THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 11, 1027 AICTIOXKKRS F. N. Woodry 11 r. Salem's leading auctioneer furniture dealer. Res. and Store ii, in V Summer. Tel. 511. mi KICK ON MY SERVICE" ' 2r22tf F. Woodry & Son K .shi nwn town, ('ash paid for ...... 1 uiriittiire. Si 271 N. ConiM. jvi. 7.'. Afntt for l.antre Ranees. S-' toIiAY MMKF.S CATTLE AXO , jleirents and ukvN of all kind will L-aKtiilii at emtio! today near Tomer. ment will be old in the fore .Mi he:.d f rattle in the after ,m. tieorite Mooc, owner. 2mayll Al'TO TOPS M K I S FOR TOP 4.ND PAINT WORK (I. J. Hull A hi n Top anil I'amt Shop. f;T S. Commercial. "laDitf HATTKIIY feLECTRlCIAX 6 j: i. BVRTON KXIDK BATTKRIFS -t:irtr and generator work; 2"2 Tel. 19 men ash CENTER ,IOK WILLIAMS yt , KNr I! lil.KCTRlC CO. HOCSE .nil" v li'"ir or contract. Estimate furnish, d". 'el- "so 471 Court St. HK TCLKS & REPARXG 8 . i .(.VI. !.' RAMSDEN COLCMBIA BI i... i'iiI repairing. 37 Court. HKI-I WAXTKD Mai 11 PAINTERS THIS A. M. AT DIVI s on S: and Cnin. Ait. house. limayll APPRENTICE WANTED HULL'S TOP .hop. -69 S. Com'!. Umay3U AN'TED A LIVE NEWSPAPER 8CB criplioa canvasser. Call Ci reals t lot Xanairer. Statesman efiee. Unlit IlKLI WANTEII Female 13 uTvrKD :: EXPERIENCED WAIT ... iniilnvnint. f.rav Relic. 13ma 12 AGENTS WANTED 14 PROOP FORD'S NEW INDUSTRY WILL n.ike many people wealthy. Free in f.,r n:ition on Imw you ran obtain the full facts, which will jive you an op portuniiy to profit in your own rity l.v the startins of Ford's new indus trv. siid two cent stamp and self ad .Irvd env-Wie to Donovan'a Eco nomic Service." Lafayette Blilg., Detroit. 1 m a v 1 7 HIROPRACTORS 13 lr. ii it scokfiei.D. P. s. C, nor, I s r -t N Itaiik. Bids- in: o I. SCOTT. PSC CHIROPRACTOR ':.; N. Hiifh. Tel. B2S-K or 7. FIORISTS 16 SPECIAL -"-tSERASlCMS: PORCH B1X mid b-llnic plants. All kinds. Mrs. J 1 all. end South 12th St. Box 20. Iflmayl7 CI T FLOWERS. WEDDING BOCQCETS Funeral wreaths, decoration. C. F. Rreithanpt. florist, 512 State St. Tel. '(. ' - MAGAZINES Farm Papers 17 IT TOD WANT TO tET THI BK81 farm paper aand five -eent atampa at the Pacific Eomeataad, 8a lam, Oragoo for three nontaa' trial aubaeriptioa Mention tkia ad. ' POULTRY MEN SEND IIUHT TWO . est atampa for apacUl thraa mantaa' "trial for tha beat aad oldalt Journal in tfca wett. Tha articles ami adrer titemantt are ( apeeial lataraat ta i puultry breeders af tha Northwaat Northwest Poultry Jonraal. 211 B. Cos mereial 8t.. 8a lam. Ore. 18 FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort j;.i--cs. Trust Deeds, Contracts on bouses--Will net K to 30 per cent. BLCKE 1- HENDRICKS H-ilis Bids.. lfi N. High St. jl-tf FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loan on good farm aeeurity. CITY LOAN'S We are loanin? Pru dent al Insurance Company money on '1 residence and btiaineas property at i per cent, pliig "a commission. Ha-kliiH Sc Roberts, Inc., 205 Oregon Building. dl4tf Insure Your home or far now. Phone 181 I1F.CKF. & HENDRICKS Ileili; Ul.lg... 189 N. High St. jl -tf WANTED Emploj-ment 19 HAN AND WIFE WISH RANCH WORK. Man take work in or out of town 4.17 S. Com 'I. G. Waldron. 19mayll CONTRACTOR We specialise in repair, garages and out buildings. Graves, Tel. 765. 19may23 LANDSCAPE ;ARDEKIN0 AND CON struction work contracts. Tel. 1008-W. .Hubbard Coik. 19may20 I R (i A lit I EN PIA)WING. BASEMENT I'SKins and team work. Tel. 72F2. 19nil4tf FOR RKXT 21 STORE ROOM M)R RENT 260 FERRY siret-t. between Front and Commercial, formerly occupied by Withera A Seal. a umnth. Inquire at Statesman o"ice. 2lapr2Xtf FOR RKXT Apartments 23 M RN1SHED 2 AND 8-ROOM APTS Heated. 444 8. High. 23mayll Folt KENT FOUR ROOM FURNI8HED A.artuieat $30. Two-room $25. Seven riMiui modern housa $35. Fiee-rooB 2. p. L. Wood. 341 State St. 23mayl1 Modern, well Ft RXlsriED 3 room At.'. I.aree and licht. 1133 Court St. 23apr26tf FOR RKXT Rooms 23 ROOM :iux.10 BACK OF 849 FERRY. Oil at 349 Ferry between 8 a. ni. and n. m. Rent reasonable. S5mayl2 P.i.c VI Bl NG AND QENERAL REPAIR w.rk. tirabar Ilroa IS S. L.1 Deny. Te! I'.O. 19tf FOR RENT Houses 27 modern fcrsished 4-boom house, -190 S. Church, Call net door. 27mayll HoliKRS FURNISHED 4-ROOM HOUSE ' VI 90 8. Church. Call next door. S7aar 4 ROOM HOUSE. CALL 1540 STATE 27nrayl2 5 ROOM IIOITSE S1K PER MONTH Tel. 1830-J. 27oay3tf H I " V V A I f t V ra a r TT" OT -x -x- m a id-yr A .w r.lUA 1 VVW l lrieh A Roberts, Tel. 1354. 27apr23tf FOR SENT 5 ROOM HOUSE, 2173 Stat St. Modern Meant basement Doable garage, only $24.50. Mast lease for 1 year. 27may5tf 6 ROOM HOUSE, MOSTLY MODERN. rood garden double garage. Call 771 N. OrniM. 27mayl3 FOR MVTs.nnu urxnwBM bttii W Wm 111! V.M1..J l..a 1 U. VI. .V. orth of Highland - Ave. lrf tot pieniy ei lowers aaa sarna beries. Beaniif ul kama. .Oaly $30, a- .r.rnmi. m, saw, taaa sea owaer. . 117$ aUata. . - - STAarSU 32 capital city L vrMmr The Laundry of Pure Materials.' Telehona 165. 1264 Broadway. TRY THE HOME WET WASH LAI'S--dry. Tel. 171, 13j6 It Street. jl7tf THE NEW SALK.M LACS DRY THE WKIDF.K I.Al'NDRY Telehone 25. 23 S. High. TAILORS 34 D. II. M USHER TAILOR FOR MEN and women. 474 Court St. WANTED MiicellanMus S3 WASTED 100 CORNS OLD KIR wood cut. Call after 6 p. m. 932 N. 16th. M. K. Oaks. 35maylt F RNITI KF. PACKING Foil SIIII' uient. (iiese-Power Furniture Co. 3"apr20lf WAXTKI) PRIVATE MONEY FOR frm loans. We have several applica tions mi hand. Hawkins A Roberts. Inc. -J(i5 Ore.on Hid. XVllttf MATTRKSSHS MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capital City Redding Co.. 1 190 Nortli Capitol. Calli-d for aud delivered. All work guaranteed. Tal. IS. fliitf FOR SALK 37 LOT FOR SALE IN SOUTH SALEM. Tel. 1345 -W. 37mayl2 BLACK DIRT FOR SALE IS EITHER North or J-'outh S.ilem. Reasonable. Tel. 72 F2. 37dl2tf 2.-..1 At KF.S. 1 RLeOCK OFF PAVED hihws, lo minute from center of Sniein. 5-room hnuxe with hath, elec tric lights, private water system, faru ily orchard. ' good out buildings, also Jersey cow and few chickens. Write Kt. No. 7, Box 72, owner. Small down payment with term. 37mayl7 FOR SALE Live Stock 39 FRESH COW. TEL. 105F11. 39mayl4 FOX TERRIER Pl'PPIES. BOTH sexes, nicely marked, pure hred, priced cheap -to move quickly. Tel. 49F23 (Salem) or write Mrs. Frank Jones, Jefferson. Ore.. Rt. 1. 39mltf VKTKRIXARIAX 3in FRED W. LANG E, VETERINARIAN Office .12 S. Commercial. Tel. 119H. Res. Tel. 1 A3fm23tf WOOD FOR SALE 43 ALL KINDS OF DRY WOOD FOR SAI.E. N. ft B. Transfer. Tel. 663. 43tnllti 10-lNt H WOOD. $r,.oo Ielivered. Tel. 173ii. PER CORD. 43may2o DRY SMALL 1 - INCH SECOND growth tor $7 per cord. Also big sec ond growth and old fir. C L. Hitr hatigh. lu.'tn Highland Ave. Tel. l!ifii. 43may''t' 10 INCH OLD FIR. $4.25 PER LOAD, lie inch preen will wood, $3 per load .1 loads of green mill wood $14. Tel. 2313. 43may3tf 1 ft I NCI I OLD FIR WOOD. TEL 18.11-M. 43m.iy2' 16-INCH OLD FIR. I'll AS. CHRISTEN sen. Tel. 1 T :t 43mayl.1 GOOD DRY WOOD FOR VOL D. A. Larmer. Tel. 930. 43arlfitf 16 INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH oak and ash. Tel. 72 F-. M. I) May field. 43flHtf GOOD COAL DRY WOOD. PROMPT DELIVERIES. II I LLH AN FCEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855 Telephone 529. 43a30tf BEST ORADE OF WOOD Dry wood. 4 ft. and 16-inch. Large Ioad.s are cheaper to buy. Mill wood i our Kpecialty. Prompt delivery and reasonable price. FRED E. WELLS 280 S. Church. Tel. 1542. 43d9tf MEDICAL 44 MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Tal. 517-W. POULTRY AXD EGGS 43 100 YEARLING LEGHORN HENS. $1.00 each. Tel. 798-W. 45mayl2 FRYS FOR SUNDAY DINNER 2 LBS Tel. 32F21. Lee's Hatchery. 4omayl3 CHICK, CHICK, CHICK "OUR chicks live to make your liv ing." Open range, healthy stock; 5 breeds, fiecial rsdsesd prices now in effect, FLAKE'S PETLAXD 277 Stste. Salem, Ore. 45may4tf ELECTRIC BROODER FOR SALE Only one left. A new brooder of 20 chix capacity, well known make, never uncrated will be sold at a discount. Can be seen at the Statesman office. Ask for Mr. Stiffler. 45ml3tf BABY CHICKS AND CUSTOM HATCH ing. Expert help, most modern equip ment. Chicks for sale, all breeds, everv Mondav. Settings four days each" week. Tel. 32F2I. Lee's Hatch ery. 45fl0tf PRODUCE WE PAY CASH FOR POUL- - i- i a .:... .. irv, egc j n, )iui s, auu " iur. r- cat-TV feed and poultry supplies, here and at Silverton. Withers & Neal Pro duce Co.. 260 Ferry. Tel. 125. 45f8tf MUSIC STORES 46 GEO. C. WILL PIANO. PHONO- graphs, sewing machines, sheet music aud piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and sewing machines, 432 State street, Salem. NEWSPAPERS 47 I'll Y. PORTLAND TELEGRAM. SALEM Agency. The Ace. Tel. 939. THE OREGON STATESMAN. .10 CENTS per month delivered to your home .early each rooming. Tel. 2.1 or 583. NURSERY STOCK 49 PANSY PLANTS. STEELE'S GRAND itatndon. Flakes Petland, 273 State. 49apr2 PAPKRHANGING 30 PHONE GLKXX ADAMS', FOR HOUSE, decorating, paperhanging, tinting, etc. Reliable workman. MINUTE MOVIES rZD VUHEEIAH 'S WESTERN BRIAL -the EPISODE 23 I LCNED MlNJ AT FlRT THAT IS W L IWCD luAUXDRIRS k AFTER HE HAD wren shoi ox -p V HAr4V tv: ANt ; STOMBIED UP TO My SOA CHAS. BENNETT. PAIXTIXO CON tractor, painting, paper hanging, 2-83 J. 187 Went Miller. 51 ISCKLLA X EOUS 51 MIXED AD BY OWNER ITira modern ':i acre country home at sacrifice. Choice of 2 Jersey cows $t"8. 2.1 per rent income in Salem and a house to live in for an unusuall) Mnall down payment. C. A. ELLIOTT Mite West Keizer School. Rt. 8 Bos 109. Sl.lune 9 ALL TYPES CERTAINEEED SHINGLES laid over old wood shinies or on new work. Highest quality made; prires ranee from $7. .in to f9. Cobbs Mitchcl'. o.. Lumber, :t49 So. l'.'tb St. Tel. 1 Iapr2itf Oil! CUSTOMERS AUK OCR BEST boostt-rs w!i-ii me do your melding, 'tis done, noi yon. Electric and acetylene weldine, lare and small. C. D. Oppeii, 69.1 Mill St. Tel. :17J and 2iifli-.l.. .1 1 may 'tf HI V USED MEN S LOTHIXG JEWEL ry. tiims. Tools, Bicycles, etc. Star Exchange, :v4 N. Com'l. Tel. ::16. FOR SALEM SCAVENGER CALL lf.7. 51f 10 '2 FCRNITl'RE I PHOI SI ERING AND RE pairing. (Jiese Powers Furmtnre Store. '.ls-.'Otf PACK1XG & SHIPPING 32 FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING and shippine. call Stiff's Furniture Store. Tel. 94 1. PIANO TlXKRS 54 THOMAS FAY. PIANO TUNER. NOW at the Portland Music Co.. 355 N. High. Have your piano tuned hv one who has had years of experienceein the work. 8a3tf EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano tuner. Leave orders Will's Music Store. PRINTING 66 FOR STATIONERY, CARDS. PAM Fil lers, programs, hooks or any kind of printing, call at the Statesman Print ins Department, 2 1.1 S. Commercial -Tel. .183. MONEY TO LOAN FEDERAL FARM LOAN .1 Vj Wood, 3 41 State St. F. I.. 17m7tf MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE Cupper A Simpson, 411, Masonic Bldg. 57mayll P. H. BELL. 219 U. S. BANK BI.DO Residence and business loans. Tel. 607 or 2141-W. 57apr7tf PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL estate. Socolofsky & Son, First Nat 'I Bank Rlilg. 57may8 CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rates. Best terms obtainable. Our insurance deportment offers ou ex pert advise afid service in all lines. HAWKINS A- ROBERTS (Inc.) Tel. 1127. 20.1 Oregon Bid?. 37fl0tf MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING AND on city property. B. S. Martin k L. R. Martin. attorneys, 41:1 Oregon Buildiirg. Tel. 2i84. 17m lot I' DISAPPEARING MORTGAUE8 We make loans on res idence property. Month ly payments. Reason able, rates. No delay. STATE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 7U3 Firat National Bank Building. 57j3 WANTED LOANS 39 WANTED Private money to loan ou REAL ESTATE. W. H. ORABENHORST & CO. 134 S. Libertv St. 59026tf PLUMBING 60 PLUM BI NjG AND REPAIRING ivEA- sonable Estimates. A. L. Godfrey. 127 Union St. Tel. 495 W. 60fltf PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber Bros-, 164 8. Liberty. TeL 5S0. 18tf BUS. OPPORTUNITIES 61 FOR SALE $3,000 EQUITY IN CON fectionery store known aa Browning's Hweetland Fountain Lnncb, located at 355 N. Commercial St., Salem, Ore. See N. B. Bowman care Cosmopolitan Stores. Salem, or the undersigned. G. W. INGRAM, Trustee, 671 Pittock Block, Portland, Ore. i 61 may 11 RADIO 62 Radiol as For every purpose, tor sesry purse All standard sues of Radio Tubes. HALIK A COFF ELECT RIO AL SHOP 335 Court 84. Tel. 488. iprl7tf REAL ESTATE 63 FOR SALE STORE BUILDING AND residence, corner lot, 4 blocks out. $12,000. r. L. Wood. $41 Stat St. 63apr22tf EXCHANGE Would exchange good clear lots with improvements, or small bouse and large lot for carpenter work. C. A. Robert son. Box 33." Route 2, Salem. 65m 14 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Brand new English Type -Stucco home. One of the best in the city. D.iul.le constructed with Lest of ma teria and workmanship throughout. 7 cheerful rooms with hardwood floors in part. Built ins, breakfast nook, fire place, foil hasari'.ent, furnace, laundry tras. double garage. Lot 50x1 -. Paved street. This home is located in one of the best residence districts in Salem. To appreciate it you should let us show you through it. Price $7500, 1-3 cash, balance term. LEO X. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street. Tel. 1727. G3maylltf The wcjunDcID -Tom risk s uTJ1 CAFJfctEO TO A 4n D.D OUCH. AND NOW H SHERIFF SH.eLPSl DEMAhDS FROO J WIS DAU0HTEFS jU THE TRUTH SlStADDX ! TO SAVE HIM &UT r -FROM PAixnxo x ,1 H. ar-l C3 3.1-A. FARM. Bl.DGS.. FRUIT, STxK K, tools, 5:100. rs? terms. .l a. suburban. clo.-- in, bldgs., fruit, , $3.Vxl. easy terms. 2 houst-s and I') ! n good Wjsh. town. 7m0, clear, for Salera property or acreaze. New 4 room stoneatone bungalow, $20'i. :'.ih") down. Firie new all modern 6-roooi bunga low sacrifice. $4-oo, terms. 160 a. ranch near Myrtle creek, sac rifice on easy ternis or take city prop erty. PKRRINK A MARSTERS 212 Commercial Club Bldg. li::ma y I lit f SPECIAL 4 room cottage N. Salem, nice lot .10 xi::n; all in Garden. Price $ t mimi. Will take light car. Some cash, bal ance like rent. acres of fine land, all in crop, good 6 room house, close in on paved road; a good buy for $42011. Will trade for home in Salem. See THOUASON, a20 State St. W ith Leo S. Child Co., Realtors. 63may8tr SPECIAL FOR SALE A SNAP A nine-room, modern, in fine shape and well located, clear of debt. Made into three apartments. Furniture goes with two apartments. Price $6500. Rents as follows. One four-room apartment $3U. One three-room apart ment $30, and -one two-room apart ment $25. One garage $4. Total rent $89 a month or $1068 per year. Will take $3000 cash and carry back a mort gage for $3500 at 7 per cent. Buy thia, pay your taxes and interest out of the income and have 25 per cent interest on the $3000 inveated. The lot is worth $2500. F. L. WOOD GEO. F. PEED 341 State St. 63uiay3tf EXCHANGE Would consider exchanging good building lot, with city water, sewer, cement sidewalk, electricity, graveled street clear for a good automobile. C. A. ROBERTSON. Box 33, Rte. 2. 65may 14 FOR RENT NEARLY NEW MODERN 5-room, Fairmount Hill Home. A. C. BO H K N ST E DT Realtor - Loans Insurance 147 No. Commercial St., Salem. Ore. 63ina lOtf ACRES. ON PAVED HIGHWAY. 7 room bungalow, fireplace, electric lights, bath, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, beautiful ehade trees, would make fine chicken farm. Very close in. Family fruit and berries, $65O0. This is a real home. 1 acre, 5 room modern home on street car line, bearing walnuts, $5000. 25 acres, fruit, berries and nuts, on creek, good buildings, near Keixer school, $12,000, Will take city prop erty. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor. 175 8. High St. 63may3tf GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON Til E PACIFIC COAST We have over 3i00 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property. eer price. ev-r local -on. We can match your exchange EXAGTI.Y. If on would like to trade our property TODAY, come in TODAY. See GASKII.I. A EARI.E, Realtor. Dili S. Liberty. Tel. 22 12. 63aprl5tf SPECIAL 80 acres of fine land. 40 cleared, good farm, creek, water all the y-ar, in fine farming section, $750o. Will take house in Salem. 20 66-100 acres 4 miles N. of Sa lem; 8 aires prunes, 1 acre gooseber ries, 1 acre peaches, 2 acres clover, 1 j acres blackberries. Irrigation plant in cluded. V4 acre rhubarb $7500. Ternis. MONEY TO LOAN M ELVIS JOHNSON 320 U. S. Bank Bldg. Tel. 637. 63may8tf ROOM HOUSE CLOSE IN. $-j9.10. H room house, modern, close in, will trade for new house. 5 -room modern bungalow, large floored attic, full basement, furnace, E. front, garage, pavement paid, $5.1.10. Would trade for smaller bouse closer fn. Heaiitiful corner buniralow, double garage, really a good buy at $.100(1. Siiia'l bouse, coiner lot. oak trees. 2I i hi. 1 Small furnished house, close iu, on alley. .$2100. e write insurance. GERTRUDE I. M. PAGE Realtor 492 S. Cottage St. C;imaylltf FOR SALE The lovely homes of the late Mrs. Brewer at 161103 X. 13th St. Consist ing of one 8-roora house and one 7 room house, garage, lot 75x165 feet. Also house at So. 444 N. 13th St. Lot 58x97 feet. Anyone interested in these properties will please call on W. A. LISTON. Agent. 40 Masonic Bldg. 63uiavl! GOOD SALEM HOMES FOR SALE AT FAIR VALUES TO PURCHASER New modern, double constructed, east front, 5 rooms, breakfast nook, oak floors in front, fireplace, basement and I furnace, laundry trays, garage, good lo cation, paved street. Price $3750. $4(0 cash, balance $25 per month and in terest. Cost of paving deducted 4rom price. New, modem, 6 rooms, hardwood floors in front, good location, paved street, paid, full basement, furnace and laundry trays, garage. $3850, $800 cash, good terms on balance. -Nearly new. nice 8-room bungalow, 2 pon-lie. handy built-ins in kitchen, bath and toilet, woodhnuse and garage, good buy at $1900, good terms on part. New four-room house, bath and toilet, wood house and garage: only $1001), $400 cash, halance $10 a month. Good 5-room house, breakfast nook, practically new range included, also linoleums and draperies at onlv $26.10. $400 cash, balance like rent $30 per month, including interest. WHEN YOU ARE 'LOOKING FOR SALEM HOMES. ACREAGE. SUBUR BAN HOMES. OR FARMS. PRICED FAIR TO PURCHASER. SEE US. WE ALSO SPECIALIZE IN MATCHING UP PROPERTIES FOR SATISFAC TORY EXCHANGE DEALS AND HAVE JUST RECENTLY! NEGOTIATED SEV ERAL EXCHANGE DEALS. - We are, always glad to have properties sub mitted for sale or exchange and as sure our clients our best efforts to please and s.Mi-'- "- -ini. See WELLS TALLMAN A 'SON 216 Masonic Temple. Salem. Ore. r3mayll FURNISHED 4 ROOM HOUSE AND large sleeping iKirrh. one block from street car line on pavement, modern ex cept basemen and furnace. $."5 per month. 7 room house semi-modern if So. Sa lem 1.1. :1 room apartment on Cen'er St. fur nished and a garage $17 per month. LAN E MO R LEY AS If CO. 413 First Sat. Bk. Bldg. Tel. 757. 63maylltf REAL ESTATE Nell, iuis MAN IS AN ESCAPED HE SET tN HERE , ArU MEAN THAT VfcU LOVE ARE SOU I IVEDEVE VO0,3AL, - HE IS A FUGITAJE sTUSTICE. I MUST to wy Duiy aUsijfJLa OS INSTALLMENT ACREAGE $10U down aud balance terms will ksadle & acres close in, three room house, barn, well, ruaoing water.. Price $3 lOU. $500 down and balance terms will handle a fine improved acre tract in Salem Heights, 6 room house, basement, furnace, fireplace. Pries $32oO. $150 down and balance terms will handle three room house sad Urge lot, all in bearing cherries. Price $2100. , 9 50 down sad bslaaea $10 per month buys 1 acre all in Leering cherries. Price $650. $ 25 down and balance $10 per month buys 5 acres on tha Garden road. Price $1500. $ 10 dowti aud balance $10 per mouth bovs acres ui fine fruit soil, all i ainvated. Price $1250. $1D0 dowu and balance $20 per mouth buys -O acres. iall shack, wail. Price 2.riH. 4200 down buys I1 a. rt- tract, old bouse and liarn, soma fruit, some fine tun ber, located south, close in. Price $J20o, int. 6 per cent. $100 down ad balauce terms buys 5 acres' close iu, soma fins timber. Price $21o per acre. If it is small installment acreage that you are looking for, ace W. II. ORABENHORST A C. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. 63a2tf FOR SALE NEW 5-ROOM bunga low eJHOO. $.10 down. balance like ren-. Tel. .Vjo. i:iaprl1tf GOOD BUYS IN HOMES $62.10 Very attractive 6-rooin English type, ttrictly modern home, good location. Terms. $ I12.10 bungalow, 6 rooms, all on untr lioor. modern in every way; well located. Terms. f.lOiiii New a room bungalow, full hae meiit. furnace, fiieplace, garage. large east front lot, ciose to bus hue. some fruit. A REAL BAR GAIN. $3475 New 4 room English type borne. modern, paved street, garage, several fruit trees, $500 down. $3250 New 4 -room bungalow, basement. furnace, fireplace, garage, laun dry trays, hardwood floor, pav ing paid. $400 down. $2300 Sew room bungalow, base ment, fireplace, laundry trays, garage Subject to paving. $1250 down. We have gnoxl homes in all parts of the city. MONEY TO IX)AN MEL VIST JOHNSON 320 U. S. Lank Bid-. Tel. 637; O.'tmayrtlf . XCHANGE 11 acre-. 8 cleared. Vi acre black rnPs, aire evergreens, acre wild blackberries, good soil, well 4 room bouse, lair barn, garage. Will trade equity of $:00O for acreage on Pacific llighwav. SOCOLOFSKY A SON First Nat 1 Bank Bldg. 63maylltf NEW HOLLOW TILE STUCCO FIVE ROOMS AND NOOK large floored attic. Large living room and dining room with fireplace and nVrd wood floors: full Dutch kitchen is wir ed fur range. Pull cement basement; pipe furnace; laundry trays. Garage, payed street and walks. $5250. ONLY $.1i)0 cash will handle. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY "Headquarters for Homes" 421 Court St. Ground Floor 63may7tf OH! LOOK I NEW 4 ROOM AND BREAKFAST ALCOVE cottage on paved street in good district: cement basement : fur nace; fireplace: hardwood f loors ; Dutch kitchen;, wired electric range; garage; fruit trees. COZY ATTRAC TIVE HOME REDUCED TO $3475. $.100 dowu Balance like rent. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY "Headquarters for Homes" 421 Court St. Ground Floor MODERN f ROHM BUNG M-OW. EAST front a nil only. 6 blocks from State slrect. North Salem. Price $.1500; $500 down, balance easy ternis. Service station, auto camp ground, stole, restaurant, stock and all equip ment, on Paaific Highway. Doing A-No. 1 li-.isiufss and priced right. 6 cres 4 miles South on Pacific Highway, all in fruit. .'ifiPO; ,$,1oii clown, balance easy terms. Grocery stole, stock, fixtures anil lease. Has f e living rooms, doing good business. .VII for $250i. New 7 room imidern bungalow in North Salem All newly furnished, ready to step right in at .$7000. 5 acres at cily limits. North Salem. 4-rooni plasrereil bouse, hasriiirnt, good barn and chicken house. 2 acres fine orchard, all in cultivation. A fine suburban home all for $4500; $.100 down, balauce easy terms. 5-aTe tract. 4 miles North of Town, new 5-room plastered house, all in cul tivation. Price $26.10. $1150 down, balance mortgage long as you want. Modern 6-room bungalow. Dutch kitchen, full hasemcnt. furnace," garage, on paved street. 6 block" from Capitol buildings). 3800, $.100 down, balance like rent. 5-room plastered house, fine condi tion, garage, east front. 6 blocks from State, only $2000; $2t)0 down, bal ance easy terms. New 4 room house on good lot with fruit and garage, only $2600; $250 down. See GASKILL A EARLE, Realtors. 160 S. Liberty St. TeL 2242. 63maylltf $4,100 Six room house, pavement and walks, $1000 cash and terms. $.100O Six-room house, close in, will trade. $3,100 Pour-room house, modern, will trade. .$4500 House anil 10 lots, worth .$6000.' GENTRY, with SALEM REALTY CO, 462 State St. . 63mjvl3 BEST BUY IN HOMES 5-room bungalow, good plumbing, built ins, fireplace, garage. paved street. A bargain for $28.10, cash $.100. 4-rdom hungalow on N. Church St. Built ins, breakfast nook, garage and woodshed. Owner leaving and has reduced price to $26.10 with $6.10 cash. 4 -room plastered cottage, built ins, good plumbing, paved treet. garage. Immediate possession. .Owner says re truce price to $23O0," yrash $500, bal ance monthly. , If you are looking for a real hny in a home, let ns show von these. LEO N. rilRDS CO.." Realtors 320 State Street. TeL 1727. 6.:mavl Itf LOT on S. 18th LOT on N. l.Vh 1T on N. 13th .... IXT on N. 4th . LOT on Jefferson LOT on N. Winter . $300 $.1.10 . 1.1i $.100 $700 C "fill 3 bargain to choose from in 1 room modern hdmes. Houses to rent. Good saving in home that have worn the varnish off a little. ' BOND with JOS. BARBER 2fW ;ey Bldg. 125 N. Liberty 6:imailtf CONViCT HOW ii WHAI TUP THE REAL ESTATE vrMJ t . - a I VJINDOW Sheriff, SHIELt now gozSJo. TeLE?RAFM Tve sheriff; OF CHAOS, KEU MfelCCi ABpiTT TbM . .1 XT OS SUBURBAN HO VI KM $1800 Buys a three room house with 'l a-re located on N. 21st S"t. $3011 down, balance $211 per month. t 'luii Buys a three room bungalow with large lot loeated ou paved road, bus line all in bearing cherry trees. $250 dowu. bal a uce $2.1 per month. fS.ViO Buys a dandy six room bungs low mitlt one acre of land all set to Filberts "aud walnuts lo cated within three blocks of bus line, hm" oak floors, firepta'-e. plumbing and basement, fc.loO down, balance easv terms. STOP YOUR RENT AND BUY ONE OF THE A BO VI! HOMES. W. II. ORABENHORST A CO. Ken Itors. 131 S. Liberty St. 63mayll SPECl l. Owner V.ivLni.' ami wiM sacrifice home. 6-room houe. garage wor.l shed. lar-e lot, fruit, garden and flowers. r or inTi sale -lln, cash :tMi. balance 9-H per moil ill and 6 per -r-tti interest, SEE LEO N. HII.DS Co., Realtors. 320 State Stiee-lj Tel. 1 72 7. (itmaylltf FOR SALE BY OkVSKR Seven-room, nxodern home on North Summer street," Oaks Addition Vefy choice residence district. See owner ai 7o3 First National Bank Building, 63may5tf BEACH COTTAGE Built new about two years ago with fireplace, furnished. located at Neskowin. Price $1,100. Terms. W. H GR ABEND OR ST A CO. 134 S. l iberty St. :tmayll TODAY S SPECIAL Owner away, must sell at a sacrifice price for a quick deal, real coiy, 5 room cottage, neat and clean; has fire place. In-mediate possession. Electric lights, good plumbing, bath, large lot. good soil. Price $1500. Also a fine large lot. Paving paid; for $900 cash or $95i) on terms, well located and both properties are worth good deal more. I have also a fine 10 acre tract, lot of fruit. Old buildings to close estate. Price $200O, cost $4700. Also nifty 5-room bungalow. Best in town for $4O00. Another one for $.1800: one at $7,100: large lot, paving paid. $4.1o or iwo for et.10. For the best buys in new modern bungalows and vacant lots. See LOUIS RECHTEL. Realtor. 341 State Street'. Tel. 303. ASK FOR MR. BECHTEL 63may7tf WANTED Loan of $2000, n city residence and $4000 on suburban home. Private money. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty St. 63mayll 280" FOUR ROOM HOUSE, NEW AND modern. Terms to suit. GENTRY with SALEM REALTY CO. 462 State St. 63mayl3 SPECIAL BUYS In modern seven room country home with fireplace, furnace, cement base ment, modern plumbing and ele-trir ity, double garage with concrete floor, barn, six acres of land with one acre under cultivation balance fine pas ture and timber wish -running water, located three miles east of the asy lum. Price for QUICK SALE $75O0. Termv Building all new, about one year ago. V?E WOULD BE PLEASED TO SHOW VOL" THIS BARGAIN. W. H. ORABENHORST A CO. Realtors. 134 S. Liberty St. 63mayl2 FOR SALE BY OWNER Eight lots on paved street. Alt for $1400 cash. See owner at 703 First Nat l Bank Building. 63may5tf 18 ACRES GOOD SEMI-MODERN house, barn, chicken house, 1 V4 miles Monmouth Normal school, west aide pavement. Fins sits for road market. $7000 might consider house ia Salem. GUY DEMING Willamette Valley Land Monmouth, Ore. 63maylfJ SPECIAL BUYS IN MODERN HOMES: $7500 Buys a modern up to date home in perfect condition located at 925 N. Summer St. Terms. $6800 Modern 5 room borne located on Fairmount Hill, A REAL BUY FOR THE PRICE, terms. $1400 One room home with garage with fine lot 50x100, located on paved street, $200 down, bal ance monthly. Partly fur - nished. $1600 Six-room home located on cor-, ner lot, $50 down, balance $20 per month. J4500 New modern 4-roooi home with garage loeated on S. Church St. near the- New Leslie Junior . Hieh school. Terms. $2750 4 -room bungalow located on Portland Koad, paved street, ga rage. $150 down, balance easy FOR HOMES ASD BUILDING LOTS, SEE US. WT. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors. 134 S. Liberty St. 63rayll PRIVATE MONEY WANTED TO LOAN on real estate. TRIANGLE REALTY. 421 Court. C3may7t LISTEN! HOUSES AND LOTS ON many streets at prices hard to Come and see tbiem any day; buy them the installment way. City and subur ban property, farms and timberland. PAYNE with Bohrnstedt. 147 '. Com mercial St.. Tel. 2063-J. NEW MODERN BROOM HOUSE. BY owner.. Tel. 97F12. 63apr28tf OWING TO SICKNESS, I MUST SELL a ."'i acre farm all in cultivation, most ly all fenced with woven wire, prac tically new house:' good, large- barn, ail stock and eqmipment goes with this place. Would -consider taking small house as part payment. , For particu lars see my agent, ii. T. Wodswnrth. Gervais, Ore. i 6.1m20 REAL ESTATE TRADES 65 WANTED Close in Hoooiing House. I have a good farm, 160 acres. No buildings. Good land. . Some plow land: timber. Fine pasture; running water, all year.: Not far from Dallas. Most ideal for: dairy or stock farm. Will trade for rooming house. See my Agent. Louis - Bechtel. 341 State street. Special Mow price for a eah sale. 65may8tf TAXIpERMIST 68 TAXIDERMIST SHOP E. E. WIO gins. Prop.. isll.l Norway. Sear Woodrys Auction Market. Tel. 2C61-W. rr - ifw up- o rw-rr A mcAla KSTATK f ' , S , I 'S IW !'sl - CONVICT, AfOR HE t nic- 1 s- rsT 1 1 ; r-f-r-T ?rvt -r l TRfclN F HE VCiaED A HAM -EVEN IF AS HE.SW3, .T uvAS Oviy A GREASER. HAD WJSlXTcC HIS StSTERS WA-E.. HE MUST STAND. Trial - THE. LAW rour ee upheld: mm REAL ESTATE Suburban 69 Sew house just completed for sale on terms tike rent, double con struct wn. fully plumbed, eleciric fix tures, ei. . 4 rooms and breakfast nook, garage, etc. line half acre of iiHesi garden land. Price $:tlio, Carle Abrauis. 146.1 Chenieketa St. Tel. 1894-.I. 6fl2tf TRANSFER & llAl'LNtt TO WE MOVE.. STORE AND SHIP HOUSK 10I.I tcoods. Our specialty is piano and tti mix 11 is moving.. We slao make coun try trips. We- handle the best, coal and wood. Call on us for, prices. t We give good measnre, good quality ami good service. Larmer Transfer Co. Tel. 930. TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL kinds. Tel. 72F2. SU.EM Tit NSFUR A FUEL CO. Local an. I Long Di-lance Haulilg. Storage and Fuel. 399 S. High. Tel. .129. 70a30tf CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 stale s . Tel. n.l.t. Distributing, for warding and storage our specially. Get our rales. s WELL DRILLING R. A. WEST. RT. 110F5. :t miles 6. BOX . ui:t-A. TEL. east of Garden Road. WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT A POWER CO. Office 304 South Commercial St. Ten per cent di-coitnt on domestic flat rate paid in advance. No deduction for ab sence or any cause unless Water is shut n'! your premises. AUTOS WANTED . 77 . CASH PAID FOR FORDNEIKER-Al'TO 77ml2tf TRAVEL 76 TRAVEL i .Sufely. Swiftly and Comfortably in buses -of the Parker Stage Lines. STAGES' LEAVE FOR Silverton 7 a. m.. 11a. ui.. 5 p. nr. Mt. Antel 11 a. in.. 5 p. m. Dallas 7 a. m., 9 a. m., 1:2.1 a. m. Falls City 7 a. in., 2:10 p, in. 5:.15 11. m. Independence 7 a. m.. 9 a. m., 11 :15 a. m.. :::I0 p. tn.s 5:1.1 p. m., Sun day only 8:30 p. m. Monmouth 7 a. m., 11:15, a. in., 3:ln p. m.. .1:1.1 p. in. " Sunday only 7. -Ill p. m.. iff m. Mc.M iiinville 8:30 a. in.. 2.:li p. m., 1 : 1 .1 p.' m. Newberg 8:30 a. m., 2:10 p. m , .1:1.1 p. m. Tillamook 8:30 a. m., 2 : 10 p. m." Call 222 or 696 for information. d?3tf USED CARS FOR SALE 79 PONT! AC COACH.- 1926, MODEL. (iOOD condition, sacrifice for $525. Cash. 2DH N. l iberty. Tel. 1694 W. PACKARD OLDShlOBILB Two Of The Best Packard 7 passenger sedan, due paint, A I shape $14 Oakland sedan, late model $751 Jewett touring, lata model ....$371 Ford coupe, lata model $364 Earl sedan, new paint, good condi- " Itiou , $3M Ford sedan, s bargain . 129 Dodge touring. bargain ... 912.) 3 4 too Republic truck pneumatic tires and Starter $20i We have only listed a few of oui need ears above if you are interested in a good used ear coma in and look our stock over before you buy. Capitol Motors Inc. $50 No: High St. TsL 2125 Biddy Bishop. AL Ron ss ess Two Of The Best PACKARD OLOSMOHll.t 7ftapr22tt Dependable Used Cars 1921 Ford Coups .: $125 . 1923 Ford Coupe, high back," new paint ...I $250 192.1 Dodge Touring, special price. .$300 1924 Overland Touring, lots of extrss .' $250 1924 Chevrolet Touring, complete ly rebuilt, top and paint ....$275 1924 Chevrolet1 Roadster, over hauled ...$S65 Newton Chevrolet Co. 79may6tf MARMON -CHANDLER. May Specials , Real Bargains We have the car you want for fish ing, hunting, and touring in rebuilt, reduced and gone over, , used ears. Come up and inspect onr line. DEMONSTRATIONS FREELY GIVEN Here are a few cara that are dollar for dollar value. Marmon Coupe. Marmon Sedan. Willys Knigbt 6 Model 70 Sedan 1926 Hudson Brougham. , -Hudson Sedsn. Buick Coupe. - . Chrysler Kosdster. . Willys-Knight Sport Touring. Willys-Knight Touring. Overland 6 Do Luxe Sedan. " Overland 4 Sedan. 2 Cleveland Tourings. Cleveland Coupe. 2 Dodge Tourings. W illys Knight Model 64 Sedan. Dort Touring. Ford Coupe. Ford Roadster. Ford Tourings. Prices from' $35 to $3750 Libersl Tsrms. Trades Accepted. MacDonald Auto Co. Open Evenings aud Sundays Cottage snd Ferry Sts. Tel. 409. Salem, Oregon. MAMMON -eCHANDLER. By Ed Wheelan pe ,'). sTfiv rjy or HclU' STANCE iE' VjjiTN "(CM RISK'','" ,V OF hS CGHrzssion TO HER I W THE MVS- TERIOUS.TUMMEL - Pahs, watch f0t& the bag- EPsroDE. 'LOMES FESSH7NS, , 0 5-it USKh CARS hXtK SAliK 7 KEO TOORINO. 124, est tlko Daw. Worth ajauit. Hacrlfira. toe $6&0. Tel , 1241 M. TttaprlStf Better Automobile Values rtadehtker Red an, lata m1el. Buirk RoajDter. master. Chevrolet Touring. Dwdge Touring. Kssex Touring. Buick Touring, excellent shape. Ford Coupe. Iste model. Hudson Sedaa. Oldsmohile Sedan, like new. 4ldsmobtla Coach. 4 Ford Touring Cars. Nash Sedan, tale model. Nash Touring'i. "-- Studel.sker Touring. SEE THESE EXCELLENT VAUTFS BFFORK YOU BUY. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. ?.C, North Commercial Street." Telephone 1260 After we sell We serve". - 7 9 m y 7 1 f If You Owned These Fords, You Would Want More Mon- , ey For Them Dont get the idea tbst used esr ia one that failed lo give its original owner satisfaction. J'hea. Fords a r prepared lo give good service. 1924 Tourings In waeellent coadi- tica ., ; $150 1924 Touring ; $175 1928 Touring $115 1920 Touring $ 75 Coupes $185 to $310 Two Sedans on hand for $ 90 194 Truck, cab - and steel ex press body, overhauled and repainted 2S5 Deliveries ...$100 to $250 Chevrolet Touring $ 75 Overland 6 Touring $125 Valley "Motor Co. Ssleui. Oreiron 7air:tntl Ssklem Maixketa GRAIN ' No. 1, wheat, Ttrhite . $ 1.35 Red, wheat, sacked . 1.U1 Oats, per lu. milling .. .52 PORA. MOTTOk AMD BEF Top bogs 10i Sows ., : :. 06V4fo('.07 Toe-steers J.OV Cows-...- , .00 Bulls" 04.0.V',i 1927 lambs, under 60- lbs- .. .Cl Top live veI ..09ff?.ll Diesel Veal .17 . Dressed pigs .15 POULTRY Light bens .18 Heavy hens .V2 Broilers s.22 Rousters 06.0 EQOS. BOTTER. BOTTCmFAT H tender is ; v... .1 Pound .12 Butterfat ... .. .Ht 4.'ream butler . .42i.4-l VXOETABIOIB Vegetables, beets. ack4 Onions, des. bunches New Csbliage .. Celery California lettuce, crate . Local onions AS .90 .07i vl'.OH 4.00 .t7 General Market PROVISION . PORTLAND, May 10. f AP) Bids to farmers: .Milk steady, raw milk 14 per cent) $2.2." rwt. f. o. b. Portland. But terfat 10c f. n. b. Portland. , Poultry steidy'; heavy liens 25(S;26c; lisht 2V21e;" springs nnmioal; broilers :;uf.t J lc : pekin white dneks 2fc ; eirlore nominal ' tiirkey!l li - nominal; dresaes :t;c. - - " Onions' steady; local 11.75 (ft 7. Potatoes y-.teady;' $l.."Vp((i 1 j aark ," ' -- " ' " v' ' ' " ' UVE8TOCK -s- -PORTLAND. May . lo. -( AP--CalU aud -alve, liltle done, prospects steady: receipts: Cattle 4t, eara-4. Cows, good $7.2.r4 7.83 ; -omuloa and medium $6.2. (l 7.25. - . Ilorv reef irits 12?.! Active: 10 to 1S hifcher with " hiots 2.c higher. Heavy weight 2")0-3 0 ppundA. medium. 'good Sa4 choice $9.5f)- 10.H5: uredium weight 2nt 2.0 pounds,- lommon, medium, good and Choice $IO ll.'-5v lightweights" 150-()0 pou nd common, used ium; good snd choice $10.7.) ft 11,95; light - 'lights 130-16O pounds aouihion, juedium,. good and choice $10.c)e(rr 11.85; peeking' hogs, rough and smooth ;$7fcf;. alanghter pigs OO I30 pounds 'medium, good and choice $10.85 (o il. 35; feeder and stocker pigs 70-130 pounds, -medium, good,- choice $U 11.75. ' . - Sheep snd. Iambs, receipts 205. Mar ket at standstill; bidding around $1.50 lower thau week's opening for shorts yearling- lambs. Lammi medium to rboica 10Vfl2; culls and common $8..r0&10; siriiix, medium to choice H4 pounds down. f Qfa A: veartin vlbri medium tim choice $ii 10.50 ;- ewen. common So choice $.1rn6.0; culls ;$45. DAISY FORT LAND, May 10. ( AP) Dairy Exchange, net. prices: Butter extras. 394r; standards 39c; prime first. 3iir; firsts SMc. - Kggs. extras 2ae; firsts- 21c; polletsi and current receipts 19c. . 1 . VEGETABLES PORTLAND. May UK 1AP) The paragus .market - is plentifully supplied and 1.")0 per dozen bunches is the to for Oregon stock.- Most of the sales arei round $T.25 and some, as low as $1 per Joieli. t!aiifornia is selling 5-8c pec pound according to qiial'ty. The rabbage market continues strong1 it M-9c per pound. - - A car of garnet - potatoes from Cali fornia, packed , in bushel bake: arrived and is moving 7 e!e per pou-d. Cauliflower, in hack in the market at $l.2S-l..rt er crate. - ' .Sweet potatoes are relatively cheaper than moist 'other vea-ctaiile but are mov ing slowly at $:i..Vl $4.00 per cwt. lor California and $2-2.25 per rrate for south ern stock. Egg plant from Mexico ia selling sr. 25c per pound. , PORTXAKD WHEAT PORTLAND, May !.--- AP) Wheat id: BBB hard white May. June $!:!: II W. B.H, Baart May, June $1.51; fed eration, soft white, western white, "May, lune $1.47; Jnne $t.46V ; hard winter May. June $1.44; northern springs May, lune $1.46; Western red JHao, June l.43. . : , Oats, No. 3, 3? Mnnd white feed and tray May, Jane $40, " Bartay,. N. . a, 45 pound BW May :I7.."ii. . " (Vb,.' Xii. 2 F.Y abipmeut May, Jane $40.00. Milirun, standard May $:; June $3D. r- " a i" s HAY ' POUTIJsXD. May 10. fAP) nar buying' irrH-es; Eastern Oregon timothy 2l(n23; ditto valley $1 7 1 7.."0 ; cheat 41 4. .'!; alfalfa $l6l.5o: oat bar $I4..';. eat and vetch $ 1 0..10 S 1 7 ; straw $8..0 per . ton. ' Selling prires $2 a ten more. - CHICAGO GRAIN CHICACeO, May . !. AP) Fraae start to finish, wheat showed a - down ward trend today. Prospects of weatre er that would aid the seeding ef spriaa; wheat, especially in Canada, were to a rreat extent responsible. Closing quota tions in wheat were heavy, 5e te 2 5-fte-et lower, with corn 3-Re to le down, and eats 1-S to 3-4T 7-8c Off. - KdaratMl CaniiHt "Lay dow-a pup; lay down!" or dered the man. "Good doggie lay down'. I Bay. . . "You'ir hare to say 'hie down, Mister," ; declared " small by stander. " "That's & Boston ter ritr. - ' laaM-ssnaaaaswi u V:.-