Y TOM OllEfJ WIS s nw pinernrpieiniy ( Ull ULUOL ULUIU1U1I Tommy O'Brien, Portland feath erweight Idol, led his way through to a judge's defcision oyer Phil IJayes of Salem before 2400 fans at the armory last night. The tlrttf was the hardest and bitter est any headliner this year, hot.. nen tearing out on full speed after the third round, and withal it was one of clean sportsmanship to the finish. Hounds one and two were even, the first turning Into a sprightly dancing and sparrihg match. Close infighting commenced in the sec ond and evolved into a smashing attack from Bayes in the third which opened the, Portlander's r (ame eye. lWeak of 'A Wien be jt a polo r. fame eye. O Brlen maae snis oniy tne ngni in inisi royna threw Phir to the ropes nologized and; took a smash y Jo the jaw in." return. j Hayes oesj, jtuuuu., ,aa ,jub. fourth which he took by clever returns and counter-to Tommy's rushes. He lost much ground In the fifth when O'Brien landed a skinner over the eye' starting a steady flow of blood. The cut was deepened later in .the. round , and with both men spattering they saw red until the ttaal rang. Bayes made e poor choice In shoes for the encounter losing every chance, for fast breaks in the sixth by slipping to his knees. The same thing occurred in the seventh whlch-Bayps would haye won by a wide margin nnder ordi nary circumstances. As it was he took it on a shade by landing two terrific punches to the head and mouth. He was forced to tats an equal punch' however" as the bell sounded. O'Brien opened the eighth in fast fashion with three solid blows landed in two rushes. He yimmered away at Phil's eye f Jit b success but took two blows "gas rockers in exchange. .V After two minutes of steady in K -'lighting in the ninth, Bayes took a right hook-to tne moutn ana another to the eye." He coun 1c red well but could not over come the Irishman's advantage. Bayes fought back furiously, in the final round , to overcome the lead lost in the eighth and ninth, and in the opinion of his support ers very nearly accomplished the purpose. The round was the fast est of any but was practically even in every respect. The closeness was marked . by the hesitancy of the Judges, to hand in their slips. Two for O'Brien and one for Salem's game little battler was the margin an nofejed. NiTurally Portland fans were satisfied and Bayes. supporters keeuly disappointed. But won or iost, Bayes showed. O'Brien a shower of gloe worj which, will be remembered with soreness, for several days. .: There Iwas not' -a dull moment In the main event nor in the preliminaries and semi- 'Pay Me as You Are Paid"! BATES THE EYE MAN MAKES that fit Convenient Terms 457 State Street With Burnett Bros. ! NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTRIX Notice is hereby given thai the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the Stale of Oregon for the Connty of MHion, as Executrix of the last wm and testament and estate of "Vb M. Schartf. deceased, and rj r.sne Has duly qualified as such i il irix j ail, persona J&aving jTaims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified -to present the same, duly verified to me,' at ZZ37 Nebraska Avenue, Salem. " Marion Countr. Oregon. within, six months from 'the. date of ahi 8 notice. , f ' , ' iated at Salem. Oregon, this ,m day or April, 1327. f s LENA M. KCII Ant5,. V.xcutrlx of the last: will and aiatnnt And. estate of Jacob M, Schartn-deceased., . .y R.ONA1.D C-GLOVER. , . Attorney Htor-ejcecntjrix. -jPttlera. Orron . JEHELDJREGQ. AlfesXlAK, SALEM, OREGbN fi windup. The usual clinching and stalling was eliminated f by the hard working Billy Stebp whose work was well received With , the exception of the draw awarded in the Ilayes-Willert lour rouVnd spe cial event. . " ' y The scheduled,, semi-indup ended so suddenly, and unexjtected ly that the huge crowd was hashed for several minutes. AI Sharp of Salem and Jack Davis of Oiiegon City, fighting theip return nrtatch following the .letter's defeat 1 far a knockout in. the last card; started out in a furious mix. Scarcely 30 seconds after the first touch Sh vrp went down but -jumped up im mediately, only to Tie chaaed around the ring. Sharp turned in his own corner a ft. m mm Vl ana oiocea a, wen piacea na maker wun nis cnin. A glascv eyed stare, a clutching at empt space and he fell face forward. dead knockout. He struggled toi his - feet but Stepp stopped It be fore Davis could finish the massa cre, as the lanky Salemite never knew what' had happened. Billy Hayes of Stayton showed remarkable Improvement in his light against the . doughty Pete Wlllert ibut couldn't convince his Honor that he had the necessary goods. As a draw it was a beau ty, both men. taking punishment but wading in for more. Each drew a hand. '. Jack Mclntyre, Salem's newest lightweight prodigy, proved his worth as a crowd pleaser when he pasted the heavy swinging Young Firpo to a well earned decision. Mclntyre lives in Salem now and should make his home town fans proud to claim him. He carried a heavy two, fisted attack with an easy change of pace -which was baffling to his battle scarred op ponent. Mclntyre will appear pn the next card in the semi-windup. , Loren Watts hammered his fel low .townsman, Johnny; Walker around the ring through four fast first preliminary rounds. vWatts won his fight by hard body pum melling which wore down the lad with the Scotch name to a frazzle of his original self. Nowithstandlng the consistent gate smashers who. use their offi cialdom as. a free pass, Matchmak er Harry Plant reported that the card was the financial success of the season. ALLOWED BY LYONS Twilight Ijeagiie Standings W. l: Pet. Legion ..... Grotto :.. i 1.000 1,000 .500 .500 .000 .000 1 1 1 0 0 Bishop's Papermaker's Valley Motor K. of C. . . . Fresh from a 6-0 defeat last week, the Bishop's Clothing store sine romped over the Knights f Columbus by a 10-0 count. The hurling of, Albert "Brick" Lyons of the clothing store aggregation was the feature of the game. Not a Casey garnered a safe hit, and only one man reached, second base, as the - result of an over throw. A no hit- no run. game is quitea? accomplishment even in the Twilight league. Only ten men , faced : Lyons the first three frames.' Three men reached first, one on a walk," one on an over-inrow, ana mo .unu on an error on a ground ball. The tame, called in the fourth on ac count of darkness, was scheduled for five innings. The Bishop's SJore nine started out with a bang, taking five runs in the first, two in the second and three in the fourth. In perform ing hi8,hrliugXeat Lyona struk m out four men. jana waiaea one f The nextTwUisht league game will be Friday night, between the two: league41! eaders; onei of these clabs wUl Uke a drop; ia the col umn, and publics opinion- favors the Legion to win. The linen ps: BiAop K. of C Ashby..2b Humphreys, as Busick, lb J. Varley. 3 b . Green, cf Balco, p -Kelley, it P. Vafjeyv o ? Edwards, rf, . Clinton. 2b Kelly, lb1 Cummings, o Gibson, Ub Lutz, cf Lyons, p Ellis, It Coombs, rf Hart, ss Umpires Laird and Masoo.V GRIDIRON WORK ? AT U. RESUMED - u. - -UKZ. . eugene! May il. (ApJ - Football. practice' was resumed at the University of Oregon Tuesday afternoon under the direction of Capt, J. J. McEwan, head:coacn. McEwan says he has the mak- irgs of .an excellettjL.backfield for 1927, with Whippet Ord; Ira Woodie, George Burnell, v Cotter Gould. -..Vic Wetzel and Merrill Ha iran. 1926 let termen, as holdovers, ctnd such lads as Coleman, Robin son, Gabriel,- Hatton, jWJlllams, Mlmnaugh, Mason, Cheney, Mac DonalcL and. McDowell poming, up I roni the Ireahman .team., . Other, good prospects are La Salle, Coles and - Milton Green, 1926 super Varsity . men, . and Johnny Low,' a transfer from OAC Hi The veteran eatcher vwafldled. out to -the box for a conference wtlh the wild recruit.4 1 "See here bimboo.r he said,; "you; pitch:- a. f ew more r bad JJncsand Land is wil ha ..wanting to look over youx miU-" ' - lUllESS PITCCEil HIT.WItiS6ffil Coast League Standings I W. L. Pet. Oakland .... 26 17 .05 Sacramento 24 18 .571 Missions .... 1; 22 19 .537 Portland 21 21 .500 Seattle...... 20 21 .488 San Francisco 20 23 .465 Los Angeles 18 2 .439 Hollywood 15 25 .375 SAN FRANCISCO, May 11. (AP.) Although not having made a, hit so far this season, Phil Wein- ert, left handed pitcher of the Mis sions, won his game from Port land today, 5 to 4, by being hit With the score tied, the bases full land two out, Weinert got in the road of one of Kinney's shoots vnd forced, over the winning run. imith and Bagwell each hit home r ns with a runner on base to actcount for all of Portland' tal lie. Score R. H. E. Portland 4 8 0 Missions 5 7 2 Knney and Wendell; Pillette, Weiraert and Whitney. LOS1 ANGELES. May 11. Se attle ptonnded Dick McCabe hard and ofrien, especially in the closing innings and defeated r Hollywood 9 to 2, evening the series. John Miljus held the Stars to five hits, hut three of them were bunched in the fourth to give Hol lywood its 'two runs. Hufft hit a homer in the seventh with one man on. Score R. H. E. Seattle 9 13 0 Hollywood - 2 5 2 Miljns and Schmidt; McCabe and D. Murphy, Cook. OAKLAND, May 11. Oakland scored its second straight, win over the :,San Francisco Seals today when the veteran Wilbur, Cooper let the visitors down with- four hits and a 3-0 shutout. ..Ragged playing by the Seals accounted for two runs as only one counter was earned. Score R. H. E. San Francisco 0 4 3 Oakland 3 8 r 0 Mitchell, Hansen and Stokes, Woodson; Cooper and Baker. ' SACRAMENTO, May 11. Sac ramento defeated Los Angeles, 9 to 8 in 11 innings here today, in one of the worst exhibitions staged here this season. Pitching was of the poorest sort throughout. Smith filled the bases in the last of the 11th and then walked, Mc Laughlih; forcing over the winning tally with, one gone. Score R. H. -E. Los Angeles 8 12 4 Sacramento 9 12 2 Hamilton, Moss, Cunningham, Snrith and Hannah; KallUv Keat ing and Koehler. American, League Standings W. L. 8 11 10 11 12 13 11 16 Pet. .667 .577 .55 .500 .478 .468 .450 .273 New York 16 Chicago, '. "u. 15 Philadelphia' 13 Detroit . "11 Washington . 11 Cleveland 11 St. Louis 9 Boston - .. . 6 DETROIT, May llv AP.) Jack Quinn . outpitched Kenneth Holloway today and . the Athletics won their second straight victory over the Tigers. The score was 3to 1. Ty Cobb single handed scored otae run against his xor- 1 r .SP1 MAT SO Popnd All Cpttcn Mattress Byilt layer upon layer, (not stuffed) , double stitched im perial roll edge, icovered with fine art ticking, with, plain eage dox, special Use Your Credit,': ;r Members Commercial Associates, Inc., the Largest Furniture. Buying Organiza- -r-r- mer tea; n joiates. . In the first ln- niag wit fx two oat - Cobb doubled to the cehterfleld fence. He stole third an I ' came home when Mc Manas' tl trow to catch him at third was over Warner's head. . Score r R. II. E. Philadelp liia ; 3 8 2 Detroit l 17,1 Quinn aid Cochrane; Hollo way and Shea. 7 CHICAGO, May 11. Chicago broke the (winning streak. of Hor! ace Lisen liee, 'Washington s star pitcher, tyho had Won three straight g amesj when the White Sox defeatled the Senators. 4 to 1 today. Ascron Ward's double with! the bases j filled in the sixth in ning, gave the White Sox the gaine. Score R. H. E Washingtotn -- 14 0 Chicago. . ; 4 8 Lisenbee, Burke and Ruel; Lyons and McCurdy. ST. LCIUIS, May 11. Babe Ruth's elg nth home run ot the sea son off Ernie Nevers' delivery and with Koenlig on base Enabled the New York, Yankees to take today's game froni the St. Louis Browns. 4 to ?. i Score j New York! ..... t:jt, 4 2 7 St. Louis J... .. t 8 Shocker jtand Grabowski; Nevers and Scbang. Boston-Cpevelahd game poned; raijj and cold. post- E BEATS E It took irne relay yesterday to decide the i track meet on Sweet land field j between Williamette university jand Linfield college. The Bearc.it s won by a score of 70 to 61, after the score had see sawed thro' ighout the entire meet. The couiot stood 65 to 61 for Willamette when the relay was announced. Linfield had been touted as having a number of ten second men who would handle this event 1 nicely, but Boothby, Thompson, and French, gained a big lead for? Tweedie who took the final dash against Millam, one of Linfield's fastest sprinters. Twee die. finished about 50 yards ahead of his oppooent, ana the meet was won. j Linfield took eight first places as against, "lillamette's six in the regular, events. The Baptists were especially g 3od in the short races, the hurdles! and the.brpad jump, shutting oi t 'Willamette entirely in the latter event. The Bearcats filled all Places in the. javelin throw, antt Vthe 2 mile race.JJh which Llnmeld did not enter any men. Thej Baptists cleaned the field in the 100 yard dash and the broad Jjump. The Beajrcats meet Pacific uni-. verstty at Forest Grove next Sat- urday. The Badgers hold a vie- DTRIBUTORS . OR PARTS FOR ALL : AUTOMOBILES in IVILLfl li;;f iC. & LY PARTS STORE INC. Corner Ferry and Liberty Telephone '606 eiAL hn TT TT 4& !P6und All Cotton Mattr jesb Built layer upon layer (not stuffed), machine stitched roll edge $1 (Q),2)S price on mis present scock only 3JS11 1 tionln the United. States tory 81 to 49 over Llnfield. so the possibilities for Willamette to win are .slight. Track, coach. Lestle parka. predicts that, PacUie will defeat the local by 20 points. . -Summary: V 100 yard dash Martin. Lin field, first; Millam, Llnfield. sec ond; Warren, Linfield, third. Time 10 1-5. Mile Gribble, Llnfield, first McCormick. Willamette, . second; Maynard, Willamette, third. Time 4:47. SJOyard dash Martin, Lln field, first;; Flesher, Willamette, second; Warren, Linfield, third. Tjme 23 3-5. : 120 yard. high, hurdles Crump. Linfield, first; ikrtz, Linfield. sec ond; Haworth, Willamette, third. No time announced. : A i 0 . yard ; dash Larson. Lin field, first; Millam. Linfield, and French, Willamette, tied; for sec ond. Time' 54. :;Two mile race -Hathaway, Wil lamette, first; Keefer. Willamette, second; Poor. Willamette, third. No time announced. Javelin .Ruch, ..Willamette, first; Hauk. Willamette, second; Tweedie, Willamette, third. Dis- tance 160 ft, 11 Inches. Poie. vault-TT-Hathaway and Emmoajs, , Willamette,, tied for ,rst; Martin, Llnfield, second Height 9 ft. 6 in Shot put Oberson, Willamette, first; McCrow, Willamette, sec ond; King, Linfield, third. Dis tance 33 ft. 9 in. High jump Hartley, Willam ette, first; Taylor, Willamette, and- Bollen, Linfield, tied for sec ond. Height 5 ft. 3 in. Discus King, Linfield, first; Oberson, Willamette, second; Mc Crow, Willamette,. Hthird. Dis tance 102 ft. Broad jump Sanders, Linfield, fist; Martin. Linfield, second; Crump, Linfield, third. Distance 19 ft. 8' in. 220 low hurdles -Martin, Lin field, first: Haworth, Willamette, second; Pratt, Willamette, third. Time 28 2-5. Half mile FJesher, Willam ette, first; Larson, Llnfield, sec ond; Zeller, Willamette, third. Time 2:08. Relay Won by Willamette. No time announced. Boothby, Thomp son, French, and Tweedie repre sented Willamette. Linfield run ners were Martin, Anderson, San ders, and Millam. O 1 -O I NATIONAL National League Standings W. L. Pet. 'New York . St. Louis . . Philadelphia Pittsburgh . Ckicago . . . Boston Brooklyn Cincinnati . .15 .12 .10 .10 .11 . 9 . 9 . t 8 8 8 9 10 11 15 15 .652 .600 .556 .526 .524 .450 .375 .318 NEW YORK, May 11. (AP) Three .St. Louis hurlers were un- able to stop the Giants today and the New Yorkers triumphed by 3 We Charge No Interest OBJ . 10 to 1 which enabled ' them- to suQplant the. world chantplona - as leaders- in the National., league. , Jess, Haines who had won five straight games, was knocked out of the box in- three Innings. The Giants scored four runs la the first Inning on i two passes, doubles by Undstromj and. Hornsby and Harper'a triple. Later in the game Farrell ahd Hornsby each hlte home runis with two men on base, it was Hornsby's sixth. Score ! R. H. E. St. Louis . . . 1 6 0 New York .1 10 9 1 T Haines, Ileinhart. ilittlejohn and Snyder; McQuillan and Dev ormer. BROOKLYN, May 11. Brook lyn collected 3 hits off Donohue TamiE Kelly Springfield Week May 1 0th to Sal eL Frice Only ! Buckeye Kelly 30x32 L $ 7.45 $ 9.70 31x4 G Ply 13.65 16.63 32x4 & Ply 14.25 17.50 83x4-- 6 Ply 15.00 1&40 32x4: 17.15 22.30 30x5 26.90 Think Of It Kelly "Tires at a Price Like This .itvi mith & Invite Us to Your Next Blowout o(DJ t , i One lot We are not limiting Greatly' Redtii ? right riotTo sell to dealers at these pric'es' . Double deck spring with 99 cone shaped spirals of best grade: carbon tempered .wire. Each coil attached tc the ad jacent coil . at , top by small resilient helical springs. Is, equipped with stabilizers to prevent side sway. ! " 'f ' Single d&kjBpnng, 99 heavy coife i pixal& made I of I bebt grade carbon wir. ' r :,.ig5;..:;:lv's. 4 . i . 'I 1- I ... I . JL -r' 1 - . -: USE " ejiEpiT Jemherai-tkjierclai A6s6ciatesf Inc.5;" Ihe'Eafscst' Furnif ... .'fj;,..-. .' ; a in the United Stktea ' and Lacas olay. to turn -back the dincfjinati Redsby,7 to. 5 JnL'the initial appearance of the Hen drick - clan here this season, r vl Scores- lL H. k Cincinnati .......... . fi ' 8 1 Brooklyn . . . . . ...... "13 0 , Donohue, Lucas and Hargrave; Petty, Ehrhardt and Henllne. PH ILADELPHI A, May 11 . The Philadelphia Nationals scored a 5 to 2 victory over, the Chicago Cubs in the second: game of the series today. Alex Ferguson held the Cubs scoreless after the fourth Inning. Score , R. H. E. Chicago . . 2 7, 0 Philadelphia . . 5 9 ' 0 Osborn, Brillheart and Hart withlKclli qi 219 Bed springs to be quantities to customers IA KeenrSi Mat Of- PQubloHeck spring, vnx sojti bejicar.top and 99 best grade wire coils attachecl to steel jslatl bottom, and. heaver rjde rails. 99 cone: con fastened" at top wih small belicali?pnrig. Frame bf IVyAiigle steel, t; ; 5 f, , ' w titt. Fet&iisoh. lilitcbell.' Puretj o and Wilson J a Ms '.-' . ' - ' r? BOSTON? May IK The Bostr Braves ittd .tfie; Pittsburgh IntraUa were.-elVnched in a 4 to 4 tie to day when a downpour of y rain halted the battle. . Two ot Pitts- .. burgh's runs, which cave tera . lead, came In. the fifth inning on,..!.),, an error by-Moore. ' . . Score- v - . II. E. u. Pittsburgh . ..-. .. .- 4 1.5- 1 UUStUU . . .............. 1V i,. t.. r Meadows and -Smith; R. Bmith and Taylor. ' . ' CELKBKATI3 AtlTH.SUIT ; LONDON John Fitxpatrllc Vjr -' Bermohdsey,. London, .-'celebrated " his 101st birthday by gettlnntnea'v,w sured.for a'new suit of clothes. May V 1 7th " Sale Price Only Buckeye Kelly -i 29x4.40 8.50 $10.40 29x4.75 .: 10.65 130 30x4VT5 ..u.. Ii;i0 1,40 30x525 . 13.90 ... 1193 30x5.77 ... 160: 21.15 33x6.00 'X...... 175 22.45 33x6i7S'Q'-ply ....J335 "'i ; iir?; ' - - . . .h ..' 'PJher sizes, fjricfed iaircr portion during this ?Ie! . -BILL" Itifi-is't.' Drive In Service i ''-r, ! - )I v: sold at but we do reserve ihe-' k i v :, - f. 'iv.. !.. . I ti -.tut .vie? ,$():95, I f i shaped .carbon temp . '....-, i ... .... , ... springs, tch coil -MA i ; cHAnca . ...no . INTEREST lire' Buying; OrrVrizu. 1 ! - rs.ii ." :f ....( . . . . t .1!.lT - f I L.,!U m; f 'H. i 1 'v - I i ! t i if. ! i .