago,
, - Please send me free of cost, postpaid, a Calumet Cook Book.
! ' "!" " - ' -'i. :' ' ' ' .: . -, '-' ' t f: . -. ' i ' --r. ' . :" "
I a - . -. - -. - . - . . J . . . . "
I Name
J Steeet.i.........
J "' i ...
City.. .J..;.....
...State J..
Baked Clean and Packed Clean
for Your Baby's Sake
Tru-Blu Grahams have always
been a favorite food for babies.
Doctors have recommendea them v
frequently. And mothers h
told their friends.
; O Such ' faith has been taken to heart by
- " Tru-Blu. Only the best goes into Tru
Blu ' Grahams. Your baby will like
. tnem. 1 hey re honey-sweetened.
Order From Ybiir Grocer NOW
V Ask, fpr the Blue and Cold FAMILY Package
Mrs. Frank Evans -
Honort Husband With
Dirthdmj Surprise
To celebrate the birthday anni
yersary of Frank Kraas. Mrs.
Evans entertained on Wodnesday.
May 11, with a delightful surprbje
dinner, followed with an evening
of bridge.
A basket of spring flowers cen
tered the table where cover were
placed for Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Ramp. .Mr. and Mrs. Ouane Cib-
sn, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Chapter
and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans.',
"Mrs. fltbon won tile high' score
among the Women, and Mr. Ramp
hfKh score among the' men. '' ' ''"
First Methodist W. F. M. S.
Holds Quarterly Tea on
Wednesday Afternoon
One of the most delightful af
fairs in church circles this week
was the quarterly tea wnlch : the
members of the First Methodist
W oman's Foreign Missionary soci
ety, sponsored on Vdiusilay t
the home or Mrs. Ray L. "Farme
he room Vefe' lovely with tl
Maj'tlnieiflpwersl 7 ' ' ' ,
V-Mrg. Crl1 Wilson had rharj
of the deVotiojaa, .while the lessoi
on "Education for Peace," wi
preaented ; hr Mrs- C. F. Brol
haupt.- '..' .
Miss "EUzaUeth Silver sang "1
the Secret of His rresence." aftt
(Continued on pau lfll
Many Thrifty Mothers Buy '
i ru-tiiu Urahams
m")Vood Boxes
rr . . . ..
, . -
. 1 1 111 " " 1 1 1111 . ' " s
...and Miller's are amply
prepared to show you the
co rrect s tyles in Panam a,
L eg ho rn, Toyo, Floren
tine and Domestic Straws
Genuine Panamas--
Genuine panamas afe easy to distinguish. Their ex
treme i flexibility the toughness of ."fibre make them
discernable, they stand out from all summer hats. '
Here, one will find them for as little as $3.00. All
sizes, too. , ; . - -
Priced $3.00 to $6.50
Italian Florentines-
The genuine Florentine from far away Italy. - A soft -
braide4 straw resernbling cloth. Unique in it's struc- j
ture but ideal for varm weather wear. It is a smart f f
head piece and comes in fashion's approved blocks.
Priced $2.00 to $3.00 i
Imitation Panamas - 8
4 x van
Here's panamas nearest imitation. The Toyo. It is
indeed a bard wearing fibre and of course comes in all
the; wanted shapes such as "pinch telescope," "optimo,"
and ''Alpine." fancy gros grain band leather sweat.
.00 and $3.50
Imported Leghorns-
Imported Leghorns in natural light tans. A feather
weight hat in a smart block that "you will enjoy -wearing.
Genuine leather sweat, silk gros grain band ; all sizes.
- $5.C0
Priced - - - - -
a- ' j
Sailors .
Sailor straws by Gordon here exclusively Fancy
straws with just trre right crown and brim for this sea
son. Our corner window tells the hat story for the
season which usfoers in today.
Pneed $2,0Q to $3.50
See the Big Straw Hat Parade
at ElevenfO'Clcck Today!
. . . . ; ; , .... . ...... , . . . t
"tMtflJM"i" "'l r'".. 11.1 irti inn Mnh ...MlffillMrt T 'I "flMTI '"Ii ill , ' w.H.h.hJ liM.I o " u..... ..t.- ...... . ... .....